Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright 2015 Inshua,, All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and * associated documentation files (the Software?), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS?, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES * OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *******************************************************************************/ package org.siphon.d2js; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.el.parser.ParseException; public class EmbedSqlTranslator { private final static int STATE_CODE = 1; private final static int STATE_SQL = 2; private int state = STATE_CODE; private static class CodePart { public String name; public List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); public StringBuffer currentLine = new StringBuffer(); public boolean atLineHead = true; public boolean isFollowSql = false; public boolean isInCode = false; // SQL ?? code ? public boolean isBlank() { return StringUtils.join(lines, "").trim().isEmpty() && currentLine.toString().trim().isEmpty(); } } private Stack<CodePart> sqls = new Stack<CodePart>(); private CodePart code = new CodePart(); /** * code{. .} * sql{. .} * @param code * @return * @throws Exception */ public String translate(String code) throws Exception { try { // Lexer lexer = new Lexer(code); // for(Token token = lexer.nextToken(); token.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_EOF; token = lexer.nextToken()){ // System.out.println(String.format("%s (%s-%s): %s", token.tokenType, token.start, token.length, token.getText())); // } Parser parser = new Parser(new Lexer(code)); Node node = parser.outter(); generateCode(node); return StringUtils.join(this.code.lines, System.lineSeparator()) + System.lineSeparator() + this.code.currentLine; } catch (LexException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage() + " near " + getLineNear(code, e.position), e); } catch (UnexceptedTokenException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage() + " near " + getLineNear(code, e.getStart()), e); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } private String getLineNear(String code, int pos) { DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(IOUtils.toInputStream(code)); String line = null; int lineHead = 0; int lineIndex = 0; try { while (inputStream.available() >= code.length() - pos) { lineHead = code.length() - inputStream.available(); line = inputStream.readLine(); lineIndex++; } } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } String s = "LN " + lineIndex + ":" + (pos - lineHead + 1) + " " + line; return s; } private void generateCode(Node node) throws ParseException { switch (state) { case STATE_CODE: switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.NODE_SQL: boolean inCondition = false; List<Token> tokens = node.chidlren.get(0).tokens; if (!tokens.isEmpty() && node.chidlren.size() >= 2 && "?".equals(tokens.get(0).getText()) && node.chidlren.get(1).nodeType == Node.NODE_BACKET) { inCondition = true; code.currentLine.append("if"); generateCode(node.chidlren.get(1)); code.currentLine.append("{"); node.chidlren.remove(0); node.chidlren.remove(0); } String varname = null; if (!node.chidlren.isEmpty() && node.chidlren.get(0).nodeType == Node.NODE_BACKET) { varname = generateIdentify(node.chidlren.get(0)); node.chidlren.remove(0); } else if (sqls.isEmpty()) { varname = "sql"; // default name } CodePart sql = null; if (varname != null) { sql = new CodePart(); = varname; sqls.push(sql); state = STATE_SQL; code.currentLine.append("var ").append(varname).append(" = "); for (Node c : node.chidlren) generateCode(c); sqls.pop(); state = STATE_CODE; appendSqlToCode(sql); } else { // continue sql state = STATE_SQL; sql = sqls.peek(); sql.isFollowSql = true; sql.isInCode = true; for (Node c : node.chidlren) generateCode(c); state = STATE_CODE; appendSqlToCode(sql); } if (inCondition) { code.currentLine.append("}"); } break; case Node.NODE_ANY: case Node.NODE_CODE: case Node.NODE_BACKET: if (node.chidlren.size() > 0) { for (Node c : node.chidlren) generateCode(c); } else { for (Token token : node.tokens) { if (token.tokenType == Token.TOKEN_NEWLINE) { code.lines.add(code.currentLine.toString()); code.currentLine.setLength(0); code.atLineHead = true; } else { CharSequence s = token.getText(); if (code.atLineHead && !s.toString().trim().isEmpty()) { code.atLineHead = false; } code.currentLine.append(s); } } } } break; case STATE_SQL: switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.NODE_CODE: appendSqlToCode(sqls); state = STATE_CODE; for (Node c : node.chidlren) generateCode(c); state = STATE_SQL; break; case Node.NODE_SQL: if (node.chidlren.size() >= 2 && node.chidlren.get(0).tokens.isEmpty() == false && "?".equals(node.chidlren.get(0).tokens.get(0).getText()) && node.chidlren.get(1).nodeType == Node.NODE_BACKET) { appendSqlToCode(sqls); code.currentLine.append("if"); state = STATE_CODE; // generate code like STATE_CODE; generateCode(node.chidlren.get(1)); code.currentLine.append("{"); node.chidlren.remove(0); node.chidlren.remove(0); state = STATE_SQL; generateCode(node); appendSqlToCode(sqls); code.currentLine.append("}"); return; } String varname = null; if (node.chidlren.get(0).nodeType == Node.NODE_BACKET) { varname = generateIdentify(node.chidlren.get(0)); node.chidlren.remove(0); } else if (sqls.isEmpty()) { varname = "sql"; // default name } CodePart sql = null; if (varname != null && !varname.equals(sqls.peek().name)) { sql = new CodePart(); = varname; sqls.push(sql); code.currentLine.append("var ").append(varname).append(" = "); for (Node c : node.chidlren) generateCode(c); sqls.pop(); appendSqlToCode(sql); } else { sql = new CodePart(); = sqls.peek().name; sql.isFollowSql = true; sqls.push(sql); for (Node c : node.chidlren) generateCode(c); sqls.pop(); appendSqlToSql(sql); } break; case Node.NODE_ANY: case Node.NODE_BACKET: if (node.chidlren.size() > 0) { for (Node c : node.chidlren) generateCode(c); } else { sql = sqls.peek(); for (Token token : node.tokens) { if (token.tokenType == Token.TOKEN_NEWLINE) { sql.lines.add(sql.currentLine.toString()); sql.currentLine.setLength(0); sql.atLineHead = true; } else { CharSequence s = token.getText(true); if (sql.atLineHead && !s.toString().trim().isEmpty()) { sql.atLineHead = false; } sql.currentLine.append(s); } } } } } } private void appendSqlToCode(Stack<CodePart> sqls) { for (CodePart sql : sqls) { appendSqlToCode(sql); sql.isFollowSql = true; sql.isInCode = true; } } private void appendSqlToSql(CodePart sql) { CodePart pSql = sqls.peek(); for (String line : sql.lines) { pSql.currentLine.append(line); pSql.lines.add(pSql.currentLine.toString()); pSql.currentLine.setLength(0); } pSql.currentLine.append(sql.currentLine.toString()); } private String generateIdentify(Node node) throws ParseException { String id = ""; for (Node c : node.chidlren) { if (c.nodeType != Node.NODE_ANY) { throw new ParseException("in sql{.(id) .}, id must be a identity"); } else { for (Token tk : c.tokens) { if (tk.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET && tk.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET) { id += tk.getText(); } } } } return id.trim(); } private void appendSqlToCode(CodePart sql) { boolean isFollow = sql.isFollowSql; boolean dirty = false; for (String line : sql.lines) { if (line.trim().isEmpty()) { code.currentLine.append(line); code.lines.add(code.currentLine.toString()); code.currentLine.setLength(0); } else { if (!isFollow) { line = line.replaceFirst("^\\s+", ""); // trim left code.currentLine.append("\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(line) + "\""); isFollow = true; } else { line = line.replaceFirst("^\\s+", " "); if (sql.isInCode && dirty == false) { code.currentLine.append( + " += \"").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(line)) .append("\""); } else { code.currentLine.append("+ \"").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(line)).append("\""); } } dirty = true; code.lines.add(code.currentLine.toString()); code.currentLine.setLength(0); } } String line = sql.currentLine.toString(); if (line.trim().isEmpty()) { if (!isFollow) { code.currentLine.append("''"); dirty = true; } else { code.currentLine.append(line); } // code.lines.add(code.currentLine.toString()); // code.currentLine.setLength(0); } else { if (!isFollow) { line = line.replaceFirst("^\\s+", ""); // trim left code.currentLine.append("\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(line) + "\""); isFollow = true; dirty = true; } else { if (sql.isInCode && dirty == false) { code.currentLine.append( + " += \"").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(line)) .append("\""); } else { code.currentLine.append("+ \"").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(line)).append("\""); } dirty = true; } } if (dirty) { code.currentLine.append(";"); } sql.currentLine.setLength(0); sql.lines.clear(); } public static class Node { public List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<Token>(); public int nodeType; public List<Node> chidlren = new ArrayList<Node>(); public Node parentNode; public Node(int nodeType) { // ??? tokens this.nodeType = nodeType; } public Node(Token token) { // ???? ANY ,? ANY tokens this.nodeType = NODE_ANY; this.tokens.add(token); } public Node(int nodeType, Token token) { // ??? tokens this.nodeType = nodeType; Node nd = new Node(token); this.addChild(nd); } public void addChild(Node child) { this.chidlren.add(child); child.parentNode = this; } public final static int NODE_CODE = 1; public final static int NODE_SQL = 2; public final static int NODE_ANY = 3; public final static int NODE_BACKET = 4; @Override public String toString() { return this.toString(0); } private String toString(int depth) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("(TYPE ").append(this.nodeType); if (!this.chidlren.isEmpty()) { for (Node c : this.chidlren) { sb.append(StringUtils.repeat('\t', depth)).append(c.toString(depth + 1)); if (c.nodeType != Node.NODE_ANY) sb.append("\n"); } } if (!this.tokens.isEmpty()) { for (Token tk : this.tokens) { sb.append("(").append(tk.tokenType).append(":") .append(tk.code.subSequence(tk.start, tk.start + tk.length)).append(")"); } } return sb.toString(); } } public static class Parser { private Lexer lexer; public Parser(Lexer lexer) { this.lexer = lexer; } public Node outter() throws LexException, UnexceptedTokenException { Node node = new Node(Node.NODE_CODE); for (Token tk = lexer.nextToken(); tk.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_EOF; tk = lexer.nextToken()) { switch (tk.tokenType) { case Token.TOKEN_SQL_START: node.addChild(sql(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_CODE_START: node.addChild(code(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET: node.addChild(backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET: node.addChild(sq_backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_CURVE: node.addChild(curve(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ")"); case Token.TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "]"); case Token.TOKEN_R_CURVE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "}"); case Token.TOKEN_CLOSE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ".}"); default: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); } } return node; } private Node curve(Token token) throws LexException, UnexceptedTokenException { Node node = new Node(Node.NODE_ANY, token); for (Token tk = lexer.nextToken(); tk.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_EOF; tk = lexer.nextToken()) { switch (tk.tokenType) { case Token.TOKEN_SQL_START: node.addChild(sql(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_CODE_START: node.addChild(code(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET: node.addChild(backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET: node.addChild(sq_backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_CURVE: node.addChild(curve(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ")"); case Token.TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "]"); case Token.TOKEN_R_CURVE: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); return node; case Token.TOKEN_CLOSE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ".}"); default: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); } } throw new UnexceptedTokenException("eof"); } private Node sq_backet(Token token) throws LexException, UnexceptedTokenException { Node node = new Node(Node.NODE_ANY, token); for (Token tk = lexer.nextToken(); tk.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_EOF; tk = lexer.nextToken()) { switch (tk.tokenType) { case Token.TOKEN_SQL_START: node.addChild(sql(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_CODE_START: node.addChild(code(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET: node.addChild(backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET: node.addChild(sq_backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_CURVE: node.addChild(curve(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ")"); case Token.TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); return node; case Token.TOKEN_R_CURVE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "}"); case Token.TOKEN_CLOSE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ".}"); default: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); } } throw new UnexceptedTokenException("eof"); } private Node backet(Token token) throws LexException, UnexceptedTokenException { Node node = new Node(Node.NODE_BACKET, token); for (Token tk = lexer.nextToken(); tk.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_EOF; tk = lexer.nextToken()) { switch (tk.tokenType) { case Token.TOKEN_SQL_START: node.addChild(sql(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_CODE_START: node.addChild(code(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET: node.addChild(backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET: node.addChild(sq_backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_CURVE: node.addChild(curve(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); return node; case Token.TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "]"); case Token.TOKEN_R_CURVE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "}"); case Token.TOKEN_CLOSE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ".}"); default: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); } } throw new UnexceptedTokenException("eof"); } private Node code(Token token) throws LexException, UnexceptedTokenException { Node node = new Node(Node.NODE_CODE); for (Token tk = lexer.nextToken(); tk.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_EOF; tk = lexer.nextToken()) { switch (tk.tokenType) { case Token.TOKEN_SQL_START: node.addChild(sql(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_CODE_START: node.addChild(code(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET: node.addChild(backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET: node.addChild(sq_backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_CURVE: node.addChild(curve(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ")"); case Token.TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "]"); case Token.TOKEN_R_CURVE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "}"); case Token.TOKEN_CLOSE: return node; default: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); } } throw new UnexceptedTokenException("eof"); } private Node sql(Token token) throws UnexceptedTokenException, LexException { Node node = new Node(Node.NODE_SQL); for (Token tk = lexer.nextToken(); tk.tokenType != Token.TOKEN_EOF; tk = lexer.nextToken()) { switch (tk.tokenType) { case Token.TOKEN_SQL_START: node.addChild(sql(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_CODE_START: node.addChild(code(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET: node.addChild(backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET: node.addChild(sq_backet(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_L_CURVE: node.addChild(curve(tk)); break; case Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, ")"); case Token.TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "]"); case Token.TOKEN_R_CURVE: throw new UnexceptedTokenException(tk.start, "}"); case Token.TOKEN_CLOSE: return node; case Token.TOKEN_COMMENT: // SQL ; break; default: node.addChild(new Node(tk)); } } throw new UnexceptedTokenException("eof"); } } private static class UnexceptedTokenException extends Exception { private int start; public UnexceptedTokenException(int start, String unexpected) { super("unexpected token " + unexpected + " at " + start); this.start = start; } public UnexceptedTokenException(String unexpected) { super("unexpected token " + unexpected); } public int getStart() { return start; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 6127948538074329561L; } private static class Token { public int tokenType; public int start; public int length; public CharSequence code; public Token(int tokenType, int start, CharSequence code) { this.tokenType = tokenType; this.start = start; this.code = code; } public CharSequence getText() { return code.subSequence(start, start + length); } public CharSequence getText(boolean ignoreComment) { if (this.tokenType == Token.TOKEN_COMMENT && ignoreComment) { CharSequence tx = this.getText(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < tx.length(); i++) { char c = tx.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { sb.append(c); } else { sb.append(' '); } } return sb.toString(); } else { return this.getText(); } } public Token(int tokenType, int start, int length, CharSequence code) { this.tokenType = tokenType; this.start = start; this.length = length; this.code = code; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getText().toString(); } public final static int TOKEN_EOF = 0; public final static int TOKEN_CODE_START = 1; public final static int TOKEN_SQL_START = 2; public final static int TOKEN_CLOSE = 3; public final static int TOKEN_L_CURVE = 4; public final static int TOKEN_R_CURVE = 5; public final static int TOKEN_STRING = 6; public final static int TOKEN_L_BACKET = 7; public final static int TOKEN_R_BACKET = 8; public final static int TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET = 9; public final static int TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET = 10; public final static int TOKEN_ANY = 11; public final static int TOKEN_COMMENT = 12; public final static int TOKEN_NEWLINE = 13; public final static int TOKEN_REGEXP = 6; } private static class LexException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2286790353377516212L; private int position; public int getPosition() { return position; } public LexException(String message, int position) { super(message); this.position = position; } } private static class Lexer { private String code; private int offset = 0; private boolean leadRegExp = true; public Lexer(String code) { this.code = code; } public Token nextToken() throws LexException { if (offset >= code.length()) return new Token(Token.TOKEN_EOF, offset, code); Token result = null; char c = code.charAt(offset); try { switch (c) { case '"': case '\'': Token tkString = new Token(Token.TOKEN_STRING, offset, code); char startSymbol = c; offset++; for (; offset < code.length(); offset++) { c = code.charAt(offset); if (c == '\\') { offset++; // eat nextline char n = code.charAt(offset); if (n == '\r' || n == '\n') { if (n + 2 < code.length() && code.substring(n, n + 2) == "\r\n") { offset++; } offset++; } continue; } if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { throw new LexException("string not ended", tkString.start); } if (c == startSymbol) { tkString.length = offset - tkString.start + 1; offset++; return result = tkString; } } throw new LexException("string not ended", tkString.start); case '/': if (code.startsWith("//", offset)) { Token tkLineComment = new Token(Token.TOKEN_COMMENT, offset, code); for (; offset < code.length(); offset++) { c = code.charAt(offset); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { tkLineComment.length = offset - tkLineComment.start; return result = tkLineComment; } } if (offset == code.length()) { // no more content tkLineComment.length = offset - tkLineComment.start; return result = tkLineComment; } } else if (code.startsWith("/*", offset)) { Token tkComment = new Token(Token.TOKEN_COMMENT, offset, code); for (; offset < code.length() - 1; offset++) { c = code.charAt(offset); if (c == '*' && code.startsWith("*/", offset)) { tkComment.length = offset - tkComment.start + 2; offset += 2; return result = tkComment; } } throw new LexException("commnet not ended", tkComment.start); } else if (this.leadRegExp) { Token tkRegExp = new Token(Token.TOKEN_REGEXP, offset, code); offset++; for (; offset < code.length(); offset++) { c = code.charAt(offset); if (c == '\\') { offset++; continue; } if (c == '/') { tkRegExp.length = offset - tkRegExp.start + 1; offset++; return result = tkRegExp; } } throw new LexException("regexp not ended", tkRegExp.start); } break; case 's': if (code.startsWith("sql{.", offset)) { try { return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_SQL_START, offset, 5, code); } finally { offset += 5; } } break; case 'c': if (code.startsWith("code{.", offset)) { try { return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_CODE_START, offset, 6, code); } finally { offset += 6; } } break; case '.': if (code.startsWith(".}", offset)) { try { return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_CLOSE, offset, 2, code); } finally { offset += 2; } } break; case '(': return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET, offset++, 1, code); case ')': return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET, offset++, 1, code); case '[': return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET, offset++, 1, code); case ']': return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET, offset++, 1, code); case '{': return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_L_CURVE, offset++, 1, code); case '}': return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_R_CURVE, offset++, 1, code); case '\r': case '\n': if (code.startsWith("\r\n", offset) || code.startsWith("\n\r", offset)) { try { return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_NEWLINE, offset, 2, code); } finally { offset += 2; } } else { return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_NEWLINE, offset++, 1, code); } } return result = new Token(Token.TOKEN_ANY, offset++, 1, code); } finally { if (result != null) { switch (result.tokenType) { case Token.TOKEN_ANY: if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) { this.leadRegExp = false; } else if (";+-*/.=^&|:?%~><,".indexOf(c) != -1) { this.leadRegExp = true; } break; case Token.TOKEN_R_BACKET: case Token.TOKEN_R_CURVE: case Token.TOKEN_R_SQ_BRACKET: this.leadRegExp = false; break; case Token.TOKEN_L_BACKET: case Token.TOKEN_L_CURVE: case Token.TOKEN_L_SQ_BRACKET: case Token.TOKEN_NEWLINE: this.leadRegExp = true; break; } } } } } }