Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2009 Pingtel Corp., certain elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Contributors retain copyright to elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Licensed to the User under the LGPL license. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class RestfulRequest { static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("org.sipfoundry.sipxivr"); boolean m_justTesting; String m_testingResult; String m_urlString; String m_digest; String m_content; String m_contentType; String m_response; int m_responseCode; Exception m_exception; public RestfulRequest(String urlString) { m_urlString = urlString; } public RestfulRequest(String urlString, String user, String password) { m_urlString = urlString; if (user != null && password != null) { m_digest = "Basic " + new String(Base64.encodeBase64((user + ":" + password).getBytes())); } } /** * Initialize the connection parameters then connect via http/https * @param value Added to m_urlString to complete the URL. Redacted from logs. * @return an HttpURLConnection ready to use with {@link request} * @throws Exception */ public HttpURLConnection getConnection(String value) throws Exception { String urlString = m_urlString; if (value != null) { if (!urlString.endsWith("/")) { urlString += "/"; } urlString += value; } URL url = new URL(urlString); // URL connection channel. HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // Set the Authorization header to the encoded user/passcode // combination if (m_digest != null) { urlConn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", m_digest); } return urlConn; } /** * Perform the method on the URLConnection * * @param method GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. * @param urlConn a HttpURLConnection from {@link getConnection} * @return true on valid response, false on failure * @throws Exception */ public boolean request(String method, HttpURLConnection urlConn) throws Exception { if (urlConn == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid connection reference"); } if (m_justTesting) { // Don't do anything if we are just in a test situation m_content = m_testingResult; return true; } try { // Let the RTS know that we want to do both input and output. urlConn.setDoOutput(true); urlConn.setDoInput(true); // No caching, we want the real thing. urlConn.setUseCaches(false); urlConn.setRequestMethod(method); // Connect! urlConn.connect(); // Find out what happened m_responseCode = urlConn.getResponseCode(); m_response = urlConn.getResponseMessage();"RestfulRequest::request %s to %s response: %d", method, m_urlString, m_responseCode)); if (m_responseCode < 200 || m_responseCode >= 300) { // Responses 200-299 are Okay, all other are suspect return false; } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { m_exception = ex; LOG.error(String.format("RestfulRequest::request %s to '%s' trouble '%s'", method, urlConn.getURL().toString(), urlConn.getResponseMessage()), ex); } return false; } /** * Convenience method to send a request to a URL * * @param method an HTTP method, PUT, DELETE, POST, GET, etc. * where no body is provided. * Any response (assumed to be text) is in m_content; * @throws Exception */ boolean send(String method, String value) throws Exception { HttpURLConnection urlConn = getConnection(value); boolean result = request(method, urlConn); if (urlConn.getContentLength() > 0) { m_contentType = urlConn.getContentType(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream())); String line; m_content = ""; for (line = br.readLine(); line != null;) { m_content.concat(line); m_content.concat("\n"); } } urlConn.disconnect(); return result; } /** * Convenience method to PUT to a URL (no body) * * @param value A string added to the end of the url. Redacted from logs. * @throws Exception */ public boolean put(String value) throws Exception { return send("PUT", value); } /** * Convenience method to POST to a URL (no body) * * @param value A string added to the end of the url. Redacted from logs. * @throws Exception */ public boolean post(String value) throws Exception { return send("POST", value); } /** * Convenience method to DELETE to a URL * * @throws Exception */ public boolean delete() throws Exception { return send("DELETE", null); } /** * Convenience method to GET to a URL * * @throws Exception */ public boolean get() throws Exception { return send("GET", null); } /** * method to GET content from a URL with a reusable connection * No content is read from the connection, that's up to the caller. * * @param urlConn a HttpURLConnection from {@link getConnection} * @throws Exception */ public boolean get(HttpURLConnection urlConn) throws Exception { return request("GET", urlConn); } public int getResponseCode() { return m_responseCode; } public String getResponse() { return m_response; } public String getResult() { return m_content; } public String getContentType() { return m_contentType; } public String getContent() { return m_content; } public Exception getException() { return m_exception; } public boolean isJustTesting() { return m_justTesting; } public void setJustTesting(boolean justTesting) { m_justTesting = justTesting; } public void setTestingResult(String result) { m_testingResult = result; } }