Java tutorial
/** * * * Copyright (c) 2012 eZuce, Inc. All rights reserved. * Contributed to SIPfoundry under a Contributor Agreement * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. */ package org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.feature; import static java.lang.String.format; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.cfgmgt.DeployConfigOnEdit; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.common.SipxHibernateDaoSupport; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.common.event.DaoEventListener; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.commserver.Location; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.commserver.LocationsManager; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import; /** * NOTE: This implementation pays no attention to efficiency. Should work in caching or optimize * queries accordingly if found to be inefficient during testing. */ public class FeatureManagerImpl extends SipxHibernateDaoSupport implements BeanFactoryAware, FeatureManager, DaoEventListener, BundleProvider { private ListableBeanFactory m_beanFactory; private Collection<FeatureProvider> m_providers; private Collection<BundleProvider> m_bundleProviders; private Collection<FeatureListener> m_listeners; private JdbcTemplate m_jdbcTemplate; private LocationsManager m_locationsManager; private List<Bundle> m_bundles; private boolean m_showExperimentalBundles = true; @Override public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) { m_beanFactory = (ListableBeanFactory) beanFactory; } Collection<FeatureProvider> getFeatureProviders() { if (m_providers == null) { Map<String, FeatureProvider> beanMap = safeGetListableBeanFactory() .getBeansOfType(FeatureProvider.class, false, false); m_providers = new ArrayList<FeatureProvider>(beanMap.values()); } return m_providers; } Collection<BundleProvider> getBundleProviders() { if (m_bundleProviders == null) { Map<String, BundleProvider> beanMap = safeGetListableBeanFactory().getBeansOfType(BundleProvider.class, false, false); m_bundleProviders = new ArrayList<BundleProvider>(beanMap.values()); } return m_bundleProviders; } private ListableBeanFactory safeGetListableBeanFactory() { if (m_beanFactory == null) { throw new BeanInitializationException(getClass().getName() + " not initialized"); } return m_beanFactory; } Collection<FeatureListener> getFeatureListeners() { if (m_listeners == null) { Map<String, FeatureListener> beanMap = safeGetListableBeanFactory() .getBeansOfType(FeatureListener.class, false, false); m_listeners = new ArrayList<FeatureListener>(beanMap.values()); } return m_listeners; } @Override public Set<GlobalFeature> getAvailableGlobalFeatures() { Set<GlobalFeature> features = new HashSet<GlobalFeature>(); for (FeatureProvider p : getFeatureProviders()) { Collection<GlobalFeature> gfeatures = p.getAvailableGlobalFeatures(this); if (gfeatures != null) { features.addAll(gfeatures); } } return features; } public void setConfigJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { m_jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate; } @Override public boolean isFeatureEnabled(LocationFeature feature, Location location) { SqlRowSet queryForRowSet = m_jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet( "select 1 from feature_local where feature_id = ? and location_id = ?", feature.getId(), location.getId()); return queryForRowSet.first(); } @Override public boolean isFeatureEnabled(GlobalFeature feature) { SqlRowSet queryForRowSet = m_jdbcTemplate .queryForRowSet("select 1 from feature_global where feature_id = ?", feature.getId()); return queryForRowSet.first(); } @Override public boolean isFeatureEnabled(LocationFeature feature) { SqlRowSet queryForRowSet = m_jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet("select 1 from feature_local where feature_id = ?", feature.getId()); return queryForRowSet.first(); } @Override public Set<LocationFeature> getAvailableLocationFeatures(Location location) { Set<LocationFeature> features = new HashSet<LocationFeature>(); for (FeatureProvider p : getFeatureProviders()) { Collection<LocationFeature> lfeatures = p.getAvailableLocationFeatures(this, location); if (lfeatures != null) { features.addAll(lfeatures); } } return features; } @Override public void enableGlobalFeatures(Set<GlobalFeature> features, boolean enable) { FeatureChangeRequest request = FeatureChangeRequest.enable(features, enable); applyFeatureChange(new FeatureChangeValidator(this, request)); } @Override public void applyFeatureChange(FeatureChangeValidator validator) { validateFeatureChange(validator); if (!validator.isValid()) { throw validator.getInvalidChanges().get(0).getMessage(); } else { FeatureChangeRequest request = validator.getRequest(); saveFeatureChange(request); sendPostcommitEvent(request); } } @Override public void validateFeatureChange(FeatureChangeValidator validator) { boolean resubmit; do { resubmit = false; for (FeatureListener listener : getFeatureListeners()) { listener.featureChangePrecommit(this, validator); } if (!validator.isValid()) { Location primary = m_locationsManager.getPrimaryLocation(); resubmit = new InvalidChangeResolver().resolve(validator, primary); } } while (resubmit); } void sendPostcommitEvent(FeatureChangeRequest request) { for (FeatureListener listener : getFeatureListeners()) { listener.featureChangePostcommit(this, request); } } public void saveFeatureChange(FeatureChangeRequest request) { // we delete what we're about to enable to avoid duplicate key constraints in case // we're enabling features that are already enabled. List<String> sql = new ArrayList<String>(); deleteSql(sql, request.getDisable()); deleteSql(sql, request.getEnable()); for (GlobalFeature f : request.getEnable()) { sql.add(format("insert into feature_global values ('%s')", f)); } deleteSql(sql, request.getDisableByLocation()); deleteSql(sql, request.getEnableByLocation()); for (Entry<Location, Set<LocationFeature>> entry : request.getEnableByLocation().entrySet()) { Location location = entry.getKey(); for (LocationFeature f : entry.getValue()) { sql.add(format("insert into feature_local (feature_id, location_id) values ('%s', %d)", f, location.getId())); } } if (!sql.isEmpty()) { m_jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql.toArray(new String[0])); } } void deleteSql(List<String> sql, Set<GlobalFeature> set) { if (!set.isEmpty()) { sql.add(format("delete from feature_global where feature_id in (%s)", comma(set))); } } void deleteSql(List<String> sql, Map<Location, Set<LocationFeature>> map) { if (!map.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<Location, Set<LocationFeature>> entry : map.entrySet()) { Location location = entry.getKey(); if (!entry.getValue().isEmpty()) { sql.add(format("delete from feature_local where feature_id in (%s) and location_id = %d", comma(entry.getValue()), location.getId())); } } } } <T> String comma(Collection<T> l) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('\'').append(StringUtils.join(l, "\',\'")).append('\''); return sb.toString(); } static class DeltaSet<T extends Feature> implements DeployConfigOnEdit { private Set<T> m_newlyAdded; private Set<T> m_newlyRemoved; private Set<Feature> m_allChanges; DeltaSet(Set<T> newSet, Set<T> oldSet) { m_newlyAdded = new HashSet<T>(newSet); m_newlyAdded.removeAll(oldSet); m_newlyRemoved = new HashSet<T>(oldSet); m_newlyRemoved.removeAll(newSet); m_allChanges = new HashSet<Feature>(m_newlyAdded); m_allChanges.addAll(m_newlyRemoved); } @Override public Collection<Feature> getAffectedFeaturesOnChange() { return m_allChanges; } } @Override public Set<GlobalFeature> getEnabledGlobalFeatures() { List<String> queryForList = m_jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select feature_id from feature_global", String.class); Set<GlobalFeature> features = new HashSet<GlobalFeature>(queryForList.size()); for (String id : queryForList) { features.add(new GlobalFeature(id)); } return features; } public Set<LocationFeature> getEnabledLocationFeatures() { List<String> queryForList = m_jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select feature_id from feature_local", String.class); return locationFeatures(queryForList); } @Override public Set<LocationFeature> getEnabledLocationFeatures(Location location) { List<String> queryForList = m_jdbcTemplate.queryForList( "select feature_id from feature_local where location_id = ? ", String.class, location.getId()); return locationFeatures(queryForList); } Set<LocationFeature> locationFeatures(List<String> ids) { Set<LocationFeature> features = new HashSet<LocationFeature>(ids.size()); for (String id : ids) { features.add(new LocationFeature(id)); } return features; } @Override public void enableLocationFeatures(Set<LocationFeature> features, Location location, boolean enable) { Map<Location, Set<LocationFeature>> byLocation = new HashMap<Location, Set<LocationFeature>>(1); byLocation.put(location, features); FeatureChangeRequest request = FeatureChangeRequest.enable(byLocation, enable); applyFeatureChange(new FeatureChangeValidator(this, request)); } public void enableLocationFeature(LocationFeature feature, Location location, boolean enable) { Set<LocationFeature> features = getEnabledLocationFeatures(location); if (update(features, feature, enable)) { enableLocationFeatures(features, location, enable); } } @Override public List<Location> getLocationsForEnabledFeature(LocationFeature feature) { List<Location> locations = (List<Location>) getHibernateTemplate() .findByNamedQueryAndNamedParam("locationsForEnabledFeature", "featureId", feature.getId()); return locations; } @Override public void enableGlobalFeature(GlobalFeature feature, boolean enable) { Set<GlobalFeature> features = getEnabledGlobalFeatures(); if (update(features, feature, enable)) { enableGlobalFeatures(features, enable); } } private <T extends Feature> boolean update(Collection<T> features, T feature, boolean enable) { if (features.contains(feature)) { if (!enable) { features.remove(feature); } else { return false; } } else { if (enable) { features.add(feature); } else { return false; } } return true; } public void setJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { m_jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate; } @Override public void onDelete(Object entity) { if (entity instanceof Location) { // When deleting a location, treat this as if someone disabled all features at this // location. Location location = (Location) entity; Set<LocationFeature> on = getEnabledLocationFeatures(location); enableLocationFeatures(on, location, false); } } @Override public void onSave(Object entity) { } @Override public List<Bundle> getBundles() { if (m_bundles == null) { m_bundles = new ArrayList<Bundle>(); for (BundleProvider bp : getBundleProviders()) { Collection<Bundle> sublist = bp.getBundles(this); if (sublist != null) { for (Bundle b : sublist) { for (FeatureProvider fp : getFeatureProviders()) { fp.getBundleFeatures(this, b); } m_bundles.add(b); } } } } return m_bundles; } @Override public Collection<Bundle> getBundles(FeatureManager manager) { List<Bundle> bundles = new ArrayList<Bundle>( Arrays.asList(Bundle.CORE, Bundle.CORE_TELEPHONY, Bundle.CALL_CENTER, Bundle.IM, Bundle.PROVISION)); if (m_showExperimentalBundles) { bundles.add(Bundle.EXPERIMENTAL); } return bundles; } void separateGlobalFromLocal(Collection<Feature> features, Set<GlobalFeature> global, Set<LocationFeature> local) { for (Feature f : features) { if (f instanceof GlobalFeature) { global.add((GlobalFeature) f); } else { local.add((LocationFeature) f); } } } public void setLocationsManager(LocationsManager locationsManager) { m_locationsManager = locationsManager; } @Override public Bundle getBundle(String id) { for (Bundle b : getBundles()) { if (b.getId().equals(id)) { return b; } } return null; } public void setShowExperimentalBundles(boolean showExperimentalBundles) { m_showExperimentalBundles = showExperimentalBundles; } }