Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2007 Pingtel Corp., certain elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Contributors retain copyright to elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Licensed to the User under the LGPL license. * * $ */ package org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.domain; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.cfgmgt.DeployConfigOnEdit; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.common.BeanWithId; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.feature.Feature; /** * Single holder of domain name */ public class Domain extends BeanWithId implements DeployConfigOnEdit, Cloneable { private static final int SECRET_SIZE = 18; private String m_name; private String m_networkName; private Set<String> m_aliases; private String m_sharedSecret; private String m_sipRealm; public Domain() { } public Domain(String name) { setName(name); } public static Domain getDomain() { return DomainManagerImpl.getDomainInstance(); } /** * Fully qualified host name is NOT using DNS SRV (e.g., otherwise use * domain name ( */ public String getName() { return m_name; } public void setName(String name) { m_name = name; } public String getSipRealm() { return m_sipRealm; } public void setSipRealm(String sipRealm) { m_sipRealm = sipRealm; } public boolean hasAliases() { return m_aliases != null && m_aliases.size() > 0; } /** * Editable clone object because domain object is shared everywhere and should be immutable */ public Domain clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Domain copy = (Domain) super.clone(); copy.m_aliases = new HashSet<String>(copy.m_aliases); return copy; } /** * Addresses (potentially invalid or inaccessable to sipx) that sipx commservers will accept * messages for and treat as actual domain name. */ public Set<String> getAliases() { return m_aliases; } public void setAliases(Set<String> aliases) { m_aliases = aliases; } public void addAlias(String alias) { if (m_aliases == null) { m_aliases = new HashSet(); } if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(alias, m_name)) { m_aliases.add(alias); } } public void removeAlias(String alias) { if (m_aliases != null) { m_aliases.remove(alias); } } public String getSharedSecret() { return m_sharedSecret; } public void setSharedSecret(String sharedSecret) { m_sharedSecret = sharedSecret; } /** * Initialize domain secret if it's not initialized yet * * @return true if new secret has been initialized, false if secret was already there */ protected boolean initSecret() { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(m_sharedSecret)) { return false; } Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); byte[] secretBytes = new byte[SECRET_SIZE]; random.nextBytes(secretBytes); m_sharedSecret = new String(new Base64().encode(secretBytes)); return true; } @Override public Collection<Feature> getAffectedFeaturesOnChange() { return Collections.singleton((Feature) DomainManager.FEATURE); } public String getNetworkName() { return m_networkName; } public void setNetworkName(String networkName) { m_networkName = networkName; } }