Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2007 Pingtel Corp., certain elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Contributors retain copyright to elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Licensed to the User under the LGPL license. * * $ */ package org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.common; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public final class SipUri { public static final String SIP_PREFIX = "sip:"; public static final int DEFAULT_SIP_PORT = 5060; // It is sometimes important to differentiate between default port and omitted port public static final int OMIT_SIP_PORT = 0; private static final Pattern EXTRACT_USER_RE = Pattern.compile("\\s*<?(?:sip:)?(.+?)[@;].+"); private static final Pattern EXTRACT_FULL_USER_RE = Pattern .compile("\\s*(?:\"?\\s*([^\"<]+?)\\s*\"?)?\\s*<(?:sip:)?(.+?)[@;].+"); private static final Pattern SIP_URI_RE = Pattern.compile("(?:\".*\")?\\s*<?(?:sip:)?.+?[@;].+>?"); private SipUri() { // utility class } public static String format(AbstractUser user, String domainName) { return format(user.getDisplayName(), user.getUserName(), domainName); } public static String format(String displayName, String userName, String domainName) { StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(); boolean needsWrapping = StringUtils.isNotBlank(displayName); if (needsWrapping) { uri.append('"'); uri.append(displayName); uri.append('"'); } String uriProper = format(userName, domainName, needsWrapping); uri.append(uriProper); return uri.toString(); } /** * Format a SIP URI from userpart, host and port * * @param userName * @param domainName * @param port - port value of 0 means omit the port from the URI * @return */ public static String format(String userName, String domainName, int port) { String uri = String.format((port != OMIT_SIP_PORT) ? "sip:%s@%s:%d" : "sip:%s@%s", userName, domainName, port); return uri; } /** * Format a SIP URI from host and port * * @param domainName * @param port - port value of 0 means omit the port from the URI * @return */ public static String format(String domainName, int port) { String uri = String.format((port != OMIT_SIP_PORT) ? "sip:%s:%d" : "sip:%s", domainName, port); return uri; } public static int parsePort(String sPort, int defaultPort) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(sPort)) { return defaultPort; } int port = Integer.parseInt(sPort); return port; } public static String formatIgnoreDefaultPort(String userName, String domain, int port) { if (port == DEFAULT_SIP_PORT) { return format(userName, domain, false); } return format(userName, domain, port); } public static String formatIgnoreDefaultPort(String displayName, String userName, String domain, int port) { String baseUri = formatIgnoreDefaultPort(userName, domain, port); if (displayName == null) { return baseUri; } String uri = String.format("\"%s\"<%s>", displayName, baseUri); return uri; } public static String format(String userName, String domain, boolean quote) { if (!quote) { return format(userName, domain, OMIT_SIP_PORT); } String format = "<sip:%s@%s>"; return String.format(format, userName, domain); } /** * Format a SIP URI from userpart, host and port * * @param userName * @param domainName * @param port - port value of 0 means omit the port from the URI * @param qoute * @return */ public static String format(String userName, String domainName, int port, boolean quote) { if (!quote) { return format(userName, domainName, port); } if (port == OMIT_SIP_PORT) { return format(userName, domainName, quote); } String format = "<sip:%s@%s:%d>"; String uri = String.format(format, userName, domainName, port); return uri; } public static String normalize(String uri) { String result = uri.trim(); if (result.startsWith(SIP_PREFIX)) { return result; } return SIP_PREFIX + result; } /** * Creates normailized SIP URI from the string that can represent URI or just a user part. If * candidate is a user part only a domain is appended to create a normailized URI. * * @param candidate SIP URI (with or without sip: prefix) or just a user part of URI * @param domain DNS domain appended if candidate is not a full SIP URI */ public static String fix(String candidate, String domain) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(candidate)) { return candidate; } if (matches(candidate)) { return normalize(candidate); } return format(candidate, domain, false); } public static String fixWithDisplayName(String candidate, String displayName, String urlParams, String domain) { StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(); boolean needsWrapping = StringUtils.isNotBlank(displayName); if (needsWrapping) { uri.append('"'); uri.append(displayName); uri.append('"'); } String addParams = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urlParams)) { addParams = ";" + urlParams; } if (matches(candidate)) { if (needsWrapping) { String format = "<sip:%s>"; uri.append(String.format(format, candidate + addParams)); } else { uri.append(normalize(candidate) + addParams); } } else { uri.append(format(candidate, domain + addParams, needsWrapping)); } return uri.toString(); } public static String extractUser(String uri) { if (uri == null) { return null; } Matcher full = EXTRACT_FULL_USER_RE.matcher(uri); if (full.matches()) { return; } Matcher matcher = EXTRACT_USER_RE.matcher(uri); if (matcher.matches()) { return; } return null; } /** * Attempts to extract address-spec portion from URI * * This is rather a brute force implementation tailored to extracting URI to be used for * voicemail click-to-call. Rather than doing full fledged parsing it just gets the portion of * the string between and checks if it looks like SIP URI. * * @return address-spec or null if we cannot extract it */ public static String extractAddressSpec(String uri) { String candidate = StringUtils.substringBetween(uri, "<", ">"); if (matches(candidate)) { return candidate; } if (matches(uri)) { return uri; } return null; } /** * Extract user id and optional user info * * <!-- * * => 154 => user "Full name"<> =>Full * name - 202 * * --> * */ public static String extractFullUser(String uri) { if (uri == null) { return null; } Matcher matcher = EXTRACT_FULL_USER_RE.matcher(uri); if (!matcher.matches()) { matcher = EXTRACT_USER_RE.matcher(uri); if (matcher.matches()) { return; } return null; } String fullName =; String userId =; if (fullName == null || fullName.equals(userId)) { return userId; } return fullName + " - " + userId; } public static boolean matches(String uri) { if (uri == null) { return false; } Matcher matcher = SIP_URI_RE.matcher(uri); return matcher.matches(); } public static String format(String name, String domain, Map<?, ?> urlParams) { StringBuilder paramsBuffer = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : urlParams.entrySet()) { paramsBuffer.append(';'); paramsBuffer.append(entry.getKey()); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null) { paramsBuffer.append('='); paramsBuffer.append(value); } } return String.format("<sip:%s@%s%s>", name, domain, paramsBuffer); } public static String format(String name, String domain, int port, Map<?, ?> urlParams) { StringBuilder paramsBuffer = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : urlParams.entrySet()) { paramsBuffer.append(';'); paramsBuffer.append(entry.getKey()); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null) { paramsBuffer.append('='); paramsBuffer.append(value); } } return String.format("<sip:%s@%s:%d%s>", name, domain, port, paramsBuffer); } public static String stripSipPrefix(String sipUri) { if (sipUri == null) { return null; } if (sipUri.startsWith(SIP_PREFIX)) { return sipUri.substring(SIP_PREFIX.length()); } return sipUri; } public static String formatDepositVm(String name, String host) { return String.format("<sip:IVR@%s;mailbox=%s;action=deposit;locale=en>", host, name); } }