Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2007 Pingtel Corp., certain elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Contributors retain copyright to elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Licensed to the User under the LGPL license. * * $ */ package org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.bulk.ldap; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.bulk.ldap.Schema.ClassDefinition; public class SchemaTest extends TestCase { public void testAddClassDefinitionFull() { String definition = "( NAME 'person' DESC 'RFC2256: a person' SUP top " + "STRUCTURAL MUST ( sn $ cn ) MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description ) )"; Schema schema = new Schema(); assertNull(schema.getAttributes("person")); schema.addClassDefinition(definition); String expected = "sn cn userPassword telephoneNumber seeAlso description"; String[] attributes = schema.getAttributes("person"); assertEquals(expected, StringUtils.join(attributes, " ")); } public void testAddClassDefinitionFullActiveDirectory() { String definition = "( NAME 'person' SUP top " + "STRUCTURAL MUST (cn ) MAY (sn $ serialNumber $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ userPassword $ attributeCertificateAttribute ) ) "; Schema schema = new Schema(); assertNull(schema.getAttributes("person")); schema.addClassDefinition(definition); String expected = "cn sn serialNumber telephoneNumber seeAlso userPassword attributeCertificateAttribute"; String[] attributes = schema.getAttributes("person"); assertEquals(expected, StringUtils.join(attributes, " ")); } public void testGetObjectClassesNames() { Schema schema = new Schema(); assertEquals(0, schema.getObjectClassesNames().length); schema.addClassDefinition("( NAME 'bongo' DESC ''"); schema.addClassDefinition("( NAME 'kuku'"); String[] classesNames = schema.getObjectClassesNames(); assertEquals(2, classesNames.length); assertTrue(ArrayUtils.indexOf(classesNames, "bongo") >= 0); assertTrue(ArrayUtils.indexOf(classesNames, "kuku") >= 0); } public void testFromClassDefinitionString() { String definition = "( NAME 'nisNetgroup' DESC 'Abstraction of a netgroup' SUP top " + "STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY ( isNetgroupTriple $ memberNisNetgroup $ description ) )"; ClassDefinition cd = ClassDefinition.fromSchemaString(definition); assertEquals("Abstraction of a netgroup", cd.getDescription()); assertEquals("nisNetgroup", cd.getName()); assertEquals("top", cd.getSup()); String expectedMustString = "cn"; assertEquals(1, cd.getMust().length); assertEquals(expectedMustString, StringUtils.join(cd.getMust(), " ")); String expectedMayString = "isNetgroupTriple memberNisNetgroup description"; assertEquals(3, cd.getMay().length); assertEquals(expectedMayString, StringUtils.join(cd.getMay(), " ")); } public void testFromClassDefinitionStringActiveDirectory() { String definition = "( NAME 'nisNetgroup' SUP top " + "STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY (isNetgroupTriple $ memberNisNetgroup $ description ) )"; ClassDefinition cd = ClassDefinition.fromSchemaString(definition); assertNull(cd.getDescription()); assertEquals("nisNetgroup", cd.getName()); assertEquals("top", cd.getSup()); String expectedMustString = "cn"; assertEquals(1, cd.getMust().length); assertEquals(expectedMustString, StringUtils.join(cd.getMust(), " ")); String expectedMayString = "isNetgroupTriple memberNisNetgroup description"; assertEquals(3, cd.getMay().length); assertEquals(expectedMayString, StringUtils.join(cd.getMay(), " ")); } public void testFromClassDefinitionStringNoMust() { String definition = "( NAME 'ieee802Device' DESC 'A device with a MAC address' SUP top " + "AUXILIARY MAY macAddress )"; ClassDefinition cd = ClassDefinition.fromSchemaString(definition); assertEquals("A device with a MAC address", cd.getDescription()); assertEquals("ieee802Device", cd.getName()); assertEquals("top", cd.getSup()); assertEquals(0, cd.getMust().length); assertEquals(1, cd.getMay().length); assertEquals("macAddress", cd.getMay()[0]); } public void testFromClassDefinitionStringStrangeNames() { String definition = "( 1.2.840.113556.1.5.209 NAME 'msWMI-RealRangeParam' " + "SUP msWMI-RangeParam STRUCTURAL MUST (msWMI-Int8Default ) MAY (msWMI-Int8Max $ msWMI-Int8Min ) )"; Schema schema = new Schema(); assertNull(schema.getAttributes("person")); schema.addClassDefinition(definition); String expected = "msWMI-Int8Default msWMI-Int8Max msWMI-Int8Min"; String[] attributes = schema.getAttributes("msWMI-RealRangeParam"); assertEquals(expected, StringUtils.join(attributes, " ")); } public void testGetAttributesPool() throws Exception { Schema schema = new Schema(); assertEquals(0, schema.getAttributesPool(Collections.singleton("person")).length); schema.addClassDefinition("( 1.3 NAME 'x' DESC '' SUP top " + "AUXILIARY MUST a1 MAY a2 )"); schema.addClassDefinition("( 1.3 NAME 'y' SUP top " + "AUXILIARY MUST a1 MAY a3 )"); schema.addClassDefinition("( 1.3 NAME 'z' DESC '' SUP top " + "AUXILIARY MUST a1 MAY a4 )"); String[] attributesPool = schema.getAttributesPool(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "x", "z" })); assertEquals(3, attributesPool.length); assertEquals("a1a2a4", StringUtils.join(attributesPool)); } }