Java tutorial
/* * Contributors retain copyright to elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Licensed to the User under the LGPL license. */ package org.sipfoundry.openfire.plugin.presence; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.PacketRouter; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.PresenceManager; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.Plugin; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginClassLoader; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager; import; import; import; import; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.interceptor.InterceptorManager; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.ConflictException; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.ForbiddenException; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.HistoryStrategy; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.MUCRole; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.MUCRole.Affiliation; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.MUCRoom; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.MultiUserChatManager; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.MultiUserChatService; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.NotAllowedException; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster.UpdateHistoryStrategy; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.PresenceManagerImpl; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.User; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException; import org.jivesoftware.util.NotFoundException; import org.sipfoundry.commons.confdb.ConfReadConverter; import org.sipfoundry.commons.confdb.Conference; import org.sipfoundry.commons.confdb.ConferenceService; import org.sipfoundry.commons.confdb.ConferenceServiceImpl; import org.sipfoundry.commons.log4j.SipFoundryAppender; import org.sipfoundry.commons.log4j.SipFoundryLayout; import org.sipfoundry.commons.mongo.MongoFactory; import org.sipfoundry.commons.userdb.ValidUsers; import org.sipfoundry.commons.util.UnfortunateLackOfSpringSupportFactory; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.AccountsParser; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.ConfigurationParser; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.WatcherConfig; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.XmppAccountInfo; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.XmppChatRoom; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.XmppGroup; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.XmppGroupMember; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.XmppS2sInfo; import org.sipfoundry.openfire.config.XmppUserAccount; import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter; import; import; import; import org.xmpp.component.Component; import org.xmpp.component.ComponentManager; import org.xmpp.packet.JID; import org.xmpp.packet.Packet; import org.xmpp.packet.Presence; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; public class SipXOpenfirePlugin implements Plugin, Component { private MultiUserChatManager multiUserChatManager; private GroupManager groupManager; private UserManager userManager; private PresenceManager presenceManager; private PluginManager pluginManager; private ComponentManager componentManager; private String hostname; private Map<String, Presence> probedPresence; private JID componentJID; private XMPPServer server; private Localizer localizer; private boolean isInitialized = false; private final List<AbstractMessagePacketInterceptor> abstractMessagePacketInterceptors = new ArrayList<AbstractMessagePacketInterceptor>(); private static String DEFAULT_MUC_SERVICE = "conference"; private static String configurationPath = "/etc/sipxpbx"; private static WatcherConfig watcherConfig; private static String logFile; private static SipFoundryAppender logAppender; public static final String SIP_UID = "sipUid"; public static final String SIP_PWD = "sipPwd"; public static final String ON_THE_PHONE_MESSAGE = "onThePhoneMessage"; public static final String CONFERENCE_EXTENSION = "conferenceExtension"; private static final String PLUGIN_PATH = "sipx-openfire-presence"; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SipXOpenfirePlugin.class); private static SipXOpenfirePlugin instance; private final Map<String, ConferenceInformation> roomNameToConferenceInfoMap = new HashMap<String, ConferenceInformation>(); private final Map<String, XmppUserPreferences> xmppUserPreferencesMap = new HashMap<String, XmppUserPreferences>(); // key is username part of JID private AccountsParser accountsParser; private ConferenceService m_conferenceService; public class ConferenceInformation { private String extension; private String name; private String pin; private String reachabilityInfo; public String getExtension() { return extension; } public void setExtension(String extension) { this.extension = extension; } public String getPin() { return pin; } public void setPin(String pin) { = pin; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public ConferenceInformation(String name, String extension, String pin, String reachabilityInfo) { = name; this.extension = extension; = pin; this.reachabilityInfo = reachabilityInfo; } public String getReachabilityInfo() { return reachabilityInfo; } public void setReachabilityInfo(String reachabilityInfo) { this.reachabilityInfo = reachabilityInfo; } } public class XmppUserPreferences { private boolean advertiseOnCallStatus; private boolean showOnCallDetails; public XmppUserPreferences(boolean advertiseOnCallStatus, boolean showOnCallDetails) { this.advertiseOnCallStatus = advertiseOnCallStatus; this.showOnCallDetails = showOnCallDetails; } public boolean getAdvertiseOnCallStatus() { return advertiseOnCallStatus; } public void setAdvertiseOnCallStatus(boolean advertiseOnCallStatus) { this.advertiseOnCallStatus = advertiseOnCallStatus; } public boolean getShowOnCallDetails() { return showOnCallDetails; } public void setShowOnCallDetails(boolean showOnCallDetails) { this.showOnCallDetails = showOnCallDetails; } } static void parseConfigurationFile() { String configurationFile = configurationPath + "/sipxopenfire.xml"; if (!new File(configurationFile).exists()) { String msg = String.format("Configuration %s file not found -- exiting", configurationFile); System.err.println(msg); throw new SipXOpenfirePluginException(msg); } ConfigurationParser parser = new ConfigurationParser(); watcherConfig = parser.parse("file://" + configurationFile); logFile = watcherConfig.getLogDirectory() + "/sipxopenfire.log"; } static void initializeLogging() throws SipXOpenfirePluginException { try { String javaClassPaths = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); String openfireHome = System.getProperty("openfire.home"); // Library does not get automatically added to the classpath // probably because the file extension does not match the *.jar pattern StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(javaClassPaths).append( ":" + openfireHome + "/plugins/" + SipXOpenfirePlugin.PLUGIN_PATH + "/lib/"); System.setProperty("java.class.path", sb.toString()); // Configure log4j Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "warn, file"); props.setProperty("", SipFoundryLayout.mapSipFoundry2log4j(watcherConfig.getLogLevel()).toString()); props.setProperty("log4j.appender.file", SipFoundryAppender.class.getName()); props.setProperty("log4j.appender.file.File", logFile); props.setProperty("log4j.appender.file.layout", SipFoundryLayout.class.getName()); props.setProperty("log4j.appender.file.layout.facility", "JAVA"); String log4jProps = configurationPath + "/"; if (new File(log4jProps).exists()) { Properties fileProps = new Properties(); fileProps.load(new FileInputStream(log4jProps)); String level = fileProps.getProperty(""); if (level != null) { props.setProperty("", level); } } PropertyConfigurator.configure(props); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SipXOpenfirePluginException(ex); } } private void initConferenceService() throws Exception { if (isBlank(configurationPath)) { System.getProperties().load(new FileInputStream(new File("/tmp/"))); configurationPath = System.getProperty("conf.dir", "/etc/sipxpbx"); } Mongo mongo = MongoFactory.fromConnectionFile(); List<Converter<DBObject, Conference>> converters = new ArrayList<Converter<DBObject, Conference>>(); ConfReadConverter confReadConverter = new ConfReadConverter(); converters.add(confReadConverter); CustomConversions cc = new CustomConversions(converters); MongoTemplate entityDb = new MongoTemplate(mongo, "imdb"); MappingMongoConverter mappingConverter = (MappingMongoConverter) entityDb.getConverter(); mappingConverter.setCustomConversions(cc); mappingConverter.afterPropertiesSet(); m_conferenceService = new ConferenceServiceImpl(); ((ConferenceServiceImpl) m_conferenceService).setTemplate(entityDb); } @SuppressWarnings("resource") @Override public void initializePlugin(PluginManager manager, File pluginDirectory) { SipXOpenfirePlugin.instance = this; InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/"); Properties properties = new Properties(); try { properties.load(in); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } try { if (new File("/tmp/").exists()) { System.getProperties().load(new FileInputStream(new File("/tmp/"))); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); throw new SipXOpenfirePluginException("Error reading config file ", ex); } configurationPath = System.getProperty("conf.dir", "/etc/sipxpbx"); try { UnfortunateLackOfSpringSupportFactory.initialize(); initConferenceService(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } parseConfigurationFile(); initializeLogging();">>>>>>>>STARTING " + SipXOpenfirePlugin.class + "<<<<<<<<"); pluginManager = manager; ClassLoader classLoader = pluginManager.getPluginClassloader(this); try { // add this directory to classpath so ResouceBundle class can find // resources (language specific properties files) there URL url = new URL("file:" + configurationPath + "/openfire/"); URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { url }, classLoader); urlClassLoader.setPackageAssertionStatus("org.sipfoundry", true); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(urlClassLoader); String locale = watcherConfig.getLocale(); this.localizer = new Localizer(locale, urlClassLoader); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { log.error("can't update classpath: " + e1.getMessage()); } server = XMPPServer.getInstance(); userManager = server.getUserManager(); presenceManager = server.getPresenceManager(); hostname = server.getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();"HostName = " + hostname); probedPresence = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Presence>(); groupManager = GroupManager.getInstance(); multiUserChatManager = server.getMultiUserChatManager(); //Initialize BookmarkManager SipXBookmarkManager.initialize(pluginManager);"Bookmark Manager initialized: " + SipXBookmarkManager.isInitialized()); /* * Create default multi-user chat service (see XX-6913) and remove others */ createChatRoomService(DEFAULT_MUC_SERVICE); Collection<String> defaultSubdomain = new ArrayList<String>(); defaultSubdomain.add(DEFAULT_MUC_SERVICE); try { pruneChatServices(defaultSubdomain); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("initializePlugin caught exception while pruning chat services list ", ex); } /* * Update the server to server (s2s) settings */ try { // Get the object instance that stores the server to server // generated by the sipXconfig side. XmppS2sInfo xmppS2sInfo = watcherConfig.getS2sInfo(); xmppS2sInfo.updateS2sSettings(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("initializePlugin caught exception while updating s2s settings ", ex); } /* * Load up the database. */"hostname " + hostname); String watchFile = configurationPath + "/xmpp-update.xml"; this.accountsParser = new AccountsParser(watchFile, m_conferenceService, watcherConfig.isEnableParsing()); this.accountsParser.startScanner(); // config and instantiate and the presence unifier used to gather all presence info PresenceUnifier.setPlugin(this); PresenceUnifier.getInstance(); addInterceptor(new DefaultMessagePacketInterceptor()); // add packet interceptors found in extras directory. if (this.getClass().getClassLoader() instanceof PluginClassLoader) { String extrasDirNameForClassLoader = System.getProperty("openfire.home"); if (extrasDirNameForClassLoader != null) { extrasDirNameForClassLoader += "/extras/sipXecs";"extras directory is " + extrasDirNameForClassLoader); /* PluginClassLoader automatically adds /lib to the supplied directory so pass it a directory that does not already have it */ PluginClassLoader pluginClassLoader = (PluginClassLoader) this.getClass().getClassLoader(); pluginClassLoader.addDirectory(new File(extrasDirNameForClassLoader), false); String extrasDirName = extrasDirNameForClassLoader + "/lib"; File extrasDir = new File(extrasDirName); loadExtras(pluginClassLoader, extrasDir); } else { log.error("Could not determine the extras directory name " + System.getProperties()); } } if (watcherConfig.isImMessageLoggingEnabled()) { addInterceptor(new ImLogger(watcherConfig.getImMessageLoggingDirectory())); }"plugin initializaton completed");"DONE"); isInitialized = true; } void addInterceptor(AbstractMessagePacketInterceptor interceptor) { interceptor.start(this); abstractMessagePacketInterceptors.add(interceptor); InterceptorManager.getInstance().addInterceptor(interceptor); } void loadExtras(ClassLoader classLoader, File extrasDir) { // inspect all jars in the extras dir File[] jars = extrasDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".jar"); } }); if (jars != null) { for (File jar : jars) { // find all classes that are packet interceptors try {"loadExtras considering jar: " + jar.getName()); JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jar); // Get the manifest and its attributes Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest(); Attributes attribs = manifest.getMainAttributes(); String messageInterceptorClassName = attribs.getValue("MessageInterceptorClass"); if (messageInterceptorClassName != null) {"Found an extra MessageInterceptorClass " + messageInterceptorClassName); Class packetInterceptorClass = Class.forName(messageInterceptorClassName, true, classLoader); AbstractMessagePacketInterceptor abstractMessagePacketInterceptor = (AbstractMessagePacketInterceptor) packetInterceptorClass .newInstance(); abstractMessagePacketInterceptor.start(this); InterceptorManager.getInstance().addInterceptor(abstractMessagePacketInterceptor); abstractMessagePacketInterceptors.add(abstractMessagePacketInterceptor); } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("loadExtras caught exception:", e); } } } } public boolean isInitialized() { return isInitialized; } @Override public void destroyPlugin() { log.debug("DestroyPlugin"); isInitialized = false; if (accountsParser != null) { accountsParser.stopScanner(); } for (AbstractMessagePacketInterceptor abstractMessagePacketInterceptor : abstractMessagePacketInterceptors) { InterceptorManager.getInstance().removeInterceptor(abstractMessagePacketInterceptor); } abstractMessagePacketInterceptors.clear(); multiUserChatManager = null; groupManager = null; userManager = null; presenceManager = null; pluginManager = null; componentManager = null; server = null; localizer = null; log = null; watcherConfig = null; logAppender = null; SipXOpenfirePlugin.instance = null; accountsParser = null; } @Override public String getName() { return pluginManager.getName(this); } @Override public String getDescription() { return pluginManager.getDescription(this); } @Override public void initialize(JID jid, ComponentManager componentManager) { } @Override public void start() { } @Override public void shutdown() { } @Override public void processPacket(Packet packet) { // Check that we are getting an answer to a presence probe if (packet instanceof Presence) { Presence presence = (Presence) packet; if (presence.isAvailable() || presence.getType() == Presence.Type.unavailable || presence.getType() == Presence.Type.error) { // Store answer of presence probes probedPresence.put(presence.getFrom().toString(), presence); } } } // Experimental - to be debugged and tested public Presence getForeignUserPresence(String sender, String jid) throws UserNotFoundException { log.debug("getPresence : sender = " + sender + " jid = " + jid); if (jid == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("Target JID not found in request"); } JID targetJID = new JID(jid); // Check that the sender is not requesting information of a remote server entity if (targetJID.getDomain() == null || XMPPServer.getInstance().isRemote(targetJID)) { throw new UserNotFoundException("Domain does not matches local server domain"); } if (!hostname.equals(targetJID.getDomain())) { // Sender is requesting information about component presence, so we send a // presence probe to the component. presenceManager.probePresence(componentJID, targetJID); // Wait 30 seconds until we get the probe presence result int count = 0; Presence presence = probedPresence.get(jid); while (presence == null) { if (count > 300) { // After 30 seconds, timeout throw new UserNotFoundException("Request for component presence has timed-out."); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // don't care! } presence = probedPresence.get(jid); count++; } // Clean-up probe presence result probedPresence.remove(jid); // Return component presence return presence; } if (targetJID.getNode() == null || !UserManager.getInstance().isRegisteredUser(targetJID.getNode())) { // Sender is requesting presence information of an anonymous user throw new UserNotFoundException("Username is null"); } User user = userManager.getUser(targetJID.getNode()); log.debug("user = " + user.getName()); log.debug("isNameVisible " + user.isNameVisible()); return ((PresenceManagerImpl) presenceManager).getPresence(user); } public void setPresenceState(String jid, UnifiedPresence.XmppPresence xmppPresence) throws UserNotFoundException { log.debug("setPresenceState : " + jid + " XmppPresence = " + xmppPresence); if (jid == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("Target JID not found in request"); } JID targetJID = new JID(jid); // Check that the sender is not requesting information of a remote server entity if (targetJID.getDomain() == null || XMPPServer.getInstance().isRemote(targetJID)) { throw new UserNotFoundException("Domain does not matches local server domain"); } User user = userManager.getUser(targetJID.getNode()); Presence presence = presenceManager.getPresence(user); if (presence == null) { log.debug("User is OFFLINE -- cannot set presence state"); return; } presence.setShow(xmppPresence.asPresenceShowEnum()); user.getRoster().broadcastPresence(presence); } public void setPresenceStatus(String jid, String presenceMessage) throws UserNotFoundException { log.debug("setPresenceStatus jid = " + jid + " presenceMessage = " + presenceMessage); if (jid == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("Target JID not found in request"); } JID targetJID = new JID(jid); // Check that the sender is not requesting information of a remote server entity if (targetJID.getDomain() == null || XMPPServer.getInstance().isRemote(targetJID)) { throw new UserNotFoundException("Domain does not matches local server domain"); } User user = userManager.getUser(targetJID.getNode()); Presence presence = presenceManager.getPresence(user); if (presence == null) { log.debug("User is OFFLINE -- cannot set presence state"); return; } presence.setStatus(presenceMessage); user.getRoster().broadcastPresence(presence); } public boolean userHasAccount(String jid) { log.debug("userHasAccount : " + jid); try { if (jid == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Target JID not found in request"); } JID targetJID = new JID(jid); // Check that the sender is not requesting information of a remote server entity if (targetJID.getDomain() == null || XMPPServer.getInstance().isRemote(targetJID)) { return false; } User user = userManager.getUser(targetJID.getNode()); if (user == null) { return false; } return true; } catch (UserNotFoundException ex) { return false; } } public void update(XmppUserAccount userAccount) throws UserNotFoundException { log.debug("update UserAccount " + userAccount.getUserName()); try { User user = userManager.getUser(userAccount.getUserName()); // user already exists - update its properties //Openfire API automatically launches EventType.user_modified events //and saves information in Openfire DB try { user.setPassword(userAccount.getPassword()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.debug("cannot set password for user " + user.getUsername(), ex); } user.setName(userAccount.getDisplayName()); user.setEmail(userAccount.getEmail()); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { try { // user does not exist create it. userManager.createUser(userAccount.getUserName(), userAccount.getPassword(), userAccount.getDisplayName(), userAccount.getEmail()); } catch (UserAlreadyExistsException ex) { throw new SipXOpenfirePluginException(ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SipXOpenfirePluginException(ex); } this.xmppUserPreferencesMap.put(userAccount.getUserName(), new XmppUserPreferences( userAccount.getAdvertiseOnCallPreference(), userAccount.getShowOnCallDetailsPreference())); String jid = XmppAccountInfo.appendDomain(userAccount.getUserName()); String sipUserName = userAccount.getSipUserName(); setSipId(jid, sipUserName); setOnThePhoneMessage(sipUserName, userAccount.getOnThePhoneMessage()); } public void destroyUser(String jid) { try {"destroyUser " + jid); JID targetJID = new JID(jid); User user = userManager.getUser(targetJID.getNode()); if (user == null) {"User not found " + jid); return; } userManager.deleteUser(user); // Remove user from all groups where he is a member. groupManager.deleteUser(user); } catch (UserNotFoundException ex) { log.debug("Could not find user " + jid); } } // gets a the sip username (without the SIP domain part) corresponding to the supplied XMPP display name // @throws a UserNotFoundException if the user is not found public String getSipIdFromXmppDisplayName(String displayName) throws UserNotFoundException { String sipUser = null; try { Collection<User> matchingUsers; Set<String> matchingCriteria = new HashSet<String>(); matchingCriteria.add("Name"); matchingUsers = userManager.findUsers(matchingCriteria, displayName); if (matchingUsers.size() == 1) { User matchingUser = matchingUsers.iterator().next(); sipUser = getSipId(matchingUser.getUsername() + "@" + getXmppDomain()); } if (sipUser == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("cannot find user for display name " + displayName); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new UserNotFoundException(ex + ": cannot find user for display name " + displayName); } return sipUser; } // gets a the sip username (without the SIP domain part) corresponding to the supplied JID public String getSipId(String jid) throws UserNotFoundException { User user = userManager.getUser(jid); return user.getProperties().get(SIP_UID); } // associates a jid with a sip username (without the SIP domain part) public void setSipId(String jid, String sipUserName) throws UserNotFoundException { User user = userManager.getUser(jid); user.getProperties().put(SIP_UID, sipUserName); user.getProperties().put(ON_THE_PHONE_MESSAGE, "I am on the phone"); } public String getSipPassword(String userName) throws UserNotFoundException { User user = userManager.getUser(userName); return user.getProperties().get(SIP_PWD); } public void setSipPassword(String userName, String sipPassword) throws UserNotFoundException { User user = userManager.getUser(userName); user.getProperties().put(SIP_PWD, sipPassword); } public void update(XmppGroup group) throws GroupAlreadyExistsException, GroupNotFoundException { log.debug("update Group " + group.getGroupName()); boolean isAllAdminGroup = false; String adminJid = null; JID adminJID = null; if (group.getAdministrator() != null && !group.getAdministrator().isEmpty()) { adminJid = XmppAccountInfo.appendDomain(group.getAdministrator()); adminJID = new JID(adminJid); } else { isAllAdminGroup = true; } // check if group already exists in openfire try { Group openfireGroup = getGroupByName(group.getGroupName()); // enforce description in case it changed openfireGroup.setDescription(group.getDescription()); // group already exists, make sure that it contains the correct set of members. // This is achieved in two operations: // 1- Add all members that are currently not in the group but are found in the group from configuration file // 2- Remove all members that are currently in the group but not found in the group from configuration file"create Group: " + group.getGroupName() + " already exists - enforce members list"); Collection<String> currentGroupMembers = new HashSet<String>(); for (JID jid : openfireGroup.getMembers()) { currentGroupMembers.add(jid.toBareJID()); } Collection<String> desiredGroupMembers = new HashSet<String>(); Collection<String> desiredGroupMembersBackup = new HashSet<String>(); for (XmppGroupMember member : group.getMembers()) { desiredGroupMembers.add(member.getJid()); desiredGroupMembersBackup.add(member.getJid()); } // 1- Add all members that are currently not in the group but are found in the group from configuration file desiredGroupMembers.removeAll(currentGroupMembers);"Need to add the following members to group '" + group.getGroupName() + "': " + desiredGroupMembers); for (String jid : desiredGroupMembers) { addUserToGroup(jid, group.getGroupName(), isAllAdminGroup); } // 2- Remove all members that are currently in the group but not found in the group from configuration file currentGroupMembers.removeAll(desiredGroupMembersBackup);"Need to remove the following members to group '" + group.getGroupName() + "': " + currentGroupMembers); for (String jid : currentGroupMembers) { removeUserFromGroup(jid, group.getGroupName()); } } catch (GroupNotFoundException ex) {"Group: " + group.getGroupName() + " does not exist - create it"); Group openfireGroup = groupManager.createGroup(group.getGroupName()); if (group.getDescription() != null) { openfireGroup.setDescription(group.getDescription()); } if (adminJID != null && adminJID.getDomain().equals(this.getXmppDomain()) && this.isValidUser(adminJID)) { openfireGroup.getAdmins().add(adminJID); } // configure group as 'shared' among group members // (magic recipe taken from ' file of openfire project) openfireGroup.getProperties().put("sharedRoster.showInRoster", "onlyGroup"); openfireGroup.getProperties().put("sharedRoster.displayName", group.getGroupName()); // add members to the group for (XmppGroupMember member : group.getMembers()) { String userJid = XmppAccountInfo.appendDomain(member.getJid()); addUserToGroup(userJid, group.getGroupName(), isAllAdminGroup); } } } public void addUserToGroup(String jidAsString, String groupName, boolean isAdmin) throws GroupNotFoundException { JID userJID = new JID(jidAsString); addUserToGroup(userJID, groupName, isAdmin); } public void addUserToGroup(JID jid, String groupName, boolean isAdmin) throws GroupNotFoundException { if (isValidUser(jid)) { log.debug("addUserToGroup " + jid + " GroupName " + groupName); Group group = groupManager.getGroup(groupName, true); if (!group.getAdmins().contains(jid)) { if (isAdmin) { if (jid.getDomain().equals(this.getXmppDomain())) { group.getAdmins().add(jid); } } else { if (jid.getDomain().equals(this.getXmppDomain())) { group.getMembers().add(jid); } } } } else { log.debug("addUserToGroup " + jid + " GroupName " + groupName + " failed because user is invalid"); } } public void removeUserFromGroup(String userJid, String groupName) throws GroupNotFoundException { JID jid = new JID(userJid); Group group = groupManager.getGroup(groupName, true); group.getMembers().remove(jid); group.getAdmins().remove(jid); } public void deleteGroup(String groupName) throws GroupNotFoundException { Group group = groupManager.getGroup(groupName); groupManager.deleteGroup(group); } private String getJidFromSipUserName(String sipUserName) { ValidUsers validUsers = UnfortunateLackOfSpringSupportFactory.getValidUsers(); org.sipfoundry.commons.userdb.User mongoUser = validUsers.getUser(sipUserName); return mongoUser != null ? mongoUser.getJid() : null; } public void setOnThePhoneMessage(String sipUserName, String onThePhoneMessage) throws UserNotFoundException { String userName = getJidFromSipUserName(sipUserName); if (userName == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("SIP User " + sipUserName + " not found"); } User user = userManager.getUser(userName); if (!onThePhoneMessage.equals("")) { user.getProperties().put(ON_THE_PHONE_MESSAGE, onThePhoneMessage); } else { user.getProperties().remove(ON_THE_PHONE_MESSAGE); } } public String getOnThePhoneMessage(String jid) throws UserNotFoundException { User user = userManager.getUser(jid); return user.getProperties().get(ON_THE_PHONE_MESSAGE); } public void setConferenceExtension(String sipUserName, String conferenceExtension) throws UserNotFoundException { String userName = getJidFromSipUserName(sipUserName); if (userName == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("SIP User " + sipUserName + " not found"); } User user = userManager.getUser(userName); user.getProperties().put(CONFERENCE_EXTENSION, conferenceExtension); } public boolean groupExists(String groupName) { try { Group group = groupManager.getGroup(groupName); return true; } catch (GroupNotFoundException ex) { return false; } } public String getPresenceStatus(String jid) throws UserNotFoundException { log.debug("getPresenceStatus " + jid); JID targetJID = new JID(jid); User user = userManager.getUser(targetJID.getNode()); Presence presence = presenceManager.getPresence(user); if (presence == null) { log.debug("User is offline"); return ""; } return presence.getStatus(); } public void stopServer() throws Exception { server.stop(); } public void startServer() throws Exception { server.start(); } // returns the JID given a sip user part. public String getXmppId(String sipUserPart) { return getJidFromSipUserName(sipUserPart); } // returns the node part of the JID given a sip user part. public String getXmppNode(String sipUserPart) throws UserNotFoundException { String jidAsString = getJidFromSipUserName(sipUserPart); if (jidAsString == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("cannot map SIP User part " + sipUserPart + " to XMPP node"); } JID jid = new JID(jidAsString); return jid.getNode(); } // returns the XMPP display name for given jid supplied as text. // returns null if not found public String getXmppDisplayName(String xmppUserPart) throws UserNotFoundException { return userManager.getUser(xmppUserPart).getName(); } /** * @return the server */ public XMPPServer getServer() { return server; } public String getXmppDomain() { return this.server.getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain(); } public String getSipDomain() { // in current implementation, SIP domain is the same as XMPP domain return this.server.getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain(); } public boolean isUserInGroup(String jid, String groupName) throws GroupNotFoundException { Group group = groupManager.getGroup(groupName, true); return group.isUser(jid); } public void destroyMultiUserChatService(String subdomain) { try { this.multiUserChatManager.removeMultiUserChatService(subdomain); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { log.debug("destroyMultiUserChatService not found " + subdomain); } } /** * When a room is created we create a bookmark for the owner of this room * @param mucRoom * @param jid */ private void updateBookmark(MUCRoom mucRoom, JID jid) { if (SipXBookmarkManager.isInitialized()) { SipXBookmarkManager bookmarkManager = SipXBookmarkManager.getInstance(); if (bookmarkManager.getMUCBookmarkID(mucRoom.getName()) == null) { bookmarkManager.createMUCBookmark(mucRoom.getName(), mucRoom.getJID().toBareJID()); bookmarkManager.setMUCBookmarkOwner(mucRoom.getName(), jid.getNode()); } else { bookmarkManager.setMUCBookmarkOwner(mucRoom.getName(), jid.getNode()); } } } public void update(XmppChatRoom xmppChatRoom) throws NotAllowedException, ForbiddenException, ConflictException {"update ChatRoom %s\n %s\n %s\n %s", xmppChatRoom.getSubdomain(), xmppChatRoom.getRoomName(), xmppChatRoom.getDescription(), xmppChatRoom.getConferenceExtension())); if (xmppChatRoom.getSubdomain() == null || xmppChatRoom.getRoomName() == null) { log.error("Null Subdomain or RoomName specified."); return; } String subdomain = xmppChatRoom.getSubdomain(); String ownerJid = xmppChatRoom.getOwner(); String roomName = xmppChatRoom.getRoomName(); boolean makeRoomModerated = xmppChatRoom.isModerated(); boolean makeRoomMembersOnly = xmppChatRoom.isMembersOnly(); boolean allowOccupantsToInviteOthers = false; boolean isPublicRoom = xmppChatRoom.isPublicRoom(); boolean logRoomConversations = xmppChatRoom.isLogRoomConversations(); boolean isPersistent = xmppChatRoom.isPersistent(); String password = xmppChatRoom.getPassword(); String description = xmppChatRoom.getDescription(); String conferenceExtension = xmppChatRoom.getConferenceExtension(); String conferenceName = xmppChatRoom.getConferenceName(); String conferenceReachabilityInfo = xmppChatRoom.getConferenceReachabilityInfo(); MultiUserChatService mucService = createChatRoomService(subdomain); JID jid = new JID(ownerJid); MUCRoom mucRoom = mucService.getChatRoom(roomName, jid); //creates room if it does not exist mucRoom.setNaturalLanguageName(conferenceName); //update bookmark updateBookmark(mucRoom, jid); mucRoom.unlock(mucRoom.getRole()); if (mucRoom.isPersistent() != isPersistent) { mucRoom.setPersistent(isPersistent); } //add new owner and remove all others. //Note: cannot remove all first then add as this throws ConflictException if (!mucRoom.getOwners().contains(ownerJid)) { mucRoom.addOwner(ownerJid, mucRoom.getRole()); } for (String formerOwner : mucRoom.getOwners()) { if (!formerOwner.equals(ownerJid)) { mucRoom.addNone(formerOwner, mucRoom.getRole()); } } for (JID admins : XMPPServer.getInstance().getAdmins()) { if (!mucRoom.getOwners().contains(admins.toBareJID())) { mucRoom.addOwner(ownerJid, mucRoom.getRole()); } } if (!mucRoom.canAnyoneDiscoverJID()) { mucRoom.setCanAnyoneDiscoverJID(true); } if (!mucRoom.canChangeNickname()) { mucRoom.setChangeNickname(true); } if (mucRoom.isModerated() != makeRoomModerated) { mucRoom.setModerated(makeRoomModerated); } if (mucRoom.isMembersOnly() != makeRoomMembersOnly) { mucRoom.setMembersOnly(makeRoomMembersOnly); } if (!mucRoom.isRegistrationEnabled()) { mucRoom.setRegistrationEnabled(true); } if (mucRoom.isPublicRoom() != isPublicRoom) { mucRoom.setPublicRoom(isPublicRoom); } if (mucRoom.canOccupantsInvite() != allowOccupantsToInviteOthers) { mucRoom.setCanOccupantsInvite(allowOccupantsToInviteOthers); } mucRoom.setDescription(description != null ? description : ""); /* * Check if password changed and set password if changed. */ if (!StringUtils.equals(mucRoom.getPassword(), password)) { mucRoom.setPassword(password); } if (!mucRoom.canOccupantsChangeSubject()) { mucRoom.setCanOccupantsChangeSubject(true); } if (!mucRoom.canChangeNickname()) { mucRoom.setChangeNickname(true); } if (mucRoom.isLogEnabled() != logRoomConversations) { mucRoom.setLogEnabled(logRoomConversations); } if (!mucRoom.wasSavedToDB()) { mucRoom.saveToDB(); } /* The conference extension is the voice conf bridge extension */ this.roomNameToConferenceInfoMap.put(subdomain + "." + roomName, new ConferenceInformation(conferenceName, conferenceExtension, password, conferenceReachabilityInfo)); } public MultiUserChatService createChatRoomService(String subdomain) { MultiUserChatService mucService = XMPPServer.getInstance().getMultiUserChatManager() .getMultiUserChatService(subdomain); if (mucService == null) { try { mucService = XMPPServer.getInstance().getMultiUserChatManager() .createMultiUserChatService(subdomain, "default MUC service", false); Collection<JID> admins = XMPPServer.getInstance().getAdmins(); JID admin = admins.iterator().next(); mucService.addSysadmin(admin.toBareJID()); mucService.setLogConversationsTimeout(60); mucService.setLogConversationBatchSize(100); HistoryStrategy historyStrategy = new HistoryStrategy(null); historyStrategy.setType(HistoryStrategy.Type.none); new UpdateHistoryStrategy(subdomain, historyStrategy).run(); mucService.enableService(true, true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("createChatRoomService caught " + ex); } } mucService.setRoomCreationRestricted(false); return mucService; } /** * Delete a chat room from the domain. * * @param domain * @param roomName */ public void removeChatRoom(String domain, String roomName) { MultiUserChatService mucService = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(domain); log.debug("removeChatRoom domain = " + domain + " roomName = " + roomName); mucService.removeChatRoom(roomName); this.roomNameToConferenceInfoMap.remove(domain + "." + roomName); } /** * Returns a chat room by name * * @param domain * @param roomName * @return reference to multi=user chat room if found, otherwise returns null */ public MUCRoom getChatRoom(String domain, String roomName) throws NotFoundException { MultiUserChatService mucService = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(domain); if (mucService == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Service not found for domain " + domain); } MUCRoom mucRoom = mucService.getChatRoom(roomName); return mucRoom; } /** * Get all the members of a chat room. * * @param domain * @param roomName * @return */ public Collection<String> getMembers(String domain, String roomName) throws NotFoundException { MultiUserChatService mucService = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(domain); if (mucService == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Service not found for domain " + domain); } MUCRoom mucRoom = mucService.getChatRoom(roomName); if (mucRoom == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } return mucRoom.getMembers(); } public Map<String, String> getMucRoomAttributes(String domain, String roomName) throws NotFoundException { MultiUserChatService mucService = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(domain); MUCRoom mucRoom = mucService.getChatRoom(roomName); if (mucRoom == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } Map<String, String> retval = new HashMap<String, String>(); retval.put("isModerated", "" + mucRoom.isModerated()); retval.put("isLogEnabled", "" + mucRoom.isLogEnabled()); retval.put("isMembersOnly", "" + mucRoom.isMembersOnly()); retval.put("isPublicRoom", "" + mucRoom.isPublicRoom()); retval.put("isLoginRestrictedToNickName", "" + mucRoom.isLoginRestrictedToNickname()); retval.put("isLocked", "" + mucRoom.isLocked()); retval.put("isRegistrationEnabled", "" + mucRoom.isRegistrationEnabled()); retval.put("isPasswordProtected", "" + mucRoom.isPasswordProtected()); retval.put("canAnyoneDiscoverJID", "" + mucRoom.canAnyoneDiscoverJID()); retval.put("canChangeNickName", "" + mucRoom.canChangeNickname()); retval.put("canOccupantsInvite", "" + mucRoom.canOccupantsInvite()); retval.put("canOccupantsChangeSubject", "" + mucRoom.canOccupantsChangeSubject()); return retval; } public void setMucRoomAttributes(String domain, String roomName, Map newAttributes) throws NotFoundException { MultiUserChatService mucService = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(domain); MUCRoom mucRoom = mucService.getChatRoom(roomName); if (mucRoom == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } Map<String, String> attribs = newAttributes; boolean isModerated = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("isModerated")); mucRoom.setModerated(isModerated); boolean isLogEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("isLogEnabled")); mucRoom.setLogEnabled(isLogEnabled); boolean isMembersOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("isMembersOnly")); mucRoom.setMembersOnly(isMembersOnly); boolean isPublicRoom = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("isPublicRoom")); mucRoom.setPublicRoom(isPublicRoom); boolean isLoginRestrictedToNickName = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("isLoginRestrictedToNickName")); mucRoom.setLoginRestrictedToNickname(isLoginRestrictedToNickName); boolean isRegistrationEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("isRegistrationEnabled")); mucRoom.setRegistrationEnabled(isRegistrationEnabled); boolean canAnyoneDiscoverJID = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("canAnyoneDiscoverJID")); mucRoom.setCanAnyoneDiscoverJID(canAnyoneDiscoverJID); boolean canChangeNickName = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("canChangeNickName")); mucRoom.setChangeNickname(canChangeNickName); boolean canOccupantsInvite = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("canOccupantsInvite")); mucRoom.setCanOccupantsInvite(canOccupantsInvite); boolean canOccupantsChangeSubject = Boolean.parseBoolean(attribs.get("canOccupantsChangeSubject")); mucRoom.setCanOccupantsChangeSubject(canOccupantsChangeSubject); } public String getConferenceName(String domain, String roomName) throws NotFoundException { MultiUserChatService mucService = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(domain); MUCRoom mucRoom = mucService.getChatRoom(roomName); if (mucRoom == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } ConferenceInformation confInfo = this.roomNameToConferenceInfoMap.get(domain + "." + roomName); if (confInfo == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } return; } public String getConferenceExtension(String domain, String roomName) throws NotFoundException { MultiUserChatService mucService = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(domain); MUCRoom mucRoom = mucService.getChatRoom(roomName); if (mucRoom == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } ConferenceInformation confInfo = this.roomNameToConferenceInfoMap.get(domain + "." + roomName); if (confInfo == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } return confInfo.extension; } public boolean shouldDisplayUserOnThePhoneStatus(String xmppUserName) throws NotFoundException { XmppUserPreferences prefs = this.xmppUserPreferencesMap.get(xmppUserName); if (prefs == null) { throw new NotFoundException("User not found " + xmppUserName); } return prefs.getAdvertiseOnCallStatus(); } public boolean shouldDisplayCallDetails(String xmppUserName) throws NotFoundException { XmppUserPreferences prefs = this.xmppUserPreferencesMap.get(xmppUserName); if (prefs == null) { throw new NotFoundException("User not found " + xmppUserName); } return prefs.getShowOnCallDetails(); } public String getConferencePin(String domain, String roomName) throws NotFoundException { MultiUserChatService mucService = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(domain); MUCRoom mucRoom = mucService.getChatRoom(roomName); if (mucRoom == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } ConferenceInformation confInfo = this.roomNameToConferenceInfoMap.get(domain + "." + roomName); if (confInfo == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found " + domain + " roomName " + roomName); } return; } public Set<UserAccount> getUserAccounts() { Set<UserAccount> userAccounts = new HashSet<UserAccount>(); for (User user : this.userManager.getUsers()) { UserAccount userAccount = new UserAccount(); String sipUserId = user.getProperties().get(SIP_UID); userAccount.setXmppUserName(user.getUsername()); userAccount.setSipUserName(sipUserId); userAccounts.add(userAccount); } return userAccounts; } public static SipXOpenfirePlugin getInstance() { return SipXOpenfirePlugin.instance; } public Collection<Group> getGroups() { return this.groupManager.getGroups(); } public Group getGroupByName(String groupName) throws GroupNotFoundException { return this.groupManager.getGroup(groupName); } public Collection<MUCRoom> getMUCRooms() { HashSet<MUCRoom> retval = new HashSet<MUCRoom>(); for (MultiUserChatService mucService : this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatServices()) { List<MUCRoom> chatRooms = mucService.getChatRooms(); retval.addAll(chatRooms); } return retval; } public void pruneChatServices(Collection<String> subdomains) throws Exception { HashSet<MultiUserChatService> pruneSet = new HashSet<MultiUserChatService>(); pruneSet.addAll(this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatServices()); for (MultiUserChatService service : pruneSet) { String subdomain = service.getServiceDomain().split("\\.")[0]; if (!subdomains.contains(subdomain) && !subdomain.equals(DEFAULT_MUC_SERVICE)) {"Pruning Unwanted Xmpp chatroom service " + subdomain); this.multiUserChatManager.removeMultiUserChatService(subdomain); } } } public void setAllowedUsersForChatServices(Collection<UserAccount> accounts) { Set<MultiUserChatService> chatServices = new HashSet<MultiUserChatService>(); chatServices.addAll(this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatServices()); for (MultiUserChatService service : chatServices) { Set<String> userJIDs = new HashSet<String>(); // start from scratch - clear out set of users allowed to create Collection<String> usersCurrentlyAllowedToCreate = service.getUsersAllowedToCreate(); service.removeUsersAllowedToCreate(usersCurrentlyAllowedToCreate); // add in all the users who have accounts on the system for (UserAccount user : accounts) { String userJID = user.getXmppUserName() + "@" + getXmppDomain(); userJIDs.add(userJID); } service.addUsersAllowedToCreate(userJIDs); } } public void kickOccupant(String subdomain, String roomName, String password, String memberJid, String reason) throws NotAllowedException { MUCRoom mucRoom = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(subdomain).getChatRoom(roomName); String roomPassword = mucRoom.getPassword(); if (password == null && roomPassword != null) { throw new NotAllowedException("Password mismatch"); } if (mucRoom.getPassword() != null && !mucRoom.getPassword().equals(password)) { throw new NotAllowedException("Password mismatch"); } String actorJid = mucRoom.getOwners().iterator().next(); JID memberJID = new JID(memberJid); JID actorJID = new JID(actorJid); mucRoom.kickOccupant(memberJID, actorJID, reason); } public void inviteOccupant(String subdomain, String roomName, String memberJid, String password, String reason) throws Exception { MultiUserChatService service = this.multiUserChatManager.getMultiUserChatService(subdomain); if (service == null) { throw new NotFoundException("MUC service not found for " + subdomain); } MUCRoom mucRoom = service.getChatRoom(roomName); if (mucRoom == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Room not found for " + subdomain + " roomName " + roomName); } String roomPassword = mucRoom.getPassword(); if (password == null && roomPassword != null) { throw new NotAllowedException("Password mismatch"); } if (mucRoom.getPassword() != null && !mucRoom.getPassword().equals(password)) { throw new NotAllowedException("Password mismatch"); } String ownerJid = mucRoom.getOwners().iterator().next(); if (!mucRoom.getOccupants().contains(new JID(ownerJid))) { throw new NotAllowedException("Owner is not in te room -- cannot invite"); } List<MUCRole> roles = mucRoom.getOccupantsByBareJID(ownerJid); JID memberJID = new JID(memberJid); for (MUCRole role : roles) { if (role.getAffiliation() == Affiliation.owner) { mucRoom.sendInvitation(memberJID, reason, role, null); break; } } } public PacketRouter getPacketRouter() { return this.getServer().getPacketRouter(); } public WatcherConfig getSipXopenfireConfig() { return watcherConfig; } /** * @param logAppender the logAppender to set */ public static void setLogAppender(SipFoundryAppender logAppender) { SipXOpenfirePlugin.logAppender = logAppender; } /** * @return the logAppender */ public static SipFoundryAppender getLogAppender() { return logAppender; } public boolean isValidUser(JID userJid) { /* * A valid user in another domain - return OK for this. */ if (!userJid.getDomain().equals(this.getXmppDomain())) { return true; } try { String username = userJid.getNode(); this.userManager.getUser(username); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { return false; } return true; } public Localizer getLocalizer() { return this.localizer; } }