Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2009 Pingtel Corp., certain elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Contributors retain copyright to elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Licensed to the User under the LGPL license. * */ package org.sipfoundry.conference; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.sipfoundry.commons.freeswitch.ConferenceTask; import org.sipfoundry.commons.freeswitch.ConfBasicThread; import org.sipfoundry.commons.freeswitch.FreeSwitchEvent; import org.sipfoundry.sipxrecording.RecordingConfiguration; import org.sipfoundry.sipxrecording.RecordCommand; public class ConfRecordThread extends ConfBasicThread { static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("org.sipfoundry.sipxrecording"); static String sourceName = "/tmp/freeswitch/recordings"; static String destName = System.getProperty("var.dir") + "/mediaserver/data/recordings"; public ConfRecordThread(RecordingConfiguration recordingConfig) { // Check that the freeswitch initial recording directory exists File sourceDir = new File(sourceName); if (!sourceDir.exists()) { sourceDir.mkdirs(); } // Create the distribution directory if it doesn't already exist. File destDir = new File(destName); if (!destDir.exists()) { try { Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "ln", "-s", sourceName, destName }); process.waitFor(); process.destroy(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("ConfRecordThread::IOException error ", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("ConfRecordThread::InterruptedException error ", e); } } setConfConfiguration(recordingConfig); } private void AuditWavFiles(File dir) { // If any WAV file on the directory is more than 5 minutes old then delete it. File[] children = dir.listFiles(); if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { File child = children[i]; String filename = child.getName(); if (filename.endsWith(".wav")) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - child.lastModified()) / 1000 > 5 * 60) { child.delete(); LOG.debug("ConfRecordThread::Audit deleting " + filename); } } } } } public void ProcessConfStart(FreeSwitchEvent event, ConferenceTask conf) { String confName = event.getEventValue("conference-name"); ConferenceBridgeItem item = ConferenceBridgeXML.getConferenceBridgeItem(confName); if (item != null) { String uniqueId = event.getEventValue("Unique-ID"); String wavName = new String(confName + "_" + uniqueId + ".wav"); LOG.debug("ConfRecordThread::Creating conference recording " + wavName); String confCmd = "record " + sourceName + "/" + wavName; // Send the start recording command to Freeswitch RecordCommand recordcmd = new RecordCommand(getCmdSocket(), confName, confCmd); recordcmd.go(); // Store the file name conf.setWavName(wavName); } } public void ProcessConfEnd(FreeSwitchEvent event, ConferenceTask conf) { String confName = event.getEventValue("conference-name"); ConferenceBridgeItem item = ConferenceBridgeXML.getConferenceBridgeItem(confName); if (item != null) { String wavName = conf.getWavName(); LOG.debug("ConfRecordThread::Finished conference recording of " + wavName); try { // Let FS finish any recording it may be doing Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } AuditWavFiles(new File(destName)); // Use the conference name to find the conference mailbox server. String mboxServerAndPort = item.getMailboxServer(); // Trigger the servlet on the voicemail server to read the WAV file // E.g. "" try { String urlString = "http://" + mboxServerAndPort + "/recording/conference" + "?wn=" + wavName + "&on=" + item.getOwnerName() + "&oi=" + item.getOwnerId() + "&bc=" + item.getBridgeContact(); URL url = new URL(urlString); URLConnection urlC = url.openConnection(); long contentLength = urlC.getContentLength(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("ConfRecordThread::Trigger error ", e); } } } }