Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2017 Simba Open Source * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.simbasecurity.core.saml; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.*; import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignature; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import; import java.util.*; import static org.simbasecurity.core.saml.SAMLConstants.*; public class SAMLResponseHandlerImpl implements SAMLResponseHandler { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SAMLResponseHandlerImpl.class); private final String currentUrl; private final Certificate certificate; private Document document; private Element rootElement; private StringBuilder error; private String audienceUrl; /** * Constructor to have a Response object full builded and ready to validate the saml response * * @param certificate The IDP certificate to use * @param response SAML Response on string format * @param currentURL URL of the current host + current view */ public SAMLResponseHandlerImpl(Certificate certificate, String response, String currentURL) throws Exception { this.certificate = certificate; loadXmlFromBase64(response); this.currentUrl = currentURL; this.error = new StringBuilder(); } public void loadXmlFromBase64(String responseStr) throws Exception { Base64 base64 = new Base64(); byte[] decodedB = base64.decode(responseStr); this.document = Utils.loadXML(new String(decodedB)); if (this.document == null) { throw new Exception("SAML Response could not be processed"); } rootElement = document.getDocumentElement(); rootElement.normalize(); } @Override public boolean isLogoutResponse() { return LOGOUT_RESPONSE_NODE_NAME.equals(document.getDocumentElement().getLocalName()); } @Override public boolean isAuthenticationResponse() { return AUTH_RESPONSE_NODE_NAME.equals(document.getDocumentElement().getLocalName()); } // isValid() function should be called to make basic security checks to responses. @Override public boolean isValid(String... requestId) { try { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); if (this.document == null) { throw new Exception("SAML Response is not loaded"); } if (this.currentUrl == null || this.currentUrl.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The URL of the current host was not established"); } // Check SAML version if (!rootElement.getAttribute("Version").equals("2.0")) { throw new Exception("Unsupported SAML Version."); } // Check ID in the response if (!rootElement.hasAttribute("ID")) { throw new Exception("Missing ID attribute on SAML Response."); } checkStatus(); if (!this.validateNumAssertions()) { throw new Exception("SAML Response must contain 1 Assertion."); } NodeList signNodes = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLSignature.XMLNS, "Signature"); ArrayList<String> signedElements = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < signNodes.getLength(); i++) { signedElements.add(signNodes.item(i).getParentNode().getLocalName()); } if (!signedElements.isEmpty()) { if (!this.validateSignedElements(signedElements)) { throw new Exception("Found an unexpected Signature Element. SAML Response rejected"); } } Document res = Utils.validateXML(this.document, "saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd"); if (res == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid SAML Response. Not match the saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd"); } if (rootElement.hasAttribute("InResponseTo")) { String responseInResponseTo = document.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("InResponseTo"); if (requestId.length > 0 && responseInResponseTo.compareTo(requestId[0]) != 0) { throw new Exception("The InResponseTo of the Response: " + responseInResponseTo + ", does not match the ID of the AuthNRequest sent by the SP: " + requestId[0]); } } // Validate Assertion timestamps if (!this.validateTimestamps()) { throw new Exception("Timing issues (please check your clock settings)"); } // EncryptedAttributes are not supported NodeList encryptedAttributeNodes = this .queryAssertion("/saml:AttributeStatement/saml:EncryptedAttribute"); if (encryptedAttributeNodes.getLength() > 0) { throw new Exception("There is an EncryptedAttribute in the Response and this SP not support them"); } // Check destination // TODO: lenneh: bktis: currentUrl is http:// and the destination is https:// // if (rootElement.hasAttribute("Destination")) { // String destinationUrl = rootElement.getAttribute("Destination"); // if (destinationUrl != null) { // if (!destinationUrl.equals(currentUrl)) { // throw new Exception("The response was received at " + currentUrl + " instead of " + destinationUrl); // } // } // } // Check Audience // TODO: lenneh: bktis: currentUrl is http:// and audienceUrl is https:// // Set<String> validAudiences = this.getAudiences(); // // if (validAudiences.isEmpty() || !this.audienceUrl.equals(currentUrl)) { // throw new Exception(this.audienceUrl + " is not a valid audience for this Response"); // } // Check the issuers Set<String> issuers = this.getIssuers(); for (String issuer : issuers) { if (issuer.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Invalid issuer in the Assertion/Response"); } } // Check the session Expiration Calendar sessionExpiration = this.getSessionNotOnOrAfter(); if (sessionExpiration != null) { if (now.equals(sessionExpiration) || now.after(sessionExpiration)) { throw new Exception( "The attributes have expired, based on the SessionNotOnOrAfter of the AttributeStatement of this Response"); } } // Check SubjectConfirmation, at least one SubjectConfirmation must be valid boolean validSubjectConfirmation = true; NodeList subjectConfirmationNodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Subject/saml:SubjectConfirmation"); for (int i = 0; i < subjectConfirmationNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node scn = subjectConfirmationNodes.item(i); Node method = scn.getAttributes().getNamedItem("Method"); if (method != null && !method.getNodeValue().equals(SAMLConstants.CM_BEARER)) { continue; } NodeList subjectConfirmationDataNodes = scn.getChildNodes(); for (int c = 0; c < subjectConfirmationDataNodes.getLength(); c++) { Node subjectConfirmationData = subjectConfirmationDataNodes.item(c); if (subjectConfirmationData.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && subjectConfirmationData.getLocalName().equals("SubjectConfirmationData")) { // TODO: lenneh: bktis: currentUrl is http:// and the recipient is https:// // Node recipient = subjectConfirmationData.getAttributes().getNamedItem("Recipient"); // if (recipient != null && !recipient.getNodeValue().equals(currentUrl)) { // validSubjectConfirmation = false; // } Node notOnOrAfter = subjectConfirmationData.getAttributes().getNamedItem("NotOnOrAfter"); if (notOnOrAfter != null) { Calendar noa = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter .parseDateTime(notOnOrAfter.getNodeValue()); if (now.equals(noa) || now.after(noa)) { validSubjectConfirmation = false; } } Node notBefore = subjectConfirmationData.getAttributes().getNamedItem("NotBefore"); if (notBefore != null) { Calendar nb = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(notBefore.getNodeValue()); if (now.before(nb)) { validSubjectConfirmation = false; } } } } } if (!validSubjectConfirmation) { throw new Exception("A valid SubjectConfirmation was not found on this Response"); } if (signedElements.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No Signature found. SAML Response rejected"); } else { if (!Utils.validateSign(signNodes.item(0), certificate)) { throw new Exception("Signature validation failed. SAML Response rejected"); } } return true; } catch (Error e) { error.append(e.getMessage()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error.append(e.getMessage()); return false; } } public String getNameId() throws Exception { NodeList nodes = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(SAMLConstants.NS_SAML, "NameID"); if (nodes.getLength() == 0) { throw new Exception("No name id found in Document."); } return nodes.item(0).getTextContent(); } @Override public String getInResponseTo() { return rootElement.hasAttribute("InResponseTo") ? rootElement.getAttribute("InResponseTo").substring(1) : null; } @Override public String getAttribute(String name) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> attributes = getAttributes(); ArrayList<String> attributeValues = attributes.get(name); return attributeValues != null && !attributeValues.isEmpty() ? attributeValues.get(0) : null; } @Override public String getMessageID() { return rootElement.getAttribute("ID"); } @Override public String getIssueInstant() { return rootElement.getAttribute("IssueInstant"); } public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> getAttributes() { HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> attributes = new HashMap<>(); NodeList nodes = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(SAMLConstants.NS_SAML, "Attribute"); if (nodes.getLength() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { NamedNodeMap attrName = nodes.item(i).getAttributes(); String attName = attrName.getNamedItem("Name").getNodeValue(); NodeList children = nodes.item(i).getChildNodes(); ArrayList<String> attrValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) { attrValues.add(children.item(j).getTextContent()); } attributes.put(attName, attrValues); } } else { return null; } return attributes; } /** * Checks if the Status is success * * @throws Exception If status is not success */ private Map<String, String> checkStatus() throws Exception { Map<String, String> status = Utils.getStatus(document); if (status.containsKey("code") && !status.get("code").equals(SAMLConstants.STATUS_SUCCESS)) { String statusExceptionMsg = "The status code of the Response was not Success, was " + status.get("code").substring(status.get("code").lastIndexOf(':') + 1); if (status.containsKey("msg")) { statusExceptionMsg += " -> " + status.containsKey("msg"); } throw new Exception(statusExceptionMsg); } return status; } /** * Gets the audiences. * * @return The audiences of the response * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public Set<String> getAudiences() throws XPathExpressionException { Set<String> audiences = new LinkedHashSet<>(); NodeList entries = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Conditions/saml:AudienceRestriction/saml:Audience"); if (entries.getLength() > 0) { this.audienceUrl = entries.item(0).getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue(); } for (int i = 0; i < entries.getLength(); i++) { String value = entries.item(i).getTextContent().trim(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { audiences.add(value); } } return audiences; } /** * Gets the Issuers (from Response and Assertion). * * @return The issuers of the assertion/response * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public Set<String> getIssuers() throws XPathExpressionException { Set<String> issuers = new LinkedHashSet<>(); NodeList responseIssuer = this.queryAssertion("/samlp:Response/saml:Issuer"); if (responseIssuer.getLength() == 1) { issuers.add(responseIssuer.item(0).getTextContent()); } NodeList assertionIssuer = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Issuer"); if (assertionIssuer.getLength() == 1) { issuers.add(assertionIssuer.item(0).getTextContent()); } return issuers; } /** * Gets the SessionNotOnOrAfter from the AuthnStatement. * Could be used to set the local session expiration * * @return DateTime|null The SessionNotOnOrAfter value * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public Calendar getSessionNotOnOrAfter() throws XPathExpressionException { String notOnOrAfter; NodeList entries = this.queryAssertion("/saml:AuthnStatement[@SessionNotOnOrAfter]"); if (entries.getLength() > 0) { notOnOrAfter = entries.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("SessionNotOnOrAfter").getNodeValue(); return javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(notOnOrAfter); } return null; } /** * Verifies that the document only contains a single Assertion (encrypted or not). * * @return true if the document passes. */ private boolean validateNumAssertions() { NodeList assertionNodes = this.document.getElementsByTagNameNS(SAMLConstants.NS_SAML, "Assertion"); return assertionNodes != null && assertionNodes.getLength() == 1; } /** * Verifies that the document has the expected signed nodes. * * @return true if is valid */ private boolean validateSignedElements(ArrayList<String> signedElements) { if (signedElements.size() > 2) { return false; } Map<String, Integer> occurrences = new HashMap<>(); for (String e : signedElements) { if (occurrences.containsKey(e)) { occurrences.put(e, occurrences.get(e) + 1); } else { occurrences.put(e, 1); } } return !((occurrences.containsKey("Response") && occurrences.get("Response") > 1) || (occurrences.containsKey("Assertion") && occurrences.get("Assertion") > 1) || !occurrences.containsKey("Response") && !occurrences.containsKey("Assertion")); } /** * Verifies that the document is still valid according Conditions Element. * * @return true if still valid */ private boolean validateTimestamps() { NodeList timestampNodes = document.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Conditions"); if (timestampNodes.getLength() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < timestampNodes.getLength(); i++) { NamedNodeMap attrName = timestampNodes.item(i).getAttributes(); Node nbAttribute = attrName.getNamedItem("NotBefore"); Node naAttribute = attrName.getNamedItem("NotOnOrAfter"); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); log.debug("now :" + now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + now.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + now.get(Calendar.SECOND)); // validate NotOnOrAfter using UTC if (naAttribute != null) { final Calendar notOnOrAfterDate = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter .parseDateTime(naAttribute.getNodeValue()); log.debug("notOnOrAfterDate :" + notOnOrAfterDate.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + notOnOrAfterDate.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + notOnOrAfterDate.get(Calendar.SECOND)); if (now.equals(notOnOrAfterDate) || now.after(notOnOrAfterDate)) { return false; } } // validate NotBefore using UTC if (nbAttribute != null) { final Calendar notBeforeDate = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter .parseDateTime(nbAttribute.getNodeValue()); log.debug("notBeforeDate :" + notBeforeDate.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + notBeforeDate.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + notBeforeDate.get(Calendar.SECOND)); if (now.before(notBeforeDate)) { return false; } } } } return true; } public String getError() { if (error != null) return error.toString(); return ""; } /** * Extracts a node from the DOMDocument (Assertion). * * @param assertionXpath $assertionXpath Xpath Expresion * @return DOMNodeList The queried node * @throws XPathExpressionException */ private NodeList queryAssertion(String assertionXpath) throws XPathExpressionException { String nameQuery; String signatureQuery = "/samlp:Response/saml:Assertion/ds:Signature/ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference"; NodeList nodeList = Utils.query(this.document, signatureQuery, null); if (nodeList.getLength() > 0) { Node assertionReferenceNode = nodeList.item(0); String id = assertionReferenceNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("URI").getNodeValue().substring(1); nameQuery = "/samlp:Response/saml:Assertion[@ID='" + id + "']" + assertionXpath; } else { // is the response signed as a whole? signatureQuery = "/samlp:Response/ds:Signature/ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference"; nodeList = Utils.query(this.document, signatureQuery, null); if (nodeList.getLength() > 0) { Node assertionReferenceNode = nodeList.item(0); String id = assertionReferenceNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("URI").getNodeValue().substring(1); nameQuery = "/samlp:Response[@ID='" + id + "']/saml:Assertion" + assertionXpath; } else { nameQuery = "/samlp:Response/saml:Assertion" + assertionXpath; } } return Utils.query(this.document, nameQuery, null); } }