Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2014 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have recieved a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.silverpeas.migration.jcr.wysiwyg.purge; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DurationFormatUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.silverpeas.migration.jcr.service.AttachmentException; import org.silverpeas.migration.jcr.service.ConverterUtil; import org.silverpeas.migration.jcr.service.SimpleDocumentService; import org.silverpeas.migration.jcr.service.model.SimpleDocument; import org.silverpeas.util.Console; import org.silverpeas.util.DateUtil; import org.silverpeas.util.MapUtil; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * Purge treatment. */ class WysiwygDocumentPurger implements Callable<WysiwygDocumentPurger.Result> { private final String componentId; private final SimpleDocumentService service; private final Console console; /** * Default constructor. * @param instanceId the identifier of the current performed component. * @param service the attachement services. * @param console the console to report logs. */ WysiwygDocumentPurger(String instanceId, SimpleDocumentService service, Console console) { this.componentId = instanceId; this.service = service; this.console = console; } @Override public Result call() throws Exception { Date startDate = new Date(); console.printMessage("Starting wysiwyg contents purge for component instance id " + componentId + ", at " + DateUtil.formatAsISO8601WithUtcOffset(startDate)); Result result = purgeWysiwyg(); String message = "Finishing wysiwyg contents purge for component instance id " + componentId; if (result.getNbWysiwygContentPurged() > 0L) { message += " with " + result.getNbWysiwygContentPurged() + " wysiwyg content(s) purged"; } else { message += " with no wysiwyg content purged"; } if (result.getNbWysiwygFilenameRenamed() > 0L) { message += " and " + result.getNbWysiwygFilenameRenamed() + " wysiwyg content file name(s) renamed"; } else { message += " and no wysiwyg content file name renamed"; } Date endDate = new Date(); console.printMessage(message + ", at " + DateUtil.formatAsISO8601WithUtcOffset(endDate) + " (duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) + ")"); return result; } private Result purgeWysiwyg() { final String headerLogPart = "instanceId=" + componentId; Result result = new Result(); long startIdentification = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, List<SimpleDocument>> wysiwygByForeignIds = loadComponentWysiwygIndexedByForeignIds(); console.printMessage(headerLogPart + " - identifying foreign ids (" + wysiwygByForeignIds.size() + ") and corresponding wysiwyg documents in " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - startIdentification)); for (Map.Entry<String, List<SimpleDocument>> wysiwygForForeignId : wysiwygByForeignIds.entrySet()) { long startForeignId = System.currentTimeMillis(); String commonLogPart = headerLogPart + ", foreignId=" + wysiwygForForeignId.getKey(); console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - verifying wysiwyg contents ..."); // Getting documents ordered by their names ForeignIdProcessContext context = new ForeignIdProcessContext(wysiwygForForeignId.getValue()); int nbContents = context.getWysiwygOfForeignId().size(); if (nbContents > 0) { // Removing firstly the empty ones. removeEmptyOnes(commonLogPart, context); // For each language, removing duplicates removeDuplicatesForEachLanguage(commonLogPart, context); // Removing duplicates between all languages removeDuplicatesBetweenAllLanguages(commonLogPart, context); // Renaming wysiwyg content file names according to the language renameFilenames(commonLogPart, context); } result.addNbWysiwygContentPurged(context.getNbRemovedContent()); result.addNbWysiwygFilenameRenamed(context.getNbRenamedContent()); console.printMessage( commonLogPart + " - " + context.getNbRemovedContent() + "/" + nbContents + " purged."); console.printMessage( commonLogPart + " - " + context.getNbRenamedContent() + "/" + nbContents + " renamed."); console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - startForeignId)); } return result; } /** * Loads the wysiwyg documents existing into a component and indexed by foreignIds. * @return a Map for which an entry key is a foreignId and an entry value is the corresponding * wysiwyg documents. */ private Map<String, List<SimpleDocument>> loadComponentWysiwygIndexedByForeignIds() { List<SimpleDocument> componentDocuments = service.listWysiwygByInstanceId(componentId); Map<String, List<SimpleDocument>> result = new HashMap<String, List<SimpleDocument>>( componentDocuments.size()); for (SimpleDocument wysiwygDocument : componentDocuments) { MapUtil.putAddList(result, wysiwygDocument.getForeignId(), wysiwygDocument); } return result; } /** * Removes all empty wysiwyg. * @param context the context. */ private void removeEmptyOnes(String commonLogPart, ForeignIdProcessContext context) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); commonLogPart += " - empty content"; for (WysiwygContent wysiwygContent : new ArrayList<WysiwygContent>(context.getWysiwygOfForeignId())) { if (isPhysicalFileExistingWithEmptyContent(commonLogPart, wysiwygContent.getAttachment())) { service.removeContent(wysiwygContent.getAttachment(), wysiwygContent.getLanguage()); console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - doc=" + wysiwygContent.getNodeName() + ", lang=" + wysiwygContent.getLanguage() + " - removed"); context.remove(wysiwygContent); } } context.resetIndexation(); console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } /** * Removes all wysiwyg duplication for each language. * @param context the context. */ private void removeDuplicatesForEachLanguage(String commonLogPart, ForeignIdProcessContext context) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); commonLogPart += " - duplicates for a language"; for (String language : new ArrayList<String>(context.getWysiwygIndexedByLangs().keySet())) { List<WysiwygContent> wysiwygContentsForCurrentLanguage = context.getWysiwygIndexedByLangs() .get(language); if (wysiwygContentsForCurrentLanguage.size() > 1) { List<WysiwygContent> wysiwygContentsToRemove = new ArrayList<WysiwygContent>( wysiwygContentsForCurrentLanguage); WysiwygContent firstWysiwygContent = wysiwygContentsToRemove.remove(0); WysiwygContent firstContent = firstWysiwygContent; for (WysiwygContent wysiwygContent : wysiwygContentsForCurrentLanguage) { if (!wysiwygContent.isContentEqualTo(commonLogPart, firstContent)) { wysiwygContentsToRemove.clear(); break; } } removeWysiwygContents(commonLogPart, context, firstWysiwygContent, wysiwygContentsToRemove); } } console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } /** * Removes all wysiwyg duplication between all languages. * Method * {@link #removeDuplicatesForEachLanguage(String, WysiwygDocumentPurger.ForeignIdProcessContext)} * must be called before. * @param context the context. */ private void removeDuplicatesBetweenAllLanguages(String commonLogPart, ForeignIdProcessContext context) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); commonLogPart += " - duplicates between all languages"; if (context.getWysiwygIndexedByLangs().size() > 1) { WysiwygContent defaultWysiwygContent = null; WysiwygContent firstContent = null; List<WysiwygContent> wysiwygContentsToRemove = new ArrayList<WysiwygContent>( context.getWysiwygIndexedByLangs().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<WysiwygContent>> languageWysiwygContents : context .getWysiwygIndexedByLangs().entrySet()) { if (!languageWysiwygContents.getValue().isEmpty()) { // It must exist at most one SimpleDocument per language, otherwise treatments stops here. if (languageWysiwygContents.getValue().size() > 1) { console.printWarning(commonLogPart + " - contains several JCR master nodes with different language contents, ..."); return; } WysiwygContent currentWysiwygContent = languageWysiwygContents.getValue().get(0); if (defaultWysiwygContent == null || !defaultWysiwygContent.getLanguage().equals(ConverterUtil.defaultLanguage) && currentWysiwygContent.getLanguage().equals(ConverterUtil.defaultLanguage)) { defaultWysiwygContent = currentWysiwygContent; if (firstContent == null) { firstContent = defaultWysiwygContent; } } if (firstContent.isContentEqualTo(commonLogPart, currentWysiwygContent)) { wysiwygContentsToRemove.add(currentWysiwygContent); } else { // Contents between languages are differents, stopping the treatment of this method. return; } } } removeWysiwygContents(commonLogPart, context, defaultWysiwygContent, wysiwygContentsToRemove); } console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } /** * Renames all wysiwyg file name according to the language. * @param context the context. */ private void renameFilenames(String commonLogPart, ForeignIdProcessContext context) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); commonLogPart += " - wysiwyg content file name"; try { for (WysiwygContent wysiwygContent : new ArrayList<WysiwygContent>(context.getWysiwygOfForeignId())) { String fileNameLanguage = ConverterUtil .checkLanguage(ConverterUtil.extractLanguage(wysiwygContent.getAttachment().getFilename())); if (!wysiwygContent.getLanguage().equals(fileNameLanguage)) { File contentToRename = new File(wysiwygContent.getAttachment().getAttachmentPath()); if (contentToRename.exists() && contentToRename.isFile()) { wysiwygContent.getAttachment().setFilename(ConverterUtil.replaceLanguage( wysiwygContent.getAttachment().getFilename(), wysiwygContent.getLanguage())); File contentRenamed = new File(wysiwygContent.getAttachment().getAttachmentPath()); console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - doc=" + wysiwygContent.getNodeName() + ", lang=" + wysiwygContent.getLanguage() + " - " + contentToRename.getName() + " renaming to " + contentRenamed.getName()); if (contentRenamed.exists()) { console.printWarning(commonLogPart + " - doc=" + wysiwygContent.getNodeName() + ", lang=" + wysiwygContent.getLanguage() + " aborted because " + contentRenamed.getName() + " already exists! Nothing is renamed and a manual intervention " + "must be performed."); return; } service.updateAttachment(wysiwygContent.getAttachment(), contentToRename); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(contentToRename); context.addRenamedContent(); } } } } finally { console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } } /** * Common treatments to remove content. * @param commonLogPart * @param context * @param wysiwygContentToKeep * @param wysiwygContentsToRemove */ private void removeWysiwygContents(String commonLogPart, ForeignIdProcessContext context, WysiwygContent wysiwygContentToKeep, List<WysiwygContent> wysiwygContentsToRemove) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (wysiwygContentToKeep != null) { wysiwygContentsToRemove.remove(wysiwygContentToKeep); if (!wysiwygContentsToRemove.isEmpty()) { console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - doc=" + wysiwygContentToKeep.getNodeName() + ", lang=" + wysiwygContentToKeep.getLanguage() + " - content kept"); for (WysiwygContent wysiwygContentToRemove : wysiwygContentsToRemove) { service.removeContent(wysiwygContentToRemove.getAttachment(), wysiwygContentToRemove.getLanguage()); console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - doc=" + wysiwygContentToRemove.getNodeName() + ", lang=" + wysiwygContentToRemove.getLanguage() + " - content removed"); context.remove(wysiwygContentToRemove); } context.resetIndexation(); } } console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - removeWysiwygContents method - duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } /** * Gets the content of the given wysiwyg/language. * @param commonLogPart * @param wysiwygLangAttachment * @return a String that represents the content in UTF8, a dummy string if physical file does * not exist. */ private String getContent(String commonLogPart, SimpleDocument wysiwygLangAttachment) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); ByteArrayOutputStream content = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { service.getBinaryContent(content, wysiwygLangAttachment.getPk(), wysiwygLangAttachment.getLanguage()); return content.toString(; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { console.printError(commonLogPart + " - doc=" + wysiwygLangAttachment.getNodeName() + ", lang=" + wysiwygLangAttachment.getLanguage() + " - unsupported encoding", e); return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } catch (AttachmentException ae) { console.printError(commonLogPart + " - doc=" + wysiwygLangAttachment.getNodeName() + ", lang=" + wysiwygLangAttachment.getLanguage() + " - inconsistent data, nothing is done", ae); return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } finally { console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - getContent method - duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } } /** * Indicates if the content of given wysiwyg/language is empty. * @param commonLogPart * @param wysiwygLangAttachment * @return true if exists and is empty, false otherwise. */ private boolean isPhysicalFileExistingWithEmptyContent(String commonLogPart, SimpleDocument wysiwygLangAttachment) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { File contentToVerify = new File(wysiwygLangAttachment.getAttachmentPath()); return contentToVerify.isFile() && contentToVerify.length() == 0; } finally { console.printMessage(commonLogPart + " - isPhysicalFileExistingWithEmptyContent method - duration of " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } } /** * Gets the last update date from a document. * If the last update date is not explicitly known, the date of creation is returned. * @param document * @return */ private static Date getLastDocumentUpdateDate(SimpleDocument document) { Date lastUpdateDate = document.getUpdated(); if (lastUpdateDate == null) { lastUpdateDate = document.getCreated(); } return lastUpdateDate; } /** * Internal class to handled a context. */ private class ForeignIdProcessContext { private int nbRemovedContent = 0; private int nbRenamedContent = 0; private final List<WysiwygContent> wysiwygOfForeignId = new ArrayList<WysiwygContent>(); private Map<String, List<WysiwygContent>> wysiwygIndexedByLangs = new HashMap<String, List<WysiwygContent>>(); public ForeignIdProcessContext(List<SimpleDocument> wysiwygOfForeignId) { // Firstly Collections.sort(wysiwygOfForeignId, new Comparator<SimpleDocument>() { @Override public int compare(final SimpleDocument sd1, final SimpleDocument sd2) { return getLastDocumentUpdateDate(sd2).compareTo(getLastDocumentUpdateDate(sd1)); } }); for (SimpleDocument wysiwygLang : wysiwygOfForeignId) { this.wysiwygOfForeignId.add(new WysiwygContent(wysiwygLang)); } resetIndexation(); } public void resetIndexation() { wysiwygIndexedByLangs.clear(); for (WysiwygContent wysiwygContent : wysiwygOfForeignId) { // Index by language MapUtil.putAddList(wysiwygIndexedByLangs, wysiwygContent.getLanguage(), wysiwygContent); } } public void remove(WysiwygContent wysiwygContent) { wysiwygOfForeignId.remove(wysiwygContent); addRemovedContent(); } public List<WysiwygContent> getWysiwygOfForeignId() { return wysiwygOfForeignId; } public Map<String, List<WysiwygContent>> getWysiwygIndexedByLangs() { return wysiwygIndexedByLangs; } public int getNbRemovedContent() { return nbRemovedContent; } private void addRemovedContent() { this.nbRemovedContent++; } public int getNbRenamedContent() { return nbRenamedContent; } private void addRenamedContent() { this.nbRenamedContent++; } } /** * This class represents an attachment in the JCR for an instanceId, foreignId and a language. */ private class WysiwygContent { private final SimpleDocument attachment; private String content = null; private File physicalFile = null; public WysiwygContent(SimpleDocument wysiwygAttachment) { attachment = wysiwygAttachment; } public SimpleDocument getAttachment() { return attachment; } private File getPhysicalFile() { if (physicalFile == null) { physicalFile = new File(getAttachment().getAttachmentPath()); } return physicalFile; } public String getFileContent(String commonLogPart) { if (content == null) { content = WysiwygDocumentPurger.this.getContent(commonLogPart, attachment); } return content; } public boolean isContentEqualTo(String commonLogPart, WysiwygContent otherWysiwygContent) { if (super.equals(otherWysiwygContent)) { return true; } boolean result = getPhysicalFile().isFile() && otherWysiwygContent.getPhysicalFile().isFile(); if (result) { result = getPhysicalFile().length() == otherWysiwygContent.getPhysicalFile().length(); } if (result) { result = getFileContent(commonLogPart).equals(otherWysiwygContent.getFileContent(commonLogPart)); } return result; } public String getId() { return attachment.getId(); } public String getNodeName() { return attachment.getNodeName(); } public String getLanguage() { return attachment.getLanguage(); } @Override public int hashCode() { HashCodeBuilder hash = new HashCodeBuilder(); hash.append(getId()); hash.append(getLanguage()); return hash.toHashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (super.equals(obj)) { return true; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final WysiwygContent other = (WysiwygContent) obj; EqualsBuilder matcher = new EqualsBuilder(); matcher.append(getId(), other.getId()); matcher.append(getLanguage(), other.getLanguage()); return matcher.isEquals(); } } /** * A result. */ public static class Result { private long nbWysiwygContentPurged = 0; private long nbWysiwygFilenameRenamed = 0; public long getNbWysiwygContentPurged() { return nbWysiwygContentPurged; } public void addNbWysiwygContentPurged(final long nbWysiwygContentPurgedToAdd) { this.nbWysiwygContentPurged += nbWysiwygContentPurgedToAdd; } public long getNbWysiwygFilenameRenamed() { return nbWysiwygFilenameRenamed; } public void addNbWysiwygFilenameRenamed(final long nbWysiwygFilenameRenamedToAdd) { this.nbWysiwygFilenameRenamed += nbWysiwygFilenameRenamedToAdd; } } }