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 * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of
 * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre
 * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's
 * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing
 * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here:
 * ""
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package org.silverpeas.core.webapi.calendar;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.silverpeas.core.admin.component.model.SilverpeasComponentInstance;
import org.silverpeas.core.admin.user.model.SilverpeasRole;
import org.silverpeas.core.admin.user.model.User;
import org.silverpeas.core.annotation.RequestScoped;
import org.silverpeas.core.annotation.Service;
import org.silverpeas.core.cache.model.SimpleCache;
import org.silverpeas.core.cache.service.CacheServiceProvider;
import org.silverpeas.core.calendar.Attendee;
import org.silverpeas.core.calendar.Calendar;
import org.silverpeas.core.calendar.CalendarEvent;
import org.silverpeas.core.calendar.CalendarEventOccurrence;
import org.silverpeas.core.contribution.attachment.model.Attachments;
import org.silverpeas.core.contribution.model.LocalizedContribution;
import org.silverpeas.core.importexport.ExportDescriptor;
import org.silverpeas.core.importexport.ExportException;
import org.silverpeas.core.importexport.ImportException;
import org.silverpeas.core.pdc.pdc.model.PdcPosition;
import org.silverpeas.core.reminder.DurationReminder;
import org.silverpeas.core.reminder.Reminder;
import org.silverpeas.core.util.Mutable;
import org.silverpeas.core.util.StringUtil;
import org.silverpeas.core.util.logging.SilverLogger;
import org.silverpeas.core.web.http.RequestParameterDecoder;
import org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.webcomponent.WebMessager;
import org.silverpeas.core.webapi.base.annotation.Authorized;
import org.silverpeas.core.webapi.reminder.ReminderEntity;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;

import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static;
import static;
import static org.silverpeas.core.admin.user.model.SilverpeasRole.admin;
import static org.silverpeas.core.admin.user.model.SilverpeasRole.user;
import static org.silverpeas.core.calendar.icalendar.ICalendarExporter.CALENDAR;
import static org.silverpeas.core.pdc.pdc.model.PdcClassification.aPdcClassificationOfContent;
import static org.silverpeas.core.webapi.calendar.CalendarEventOccurrenceEntity.decodeId;
import static org.silverpeas.core.webapi.calendar.CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_BASE_URI;
import static org.silverpeas.core.webapi.calendar.CalendarWebManager.assertDataConsistency;
import static org.silverpeas.core.webapi.calendar.CalendarWebManager.assertEntityIsDefined;

 * A REST Web resource giving calendar data.
 * @author Yohann Chastagnier
@Path(CALENDAR_BASE_URI + "/{componentInstanceId}")
public class CalendarResource extends AbstractCalendarResource {

     * Gets the JSON representation of a list of calendar.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * calendars.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    public List<CalendarEntity> getCalendars() {
        List<Calendar> calendars = process(() -> getCalendarWebManager().getCalendarsHandledBy(getComponentId()))
        return asWebEntities(calendars);

     * Gets the JSON representation of a calendar represented by the given identifier.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of the aimed calendar
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * calendar.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    public CalendarEntity getCalendar(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId) {
        final Calendar calendar = process(() -> Calendar.getById(calendarId)).execute();
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), calendar);
        return asWebEntity(calendar);

     * Creates the calendar from its JSON representation and returns it once created.<br>
     * If the user isn't authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authorized to
     * save the calendar, a 403 is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503
     * HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarEntity the calendar data
     * @return the response to the HTTP POST request with the JSON representation of the created
     * calendar.
    public CalendarEntity createCalendar(CalendarEntity calendarEntity) {
        final Calendar calendar = new Calendar(getComponentId(), calendarEntity.getTitle());
        Calendar createdCalendar = process(() -> getCalendarWebManager().saveCalendar(calendar)).execute();
        if (createdCalendar.isSynchronized()) {
        return asWebEntity(createdCalendar);

     * Updates the calendar from its JSON representation and returns it once updated. If the calendar
     * to update doesn't match with the requested one, a 400 HTTP code is returned. If the calendar
     * doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is
     * returned. If the user isn't authorized to save the calendar, a 403 is returned. If a problem
     * occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of the updated calendar
     * @param calendarEntity the data of the calendar
     * @return the response to the HTTP PUT request with the JSON representation of the updated
     * calendar.
    public CalendarEntity updateCalendar(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId,
            CalendarEntity calendarEntity) {
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), calendar);
        boolean synchronizedRequired = calendar.isSynchronized()
                && !calendar.getExternalCalendarUrl().toString().equals(calendarEntity.getExternalUrl().toString());
        Calendar updatedCalendar = process(() -> getCalendarWebManager().saveCalendar(calendar)).execute();
        if (synchronizedRequired) {
        return asWebEntity(updatedCalendar);

     * Deletes the calendar from its JSON identifier.
     * If the calendar doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authenticated, a
     * 401 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authorized to save the calendar, a 403 is
     * returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of the deleted calendar
    public void deleteCalendar(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId) {
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), calendar);
        process(() -> {
            return null;

     * Gets the JSON representation of a calendar represented by the given identifier.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of the aimed calendar
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * calendar.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    public Response exportCalendarAsICalendarFormat(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId) {
        final Calendar calendar = process(() -> Calendar.getById(calendarId)).execute();
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), calendar);
        return Response.ok((StreamingOutput) output -> {
            try {
                final ExportDescriptor descriptor = ExportDescriptor.withOutputStream(output)
                        .withParameter(CALENDAR, calendar);
                getCalendarWebManager().exportCalendarAsICalendarFormat(calendar, descriptor);
            } catch (ExportException e) {
                throw new WebApplicationException(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        }).header("Content-Disposition", String.format("inline;filename=\"%s\"", calendar.getTitle() + ".ics"))

     * Permits to import one iCalendar file from http request.
     * The file upload is performed by FileUploadResource mechanism.<br>
     * This service is awaiting the upload parameters handled by silverpeas-fileUpload.js plugin.<br>
     * (see {@link FileUploadManager}) in order to get more information.
     * If the user isn't authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is returned.
     * If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
    public Response importEventsAsICalendarFormat(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId) {
        final Calendar calendar = process(() -> Calendar.getById(calendarId)).execute();
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), calendar);
        try {
            FileUploadManager.getUploadedFiles(getHttpRequest(), getUser())
                    .forEach(uploadedFile -> performImportEventAsICalendarFormat(calendar, uploadedFile));
        } catch (WebApplicationException e) {
            Response.ResponseBuilder response = Response.fromResponse(e.getResponse());
            if (e.getCause() != null && StringUtil.isDefined(e.getCause().getMessage())) {
            } else {
        return Response.ok().build();

    private void performImportEventAsICalendarFormat(final Calendar calendar, final UploadedFile uploadedFile) {
        try (final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(uploadedFile.getFile()))) {
            getCalendarWebManager().importEventsAsICalendarFormat(calendar, bis);
        } catch (IOException | ImportException e) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(e, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        } finally {

     * Permits to synchronize manually a calendar for which an external url is set.
     * If the user isn't authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is returned.
     * If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
    public Response synchronizeCalendar(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId) {
        final Calendar calendar = process(() -> Calendar.getById(calendarId)).execute();
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), calendar);
        try {
        } catch (ImportException e) {
            return Response.serverError().entity(asWebEntity(calendar)).build();
        return Response.ok(asWebEntity(calendar)).build();

     * Gets the JSON representation of a list of calendar event occurrence.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * occurrences.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    @Path(CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_OCCURRENCE_URI_PART + "/next")
    public List<CalendarEventOccurrenceEntity> getNextEventOccurrences(@QueryParam("limit") Integer limit) {
        return process(() -> {
            // read request parameters
            CalendarEventOccurrenceRequestParameters params = RequestParameterDecoder.decode(getHttpRequest(),
            // next occurrences
            final Stream<CalendarEventOccurrence> occurrences = getCalendarWebManager().getNextEventOccurrences(
                    singletonList(getComponentId()), params.getCalendarIdsToExclude(), params.getUsers(),
                    params.getCalendarIdsToInclude(), getZoneId(), limit);

     * Gets the JSON representation of a list of calendar event occurrence.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * occurrences.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    @Path(CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_OCCURRENCE_URI_PART)
    public List<ParticipantCalendarEventOccurrencesEntity> getAllEventOccurrencesFrom() {
        CalendarEventOccurrenceRequestParameters params = RequestParameterDecoder.decode(getHttpRequest(),
        final LocalDate startDate = params.getStartDateOfWindowTime().toLocalDate();
        final LocalDate endDate = params.getEndDateOfWindowTime().toLocalDate();
        final Set<User> users = params.getUsers();
        return process(
                () -> asParticipantOccurrencesEntities(users,
                                Pair.of(singletonList(getComponentId()), getUser()), startDate, endDate, users)))

     * Gets the JSON representation of a list of calendar event occurrence.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of calendar the occurrences must belong with
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * occurrences.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    @Path("{calendarId}/" + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_OCCURRENCE_URI_PART)
    public List<CalendarEventOccurrenceEntity> getEventOccurrencesOf(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), calendar);
        CalendarEventOccurrenceRequestParameters params = RequestParameterDecoder.decode(getHttpRequest(),
        final LocalDate startDate = params.getStartDateOfWindowTime().toLocalDate();
        final LocalDate endDate = params.getEndDateOfWindowTime().toLocalDate();
        return process(() -> asOccurrenceWebEntities(
                getCalendarWebManager().getEventOccurrencesOf(startDate, endDate, singletonList(calendar))))

     * Gets the JSON representation of a list of calendar event occurrence of an aimed event.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of calendar the event must belong with
     * @param eventId the identifier of event the returned occurrences must be linked with
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * occurrences.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    @Path("{calendarId}/" + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/{eventId}/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_OCCURRENCE_URI_PART)
    public List<CalendarEventOccurrenceEntity> getEventOccurrencesOf(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId,
            @PathParam("eventId") String eventId) {
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        final CalendarEvent event = CalendarEvent.getById(eventId);
        assertDataConsistency(calendar.getComponentInstanceId(), calendar, event);
        CalendarEventOccurrenceRequestParameters params = RequestParameterDecoder.decode(getHttpRequest(),
        final LocalDate occStartDate = params.getStartDateOfWindowTime().toLocalDate();
        final LocalDate occEndDate = params.getEndDateOfWindowTime().toLocalDate();
        return process(() -> {
            List<CalendarEventOccurrence> occurrences = getCalendarWebManager().getEventOccurrencesOf(occStartDate,
                    occEndDate, singletonList(calendar));
            occurrences.removeIf(occurrence -> !occurrence.getCalendarEvent().getId().equals(eventId));
            return asOccurrenceWebEntities(occurrences);

     * Gets the JSON representation of a calendar eventof an aimed event.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of calendar the event must belong with.
     * @param eventId the identifier of the aimed event.
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * event.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    @Path("{calendarId}/" + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/{eventId}")
    public CalendarEventEntity getEvent(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId,
            @PathParam("eventId") String eventId) {
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        final CalendarEvent event = process(() -> CalendarEvent.getById(eventId)).execute();
        assertDataConsistency(calendar.getComponentInstanceId(), calendar, event);
        return asEventWebEntity(event);

     * Creates a calendar event from the JSON representation of an occurrence and returns the
     * created event.<br> If the user isn't authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If the user
     * isn't authorized to save the calendar, a 403 is returned. If a problem occurs when
     * processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of calendar the event must belong with
     * @param eventEntity the calendar event data
     * @return the response to the HTTP POST request with the JSON representation of the created
     * calendar event.
    @Path("{calendarId}/" + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART)
    public CalendarEventEntity createEvent(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId,
            CalendarEventEntity eventEntity) {
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), calendar);
        final String volatileEventId = eventEntity.getEventId();
        CalendarEvent createdEvent = process(() -> {
            final CalendarEvent event = getCalendarWebManager().createEvent(calendar,
                    eventEntity.getMergedEvent(calendar.getComponentInstanceId()), volatileEventId);
            if (!eventEntity.getPdcClassification().isUndefined()) {
                List<PdcPosition> pdcPositions = eventEntity.getPdcClassification().getPdcPositions();
            final ReminderEntity reminderEntity = eventEntity.getReminder();
            if (reminderEntity != null) {
                final Reminder reminder = new DurationReminder(event.getContributionId(), getUser());
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                            .getStringWithParams("calendar.message.event.reminder.add.error", event.getTitle()));
            return event;
        return asEventWebEntity(createdEvent);

     * Gets the JSON representation of a calendar event occurrence of an aimed event.
     * If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of calendar the event must belong with.
     * @param eventId the identifier of event the returned occurrence must be linked with.
     * @param occurrenceId the identifier of the aimed occurrence.
     * @return the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked
     * occurrence.
     * @see WebProcess#execute()
    @Path("{calendarId}/" + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/{eventId}/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_OCCURRENCE_URI_PART + "/{occurrenceId}")
    public CalendarEventOccurrenceEntity getEventOccurrence(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId,
            @PathParam("eventId") String eventId, @PathParam("occurrenceId") String occurrenceId) {
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        final CalendarEvent event = CalendarEvent.getById(eventId);
        final CalendarEventOccurrence occurrence = CalendarEventOccurrence.getById(decodeId(occurrenceId))
        assertDataConsistency(calendar.getComponentInstanceId(), calendar, event, occurrence);
        return asOccurrenceWebEntity(occurrence);

     * Updates a occurrence from its JSON representation and returns the list of
     * updated and created events.<br> If the user isn't authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is
     * returned. If the user isn't authorized to save the calendar, a 403 is returned. If a problem
     * occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of calendar the event must belong with.
     * @param eventId the identifier of updated event.
     * @param occurrenceId the identifier of the aimed occurrence.
     * @param occurrenceEntity the calendar event data given threw an occurrence structure
     * @return the response to the HTTP POST request with the JSON representation of the
     * updated/created events.
    @Path("{calendarId}/" + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/{eventId}/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_OCCURRENCE_URI_PART + "/{occurrenceId}")
    public List<CalendarEventEntity> updateEventOccurrence(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId,
            @PathParam("eventId") String eventId, @PathParam("occurrenceId") String occurrenceId,
            CalendarEventOccurrenceUpdateEntity occurrenceEntity) {
        final Calendar originalCalendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        final CalendarEvent previousEventData = CalendarEvent.getById(eventId);
        final CalendarEventOccurrence occToUpdate = occurrenceEntity.getMergedOccurrence();
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), originalCalendar, previousEventData, occToUpdate);
        if (!occToUpdate.getId().equals(decodeId(occurrenceId))) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
        List<CalendarEvent> updatedEvents = process(() -> getCalendarWebManager().saveOccurrence(occToUpdate,
                occurrenceEntity.getUpdateMethodType(), getZoneId())).execute();

        if (updatedEvents.size() > 1) {
            final CalendarEvent original = updatedEvents.get(0);
            final CalendarEvent created = updatedEvents.get(1);
            final Mutable<Boolean> reminderError = Mutable.of(false);
                    .map(r -> new DurationReminder(created.getContributionId(), User.getById(r.getUserId()))
                            .triggerBefore(r.getDuration(), r.getTimeUnit(), r.getContributionProperty()))
                    .forEach(r -> {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
            reminderError.ifPresent(e -> getMessager().addInfo(getBundle().getStringWithParams(
                    "calendar.message.event.reminder.update.error", occToUpdate.getCalendarEvent().getTitle())));

        return asEventWebEntities(updatedEvents);

     * Deletes an event from the JSON representation of an occurrence and returns an updated event if
     * any.<br> If the user isn't authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't
     * authorized to save the calendar, a 403 is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the
     * request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of calendar the event must belong with.
     * @param eventId the identifier of deleted event.
     * @param occurrenceId the identifier of the aimed occurrence.
     * @param occurrenceEntity the calendar event data given threw an occurrence structure
     * @return the response to the HTTP POST request with the JSON representation of an updated
     * event if any.
    @Path("{calendarId}/" + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/{eventId}/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_OCCURRENCE_URI_PART + "/{occurrenceId}")
    public CalendarEventEntity deleteEventOccurrence(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId,
            @PathParam("eventId") String eventId, @PathParam("occurrenceId") String occurrenceId,
            CalendarEventOccurrenceDeleteEntity occurrenceEntity) {
        final Calendar originalCalendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        final CalendarEvent previousEventData = CalendarEvent.getById(eventId);
        final CalendarEventOccurrence occToDelete = occurrenceEntity.getMergedOccurrence();
        assertDataConsistency(getComponentId(), originalCalendar, previousEventData, occToDelete);
        if (!occToDelete.getId().equals(decodeId(occurrenceId))) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
        CalendarEvent updatedEvent = process(() -> getCalendarWebManager().deleteOccurrence(occToDelete,
                occurrenceEntity.getDeleteMethodType(), getZoneId())).execute();
        return updatedEvent != null ? asEventWebEntity(updatedEvent) : null;

     * Updates the participation status of an attendee about an event.<br> If the user isn't
     * authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authorized to save the calendar,
     * a 403 is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is
     * returned.
     * @param calendarId the identifier of calendar the event must belong with
     * @param eventId the identifier of event
     * @param attendeeId the identifier of the attendee belonging the event
     * @param answerEntity the new participation status with all needed data to save it.
     * @return the response to the HTTP POST request with the JSON representation of the
     * updated/created events.
    @Path("{calendarId}/" + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_URI_PART + "/{eventId}/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_OCCURRENCE_URI_PART + "/{occurrenceId}/"
            + CalendarResourceURIs.CALENDAR_EVENT_ATTENDEE_URI_PART + "/{attendeeId}")
    public CalendarEventEntity updateEventAttendeeParticipation(@PathParam("calendarId") String calendarId,
            @PathParam("eventId") String eventId, @PathParam("occurrenceId") String occurrenceId,
            @PathParam("attendeeId") String attendeeId, CalendarEventAttendeeAnswerEntity answerEntity) {
        if (StringUtil.isLong(attendeeId) && !getUser().getId().equals(attendeeId)) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(FORBIDDEN);
        final Calendar originalCalendar = Calendar.getById(calendarId);
        final CalendarEvent event = CalendarEvent.getById(eventId);
        final CalendarEventOccurrence occurrence = CalendarEventOccurrence.getById(decodeId(occurrenceId))
        assertDataConsistency(originalCalendar.getComponentInstanceId(), originalCalendar, event, occurrence);
        CalendarEvent updatedEvent = process(() -> getCalendarWebManager().updateOccurrenceAttendeeParticipation(
                occurrence, answerEntity.getId(), answerEntity.getParticipationStatus(),
                answerEntity.getAnswerMethodType(), getZoneId())).lowestAccessRole(null).execute();
        return updatedEvent != null ? asEventWebEntity(updatedEvent) : null;

     * Converts the list of calendar into list of calendar web entities.
     * @param calendars the calendars to convert.
     * @return the calendar web entities.
    public List<CalendarEntity> asWebEntities(Collection<Calendar> calendars) {

     * Converts the calendar into its corresponding web entity. If the specified calendar isn't
     * defined, then an HTTP 404 error is sent back instead of the entity representation of the
     * calendar.
     * @param calendar the calendar to convert.
     * @return the corresponding calendar entity.
    public CalendarEntity asWebEntity(Calendar calendar) {
        final CalendarEntity calendarEntity = CalendarEntity.fromCalendar(calendar)
        SilverpeasRole highestCalendarRole = SilverpeasComponentInstance.getById(calendar.getComponentInstanceId())
                .orElseThrow(() -> new WebApplicationException(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))
        if (calendarEntity.isUserPersonal()
                || (highestCalendarRole != null && highestCalendarRole.isGreaterThanOrEquals(admin))) {
        } else if (highestCalendarRole != null && highestCalendarRole.isGreaterThanOrEquals(user)) {
        } else {
        return calendarEntity;

     * Converts the list of calendar event into list of calendar event web entities.
     * @param events the calendar events to convert.
     * @return the calendar event web entities.
    public List<CalendarEventEntity> asEventWebEntities(Collection<CalendarEvent> events) {

     * Converts the calendar event into its corresponding web entity. If the specified
     * calendar event isn't defined, then an HTTP 404 error is sent back instead of the
     * entity representation of the calendar event.
     * @param event the calendar event  to convert.
     * @return the corresponding calendar event  entity.
    public CalendarEventEntity asEventWebEntity(CalendarEvent event) {
        SimpleCache cache = CacheServiceProvider.getRequestCacheService().getCache();
        CalendarEventEntity entity = cache.get(event.getId(), CalendarEventEntity.class);
        if (entity == null) {
            entity = CalendarEventEntity.fromEvent(event, getComponentId(), getZoneId(), isEditionMode())
            cache.put(event.getId(), entity);
        return entity;

     * Converts the list of calendar event occurrence into list of calendar event occurrence web
     * entities.
     * @param occurrences the calendar event occurrences to convert.
     * @return the calendar event occurrence web entities.
    public List<CalendarEventOccurrenceEntity> asOccurrenceWebEntities(
            Collection<CalendarEventOccurrence> occurrences) {

     * Converts the calendar event occurrence into its corresponding web entity. If the specified
     * calendar event occurrence isn't defined, then an HTTP 404 error is sent back instead of the
     * entity representation of the calendar event occurrence.
     * @param occurrence the calendar event occurrence to convert.
     * @return the corresponding calendar event occurrence entity.
    public CalendarEventOccurrenceEntity asOccurrenceWebEntity(CalendarEventOccurrence occurrence) {
        final List<CalendarEventAttendeeEntity> attendeeEntities = occurrence.getAttendees().stream()
                .map(attendee -> asAttendeeWebEntity(occurrence, attendee)).collect(Collectors.toList());
        final List<CalendarEventAttributeEntity> attributeEntities = occurrence.getAttributes().stream()
        return CalendarEventOccurrenceEntity
                .fromOccurrence(occurrence, getComponentId(), getZoneId(), isEditionMode())

     * Converts the given participation occurrences into a list of {@link
     * ParticipantCalendarEventOccurrencesEntity} entity.
     * @param users the users.
     * @param occurrences occurrence by users.
     * @return a list of {@link ParticipantCalendarEventOccurrencesEntity} WEB entity.
    private List<ParticipantCalendarEventOccurrencesEntity> asParticipantOccurrencesEntities(final Set<User> users,
            final Map<String, List<CalendarEventOccurrence>> occurrences) {
        List<ParticipantCalendarEventOccurrencesEntity> webEntities = new ArrayList<>();
        users.forEach(user -> webEntities
        return webEntities;

     * Converts the calendar event attendee into its corresponding web entity. If the specified
     * calendar event attendee isn't defined, then an HTTP 404 error is sent back instead of the
     * entity representation of the calendar event occurrence.
     * @param occurrence the occurrence the attendees belongs to.
     * @param attendee the calendar event attendee to convert.
     * @return the corresponding calendar event attendee entity.
    public CalendarEventAttendeeEntity asAttendeeWebEntity(final CalendarEventOccurrence occurrence,
            Attendee attendee) {
        return CalendarEventAttendeeEntity.from(attendee).withURI(uri().ofOccurrenceAttendee(occurrence, attendee));

     * Converts the calendar event attribute into its corresponding web entity.
     * @param nameAndValue the data which represents an attribute.
     * @return the corresponding calendar event attribute entity.
    public CalendarEventAttributeEntity asAttributeWebEntity(Map.Entry<String, String> nameAndValue) {
        return CalendarEventAttributeEntity.from(nameAndValue);

    protected String getBundleLocation() {
        return "org.silverpeas.calendar.multilang.calendarBundle";

    private CalendarWebManager getCalendarWebManager() {
        return CalendarWebManager.get(getComponentId());

    private WebMessager getMessager() {
        return WebMessager.getInstance();