Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.silverpeas.core.web.calendar; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script; import; import; import org.silverpeas.core.util.DateUtil; import org.silverpeas.core.util.JSONCodec; import org.silverpeas.core.util.LocalizationBundle; import org.silverpeas.core.util.ResourceLocator; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient; import; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.EnumSet.of; import static org.silverpeas.core.web.calendar.CalendarViewType.*; /** * Handles a time window context for calendar managements. * @author Yohann Chastagnier */ @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.PROPERTY) public class CalendarTimeWindowViewContext implements Serializable { private static final EnumSet<PeriodType> DISPLAY_WEEK_PERIODS = of(PeriodType.week,; private String locale = null; private ZoneId zoneId = null; private final String componentInstanceId; private List<CalendarViewType> availableViewTypes = asList(NEXT_EVENTS, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY); private CalendarViewType viewType = MONTHLY; private boolean listViewMode = false; private CalendarDay referenceDay; private CalendarPeriod referencePeriod; private boolean withWeekend = true; /** * Default constructor. * @param componentInstanceId the component instance identifier * @param locale the locale * @param zoneId the zoneId */ public CalendarTimeWindowViewContext(final String componentInstanceId, final String locale, final ZoneId zoneId) { this.componentInstanceId = componentInstanceId; this.locale = locale; this.zoneId = zoneId; setReferenceDay(DateUtil.getDate()); } public String toJSonScript(String jsVariableName) { return new script().setType("text/javascript") .addElement("var " + jsVariableName + " = " + getAsJSonString() + ";").toString(); } @XmlTransient public String getAsJSonString() { return JSONCodec.encode(this); } /** * Reset to null all filters. */ public CalendarTimeWindowViewContext resetFilters() { setViewType(MONTHLY); today(); return this; } public String getComponentInstanceId() { return componentInstanceId; } public List<CalendarViewType> getAvailableViewTypes() { return availableViewTypes; } public void setAvailableViewTypes(final List<CalendarViewType> availableViewTypes) { this.availableViewTypes = availableViewTypes; } public CalendarViewType getViewType() { return viewType; } public void setViewType(final CalendarViewType viewType) { this.viewType = viewType; setReferenceDay(referenceDay.getDate()); } public boolean isListViewMode() { return listViewMode; } public void setListViewMode(final boolean listViewMode) { this.listViewMode = listViewMode; } public CalendarPeriod getReferencePeriod() { return referencePeriod; } public String getReferencePeriodLabel() { return getPeriodLabel(getReferencePeriod(), locale); } public CalendarDay getReferenceDay() { return referenceDay; } public String getFormattedReferenceDay() { return DateUtil.getOutputDate(getReferenceDay().getDate(), locale); } public void setReferenceDay(final Date date) { setReferenceDay(date, 0); } private void setReferenceDay(final Date date, int offset) { // Reference date Calendar cal = DateUtil.convert(date, locale); final Date referenceDate; if (!withWeekend && (viewType.equals(WEEKLY) || viewType.equals(DAILY))) { switch (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)) { case Calendar.SATURDAY: if (Calendar.SATURDAY == DateUtil.getFirstDayOfWeek(locale)) { referenceDate = DateUtils.addDays(date, offset >= 0 ? 2 : -1); } else { referenceDate = DateUtils.addDays(date, offset > 0 ? 2 : -1); } break; case Calendar.SUNDAY: if (Calendar.SUNDAY == DateUtil.getFirstDayOfWeek(locale)) { referenceDate = DateUtils.addDays(date, offset >= 0 ? 1 : -2); } else { referenceDate = DateUtils.addDays(date, offset > 0 ? 1 : -2); } break; default: referenceDate = date; } } else { referenceDate = date; } this.referenceDay = new CalendarDay(referenceDate, locale); // Period referencePeriod = CalendarPeriod.from(Period.from(referenceDate, viewType.getPeriodeType(), locale), locale); } /** * Change reference date to the previous period according to the current view. */ public void previous() { moveReferenceDate(-1); } /** * Change reference date to the next period according to the current view. */ public void next() { moveReferenceDate(1); } /** * Centralization. * @param offset */ private void moveReferenceDate(int offset) { switch (viewType) { case YEARLY: setReferenceDay(DateUtils.addYears(referenceDay.getDate(), offset), offset); break; case MONTHLY: setReferenceDay(DateUtils.addMonths(referenceDay.getDate(), offset), offset); break; case WEEKLY: setReferenceDay(DateUtils.addWeeks(referenceDay.getDate(), offset), offset); break; case DAILY: setReferenceDay(DateUtils.addDays(referenceDay.getDate(), offset), offset); break; } } /** * Set the reference date to the date of today. */ public void today() { setReferenceDay(DateUtil.getDate()); } /** * Indicates if weekends have to be displayed. * @return */ public boolean isWithWeekend() { return withWeekend; } /** * Set if weekends have to be displayed. * @param withWeekend */ public void setWithWeekend(final boolean withWeekend) { this.withWeekend = withWeekend; } /** * Gets the first day of weeks of the calendar with 1 meaning for sunday, 2 meaning for monday, * and so on. The first day of weeks depends on the locale; the first day of weeks is monday for * french whereas it is for sunday for US. * @return the first day of week. */ public int getFirstDayOfWeek() { return DateUtil.getFirstDayOfWeek(locale); } /** * Gets the bundle * @return */ protected static LocalizationBundle getBundle(final String language) { return ResourceLocator.getGeneralLocalizationBundle(language); } /** * Compute a period label. * @param period * @param language * @return */ public static String getPeriodLabel(CalendarPeriod period, String language) { LocalizationBundle bundle = getBundle(language); StringBuilder periodLabel = new StringBuilder(); boolean displayWeek = DISPLAY_WEEK_PERIODS.contains(period.getPeriodType()); if (period.getPeriodType().isDay()) { periodLabel.append(DateUtil.getOutputDate(period.getBeginDate().getDate(), language)); } else if (period.getPeriodType().isWeek()) { // Month of the begin date of the period periodLabel.append(bundle.getString("GML.mois" + period.getBeginDate().getMonth())); // Verifies if months are different between the beginning and the end of the period if (period.getBeginDate().getMonth() != period.getEndDate().getMonth()) { // Verifies if years are different between the beginning and the end of the period if (period.getBeginDate().getYear() != period.getEndDate().getYear()) { // Appends the year of the beginning date after the month of this same date periodLabel.append(" ").append(period.getBeginDate().getYear()); } // Appends the month of the end date of the period periodLabel.append(" / ").append(bundle.getString("GML.mois" + period.getEndDate().getMonth())); } // Appends the year of the end date after the month of this same date periodLabel.append(" ").append(period.getEndDate().getYear()); } else if (period.getPeriodType().isMonth()) { periodLabel.append(bundle.getString("GML.mois" + period.getBeginDate().getMonth())).append(" ") .append(period.getBeginDate().getYear()); } else if (period.getPeriodType().isYear()) { periodLabel.append(period.getBeginDate().getYear()); } // Appends the week number if it is necessary if (displayWeek) { periodLabel.append(" - ").append(bundle.getString("GML.week")).append(' ') .append(period.getBeginDate().getWeekOfYear()); } // Result return periodLabel.toString(); } /** * Gets the zone identifier of the view. * @return the zone identifier as {@link ZoneId} instance. */ @XmlElement(name = "zoneId") public String getZoneIdAsString() { return getZoneId().toString(); } /** * Gets the zone identifier of the view. * @return the zone identifier as {@link ZoneId} instance. */ @XmlTransient public ZoneId getZoneId() { return zoneId; } public void setZoneId(final ZoneId zoneId) { this.zoneId = zoneId; } }