Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.silverpeas.core.silvertrace; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.silverpeas.core.util.StringUtil; import org.silverpeas.core.util.logging.Level; import org.silverpeas.core.util.logging.SilverLogger; import javax.inject.Singleton; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; /** * SilverpeasTrace is the trace tool used in silverpeas to trace debug, running infos and errors. This * is a 'fully' static class. All functions could be called directly and is thread-safe. The trace * functions are : debug, info, warn, error, fatal. * * This class is deprecated now and it uses the Silverpeas Logging API. Please use directly the * latter as the Silver Trace API will be removed in the future. * @see org.silverpeas.core.util.logging.SilverLogger * * @author Thierry leroi * @deprecated */ @Deprecated @Singleton public class DefaultSilverpeasTrace implements SilverpeasTrace { // Directory to the error files protected static String errorDir = null; @Deprecated @Override public void debug(String module, String classe, String message) { debug(module, classe, message, null, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void debug(String module, String classe, String message, String extraInfos) { debug(module, classe, message, extraInfos, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void debug(String module, String classe, String message, Throwable ex) { debug(module, classe, message, null, ex); } @Deprecated @Override public void debug(String module, String classe, String message, String extraInfos, Throwable ex) { SilverLogger.getLogger(computeNamespace(module)).debug(formatMessage(message, extraInfos)); } @Deprecated @Override public void info(String module, String classe, String messageID) { info(module, classe, messageID, null, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void info(String module, String classe, String messageID, String extraInfos) { info(module, classe, messageID, extraInfos, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void info(String module, String classe, String messageID, Throwable ex) { info(module, classe, messageID, null, ex); } @Deprecated @Override public void info(String module, String classe, String messageID, String extraInfos, Throwable ex) { SilverLogger.getLogger(computeNamespace(module)).info(formatMessage(messageID, extraInfos)); } @Deprecated @Override public void warn(String module, String classe, String messageID) { warn(module, classe, messageID, null, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void warn(String module, String classe, String messageID, String extraInfos) { warn(module, classe, messageID, extraInfos, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void warn(String module, String classe, String messageID, Throwable ex) { warn(module, classe, messageID, null, ex); } @Deprecated @Override public void warn(String module, String classe, String messageID, String extraInfos, Throwable ex) { SilverLogger.getLogger(computeNamespace(module)).warn(formatMessage(messageID, extraInfos)); } @Deprecated @Override public void error(String module, String classe, String messageID) { error(module, classe, messageID, null, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void error(String module, String classe, String messageID, String extraInfos) { error(module, classe, messageID, extraInfos, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void error(String module, String classe, String messageID, Throwable ex) { error(module, classe, messageID, null, ex); } @Deprecated @Override public void error(String module, String classe, String messageID, String extraInfos, Throwable ex) { SilverLogger.getLogger(computeNamespace(module)).error(formatMessage(messageID, extraInfos), ex); } @Deprecated @Override public void fatal(String module, String classe, String messageID) { fatal(module, classe, messageID, null, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void fatal(String module, String classe, String messageID, String extraInfos) { fatal(module, classe, messageID, extraInfos, null); } @Deprecated @Override public void fatal(String module, String classe, String messageID, Throwable ex) { fatal(module, classe, messageID, null, ex); } @Deprecated @Override public void fatal(String module, String classe, String messageID, String extraInfos, Throwable ex) { SilverLogger.getLogger(computeNamespace(module)).error(formatMessage(messageID, extraInfos), ex); } @Deprecated @Override public void spy(String module, String classe, String spaceId, String instanceId, String objectId, String userId, String actionId) { SilverLogger.getLogger(computeNamespace(module)) .debug(formatSpyMessage(spaceId, instanceId, objectId, userId, actionId)); } /** * Does nothing. */ @Deprecated @Override public void resetAll() { } /** * Does nothing */ @Deprecated @Override public void applyProperties(String filePath) { } /** * Does nothing */ @Deprecated @Override public void initFromProperties(Properties fileProperties) { } /** * Set the minimum trace level of a module. All traces less than val will not be taken into * account * * @param module the module name (ex : root, bus, outlook, ...) * @param val the trace level : could be one of the TRACE_LEVEL_... values. Use * TRACE_LEVEL_UNKNOWN to remove the level condition for the module. * @deprecated */ @Deprecated @Override public void setTraceLevel(String module, int val) { SilverLogger logger = SilverLogger.getLogger(module); if (logger != null) { switch (val) { case SilverTrace.TRACE_LEVEL_UNKNOWN: logger.setLevel(null); break; case SilverTrace.TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG: logger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); break; case SilverTrace.TRACE_LEVEL_INFO: logger.setLevel(Level.INFO); break; case SilverTrace.TRACE_LEVEL_WARN: logger.setLevel(Level.WARNING); break; case SilverTrace.TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR: logger.setLevel(Level.ERROR); break; case SilverTrace.TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL: logger.setLevel(Level.ERROR); break; } } } /** * Get the trace level of a module. * * @param module the module name (ex : root, bus, outlook, ...) * @param chained it is not more taken into account. * @return the trace level value (as defined by {@code org.silverpeas.core.util.logging.Level}) * of the module or 0 if it can be figured out. * @see org.silverpeas.core.util.logging.Level * @deprecated */ @Deprecated @Override public int getTraceLevel(String module, boolean chained) { Level level = SilverLogger.getLogger(module).getLevel(); if (level == null) { return 0; } return level.value(); } /** * Does nothing. */ @Deprecated @Override public void addAppenderConsole(String module, String patternLayout, String consoleName) { } /** * Does nothing. */ @Deprecated @Override public void addAppenderFile(String module, String patternLayout, String fileName, boolean appendOnFile) { } /** * Does nothing. */ @Deprecated @Override public void addAppenderRollingFile(String module, String patternLayout, String fileName, String rollingMode) { } /** * Does nothing. */ @Deprecated @Override public void addAppenderMail(String module, String patternLayout, String mailHost, String mailFrom, String mailTo, String mailSubject) { } /** * Does nothing. */ @Deprecated @Override public void removeAppender(String module, int typeOfAppender) { } /** * Returns an empty Properties object. */ @Deprecated @Override public Properties getModuleList() { return new Properties(); } /** * Returns 0. */ @Deprecated @Override public int getAvailableAppenders(String module) { return 0; } /** * Returns an empty Properties object. */ @Deprecated @Override public Properties getAppender(String module, int typeOfAppender) { return new Properties(); } /** * Returns the message id itself. * * @param messageId the message ID (ex. 'admin.MSG_ERR_GENERAL') * @return the message id itself. */ @Deprecated @Override public String getTraceMessage(String messageId) { return messageId; } @Deprecated @Override public String[] getEndFileTrace(String nbLines) { LineNumberReader lnr = null; File theFile = new File(errorDir + "/traces.txt"); List<String> ar = new ArrayList<String>(); try { // Get file length long fileLength = theFile.length(); if (fileLength == 0L) { return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } int nbl = Integer.parseInt(nbLines); lnr = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(theFile)); if (nbl > 0) { if ((nbl + 1) * 100 < fileLength) { lnr.skip(fileLength - ((nbl + 1) * 100)); } } String line = lnr.readLine(); while (line != null) { line = lnr.readLine(); if (line != null) { ar.add(line); } } return ar.toArray(new String[ar.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { error("silvertrace", "SilverTrace.getEndFileTrace()", "silvertrace.ERR_RUNTIME_ERROR_OCCUR", "File NOT FOUND :" + errorDir + "/traces.txt", e); return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(lnr); } } /** * Returns the message id itself. * * @param messageId the message ID (ex. 'admin.MSG_ERR_GENERAL') * @param language the language to display the message in * @return the message id itself. */ @Deprecated @Override public String getTraceMessage(String messageId, String language) { return messageId; } protected static String formatSpyMessage(String spaceId, String instanceId, String objectId, String userId, String actionId) { StringBuilder valret = new StringBuilder(""); if (StringUtil.isDefined(spaceId)) { valret.append(spaceId); valret.append(","); } if (StringUtil.isDefined(instanceId)) { valret.append(instanceId); valret.append(","); } if (StringUtil.isDefined(objectId)) { valret.append(objectId); valret.append(","); } if (StringUtil.isDefined(userId)) { valret.append(userId); valret.append(","); } if (StringUtil.isDefined(actionId)) { valret.append(actionId); } return valret.toString(); } private static String formatMessage(String text, String extraInfos) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); if (StringUtil.isDefined(text)) { message.append(text).append(". "); } if (StringUtil.isDefined(extraInfos)) { message.append(extraInfos); } return message.toString(); } private static String computeNamespace(String module) { return "silverpeas.silvertrace." + module; } }