Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of
 * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre
 * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's
 * FLOSS exception.  You should have received a copy of the text describing
 * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here:
 * ""
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.silverpeas.core.process.session.ProcessSession;

 * This is an handler that permits to perform transactional file manipulations. It has to be used
 * exclusively in classes that implements <code>SilverpeasProcess</code>. In a standard use,
 * <code>getHandledFile</code> method has to be called to obtain a <code>HandledFile</code> instance
 * (@see {@link HandledFile}).
 * @author Yohann Chastagnier
public class FileHandler extends AbstractFileHandler {

     * Default constructor
     * @param session
    protected FileHandler(final ProcessSession session) {

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    public File getFile(final String... names) {
        return FileUtils.getFile(names);

     * @see FileUtils
    public File getFile(final File file, final String... names) {
        return FileUtils.getFile(file, names);

     * Gets a temporary file contained in session path. This file exists during the transaction and is
     * deleted after commit or rollback. Otherwise it represents the file from the destination path.
    public File getSessionTemporaryFile(final String... names) {
        return FileUtils.getFile(getSessionTemporaryPath(), names);

     * Gets the handled file that represents the file in session path if exists or if the file doesn't
     * exist into destination path. Otherwise it represents the file from the destination path.
     * @param basePath
     * @param names relative path from basePath param
    public HandledFile getHandledFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final String... names) {
        return getHandledFile(basePath, new File(basePath.getPath()), names);

     * Gets the handled file that represents the file in session path if exists or if the file doesn't
     * exist into destination path. Otherwise it represents the file from the destination path.
     * @param basePath
     * @param file the file or path whose the start of file path is equals to the root file path
     * defined by basePath param
     * @param names relative path from basePath param
    public HandledFile getHandledFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String... names) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return new HandledFile(basePath, this, getExistingFile(basePath, FileUtils.getFile(file, names)));

     * Indicates if the file exists in session or in real path.
     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean exists(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String... names) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return exists(getExistingFile(basePath, FileUtils.getFile(file, names)));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected OutputStream openOutputStream(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file) throws Exception {
        return openOutputStream(basePath, file, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected OutputStream openOutputStream(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final boolean append)
            throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.openOutputStream(getFileForWriting(basePath, file, append), append);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected InputStream openInputStream(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        final File sessionFile = translateToSessionPath(basePath, file);
        if (sessionFile.exists()) {
            return FileUtils.openInputStream(sessionFile);
        return FileUtils.openInputStream(translateToRealPath(basePath, file));

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void touch(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String... names) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        FileUtils.touch(getFileForWriting(basePath, FileUtils.getFile(file, names), true));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Adding this simple method based on listFiles from @see FileUtils
     * @param basePath
     * @param directory
     * @param extensions
     * @return
    protected Collection<File> listFiles(final FileBasePath basePath, final File directory,
            final String... extensions) {
        return listFiles(basePath, directory, true, extensions);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected Collection<File> listFiles(final FileBasePath basePath, final File directory, final boolean recursive,
            String... extensions) {
        verify(basePath, directory);
        if (extensions.length == 0) {
            extensions = null;

        final File sessionDirectory = translateToSessionPath(basePath, directory);
        final File realDirectory = translateToRealPath(basePath, directory);

        Collection<File> listFiles = null;
        if (sessionDirectory.exists()) {
            listFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(sessionDirectory, extensions, recursive);
        Collection<File> realFiles = null;
        if (realDirectory.exists()) {
            realFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(realDirectory, extensions, recursive);

        return mergeFileLists(basePath, listFiles, realFiles);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected Collection<File> listFiles(final FileBasePath basePath, final File directory,
            final IOFileFilter fileFilter, final IOFileFilter dirFilter) {
        verify(basePath, directory);

        final File sessionDirectory = translateToSessionPath(basePath, directory);
        final File realDirectory = translateToRealPath(basePath, directory);

        Collection<File> listFiles = null;
        if (sessionDirectory.exists()) {
            listFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(sessionDirectory, fileFilter, dirFilter);
        Collection<File> realFiles = null;
        if (realDirectory.exists()) {
            realFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(realDirectory, fileFilter, dirFilter);

        return mergeFileLists(basePath, listFiles, realFiles);

     * Centralizes merging treatment between session path content and real path content
     * @param basePath
     * @param sessionFiles
     * @param realFiles
     * @return
    private Collection<File> mergeFileLists(final FileBasePath basePath, final Collection<File> sessionFiles,
            final Collection<File> realFiles) {
        final Collection<File> listFiles = new LinkedList<>();
        final Set<String> filePaths = new HashSet<>();
        if (sessionFiles != null) {
            for (final File sessionFile : sessionFiles) {
                filePaths.add(translateToRealPath(basePath, sessionFile).getPath());
        if (realFiles != null) {
            for (final File realFile : realFiles) {
                if (!filePaths.contains(realFile.getPath()) && !isMarkedToDelete(basePath, realFile)) {
        return listFiles;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Both of given files are handled
     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean contentEquals(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file1, final File file2)
            throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file1);
        verify(basePath, file2);
        return FileUtils.contentEquals(getExistingFile(basePath, file1), getExistingFile(basePath, file2));

     * The first given file is not handled. It have to exist in an other path than the one that is
     * handled. The second given file is handled. Both files are handled
     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean contentEquals(final File file1, final FileBasePath basePath, final File file2)
            throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file2);
        return FileUtils.contentEquals(file1, getExistingFile(basePath, file2));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Both of given files are handled
     * @see FileUtils
    protected void copyFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File srcFile, final File destFile) throws Exception {
        copyFile(basePath, srcFile, basePath, destFile);

     * Both of given files are handled
     * @see FileUtils
    protected void copyFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File srcFile, final FileBasePath basePathDest,
            final File destFile) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, srcFile);
        verify(basePathDest, destFile);
        FileUtils.copyFile(getExistingFile(basePath, srcFile), getFileForWriting(basePathDest, destFile));

     * The first given file is not handled. It have to exist in an other path than the one that is
     * handled. The second given file is handled. Both files are handled
     * @see FileUtils
    public void copyFile(final File srcFile, final HandledFile destFile) throws Exception {
        FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, getFileForWriting(destFile.getBasePath(), destFile.getFile()));

     * The given file is handled
     * @see FileUtils
    protected long copyFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File input, final OutputStream output)
            throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, input);
        return FileUtils.copyFile(getExistingFile(basePath, input), output);

     * The given file is handled
     * @see FileUtils
    protected void copyURLToFile(final URL source, final FileBasePath basePath, final File destination)
            throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, destination);
        FileUtils.copyURLToFile(source, getFileForWriting(basePath, destination));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean delete(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        final boolean isFirstTimeMarkedToBeDeleted = markToDelete(basePath, file);
        final boolean isDeletedInSession = FileUtils.deleteQuietly(translateToSessionPath(basePath, file));
        return isFirstTimeMarkedToBeDeleted || isDeletedInSession;

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void cleanDirectory(final FileBasePath basePath, File directory) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, directory);
        directory = translateToSessionPath(basePath, directory);

        if (!directory.exists()) {
            final String message = directory + " does not exist";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

        if (!directory.isDirectory()) {
            final String message = directory + " is not a directory";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

        final Collection<File> files = listFiles(basePath, directory);
        if (files == null) { // null if security restricted
            throw new Exception("Failed to list contents of " + directory);

        for (final File file : files) {
            delete(basePath, file);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean waitFor(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final int seconds) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.waitFor(getExistingFile(basePath, file), seconds);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected String readFileToString(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file) throws Exception {
        return readFileToString(basePath, file, null);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected String readFileToString(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String encoding)
            throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.readFileToString(getExistingFile(basePath, file), encoding);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected byte[] readFileToByteArray(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(getExistingFile(basePath, file));

     * @see FileUtils
    protected List<String> readLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file) throws Exception {
        return readLines(basePath, file, null);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected List<String> readLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String encoding)
            throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.readLines(getExistingFile(basePath, file), encoding);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeStringToFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String data)
            throws Exception {
        writeStringToFile(basePath, file, data, null, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeStringToFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String data,
            final String encoding) throws Exception {
        writeStringToFile(basePath, file, data, encoding, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeStringToFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String data,
            final boolean append) throws Exception {
        writeStringToFile(basePath, file, data, null, append);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeStringToFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String data,
            final String encoding, final boolean append) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(getFileForWriting(basePath, file, append), data, encoding, append);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void write(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final CharSequence data) throws Exception {
        write(basePath, file, data, null, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void write(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final CharSequence data,
            final boolean append) throws Exception {
        write(basePath, file, data, null, append);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void write(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final CharSequence data,
            final String encoding) throws Exception {
        write(basePath, file, data, encoding, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void write(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final CharSequence data,
            final String encoding, final boolean append) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        FileUtils.write(getFileForWriting(basePath, file, append), data, encoding, append);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeByteArrayToFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final byte[] data)
            throws Exception {
        writeByteArrayToFile(basePath, file, data, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeByteArrayToFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final byte[] data,
            final boolean append) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(getFileForWriting(basePath, file, append), data, append);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void copyInputStreamToFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file,
            final InputStream inputStream, final boolean append) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, getFileForWriting(basePath, file, append));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final Collection<?> lines)
            throws Exception {
        writeLines(basePath, file, null, lines, null, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final Collection<?> lines,
            final boolean append) throws Exception {
        writeLines(basePath, file, null, lines, null, append);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final Collection<?> lines,
            final String lineEnding) throws Exception {
        writeLines(basePath, file, null, lines, lineEnding, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final Collection<?> lines,
            final String lineEnding, final boolean append) throws Exception {
        writeLines(basePath, file, null, lines, lineEnding, append);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String encoding,
            final Collection<?> lines) throws Exception {
        writeLines(basePath, file, encoding, lines, null, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String encoding,
            final Collection<?> lines, final boolean append) throws Exception {
        writeLines(basePath, file, encoding, lines, null, append);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String encoding,
            final Collection<?> lines, final String lineEnding) throws Exception {
        writeLines(basePath, file, encoding, lines, lineEnding, false);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected void writeLines(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final String encoding,
            final Collection<?> lines, final String lineEnding, final boolean append) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, file);
        FileUtils.writeLines(getFileForWriting(basePath, file, append), encoding, lines, lineEnding, append);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * The first given file is not handled. It have to exist in an other path than the one that is
     * handled. The second given file is handled. Both files are handled
     * @see FileUtils
    public void moveFile(final File srcFile, final HandledFile destFile) throws Exception {
        FileUtils.moveFile(srcFile, getFileForWriting(destFile.getBasePath(), destFile.getFile()));

     * Both of given files are handled
     * @see FileUtils
    protected void moveFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File srcFile, final File destFile) throws Exception {
        moveFile(basePath, srcFile, basePath, destFile);

     * Both of given files are handled
     * @see FileUtils
    protected void moveFile(final FileBasePath basePath, final File srcFile, final FileBasePath baseDestPath,
            final File destFile) throws Exception {
        verify(basePath, srcFile);
        verify(baseDestPath, destFile);
        FileUtils.moveFile(getFileForWriting(basePath, srcFile, true), getFileForWriting(baseDestPath, destFile));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected long sizeOf(final FileBasePath basePath, File file) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        file = getExistingFile(basePath, file);
        if (file.isFile()) {
            return FileUtils.sizeOf(file);
        } else {
            return sizeOfDirectory(basePath, file);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected long sizeOfDirectory(final FileBasePath basePath, final File directory) {
        if (!directory.exists()) {
            final String message = directory + " does not exist";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

        if (!directory.isDirectory()) {
            final String message = directory + " is not a directory";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

        verify(basePath, directory);

        long size = 0;

        for (final File file : listFiles(basePath, directory)) {
            size += FileUtils.sizeOf(file);

        return size;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean isFileNewer(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final File reference) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        verify(basePath, reference);
        return FileUtils.isFileNewer(getExistingFile(basePath, file), getExistingFile(basePath, reference));

     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean isFileNewer(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final Date date) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.isFileNewer(getExistingFile(basePath, file), date);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean isFileNewer(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final long timeMillis) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.isFileNewer(getExistingFile(basePath, file), timeMillis);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean isFileOlder(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final File reference) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        verify(basePath, reference);
        return FileUtils.isFileOlder(getExistingFile(basePath, file), getExistingFile(basePath, reference));

     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean isFileOlder(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final Date date) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.isFileOlder(getExistingFile(basePath, file), date);

     * @see FileUtils
    protected boolean isFileOlder(final FileBasePath basePath, final File file, final long timeMillis) {
        verify(basePath, file);
        return FileUtils.isFileOlder(getExistingFile(basePath, file), timeMillis);