Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.silverpeas.core.calendar; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.silverpeas.core.admin.user.model.User; import org.silverpeas.core.calendar.CalendarEvent.EventOperationResult; import org.silverpeas.core.calendar.repository.CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository; import org.silverpeas.core.contribution.model.Contribution; import org.silverpeas.core.contribution.model.ContributionIdentifier; import org.silverpeas.core.contribution.model.WysiwygContent; import; import org.silverpeas.core.persistence.Transaction; import org.silverpeas.core.persistence.datasource.model.IdentifiableEntity; import org.silverpeas.core.persistence.datasource.model.identifier.ExternalStringIdentifier; import org.silverpeas.core.persistence.datasource.model.jpa.BasicJpaEntity; import org.silverpeas.core.reminder.WithReminder; import org.silverpeas.core.util.Mutable; import javax.persistence.*; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import static org.silverpeas.core.persistence.datasource.model.jpa.JpaEntityReflection.setCreationData; import static org.silverpeas.core.persistence.datasource.model.jpa.JpaEntityReflection.setUpdateData; /** * The occurrence of an event in a Silverpeas calendar. It is an instance of an event in the * timeline of a calendar; it represents an event starting and ending at a given date or datetime * in the calendar. * * A non-recurrent event is a singleton, meaning that is has only one single instance occurring in * the calendar (so the name occurrence). A recurrent event has one or more occurrences in the * timeline. It occurs several time in the calendar in a regular way according to its recurrence * rule; at each time such an event occurs is represented by an occurrence. * * By default, the occurrences of an event aren't persisted but they are generated from the period * of time at which occurs the event and, if any, from its recurrence rule. If an occurrence of a * non-recurrent event is deleted, then the related event is deleted. If an occurrence of a * recurrent event is deleted, then an exception is added into the recurrence rule of the event. * This operation is done with one of the following methods: * {@link #delete()}, * {@link #deleteSinceMe()}. * If an occurrence of a non-recurrent event is modified, then the modification is directly * applied to the event itself (as it is a singleton). If an occurrence of a recurrent event is * modified, then the modification is applied to the occurrence only and this occurrence is * persisted as a modification related to the recurrence rule of the concerned event. */ @Entity @Table(name = "sb_cal_occurrences") @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "occurrenceByEventsAndByPeriod", query = "SELECT o FROM CalendarEventOccurrence o WHERE o.event in :events AND " + "((o.component.period.startDateTime <= :startDateTime AND " + " o.component.period.endDateTime > :startDateTime) OR " + "(o.component.period.startDateTime >= :startDateTime AND " + " o.component.period.startDateTime < :endDateTime))"), @NamedQuery(name = "occurrenceByEventSince", query = "SELECT o FROM CalendarEventOccurrence o WHERE o.event = :event AND " + "o.component.period.startDateTime >= :date"), @NamedQuery(name = "occurrenceByEvent", query = "SELECT o FROM CalendarEventOccurrence o WHERE o.event " + "= :event") }) public class CalendarEventOccurrence extends BasicJpaEntity<CalendarEventOccurrence, ExternalStringIdentifier> implements IdentifiableEntity, Occurrence, Contribution, WithReminder { public static final String TYPE = "CalendarEventOccurrence"; public static final Comparator<CalendarEventOccurrence> COMPARATOR_BY_ORIGINAL_DATE_ASC = Comparator .comparing(o -> o.getOriginalStartDate().toString()); public static final Comparator<CalendarEventOccurrence> COMPARATOR_BY_DATE_ASC = Comparator .comparing(o -> o.getStartDate().toString()); public static final Comparator<CalendarEventOccurrence> COMPARATOR_BY_DATE_DESC = (o1, o2) -> o2.getStartDate() .toString().compareTo(o1.getStartDate().toString()); @ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name = "eventId", referencedColumnName = "id") private CalendarEvent event; @OneToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true) @JoinColumn(name = "componentId", referencedColumnName = "id", unique = true) private CalendarComponent component; @Transient private CalendarEventOccurrence previousState; /** * Constructor for only persistence context. */ protected CalendarEventOccurrence() { // this constructor is dedicated to be used by the persistence context. } /** * Constructs a new occurrence from the specified calendar event, starting and ending at the * specified dates. * @param event the event from which the occurrence is instantiated. * @param startDate the start date (and time if offset) of the occurrence. * @param endDate the end date (and time if offset) of the occurrence. */ CalendarEventOccurrence(final CalendarEvent event, final Temporal startDate, final Temporal endDate) { setId(generateId(event, startDate)); this.event = event; this.component = event.asCalendarComponent().clone(); setCreationData(this.component, event.getCreator(), event.getCreationDate()); setUpdateData(this.component, event.getLastUpdater(), event.getLastUpdateDate()); this.component.setPeriod(Period.between(startDate, endDate)); } /** * Gets optionally an event occurrence from the specified data. * @param event an event. * @param occurrenceStartDate a start date. * @return the computed occurrence identifier. */ public static Optional<CalendarEventOccurrence> getBy(CalendarEvent event, String occurrenceStartDate) { return getBy(event, getDate(occurrenceStartDate)); } /** * Gets optionally an event occurrence from the specified data. * @param event an event. * @param occurrenceStartDate a start date. * @return the computed occurrence identifier. */ public static Optional<CalendarEventOccurrence> getBy(CalendarEvent event, Temporal occurrenceStartDate) { Temporal startDate = occurrenceStartDate; if (startDate instanceof OffsetDateTime) { startDate = ((OffsetDateTime) occurrenceStartDate).atZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toOffsetDateTime(); } return getById(generateId(event, startDate)); } /** * Gets optionally an event occurrence by its identifier. * <p>If the occurrence exists into the persistence, it is returned. Otherwise it is generated. * <p>Otherwise and if start date is valid, the occurrence is generated. * @param id the identifier of the aimed occurrence. * @return an optional calendar event occurrence. */ public static Optional<CalendarEventOccurrence> getById(final String id) { final CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository repository = CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository.get(); final Mutable<CalendarEventOccurrence> occurrence = Mutable.ofNullable(repository.getById(id)); if (!occurrence.isPresent()) { final Pair<String, Temporal> explodedId = explodeId(id); final String eventId = explodedId.getLeft(); final Temporal startDate = explodedId.getRight(); final Optional<CalendarEvent> event = Optional.ofNullable(CalendarEvent.getById(eventId)); event.ifPresent(e -> { if (e.isRecurrent()) { final LocalDate occStartDate; final LocalDate occEndDate; if (startDate instanceof LocalDate) { final LocalDate date = (LocalDate) startDate; occStartDate = date.minusDays(1); occEndDate = date.plusDays(1); } else { final OffsetDateTime dateTime = (OffsetDateTime) startDate; occStartDate = dateTime.minusDays(1).toLocalDate(); occEndDate = dateTime.plusDays(1).toLocalDate(); } final List<CalendarEventOccurrence> occurrences = e.getCalendar() .between(occStartDate, occEndDate).getEventOccurrences(); occurrences.removeIf(o -> !o.getCalendarEvent().getId().equals(eventId) || (!o.getStartDate().equals(startDate))); if (occurrences.size() == 1) { occurrence.set(occurrences.get(0)); } } else { occurrence.set(new CalendarEventOccurrence(e, e.getStartDate(), e.getEndDate())); } }); } return Optional.ofNullable(occurrence.orElse(null)); } private static CalendarEventOccurrenceGenerator generator() { return CalendarEventOccurrenceGenerator.get(); } /** * Gets the event occurrences that occur in the specified window of time of a given calendar. * @param timeWindow a window of time of a calendar. * @return a list of event occurrences or an empty list if there is no occurrences of events * in the specified window of time. */ static List<CalendarEventOccurrence> getOccurrencesIn(final CalendarTimeWindow timeWindow) { List<CalendarEventOccurrence> occurrences = generator().generateOccurrencesIn(timeWindow); List<CalendarEventOccurrence> modified = CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository.get() .getAll(timeWindow.getEvents(), timeWindow.getPeriod()); modified.forEach(o -> { int idx = occurrences.indexOf(o); if (idx < 0) { occurrences.add(o); } else { occurrences.set(idx, o); } }); return occurrences; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Optional<CalendarEvent> getParent() { return Optional.ofNullable(getCalendarEvent()); } @Override public ContributionIdentifier getContributionId() { return ContributionIdentifier.from(getCalendarEvent().getCalendar().getComponentInstanceId(), getId(), getContributionType()); } @Override public User getCreator() { return component.getCreator(); } @Override public Date getCreationDate() { return component.getCreationDate(); } @Override public User getLastModifier() { return component.getLastUpdater(); } @Override public Date getLastModificationDate() { return component.getLastUpdateDate(); } @Override public boolean canBeAccessedBy(final User user) { return getCalendarEvent().canBeAccessedBy(user); } @Override public String getContributionType() { return TYPE; } /** * Gets the event from which this occurrence was spawned. * * From the returned event, the title, the description or any other event properties can be * modified. Nevertheless, the change can be effective only by invoking the {@code update} method * of either the {@link CalendarEvent} to apply the modifications to all occurrences or this * occurrence to apply the modifications only to this occurrence. Only the period at which the * event occur in the calendar cannot be used to update this occurrence. For doing, please use * either the {@code setPeriod} or the {@code setDay} method of {@link CalendarEventOccurrence}. * @return the event from which this occurrence is instanciated. */ public CalendarEvent getCalendarEvent() { return this.event; } @Override public Temporal getStartDate() { return this.component.getPeriod().getStartDate(); } @Override public Temporal getEndDate() { return this.component.getPeriod().getEndDate(); } /** * Gets the original start date of this occurrence. If the start date wasn't modified, then the * returning date should be the same than the start date returned by the method * {@link CalendarEventOccurrence#getStartDate()}. * @return the original start date of this occurrence of calendar event. */ public Temporal getOriginalStartDate() { return explodeId(this.getId()).getRight(); } /** * Changes the planning of this occurrence in the calendar. The change will be effectively * performed once the {@code update} method invoked. * @param newPeriod a new period of time on which this occurrence will occur or has actually * occurred. */ public void setPeriod(final Period newPeriod) { this.component.setPeriod(newPeriod); } /** * Gets the period of this occurrence in the calendar. * @return a period. */ public Period getPeriod() { return this.component.getPeriod(); } /** * Changes the planning of this occurrence in the calendar. The change will be effectively * performed once the {@code update} method invoked. * @param newDay the new day at which this occurrence will occur or has actually occurred. */ public void setDay(final LocalDate newDay) { Period newPeriod = Period.between(newDay, newDay); setPeriod(newPeriod); } /** * Gets the title of this event occurrence. The title is either the one of the related event or * the one that was modified for this occurrence. * @return the title of the event occurrence. */ @Override public String getTitle() { return this.component.getTitle(); } public void setTitle(final String title) { this.component.setTitle(title); } public AttendeeSet getAttendees() { return this.component.getAttendees(); } /** * Gets the description of this event occurrence. The description is either the one of the * related event or the one that was modified for this occurrence. * @return the description of the event occurrence. */ @Override public String getDescription() { return this.component.getDescription(); } /** * Sets a new description for this event occurrence. * @param description a new description related to this event occurrence. */ public void setDescription(String description) { this.component.setDescription(description); } /** * Gets the location of this event occurrence. The location is either the one of the related * event or the one that was modified for this occurrence. * @return the location of the event occurrence. */ public String getLocation() { return this.component.getLocation(); } /** * Sets a new location for this event occurrence. * @param location the new location where this occurrence should take place. */ public void setLocation(String location) { this.component.setLocation(location); } /** * Gets the attributes of this event occurrence. The attributes are either those related * to the event or those that were modified for this occurrence. * @return the extra attributes of the event occurrence. */ public AttributeSet getAttributes() { return this.component.getAttributes(); } /** * Gets the priority of this event occurrence. The priority is the one that is set for the event. * @return the priority of the event occurrence. */ public Priority getPriority() { return this.component.getPriority(); } /** * Sets a new priority to this event occurrence. * @param priority the new priority of this event occurrence. */ public void setPriority(final Priority priority) { this.component.setPriority(priority); } /** * Gets the categories of this event occurrence. The categories are those that are set for the * event. * @return the categories of the event occurrence. */ public CategorySet getCategories() { return this.event.getCategories(); } /** * Gets the level of visibility of this event occurrence. The visibility level is the one that is * set for the event. * @return the level of visibility of the event occurrence. */ public VisibilityLevel getVisibilityLevel() { return this.event.getVisibilityLevel(); } /** * Is this event occurrence occurring on all the day(s)? * @return true if this event occurrence is occurring on all its day(s). */ public boolean isOnAllDay() { return getPeriod().isInDays(); } /** * Gets the revision sequence number of this event occurrence within a sequence of revisions. * Any changes to some properties of this event occurrence increment this sequence number. This * number is mainly dedicated with the synchronization or syndication mechanism of event instances * with external calendars. Its meaning comes from the icalendar specification. * @return the sequence number of this event occurrence. * @see CalendarComponent#getSequence() */ public long getSequence() { return this.component.isPersisted() ? this.component.getSequence() : this.event.getSequence(); } /** * Gets the last date at which this occurrence has been updated. * @return the last update date. */ public Date getLastUpdateDate() { return this.component.getLastUpdateDate(); } /** * Gets the content of this event occurrence. The content is the one of the event and it cannot * be modified per occurrence but for the whole event occurrence(s). * @return optionally the content of the event. */ public Optional<WysiwygContent> getContent() { return getCalendarEvent().getContent(); } /** * Is this occurrence actually occurs before the specified occurrence? * @param occurrence another occurrence with which the start date is compared. * @return true if this occurrence starts before the specified another one. False otherwise. */ public boolean isBefore(final CalendarEventOccurrence occurrence) { return getStartDate().toString().compareTo(occurrence.getStartDate().toString()) < 0; } /** * Gets the {@link CalendarComponent} representation of this occurrence. Any change to the * returned calendar component will change also the related occurrence. * @return a {@link CalendarComponent} instance representing this event occurrence (without the * specific properties related to an event occurrence). */ public CalendarComponent asCalendarComponent() { return this.component; } /** * Updates this occurrence and all of the forthcoming occurrences of the same event with the * changes in this occurrence. * * If the event is non recurrent, then the event is itself updated. Otherwise a new event is * created for this occurrence and all of the forthcoming occurrences and with the modifications * carried by this occurrences. The recurrence of the original event is updated to end up at this * occurrence minus one day (the recurrence end date is inclusive). * * In the case the temporal period of the occurrences is modified, the participation status of * all the attendees in the occurrences is cleared. * * This is equivalent to * <pre>{@code EventOperationResult result = event.updateSince(this)}</pre> * * @see CalendarEvent#updateSince(CalendarEventOccurrence) * * @return the result of the update. */ public EventOperationResult updateSinceMe() { return getCalendarEvent().updateSince(this); } /** * Updates only this occurrence among the occurrences of the event it comes from. * * If the event is non recurrent, then the event is itself updated. Otherwise the changes in * this occurrence are persisted and its sequence number is incremented by one, diverging then * from the sequence number of the event it comes from. * <p> * In the case the temporal period of the occurrence is modified, the participation status * of all the attendees in this occurrence is cleared. * * This is equivalent to * <pre>{@code EventOperationResult result = event.updateOnly(this)}</pre> * * @see CalendarEvent#updateOnly(CalendarEventOccurrence) * * @return the result of the update. */ public EventOperationResult update() { return getCalendarEvent().updateOnly(this); } /** * Updates this occurrence with the state of the specified occurrence. * @param occurrence an event occurrence from which this occurrence will be updated. * @return the result of the update. */ public EventOperationResult updateFrom(final CalendarEventOccurrence occurrence) { occurrence.asCalendarComponent().copyTo(this.component); return update(); } /** * Deletes this occurrence and all of the forthcoming occurrences of the same event. * * If the event is non recurrent, then the event is itself deleted. Otherwise the * original starting date of this occurrence and of all of the forthcoming occurrences are added * in the exception dates of the event's recurrence rule. If some of the occurrences were * persisted, then they are all removed from the persistence context. * * This is equivalent to * <pre>{@code EventOperationResult result = event.deleteSince(this)}</pre> * * @see CalendarEvent#deleteSince(CalendarEventOccurrence) * * @return the result of the deletion. */ public EventOperationResult deleteSinceMe() { return getCalendarEvent().deleteSince(this); } /** * Deletes only this occurrence among the occurrences of the event it comes from. * * If the event is non recurrent, then the event is itself deleted. Otherwise the * original starting date of this occurrence is added in the exception dates of the event's * recurrence rule. If the occurrence was previously persisted, then it is removed from the * persistence context. * * This is equivalent to * <pre>{@code EventOperationResult result = event.deleteOnly(this)}</pre> * * @see CalendarEvent#deleteOnly(CalendarEventOccurrence) * * @return the result of the deletion. */ public EventOperationResult delete() { return getCalendarEvent().deleteOnly(this); } CalendarEventOccurrence cloneWithEvent(final CalendarEvent event) { CalendarEventOccurrence newOccurrence = new CalendarEventOccurrence(); newOccurrence.setId(generateId(event, getOriginalStartDate())); newOccurrence.event = event; newOccurrence.component = this.component.clone(); newOccurrence.component.setCalendar(event.getCalendar()); return newOccurrence; } /** * Is the properties of this event occurrence was modified since its last specified state? * The attendees in this event occurrence aren't taken into account as they aren't considered as * a property of an event occurrence. * @param previous a previous state of this event occurrence. * @return true if the state of this event occurrence is different with the specified one. */ public boolean isModifiedSince(final CalendarEventOccurrence previous) { if (!this.getId().equals(previous.getId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The event occurrence of id " + previous.getId() + " isn't the expected one " + this.getId()); } if (this.getVisibilityLevel() != previous.getVisibilityLevel() || !this.getCategories().equals(previous.getCategories())) { return true; } return this.asCalendarComponent().isModifiedSince(previous.asCalendarComponent()); } /** * Converts this occurrence of a calendar event into an unplanned non-recurrent * {@link CalendarEvent} instance. This method is dedicated to the {@link CalendarEvent} class. * @return a new {@link CalendarEvent} instance from this occurrence. * @see CalendarEvent#from(CalendarEventOccurrence) */ CalendarEvent toCalendarEvent() { return CalendarEvent.from(this); } /** * Converts this occurrence of a calendar event into an unplanned recurrent {@link CalendarEvent} * instance. This method is dedicated to the {@link CalendarEvent} class. * <p> * If the occurrence comes from a non-recurrent event, then the returned event won't be * neither recurrent. Otherwise the recurrence of the new event will start at the start date of * this occurrence and will end up at the actual end date of the recurrence of the event of this * occurrence. * @return a new possibly recurrent {@link CalendarEvent} instance from this occurrence. * @see CalendarEvent#from(CalendarEventOccurrence) */ CalendarEvent toRecurrentCalendarEvent() { CalendarEvent newEvent = toCalendarEvent(); if (this.getCalendarEvent().isRecurrent()) { Recurrence recurrence = this.getCalendarEvent().getRecurrence().clone(); recurrence.clearsAllExceptionDates(); if (!this.getCalendarEvent().getRecurrence().isEndless()) { recurrence.until(this.getCalendarEvent().getRecurrence().getEndDate() .orElseThrow(IllegalArgumentException::new)); } newEvent.recur(recurrence); } return newEvent; } /** * Sets the event from which this occurrence comes from. This method is used for internal * mechanisms of the Silverpeas Calendar Engine when working with copies of calendar event * occurrences. * @param event the event of this occurrence. */ final void setCalendarEvent(final CalendarEvent event) { setId(generateId(event, getOriginalStartDate())); this.event = event; this.component.setCalendar(event.getCalendar()); } /** * Saves this occurrence of a calendar event into a data source so that it can be get later. * This method is dedicated to the {@link CalendarEvent} class. * <p> * Saving an event occurrence is done when this occurrence has changed from the event or from * its original planning in the timeline of a calendar. This is only done with occurrences of * a recurrent event as any change to the single occurrence of a non-recurrent event modifies the * event itself. * @return the persisted event occurrence. */ CalendarEventOccurrence saveIntoPersistence() { return Transaction.performInOne(() -> { CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository repository = CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository.get(); final CalendarEventOccurrence previous = getPreviousState(); final CalendarComponent pcc; final boolean modifiedSince; if (previous != null) { pcc = previous.asCalendarComponent(); modifiedSince = isModifiedSince(previous); } else { pcc = event.asCalendarComponent(); // Making a clone of event component and setting to it the component period in order to // not detect a modification about the period when performing method #isModifiedSince(). // The clone permits to not imply a modification of event component into persistence. As // the below treatment is performed into the case of creation, the original start date is // compared to the current start date in order to try to detect a real period modification. final CalendarComponent pccClone = pcc.clone(); pccClone.setPeriod(component.getPeriod()); modifiedSince = component.isModifiedSince(pccClone) || !getOriginalStartDate().toString().equals(getStartDate().toString()); } if (!modifiedSince && getAttendees().onlyAttendeePropertyChange(pcc.getAttendees())) { // we don't want update properties to be modified on participation answer or presence // status change in the attendees this.component.createdBy(pcc.getCreator(), pcc.getCreationDate()).updatedBy(pcc.getLastUpdater(), pcc.getLastUpdateDate()); } else { this.component.incrementSequence(); } return; }); } /** * Deletes this occurrence of a calendar event in the data source. If this occurrences wasn't * persisted, then nothing is done. * This method is dedicated to the {@link CalendarEvent} class. */ void deleteFromPersistence() { Transaction.performInOne(() -> { CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository repository = CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository.get(); repository.delete(this); return null; }); } /** * Deletes this occurrence and all the occurrences belonging to the same event of this occurrence * and that are after this one. This method is dedicated to the {@link CalendarEvent} class. * @return the count of actually occurrences removed from the data source. */ long deleteAllSinceMeFromThePersistence() { return Transaction.performInOne(() -> { CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository repository = CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository.get(); List<CalendarEventOccurrence> occurrences = repository.getAllSince(this); repository.delete(occurrences); return occurrences.size(); }); } /** * Is the date on which this occurrence is planned has changed from its previous state. * @return true if the date of this occurrence has just modified. False otherwise. */ boolean isDateChanged() { CalendarEventOccurrence previous = getPreviousState(); return (previous != null && !previous.getPeriod().equals(this.getPeriod())) || (previous == null && !this.getOriginalStartDate().equals(this.getStartDate())); } private CalendarEventOccurrence getPreviousState() { if (previousState == null && this.getId() != null) { previousState = Transaction.performInNew(() -> { CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository repository = CalendarEventOccurrenceRepository.get(); return repository.getById(this.getId()); }); } return previousState; } /** * Generates an event occurrence identifier from the necessary data. * @param event an event. * @param occurrenceStartDate a start date. * @return the computed occurrence identifier. */ private static String generateId(CalendarEvent event, Temporal occurrenceStartDate) { return event.getId() + "@" + occurrenceStartDate; } private static Pair<String, Temporal> explodeId(String id) { final String[] explodedId = id.split("@"); return Pair.of(explodedId[0], getDate(explodedId[1])); } private static Temporal getDate(String temporal) { if (temporal.contains("T")) { return OffsetDateTime.parse(temporal); } else { return LocalDate.parse(temporal); } } }