Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.silverpeas.core.calendar; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.silverpeas.core.util.CollectionUtil; import org.silverpeas.core.util.Mutable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; /** * This class is able to register the differences between two components in order to apply them * on other components. * <p>BE CAREFUL: id and period are not handled by this class</p> * @author Yohann Chastagnier */ class CalendarComponentDiffDescriptor { private static final String TITLE_ATTR = "title"; private static final String DESCRIPTION_ATTR = "description"; private static final String LOCATION_ATTR = "location"; private static final String PRIORITY_ATTR = "priority"; private static final String SAVE_ATTRIBUTE_ATTR = "save_attribute"; private static final String REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_ATTR = "remove_attribute"; private static final String SAVE_ATTENDEE_ATTR = "save_attendee"; private static final String REMOVE_ATTENDEE_ATTR = "remove_attendee"; private static final String UPDATE_ATTENDEE_STATUS_ATTR = "status_attendee"; private Map<String, Object> diff = new HashMap<>(); /** * Hidden constructor */ private CalendarComponentDiffDescriptor() { } /** * Gets the differences between the two given components which first one contains potential value * changes and the second one contains the reference values. * @param changes the component containing the changes. * @param reference the component containing the reference data. * @return the description of all detected differences. */ static CalendarComponentDiffDescriptor diffBetween(CalendarComponent changes, CalendarComponent reference) { CalendarComponentDiffDescriptor diffDescriptor = new CalendarComponentDiffDescriptor(); diffDescriptor.analyze(changes, reference); return diffDescriptor; } /** * Indicates if it exists detected differences. * @return true if it exists differences, false if there is not. */ boolean existsDiff() { return !diff.isEmpty(); } /** * Indicates if it concerns an attendee status diff. * @return true if it exists differences, false if there is not. */ boolean isAttendeeStatusDiff() { return diff.size() == 1 && diff.containsKey(UPDATE_ATTENDEE_STATUS_ATTR); } /** * Merges the detected differences into the given component. * @param component the component to merge. * @return true if something has been merged, false otherwise. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") boolean mergeInto(CalendarComponent component) { Mutable<Boolean> dataMerged = Mutable.of(false); if (diff.containsKey(TITLE_ATTR)) { component.setTitle((String) diff.get(TITLE_ATTR)); dataMerged.set(true); } if (diff.containsKey(DESCRIPTION_ATTR)) { component.setDescription((String) diff.get(DESCRIPTION_ATTR)); dataMerged.set(true); } if (diff.containsKey(LOCATION_ATTR)) { component.setLocation((String) diff.get(LOCATION_ATTR)); dataMerged.set(true); } if (diff.containsKey(PRIORITY_ATTR)) { component.setPriority((Priority) diff.get(PRIORITY_ATTR)); dataMerged.set(true); } if (diff.containsKey(SAVE_ATTRIBUTE_ATTR)) { Map<String, String> attributesToSave = (Map) diff.get(SAVE_ATTRIBUTE_ATTR); attributesToSave.forEach((key, value) -> component.getAttributes().set(key, value)); dataMerged.set(true); } if (diff.containsKey(REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_ATTR)) { Set<String> attributesToRemove = (Set) diff.get(REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_ATTR); attributesToRemove.forEach(a -> component.getAttributes().remove(a)); dataMerged.set(true); } if (diff.containsKey(SAVE_ATTENDEE_ATTR)) { Set<Attendee> attendeesToSave = (Set) diff.get(SAVE_ATTENDEE_ATTR); attendeesToSave.forEach(a -> { Optional<Attendee> attendee = component.getAttendees().get(a.getId()); if (attendee.isPresent()) { attendee.get().setPresenceStatus(a.getPresenceStatus()); } else { component.getAttendees().add(a.cloneFor(component)); } }); dataMerged.set(true); } if (diff.containsKey(REMOVE_ATTENDEE_ATTR)) { Set<Attendee> attendeesToRemove = (Set) diff.get(REMOVE_ATTENDEE_ATTR); attendeesToRemove.forEach(atr -> component.getAttendees().removeIf(a -> a.getId().equals(atr.getId()))); dataMerged.set(true); } if (diff.containsKey(UPDATE_ATTENDEE_STATUS_ATTR)) { Set<Attendee> attendeeStatusesToUpdate = (Set) diff.get(UPDATE_ATTENDEE_STATUS_ATTR); attendeeStatusesToUpdate.forEach(aS -> { Optional<Attendee> attendee = component.getAttendees().get(aS.getId()); attendee.ifPresent(a -> a.setParticipationStatus(aS.getParticipationStatus())); dataMerged.set(attendee.isPresent()); }); } return; } private void analyze(final CalendarComponent changes, final CalendarComponent reference) { if (!areEquals(changes.getTitle(), reference.getTitle())) { diff.put(TITLE_ATTR, changes.getTitle()); } if (!areEquals(changes.getDescription(), reference.getDescription())) { diff.put(DESCRIPTION_ATTR, changes.getDescription()); } if (!areEquals(changes.getLocation(), reference.getLocation())) { diff.put(LOCATION_ATTR, changes.getLocation()); } if (!areEquals(changes.getPriority(), reference.getPriority())) { diff.put(PRIORITY_ATTR, changes.getPriority()); } analyseAttributes(changes, reference); analyseAttendees(changes, reference); } private void analyseAttendees(final CalendarComponent left, final CalendarComponent right) { final Set<Attendee> attendeeToSave = new HashSet<>(); final Set<Attendee> attendeeToRemove = new HashSet<>(); final Set<Attendee> attendeeStatusToUpdate = new HashSet<>(); left.getAttendees().forEach(aLeft -> { Optional<Attendee> aRight = right.getAttendees().get(aLeft.getId()); if (!aRight.isPresent()) { attendeeToSave.add(aLeft); } else { if (!areEquals(aLeft.getParticipationStatus(), aRight.get().getParticipationStatus())) { attendeeStatusToUpdate.add(aLeft); } else if (!areEquals(aLeft.getPresenceStatus(), aRight.get().getPresenceStatus())) { attendeeToSave.add(aLeft); } } }); right.getAttendees().forEach(aRight -> { Optional<Attendee> aLeft = left.getAttendees().get(aRight.getId()); if (!aLeft.isPresent() && -> a.getId().equals(aRight.getId()))) { attendeeToRemove.add(aRight); } }); if (!attendeeToSave.isEmpty()) { diff.put(SAVE_ATTENDEE_ATTR, attendeeToSave); } if (!attendeeToRemove.isEmpty()) { diff.put(REMOVE_ATTENDEE_ATTR, attendeeToRemove); } if (!attendeeStatusToUpdate.isEmpty()) { diff.put(UPDATE_ATTENDEE_STATUS_ATTR, attendeeStatusToUpdate); } } private void analyseAttributes(final CalendarComponent left, final CalendarComponent right) { final Map<String, String> attributesToSave = new HashMap<>(); final Set<String> attributesToRemove = new HashSet<>(); final Map<String, String> leftAttributes = left.getAttributes().getData(); final Map<String, String> rightAttributes = right.getAttributes().getData(); Collection<String> allAttributeKeys = CollectionUtil.union(leftAttributes.keySet(), rightAttributes.keySet()); for (String key : allAttributeKeys) { boolean isOnLeft = leftAttributes.containsKey(key); if (isOnLeft) { boolean isOnRight = rightAttributes.containsKey(key); final String leftValue = leftAttributes.get(key); if (!isOnRight || !areEquals(leftValue, rightAttributes.get(key))) { attributesToSave.put(key, leftValue); } } else { attributesToRemove.add(key); } } if (!attributesToSave.isEmpty()) { diff.put(SAVE_ATTRIBUTE_ATTR, attributesToSave); } if (!attributesToRemove.isEmpty()) { diff.put(REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_ATTR, attributesToRemove); } } private boolean areEquals(Object left, Object right) { return new EqualsBuilder().append(left, right).build(); } }