Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.silverpeas.components.websites.control; /** * This is the webSite manager main interface It contains all of the methods to be accessible to the * client * * @author Ccile BONIN */ import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import; import org.silverpeas.components.websites.service.WebSiteService; import org.silverpeas.components.websites.service.WebSitesException; import org.silverpeas.components.websites.siteManage.model.FolderDetail; import org.silverpeas.components.websites.siteManage.model.IconDetail; import org.silverpeas.components.websites.siteManage.model.SiteDetail; import org.silverpeas.core.contribution.publication.model.PublicationDetail; import org.silverpeas.core.contribution.publication.model.PublicationPK; import org.silverpeas.core.exception.DecodingException; import org.silverpeas.core.exception.SilverpeasException; import org.silverpeas.core.node.model.NodeDetail; import org.silverpeas.core.node.model.NodePK; import org.silverpeas.core.notification.user.client.NotificationMetaData; import org.silverpeas.core.notification.user.client.NotificationParameters; import org.silverpeas.core.notification.user.client.NotificationSender; import org.silverpeas.core.notification.user.client.UserRecipient; import org.silverpeas.core.pdc.pdc.model.PdcClassification; import org.silverpeas.core.pdc.pdc.model.PdcPosition; import org.silverpeas.core.util.StringUtil; import org.silverpeas.core.util.ZipUtil; import org.silverpeas.core.util.file.FileFolderManager; import org.silverpeas.core.util.file.FileUploadUtil; import org.silverpeas.core.util.file.FileUtil; import org.silverpeas.core.util.logging.SilverLogger; import org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.AbstractComponentSessionController; import org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.ComponentContext; import org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.MainSessionController; import org.silverpeas.core.webapi.pdc.PdcClassificationEntity; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static org.silverpeas.core.pdc.pdc.model.PdcClassification.aPdcClassificationOfContent; public class WebSiteSessionController extends AbstractComponentSessionController { private FolderDetail sessionTopic = null; private NotificationSender notifSender = null; private SiteDetail sessionSite = null; private String siteName; public final static String TAB_PDC = "tabPdc"; private static final String WEBSITE_REPO_PROPERTY = "uploadsPath"; private static final String WEBSITE_WHITE_LIST = "whiteList"; public WebSiteSessionController(MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl, ComponentContext componentContext) { super(mainSessionCtrl, componentContext, "org.silverpeas.webSites.multilang.webSiteBundle", null, "org.silverpeas.webSites.settings.webSiteSettings"); initialize(); } protected String getWebSiteRepositoryPath() { String path = getSettings().getString(WEBSITE_REPO_PROPERTY); if (!path.endsWith("/") && !path.endsWith("\\")) { path += "/"; } return path; } /** * initEJB */ private void initialize() { // Remove all data store by this SessionController removeSessionTopic(); removeSessionSite(); } public boolean isBookmarkMode() { return ("bookmark".equals(getComponentRootName())); } public boolean isSortedTopicsEnabled() { return "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(getComponentParameterValue("sortedTopics")); } /* WebSite - Gestion des objets session */ public synchronized void setSessionTopic(FolderDetail topicDetail) { this.sessionTopic = topicDetail; } public synchronized void setSessionSite(SiteDetail siteDetail) { this.sessionSite = siteDetail; } public synchronized FolderDetail getSessionTopic() { return this.sessionTopic; } public synchronized SiteDetail getSessionSite() { return this.sessionSite; } public synchronized void removeSessionTopic() { setSessionTopic(null); } public synchronized void removeSessionSite() { setSessionSite(null); } public NotificationSender getNotificationSender() { if (notifSender == null) { notifSender = new NotificationSender(getComponentId()); } return notifSender; } /** * getWebSiteService */ public synchronized WebSiteService getWebSiteService() { return WebSiteService.get(); } public boolean isPdcUsed() { String parameterValue = getComponentParameterValue("usepdc"); return StringUtil.isDefined(parameterValue) && StringUtil.getBooleanValue(parameterValue); } public synchronized FolderDetail getFolder(String id) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().goTo(new NodePK(id, getComponentId())); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_FOLDER_FAILED", "id = " + id, re); } } public synchronized NodePK updateFolderHeader(NodeDetail nd, String alertType) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().updateFolder(nd, sessionTopic.getNodePK()); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.updateFolderHeader()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_UPDATE_FOLDER_HEADER_FAILED", re); } } public synchronized NodeDetail getFolderDetail(String id) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getFolderDetail(new NodePK(id, getComponentId())); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getFolderDetail()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_FOLDER_DETAIL_FAILED", "id = " + id, re); } } public synchronized NodePK addFolder(NodeDetail nd, String alertType) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().addFolder(nd, sessionTopic.getNodePK(), getUserDetail()); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.addFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_ADD_FOLDER_FAILED", re); } } public synchronized void deleteFolder(String id) throws WebSitesException { try { getWebSiteService().deleteFolder(new NodePK(id, getComponentId())); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.deleteFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_DELETE_FOLDER_FAILED", "id = " + id, re); } } public synchronized void changeTopicsOrder(String way, String topicId) { NodePK nodePK = new NodePK(topicId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); getWebSiteService().changeTopicsOrder(way, nodePK, getSessionTopic().getNodePK()); } /* ** gestion, des publi ** */ public synchronized PublicationDetail getPublicationDetail(String pubId) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getPublicationDetail(new PublicationPK(pubId, getComponentId())); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getPublicationDetail()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_GET_PUBLICATION_FAILED", "pubId = " + pubId, re); } } public synchronized void deletePublication(String pubId) throws WebSitesException { try { getWebSiteService().deletePublication(new PublicationPK(pubId, getComponentId())); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.deletePublication()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_DELETE_PUBLICATION_FAILED", "pubId = " + pubId, re); } } public synchronized Collection<NodePK> getAllFatherPK(String pubId) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getAllFatherPK(new PublicationPK(pubId, getComponentId())); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getPublicationFather()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_PUBLICATION_FATHER_FAILED", "pubId = " + pubId, re); } } public synchronized void addPublicationToFolder(String pubId, String folderId) throws WebSitesException { try { getWebSiteService().addPublicationToTopic(new PublicationPK(pubId, getComponentId()), new NodePK(folderId, getComponentId())); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.addPublicationToFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_PUBLICATION_ADD_TO_NODE_FAILED", "pubId = " + pubId + ", folderId = " + folderId, re); } } public synchronized void removePublicationToFolder(String pubId, String folderId) throws WebSitesException { try { getWebSiteService().removePublicationFromTopic(new PublicationPK(pubId, getComponentId()), new NodePK(folderId, getComponentId())); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.removePublicationToFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_PUBLICATION_DELETE_TO_NODE_FAILED", "pubId = " + pubId + ", folderId = " + folderId, re); } } /** * @param siteId * @return * @throws WebSitesException */ public synchronized String getIdPublication(String siteId) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getIdPublication(getComponentId(), siteId); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getIdPublication()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_PUBLICATION_FAILED", "siteId =" + siteId, re); } } public synchronized void changePubsOrder(String pubId, int direction) { getWebSiteService().changePubsOrder(new PublicationPK(pubId, getComponentId()), getSessionTopic().getNodePK(), direction); } /** * setSiteName */ public synchronized void setSiteName(String siteName) { this.siteName = siteName; } /** * getSiteName */ public synchronized String getSiteName() { return siteName; } /** * getAllWebSite */ public synchronized Collection<SiteDetail> getAllWebSite() throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getAllWebSite(getComponentId()); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getAllWebSite()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_ALL_WEBSITES_FAILED", "", re); } } /** * getWebSite */ public synchronized SiteDetail getWebSite(String id) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getWebSite(getComponentId(), id); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getWebSite", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_WEBSITE_FAILED", "siteId =" + id, re); } } /** * getIcons */ public synchronized Collection<IconDetail> getIcons(String id) throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getIcons(getComponentId(), id); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getIcons(id)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_ICONS_FAILED", "siteId =" + id, re); } } /** * getNextId */ public synchronized String getNextId() throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getNextId(getComponentId()); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getNextId()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_GET_NEXTID_FAILED", "", re); } } /** * getAllIcons */ public synchronized Collection<IconDetail> getAllIcons() throws WebSitesException { try { return getWebSiteService().getAllIcons(getComponentId()); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getAllIcons()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_ALL_ICONS_FAILED", "", re); } } /** * getAllSubFolder */ public synchronized Collection<File> getAllSubFolder(String chemin) throws WebSitesException { try { String fullPath = getFullPath(chemin); return FileFolderManager.getAllSubFolder(fullPath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getAllSubFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_ALL_SUB_FOLDERS_FAIL", e); } } /** * getAllFile */ public synchronized Collection<File> getAllFile(String chemin) throws WebSitesException { try { return FileFolderManager.getAllFile(getFullPath(chemin)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getAllFile()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_ALL_FILES_FAIL", e); } } /** * getAllImages */ public synchronized Collection<File> getAllImages(String chemin) throws WebSitesException { try { return FileFolderManager.getAllImages(getFullPath(chemin)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getAllImages()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_ALL_IMAGES_FAIL", e); } } /** * getAllHTMLWebPages */ public synchronized Collection<File> getAllHTMLWebPages(String chemin) throws WebSitesException { try { return FileFolderManager.getAllHTMLWebPages(getFullPath(chemin)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.getAllHTMLWebPages()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_GET_ALL_WEB_PAGES_FAIL", e); } } /** * createWebSite */ public synchronized String createWebSite(SiteDetail description) throws WebSitesException { try { description.setCreatorId(getUserId()); description.setCreationDate(new Date()); String pubPK = getWebSiteService().createWebSite(getComponentId(), description, getUserDetail()); classifyWebSites(description); return pubPK; } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.createWebSite(description)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_CREATE_WEBSITE_FAILED", "siteDetail =" + description.toString(), re); } } /** * @param siteDetail */ private void classifyWebSites(SiteDetail siteDetail) { String positions = siteDetail.getPositions(); if (StringUtil.isDefined(positions)) { PdcClassificationEntity pdcClassif = null; try { pdcClassif = PdcClassificationEntity.fromJSON(positions); } catch (DecodingException e) { SilverLogger.getLogger(this).error(e); } if (pdcClassif != null && !pdcClassif.isUndefined()) { List<PdcPosition> pdcPositions = pdcClassif.getPdcPositions(); PdcClassification classification = aPdcClassificationOfContent(siteDetail) .withPositions(pdcPositions); classification.classifyContent(siteDetail); } } } /** * AssociateIcons */ public synchronized void associateIcons(String id, Collection<String> listeIcones) throws WebSitesException { try { getWebSiteService().associateIcons(getComponentId(), id, listeIcones); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.associateIcons(id, listeIcones)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_ASSOCIATE_ICONS_FAILED", "siteId =" + id, re); } } /** * publish */ public synchronized void publish(Collection<String> listeSite) throws WebSitesException { /* Collection d'id de site */ try { getWebSiteService().publish(getComponentId(), listeSite); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.publish(listeSite)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_PUBLISH_SELECTED_FAILED", "listeSite =" + listeSite.toString(), re); } } /** * dePublish */ public synchronized void dePublish(Collection<String> listeSite) throws WebSitesException { try { getWebSiteService().dePublish(getComponentId(), listeSite); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.dePublish(listeSite)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_DEPUBLISH_SELECTED_FAILED", "listeSite =" + listeSite.toString(), re); } } /** * createFolder */ public synchronized void createFolder(String path) throws WebSitesException { try { FileFolderManager.createFolder(getFullPath(path)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.createFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_CREATE_FOLDER_FAIL", e); } } public String getWebSitePathById(String id) { return getComponentId() + "/" + id; } /** * renameFolder */ public synchronized void renameFolder(String oldPath, String newPath) throws WebSitesException { try { FileFolderManager.moveFolder(getFullPath(oldPath), getFullPath(newPath)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.renameFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_RENAME_FOLDER_FAIL", e); } } /** * delFolder */ public synchronized void delFolder(String folderPath) throws WebSitesException { try { FileFolderManager.deleteFolder(getFullPath(folderPath)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.delFolder()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_DELETE_FOLDER_FAIL", e); } } /** * createPage */ public synchronized void createFile(String filePath, String fileName, String fileContent) throws WebSitesException { try { FileFolderManager.createFile(getFullPath(filePath), fileName, fileContent); } catch (org.silverpeas.core.util.UtilException e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.createFile()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_CREATE_FILE_FAIL", e); } } /** * unzip */ public synchronized void unzip(String destPath, String zipFilePath) throws WebSitesException { try { File zip = new File(zipFilePath); File dest = new File(destPath); ZipUtil.extract(zip, dest); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.unzip()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_UNZIP_FILE_FAIL", e); } } /** * deleteWebSites */ public synchronized void deleteWebSites(Collection<String> liste) throws WebSitesException { try { getWebSiteService().deleteWebSites(getComponentId(), liste); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.deleteWebSites(liste)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_DELETE_WEBSITES_FAILED", "listeSite =" + liste, re); } } /** * @param siteDetail the site detail to update * @throws WebSitesException */ public synchronized void updateWebSite(SiteDetail siteDetail) throws WebSitesException { try { siteDetail.setCreatorId(getUserId()); siteDetail.setCreationDate(new Date()); getWebSiteService().updateWebSite(getComponentId(), siteDetail); String pubId = getWebSiteService().getIdPublication(getComponentId(), siteDetail.getSitePK().getId()); PublicationPK pubPk = new PublicationPK(pubId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); siteDetail.setPk(pubPk); getWebSiteService().updatePublication(siteDetail, getComponentId()); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.updateWebSite(siteDetail)", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_UPDATE_WEBSITE_FAILED", "siteDetail =" + siteDetail, re); } } /** * deleteDirectory */ public synchronized void deleteDirectory(String path) throws WebSitesException { boolean result; File directory = new File(getFullPath(path)); try { if (directory.exists() && directory.isDirectory()) { deleteDirFiles(directory); } } catch (Exception e) { SilverLogger.getLogger(this).warn(e); } result = directory.delete(); if (!result) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionClientController.deleteDirectory()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EXE_DELETE_DIRECTORY_FAIL", "path = " + path); } } private void deleteDirFiles(final File directory) { File[] dirFiles = directory.listFiles(); if (dirFiles != null) { for (final File dirFile : dirFiles) { delDir(dirFile); } } } /** * delDir : procedure privee recursive */ private synchronized void delDir(File dir) { try { if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] dirFiles = dir.listFiles(); for (final File dirFile : dirFiles) { delDir(dirFile); } } if (!dir.delete()) { SilverLogger.getLogger(this).warn("Cannot delete directory {0}", dir.getPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { SilverLogger.getLogger(this).error("Directory deletion failure: " + dir.getPath(), e); } } /** * renameFile */ public synchronized void renameFile(String dir, String name, String newName) throws WebSitesException { /* chemin = c:\\j2sdk\\public_html\\WAUploads\\WA0webSite10\\nomSite\\Folder */ try { String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(name); String newExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(newName); if (extension.equals(newExtension)) { FileFolderManager.renameFile(getFullPath(dir), name, newName); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the new and the old file names must have the same extension: " + extension); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.renameFile()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_RENAME_FILE_FAIL", e); } } /** * deleteFile */ public synchronized void deleteFile(String path) throws WebSitesException { try { FileFolderManager.deleteFile(getFullPath(path)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.deleteFile()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_DELETE_FILE_FAIL", e); } } /** * verif * @param action * @param currentPath * @param name * @param newName * @param nomPage * @return * @throws WebSitesException */ public synchronized String verif(String action, String currentPath, String name, String newName, String nomPage) throws WebSitesException { String res = ""; String fullPath = getFullPath(currentPath); try { switch (action) { case "addFolder": { // create a folder File folder = new File(fullPath, name); if (folder.exists()) { res = "pbAjoutFolder"; } else { res = "ok"; } break; } case "renameFolder": { // Rename current folder File folder = new File(fullPath, newName); if (folder.exists()) { res = "pbRenommageFolder"; } else { res = "ok"; } break; } case "addPage": { // create a file File fichier = new File(fullPath, nomPage); if (fichier.exists()) { res = "pbAjoutFile"; } else { res = "ok"; } break; } case "renamePage": { // rename a file File fichier = new File(fullPath, newName); if (fichier.exists()) { res = "pbRenommageFile"; } else { res = "ok"; } break; } default: res = "ok"; break; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.verif()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_VERIF_FAIL", e); } return res; } /** * notifyPublishers */ public void notifyPublishers(String auteur, String nomSite, String description, String nomPage, String listeMessage, String date) { String subject = getString("SuggestionLink"); String messageText = auteur + " " + getString("PropositionLien") + " \n \n" + getString("VoiciDescriptionLien") + "\n \n" + getString("") + " : " + nomSite + "\n" + getString("GML.description") + " : " + description + "\n" + getString("URL") + " : " + nomPage + "\n" + getString("ListeIcones") + " : \n" + listeMessage + "\n " + getString("GML.creationDate") + " : \n" + date; try { List<String> profileNames = new ArrayList<>(); profileNames.add("Admin"); profileNames.add("Publisher"); String[] users = getOrganisationController().getUsersIdsByRoleNames(getComponentId(), profileNames); List<UserRecipient> recipients = new ArrayList<>(users.length); for (String userId : users) { recipients.add(new UserRecipient(userId)); } NotificationMetaData notifMetaData = new NotificationMetaData(NotificationParameters.PRIORITY_NORMAL, subject, messageText); notifMetaData.setSender(getUserId()); notifMetaData.addUserRecipients(recipients); notifMetaData.setComponentId(getComponentId()); getNotificationSender().notifyUser(notifMetaData); } catch (Exception e) { SilverLogger.getLogger(this).error(e); } } public int getSilverObjectId(String objectId) { int silverObjectId = -1; try { silverObjectId = getWebSiteService().getSilverObjectId(getComponentId(), objectId); } catch (Exception e) { SilverLogger.getLogger(this).error(e); } return silverObjectId; } /** * @param idSite * @param arrayTopic * @throws WebSitesException */ public void updateClassification(String idSite, ArrayList<String> arrayTopic) throws WebSitesException { try { String idPub = getWebSiteService().getIdPublication(getComponentId(), idSite); getWebSiteService().updateClassification(new PublicationPK(idPub, getComponentId()), arrayTopic); } catch (Exception re) { throw new WebSitesException("WebSiteSessionController.updateClassification", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "webSites.EX_PUBLICATION_UPDATE_FAILED", "site id =" + idSite, re); } } public void checkPath(String path) throws WebSitesException { if (path.contains("..")) { throw new WebSitesException(getClass().getSimpleName() + ".checkPath", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "peasCore.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN"); } } private String getFullPath(String relativePath) throws WebSitesException { checkPath(relativePath); return getWebSiteRepositoryPath() + relativePath; } public int addFileIntoWebSite(String webSitePath, FileItem fileItem) throws Exception { String fileName = FileUploadUtil.getFileName(fileItem); String path = getWebSiteRepositoryPath() + "/" + webSitePath; File file = new File(path, fileName); fileItem.write(file); if (!isInWhiteList(file)) { FileUtil.forceDeletion(file); return -3; } return 0; } /** * Creates a web site from the content of an archive file (a ZIP file). * @param descriptionSite the site to create. * @param fileItem the zip archive with the content of the site to create. * @return the creation status. 0 means the creation succeed, other values means the site creation * failed: -1 the main page name is invalid and -2 the web site folder creation failed. * @throws Exception if an unexpected error occurs when creating the web site. */ public int createWebSiteFromZipFile(SiteDetail descriptionSite, FileItem fileItem) throws Exception { /* Cration du directory */ String cheminZip = getWebSiteRepositoryPath() + getWebSitePathById(descriptionSite.getId()); File directory = new File(cheminZip); if (directory.mkdir()) { /* creation du zip sur le serveur */ String fichierZipName = FileUploadUtil.getFileName(fileItem); File fichier = new File(cheminZip + "/" + fichierZipName); fileItem.write(fichier); /* dezip du sur le serveur */ String cheminFichierZip = cheminZip + "/" + fichierZipName; unzip(cheminZip, cheminFichierZip); /* check the files are thoses expected */ Collection<File> files = FileFolderManager.getAllWebPages(cheminZip); for (File uploadedFile : files) { if (!uploadedFile.getName().equals(fichierZipName) && !isInWhiteList(uploadedFile)) { return -3; } } /* verif que le nom de la page principale est correcte */ Collection<File> collPages = getAllHTMLWebPages(getWebSitePathById(descriptionSite.getId())); Iterator<File> j = collPages.iterator(); boolean searchOk = false; File f; while (j.hasNext()) { f =; if (f.getName().equals(descriptionSite.getContentPagePath())) { searchOk = true; break; } } if (!searchOk) { // le nom de la page principale n'est pas bonne return -1; } } else { return -2; } return 0; } private boolean isInWhiteList(File file) { String authorizedMimeTypes = getSettings().getString(WEBSITE_WHITE_LIST); if (StringUtil.isDefined(authorizedMimeTypes)) { List<String> whiteList = Arrays.asList(authorizedMimeTypes.split(" ")); String mimeType = FileUtil.getMimeType(file.getPath()); for (String whiteMiteType : whiteList) { if (mimeType.matches(whiteMiteType.replace("*", ".*").replace("+", "\\+"))) { return true; } } } return false; } }