Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have recieved a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import org.silverpeas.core.admin.user.model.UserDetail; import org.silverpeas.core.node.model.NodeDetail; import org.silverpeas.core.node.model.NodePK; import org.silverpeas.core.node.service.NodeService; import org.silverpeas.core.persistence.Transaction; import org.silverpeas.core.process.ProcessProvider; import; import org.silverpeas.core.process.util.ProcessList; import org.silverpeas.core.util.DateUtil; import org.silverpeas.core.util.ServiceProvider; import org.silverpeas.core.util.StringUtil; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import static*; /** * @author Yohann Chastagnier */ public class GalleryProcessManagement { private static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown"; private final UserDetail user; private final String componentInstanceId; private final ProcessList<ProcessExecutionContext> processList; /** * Default constructor */ public GalleryProcessManagement(final UserDetail user, final String componentInstanceId) { this.user = user; this.componentInstanceId = componentInstanceId; processList = new ProcessList<>(); } /* * Executor */ /** * Execute the transactional processing * @throws Exception */ public void execute() { Transaction.performInOne(() -> { try { ProcessProvider.getProcessManagement().execute(processList, new ProcessExecutionContext(user, componentInstanceId)); return null; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new GalleryRuntimeException(e); } }); } /* * Media */ /** * Adds processes to create the given media * @param media * @param albumId * @param file * @param watermark * @param delegate */ public void addCreateMediaProcesses(final Media media, final String albumId, final Object file, final Watermark watermark, final MediaDataCreateDelegate delegate) { processList.add(GalleryCreateMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media, albumId, delegate)); processList.add(GalleryCreateMediaFileProcess.getInstance(media, file, watermark)); processList.add(GalleryUpdateMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media)); processList.add(GalleryIndexMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media)); } /** * Adds processes to update the given media * @param media * @param watermark * @param delegate */ public void addUpdateMediaProcesses(final Media media, final Watermark watermark, final MediaDataUpdateDelegate delegate) { processList.add(GalleryUpdateMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media, delegate)); final FileItem fileItem = delegate.getFileItem(); if (fileItem != null && StringUtil.isDefined(fileItem.getName())) { processList.add(GalleryUpdateMediaFileProcess.getInstance(media, fileItem, watermark)); processList.add(GalleryUpdateMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media)); } processList.add(GalleryIndexMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media)); } /** * Adds processes to index the given media * @param media */ public void addIndexMediaProcesses(final Media media) { processList.add(GalleryIndexMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media)); } /** * Adds processes to delete the given media * @param media */ public void addDeleteMediaProcesses(final Media media) { processList.add(GalleryDeleteMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media)); processList.add(GalleryDeleteMediaFileProcess.getInstance(media)); processList.add(GalleryDeindexMediaDataProcess.getInstance(media)); } /** * Adds processes to paste the given media to the given album * @param mediaToPaste * @param toAlbum * @param isCutted */ public void addPasteMediaProcesses(final Media mediaToPaste, final NodePK toAlbum, final boolean isCutted) { final MediaPK fromMediaPk = new MediaPK(mediaToPaste.getId(), mediaToPaste.getInstanceId()); processList.add( GalleryPasteMediaDataProcess.getInstance(mediaToPaste, toAlbum.getId(), fromMediaPk, isCutted)); processList.add(GalleryPasteMediaFileProcess.getInstance(mediaToPaste, fromMediaPk, isCutted)); if (isCutted) { processList.add(GalleryDeindexMediaDataProcess.getInstance(mediaToPaste)); processList.add(GalleryIndexMediaDataProcess.getInstance(mediaToPaste)); } } /* * Album */ /** * Recursive method to add processes to create albums from a file repository. * This method performs a transaction between each file to save.<br> * It could happen, in the very particular case of space memory quota exception, that an album * is created with no media inside... * @throws Exception */ public static void importFromRepositoryProcesses(final UserDetail user, final String componentInstanceId, final File repository, final String albumId, final MediaDataCreateDelegate delegate) throws Exception { final Watermark watermark = getWatermark(componentInstanceId); final File[] fileList = repository.listFiles(); if (fileList != null) { for (final File file : fileList) { if (file.isFile()) { MediaMimeType mediaMimeType = MediaMimeType.fromFile(file); Media newMedia = null; newMedia = getMediaByType(mediaMimeType, newMedia); if (newMedia != null) { // Creation of the media // In a transaction. final GalleryProcessManagement processManagement = new GalleryProcessManagement(user, componentInstanceId); processManagement.addCreateMediaProcesses(newMedia, albumId, file, watermark, delegate); processManagement.execute(); } } else if (file.isDirectory()) { final AlbumDetail newAlbum = GalleryProcessManagement.createAlbum(user, componentInstanceId, file.getName(), albumId); importFromRepositoryProcesses(user, componentInstanceId, file, newAlbum.getNodePK().getId(), delegate); } } } } private static Media getMediaByType(final MediaMimeType mediaMimeType, Media newMedia) { if (mediaMimeType.isSupportedPhotoType()) { newMedia = new Photo(); } else if (mediaMimeType.isSupportedVideoType()) { newMedia = new Video(); } else if (mediaMimeType.isSupportedSoundType()) { newMedia = new Sound(); } return newMedia; } /** * Centralized method to create an album * @param name the album name * @param componentInstanceId the identifier of component instance * @param albumId an album identifier * @return an AlbumDetail * @throws Exception */ private static AlbumDetail createAlbum(final UserDetail user, final String componentInstanceId, final String name, final String albumId) { final AlbumDetail newAlbum = new AlbumDetail(new NodeDetail(UNKNOWN, name, null, 0, UNKNOWN)); newAlbum.setCreationDate(DateUtil.date2SQLDate(new Date())); newAlbum.setCreatorId(user.getId()); newAlbum.getNodePK().setComponentName(componentInstanceId); newAlbum.setNodePK(getGalleryService().createAlbum(newAlbum, new NodePK(albumId, componentInstanceId))); return newAlbum; } /** * Recursive method to add media paste processes for given albums (because of sub album) * @param fromAlbum * @param toAlbum * @param isCutted * @throws Exception */ public void addPasteAlbumProcesses(final AlbumDetail fromAlbum, final AlbumDetail toAlbum, final boolean isCutted) throws Exception { // Check if node can be copied or not (parent or same object) boolean pasteAllowed = !fromAlbum.equals(toAlbum) && !fromAlbum.isFatherOf(toAlbum); if (!pasteAllowed) { return; } if (isCutted) { // CUT & PASTE // Move images NodePK toSubAlbumPK; for (final NodeDetail subAlbumToPaste : getNodeService().getSubTree(fromAlbum.getNodePK())) { toSubAlbumPK = new NodePK(subAlbumToPaste.getNodePK().getId(), componentInstanceId); addPasteMediaAlbumProcesses(subAlbumToPaste.getNodePK(), toSubAlbumPK, true); } // Move album getNodeService().moveNode(fromAlbum.getNodePK(), toAlbum.getNodePK()); } else { // COPY & PASTE // Create new album final AlbumDetail newAlbum = new AlbumDetail(new NodeDetail()); final NodePK newAlbumPK = new NodePK(UNKNOWN, componentInstanceId); newAlbum.setNodePK(newAlbumPK); newAlbum.setCreatorId(user.getId()); newAlbum.setName(fromAlbum.getName()); newAlbum.setDescription(fromAlbum.getDescription()); newAlbum.setTranslations(fromAlbum.getTranslations()); newAlbum.setCreationDate(fromAlbum.getCreationDate()); newAlbum.setRightsDependsOn(toAlbum.getRightsDependsOn()); // Persisting the new album getNodeService().createNode(newAlbum, toAlbum); // Paste images of album addPasteMediaAlbumProcesses(fromAlbum.getNodePK(), newAlbum.getNodePK(), false); // Perform sub albums for (final NodeDetail subNode : getNodeService().getChildrenDetails(fromAlbum.getNodePK())) { addPasteAlbumProcesses(new AlbumDetail(subNode), newAlbum, false); } } } /** * Adds processes to paste an album to an other one * @param fromAlbumPk * @param toAlbumPk * @param isCutted * @throws Exception */ private void addPasteMediaAlbumProcesses(final NodePK fromAlbumPk, final NodePK toAlbumPk, final boolean isCutted) { for (final Media media : getGalleryService().getAllMedia(fromAlbumPk, MediaCriteria.VISIBILITY.FORCE_GET_ALL)) { addPasteMediaProcesses(media, toAlbumPk, isCutted); } } /** * Recursive method to add media delete processes for the given album (because of sub album) * @param albumPk * @throws Exception */ public void addDeleteAlbumProcesses(final NodePK albumPk) throws Exception { addDeleteMediaAlbumProcesses(albumPk); final Collection<NodeDetail> childrens = getNodeService().getChildrenDetails(albumPk); for (final NodeDetail node : childrens) { addDeleteAlbumProcesses(node.getNodePK()); } getNodeService().removeNode(albumPk); } /** * Adds processes to delete all media from the given album * @param albumPk * @throws Exception */ private void addDeleteMediaAlbumProcesses(final NodePK albumPk) { for (final Media media : getGalleryService().getAllMedia(albumPk, MediaCriteria.VISIBILITY.FORCE_GET_ALL)) { Collection<String> albumIds = getGalleryService().getAlbumIdsOf(media); if (albumIds.size() > 1) { // the image is in several albums // delete only the link between it and album to delete albumIds.remove(albumPk.getId()); media.setToAlbums(albumIds.toArray(new String[albumIds.size()])); } else { addDeleteMediaProcesses(media); } } } /* * Tools */ /** * Gets the GalleryService Service * @return */ private static GalleryService getGalleryService() { return ServiceProvider.getService(GalleryService.class); } /** * Gets the Node service * @return */ private static NodeService getNodeService() { return NodeService.get(); } }