Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * * * SignServer: The OpenSource Automated Signing Server * * * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. * * * * See terms of license at * * * *************************************************************************/ package org.signserver.module.mrtdsodsigner; import*; import*; import*; import; import java.util.*; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name; import org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce.JcaX500NameUtil; import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.digest.Tiger; import org.ejbca.util.CertTools; import org.signserver.common.*; import org.signserver.module.mrtdsodsigner.jmrtd.SODFile; import org.signserver.server.WorkerContext; import org.signserver.server.archive.Archivable; import org.signserver.server.archive.DefaultArchivable; import org.signserver.server.cryptotokens.ICryptoInstance; import org.signserver.server.cryptotokens.ICryptoToken; import org.signserver.server.signers.BaseSigner; import com.tigerit.mrtd.*; /** * A Signer creating a signed Security Object Data (SOD) file to be stored in ePassports. * <p> * Properties: * <ul> * <li>DIGESTALGORITHM = Message digest algorithm that is applied or should be applied to the values. (Optional)</li> * <li>SIGNATUREALGORITHM = Signature algorithm for signing the SO(d), should match * the digest algorithm. (Optional)</li> * <li>DODATAGROUPHASHING = True if this signer first should hash to values. Otherwise * the values are assumed to be hashes</li> * <li>LDSVERSION = Version of Logical Data Structure (LDS). For LDS version 1.7 enter "0107" and for version 1.8 "0108". (Optional, default is 0107)</li> * <li>UNICODEVERSION = Version of Unicode used in the datagroups. Required if LDS 1.8 is used. Example: "040000" for Unicode version 4.0.0.</li> * </ul> * * @author Tomas Gustavsson * @author Markus Kils * @version $Id: 5977 2015-03-27 10:30:50Z netmackan $ */ public class MRTDSODSigner extends BaseSigner { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MRTDSODSigner.class); /** * The digest algorithm, for example SHA1, SHA256. Defaults to SHA256. */ private static final String PROPERTY_DIGESTALGORITHM = "DIGESTALGORITHM"; /** * Default value for the digestAlgorithm property */ private static final String DEFAULT_DIGESTALGORITHM = "SHA256"; /** * The signature algorithm, for example SHA1withRSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA256withECDSA. Defaults to SHA256withRSA. */ private static final String PROPERTY_SIGNATUREALGORITHM = "SIGNATUREALGORITHM"; /** * Default value for the signature algorithm property */ private static final String DEFAULT_SIGNATUREALGORITHM = "SHA256withRSA"; /** * Determines if the the data group values should be hashed by the signer. If false we assume they are already hashed. */ private static final String PROPERTY_DODATAGROUPHASHING = "DODATAGROUPHASHING"; /** * Default value if the data group values should be hashed by the signer. */ private static final String DEFAULT_DODATAGROUPHASHING = "false"; /** * Determines which version of the LDS to use. */ private static final String PROPERTY_LDSVERSION = "LDSVERSION"; /** * Default value if the LDS version is not specified. */ private static final String DEFAULT_LDSVERSION = "0107"; /** * Determines which version of Unicode to set. */ private static final String PROPERTY_UNICODEVERSION = "UNICODEVERSION"; private static final Object syncObj = new Object(); private List<String> configErrors; @Override public void init(int workerId, WorkerConfig config, WorkerContext workerContext, EntityManager workerEM) { super.init(workerId, config, workerContext, workerEM); configErrors = new LinkedList<String>(); if (hasSetIncludeCertificateLevels) { configErrors.add(WorkerConfig.PROPERTY_INCLUDE_CERTIFICATE_LEVELS + " is not supported."); } } @Override public ProcessResponse processData(ProcessRequest signRequest, RequestContext requestContext) throws IllegalRequestException, CryptoTokenOfflineException, SignServerException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">processData"); } ProcessResponse ret = null; // Check that the request contains a valid SODSignRequest object. if (signRequest instanceof SODSignRequest) { //throw new IllegalRequestException("Recieved request wasn't an expected SODSignRequest."); final ISignRequest sReq = (ISignRequest) signRequest; final SODSignRequest sodRequest = (SODSignRequest) signRequest; final ICryptoToken token = getCryptoToken(); // Trying to do a workaround for issue when the PKCS#11 session becomes invalid // If autoactivate is on, we can deactivate and re-activate the token. synchronized (syncObj) { int status = token.getCryptoTokenStatus(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Crypto token status: " + status); } if (status != WorkerStatus.STATUS_ACTIVE) {"Crypto token status is not active, will see if we can autoactivate."); String pin = config.getProperty("PIN"); if (pin == null) { pin = config.getProperty("pin"); } if (pin != null) {"Deactivating and re-activating crypto token."); token.deactivate(); try { token.activate(pin); } catch (CryptoTokenAuthenticationFailureException e) { throw new CryptoTokenOfflineException(e); } } else {"Autoactivation not enabled, can not re-activate crypto token."); } } } // Construct SOD final SODFile sod; final X509Certificate cert; final List<Certificate> certChain; ICryptoInstance crypto = null; try { crypto = acquireCryptoInstance(ICryptoToken.PURPOSE_SIGN, signRequest, requestContext); cert = (X509Certificate) getSigningCertificate(crypto); if (cert == null) { throw new CryptoTokenOfflineException("No signing certificate"); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Using signer certificate with subjectDN '" + CertTools.getSubjectDN(cert) + "', issuerDN '" + CertTools.getIssuerDN(cert) + ", serNo " + CertTools.getSerialNumberAsString(cert)); } certChain = getSigningCertificateChain(crypto); // Create the SODFile using the data group hashes that was sent to us in the request. final String digestAlgorithm = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_DIGESTALGORITHM, DEFAULT_DIGESTALGORITHM); final String digestEncryptionAlgorithm = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_SIGNATUREALGORITHM, DEFAULT_SIGNATUREALGORITHM); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Using algorithms " + digestAlgorithm + ", " + digestEncryptionAlgorithm); } final String doHashing = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_DODATAGROUPHASHING, DEFAULT_DODATAGROUPHASHING); final Map<Integer, byte[]> dgvalues = sodRequest.getDataGroupHashes(); Map<Integer, byte[]> dghashes = dgvalues; if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(doHashing, "true")) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Converting data group values to hashes using algorithm " + digestAlgorithm); } // If true here the "data group hashes" are not really hashes but values that we must hash. // The input is already decoded (if needed) and nice, so we just need to hash it dghashes = new HashMap<Integer, byte[]>(16); for (Map.Entry<Integer, byte[]> dgId : dgvalues.entrySet()) { final byte[] value = dgId.getValue(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Hashing data group " + dgId + ", value is of length: " + value.length); } if ((value != null) && (value.length > 0)) { MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(digestAlgorithm); byte[] result = digest.digest(value); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Resulting hash is of length: " + result.length); } dghashes.put(dgId.getKey(), result); } } } // Version values from configuration String ldsVersion = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_LDSVERSION, DEFAULT_LDSVERSION); String unicodeVersion = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_UNICODEVERSION); // Version values in request overrides configuration final String ldsVersionRequest = sodRequest.getLdsVersion(); if (ldsVersionRequest != null) { ldsVersion = ldsVersionRequest; } final String unicodeVersionRequest = sodRequest.getUnicodeVersion(); if (unicodeVersionRequest != null) { unicodeVersion = unicodeVersionRequest; } // Check version if ("0107".equals(ldsVersion)) { // LDS V1.7 does not supported the version fields ldsVersion = null; unicodeVersion = null; } else if ("0108".equals(ldsVersion)) { // LDS V1.8 requires a unicode version if (unicodeVersion == null) { throw new IllegalRequestException("Unicode version must be specified in LDS version 1.8"); } } else { throw new IllegalRequestException("Unsupported LDS version: " + ldsVersion); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("LDS version: " + ldsVersion + ", unicodeVerison: " + unicodeVersion); } // TODO : Sun : This should be uncomment /* final SODFile constructedSod = new SODFile(digestAlgorithm, digestEncryptionAlgorithm, dghashes, crypto.getPrivateKey(), cert, crypto.getProvider().getName(), ldsVersion, unicodeVersion); */ // TODO : Sun : This should be removed byte[] constructedSodEncodedData = getSodDataFromTigeritJars(dgvalues, crypto.getPrivateKey(), cert); sod = new SODFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(constructedSodEncodedData)); // Reconstruct the sod //sod = new SODFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(constructedSod.getEncoded())); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new SignServerException("Problem constructing SOD", ex); } catch (TigerSignerException ex) { throw new SignServerException("Problem constructing SOD", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SignServerException("Problem reconstructing SOD", ex); } finally { releaseCryptoInstance(crypto, requestContext); } // Verify the Signature before returning try { verifySignatureAndChain(sod, certChain); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SOD verified correctly, returning SOD."); } // Return response final byte[] signedbytes = sod.getEncoded(); final String archiveId = createArchiveId(signedbytes, (String) requestContext.get(RequestContext.TRANSACTION_ID)); final Collection<? extends Archivable> archivables = Arrays .asList(new DefaultArchivable(Archivable.TYPE_RESPONSE, signedbytes, archiveId)); ret = new SODSignResponse(sReq.getRequestID(), signedbytes, cert, archiveId, archivables); // The client can be charged for the request requestContext.setRequestFulfilledByWorker(true); } catch (TigerSignerException e) { log.error("Error verifying the SOD we signed ourselves. ", e); throw new SignServerException("SOD verification failure", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error encoding SOD", e); throw new SignServerException("SOD encoding failure", e); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("<processData"); } } // TODO : SUN : Check : This is a added method for BulkSodSignResponse else if (signRequest instanceof BulkSodSignRequest) { final ISignRequest sReq = (ISignRequest) signRequest; final BulkSodSignRequest bulkSodSignRequest = (BulkSodSignRequest) signRequest; final ICryptoToken token = getCryptoToken(); // Trying to do a workaround for issue when the PKCS#11 session becomes invalid // If autoactivate is on, we can deactivate and re-activate the token. synchronized (syncObj) { int status = token.getCryptoTokenStatus(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Crypto token status: " + status); } if (status != WorkerStatus.STATUS_ACTIVE) {"Crypto token status is not active, will see if we can autoactivate."); String pin = config.getProperty("PIN"); if (pin == null) { pin = config.getProperty("pin"); } if (pin != null) {"Deactivating and re-activating crypto token."); token.deactivate(); try { token.activate(pin); } catch (CryptoTokenAuthenticationFailureException e) { throw new CryptoTokenOfflineException(e); } } else {"Autoactivation not enabled, can not re-activate crypto token."); } } } // Construct SOD final X509Certificate cert; final List<Certificate> certChain; Map<String, SODFile> bulkSodData = new HashMap<String, SODFile>(); List<NotProcessedSodData> notProcessedSodData = new ArrayList<NotProcessedSodData>(); ICryptoInstance crypto = null; try { crypto = acquireCryptoInstance(ICryptoToken.PURPOSE_SIGN, signRequest, requestContext); cert = (X509Certificate) getSigningCertificate(crypto); if (cert == null) { throw new CryptoTokenOfflineException("No signing certificate"); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Using signer certificate with subjectDN '" + CertTools.getSubjectDN(cert) + "', issuerDN '" + CertTools.getIssuerDN(cert) + ", serNo " + CertTools.getSerialNumberAsString(cert)); } certChain = getSigningCertificateChain(crypto); // Create the SODFile using the data group hashes that was sent to us in the request. final String digestAlgorithm = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_DIGESTALGORITHM, DEFAULT_DIGESTALGORITHM); final String digestEncryptionAlgorithm = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_SIGNATUREALGORITHM, DEFAULT_SIGNATUREALGORITHM); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Using algorithms " + digestAlgorithm + ", " + digestEncryptionAlgorithm); } final String doHashing = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_DODATAGROUPHASHING, DEFAULT_DODATAGROUPHASHING); final Map<String, Map<Integer, byte[]>> bulkDataGroups = bulkSodSignRequest.getBulkDataGroups(); // Version values from configuration String ldsVersion = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_LDSVERSION, DEFAULT_LDSVERSION); String unicodeVersion = config.getProperty(PROPERTY_UNICODEVERSION); // Version values in request overrides configuration final String ldsVersionRequest = bulkSodSignRequest.getLdsVersion(); if (ldsVersionRequest != null) { ldsVersion = ldsVersionRequest; } final String unicodeVersionRequest = bulkSodSignRequest.getUnicodeVersion(); if (unicodeVersionRequest != null) { unicodeVersion = unicodeVersionRequest; } // Check version if ("0107".equals(ldsVersion)) { // LDS V1.7 does not supported the version fields ldsVersion = null; unicodeVersion = null; } else if ("0108".equals(ldsVersion)) { // LDS V1.8 requires a unicode version if (unicodeVersion == null) { throw new IllegalRequestException("Unicode version must be specified in LDS version 1.8"); } } else { throw new IllegalRequestException("Unsupported LDS version: " + ldsVersion); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("LDS version: " + ldsVersion + ", unicodeVerison: " + unicodeVersion); } // TODO : Sun : This should be uncomment /* final SODFile constructedSod = new SODFile(digestAlgorithm, digestEncryptionAlgorithm, dghashes, crypto.getPrivateKey(), cert, crypto.getProvider().getName(), ldsVersion, unicodeVersion); */ // TODO : Sun : This should be removed for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, byte[]>> entry : bulkDataGroups.entrySet()) { SODFile sod = null; NotProcessedSodData notProcessedData = new NotProcessedSodData(entry.getKey()); try { byte[] constructedSodEncodedData = getSodDataFromTigeritJars(entry.getValue(), crypto.getPrivateKey(), cert); sod = new SODFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(constructedSodEncodedData)); bulkSodData.put(entry.getKey(), sod); } catch (TigerSignerException e) { notProcessedData.setExceptionMessage(e.getMessage()); notProcessedSodData.add(notProcessedData); } catch (IOException e) { notProcessedData.setExceptionMessage(e.getMessage()); notProcessedSodData.add(notProcessedData); } } } finally { releaseCryptoInstance(crypto, requestContext); } // Verify the Signature before returning List<SODData> bulkSignedBytes = new ArrayList<SODData>(); for (Map.Entry<String, SODFile> sodData : bulkSodData.entrySet()) { try { verifySignatureAndChain(sodData.getValue(), certChain); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SOD verified correctly, returning SOD."); } final byte[] signedbytes = sodData.getValue().getEncoded(); SODData data = new SODData(sodData.getKey(), signedbytes); bulkSignedBytes.add(data); } catch (Exception e) { NotProcessedSodData notProcessedData = new NotProcessedSodData(sodData.getKey(), e.getMessage()); notProcessedSodData.add(notProcessedData); } } ret = new BulkSodSignResponse(sReq.getRequestID(), new ProcessedSODDataList(bulkSignedBytes), new NotProcessedSodDataList(notProcessedSodData), cert); // The client can be charged for the request requestContext.setRequestFulfilledByWorker(true); } else { throw new IllegalRequestException("Recieved request wasn't an expected SODSignRequest."); } return ret; } private byte[] getSodDataFromTigeritJars(Map<Integer, byte[]> dgValues, PrivateKey privateKey, X509Certificate certificate) throws TigerSignerException { byte[] sodData = null; IsoDataProcessor mdp = new IsoDataProcessor(); Response response = new Response(); DgContents dgContents = getLDSData(dgValues); byte[] dataToBeSigned = mdp.GetDataForSigning(dgContents, response); try { if (response.IsSuccessful) { byte[] signedData = getSampleSignedData(dataToBeSigned, privateKey); SodSecurityInfo ldsSecurityInfo = new SodSecurityInfo(); ldsSecurityInfo.Certificate = certificate; ldsSecurityInfo.SignatureData = signedData; sodData = mdp.GetSod(ldsSecurityInfo, response); if (response.IsSuccessful) {"SOD generated Successfully"); } } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("Error while constracting SOD. ", e); } catch (SignatureException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("Error while constracting SOD. ", e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("Error while constracting SOD. ", e); } if (sodData == null) { throw new TigerSignerException("Error while constracting SOD : Null SOD data."); } return sodData; } static byte[] getSampleSignedData(byte[] dataToBeSigned, PrivateKey privateKey) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException { byte[] encryptedDigest = null; Signature s = null; s = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA"); s.initSign(privateKey); s.update(dataToBeSigned); encryptedDigest = s.sign(); return encryptedDigest; } private DgContents getLDSData(Map<Integer, byte[]> dgValues) { DgContents ldsData = new DgContents(); //Dg1, Dg2, Dg4, Dg5, Dg7, Dg11; ldsData.Dg1 = dgValues.get(1); ldsData.Dg2 = dgValues.get(2); ldsData.Dg4 = dgValues.get(4); ldsData.Dg5 = dgValues.get(5); ldsData.Dg7 = dgValues.get(7); ldsData.Dg11 = dgValues.get(11); return ldsData; } private X509Certificate findIssuerCert(Collection<Certificate> chain, X509Certificate sodCert) { X509Certificate result = null; final X500Name issuer = JcaX500NameUtil.getIssuer(sodCert); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { final StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.append("Looking for "); buff.append(issuer); log.debug(buff.toString()); } for (Certificate cert : chain) { if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) { final X509Certificate x509 = (X509Certificate) cert; final X500Name subject = JcaX500NameUtil.getSubject(x509); if (issuer.equals(subject)) { result = (X509Certificate) cert; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Found issuer"); } break; } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { final StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.append(issuer); buff.append("!="); buff.append(subject); log.debug(buff.toString()); } } } } return result; } private void verifySignatureAndChain(final SODFile sod, final Collection<Certificate> chain) throws TigerSignerException { try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { final StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.append("Verifying SOD signed by DS with issuer: "); buff.append(sod.toString()); log.debug(buff.toString()); } // Get Signer certificate from SOD final X509Certificate sodCert = sod.getDocSigningCertificate(); // We need a Bouncy Castle certificate so reconstruct it final CertificateFactory factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509", "BC"); final X509Certificate signerCert = (X509Certificate) factory .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(sodCert.getEncoded())); // Verify the SOD signature using certificate from SOD final boolean consistent = sod.checkDocSignature(signerCert); if (!consistent) { log.error("Failed to verify the SOD we signed ourselves."); log.error("Cert: " + signerCert); log.error("SOD: " + sod); throw new TigerSignerException("GeneralSecurityException : Signature not consistent"); } // Find the issuer certificate from the configured chain final X509Certificate issuerCert = (chain == null ? null : findIssuerCert(chain, signerCert)); if (issuerCert == null) { log.error("Failed to verify certificate chain"); log.error("Cert: " + signerCert); log.error("SOD Cert: " + signerCert); log.error("Chain: " + chain); throw new TigerSignerException("GeneralSecurityException :Issuer of cert not in chain."); } // Verify the signer certificate using the issuer from the chain signerCert.verify(issuerCert.getPublicKey()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Getting signer certificate from SOD failed", e); throw new TigerSignerException("GeneralSecurityException : Getting signer certificate from SOD failed", e); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("CertificateEncodingException : ", e); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("CertificateException : ", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("NoSuchAlgorithmException : ", e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("InvalidKeyException : ", e); } catch (SignatureException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("SignatureException : ", e); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("NoSuchProviderException : ", e); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new TigerSignerException("GeneralSecurityException : ", e); } } @Override protected List<String> getFatalErrors() { final List<String> errors = super.getFatalErrors(); errors.addAll(configErrors); return errors; } }