Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * All Sigmah code is released under the GNU General Public License v3
 * See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt.



 *  This gives you static functions for creating dynamically
 *     sized and colored marker icons using the Google Charts API marker output.
public class GcIconFactory {

     * Specifies, in pixels, the width of the icon.
     *     The width may include some blank space on the side, depending on the
     *     height of the icon, as the icon will scale its shape proportionately
    public int width = 32;

     * Specifies, in pixels, the height of the icon.
    public int height = 32;

     * Specifies, as a hexadecimal
     *     string, the color used for the majority of the icon body.
    public String primaryColor = "#ff0000";

     * Specifies, as a hexadecimal
     *     string, the color used for the top corner of the icon. If you'd like the
     *     icon to have a consistent color, make the this the same as the
     *     <code>primaryColor</code>.
    public String cornerColor = "#ffffff";

     *  Specifies, as a hexadecimal
     *     string, the color used for the outside line (stroke) of the icon.
    public String strokeColor = "#000000";

     * Specifies, as a hexadecimal
     *     string, the color used for the shadow of the icon.
    public String shadowColor = "#000000";

     *  Specifies a character or string to display
     *     inside the body of the icon. Generally, one or two characters looks best.
    public String label = "";

     * Specifies, as a hexadecimal
     *     string, the color used for the label text.
    public String labelColor = "#000000";

     * Specifies, in pixels, the size of the label
     *     text. If set to 0, the text auto-sizes to fit the icon body.
    public int labelSize = 0;

    public final static String SHAPE_CIRCLE = "circle";
    public final static String SHAPE_ROUNDRECT = "roundrect";

     * Specifies shape of the icon. Current
     *     options are "circle" for a circle or "roundrect" for a rounded rectangle.
    public String shape = SHAPE_CIRCLE;

     * Specifies whether to add a star to the
     *     edge of the icon.
    public boolean addStar = false;

     *  Specifies, as a hexadecimal
     *     string, the color used for the star body.
    public String starPrimaryColor = "#FFFF00";

     *  Specifies, as a hexadecimal
     *     string, the color used for the outside line (stroke) of the star.
    public String starStrokeColor = "#0000FF";

     * Creates an icon based on the specified options
     *   Supported options are: width, height, primaryColor,
     *   strokeColor, and cornerColor.
      * @return Icon for GoogleMaps
    public Icon createMarkerIcon() {

        String baseUrl = "";
        String iconUrl = baseUrl + "&chs=" + width + "x" + height + "&chco=" + cornerColor.replace("#", "") + ","
                + primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "," + strokeColor.replace("#", "") + "&ext=.png";

        Icon icon = Icon.newInstance(iconUrl);
        icon.setIconSize(Size.newInstance(width, height));
        icon.setShadowSize(Size.newInstance((int) Math.floor(width * 1.6), height));
        icon.setIconAnchor(Point.newInstance(width / 2, height));
        icon.setInfoWindowAnchor(Point.newInstance(width / 2, (int) Math.floor(height / 12)));
        icon.setPrintImageURL(iconUrl + "&chof=gif");
        icon.setMozPrintImageURL(iconUrl + "&chf=bg,s,ECECD8" + "&chof=gif");

        iconUrl = baseUrl + "&chs=" + width + "x" + height + "&chco=" + cornerColor.replace("#", "") + ","
                + primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "," + strokeColor.replace("#", "");
        icon.setTransparentImageURL(iconUrl + "&chf=a,s,ffffff11&ext=.png");
        icon.setImageMap(new int[] { width / 2, height, (int) ((7d / 16d) * width), (int) ((5d / 8d) * height),
                (int) ((5d / 16d) * width), (int) ((7d / 16d) * height), (int) ((7d / 32d) * width),
                (int) ((5d / 16d) * height), (int) ((5d / 16d) * width), (int) ((1d / 8d) * height),
                (int) ((1d / 2d) * width), 0, (int) ((11d / 16d) * width), (int) ((1d / 8d) * height),
                (int) ((25d / 32d) * width), (int) ((5d / 16d) * height), (int) ((11d / 16d) * width),
                (int) ((7d / 16d) * height), (int) ((9d / 16d) * width), (int) ((5d / 8d) * height) });

        return icon;

    * Creates a flat icon based on the specified options
    *     Supported options are: width, height, primaryColor,
    *     shadowColor, label, labelColor, labelSize, and shape..
     * @return Icon object for use in GoogleMaps
    public Icon createFlatIcon() {
        String shapeCode = ("circle".equals(shape)) ? "it" : "itr";

        String baseUrl = "" + shapeCode;
        String iconUrl = baseUrl + "&chs=" + width + "x" + height + "&chco=" + primaryColor.replace("#", "") + ","
                + shadowColor.replace("#", "") + "ff,ffffff01" + "&chl=" + label + "&chx="
                + labelColor.replace("#", "") + "," + labelSize;
        Icon icon = Icon.newInstance(Icon.DEFAULT_ICON);
        icon.setImageURL(iconUrl + "&chf=bg,s,00000000" + "&ext=.png");
        icon.setIconSize(Size.newInstance(width, height));
        icon.setShadowSize(Size.newInstance(0, 0));
        icon.setIconAnchor(Point.newInstance(width / 2, height / 2));
        icon.setInfoWindowAnchor(Point.newInstance(width / 2, height / 2));
        icon.setPrintImageURL(iconUrl + "&chof=gif");
        icon.setMozPrintImageURL(iconUrl + "&chf=bg,s,ECECD8" + "&chof=gif");
        icon.setTransparentImageURL(iconUrl + "&chf=a,s,ffffff01&ext=.png");

        if (shapeCode.equals("itr")) {
            icon.setImageMap(new int[] { 0, 0, width, 0, width, height, 0, height });
        } else {
            icon.setImageMap(createCircleImageMap(width, height, 8));

        return icon;

    public static int[] createCircleImageMap(int width, int height, int polyNumSides) {
        double polySideLength = 360 / polyNumSides;
        double polyRadius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
        int[] imageMap = new int[(polyNumSides + 1) * 2];
        int i = 0;
        for (int a = 0; a < (polyNumSides + 1); a++) {
            double aRad = polySideLength * a * (Math.PI / 180);
            double pixelX = polyRadius + polyRadius * Math.cos(aRad);
            double pixelY = polyRadius + polyRadius * Math.sin(aRad);

            imageMap[i++] = (int) pixelX;
            imageMap[i++] = (int) pixelY;

        return imageMap;
