Java tutorial
/* * cilla - Blog Management System * * Copyright (C) 2012 Richard "Shred" Krber * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import static*; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.jws.WebService; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.transform.AliasToBeanResultTransformer; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.model.Medium; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.model.Page; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.model.Picture; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.model.Section; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.model.Tag; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.repository.CategoryDao; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.repository.MediumDao; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.repository.PageDao; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.repository.PictureDao; import org.shredzone.cilla.core.repository.TagDao; import org.shredzone.cilla.service.PageService; import org.shredzone.cilla.service.PictureService; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * Implementation of {@link PageWs}. * * @author Richard "Shred" Krber */ @Transactional @Secured("ROLE_WEBSERVICE") @Service @WebService(serviceName = "PageWs", endpointInterface = "", targetNamespace = "") public class PageWsImpl extends AbstractWs implements PageWs { private @Resource PageAssembler pageAssembler; private @Resource MediumAssembler mediumAssembler; private @Resource PictureAssembler pictureAssembler; private @Resource CategoryAssembler categoryAssembler; private @Resource SectionFacade sectionFacade; private @Resource PageService pageService; private @Resource PictureService pictureService; private @Resource LinkService linkService; private @Resource PageDao pageDao; private @Resource TagDao tagDao; private @Resource CategoryDao categoryDao; private @Resource MediumDao mediumDao; private @Resource PictureDao pictureDao; @Override public PageDto fetch(long id) throws CillaServiceException { Page entity = pageDao.fetch(id); if (entity == null) { throw new CillaNotFoundException("page", id); } PageDto dto = pageAssembler.assemble(entity); dto.setSections(sectionFacade.assembleSections(entity.getSections())); dto.setMedia(mediumAssembler.bulkAssemble(mediumDao.fetchAll(entity))); dto.setCategories(categoryAssembler.bulkAssemble(entity.getCategories())); dto.getTags().addAll(entity.getTags().stream().map(Tag::getName).collect(toList())); return dto; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public long count() { return pageDao.countAll(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<PageInfoDto> list(ListRange lr) { Criteria crit = pageDao.criteria().createAlias("creator", "c").createAlias("thread", "t") .addOrder(Order.desc("creation")).setProjection(pageAssembler.projection()) .setResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(PageInfoDto.class)); applyListRange(lr, "creation", true, crit); return crit.list(); } @Override public PageDto createNew() throws CillaServiceException { return pageAssembler.assemble(pageService.createNew()); } @Override public PageDto commit(PageDto dto) throws CillaServiceException { if (dto.isPersisted()) { Page page = pageDao.fetch(dto.getId()); pageAssembler.merge(dto, page); commitSections(dto, page); commitMedium(dto, page); commitCategories(dto, page); commitTags(dto, page); pageService.update(page); } else { Page page = new Page(); pageAssembler.merge(dto, page); pageService.create(page); dto.setId(page.getId()); commitSections(dto, page); commitMedium(dto, page); commitCategories(dto, page); commitTags(dto, page); } return dto; } @Override public void delete(long pageId) throws CillaServiceException { pageService.remove(pageDao.fetch(pageId)); } @Override public String previewUrl(long pageId) throws CillaServiceException { Page pageEntity = pageDao.fetch(pageId); if (pageEntity == null) { throw new CillaNotFoundException("page", pageId); } return linkService.linkTo().page(pageEntity).anchor("content").external().toString(); } @Override public Collection<String> getSectionTypes() { return sectionFacade.getSectionTypes(); } @Override public SectionDto createNewSection(String type) throws CillaServiceException { return sectionFacade.createSection(type); } @Override public MediumDto createNewMedium() throws CillaServiceException { return mediumAssembler.assemble(pageService.createNewMedium()); } @Override public PictureDto createNewPicture() throws CillaServiceException { return pictureAssembler.assemble(pictureService.createNew()); } @Override public DataHandler getMediumImage(long mediumId, ImageProcessing process) throws CillaServiceException { Medium medium = mediumDao.fetch(mediumId); if (medium == null) { throw new CillaNotFoundException("medium", mediumId); } return new DataHandler(pageService.getMediumImage(medium, process)); } @Override public DataHandler getGalleryImage(long pictureId, ImageProcessing process) throws CillaServiceException { Picture pic = pictureDao.fetch(pictureId); if (pic == null) { throw new CillaNotFoundException("picture", pictureId); } return new DataHandler(pictureService.getImage(pic, process)); } @Override public List<String> proposeSubjects(String query, int limit) { return pageDao.proposeSubjects(query, limit); } /** * Commits all sections of a page. * * @param dto * {@link PageDto} containing the sections * @param entity * {@link Page} to commit the sections to */ private void commitSections(PageDto dto, Page entity) throws CillaServiceException { Set<Section> deletableSec = new HashSet<>(entity.getSections()); for (SectionDto sec : dto.getSections()) { Section persistedSec = sectionFacade.persistSection(sec, entity); deletableSec.remove(persistedSec); } for (Section deleteSec : deletableSec) { sectionFacade.deleteSection(deleteSec); } } /** * Commits all media of a page. * * @param dto * {@link PageDto} containing the media * @param entity * {@link Page} to commit the media to */ private void commitMedium(PageDto dto, Page entity) throws CillaServiceException { Set<Medium> deletableMedia = new HashSet<>(mediumDao.fetchAll(entity)); for (MediumDto mediumDto : dto.getMedia()) { if (mediumDto.isPersisted()) { Medium medium = mediumDao.fetch(mediumDto.getId()); deletableMedia.remove(medium); mediumAssembler.merge(mediumDto, medium); if (mediumDto.getUploadMediumFile() != null) { pageService.updateMedium(entity, medium, mediumDto.getUploadMediumFile().getDataSource()); } } else { Medium medium = new Medium(); mediumAssembler.merge(mediumDto, medium); pageService.addMedium(entity, medium, mediumDto.getUploadMediumFile().getDataSource()); mediumDto.setId(medium.getId()); } } for (Medium deletable : deletableMedia) { pageService.removeMedium(entity, deletable); } } /** * Commits all categories of a page. * * @param dto * {@link PageDto} containing the categories * @param entity * {@link Page} to commit the categories to */ private void commitCategories(PageDto dto, Page entity) throws CillaServiceException { entity.setCategories(dto.getCategories().stream().map(CategoryDto::getId).map(categoryDao::fetch) .filter(it -> it != null).collect(toCollection(HashSet::new))); } /** * Commits all tags of a page. * * @param dto * {@link PageDto} containing the tags * @param entity * {@link Page} to commit the tags to */ private void commitTags(PageDto dto, Page entity) throws CillaServiceException { entity.setTags(dto.getTags().stream().map(tagDao::fetchOrCreate).collect(toCollection(TreeSet::new))); } }