Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; /** * * @author Tao Zhao */ public class PlosDoiDataImpl implements ExcelData, PlosDoiData { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(PlosDoiDataImpl.class); private HashMap<String, String[]> data; private ExcelHandler excelHandler; private ArrayList<String> doiData; private ArrayList<PlosData> plosDataList; private String outputPath; public HashMap<String, String[]> getData() { return data; } public ExcelHandler getExcelHandler() { return excelHandler; } /** * * @param data */ public void setData(HashMap<String, String[]> data) { = data; } public void setExcelHandler(ExcelHandler excelHandler) { this.excelHandler = excelHandler; } public ArrayList<String> getDoiData() { return doiData; } public ArrayList<PlosData> getPlosDataList() { return plosDataList; } public void setPlosDataList(ArrayList<PlosData> plosDataList) { this.plosDataList = plosDataList; } public String getOutputPath() { return outputPath; } public void setOutputPath(String outputPath) { this.outputPath = outputPath; } @Override public void addData(int row, int col, Object data) { String key = Integer.toString(row) + "-" + Integer.toString(col); HashMap dataVal = this.getData(); dataVal.put(key, data); } public void setDoiData(ArrayList<String> doiData) { this.doiData = doiData; } @Override public void printData() { } @Override public void convertHashMapDataToDoi(HashMap mapData) throws Exception { Set keys = mapData.keySet(); Iterator it = keys.iterator(); ArrayList<String> doiList = new ArrayList<>(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); String value = (String) mapData.get(key); // the values is composed of "val--datatype": for example, Tom--Str or 0.50--num String[] values = value.split("--"); if (null == values || values.length != 2) continue; String type = values[1]; value = values[0]; String[] rowCol = key.split("-"); if (null == rowCol || rowCol.length != 2) throw new Exception("The row and column are not specifid!"); int row = Integer.parseInt(rowCol[0]); int col = Integer.parseInt(rowCol[1]); if (col == 3 && value.contains("/journal.p")) { int index = value.toLowerCase().indexOf("plos "); if (index == -1) continue; String doiVal = value.substring(index); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(e)(\\d{1,10})(.)(\\s*)(doi:)"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(doiVal); if (matcher.find()) { String[] doiInfo = doiVal.split(":"); if (doiInfo.length != 3) continue; String isPartOfSeries = doiInfo[0] + ":" + +; doiVal = isPartOfSeries + "---" + doiInfo[2]; doiList.add(doiVal); //System.out.println("Matcher find the string for "+doiInfo[0]+"!!! \n");//System.out.println( + " - " +; } else { System.out.println("Matcher cannot find the string for " + doiVal + "!!! \n"); } } } setDoiData(doiList); } @Override public void getDspaceLoadingData(String fileName) throws Exception { importData(fileName); ArrayList<String> doiList = getDoiData(); if (!doiList.isEmpty()) { PlosRequest req = (PlosRequest) PlosUtil.getPlosContext().getBean("plosRequest"); PlosData plosData = (PlosData) PlosUtil.getPlosContext().getBean("plosData"); for (String doi : doiList) { String[] valArray = doi.split("---"); String isPartOfSeries = valArray[0]; String[] doiArr = valArray[1].split(":"); doi = doiArr[0]; plosData = getDspaceJournalLoadingFilesBySingleDoi(doi); plosDataList.add(plosData); } } } /** * * @param fileName : file path */ @Override public void importData(String fileName) { //String path = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFilePathFromResources(fileName); excelHandler.setFileName(fileName); try { excelHandler.readData(); HashMap mapData = excelHandler.getData(); convertHashMapDataToDoi(mapData); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(PlosDoiDataImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } @Override public void exportXmlData(String filePath) { } @Override public String getDspaceLoadingData(MultipartFile file) { String filePath = null; filePath = DspaceJournalDataUtil.saveUploadedData(file, "plos"); setOutputPath(DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileContainerPath(filePath) + File.separator + "output"); try { getDspaceLoadingData(filePath); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(PlosDoiDataImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return filePath; } private String getArticleOutputFolderPath(String doi) { return outputPath + File.separator + doi.split("/")[1]; } private void matchCitationDate(String dateString, PlosData plosData) throws Exception { Date date; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})|(\\d{4}/\\d{2}/\\d{2})"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(dateString); if (matcher.find()) { dateString =; dateString = dateString.replace("-", "/"); date = sdf.parse(dateString); } // the date can be in a form of 'MMM dd, yyyy' else if (!dateString.equals("")) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy"); // 3-letter month name & 2-char day of month Date date2 = formatter.parse(dateString); String s3 = sdf.format(date2); date = sdf.parse(s3); } else { throw new Exception("Date match not found\n"); } plosData.setDateIssued(date); } @Override public String getDspaceJournalLoadingFilesByDoi(String[] dois, Date time) { String uploadPath = null; plosDataList.clear(); uploadPath = DspaceJournalDataUtil.getDspaceJournalUploadPath("plos", time); setOutputPath(uploadPath + File.separator + "output_plos"); for (String doi : dois) { getDspaceJournalLoadingFilesBySingleDoi(doi); } try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(uploadPath + File.separator + "output_plos")); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Cannot delete the saf folder after being zipped", ex); } return uploadPath + File.separator + ""; } private String getIsPartOfSeriesByCitation(String citation) throws NoMatchingRegularExpressionException { String isPartOfSeries = null; String pattern = "\\.(\\s?)PLoS(\\s?)(.*)(\\d+)(\\((\\d+)\\):(\\s?)e(\\d+))"; Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern); Matcher m = r.matcher(citation); if (m.find()) { isPartOfSeries =; } else { throw new NoMatchingRegularExpressionException("Cannot find match strings at all!"); } return isPartOfSeries.substring(2); } @Override public PlosData getDspaceJournalLoadingFilesBySingleDoi(String doi) { PlosRequest req = (PlosRequest) PlosUtil.getPlosContext().getBean("plosRequest"); PlosData plosData = (PlosData) PlosUtil.getPlosContext().getBean("plosData"); String doiDataVal = req.getFullData(doi); String[] tagNames = { "property" }; HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> metaData = HtmlParser.metaDataParserWithTagNames(doiDataVal, tagNames); String acknowledgement = PlosUtil.getPlosAck(doiDataVal); String citation = PlosUtil.getPlosCitation(doiDataVal); String contributions = PlosUtil.getAuthorContributions(doiDataVal); String journalTypeString = doi.split("journal.")[1].split("\\.")[0]; try { plosData.setPlosJournalType(journalTypeString); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); } plosData.setDoi(doi); plosData.setRelationUri(req.getRelationUriByDoi(doi)); plosData.setUri(PlosUtil.DOI_PREFIX + doi); plosData.setAcknowledgements(acknowledgement); plosData.setAuthorContributions(contributions); if (!DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(citation)) { try { plosData.setIsPartOfSeries(getIsPartOfSeriesByCitation(citation)); } catch (NoMatchingRegularExpressionException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get the string of IsPartOfSeries!", ex); } } plosData.setCitation(citation); JournalType type = plosData.getJournalType(); switch (type) { case PLOSONE: plosData.setPeerReviewNotes(PlosUtil.PEERREVIEWNOTES_PONE); plosData.setPublisher("PLos One"); break; case PLOSBIO: plosData.setPeerReviewNotes(PlosUtil.PEERREVIEWNOTES_PBIO); plosData.setPublisher("PLos Biology"); break; case PLOSGEN: plosData.setPeerReviewNotes(PlosUtil.PEERREVIEWNOTES_PGEN); plosData.setPublisher("PLos Genetics"); break; case PLOSMED: plosData.setPeerReviewNotes(PlosUtil.PEERREVIEWNOTES_PMED); plosData.setPublisher("PLOS Medicine"); break; case PLOSCBI: plosData.setPeerReviewNotes(PlosUtil.PEERREVIEWNOTES_PCBI); plosData.setPublisher("PLOS Computational Biology"); break; case PLOSPAT: plosData.setPeerReviewNotes(PlosUtil.PEERREVIEWNOTES_PPAT); plosData.setPublisher("PLoS Pathogens"); break; case PLOSNTD: plosData.setPeerReviewNotes(PlosUtil.PEERREVIEWNOTES_PNTD); plosData.setPublisher("PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases"); break; default: { try { throw new NotFoundPublisherException("Journal type is undefined!"); } catch (NotFoundPublisherException ex) { logger.error(ex); } } break; } Iterator it = metaData.entrySet().iterator(); try { while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); if (pairs.getKey().equals("citation_title") || pairs.getKey().equals("og:title")) { plosData.setTitle(pairs.getValue().toString().replaceAll("(\\[|\\])*", "")); } else if (pairs.getKey().equals("twitter:description") || pairs.getKey().equals("og:description")) { plosData.setAbstractText(pairs.getValue().toString().replaceAll("(\\[|\\])*", "")); } else if (pairs.getKey().equals("citation_date")) { Date date = null; String dateString = pairs.getValue().toString().replaceAll("(\\[|\\])*", ""); matchCitationDate(dateString, plosData); } else if (pairs.getKey().equals("citation_author")) { plosData.setAuthors(pairs.getValue().toString().replaceAll("(\\[|\\])*", "").split(", ")); } else if (pairs.getKey().equals("keywords")) { plosData.setSubjects(pairs.getValue().toString().replaceAll("(\\[|\\])*", "").split(", ")); } it.remove(); // avoids a ConcurrentModificationException } if (null == plosData.getSubjects()) { String[] subjects = PlosUtil.getSubjects(doiDataVal); plosData.setSubjects(subjects); } if (null == plosData.getTitle() || "".equals(plosData.getTitle())) { plosData.setTitle(PlosUtil.getTitleFromHtml(doiDataVal)); } // download the PDF full text String articleOutputFolderPath = getArticleOutputFolderPath(doi); req.downloadPlosOnePdfByDoi(doi, articleOutputFolderPath); PlosUtil.createContentFile(articleOutputFolderPath + File.separator + "contents", doi.split("/")[1] + ".pdf"); plosData.exportXmlByDoiData(articleOutputFolderPath + File.separator + "dublin_core.xml"); String outputFolderPath = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileContainerPath(articleOutputFolderPath); DspaceJournalDataUtil.packLoadingData(outputFolderPath, "plos"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.print("The data processing from doiData to plosData is wrong!\n"); ex.printStackTrace(); } return plosData; } }