Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import safbuilder.SAFPackage; /** * * @author Tao Zhao */ public class ServiceUtil { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(ServiceUtil.class); public static final Map<String, String> serviceBeanMap = new HashMap<>(); static { for (String job : DataUtil.JOB_TYPES) { switch (job) { case "ssh-import-dspace": case "ssh-upload-dspace": case "ssh-importloaded-dspace": serviceBeanMap.put(job, "dspaceSshServiceImpl"); break; case "ssh-import-islandora": serviceBeanMap.put(job, "islandoraSshServiceImpl"); break; case "rest-import-dspace": serviceBeanMap.put(job, "dspaceRestServiceImpl"); break; default: break; } } serviceBeanMap.put("Public Library of Science (PLoS)", "plosDspaceServiceImpl"); serviceBeanMap.put("plos", "plosDspaceServiceImpl"); serviceBeanMap.put("sage", "sageDspaceServiceImpl"); serviceBeanMap.put("SAGE Publications", "sageDspaceServiceImpl"); } public static String getServiceBean(int repoType, int jobType) { return serviceBeanMap.get(DataUtil.REPO_TYPES[repoType] + "-" + DataUtil.JOB_TYPES[jobType]); } /** * * @param repoType : e.g. "dspace" or "islandora", lower case only * @param jobType : e.g. "ssh-import" or "rest-import", lower case only * @return bean name */ public static String getServiceBean(String repoType, String jobType) { return serviceBeanMap.get(repoType + "-" + jobType); } public static DataService getDataService(String jobType) { String bean = serviceBeanMap.get(jobType); ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("kernelApiContext.xml"); DataService ds = (DataService) context.getBean(bean); return ds; } public static DataService getDataService(int jobType) { return getDataService(DataUtil.JOB_TYPES[jobType]); } public static String saveUploadedFile(MultipartFile file, String jobFilePath) { String uploadedFilePath = null; try { String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename(); File path = new File(jobFilePath); if (!path.exists()) { path.mkdir(); } uploadedFilePath = jobFilePath + File.separator + fileName; File uploadedFile = new File(uploadedFilePath); file.transferTo(uploadedFile); } catch (IOException | IllegalStateException ex) { logger.error("Cannot save the uploaded file", ex); } return uploadedFilePath; } public static boolean downloadRemoteFile(String link, String targetFile) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = null; InputStream in = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { URL linkUrl = new URL(link); in = new BufferedInputStream(linkUrl.openStream()); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int n = 0; while (-1 != (n = { out.write(buffer, 0, n); } byte[] response = out.toByteArray(); fos = new FileOutputStream(targetFile); fos.write(response); return true; } catch (MalformedURLException mex) { logger.error("Cannot set up the url for file download.", mex); } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.error("Cannot open the stream for the link URL.", ioex); } finally { try { if (null != out) { out.close(); } if (null != in) { in.close(); } if (null != fos) { fos.close(); } } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.error("Cannot close the outputstream when downloading file online.", ioex); } } return false; } public static String getReportFilePathByJob(RedisJob job) { return ShareokdataManager.getShareokdataPath() + File.separator + DataUtil.REPO_TYPES[job.getRepoType()] + File.separator + DataUtil.JOB_TYPES[job.getType()] + File.separator + String.valueOf(job.getJobId()) + File.separator + String.valueOf(job.getJobId()) + "-report.txt"; } public static String getRepoTypeByJob(RedisJob job) { String jobType = DataUtil.JOB_TYPES[job.getType()]; if (null != jobType && !"unknown".equals(jobType)) { String repoTypeStr = jobType.split("-")[2]; if (null != repoTypeStr) { if (repoTypeStr.equals("dspace")) { return "DSpace"; } if (repoTypeStr.equals("islandora")) { return "Islandora"; } if (repoTypeStr.equals("hydra")) { return "Hydra"; } } } return ""; } public static Thread getThreadByName(String name) { for (Thread th : Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet()) { String threadName = th.getName(); if (null != threadName && threadName.equals(name)) { return th; } } return null; } public static RedisJobService getJobService() { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("kernelApiContext.xml"); return (RedisJobService) context.getBean("redisJobServiceImpl"); } public static void processJobReturnValue(String jobReturnValue, RedisJob job) { RedisJobService redisJobServ = ServiceUtil.getJobService(); long jobId = job.getJobId(); int jobType = job.getType(); if (null != jobReturnValue && !jobReturnValue.equals("")) { // redisJobServ.updateJob(jobId, "status", "2"); Map values = new HashMap(); switch (jobType) { case 1: case 3: values.put("uploadedPackagePath", jobReturnValue); redisJobServ.updateJobInfoByJobType(jobId, DataUtil.JOB_TYPES[jobType], values); if (jobType == 3) { redisJobServ.updateJob(jobId, "uploadedPackagePath", jobReturnValue); redisJobServ.updateJob(jobId, "status", "6"); } else if (jobType == 1) { redisJobServ.updateJob(jobId, "status", "2"); } break; case 2: case 4: case 5: default: redisJobServ.updateJob(jobId, "status", "2"); break; } } else { redisJobServ.updateJob(jobId, "status", "3"); } redisJobServ.updateJob(jobId, "endTime", ShareokdataManager.getSimpleDateFormat().format(new Date())); } public static String getThreadNameByJob(RedisJob job) { long uid = job.getUserId(); String jobType = DataUtil.JOB_TYPES[job.getType()]; int serverId = job.getServerId(); long jobId = job.getJobId(); return String.valueOf(uid) + "--" + jobType + "--" + String.valueOf(serverId) + "--" + String.valueOf(jobId); } public static RedisJobService getJobServiceByJobType(RedisJob job) { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("kernelApiContext.xml"); switch (job.getType()) { case 2: return (DspaceApiJobServiceImpl) context.getBean("dspaceApiJobServiceImpl"); default: return (RedisJobService) context.getBean("redisJobServiceImpl"); } } public static DspaceJournalDataService getDspaceJournalDataServInstanceByPublisher(String publisher) { DspaceJournalDataService obj = null; try { String bean = serviceBeanMap.get(publisher); if (null == bean) { throw new NotFoundServiceBeanException("No beans found for publisher " + publisher); } ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("kernelApiContext.xml"); return (DspaceJournalDataService) context.getBean(bean); } catch (NotFoundServiceBeanException ex) { logger.error("Cannot create the instance to get item information by DOI! ", ex); } return obj; } public static String generateDspaceSafPackagesByDois(String[] dois) { return generateDspaceSafPackagesByDois(dois, null, null); } public static String generateDspaceSafPackagesByDois(String[] dois, String startDate, String endDate) { String safDownloadPaths = null; Map<String, List<String>> doisMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String doi : dois) { try { String[] doiInfo = DataHandlersUtil.getItemInfoByDoi(doi).split("\\n"); if (null == doiInfo || doiInfo.length != 2) { throw new InvalidDoiException("Cannot get the correct response from crossref for DOI: " + doi); } else if (!doiInfo[0].equals("200")) { throw new InvalidDoiException( "The response code is " + doiInfo[0] + " from crossref for DOI: " + doi); } else { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(doiInfo[1]); String url = obj.getJSONObject("message").getString("URL"); String publisher = obj.getJSONObject("message").getString("publisher"); String key = ServiceUtil.serviceBeanMap.get(publisher); List list = doisMap.get(key); if (null == list) { list = new ArrayList<>(); } list.add(doi); doisMap.put(key, list); } } catch (InvalidDoiException ex) { String error = "error: cannot get correct response from crossref by doi=" + doi; logger.error(error, ex); return error; } } List<String> pathList = new ArrayList<>(); if (!doisMap.isEmpty()) { Date now = new Date(); ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("kernelApiContext.xml"); for (String key : doisMap.keySet()) { try { DspaceJournalDataService serviceObj = (DspaceJournalDataService) context.getBean(key); if (null == serviceObj) { throw new NoServiceProcessDoiException( "Cannot find the DOI processing service for bean " + key + "!"); } String[] doisByPubliser = doisMap.get(key).toArray(new String[doisMap.get(key).size()]); String safFilePath = serviceObj.getDspaceJournalLoadingFilesByDoi(doisByPubliser, now); pathList.add(safFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error( "Cannot get DspaceJournalDataService object to generate SAF package with bean = " + key, ex); } } } // Now reset the SAF package file name based on start date and end date: if (null != startDate && null != endDate) { for (int i = 0; i < pathList.size(); i++) { String safPath = pathList.get(i); File saf = new File(safPath); String safFilePath = saf.getAbsolutePath(); String safFileName = saf.getName(); String safFileNameBase = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileNameWithoutExtension(safFileName); String safFileNameExtension = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileExtension(safFileName); String safFileContainer = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileContainerPath(safFilePath); safFileNameBase += "_" + startDate + "_" + endDate; String newFileName = safFileContainer + safFileNameBase + "." + safFileNameExtension; try { boolean rename = DocumentProcessorUtil.renameFile(safFilePath, newFileName); if (rename) { pathList.set(i, newFileName); } else { pathList.set(i, safFileName + " cannot be renamed to " + newFileName); } } catch (IOException ex) { pathList.set(i, safFileName + " cannot be renamed to " + newFileName + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } } } safDownloadPaths = DataUtil.getJsonFromStringList(pathList); return safDownloadPaths; } public static String executeCommandLineTask(String taskId, String taskType, String data) throws InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException, JSONException, IOException { BufferedWriter loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr = null; BufferedWriter onputFileInfoFileWr = null; String message; String startDate; String endDate; String outputFilePath = null; Integer compare; try { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(DataHandlersUtil.getLoggingForUserFilePath(taskId, taskType), true)); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(taskId)) { message = "The data argument is null or empty task ID!"; throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(taskType)) { message = "The data argument does not specify task type!"; throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(data)) { message = "The data provided for execution of the task is empty!\n"; loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } DataHandlersUtil.CURRENT_TASK_TYPE = taskType; JSONObject dataObj = new JSONObject(data); switch (taskType) { case "journal-search": String publisher = dataObj.getString("publisher"); DataHandlersUtil.CURRENT_TASK_ID = taskId; startDate = dataObj.getString("startDate"); endDate = dataObj.getString("endDate"); String affiliate = dataObj.getString("affiliate"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("Task information:\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("Search publications at " + publisher + " between " + startDate + " and " + endDate + " by authors at " + affiliate + ".\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.flush(); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(publisher) || DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(taskId) || DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(startDate) || DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(endDate) || DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(affiliate)) { message = "Cannot get specific information such as publisher, start date, end date, and/or author affiliation to execute the task.\n"; loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } compare = DataHandlersUtil.datesCompare(startDate, endDate); if (compare == null) { message = "Cannot parse the start date or the end date!\n"; loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } else if (compare > 0) { message = "The start date is later than the end date!\n"; loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } try { DspaceJournalDataService serviceObj = ServiceUtil .getDspaceJournalDataServInstanceByPublisher(publisher); if (null == serviceObj) { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("The program has internal error, please contact relative personnel.\n"); onputFileInfoFileWr.write("Cannot get the service bean from task type: " + taskType); return null; } String articlesData = serviceObj.getApiResponseByDatesAffiliate(startDate, endDate, affiliate); if (!DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(articlesData)) { articlesData = articlesData.replace("", "'"); outputFilePath = DataHandlersUtil.getTaskFileFolderPath(taskId, taskType) + File.separator + startDate + "_" + endDate + ".json"; File outputFile = new File(outputFilePath); if (!outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.createNewFile(); } DocumentProcessorUtil.outputStringToFile(articlesData, outputFilePath); System.out.println("article data = " + articlesData); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("The journal search task has been completed sucessfully.\n"); } else { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("The program has internal error, please contact relative personnel.\n"); System.out.println( "The " + taskType + " task id=" + taskId + " cannot retrieve the article data!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("The program has internal error, please contact relative personnel.\n"); logger.error("Cannot complete the " + taskType + " with id=" + taskId, ex); } // articlesData = articlesData.replaceAll("'", "\\\\\\'"); break; case "journal-saf": String[] dois; DataHandlersUtil.CURRENT_TASK_ID = taskId; startDate = dataObj.getString("startDate"); endDate = dataObj.getString("endDate"); dois = dataObj.getString("dois").split(";"); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(startDate) || DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(endDate) || null == dois || dois.length == 0) { message = "Cannot get specific information such as publication DOI, start date, and/or end date to execute the task.\n"; loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("Task information:\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("Generate DSpace SAF packge for publications with DOIs in " + Arrays.toString(dois) + " which are published between " + startDate + " and " + endDate + ".\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.flush(); compare = DataHandlersUtil.datesCompare(startDate, endDate); if (compare == null) { message = "Cannot parse the start date or the end date!\n"; loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } else if (compare > 0) { message = "The start date is later than the end date!\n"; loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } try { outputFilePath = ServiceUtil.generateDspaceSafPackagesByDois(dois, startDate, endDate); if (outputFilePath.startsWith("error")) { message = "The DOI provided is not valid: " + outputFilePath + "\n"; System.out.println(message); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException(message); } else if (null == outputFilePath) { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("The program has internal error, please contact relative personnel.\n"); throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Cannot get null saf path!"); } else { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("safPath=" + outputFilePath + "\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("The SAF package has been prepared sucessfully.\n"); System.out.println("The SAF package has been stored at path=" + outputFilePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("The program has internal error, please contact relative personnel.\n"); ex.printStackTrace(); } break; case "journal-import": try { DataHandlersUtil.CURRENT_TASK_ID = taskId; outputFilePath = ShareokdataManager.getDspaceCommandLineTaskOutputPath() + "_" + DataHandlersUtil.getCurrentTimeString() + "_" + taskType + "_" + taskId + ".txt"; String safPath = dataObj.getString("safPath"); String collectionHandle = dataObj.getString("collectionHandle"); String dspaceApiUrl = dataObj.getString("dspaceApiUrl"); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(safPath) || DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(collectionHandle) || DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(dspaceApiUrl)) { message = "Cannot get specific information such as SAF package path, collection handle, and/or DSpace REST API url to execute the task.\n"; loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write(message); throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException(message); } loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("Task information:\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("Import DSpace SAF packge into collection: " + collectionHandle + " with DSPace REST API URL=" + dspaceApiUrl + "\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.flush(); DspaceRestServiceImpl ds = (DspaceRestServiceImpl) getDataService("rest-import-dspace"); ds.getHandler().setReportFilePath( DataHandlersUtil.getJobReportPath("cli-import-dspace-" + taskType, taskId) + File.separator + taskId + "-report.txt"); ds.loadItemsFromSafPackage(safPath, collectionHandle, dspaceApiUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } break; case "saf-build": try { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("Task information:\n"); String csvPath = dataObj.getString("csvPath"); // The full path of the csv file String extension = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileExtension(csvPath); if (null == extension || !extension.contains("csv")) { throw new NonCsvFileException("The uploaded file is not a CSV file!"); } loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("Generate a SAF package with metadata file at " + csvPath + ".\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("Start generating...\n"); SAFPackage safPackageInstance = new SAFPackage(); safPackageInstance.processMetaPack(csvPath, true); String csvDirectoryPath = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileContainerPath(csvPath); File csv = new File(csvPath); File safPackage = new File(csvDirectoryPath + File.separator + ""); File newPackage = null; if (safPackage.exists()) { newPackage = new File(csvDirectoryPath + File.separator + DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileNameWithoutExtension(csv.getName()) + ".zip"); if (!newPackage.exists()) { safPackage.renameTo(newPackage); } else { throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("The zip file of the SAF package already exists!"); } } File safPackageFolder = new File(csvDirectoryPath + File.separator + "SimpleArchiveFormat"); if (safPackageFolder.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(safPackageFolder); } if (null != newPackage) { outputFilePath = safPackage.getAbsolutePath(); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr .write("The new SAF package path is: \nsafPath=[\"" + outputFilePath + "\"]\n"); return outputFilePath; } else { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("The new SAF package generation failed.\n"); return null; } } catch (IOException | FileAlreadyExistsException | NonCsvFileException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.write("Error:" + ex.getMessage() + "\n"); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.flush(); } default: throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException("The command line task type is valid!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (null != loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr) { try { loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.flush(); loggingForUserFileInfoFileWr.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return outputFilePath; } }