Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * * @author Tao Zhao */ public class DspaceApiHandlerImpl implements DspaceApiHandler { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger(DspaceApiHandlerImpl.class); public static final List<String> METADATA_FILE_NAMES_LIST; static { METADATA_FILE_NAMES_LIST = new ArrayList<>(); METADATA_FILE_NAMES_LIST.add("dcterms"); METADATA_FILE_NAMES_LIST.add("dublin_core"); METADATA_FILE_NAMES_LIST.add("metadata_ou"); } public static final Map<String, String> DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST; static { DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST = new HashMap<>(); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("pdf", "application/pdf"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("apk", "application/"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("avi", "video/x-msvideo"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("bmp", "image/bmp"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("torrent", "application/x-bittorrent"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("sh", "application/x-sh"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("c", "text/x-c"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("css", "text/css"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("csv", "text/csv"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("curl", "text/vnd.curl"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("gif", "image/gif"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("rip", "audio/"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("var", "application/java-archive"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("java", "text/x-java-source,java"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("js", "application/javascript"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("json", "application/json"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("jpm", "video/jpm"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("jpeg", "image/jpeg"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("jpg", "image/jpeg"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("xls", "application/"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("pptx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("xlsx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("docx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("ppt", "application/"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("wma", "audio/x-ms-wma"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("doc", "application/msword"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("mpeg", "video/mpeg"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("mp4", "video/mp4"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("png", "image/png"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("rar", "application/x-rar-compressed"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("rtx", "text/richtext"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("rm", "application/vnd.rn-realmedia"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("movie", "video/x-sgi-movie"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("tiff", "image/tiff"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("txt", "text/plain"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("xml", "application/xml"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("zip", "application/zip"); DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.put("tif", "image/tiff"); } private String token; private DspaceApiJob job; private String reportFilePath; private String mapping; private String output; private String dspaceApiUrl; private HttpRequestHandler httpRequestHandler; @Override public DspaceApiJob getJob() { return job; } public String getReportFilePath() { return reportFilePath; } public String getToken() { return token; } public HttpRequestHandler getHttpRequestHandler() { return httpRequestHandler; } public String getMapping() { return mapping; } public String getOutput() { return output; } public String getDspaceApiUrl() { return dspaceApiUrl; } @Autowired @Qualifier("dspaceApiJob") public void setJob(RedisJob job) { this.job = (DspaceApiJob) job; } public void setToken(String token) { this.token = token; } public void setMapping(String mapping) { this.mapping = mapping; } public void setOutput(String output) { this.output = output; } public void setDspaceApiUrl(String dspaceApiUrl) { this.dspaceApiUrl = dspaceApiUrl; } @Autowired public void setHttpRequestHandler(HttpRequestHandler httpRequestHandler) { this.httpRequestHandler = httpRequestHandler; } @Override public String getTokenFromServer() { String dspaceUserName = null; String dspacePassword = null; if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(dspaceApiUrl)) { dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); } String[] credential = null; try { if (null == dspaceApiUrl || "".equals(dspaceApiUrl)) { throw new IncompleteServerInfoException("empty or null url."); } String domain = DataHandlersUtil.getDomainNameFromUrl(dspaceApiUrl); credential = DataHandlersUtil.getRepoCredentials(domain); dspaceUserName = credential[0]; dspacePassword = credential[1]; } catch (SecurityFileDoesNotExistException | IOException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); return null; } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { logger.error("Repository URL cannot be parsed: " + ex.getMessage()); return null; } catch (IncompleteServerInfoException ex) { logger.error("Incomplete server information." + ex.getMessage()); } try { if (null == dspaceUserName || "".equals(dspaceUserName) || null == dspacePassword || "".equals(dspacePassword)) { throw new EmptyDspaceCredentialInfoException( "The DSpace username or DSpace password information is missing!"); } Map<String, String> headerInfo = new HashMap<>(); headerInfo.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); String response = httpRequestHandler .requestWithHeaderInfo(dspaceApiUrl + "/login", "POST", headerInfo, "{\"email\":\"" + dspaceUserName + "\",\"password\":\"" + dspacePassword + "\"}") .toString(); String[] responseInfo = response.split("\\n"); if (null != responseInfo[0]) { if (responseInfo[0].equals("code:200")) { token = responseInfo[1]; return token; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got response code " + responseInfo[0]); } } } catch (EmptyDspaceCredentialInfoException empEx) { logger.error("Missing DSpace log in information", empEx); } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Missing DSpace logging in information", ex); } return null; } public String getTokenByUserCredentials(String dspaceApiUrl, String userName, String password) { String token = null; try { if (null == userName || "".equals(userName) || null == password || "".equals(password)) { throw new EmptyDspaceCredentialInfoException( "The DSpace username or DSpace password information is missing!"); } Map<String, String> headerInfo = new HashMap<>(); headerInfo.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); String response = httpRequestHandler.requestWithHeaderInfo(dspaceApiUrl + "/login", "POST", headerInfo, "{\"email\":\"" + userName + "\",\"password\":\"" + password + "\"}").toString(); String[] responseInfo = response.split("\\n"); if (null != responseInfo[0]) { if (responseInfo[0].equals("code:200")) { token = responseInfo[1]; return token; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got response code " + responseInfo[0]); } } } catch (EmptyDspaceCredentialInfoException empEx) { logger.error("Missing DSpace log in information", empEx); } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Missing DSpace logging in information", ex); } return token; } @Override public boolean isAuthorizedUser() { Map<String, Object> userInfo = getUserInfoByToken(); if (null != userInfo) { Object auth = userInfo.get("authenticated"); if (null != auth && (Boolean) auth == true) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getUserInfoByToken() { if (null == token || "".equals(token)) { getTokenFromServer(); } Map<String, Object> userInfo = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<>(); header.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); header.put("Accept", "application/json"); header.put("rest-dspace-token", token); try { String dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); String response = httpRequestHandler .requestWithHeaderInfo(dspaceApiUrl + "/status", "GET", header, null).toString(); String[] userInfoResponseArr = response.split("\\n"); if (null != userInfoResponseArr[0] && userInfoResponseArr[0].equals("code:200")) { response = userInfoResponseArr[1]; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + userInfoResponseArr[0]); } return DataUtil.getMapFromJson(response); } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get the user information by token!", ex); } return null; } @Override public String getItemsInfoByCollectionId(String id) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getItemsListByCollectionHandler(String handle, String dspaceApiUrl) { try { String collectionId = getObjectIdByHandler(handle, dspaceApiUrl); String itemCount = String.valueOf(getItemCountByCollectionHandler(handle, dspaceApiUrl)); String itemsInfo = httpRequestHandler .sendGet(dspaceApiUrl + "/collections/" + collectionId + "/items?limit=" + itemCount); String[] itemsInfoArr = itemsInfo.split("\\n"); if (null != itemsInfoArr[0] && itemsInfoArr[0].equals("200")) { itemsInfo = itemsInfoArr[1]; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + itemsInfoArr[0]); } List<Map<String, Object>> itemsList = DataUtil.getListFromJson(itemsInfo); return itemsList; } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get object infor by its handle", ex); } return null; } @Override public String getObjectIdByHandler(String handle) { Map map = DataUtil.getMapFromJson(getObjectInfoByHandler(handle)); if (null != map.get("id")) { return String.valueOf(map.get("id")); } return null; } @Override public String getObjectIdByHandler(String handle, String dspaceApiUrl) { try { Map map = DataUtil.getMapFromJson(getObjectInfoByHandler(handle, dspaceApiUrl)); if (null != map.get("id")) { return String.valueOf(map.get("id")); } } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error(ex); } return null; } @Override public String getObjectInfoByHandler(String handle) { try { String dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); return getObjectInfoByHandler(handle, dspaceApiUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot get object infor by its handle", ex); } return null; } @Override public String getObjectInfoByHandler(String handle, String dspaceApiUrl) throws ErrorDspaceApiResponseException { String objectInfo = httpRequestHandler.sendGet(dspaceApiUrl + "/handle/" + handle); String[] objectInfoArr = objectInfo.split("\\n"); if (null != objectInfoArr[0] && objectInfoArr[0].equals("200")) { return objectInfoArr[1]; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + objectInfoArr[0]); } } @Override public String[] getItemIdsByCollectionId(String id) { try { String dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); return getItemIdsByCollectionId(id, dspaceApiUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot get object infor by its handle", ex); } return null; } @Override public String[] getItemIdsByCollectionId(String id, String dspaceApiUrl) { try { String itemCount = String.valueOf(getItemCountByCollectionId(id, dspaceApiUrl)); String itemsInfo = httpRequestHandler .sendGet(dspaceApiUrl + "/collections/" + id + "/items?limit=" + itemCount); String[] itemsInfoArr = itemsInfo.split("\\n"); if (null != itemsInfoArr[0] && itemsInfoArr[0].equals("200")) { itemsInfo = itemsInfoArr[1]; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + itemsInfoArr[0]); } List<Map<String, Object>> itemsList = DataUtil.getListFromJson(itemsInfo); if (itemsList.size() > 0) { List<String> itemIdList = new ArrayList(); for (Map<String, Object> item : itemsList) { Object idObj = item.get("id"); if (null != idObj && !"".equals(String.valueOf(idObj))) { itemIdList.add(String.valueOf(idObj)); } else { continue; } } if (itemIdList.size() > 0) { return itemIdList.toArray(new String[itemIdList.size()]); } } } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get object infor by its handle", ex); } return null; } @Override public String[] getItemIdsByCollectionHandler(String handle) { return getItemIdsByCollectionId(getObjectIdByHandler(handle)); } @Override public String[] getItemIdsByCollectionHandler(String handle, String dspaceApiUrl) { return getItemIdsByCollectionId(getObjectIdByHandler(handle, dspaceApiUrl), dspaceApiUrl); } @Override public Map<String, String> getItemDoisByCollectionHandler(String handle, String dspaceApiUrl) { Map<String, String> doiMap = new HashMap<>(); String[] ids = getItemIdsByCollectionHandler(handle, dspaceApiUrl); if (null != ids && ids.length > 0) { for (String id : ids) { String[] doi = getMetadataValuesByKey(id, "dc.identifier.doi", dspaceApiUrl); if (null != doi && doi.length > 0) { doiMap.put(doi[0], doi[0]); } } } return doiMap; } @Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getItemMetadataById(String id) { List<Map<String, Object>> metadataInfo = null; try { String dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); metadataInfo = getItemMetadataById(id, dspaceApiUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot get the item metadata!", ex); } return metadataInfo; } @Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getItemMetadataById(String id, String dspaceApiUrl) { String metadataInfo; try { String url = dspaceApiUrl + "/items/" + id + "/metadata"; String metadataJson = httpRequestHandler.sendGet(url); String[] metadataJsonArr = metadataJson.split("\\n"); if (null != metadataJsonArr[0] && metadataJsonArr[0].equals("200")) { metadataInfo = metadataJsonArr[1]; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + metadataJsonArr[0]); } return DataUtil.getListFromJson(metadataInfo); } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get the item metadata!", ex); } return null; } @Override public String[] getMetadataValuesByKey(String itemId, String key) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); try { List<Map<String, Object>> metadata = getItemMetadataById(itemId); ListIterator it = metadata.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map itemMap = (HashMap); if (key.equals((String) itemMap.get("key"))) { values.add((String) itemMap.get("value")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot get the item metadata values by key!", ex); } return (values.toArray(new String[values.size()])); } @Override public String[] getMetadataValuesByKey(String itemId, String key, String dspaceApiUrl) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); try { List<Map<String, Object>> metadata = getItemMetadataById(itemId, dspaceApiUrl); ListIterator it = metadata.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map itemMap = (HashMap); if (key.equals((String) itemMap.get("key"))) { values.add((String) itemMap.get("value")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot get the item metadata values by key!", ex); } return (values.toArray(new String[values.size()])); } @Override public int getItemCountByCollectionHandler(String handle) { return getItemCountByCollectionId(getObjectIdByHandler(handle)); } @Override public int getItemCountByCollectionHandler(String handle, String dspaceApiUrl) { return getItemCountByCollectionId(getObjectIdByHandler(handle, dspaceApiUrl), dspaceApiUrl); } @Override public int getItemCountByCollectionId(String id) { try { String dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); String itemsInfo = httpRequestHandler.sendGet(dspaceApiUrl + "/collections/" + id); String[] itemsInfoArr = itemsInfo.split("\\n"); if (null != itemsInfoArr[0] && itemsInfoArr[0].equals("200")) { itemsInfo = itemsInfoArr[1]; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + itemsInfoArr[0]); } Map<String, Object> itemsList = DataUtil.getMapFromJson(itemsInfo); return (int) itemsList.get("numberItems"); } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get object infor by its handle", ex); } return -1; } @Override public int getItemCountByCollectionId(String id, String dspaceApiUrl) { try { String itemsInfo = httpRequestHandler.sendGet(dspaceApiUrl + "/collections/" + id); String[] itemsInfoArr = itemsInfo.split("\\n"); if (null != itemsInfoArr[0] && itemsInfoArr[0].equals("200")) { itemsInfo = itemsInfoArr[1]; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + itemsInfoArr[0]); } Map<String, Object> itemsList = DataUtil.getMapFromJson(itemsInfo); return (int) itemsList.get("numberItems"); } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get object infor by its handle", ex); } return -1; } /** * * @param id : item internal id * @param data : is a list of maps of metadata entries: every entry should have three keys, i.e., "key", "value", and "language" */ @Override public void updateItemMetadata(String id, List<Map<String, String>> data) { if (null == data || data.isEmpty()) { return; } String json = "["; for (Map entry : data) { if (null != entry) { json += "{"; json += "\"key\":\"" + (String) entry.get("key") + "\","; json += "\"value\":\"" + (String) entry.get("value") + "\","; json += "\"language\":\"" + (String) entry.get("language") + "\""; json += "},"; } } json = json.substring(0, json.length() - 1) + "]"; Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<>(); header.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); header.put("Accept", "application/json"); header.put("rest-dspace-token", token); String dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); httpRequestHandler.requestWithHeaderInfo(dspaceApiUrl + "/items/" + id + "/metadata", "PUT", header, json); } @Override public Map<String, Object> createEmptyItem(String collectionId) { String json = "{\"type\":\"item\",\"expand\":[\"metadata\",\"parentCollection\",\"parentCollectionList\"," + "\"parentCommunityList\",\"bitstreams\",\"all\"],\"parentCollection\":null,\"parentCollectionList\":null," + "\"parentCommunityList\":null,\"bitstreams\":null,\"archived\":\"true\",\"withdrawn\":\"false\"}"; Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<>(); header.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); header.put("Accept", "application/json"); header.put("rest-dspace-token", token); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(dspaceApiUrl)) { dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); } String response = httpRequestHandler.requestWithHeaderInfo( dspaceApiUrl + "/collections/" + collectionId + "/items", "POST", header, json).toString(); String[] userInfoResponseArr = response.split("\\n"); if (null != userInfoResponseArr[0] && userInfoResponseArr[0].equals("code:200")) { response = userInfoResponseArr[1]; } else { try { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + userInfoResponseArr[0]); } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Cannot create a new empty item for collection " + collectionId, ex); } } return DataUtil.getMapFromJson(response); } @Override public void deleteItemById(String id) { Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<>(); header.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); header.put("Accept", "application/json"); header.put("rest-dspace-token", token); String dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); httpRequestHandler.requestWithHeaderInfo(dspaceApiUrl + "/items/" + id, "DELETE", header, null).toString(); } @Override public String addItemMetadata(String id, String data) { Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<>(); header.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); header.put("Accept", "application/json"); header.put("rest-dspace-token", token); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(dspaceApiUrl)) { dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); } String response = httpRequestHandler .requestWithHeaderInfo(dspaceApiUrl + "/items/" + id + "/metadata", "POST", header, data) .toString(); String[] userInfoResponseArr = response.split("\\n"); if (null != userInfoResponseArr[0] && userInfoResponseArr[0].equals("code:200")) { if (userInfoResponseArr.length == 2) { response = userInfoResponseArr[1]; } else { response = userInfoResponseArr[0]; } } else { try { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + userInfoResponseArr[0]); } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error("Cannot add a new metadata for the item " + id, ex); return null; } } return response; } /** * Suppose ONLY two metadata file names for importing: dublin_core.xml and metadata_dcterms.xml * * @param paths : paths of the metadata files * @return : string array of metadata information */ @Override public Map<String, String> getMetadataFromXmlFiles(String[] paths) { Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); Document doc = null; try { for (String path : paths) { String json = ""; String dcType = "dc"; doc = DocumentProcessorUtil.loadXMLFromString(path); if (null != doc) { doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); Node dcNode = doc.getDocumentElement(); Node schema = dcNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("schema"); if (null != schema) { dcType = schema.getNodeValue(); } NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("dcvalue"); for (int temp = 0; temp < nList.getLength(); temp++) { Node nNode = nList.item(temp); if (nNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element eElement = (Element) nNode; String dcElement = ""; String qualifier = ""; String lang = "en_US"; String value = ""; if (eElement.hasAttribute("element")) { dcElement = eElement.getAttribute("element"); } if (eElement.hasAttribute("qualifier")) { qualifier = eElement.getAttribute("qualifier"); if ("none".equals(qualifier)) { qualifier = ""; } } if (eElement.hasAttribute("language")) { lang = eElement.getAttribute("language"); } value = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(eElement.getTextContent()); String key = dcType + "." + dcElement + (!"".equals(qualifier) ? "." + qualifier : ""); json += "{\"key\":\"" + key + "\",\"value\":\"" + value + "\",\"language\":\"" + lang + "\"},"; } } } if (!"".equals(json)) { json = "[" + json.substring(0, json.length() - 1) + "]"; data.put(path, json); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot read metadata information from xml files", ex); } return data; } /** * * @param id : item id * @param filePath : path of the bitstream file * @param fileName : designed file name for the added bitstream * @param description : description of the bitstream * @return : bitstream metadata */ @Override public Map<String, String> addItemBitstream(String id, String filePath, String fileName, String description) { String fileType = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileExtension(filePath); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<>(); header.put("Content-Type", (String) DSPACE_FILE_MIME_TYPE_LIST.get(fileType)); header.put("Accept", "application/json"); header.put("rest-dspace-token", token); String response = null; try { if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(dspaceApiUrl)) { dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); } response = httpRequestHandler.uploadFileByHttpClient( dspaceApiUrl + "/items/" + id + "/bitstreams?name=" + fileName + "&description=" + description, filePath, header).toString(); } catch (ErrorOpenConnectionException | ErrorConnectionOutputStreamException | ErrorResponseCodeException | ErrorHandlingResponseException | ReadResponseInputStreamException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Cannot create a new bitstream " + filePath + " for item " + id, ex); return null; } if (null != response) { try { String[] userInfoResponseArr = response.split("\\n"); if (null != userInfoResponseArr[0] && userInfoResponseArr[0].equals("code:200")) { response = userInfoResponseArr[1]; } else { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Got the response code " + userInfoResponseArr[0]); } Map responseMap = DataUtil.getMapFromJson(response); if (null == responseMap) { throw new ErrorDspaceApiResponseException("Cannot convert the response JSON into a Map!"); } return responseMap; } catch (ErrorDspaceApiResponseException ex) { logger.error( "Cannot get correct response when creating a new bitstream " + filePath + " for item " + id, ex); } } return null; } /** * Load saf package information and import it into DSpace repository * * @return : the mapping of the imported information to DSpace items */ @Override public Map<String, List<String>> loadItemsFromSafPackage() { String collectionHandle = job.getCollectionId(); String safPath = job.getFilePath(); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(dspaceApiUrl)) { dspaceApiUrl = RedisUtil.getServerDaoInstance().findServerById(job.getServerId()).getAddress(); } Map<String, List<String>> importResults = new HashMap<>(); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(token)) { getTokenFromServer(); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(token)) { try { throw new NoExistingApiTokenException("Cannot get useful token!"); } catch (NoExistingApiTokenException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); return null; } } } try { File safFile = new File(safPath); if (safPath.endsWith(".zip")) { String newPath = FileZipper.unzipToDirectory(safPath); if (null == newPath) { throw new ErrorUnzipSafPackageException("Cannot unzip the saf package at " + safPath); } // Change the path to be the unzipped folder // safPath = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileNameWithoutExtension(safPath); safFile = new File(newPath); } if (safFile.isDirectory()) { mainLoop: for (File file : safFile.listFiles()) { if (null != file && file.isDirectory()) { File[] fileList = file.listFiles(); boolean containsContentsFile = false; boolean containsMetadataFile = false; List<File> metadataFileList = new ArrayList<>(); File contentFile = null; for (File itemFile : fileList) { if (null == itemFile) { continue; } String fileName = itemFile.getName(); if ("contents".equals(fileName)) { containsContentsFile = true; contentFile = itemFile; } else if (METADATA_FILE_NAMES_LIST.contains(fileName.replaceAll(".xml", ""))) { // Check if there are some duplicates based on doi if (fileName.contains("dublin")) { String doi = findDoiFromDublin(itemFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (null != doi && checkDuplicatesByDoi(doi, collectionHandle, dspaceApiUrl)) { logger.debug("Duplication detected:in collection " + collectionHandle + " there has already been an item with doi=" + doi); output += "Duplication detected:in collection \"+collectionHandle+\" there has already been an item with doi=" + doi + ".\n\n"; continue mainLoop; } } containsMetadataFile = true; metadataFileList.add(itemFile); } } if (containsContentsFile == true && containsMetadataFile == true) { // Create the new item now: Map newItemInfo = createEmptyItem(getObjectIdByHandler(collectionHandle, dspaceApiUrl)); String newItemId = String.valueOf(newItemInfo.get("id")); String newItemHandle = (String) newItemInfo.get("handle"); logger.debug("A new item with handle = " + newItemHandle + " has been added to collection " + collectionHandle + "."); output += "A new item with handle = " + newItemHandle + " has been added to collection " + collectionHandle + ".\n\n"; mapping += file.getName() + " " + newItemHandle + "\n"; // Add the metadata to the new item: String[] paths = new String[metadataFileList.size()]; ListIterator metadataIt = metadataFileList.listIterator(); while (metadataIt.hasNext()) { File metadataFile = (File); paths[metadataIt.nextIndex() - 1] = metadataFile.getAbsolutePath(); } Map<String, String> metadataStrings = getMetadataFromXmlFiles(paths); for (String path : metadataStrings.keySet()) { String metadata = metadataStrings.get(path); logger.debug(" adding metadata file " + metadata + " now with file name : " + file.getName()); output += " adding metadata file " + metadata + " now with file name : " + file.getName() + "\n\n"; try { String metadataInfo = addItemMetadata(newItemId, metadata); if (null == metadataInfo || metadataInfo.equals("")) { if (null == importResults.get("metadata-imported")) { importResults.put("metadata-imported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List metadataUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("metadata-imported"); metadataUnimportedList.add(newItemId + "---" + path); logger.debug( "Failed to add the metadata into item " + newItemHandle + ".\n"); output += "Failed to add the metadata into item " + newItemHandle + ".\n\n"; } else { if (null == importResults.get("metadata-imported")) { importResults.put("metadata-imported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List metadataImportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("metadata-imported"); metadataImportedList.add(newItemId + "---" + path); logger.debug("A new set of metadata entries have been added to the item " + newItemHandle + ". \n"); output += "A new set of metadata entries have been added to the item " + newItemHandle + ". \n\n"; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (null == importResults.get("metadata-imported")) { importResults.put("metadata-imported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List metadataUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("metadata-imported"); metadataUnimportedList.add(newItemId + "---" + path); logger.debug("Failed to add metadata into item " + newItemHandle + "\n" + ex.getMessage()); output += "Failed to add metadata into item " + newItemHandle + "\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\n\n"; } } List bitstreamFileList = DocumentProcessorUtil .readTextFileIntoList(contentFile.getAbsolutePath()); ListIterator it = bitstreamFileList.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String bitstreamFileName = (String); File bitstreamFile = new File( file.getAbsoluteFile() + File.separator + bitstreamFileName); if (!bitstreamFile.exists()) { logger.debug("The bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " does not exist in the saf package " + safPath + "!\n"); output += "The bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " does not exist in the saf package " + safPath + "!\n\n"; } else { String newName = bitstreamFile.getName().replace(" ", "_"); try { Map bitstreamInfo = addItemBitstream(newItemId, bitstreamFile.getAbsolutePath(), newName, newName); if (null != bitstreamInfo) { if (null == importResults.get("bitstream-imported")) { importResults.put("bitstream-imported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List bitstreamImportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("bitstream-imported"); bitstreamImportedList .add(newItemId + "---" + bitstreamFile.getAbsoluteFile()); logger.debug("A new bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " with link " + ((String) bitstreamInfo.get("retrieveLink")) + " has been added to the item " + newItemHandle + ". \n"); output += "A new bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " with link " + ((String) bitstreamInfo.get("retrieveLink")) + " has been added to the item " + newItemHandle + ". \n\n"; } else { if (null == importResults.get("bitstream-unimported")) { importResults.put("bitstream-unimported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List bitstreamUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("bitstream-unimported"); bitstreamUnimportedList .add(newItemId + "---" + bitstreamFile.getAbsoluteFile()); logger.debug("Failed to add the bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " into item " + newItemHandle + ".\n"); output += "Failed to add the bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " into item " + newItemHandle + ".\n\n"; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (null == importResults.get("bitstream-unimported")) { importResults.put("bitstream-unimported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List bitstreamUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("bitstream-unimported"); bitstreamUnimportedList .add(newItemId + "---" + bitstreamFile.getAbsoluteFile()); logger.debug("Failed to add the bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " into item " + newItemHandle + ".\n" + ex.getMessage()); output += "Failed to add the bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " into item " + newItemHandle + ".\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\n\n"; } } } } else { logger.debug( "This saf package is missing either the contents file or the metadata files.\n"); output += "This saf package is missing either the contents file or the metadata files.\n\n"; throw new SafPackageMissingFileException("Saf package at " + safPath + " either the contents file or the metadata files are missing!"); } } } } else { throw new SafPackagePathErrorException("Saf package path is not a directory"); } // Due to various reasons, some metadata and/or bitstreams cannot be added and are given second chance here: List metadataUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults.get("metadata-unimported"); if (null != metadataUnimportedList && metadataUnimportedList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator<String> iterator = metadataUnimportedList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String[] values = ((String)"---"); logger.debug("Second try to add metadata into " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1]); output += "Second try to add metadata into " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1] + "\n\n"; try { String metadataInfo = addItemMetadata(values[0], values[1]); if (null != metadataInfo) { iterator.remove(); logger.debug("Second try: sucessfully added metadata into item " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1]); output += "Second try: sucessfully added metadata into item " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1] + "\n\n"; } else { logger.debug("Second try: failed to add metadata into item " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1]); output += "Second try: failed to add metadata into item " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1] + "\n\n"; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.debug("Second try: failed to add metadata into item " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1] + "\n" + ex.getMessage()); output += "Second try: failed to add metadata into item " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1] + "\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\n\n"; } } } List bitstreamUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults.get("bitstream-unimported"); if (null != bitstreamUnimportedList && bitstreamUnimportedList.size() > 0) { // for (Object bitstreamUnimportedList1 : bitstreamUnimportedList) { for (Iterator<String> iterator = metadataUnimportedList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String[] values = ((String)"---"); String name = new File(values[1]).getName().replace(" ", "_"); logger.debug("Second try to add bitstream into " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1]); output += "Second try to add bitstream into " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1] + "\n\n"; try { Map bitstreamInfo = addItemBitstream(values[0], values[1], name, name); if (null != bitstreamInfo) { iterator.remove(); logger.debug("Second try: sucessfully added bitstream into item " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1]); output += "Second try: sucessfully added bitstream into item " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1] + "\n\n"; } else { logger.debug("Second try: failed to add bitstream into item " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1]); output += "Second try: failed to add bitstream into item " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1] + "\n\n"; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.debug("Second try: failed to add bitstream into item " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1] + "\n" + ex.getMessage()); output += "Second try: failed to add bitstream into item " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1] + "\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\n\n"; } } } } catch (SafPackagePathErrorException | SafPackageMissingFileException ex) { output += "Saf package is not valid!\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\n\n"; logger.error("Cannot create new items with saf package path: " + safPath, ex); } catch (ErrorUnzipSafPackageException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DspaceApiHandlerImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { DocumentProcessorUtil.outputStringToFile(mapping, DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileContainerPath(reportFilePath) + File.separator + "mapfile"); DocumentProcessorUtil.outputStringToFile(output, reportFilePath); } return importResults; } @Override public Map<String, List<String>> loadItemsFromSafPackage(String safPath, String collectionHandle, String dspaceApiUrl) { Map<String, List<String>> importResults = new HashMap<>(); this.dspaceApiUrl = dspaceApiUrl; BufferedWriter loggingForUserWriter = null; BufferedWriter mapWriter = null; String message; if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(token)) { getTokenFromServer(); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(token)) { try { throw new NoExistingApiTokenException("Cannot get useful token!"); } catch (NoExistingApiTokenException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); return null; } } } try { try { loggingForUserWriter = DataHandlersUtil.getWriterLoggingForUserFile( DataHandlersUtil.CURRENT_TASK_ID, DataHandlersUtil.CURRENT_TASK_TYPE); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get the output file writer", ex); return null; } loggingForUserWriter.write( "\n\n==================================================\n\nStart to import the items in the SAF package.\n\n\n"); try { File mapFile = new File( DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileContainerPath(reportFilePath) + File.separator + "mapfile"); if (!mapFile.exists()) { mapFile.createNewFile(); } mapWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(mapFile)); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Cannot get the output file writer", ex); loggingForUserWriter.write( "Cannot generate the map file, task dismissed. Please contact the relative personnel.\n"); return null; } File safFile = new File(safPath); if (safPath.endsWith(".zip")) { String newPath = FileZipper.unzipToDirectory(safPath); if (null == newPath) { loggingForUserWriter .write("The SAF package has problem, please contact the relative personnel.\n"); throw new ErrorUnzipSafPackageException("Cannot unzip the saf package at " + safPath); } // Change the path to be the unzipped folder // safPath = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileNameWithoutExtension(safPath); safFile = new File(newPath); } if (safFile.isDirectory()) { mainLoop: for (File file : safFile.listFiles()) { if (null != file && file.isDirectory()) { File[] fileList = file.listFiles(); boolean containsContentsFile = false; boolean containsMetadataFile = false; List<File> metadataFileList = new ArrayList<>(); File contentFile = null; String doi = ""; for (File itemFile : fileList) { if (null == itemFile) { continue; } String fileName = itemFile.getName(); if ("contents".equals(fileName)) { containsContentsFile = true; contentFile = itemFile; } else if (METADATA_FILE_NAMES_LIST.contains(fileName.replaceAll(".xml", ""))) { // Check if there are some duplicates based on doi if (fileName.contains("dublin")) { doi = findDoiFromDublin(itemFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (null != doi && checkDuplicatesByDoi(doi, collectionHandle, dspaceApiUrl)) { message = "Duplication detected: collection " + collectionHandle + " has already had an item with doi=" + doi; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + ".\n\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + ".\n\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write("Item with doi:" + doi + " has been processed.\n\n==================================================\n\n"); continue mainLoop; } } containsMetadataFile = true; metadataFileList.add(itemFile); } } if (containsContentsFile == true && containsMetadataFile == true) { String newItemId; String newItemHandle; // Create the new item now: try { String collectionId = getObjectIdByHandler(collectionHandle, dspaceApiUrl); if (DocumentProcessorUtil.isEmptyString(collectionId)) { throw new Exception( "Cannot get collection ID from handler " + collectionHandle + "!"); } Map newItemInfo = createEmptyItem( getObjectIdByHandler(collectionHandle, dspaceApiUrl)); newItemId = String.valueOf(newItemInfo.get("id")); newItemHandle = (String) newItemInfo.get("handle"); message = "A new item with handle = " + newItemHandle + " has been added to collection " + collectionHandle + ".\n\n"; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message); loggingForUserWriter.write(message); mapWriter.write(file.getName() + " " + newItemHandle + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { message = "Cannot create the new item with collection handler " + collectionHandle + ".\nItem with doi=" + doi + " is not added."; logger.error(message, ex); System.out.println(message + "\n\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "\n\n\n"); continue; } // Add the metadata to the new item: String[] paths = new String[metadataFileList.size()]; ListIterator metadataIt = metadataFileList.listIterator(); while (metadataIt.hasNext()) { File metadataFile = (File); paths[metadataIt.nextIndex() - 1] = metadataFile.getAbsolutePath(); } Map<String, String> metadataStrings = getMetadataFromXmlFiles(paths); for (String path : metadataStrings.keySet()) { String metadata = metadataStrings.get(path); message = "Adding metadata file " + metadata + " now with file name : " + file.getName(); logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write("Start to add metadata for item doi:" + doi + "\n"); try { String metadataInfo = addItemMetadata(newItemId, metadata); if (null == metadataInfo || metadataInfo.equals("")) { if (null == importResults.get("metadata-imported")) { importResults.put("metadata-imported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List metadataUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("metadata-imported"); metadataUnimportedList.add(newItemId + "---" + path); message = "Failed to add the metadata into item " + newItemHandle + ".\n\n"; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message); loggingForUserWriter.write(message); } else { if (null == importResults.get("metadata-imported")) { importResults.put("metadata-imported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List metadataImportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("metadata-imported"); metadataImportedList.add(newItemId + "---" + path); message = "A new set of metadata entries have been added to the item " + newItemHandle + ". \n\n"; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message); loggingForUserWriter.write(message); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (null == importResults.get("metadata-imported")) { importResults.put("metadata-imported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List metadataUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("metadata-imported"); metadataUnimportedList.add(newItemId + "---" + path); message = "Failed to add metadata into item " + newItemHandle + "\n" + ex.getMessage(); logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "\n\n"); } } List bitstreamFileList = DocumentProcessorUtil .readTextFileIntoList(contentFile.getAbsolutePath()); ListIterator it = bitstreamFileList.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String bitstreamFileName = (String); File bitstreamFile = new File( file.getAbsoluteFile() + File.separator + bitstreamFileName); if (!bitstreamFile.exists()) { message = "The bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " does not exist in the saf package " + safPath + "!\n"; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "!\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "!\n\n"); } else { String newName = bitstreamFile.getName().replace(" ", "_"); try { Map bitstreamInfo = addItemBitstream(newItemId, bitstreamFile.getAbsolutePath(), newName, newName); if (null != bitstreamInfo) { if (null == importResults.get("bitstream-imported")) { importResults.put("bitstream-imported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List bitstreamImportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("bitstream-imported"); bitstreamImportedList .add(newItemId + "---" + bitstreamFile.getAbsoluteFile()); message = "A new bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " has been added to the item " + newItemHandle + ".\n\n"; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message); loggingForUserWriter.write(message); } else { if (null == importResults.get("bitstream-unimported")) { importResults.put("bitstream-unimported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List bitstreamUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("bitstream-unimported"); bitstreamUnimportedList .add(newItemId + "---" + bitstreamFile.getAbsoluteFile()); message = "Cannot add the bitstream!"; throw new Exception(message); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (null == importResults.get("bitstream-unimported")) { importResults.put("bitstream-unimported", new ArrayList<String>()); } List bitstreamUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults .get("bitstream-unimported"); bitstreamUnimportedList .add(newItemId + "---" + bitstreamFile.getAbsoluteFile()); message = "Failed to add the bitstream file " + bitstreamFileName + " into item " + newItemHandle + ".\n"; logger.debug(message, ex); ex.printStackTrace(); loggingForUserWriter.write(message); } } } } else { message = "This saf package is missing either the contents file or the metadata files.\n\n"; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message); loggingForUserWriter.write(message); //throw new SafPackageMissingFileException("Saf package at " + safPath + " either the contents file or the metadata files are missing!"); } loggingForUserWriter.write("Item with doi:" + doi + " has been processed.\n\n==================================================\n\n"); } } } else { message = "This SAF package is not a directory.\n\n\n"; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message); loggingForUserWriter.write(message); throw new SafPackagePathErrorException(message); } // Due to various reasons, some metadata and/or bitstreams cannot be added and are given second chance here: List metadataUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults.get("metadata-unimported"); if (null != metadataUnimportedList && metadataUnimportedList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator<String> iterator = metadataUnimportedList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String[] values = ((String)"---"); message = "Second try to add metadata into " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1]; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "\n\n"); try { String metadataInfo = addItemMetadata(values[0], values[1]); if (null != metadataInfo) { iterator.remove(); message = "Second try: sucessfully added metadata into item " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1]; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "\n\n"); } else { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception ex) { message = "Second try: failed to add metadata into item " + values[0] + " with data " + values[1] + "\n" + ex.getMessage(); logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "\n\n"); } } } List bitstreamUnimportedList = (ArrayList) importResults.get("bitstream-unimported"); if (null != bitstreamUnimportedList && bitstreamUnimportedList.size() > 0) { // for (Object bitstreamUnimportedList1 : bitstreamUnimportedList) { for (Iterator<String> iterator = bitstreamUnimportedList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String[] values = ((String)"---"); String name = new File(values[1]).getName().replace(" ", "_"); message = "Second try to add bitstream into " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1]; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "\n\n"); try { Map bitstreamInfo = addItemBitstream(values[0], values[1], name, name); if (null != bitstreamInfo) { iterator.remove(); message = "Second try: sucessfully added bitstream into item " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1]; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "\n\n"); } else { message = "Second try: failed to add bitstream into item " + values[0] + " with path " + values[1]; logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); loggingForUserWriter.write(message + "\n\n"); throw new Exception(message); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); } } } } catch (SafPackagePathErrorException ex) { message = "Saf package is not valid!\n" + ex.getMessage(); System.out.println(message + "\n\n"); logger.error("Cannot create new items with saf package path: " + safPath, ex); } catch (NullPointerException | ErrorUnzipSafPackageException | IOException ex) { logger.error(ex); } finally { if (null != loggingForUserWriter) { try { loggingForUserWriter.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Cannot close the output file writer!"); } } if (null != mapWriter) { try { mapWriter.flush(); mapWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Cannot close the map file writer!"); } } } return importResults; } /** * * Deletes all items in a collection * * @param id : collection Id */ @Override public void deleteItemsByCollectionId(String id) { String[] ids = getItemIdsByCollectionId(id); for (String itemId : ids) { try { deleteItemById(itemId); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot delete item : " + itemId, ex); continue; } } } @Override public void setFilePath(String filePath) { job.setFilePath(filePath); } @Override public void setReportFilePath(String reportFilePath) { this.reportFilePath = reportFilePath; } @Override public int getJobType() { return job.getType(); } @Override public Map<String, String> outputJobDataByJobType() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public String getServerName() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public String getRepoType() { return DataUtil.REPO_TYPES[job.getRepoType()]; } @Override public boolean checkDuplicatesByDoi(String doi, String collectionHandle, String dspaceApiUrl) { Map<String, String> dois = getItemDoisByCollectionHandler(collectionHandle, dspaceApiUrl); return dois.containsKey(doi); } /** * Dig out the doi from dublin.xml file * @param dublin : file path of dublin.xml. * an example: <dcvalue element="identifier" language="en_US" qualifier="doi">10.1177/0194599816689660</dcvalue> * @return : doi value */ private String findDoiFromDublin(String dublinPath) { Map<String, String> attrMap = new HashMap<>(); attrMap.put("qualifier", "doi"); String doi[] = DocumentProcessorUtil.getDataFromXmlByTagNameAndAttributes(dublinPath, "dcvalue", attrMap); if (null != doi && doi.length > 0) { return doi[0]; } return null; } @Override public String getItemsInfoByCollectionHandler(String handle) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }