Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009 Justin F. Knotzke ( * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.shampoo.goldenembed.parser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.shampoo.goldenembed.elevation.AltitudePressure; import org.shampoo.goldenembed.elevation.GoogleElevation; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class GoldenEmbedParserMain { static final byte MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_ID = 0x40; static final byte MESG_CAPABILITIES_ID = 0x54; static final byte MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID = 0x4E; static final byte MESG_TX_SYNC = (byte) 0xA4; static final byte MESG_CHANNEL_SEARCH_TIMEOUT_ID = 0x44; static final byte MESG_ASSIGN_CHANNEL_ID = 0x42; static final byte MESG_CHANNEL_RADIO_FREQ_ID = 0x45; static final byte MESG_CHANNEL_MESG_PERIOD_ID = 0x43; static final byte MESG_OPEN_CHANNEL_ID = (byte) 0x4B; static final byte MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID = (byte) 0x51; static final byte MESG_NETWORK_KEY_ID = 0x46; static final byte MESG_CHANNEL_EVENT_ERROR = 0x01; static final byte NEW_LINE = (byte) 0x0A; static final double PI = 3.14159265; static final double KNOTS_TO_KILOMETERS = 1.85200; File outFile = null; boolean isFirstRecordedTime = true; long firstRecordedTime = 0; public float totalTrans = 0; public float totalChecksumError = 0; public float totalGPSError = 0; public long totalSpikes = 0; boolean noGSC = false; int startTime = 0; private static final String spacer1 = " "; private static final String spacer2 = " "; String rideDate; List<GoldenCheetah> gcArray = new ArrayList<GoldenCheetah>(); Power power; SpeedCad speedCad; GoldenCheetah gc = new GoldenCheetah(); int pos = 0; // Main Buffer Position boolean debug = false; boolean megaDebug = false; PrintWriter fout; String serElevationPath; GoogleElevation googleElevation; AltitudePressure altiPressure; Options options = new Options(); String outGCFilePath; String outGnuPlotPath; String intervalParam; boolean wantsGoogleElevation = false; String serializedElevationPath = null; LogManager lm = LogManager.getLogManager(); Logger logger = null; String logFilePath = ""; String username = null; String password = null; String stravaUsername = null; String stravaPassword = null; String rideWithGPSUsername; String rideWithGPSPassword; boolean isGPS = false; long smoothFactor = 0; /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { new GoldenEmbedParserMain(args); } public static int unsignedByteToInt(byte b) { return b & 0xFF; } public GoldenEmbedParserMain() { power = new Power(debug, megaDebug, this); } private void initGCFile(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) { fout.write("<!DOCTYPE GoldenCheetah>\n"); fout.write("<ride>\n"); fout.write(spacer1 + "<attributes>\n"); fout.write(spacer2 + "<attribute key=\"Start time\" value=\"" + formatDate(year) + "/" + formatDate(++month) + "/" + formatDate(day) + " " + formatDate(hour) + ":" + formatDate(minute) + ":" + formatDate(second) + " UTC\" />\n"); fout.write(spacer2 + "<attribute key=\"Device type\" value=\"Golden Embed GPS\" />\n"); fout.write(spacer1 + "</attributes>\n"); fout.write("<samples>\n"); } private String formatDate(int _toFormat) { String toFormat = String.valueOf(_toFormat); if (toFormat.length() < 2) toFormat = "0" + toFormat; return toFormat; } public GoldenEmbedParserMain(String[] args) { Option inputFile = OptionBuilder.withArgName("inputfile").hasArg() .withDescription("Input file GoldenEmbedGPS").create("inputfile"); Option outputGCFile = OptionBuilder.withArgName("outgc").hasArg() .withDescription("Directory of where to write the Golden Cheetah File").create("outgc"); Option outputGnuPlotFile = OptionBuilder.withArgName("outgnuplot").hasArg() .withDescription("Directory of where to write the gnuplot file").create("outgnuplot"); Option debugOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("debug").hasArg().withDescription("Level of debug") .create("debug"); Option intervalOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("interval").hasArg() .withDescription("Interval Format: MM:SS+MM ex: 62:00+20").create("interval"); Option usernameOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("username").hasArg() .withDescription("Username for Fusion Tables").create("username"); Option passwordOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("password").hasArg() .withDescription("Password for Fusion Tables").create("password"); Option serializedElevationOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("serelevation").hasArg() .withDescription("To use Google Elevation Service set path to serialized elevation file") .create("serelevation"); Option gpsOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("gps").hasArg().withDescription("true for GEGPS false for GE") .create("gps"); Option smoothOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("smooth").hasArg() .withDescription("Enter amount in seconds for smoothing factor").create("smooth"); Option stravaUser = OptionBuilder.withArgName("strava_user").hasArg() .withDescription("Enter your Strava Username (email)").create("strava_user"); Option stravaPass = OptionBuilder.withArgName("strava_pass").hasArg() .withDescription("Enter your Strava Password").create("strava_pass"); Option rideWithGPSUser = OptionBuilder.withArgName("ridewithgps_user").hasArg() .withDescription("Ride with Gps Username").create("ridewithgps_user"); Option rideWithGPSPass = OptionBuilder.withArgName("ridewithgps_pass").hasArg() .withDescription("Ride with Gps Password").create("ridewithgps_pass"); options.addOption(smoothOption); options.addOption(inputFile); options.addOption(outputGCFile); options.addOption(outputGnuPlotFile); options.addOption(debugOption); options.addOption(intervalOption); options.addOption(usernameOption); options.addOption(passwordOption); options.addOption(serializedElevationOption); options.addOption(gpsOption); options.addOption(stravaPass); options.addOption(stravaUser); options.addOption(rideWithGPSUser); options.addOption(rideWithGPSPass); // create the parser CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { // parse the command line arguments CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); // Load up the file File file = null; power = new Power(debug, megaDebug, this); speedCad = new SpeedCad(); // has the buildfile argument been passed? if (line.hasOption("debug")) { // initialise the member variable String strDebug = line.getOptionValue("debug"); if (strDebug.equalsIgnoreCase("debug")) debug = true; else if (strDebug.equalsIgnoreCase("megaDebug")) megaDebug = true; } if (!line.hasOption("inputfile")) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } else file = new File(line.getOptionValue("inputfile")); if (line.hasOption("outgc")) outGCFilePath = line.getOptionValue("outgc"); if (line.hasOption("outgnuplot")) outGnuPlotPath = line.getOptionValue("outgnuplot"); if (line.hasOption("interval")) intervalParam = line.getOptionValue("interval"); if (line.hasOption("serelevation")) serializedElevationPath = line.getOptionValue("serelevation"); if (line.hasOption("gps")) isGPS = true; if ((line.hasOption("username") == true || line.hasOption("password") == true)) { username = line.getOptionValue("username"); password = line.getOptionValue("password"); if (username.length() == 0 || password.length() == 0) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } } if ((line.hasOption("strava_user") == true || line.hasOption("strava_pass") == true)) { stravaUsername = line.getOptionValue("strava_user"); stravaPassword = line.getOptionValue("strava_pass"); if (stravaUsername.length() == 0 || stravaPassword.length() == 0) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } } if ((line.hasOption("ridewithgps_user") == true || line.hasOption("ridewithgps_pass") == true)) { rideWithGPSUsername = line.getOptionValue("ridewithgps_user"); rideWithGPSPassword = line.getOptionValue("ridewithgps_pass"); if (rideWithGPSUsername.length() == 0 || rideWithGPSPassword.length() == 0) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } } try { if (line.hasOption("smooth")) smoothFactor = Long.parseLong(line.getOptionValue("smooth")); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Input File: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); byte[] readBytes; try { readBytes = getBytesFromFile(file); while (pos != file.length()) pos = readBuffer(readBytes, file.getParent()); System.out.println("\n\nTotal Failed Checksums: " + totalChecksumError + " Out of Total ANT Messages: " + totalTrans); System.out.println("% ANT Failure: " + (totalChecksumError / totalTrans) * 100.0); System.out.println( "Total Failed GPS: " + totalGPSError + " Out of Total ANT Messages: " + totalTrans); System.out.println("% GPS Failure: " + (totalGPSError / totalTrans) * 100.0); System.out.println("Total Failed Messages: " + (totalChecksumError + totalGPSError) + " Out of Total ANT Messages: " + totalTrans); System.out.println("% Failure: " + ((totalChecksumError + totalGPSError) / totalTrans) * 100.0); writeOutGCRecords(); System.exit(0); } catch (IOException e) { if (logger != null) logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString()); else System.out.println(e); } } catch (ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.out.println("Parsing failed. Reason: " + exp.getMessage()); printUsage(); } catch (SecurityException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString()); } } public void printUsage() { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("java -jar GoldenEmbedParser.jar", options); } private void ANTparseHRM(byte[] msgData, GoldenCheetah gc) { int i = 5; byte aByte; int end = i + 8; int hrCountFinder = 0; int hr = 0; for (; i < end; i++) { aByte = msgData[i]; if (megaDebug) System.out.println("Converting 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(msgData[i])); if (hrCountFinder == 6) { // HR is the sixth byte if (megaDebug) System.out.println("Converting 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(msgData[i])); hr = unsignedByteToInt(aByte); if (debug) System.out.println("Heart Rate is: " + hr); } else if (megaDebug) System.out.println("o" + i + "=" + unsignedByteToInt(aByte)); hrCountFinder++; } gc.setHr(hr); } private void ANTrxMsg(byte[] rxIN, int size, GoldenCheetah gc) { int i = 2; if (megaDebug) System.out.println("Converting 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(rxIN[i])); switch (rxIN[i]) { case MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("ID: MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_ID\n"); ANTresponseHandler(rxIN, size, gc); break; case MESG_CAPABILITIES_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("ID: MESG_CAPABILITIES_ID\n"); i = ANTCfgCapabilties(i, size); // rxBuf[3] .. skip sync, size, msg break; case MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("ID: MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID\n"); Byte aByte = new Byte(rxIN[++i]); int chan = aByte.intValue(); if (chan == 0) ANTparseHRM(rxIN, gc); else if (chan == 1) power.ANTParsePower(rxIN, size, gc, gcArray); break; case MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("ID: MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID\n"); ANTChannelID(rxIN, gc); break; default: if (debug) System.out.println("ID: Unknown 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(rxIN[i])); } return; } public void ANTChannelID(byte[] msgIN, GoldenCheetah gc) { byte[] devNo = new byte[2]; int i = 2; devNo[0] = msgIN[i]; if (megaDebug) System.out.println("Device Type is: 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(msgIN[i])); devNo[1] = msgIN[i]; if (megaDebug) System.out.println("Device Type is: 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(msgIN[i])); int deviceNum = byteArrayToInt(devNo, 0, 2); if (debug) System.out.println("Device Number is: " + deviceNum); if (debug) System.out.println("Device Type is: 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(msgIN[i])); if (debug) System.out.println("Man ID is: 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(msgIN[i]) + "\n"); return; } public byte[] getBytesFromFile(File file) throws IOException { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); // Get the size of the file long length = file.length(); // You cannot create an array using a long type. // It needs to be an int type. // Before converting to an int type, check // to ensure that file is not larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE. if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // File is too large } // Create the byte array to hold the data byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) length]; // Read in the bytes int offset = 0; int numRead = 0; while (offset < bytes.length && (numRead =, offset, bytes.length - offset)) >= 0) { offset += numRead; } // Ensure all the bytes have been read in if (offset < bytes.length) { throw new IOException("Could not completely read file " + file.getName()); } // Close the input stream and return bytes is.close(); if (megaDebug) System.out.println("Total Bytes: " + bytes.length); return bytes; } private boolean ANTrxHandler(byte[] rxBuf, GoldenCheetah gc) { int msgN = 0; int i; int size = 0; boolean inMsg = true; boolean errorFlag = true; for (i = 0; i < rxBuf.length; i++) { if (rxBuf[i] == MESG_TX_SYNC && inMsg) { inMsg = false; msgN = 0; // Always reset msg count if we get a sync msgN++; errorFlag = false; totalTrans++; if (megaDebug) System.out.println("RX: [sync]"); } else if (msgN == 1) { Byte aByte = new Byte(rxBuf[i]); msgN++; // Size size = aByte.intValue(); } else if (msgN == 2) { byte checksum = checkSum(rxBuf, size); if (checksum == rxBuf[size + 3]) // Check if chksum = msg // chksum { inMsg = true; // Handle Message ANTrxMsg(rxBuf, size, gc); msgN++; break; } else { if (megaDebug) System.out.println("CheckSum Mismatch 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(rxBuf[size + 3]) + "!=: 0x" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(checksum)); msgN = 0; inMsg = true; totalChecksumError++; errorFlag = true; return errorFlag; } } else return errorFlag; } return errorFlag; } private void closeGCFile() { fout.write(spacer1 + "</samples>\n"); fout.write("</ride>\n"); fout.flush(); fout.close(); } private byte checkSum(byte data[], int length) { byte chksum = 0x0; for (int i = 0; i < length + 3; i++) { chksum ^= data[i]; // +1 since skip prefix sync code, we already // counted it } return chksum; } private void ANTresponseHandler(byte rxBuf[], int size, GoldenCheetah gc) { byte ch = rxBuf[3]; byte id = rxBuf[4]; byte code = rxBuf[5]; if (debug) { System.out.println("Channel Num:" + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(ch)); System.out.println("Message ID: " + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(id)); System.out.println("Code: " + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(code)); } switch (id) { case MESG_CHANNEL_SEARCH_TIMEOUT_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("[MESG_CHANNEL_SEARCH_TIMEOUT_ID]"); break; case MESG_ASSIGN_CHANNEL_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("[MESG_ASSIGN_CHANNEL_ID]"); break; case MESG_CHANNEL_RADIO_FREQ_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("[MESG_CHANNEL_RADIO_FREQ_ID]"); break; case MESG_CHANNEL_MESG_PERIOD_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("[MESG_CHANNEL_MESG_PERIOD_ID]"); break; case MESG_OPEN_CHANNEL_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("[MESG_OPEN_CHANNEL_ID]"); break; case MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("[MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID]"); break; case MESG_NETWORK_KEY_ID: if (debug) System.out.println("[MESG_NETWORK_KEY_ID]"); break; case MESG_CHANNEL_EVENT_ERROR: if (code == 0x01) { if (ch == 0) System.out.println("Dropped HRM"); else if (ch == 1) System.out.println("Dropped Power"); else if (ch == 2) System.out.println("Dropped Cadence/Speed"); } break; default: if (debug) System.out.println("[unknown]: " + UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex(id)); break; } return; // For Loop will move 1 forward } private int ANTCfgCapabilties(int i, int size) { return i + size + 4; } public static int byteArrayToInt(byte[] b, int offset, int size) { uShort uint = new uShort(b, offset); return uint.getValue(); } private void writeGCRecord(GoldenCheetah gc) { fout.write(spacer1 + "<sample cad=\"" + gc.getCad() + "\" watts=\"" + gc.getWatts() + "\" kph=\"" + Round(gc.getSpeed(), 1) + "\" km=\"" + Round(gc.getDistance(), 2) + "\" secs=\"" + gc.getSecs() + "\" hr=\"" + gc.getHr() + "\" lon=\"" + gc.getLongitude() + "\" lat=\"" + gc.getLatitude() + "\" alt=\"" + gc.getElevation() + "\" len=\"1\"/>\n"); } public static double Round(double Rval, int Rpl) { double p = Math.pow(10, Rpl); Rval = Rval * p; double tmp = Math.round(Rval); return tmp / p; } public static String convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes) { return new String(bytes).trim(); } private int readBuffer(byte[] readBytes, String filePath) { int bufPos = 0; GPS gps = new GPS(); byte[] bufToSend; byte[] timeStamp; long secs = 0; if ((pos + bufPos + 64) >= readBytes.length - 1) { System.out.println("\n\nTotal Failed Checksums: " + totalChecksumError + " Out of Total ANT Messages: " + totalTrans); System.out.println("% ANT Failure: " + (totalChecksumError / totalTrans) * 100.0); System.out.println("Total Failed GPS: " + totalGPSError + " Out of Total ANT Messages: " + totalTrans); System.out.println("% GPS Failure: " + (totalGPSError / totalTrans) * 100.0); System.out.println("Total Failed Messages: " + (totalChecksumError + totalGPSError) + " Out of Total ANT Messages: " + totalTrans); System.out.println("% Failure: " + ((totalChecksumError + totalGPSError) / totalTrans) * 100.0); System.out.println("Total CAD or Watt Spikes: " + totalSpikes); writeOutGCRecords(); System.exit(0); } Byte aByte = new Byte(readBytes[pos + bufPos + 1]); int size = aByte.intValue(); if (size < 0) { pos++; // We failed a checksum skip.. while (readBytes[pos] != MESG_TX_SYNC) { pos++; } totalChecksumError++; return pos; } bufToSend = new byte[size + 4]; for (; bufPos < bufToSend.length; bufPos++) bufToSend[bufPos] = readBytes[bufPos + pos]; if (ANTrxHandler(bufToSend, gc) == true) { pos++; // We failed a checksum skip.. while (readBytes[pos] != MESG_TX_SYNC) pos++; return pos; } pos = (pos + size + 4); try { if (isGPS) { // Now Parse GPS gps = new GPS().GPSHandler(readBytes, pos); pos += 22; // All GPS data // Get the intial elevation from Google use Lat and Lon if (altiPressure == null && serializedElevationPath == null) { altiPressure = new AltitudePressure(GoogleElevation .getElevation(Float.valueOf(gps.getLatitude()), Float.valueOf(gps.getLongitude()))); } int pressureCounter = 0; byte[] pressureByte = new byte[16]; while (readBytes[pos] != 0x07) { if (pressureCounter == 15) throw new NumberFormatException(); pressureByte[pressureCounter++] = readBytes[pos++]; } pos++; // skip the delimeter String strPressure = convertBytesToString(pressureByte); float pressure = Float.parseFloat(strPressure); strPressure = convertBytesToString(pressureByte); pressure = Float.parseFloat(strPressure); if (serializedElevationPath == null) gc.setElevation(altiPressure.altiCalc(pressure / 100.0f)); timeStamp = new byte[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) timeStamp[i] = readBytes[pos++]; secs = parseTimeStamp(timeStamp, gc); } else { timeStamp = new byte[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) timeStamp[i] = readBytes[pos++]; secs = parseTimeStamp(timeStamp, gc); } if (rideDate == null && isGPS == true) createRideDate(gps, timeStamp); else if (rideDate == null) createRideDate(); gc.setLatitude(gps.getLatitude()); gc.setLongitude(gps.getLongitude()); gc.setSpeed(gps.getSpeed() * KNOTS_TO_KILOMETERS); gc.setDistance(gc.getDistance() + (gc.getSpeed() * (gc.getSecs() - gc.getPrevSpeedSecs()) / 3600.0)); gc.setPrevSpeedSecs(gc.getSecs()); if (secs > 86400) // Only fools ride for more then 24hrs a time.. throw new NumberFormatException(); gc.setSecs(secs); gc.setDate(gps.getDate()); // If we haven't created the file, create it if (outFile == null && outGCFilePath != null) { if (isGPS) initOutFile(gps, outGCFilePath, timeStamp); else createGCOutFile(); } if (gc.getPrevsecs() != gc.getSecs()) { gc.setWatts((int) Round(power.getWatts() / power.getTotalWattCounter(), 0)); gc.setCad((int) Round(power.getRpm() / power.getTotalCadCounter(), 0)); GoldenCheetah _gc = gc.clone(gc); gcArray.add(_gc); gc.setPrevsecs(gc.getSecs()); gc.newWatts = false; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { while (readBytes[pos] != MESG_TX_SYNC) pos++; totalGPSError++; return pos; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { while (readBytes[pos] != MESG_TX_SYNC) pos++; totalGPSError++; } return pos; } private void initGCFile() { fout.write("<!DOCTYPE GoldenCheetah>\n"); fout.write("<ride>\n"); fout.write(spacer1 + "<attributes>\n"); fout.write(spacer2 + "<attribute key=\"Start time\" value=\"2010/01/01 00:00:00 UTC\" />\n"); fout.write(spacer2 + "<attribute key=\"Device type\" value=\"Golden Embed\" />\n"); fout.write(spacer1 + "</attributes>\n"); fout.write("<samples>\n"); } private void createRideDate() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int date = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); date++; String strMonth = formatDate(date); date = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String strDay = formatDate(date); date = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); String strHour = formatDate(date); date = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); String strMin = formatDate(date); date = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND); String strSec = formatDate(date); rideDate = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "/" + strMonth + "/" + strDay + " " + strHour + ":" + strMin + ":" + strSec; } private File createGCFileName() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int date = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); date++; String strMonth = formatDate(date); date = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String strDay = formatDate(date); date = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); String strHour = formatDate(date); date = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); String strMin = formatDate(date); date = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND); String strSec = formatDate(date); rideDate = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "/" + strMonth + "/" + strDay + " " + strHour + ":" + strMin + ":" + strSec; File outFile = new File(outGCFilePath + "/" + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "_" + strMonth + "_" + strDay + "_" + strHour + "_" + strMin + "_" + strSec + ".gc"); return outFile; } private void createGCOutFile() { outFile = createGCFileName(); try { fout = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile)); initGCFile(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } private String createRideDate(GPS gps, byte[] timeStamp) { String strYear = "20" + timeStamp[0]; int year = Integer.valueOf(strYear); int month = timeStamp[1]; month--; // Zero based int day = timeStamp[2]; int hr = timeStamp[3]; int min = timeStamp[4]; int sec = timeStamp[5]; Calendar rideCal = new GregorianCalendar(); rideCal.set(year, month, day, hr, min, sec); SimpleDateFormat rideFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); rideFormat.setTimeZone(rideCal.getTimeZone()); rideDate = rideFormat.format(rideCal.getTime()); return rideDate; } private void initOutFile(GPS gps, String filePath, byte[] timeStamp) { if (outFile == null) { String strYear = "20" + timeStamp[0]; int year = Integer.valueOf(strYear); int month = timeStamp[1]; month--; // Zero based int day = timeStamp[2]; int hr = timeStamp[3]; int min = timeStamp[4]; int sec = timeStamp[5]; Calendar rideCal = new GregorianCalendar(); rideCal.set(year, month, day, hr, min, sec); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss"); outFile = new File(filePath + "/" + sdf.format(rideCal.getTime()) + ".gc"); try { fout = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile)); initGCFile(year, month, day, hr, min, sec); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } } private long parseTimeStamp(byte[] timeStamp, GoldenCheetah gc) throws NumberFormatException { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); try { int year = 0; int month = 0; int day = 0; int hour; int min; int sec; int i = 0; if (isGPS) { year = new Byte(timeStamp[i++]); month = new Byte(timeStamp[i++]); day = new Byte(timeStamp[i++]); } if (year >= 0 && year <= 99 && month >= 0 && month <= 12 && day >= 0 && day <= 31) { hour = new Byte(timeStamp[i++]); min = new Byte(timeStamp[i++]); sec = new Byte(timeStamp[i++]); year += 2000; } else throw new NumberFormatException(); if (hour <= 24 && hour >= 0 && min <= 60 && min >= 0 && sec <= 60 && sec >= 0) { cal.set(year, --month, day, hour, min, sec); gc.setCurrentTime(cal); } else throw new NumberFormatException(); long totalSecs = cal.getTimeInMillis() / 1000; if (firstRecordedTime == 0) firstRecordedTime = totalSecs; return totalSecs - firstRecordedTime; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } public boolean isDouble(String input) { try { Double.parseDouble(input); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private void writeOutGCRecords() { Collections.sort(gcArray, new SortBySeconds()); List<IntervalBean> gcIntervals = new ArrayList<IntervalBean>(); printDupes(gcArray); if (serializedElevationPath != null) { googleElevation = new GoogleElevation(serializedElevationPath); gcArray = googleElevation.getGCElevations(gcArray); } if (smoothFactor != 0) gcArray = smooth(gcArray, smoothFactor); if (outGCFilePath != null) { Iterator<GoldenCheetah> iter = gcArray.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GoldenCheetah _gc =; writeGCRecord(_gc); } closeGCFile(); } if (outGnuPlotPath != null) { GnuPlot plot = new GnuPlot(); plot.writeOutGnuPlot(gcArray, outGnuPlotPath); } if (intervalParam != null) { Intervals interval = new Intervals(); gcIntervals = interval.createInterval(gcArray, intervalParam); } if (username != null) { if (rideDate == null) { Calendar rideCal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat rideFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"); rideDate = rideFormat.format(rideCal.getTime()); } FusionTables ft = new FusionTables(username, password); ft.uploadToFusionTables("Golden Embed", gcArray, rideDate, gcIntervals); } if (stravaUsername != null) new Strava(gcArray, stravaUsername, stravaPassword, rideDate); if (rideWithGPSUsername != null) new RideWithGPS(gcArray, rideWithGPSUsername, rideWithGPSPassword, rideDate); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Finished"); } public GoldenCheetah findGCByTime(long secs) { Iterator<GoldenCheetah> iter = gcArray.iterator(); GoldenCheetah _gc; while (iter.hasNext()) { _gc =; if (_gc.getSecs() == secs) return _gc; } return null; } private void printDupes(List<GoldenCheetah> gcArray) { double prevDist = 0; List<GoldenCheetah> gcDupes = new ArrayList<GoldenCheetah>(); for (GoldenCheetah gc : gcArray) { if (prevDist > gc.getDistance()) gcDupes.add(gc); prevDist = gc.getDistance(); } for (GoldenCheetah gc : gcDupes) gcArray.remove(gc); } public List<GoldenCheetah> smooth(List<GoldenCheetah> gcArray, long secs) { ArrayList<GoldenCheetah> gcSmoothedArray = new ArrayList<GoldenCheetah>(); long totalWatts = 0; long totalCad = 0; long totalSpeed = 0; int totalHR = 0; float totalElevation = 0; long counter = 0; GoldenCheetah smoothedGC; for (GoldenCheetah gc : gcArray) { if (gc.getSecs() % secs == 0 && counter != 0) { smoothedGC = new GoldenCheetah(); smoothedGC.setCad(totalCad / counter); smoothedGC.setWatts(totalWatts / counter); smoothedGC.setSpeed(totalSpeed / counter); smoothedGC.setHr(totalHR / (int) counter); smoothedGC.setElevation(totalElevation / counter); smoothedGC.setSecs(gc.getSecs()); gcSmoothedArray.add(smoothedGC); totalWatts = 0; totalCad = 0; totalSpeed = 0; totalHR = 0; totalElevation = 0; counter = 0; } else { totalWatts += gc.getWatts(); totalCad += gc.getCad(); totalSpeed += gc.getSpeed(); totalElevation += gc.getElevation(); totalHR += gc.getHr(); counter++; } } return gcSmoothedArray; } }