Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 The Simple File Server Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sfs.vo; import; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE; public abstract class Segment<T extends Segment> implements Identity { public static final byte[] EMPTY_MD5 = md5().hashBytes(new byte[] {}).asBytes(); public static final byte[] EMPTY_SHA512 = sha512().hashBytes(new byte[] {}).asBytes(); private final XVersion parent; private final long id; private Long writeLength; private Long readLength; private byte[] readMd5; private byte[] readSha512; private byte[] writeSha512; private byte[] tinyData; private Boolean isTinyData; private Boolean isTinyDataDeleted; private SegmentCipher segmentCipher; private List<TransientBlobReference> blobs = new ArrayList<>(); public Segment(XVersion parent, long id) { this.parent = parent; checkState(id >= 0, "Id must be >= 0"); = id; } public XVersion<? extends XVersion> getParent() { return parent; } @Override public long getId() { return id; } public Optional<Long> getReadLength() { return fromNullable(readLength); } public T setReadLength(Long readLength) { this.readLength = readLength; return (T) this; } public Optional<byte[]> getReadMd5() { return fromNullable(readMd5); } public T setReadMd5(byte[] readMd5) { this.readMd5 = readMd5; return (T) this; } public Optional<byte[]> getReadSha512() { return fromNullable(readSha512); } public T setReadSha512(byte[] readSha512) { this.readSha512 = readSha512; return (T) this; } public Optional<byte[]> getWriteSha512() { return fromNullable(writeSha512); } public T setWriteSha512(byte[] writeSha512) { this.writeSha512 = writeSha512; return (T) this; } public Optional<Long> getWriteLength() { return fromNullable(writeLength); } public T setWriteLength(Long writeLength) { this.writeLength = writeLength; return (T) this; } public Optional<SegmentCipher> getSegmentCipher() { return fromNullable(segmentCipher); } public T setSegmentCipher(SegmentCipher segmentCipher) { this.segmentCipher = segmentCipher; return (T) this; } public List<TransientBlobReference> getBlobs() { checkState(!TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to false"); return blobs; } public T setBlobs(Iterable<TransientBlobReference> blobs) { checkState(!TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to false"); this.blobs.clear(); addAll(this.blobs, blobs); return (T) this; } public T removeBlobs(Collection<TransientBlobReference> blobs) { this.blobs.removeAll(blobs); return (T) this; } public TransientBlobReference newBlob() { checkState(!TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to false"); TransientBlobReference blobReference = new TransientBlobReference(this); this.blobs.add(blobReference); return blobReference; } public Iterable<TransientBlobReference> verifiedAckdBlobs() { checkState(!TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to false"); return from(verifiedBlobs()).filter(BlobReference::isAcknowledged); } public Iterable<TransientBlobReference> verifiedUnAckdBlobs() { checkState(!TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to false"); return from(verifiedBlobs()).filter(input -> !input.isAcknowledged()); } private Iterable<TransientBlobReference> verifiedBlobs() { checkState(!TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to false"); return from(blobs).filter(notNull()).filter(blob -> { Optional<String> oVolumeId = blob.getVolumeId(); Optional<Long> oPosition = blob.getPosition(); Optional<byte[]> oComputedSha512 = blob.getReadSha512(); Optional<Long> oComputedLength = blob.getReadLength(); boolean deleted = blob.isDeleted(); boolean hasVolumeId = oVolumeId.isPresent(); boolean hasPosition = oPosition.isPresent(); boolean sha512Match = oComputedSha512.isPresent() && Arrays.equals(writeSha512, oComputedSha512.get()); boolean lengthMatch = oComputedLength.isPresent() && writeLength != null && writeLength.equals(oComputedLength.get()); boolean noNullFields = writeLength != null && readLength != null && readMd5 != null && readSha512 != null && writeSha512 != null; return !deleted && hasVolumeId && hasPosition && sha512Match && lengthMatch && noNullFields; }); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Segment)) return false; Segment segment = (Segment) o; return id ==; } public byte[] getTinyData() { return tinyData; } public T setTinyData(byte[] tinyData) { checkState(TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to true"); this.tinyData = tinyData; return (T) this; } public boolean isTinyData() { return TRUE.equals(isTinyData); } public T setIsTinyData(Boolean tinyData) { isTinyData = tinyData; return (T) this; } public boolean isTinyDataDeleted() { return TRUE.equals(isTinyDataDeleted); } public T deleteTinyData() { checkState(TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to true"); isTinyDataDeleted = true; return (T) this; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) (id ^ (id >>> 32)); } public JsonObject toJsonObject() { JsonObject document = new JsonObject(); document.put("id", id); document.put("read_md5", readMd5); document.put("read_sha512", readSha512); document.put("read_length", readLength); document.put("write_sha512", writeSha512); document.put("write_length", writeLength); document.put("tiny_data", tinyData); document.put("is_tiny_data", TRUE.equals(isTinyData)); document.put("is_tiny_data_deleted", TRUE.equals(isTinyDataDeleted)); if (tinyData != null) { checkState(TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to true"); checkState(blobs == null || blobs.isEmpty(), "blobs must be empty when tinyData exists"); } if (blobs != null && !blobs.isEmpty()) { checkState(!TRUE.equals(isTinyData), "isTinyData must be set to false"); checkState(tinyData == null, "tinyData must be empty when blobs exist"); } if (segmentCipher != null) { document = document.put("container_key_id", segmentCipher.containerKeyId).put("cipher_salt", segmentCipher.salt); } else { document.put("container_key_id", (String) null).put("cipher_salt", (byte[]) null); } JsonArray blobJsonArray = new JsonArray(); for (TransientBlobReference transientBlobReference : blobs) { blobJsonArray.add(transientBlobReference.toJsonObject()); } document.put("blobs", blobJsonArray); return document; } public T merge(JsonObject document) { Long id = document.getLong("id"); checkNotNull(id, "id cannot be null"); checkState(id ==, "id was %s, expected %s", id,; setReadMd5(document.getBinary("read_md5")); setReadSha512(document.getBinary("read_sha512")); setReadLength(document.getLong("read_length")); setWriteSha512(document.getBinary("write_sha512")); setWriteLength(document.getLong("write_length")); isTinyData = document.getBoolean("is_tiny_data"); tinyData = document.getBinary("tiny_data"); isTinyDataDeleted = document.getBoolean("is_tiny_data_deleted"); String cipherKey = document.getString("container_key_id"); byte[] cipherSalt = document.getBinary("cipher_salt"); segmentCipher = new SegmentCipher(cipherKey, cipherSalt); JsonArray blobJsonArray = document.getJsonArray("blobs"); this.blobs.clear(); if (blobJsonArray != null) { for (Object o : blobJsonArray) { JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) o; TransientBlobReference transientBlobReference = new TransientBlobReference(this).merge(jsonObject); this.blobs.add(transientBlobReference); } } return (T) this; } public static class SegmentCipher { private String containerKeyId; private byte[] salt; public SegmentCipher(String containerKeyId, byte[] salt) { this.containerKeyId = containerKeyId; this.salt = salt; } public Optional<String> getContainerKeyId() { return fromNullable(containerKeyId); } public SegmentCipher setContainerKeyId(String containerKeyId) { this.containerKeyId = containerKeyId; return this; } public Optional<byte[]> getSalt() { return fromNullable(salt); } public SegmentCipher setSalt(byte[] salt) { this.salt = salt; return this; } } }