Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 2009. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.sf.xrime.algorithms.clique.maximal; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.sf.xrime.ProcessorExecutionException; import org.sf.xrime.algorithms.GraphAlgorithm; import org.sf.xrime.algorithms.utils.GraphAlgorithmMapReduceBase; import org.sf.xrime.model.Graph; import org.sf.xrime.model.edge.AdjVertexEdge; import org.sf.xrime.model.edge.Edge; import org.sf.xrime.model.edge.EdgeSet; import org.sf.xrime.model.vertex.LabeledAdjSetVertex; import org.sf.xrime.model.vertex.SetOfVertexSets; import org.sf.xrime.model.vertex.SortedVertexSet; import org.sf.xrime.model.vertex.Vertex; import org.sf.xrime.model.vertex.VertexSet; /** * This algorithm is used as the final step to generate all maximal cliques in a graph. * @author xue */ public class AllMaximalCliquesGenerate extends GraphAlgorithm { /** * Default constructor. */ public AllMaximalCliquesGenerate() { super(); } /** * Mapper. Generate maximal cliques containing each vertex. * @author xue * */ public static class MapClass extends GraphAlgorithmMapReduceBase implements Mapper<Text, LabeledAdjSetVertex, Text, SetOfVertexSets> { @Override public void map(Text key, LabeledAdjSetVertex value, OutputCollector<Text, SetOfVertexSets> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // Get the neighbors of this vertex as a list of nodes sorted in lexical order. TreeSet<String> set_of_neighbors = new TreeSet<String>(); for (AdjVertexEdge oppo : value.getOpposites()) { set_of_neighbors.add(oppo.getOpposite()); } // Make it a list. ArrayList<String> list_of_neighbors = new ArrayList<String>(); list_of_neighbors.addAll(set_of_neighbors); // Get the induced neighborhood of this vertex as a set of Edges. Set<Edge> induced_neighborhood = ((EdgeSet) value.getLabel(ConstantLabels.INDUCED_NEIGHBORHOOD)) .getEdges(); // Reconstruct the neighborhood for each neighbor of this vertex. HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> NoN = ReconstructNoN(list_of_neighbors, induced_neighborhood); // Make some noise. reporter.progress(); // Generate all maximal cliques within the induced neighborhood of this vertex. HashSet<HashSet<String>> cliques = Generate_Maximal_Cliques(list_of_neighbors, NoN, reporter); // Stupid type wrapping work. SetOfVertexSets result = new SetOfVertexSets(); for (HashSet<String> clique : cliques) { SortedVertexSet temp_vertex_set = new SortedVertexSet(); temp_vertex_set.addVertex(new Vertex(key.toString())); for (String id : clique) { temp_vertex_set.addVertex(new Vertex(id)); } result.addVertexSet(temp_vertex_set); } // Collect it. output.collect(new Text(ConstantLabels.ALL_MAXIMAL_CLIQUES), result); } /** * Reconstruct the neighborhood for each neighbor of this vertex. Actually, the neighborhood * for each neighbor is not the original full one, it is the intersection of the original * full one with the neighborhood of this vertex. * @param list_of_neighbors list of neighbors of this vertex. * @param induced_neighborhood the induced neighborhood of this vertex. * @return */ public HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> ReconstructNoN(ArrayList<String> list_of_neighbors, Set<Edge> induced_neighborhood) { HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> result = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>(); // Create an empth neighbor set for each neighbor of this vertex. for (String n_id : list_of_neighbors) { HashSet<String> temp_set = new HashSet<String>(); result.put(n_id, temp_set); } // Construct NoN. for (Edge edge : induced_neighborhood) { String from = edge.getFrom(); String to = edge.getTo(); result.get(from).add(to); result.get(to).add(from); } return result; } /** * Generate cliques of size j+1 from cliques of size j. * @param node_list lexically sorted list of neighbors of this vertex. * @param NoN neighborhood of neighbors. * @param reporter reporter. * @param j j+1 = the size of input cliques. * @param c_j input cliques. * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HashSet<HashSet<String>> Generate(List<String> node_list, HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> NoN, Reporter reporter, int j, HashSet<HashSet<String>> c_j) { HashSet<HashSet<String>> result = new HashSet<HashSet<String>>(); String next_node = node_list.get(j + 1); // Deal with each input clique. for (HashSet<String> clique : c_j) { boolean found_bigger_clique = true; // Check every vertex in this input clique, in order to determine whether adding the next // node could help to construct a bigger clique. if (!(NoN.get(next_node).containsAll(clique))) { found_bigger_clique = false; } /** * Old way to check. * for(String id : clique){ // According to our arrangement, id will be lexically less than next_node. But this // doesn't matter. if(!(NoN.get(id).contains(next_node))){ found_bigger_clique = false; break; } } */ if (found_bigger_clique) { // Adding the next node just creates a new bigger clique. HashSet<String> new_clique = (HashSet<String>) clique.clone(); // Add the next node too. new_clique.add(next_node); result.add(new_clique); } else { // Adding the next node does not create a new bigger clique. // Add the input clique first. HashSet<String> new_clique_1 = (HashSet<String>) clique.clone(); result.add(new_clique_1); // Generate another clique. HashSet<String> new_clique_2 = (HashSet<String>) clique.clone(); // Get the intersection of input clique and N(j+1). new_clique_2.retainAll(NoN.get(next_node)); // Add the next node (i.e., j+1). new_clique_2.add(next_node); // Check for lemma 2. boolean is_maximal_clique = true; // Check each vertex indexed from 0 to j. for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++) { // Pay attention to those which may not be included in new_clique_2. if (!clique.contains(node_list.get(k))) { HashSet<String> temp_set = (HashSet<String>) NoN.get(node_list.get(k)).clone(); temp_set.retainAll(new_clique_2); if (temp_set.size() == new_clique_2.size() && temp_set.containsAll(new_clique_2)) { // N(k) intersect C' == C', which makes C' (new_clique_2) not // maximal clique belongs to Cj+1. is_maximal_clique = false; break; } } } if (is_maximal_clique) { result.add(new_clique_2); } } } return result; } /** * Generate all maximal cliques from the induced neighborhood of this vertex. * @param neighbors list of neighbors. * @param NoN neighborhood for each neighbor of this vertex. Each neighborhood is within the * induced neighborhood of this vertex. * @param reporter * @return */ public HashSet<HashSet<String>> Generate_Maximal_Cliques(List<String> neighbors, HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> NoN, Reporter reporter) { HashSet<HashSet<String>> result = new HashSet<HashSet<String>>(); // Prepare the starting point, aka., the clique with size 1. HashSet<String> starting_point = new HashSet<String>(); starting_point.add(neighbors.get(0)); result.add(starting_point); for (int j = 0; j < neighbors.size() - 1; j++) { result = Generate(neighbors, NoN, reporter, j, result); reporter.progress(); } return result; } } /** * Reducer. Accumulate maximal cliques come from each vertex and merge them into * the final maximal cliques set. * @author xue */ public static class ReduceClass extends GraphAlgorithmMapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, SetOfVertexSets, Text, Text> { /** * A comparator used to compare two sorted string set according to their sizes firstly, * and lexical order secondly. Use descending size order, ascending lexical order. * @author xue */ public class IdSetComparator implements Comparator<TreeSet<String>> { @Override public int compare(TreeSet<String> o1, TreeSet<String> o2) { if (o1.size() > o2.size()) { return -1; } else if (o1.size() == o2.size()) { String[] array1 = new String[o1.size()]; array1 = o1.toArray(array1); String[] array2 = new String[o2.size()]; array2 = o2.toArray(array2); for (int i = 0; i < o1.size(); i++) { if (array1[i].compareTo(array2[i]) == 0) { continue; } else { return array1[i].compareTo(array2[i]); } } return 0; } else { return 1; } } } @Override public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<SetOfVertexSets> values, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // A sorted set of string sets. TreeSet<TreeSet<String>> all_maximal_cliques = new TreeSet<TreeSet<String>>(new IdSetComparator()); // Merge all maximal cliques from each vertex. while (values.hasNext()) { SetOfVertexSets set_of_set =; for (VertexSet set : set_of_set.getVertexSets()) { TreeSet<String> temp_id_set = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Vertex vertex : set.getVertexes()) { temp_id_set.add(vertex.getId()); } all_maximal_cliques.add(temp_id_set); } } StringBuffer result_buf = new StringBuffer(); result_buf.append("[ "); for (TreeSet<String> clique : all_maximal_cliques) { result_buf.append(clique.toString()); result_buf.append(", "); } if (all_maximal_cliques.size() > 0) { result_buf.delete(result_buf.length() - 2, result_buf.length()); } result_buf.append(" ]"); // Collect it. output.collect(new Text(ConstantLabels.ALL_MAXIMAL_CLIQUES), new Text(result_buf.toString())); } } @Override public void setArguments(String[] params) throws ProcessorExecutionException { // Make sure there are exactly 2 parameters left. if (params.length != 2) { throw new ProcessorExecutionException( "Wrong number of parameters: " + params.length + " instead of 2."); } // Configure the algorithm instance. Graph src = new Graph(Graph.defaultGraph()); src.setPath(new Path(params[0])); Graph dest = new Graph(Graph.defaultGraph()); dest.setPath(new Path(params[1])); setSource(src); setDestination(dest); } @Override public void execute() throws ProcessorExecutionException { JobConf conf = new JobConf(context, AllMaximalCliquesGenerate.class); conf.setJobName("AllMaximalCliquesGenerate"); conf.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); conf.setMapOutputValueClass(SetOfVertexSets.class); conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); conf.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); conf.setMapperClass(MapClass.class); // Combiner is not permitted. conf.setReducerClass(ReduceClass.class); // makes the file format suitable for machine processing. conf.setInputFormat(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); // Enable compression. conf.setCompressMapOutput(true); conf.setMapOutputCompressorClass(GzipCodec.class); try { FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, getSource().getPath()); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, getDestination().getPath()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { throw new ProcessorExecutionException(e1); } conf.setNumMapTasks(getMapperNum()); conf.setNumReduceTasks(getReducerNum()); try { this.runningJob = JobClient.runJob(conf); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProcessorExecutionException(e); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { int res = AllMaximalCliquesGenerate(), args); System.exit(res); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }