Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by The SeedStack authors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of SeedStack, An enterprise-oriented full development stack. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package org.seedstack.seed.web.internal; import; import org.seedstack.seed.core.api.Application; import org.seedstack.seed.core.api.SeedException; import org.seedstack.seed.core.utils.SeedReflectionUtils; import org.seedstack.seed.web.api.ResourceInfo; import org.seedstack.seed.web.api.ResourceRequest; import org.seedstack.seed.web.api.WebErrorCode; import org.seedstack.seed.web.api.WebResourceResolver; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; class WebResourceResolverImpl implements WebResourceResolver { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebResourceResolverImpl.class); private static final Pattern EXTENSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\.(\\w+)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern CONSECUTIVE_SLASHES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(/)\\1+"); private static final String MINIFIED_GZIPPED_EXT_PATTERN = ".min.$1.gz"; private static final String GZIPPED_EXT_PATTERN = ".$1.gz"; private static final String MINIFIED_EXT_PATTERN = ".min.$1"; private final MimetypesFileTypeMap mimetypesFileTypeMap; private final String classpathLocation; private final String docrootLocation; private final boolean serveMinifiedResources; private final boolean serveGzippedResources; private final boolean onTheFlyGzipping; private final Injector injector; private final ClassLoader classLoader; private ServletContext context; private String resourcePath; @Inject WebResourceResolverImpl(final Application application, final Injector injector, @Named("SeedWebResourcesPath") final String resourcePath) { Configuration configuration = application.getConfiguration(); this.injector = injector; this.resourcePath = resourcePath; this.classpathLocation = "META-INF/resources" + resourcePath; this.classLoader = SeedReflectionUtils.findMostCompleteClassLoader(WebResourceResolverImpl.class); this.docrootLocation = resourcePath; this.mimetypesFileTypeMap = new MimetypesFileTypeMap(); this.serveMinifiedResources = configuration .getBoolean(WebPlugin.WEB_PLUGIN_PREFIX + ".resources.minification-support", true); this.serveGzippedResources = configuration .getBoolean(WebPlugin.WEB_PLUGIN_PREFIX + ".resources.gzip-support", true); this.onTheFlyGzipping = configuration.getBoolean(WebPlugin.WEB_PLUGIN_PREFIX + ".resources.gzip-on-the-fly", true); } @Override public ResourceInfo resolveResourceInfo(ResourceRequest resourceRequest) { if (context == null) { context = injector.getInstance(ServletContext.class); } String normalizedPath; if (resourceRequest.getPath() == null) { normalizedPath = ""; } else { normalizedPath = CONSECUTIVE_SLASHES_PATTERN.matcher(resourceRequest.getPath()).replaceAll("$1"); } if (normalizedPath.startsWith("/")) { normalizedPath = "" + normalizedPath; } else { normalizedPath = "/" + normalizedPath; } // Determine content type with the normalized path String contentType = mimetypesFileTypeMap.getContentType(normalizedPath); if (contentType == null) { contentType = "application/octet-stream"; } Matcher matcher = EXTENSION_PATTERN.matcher(normalizedPath); URL resourceUrl; // search in docroot first (and META-INF/resources if servlet version is >= 3.0) try { if (resourceRequest.isAcceptGzip() && serveGzippedResources) { resourceUrl = this.context .getResource(docrootLocation + matcher.replaceAll(MINIFIED_GZIPPED_EXT_PATTERN)); if (serveMinifiedResources && resourceUrl != null) { return new ResourceInfo(resourceUrl, true, contentType); } resourceUrl = this.context.getResource(docrootLocation + matcher.replaceAll(GZIPPED_EXT_PATTERN)); if (resourceUrl != null) { return new ResourceInfo(resourceUrl, true, contentType); } } resourceUrl = this.context.getResource(docrootLocation + matcher.replaceAll(MINIFIED_EXT_PATTERN)); if (serveMinifiedResources && resourceUrl != null) { return new ResourceInfo(resourceUrl, false, contentType); } resourceUrl = this.context.getResource(docrootLocation + normalizedPath); if (resourceUrl != null) { return new ResourceInfo(resourceUrl, false, contentType); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw SeedException.wrap(e, WebErrorCode.ERROR_RETRIEVING_RESOURCE); } // search in classpath last if (resourceRequest.isAcceptGzip() && serveGzippedResources) { resourceUrl = classLoader .getResource(classpathLocation + matcher.replaceAll(MINIFIED_GZIPPED_EXT_PATTERN)); if (serveMinifiedResources && resourceUrl != null) { return new ResourceInfo(resourceUrl, true, contentType); } resourceUrl = classLoader.getResource(classpathLocation + matcher.replaceAll(GZIPPED_EXT_PATTERN)); if (resourceUrl != null) { return new ResourceInfo(resourceUrl, true, contentType); } } resourceUrl = classLoader.getResource(classpathLocation + matcher.replaceAll(MINIFIED_EXT_PATTERN)); if (serveMinifiedResources && resourceUrl != null) { return new ResourceInfo(resourceUrl, false, contentType); } resourceUrl = classLoader.getResource(classpathLocation + normalizedPath); if (resourceUrl != null) { return new ResourceInfo(resourceUrl, false, contentType); } return null; } @Override public URI resolveURI(String path) { if (context == null) { context = injector.getInstance(ServletContext.class); } String contextPath = this.context.getContextPath(); // Context path with a value of / is invalid per spec but may still be provided by server if ("/".equals(contextPath)) { contextPath = ""; } if (path.startsWith(classpathLocation)) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!contextPath.isEmpty()) { sb.append(contextPath); } if (!resourcePath.isEmpty()) { sb.append(resourcePath); } sb.append(path.substring(classpathLocation.length())); return new URI(null, sb.toString(), null); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.debug("Error during resolution of " + path, e); return null; } } return null; } @Override public boolean isCompressible(ResourceInfo resourceInfo) { return serveGzippedResources && onTheFlyGzipping && !resourceInfo.isGzipped() && (resourceInfo.getContentType().startsWith("text/") || "application/json".equals(resourceInfo.getContentType())); } }