Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004-2011 the Seasar Foundation and the Others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.seasar.dbflute.s2dao.extension; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.seasar.dbflute.Entity; import org.seasar.dbflute.dbmeta.DBMeta; import; import org.seasar.dbflute.exception.MappingClassCastException; import org.seasar.dbflute.jdbc.ValueType; import org.seasar.dbflute.resource.DBFluteSystem; import org.seasar.dbflute.resource.InternalMapContext; import org.seasar.dbflute.resource.ResourceContext; import org.seasar.dbflute.s2dao.metadata.TnPropertyMapping; import org.seasar.dbflute.s2dao.rowcreator.impl.TnRowCreatorImpl; import org.seasar.dbflute.util.DfTypeUtil; /** * @author jflute */ public class TnRowCreatorExtension extends TnRowCreatorImpl { // =================================================================================== // Definition // ========== /** Log instance. */ private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(TnRowCreatorExtension.class); /** The key of DBMeta cache. */ protected static final String DBMETA_CACHE_KEY = "df:DBMetaCache"; // =================================================================================== // Attribute // ========= protected DBMeta _fixedDBMeta; protected boolean _creatableByDBMeta; // =================================================================================== // Constructor // =========== protected TnRowCreatorExtension() { } /** * @param beanClass The class of target bean to find DB-meta. (NullAllowed) * @return The instance of internal row creator. (NotNull) */ public static TnRowCreatorExtension createRowCreator(Class<?> beanClass) { final TnRowCreatorExtension rowCreator = new TnRowCreatorExtension(); if (beanClass != null) { final DBMeta dbmeta = findDBMetaByClass(beanClass); if (dbmeta != null) { rowCreator.setFixedDBMeta(dbmeta); rowCreator.setCreatableByDBMeta(isCreatableByDBMeta(beanClass, dbmeta.getEntityType())); } } return rowCreator; } protected static DBMeta findDBMetaByClass(Class<?> beanClass) { if (!Entity.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass)) { return null; } // getting from entity because the bean may be customize entity. final Object instance = newInstance(beanClass); // only when initialization return ((Entity) instance).getDBMeta(); } protected static Object newInstance(Class<?> clazz) { try { return clazz.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } protected static boolean isCreatableByDBMeta(Class<?> beanClass, Class<?> entityType) { // Returns false when the bean is not related to the entity or is a sub class of the entity. return beanClass.isAssignableFrom(entityType); } // =================================================================================== // Main // ==== /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Object createRow(ResultSet rs, Map<String, TnPropertyMapping> propertyCache, Class<?> beanClass) throws SQLException { if (propertyCache.isEmpty()) { String msg = "The propertyCache should not be empty: bean=" + beanClass.getName(); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } String columnName = null; TnPropertyMapping mapping = null; String propertyName = null; Object selectedValue = null; final Map<String, Integer> selectIndexMap = ResourceContext.getSelectIndexMap(); final Object row; final DBMeta dbmeta; if (_fixedDBMeta != null) { if (_creatableByDBMeta) { row = _fixedDBMeta.newEntity(); } else { row = newBean(beanClass); } dbmeta = _fixedDBMeta; } else { row = newBean(beanClass); dbmeta = findCachedDBMeta(row); } try { if (dbmeta != null) { final Set<Entry<String, TnPropertyMapping>> entrySet = propertyCache.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, TnPropertyMapping> entry : entrySet) { columnName = entry.getKey(); mapping = entry.getValue(); propertyName = mapping.getPropertyName(); selectedValue = getValue(rs, columnName, mapping.getValueType(), selectIndexMap); final ColumnInfo columnInfo = mapping.getEntityColumnInfo(); if (columnInfo != null) { columnInfo.write((Entity) row, selectedValue); } else { mapping.getPropertyAccessor().setValue(row, selectedValue); } } } else { final Set<Entry<String, TnPropertyMapping>> entrySet = propertyCache.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, TnPropertyMapping> entry : entrySet) { columnName = entry.getKey(); mapping = entry.getValue(); propertyName = mapping.getPropertyName(); selectedValue = getValue(rs, columnName, mapping.getValueType(), selectIndexMap); mapping.getPropertyAccessor().setValue(row, selectedValue); } } return row; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throwMappingClassCastException(row, dbmeta, mapping, selectedValue, e); return null; // unreachable } catch (SQLException e) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { String msg = "Failed to get selected values while resultSet handling:"; msg = msg + " target=" + DfTypeUtil.toClassTitle(beanClass) + "." + propertyName; _log.debug(msg); } throw e; } } protected Object getValue(ResultSet rs, String columnName, ValueType valueType, Map<String, Integer> selectIndexMap) throws SQLException { final Object value; if (selectIndexMap != null) { value = ResourceContext.getValue(rs, columnName, valueType, selectIndexMap); } else { value = valueType.getValue(rs, columnName); } return value; } protected void throwMappingClassCastException(Object entity, DBMeta dbmeta, TnPropertyMapping mapping, Object selectedValue, ClassCastException e) { String msg = "Look! Read the message below." + ln(); msg = msg + "/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" + ln(); msg = msg + "Failed to cast a class while data mapping!" + ln(); msg = msg + ln(); msg = msg + "[Advice]" + ln(); msg = msg + "If you use Seasar(S2Container), this exception may be" + ln(); msg = msg + "from ClassLoader Headache about HotDeploy." + ln(); msg = msg + "Add the ignore-package setting to convention.dicon like this:" + ln(); msg = msg + " For example:" + ln(); msg = msg + " <initMethod name=?addIgnorePackageName?>" + ln(); msg = msg + " <arg>?</arg>" + ln(); msg = msg + " </initMethod>" + ln(); msg = msg + "If you use an other DI container, this exception may be" + ln(); msg = msg + "from illegal state about your settings of DBFlute." + ln(); msg = msg + "Confirm your settings: for example, typeMappingMap.dfprop." + ln(); msg = msg + ln(); msg = msg + "[Exception Message]" + ln() + e.getMessage() + ln(); msg = msg + ln(); msg = msg + "[Target Entity]" + ln() + entity + ln(); msg = msg + "classLoader: " + entity.getClass().getClassLoader() + ln(); msg = msg + ln(); msg = msg + "[Target DBMeta]" + ln() + dbmeta + ln(); msg = msg + "classLoader: " + dbmeta.getClass().getClassLoader() + ln(); msg = msg + ln(); msg = msg + "[Property Mapping]" + ln() + mapping + ln(); msg = msg + "type: " + (mapping != null ? mapping.getClass() : null) + ln(); msg = msg + ln(); msg = msg + "[Selected Value]" + ln() + selectedValue + ln(); msg = msg + "type: " + (selectedValue != null ? selectedValue.getClass() : null) + ln(); msg = msg + "* * * * * * * * * */"; throw new MappingClassCastException(msg, e); } // =================================================================================== // Assist Helper // ============= /** * @param row The instance of row. (NotNull) * @return The interface of DBMeta. (NullAllowed: If it's null, it means NotFound.) */ public static DBMeta findCachedDBMeta(Object row) { return DBMetaCacheHandler.findDBMeta(row); } /** * @param rowType The type of row. (NotNull) * @param tableName The name of table. (NotNull) * @return The interface of DBMeta. (NullAllowed: If it's null, it means NotFound.) */ public static DBMeta findCachedDBMeta(Class<?> rowType, String tableName) { return DBMetaCacheHandler.findDBMeta(rowType, tableName); } protected static class DBMetaCacheHandler { /** The key of DBMeta cache. */ protected static final String DBMETA_CACHE_KEY = "df:DBMetaCache"; public static DBMeta findDBMeta(Object row) { if (!(row instanceof Entity)) { return null; } final Entity entity = (Entity) row; DBMeta dbmeta = getCachedDBMeta(entity.getClass()); if (dbmeta != null) { return dbmeta; } dbmeta = entity.getDBMeta(); cacheDBMeta(entity, dbmeta); return dbmeta; } public static DBMeta findDBMeta(Class<?> rowType, String tableName) { DBMeta dbmeta = getCachedDBMeta(rowType); if (dbmeta != null) { return dbmeta; } // No check because the table name is not always for domain. dbmeta = ResourceContext.provideDBMeta(tableName); cacheDBMeta(rowType, dbmeta); return dbmeta; } protected static DBMeta getCachedDBMeta(Class<?> rowType) { Map<Class<?>, DBMeta> contextCacheMap = getDBMetaContextCacheMap(); if (contextCacheMap == null) { contextCacheMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, DBMeta>(); InternalMapContext.setObject(DBMETA_CACHE_KEY, contextCacheMap); } return contextCacheMap.get(rowType); } protected static void cacheDBMeta(Entity entity, DBMeta dbmeta) { cacheDBMeta(entity.getClass(), dbmeta); } protected static void cacheDBMeta(Class<?> type, DBMeta dbmeta) { final Map<Class<?>, DBMeta> dbmetaCache = getDBMetaContextCacheMap(); dbmetaCache.put(type, dbmeta); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static Map<Class<?>, DBMeta> getDBMetaContextCacheMap() { return (Map<Class<?>, DBMeta>) InternalMapContext.getObject(DBMETA_CACHE_KEY); } } // =================================================================================== // General Helper // ============== protected String ln() { return DBFluteSystem.getBasicLn(); } // =================================================================================== // Accessor // ======== public void setFixedDBMeta(DBMeta fixedDBMeta) { this._fixedDBMeta = fixedDBMeta; } public void setCreatableByDBMeta(boolean creatableByDBMeta) { this._creatableByDBMeta = creatableByDBMeta; } }