Source code

Java tutorial


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 *; Jun 5, 2009
 * ==============================================================================
 * This work has been carried out as part of the SEAMLESS Integrated Framework
 * project, EU 6th Framework Programme, contract no. 010036-2 and/or as part
 * of the SEAMLESS association.
 * Copyright (c) 2009 The SEAMLESS Association.
 * For more information:;
 * email:
 * The contents of this file is subject to the SEAMLESS Association License for 
 * software infrastructure and model components Version 1.1 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may 
 * obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"  basis, 
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for 
 * the specific governing rights and limitations.
 * The Initial Developers of the Original Code are:
 * - Ioannis Athanasiadis; IDSIA Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence
 * - Benny Johnsson; Lund University
 * - Rob Knapen; Alterra, Wageningen UR
 * - Hongtao Li; IDSIA Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence
 * - Michiel Rop; Alterra, Wageningen UR / ilionX
 * - Lorenzo Ruinelli; IDSIA Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence
 * ================================================================================
 * Contributor(s): N/A
 * ================================================================================

import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.seamless_ip.ontologies.seamproj.Experiment;
import org.seamless_ip.ontologies.seamproj.Model;
import org.seamless_ip.ontologies.seamproj.ModelChain;
import org.seamless_ip.ontologies.seamproj.Problem;
import org.seamless_ip.ontologies.seamproj.Project;
import org.seamless_ip.ontologies.seamproj.ProjectRole;
import org.seamless_ip.ontologies.seamproj.SpatialScale;

 * Implementation of the ProjectDao interface, using Hibernate.
 * @author Rob Knapen; Alterra, Wageningen UR
public class ProjectDaoImpl extends AbstractHibernateDao<Project> implements ProjectDao {

    private UserDao userDao;

    public ProjectDaoImpl() {

    public UserDao getUserDao() {
        return userDao;

    public void setUserDao(UserDao userDao) {
        this.userDao = userDao;

    public List<ProjectTO> findAll(Long userId) {
        List<Project> dbItems = all();
        ArrayList<ProjectTO> result = new ArrayList<ProjectTO>();
        for (Project dbItem : dbItems) {
            if (userDao.canDoForProject(userId, dbItem.getId(), Task.READ, Right.PROJECT))
                result.add(new ProjectTO().assignFrom(dbItem));
        return result;

    public ProjectTO findById(Long userId, Long projectId) {
        // check if user has valid permission for this action
        if (!userDao.canDoForProject(userId, projectId, Task.READ, Right.PROJECT))
            throw new RuntimeException("Sorry, you are not allowed to view this project!");

        Project dbItem = get(projectId);
        if (dbItem != null)
            return new ProjectTO().assignFrom(dbItem);
            return null;

    public List<ProjectInfoTO> list(Long userId) {
        List<Project> dbItems = all();
        ArrayList<ProjectInfoTO> result = new ArrayList<ProjectInfoTO>();
        ProjectInfoTO projectInfoTO;
        String projectRolesString;
        Long projectId;

        for (Project project : dbItems) {
            if (userDao.canDoForProject(userId, project.getId(), Task.READ, Right.PROJECT)) {
                projectInfoTO = new ProjectInfoTO(project);
                projectId = project.getId();
                projectRolesString = getProjectRolesString(projectId, userId);

        return result;

    public Integer getNumberOfExperimentsForProject(Long projectId) {
        Project project = get(projectId);
        if (project != null) {
            Set<Experiment> experiments = project.getProblem().getExperiments();
            if (experiments != null)
                return experiments.size();
        return 0;

    private ModelChain retrieveModelChainForProject(Long projectId) {
        Project project = get(projectId);
        if ((project != null) && (project.getProblem() != null)
                && (project.getProblem().getSpatialScale() != null)) {
            SpatialScale projectSpatialScale = project.getProblem().getSpatialScale();

            // relate the spatial scale to a model chain
            List<ModelChain> dbModelChains = query("from ModelChain as mc").list();
            for (ModelChain mc : dbModelChains) {
                if (mc.getSpatialScale().getId().equals(projectSpatialScale.getId()))
                    return mc;
        return null;

    public ModelChainTO getSelectedModelChainForProject(Long projectId) {
        ModelChain mc = retrieveModelChainForProject(projectId);
        if (mc != null)
            return new ModelChainTO().assignFrom(mc);
            return null;

    public Collection<ModelTO> getSelectedModelsForProject(Long projectId) {
        ArrayList<ModelTO> result = new ArrayList<ModelTO>();

        // get the model chain for the project
        ModelChain mc = retrieveModelChainForProject(projectId);
        if (mc != null) {
            // get the models
            List<Model> dbModels = query("from Model as m").list();

            // relate the model chain to models, has to be hard coded for now.
            // In
            // the near future this info should be in the database. At the
            // moment
            // a lookup is performed for each model name into the description of
            // the model chain. Matches are returned.
            if ((dbModels != null) && (dbModels.size() > 0) && (mc.getDescription() != null)) {
                String descr = mc.getDescription().toLowerCase();
                for (Model m : dbModels) {
                    if ((m.getName() != null) && (descr.contains(m.getName().toLowerCase())))
                        result.add(new ModelTO().assignFrom(m));

        return result;

    public Collection<VisualisationTO> getVisualisationsForProject(Long userId, Long projectId) {
        // check if user has valid permission for this action
        if (!userDao.canDoForProject(userId, projectId, Task.READ, Right.VISUALIZATION))
            throw new RuntimeException("Sorry, you are not allowed to view visualisations for this project!");

        // visualizations are encoded into the field
        Project project = get(projectId);
        if (project == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Loading failed, project with id=" + projectId + " does not exist!");

        if (project.getProblem() == null)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Loading failed, project with id=" + projectId + " has no Problem instance!");

        // get the properties and decode the XML document
        ArrayList<VisualisationTO> result = new ArrayList<VisualisationTO>();
        String properties = project.getProblem().getProperties();
        if ((properties != null) && (properties.length() > 0)) {
            try {
                Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(properties);
                if (document.getRootElement() != null) {
                    // decode XML into visualisationTO's
                    Iterator iter = document.getRootElement().elementIterator("visualisation");
                    if (iter != null) {
                        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                            Element v = (Element);
                            VisualisationTO item = new VisualisationTO(v);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Loading of visualisations failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        return result;

    public void saveVisualisationsForProject(Long userId, Long projectId,
            Collection<VisualisationTO> visualisations) {
        // check if user has valid permission for this action
        if (!userDao.canDoForProject(userId, projectId, Task.UPDATE, Right.VISUALIZATION))
            throw new RuntimeException("Sorry, you are not allowed to save visualisations for this project!");

        // visualizations are encoded into the field
        Project project = get(projectId);
        if (project == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Saving failed, project with id=" + projectId + " does not exist!");

        Problem problem = project.getProblem();
        if (problem == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Saving failed, project with id=" + projectId + " has no Problem instance!");

        // create XML for visualizations and store in the properties
        try {
            Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
            Element root = document.addElement("visualisations");

            for (VisualisationTO item : visualisations)

            // store the result
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Saving of visualisations failed", e);

    public ProjectTO update(Long userId, ProjectTO newItem, ProjectTO oldItem) {
        try {
            if (newItem != null) {
                // check if user has valid permission for this action
                if (!userDao.canDoForProject(userId, newItem.getId(), Task.UPDATE, Right.PROJECT))
                    throw new RuntimeException("Sorry, you are not allowed to save the project!");

                // simple (optimistic) concurrent editing check
                if (oldItem != null) {
                    Project dbItem = get(oldItem.getId());
                    if (dbItem != null) {
                        if (!oldItem.equalsTo(dbItem)) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Stale data, update conflict detected!");

                // update the project data
                Project dbItem = get(newItem.getId());
                if (dbItem != null) {
                    dbItem = newItem.assignTo(dbItem);
            return newItem;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("There was a problem updating the project!", ex);

    public ProjectTO save(Long userId, ProjectTO item) {
        if (item.getId() == null) {
            if (!userDao.canDo(userId, Task.CREATE, Right.PROJECT))
                throw new RuntimeException("Sorry, you are not allowed to create a new project!");
        } else {
            if (!userDao.canDoForProject(userId, item.getId(), Task.UPDATE, Right.PROJECT))
                throw new RuntimeException("Sorry, you are not allowed to save the project!");

        try {
            if (item != null) {
                // create new transient objects (including nested classes!)
                Project dbItem = ProjectTO.createDBInstance(item);
                // store info of objects (e.g. id's will now be filled)
            return item;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("There was a problem saving the project!", ex);

    public void remove(Long userId, Long projectId) {
        // check if user has valid permission for this action
        if (!userDao.canDoForProject(userId, projectId, Task.DELETE, Right.PROJECT))
            throw new RuntimeException("Sorry, you are not allowed to remove this project!");

        try {
            Project p = get(projectId);
            if (p != null) {
                // remove all projectRoles
                // break references (constraints in the database)
            } else {
                System.out.println("Can not remove, no project found with id: " + projectId);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("There was a problem removing the project!", ex);

    private void deleteProjectRoles(Long projectId) {
        String deleteFromProjectRoles;
        String deleteFromUserRoles;
        // TODO replace by nice hibernate things
        deleteFromProjectRoles = "delete from projectrole " + "where project in (" + " select id from project"
                + " where id=" + projectId + ")";

        deleteFromUserRoles = "delete from user_roles" + " where role__id in (" + " select id from projectrole"
                + " where project in (" + " select id from project" + " where id=" + projectId + "))";

    private String getProjectRolesString(Long projectId, Long userId) {
        Set<String> projectRoleTitles;
        String roleString;
        projectRoleTitles = getProjectRoleTitles(projectId, userId);
        roleString = getProjectRolesString(projectRoleTitles);
        if (roleString == null) {
            roleString = "No roles identified";
        return roleString;

    private String getProjectRolesString(Set<String> projectRoleTitles) {
        String projectRolesString;
        StringBuilder projectRolesStringBuilder;
        int length;

        projectRolesStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        for (String projectRoleTitle : projectRoleTitles) {
        projectRolesString = projectRolesStringBuilder.toString();
        length = projectRolesString.length();
        if (length > 0) {
            projectRolesString = projectRolesString.substring(0, length - 1);
        return projectRolesString;

    private Set<String> getProjectRoleTitles(Long projectId, Long userId) {
        String selectProjectRolesQueryString;
        Query selectProjectRolesQuery;
        List<ProjectRole> projectRoles;
        Set<String> projectRoleStrings;

        selectProjectRolesQueryString = "select p from ProjectRole p " + " , User u"
                + " where p in elements(u.Roles) " + " and = :userId" + " and p.Project = :projectId ";

        selectProjectRolesQuery = currentSession().createQuery(selectProjectRolesQueryString);
        selectProjectRolesQuery.setLong("projectId", projectId);
        selectProjectRolesQuery.setLong("userId", userId);
        projectRoles = selectProjectRolesQuery.list();
        projectRoleStrings = new HashSet<String>();
        for (ProjectRole projectRole : projectRoles) {
        return projectRoleStrings;

    public String getDatabaseInfo() {
        if (currentSession().connection() == null) {
            return "No active database connection";
        } else {
            try {
                DatabaseMetaData data = currentSession().connection().getMetaData();
                return data.getURL();
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                return "Could not retrieve database info: " + e.getMessage();