Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * '$Author: crawl $' * '$Date: 2012-11-26 14:19:36 -0800 (Mon, 26 Nov 2012) $' * '$Revision: 31113 $' * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above * copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies * of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE * PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, * ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////BrowserUIServer /* * <p>BrowserUIServer is to provide web server support for BrowserUI actor * </p> * <p> This class use package in java 1.6 * which can easily create a httpserver. The server will be created when * initiating the actor and will be destroyed in its postfire() function. * Also only local user can visit it and only a certain url, * e.g. localhost:port/browserUI. * Since the package is only available in java 1.6, * $Kepler/modules/actors/lib/jar/http.jar is added to make it work with java 1.5. * </p> * * @author Jianwu Wang * @version $Id: 31113 2012-11-26 22:19:36Z crawl $ * */ public final class BrowserUIServer { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BrowserUIServer.class.getName()); private static final boolean isDebugging = log.isDebugEnabled(); InetSocketAddress addr; HttpServer server; protected void startServer(String context, int port) throws IOException { try { addr = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", port); server = HttpServer.create(addr, 11); server.createContext("/" + context, new BrowserUIHandler()); server.start(); if (isDebugging) log.debug("server " + server.getAddress()); } catch ( e) { if (e.getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("Address already in use")) System.out.println("the server for BrowserUI is already started. Reuse it..."); } } protected void stopServer() throws IOException { server.stop(1); } class BrowserUIHandler implements HttpHandler { HashMap repository = new HashMap(); public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException { final InputStream is; OutputStream os; StringBuilder buf; StringBuilder output; int b; String ptid = null; HashMap map; String request, response; buf = new StringBuilder(); output = new StringBuilder(); String hostname = t.getRemoteAddress().getHostName(); if (!hostname.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !hostname.equalsIgnoreCase("localhost")) { response = "Error: BrowserUIServer only accept requests from hocalhost"; t.sendResponseHeaders(HTTP_OK, response.length()); os = t.getResponseBody(); os.write(response.getBytes()); os.close(); t.close(); return; } String requestMethod = t.getRequestMethod(); if (requestMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) { is = t.getRequestBody(); while ((b = != -1) { buf.append((char) b); } is.close(); if (buf.length() > 0) { request = URLDecoder.decode(buf.toString(), "UTF-8"); } else { request = null; } // the request url does not have ptid parameter, then save data // into // repository. if (request != null) { // the first POST request for a POST form, fetch data saveInfo(request, t); } } else if (requestMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("GET"))// if request is // null, the // form may use // 'get'. So // read info // from requestURI. { URI requests = t.getRequestURI(); String requestQuery = requests.getQuery(); if (requestQuery.indexOf("&") != -1) { // the first GET request for a GET form, fetch data saveInfo(requestQuery, t); } // the request url has ptid parameter, try to fetch data from // repository. else { // the second GET request for a POST/GET form, fetch data getInfo(requestQuery, t); } } else { response = "Error: BrowserUIServer only accept GET and POST requests"; t.sendResponseHeaders(HTTP_OK, response.length()); os = t.getResponseBody(); os.write(response.getBytes()); os.close(); t.close(); return; } } void saveInfo(String request, HttpExchange t) throws IOException { HashMap map = new HashMap(); String ptid = null, response; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); OutputStream os; String[] requestArray = request.split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < requestArray.length; i++) { String[] oneRequestArray = requestArray[i].split("="); for (int j = 0; j < oneRequestArray.length; j++) { if (oneRequestArray[0] != null) { if (oneRequestArray[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ptid")) { ptid = oneRequestArray[1]; } else { if (oneRequestArray.length > 1) map.put(oneRequestArray[0], oneRequestArray[1]); else map.put(oneRequestArray[0], null); } } } } if (ptid == null) { output.append("sorry, no ptid was found."); } else if (repository.containsKey(ptid)) { output.append("sorry, an item with the same ptid was found in the repository."); } else { output.append("done."); repository.put(ptid, map); if (isDebugging) log.debug("new item in repository at BrowserUIHandler. Key=" + ptid + ", value=" + map); } response = output.toString(); t.sendResponseHeaders(HTTP_OK, response.length()); os = t.getResponseBody(); os.write(response.getBytes()); os.close(); t.close(); } void getInfo(String request, HttpExchange t) throws IOException { HashMap map = new HashMap(); String ptid = null, response; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); OutputStream os; String[] requestQueryArray = request.split("="); ptid = requestQueryArray[1]; if (ptid == null) { output.append("sorry, no ptid was found."); } else { map = (HashMap) repository.get(ptid); if (map == null) { output.append("sorry, no item was saved with id " + ptid + "."); } else { repository.remove(ptid); output.append("<xmp>\n"); Iterator keyIt = map.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIt.hasNext()) { String key = (String); String value = (String) map.get(key); output.append(" <name>" + key + "</name>\n <value>" + value + "</value>\n"); } output.append("</xmp>"); } response = output.toString(); t.sendResponseHeaders(HTTP_OK, response.length()); os = t.getResponseBody(); os.write(response.getBytes()); os.close(); t.close(); } } } }