Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Ronald W Hoffman. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ScripterRon.TokenExchange; import nxt.Account; import nxt.Nxt; import nxt.http.APIServlet; import nxt.http.APITag; import nxt.http.ParameterException; import nxt.util.Convert; import nxt.util.JSON; import nxt.util.Logger; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException; import org.bitcoinj.core.Peer; import org.bitcoinj.core.PeerAddress; import org.bitcoinj.core.VersionMessage; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONStreamAware; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; /** * <p>TokenExchange API * * <p>The following functions are provided: * <ul> * <li>deleteToken - Delete a token from the database. The 'id' parameter specifies the * token to be deleted. * * <li>emptyWallet - Empty the Bitcoin wallet and send all of the coins to the target * address specified by the 'address' parameter. * * <li>getAccounts - Returns a list of Bitcoin addresses associated with Nxt accounts. * The 'account' parameter returns the address associated with that account. The * 'address' parameter returns the accounts associated with that address. All accounts * are returned if neither parameter is specified. * * <li>getAddress - Get a new Bitcoin address and associate it with a Nxt account. * The 'account' parameter identifies the Nxt account. The 'publicKey' parameter * can be specified to further identify the Nxt account and should be specified for * a new Nxt account. * * <li>getStatus - Returns the current status of the TokenExchange add-on. * * <li>getTokens - Returns a list of NXT currency transactions. The 'height' parameter * can be used to specify the starting height, otherwise a height of 0 is used. * Transaction tokens at a height greater than the specified height * will be returned. The 'includeExchanged' parameter can be used to return processed * tokens in addition to pending tokens. * * <li>getTransactions - Return a list of transactions received by the Bitcoin wallet for * addresses associated with NXT accounts. Specify the 'address' parameter to limit the * list to transactions for that address. Otherwise, all transactions are returned. Specify * the 'includeExchanged' parameter to return transactions that have been processed as well * as pending transactions. * * <li>resume - Resume sending Bitcoins for redeemed tokens and issuing tokens for received * Bitcoins. * * <li>SendBitcoins - Send Bitcoins to the specified address. * * <li>setExchangeRate - Set the token exchange rate. * * <li>suspend - Stop sending Bitcoins for redeemed tokens and issuing tokens for received * Bitcoins. * </ul> */ public class TokenAPI extends APIServlet.APIRequestHandler { /** * Create the API request handler */ public TokenAPI() { super(new APITag[] { APITag.ADDONS }, "function", "id", "includeExchanged", "height", "account", "publicKey", "address", "rate", "amount"); } /** * Process the API request * * @param req HTTP request * @return HTTP response * @throws ParameterException Parameter error detected */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected JSONStreamAware processRequest(HttpServletRequest req) throws ParameterException { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); String function = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("function")); if (function == null) { return missing("function"); } if (!BitcoinWallet.isWalletInitialized()) { return failure("Bitcoin wallet is not initialized yet"); } BitcoinWallet.propagateContext(); String heightString; String includeExchangedString; String accountString; String publicKeyString; String addressString; String amountString; String rateString; String txString; boolean includeExchanged; long accountId; int height; List<BitcoinAccount> accountList; BitcoinAccount account; switch (function) { case "getStatus": response.put("applicationName", TokenAddon.applicationName); response.put("applicationVersion", TokenAddon.applicationVersion); response.put("exchangeRate", TokenAddon.exchangeRate.toPlainString()); response.put("currencyCode", TokenAddon.currencyCode); response.put("currencyId", Long.toUnsignedString(TokenAddon.currencyId)); response.put("tokenAccount", Long.toUnsignedString(TokenAddon.accountId)); response.put("tokenAccountRS", Convert.rsAccount(TokenAddon.accountId)); List<Peer> peers = BitcoinWallet.getConnectedPeers(); JSONArray connectedPeers = new JSONArray(); peers.forEach((peer) -> { JSONObject JSONpeer = new JSONObject(); PeerAddress peerAddress = peer.getAddress(); VersionMessage versionMessage = peer.getPeerVersionMessage(); JSONpeer.put("address", TokenAddon.formatAddress(peerAddress.getAddr(), peerAddress.getPort())); JSONpeer.put("version", versionMessage.clientVersion); JSONpeer.put("subVersion", versionMessage.subVer); connectedPeers.add(JSONpeer); }); response.put("connectedPeers", connectedPeers); String downloadPeer = BitcoinWallet.getDownloadPeer(); if (downloadPeer != null) { response.put("downloadPeer", downloadPeer); } response.put("nxtConfirmations", TokenAddon.nxtConfirmations); response.put("bitcoinConfirmations", TokenAddon.bitcoinConfirmations); response.put("walletAddress", BitcoinWallet.getWalletAddress()); response.put("walletBalance", BitcoinWallet.getBalance().toPlainString()); response.put("bitcoinTxFee", TokenAddon.bitcoinTxFee.toPlainString()); response.put("bitcoinChainHeight", BitcoinWallet.getChainHeight()); response.put("nxtChainHeight", Nxt.getBlockchain().getHeight()); response.put("suspended", TokenAddon.isSuspended()); if (TokenAddon.isSuspended()) { response.put("suspendReason", TokenAddon.getSuspendReason()); } break; case "setExchangeRate": rateString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("rate")); if (rateString == null) { return missing("rate"); } try { BigDecimal rate = new BigDecimal(rateString).movePointRight(8).divideToIntegralValue(BigDecimal.ONE) .movePointLeft(8).stripTrailingZeros(); TokenDb.setExchangeRate(rate); response.put("processed", true); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { return incorrect("rate", exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("SetExchangeRate failed", exc); return failure("Unable to set exchange rate: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; case "getNxtTransactions": heightString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("height")); if (heightString == null) { height = 0; } else { try { height = Integer.valueOf(heightString); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { return incorrect("height", exc.getMessage()); } } includeExchangedString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("includeExchanged")); if (includeExchangedString == null) { includeExchanged = false; } else { includeExchanged = Boolean.valueOf(includeExchangedString); } try { List<TokenTransaction> tokenList = TokenDb.getTokens(height, includeExchanged); JSONArray tokenArray = new JSONArray(); tokenList.forEach((token) -> { JSONObject tokenObject = new JSONObject(); tokenObject.put("nxtTxId", Long.toUnsignedString(token.getNxtTxId())); tokenObject.put("sender", Long.toUnsignedString(token.getSenderId())); tokenObject.put("senderRS", token.getSenderIdRS()); tokenObject.put("nxtChainHeight", token.getHeight()); tokenObject.put("timestamp", token.getTimestamp()); tokenObject.put("exchanged", token.isExchanged()); tokenObject.put("tokenAmount", BigDecimal .valueOf(token.getTokenAmount(), TokenAddon.currencyDecimals).toPlainString()); tokenObject.put("bitcoinAmount", BigDecimal.valueOf(token.getBitcoinAmount(), 8).toPlainString()); tokenObject.put("address", token.getBitcoinAddress()); if (token.getBitcoinTxId() != null) { tokenObject.put("bitcoinTxId", token.getBitcoinTxIdString()); } tokenArray.add(tokenObject); }); response.put("transactions", tokenArray); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("GetNxtTransactions failed", exc); return failure("Unable to get Nxt transactions: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; case "suspend": TokenAddon.suspend("Suspended by the TokenExchange administrator"); response.put("suspended", TokenAddon.isSuspended()); break; case "resume": TokenAddon.resume(); response.put("suspended", TokenAddon.isSuspended()); break; case "getAddress": accountString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("account")); if (accountString == null) { return missing("account"); } try { accountId = Convert.parseAccountId(accountString); } catch (Exception exc) { return incorrect("account", exc.getMessage()); } publicKeyString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("publicKey")); byte[] publicKey; if (publicKeyString != null) { try { publicKey = Convert.parseHexString(publicKeyString); } catch (Exception exc) { return incorrect("publicKey", exc.getMessage()); } if (publicKey.length != 32) { return incorrect("publicKey", "public key is not 32 bytes"); } byte[] accountPublicKey = Account.getPublicKey(accountId); if (accountPublicKey != null && !Arrays.equals(accountPublicKey, publicKey)) { return incorrect("publicKey", "public key does not match account public key"); } } else { publicKey = null; } try { accountList = TokenDb.getAccount(accountId); if (!accountList.isEmpty()) { account = accountList.get(accountList.size() - 1); if (TokenDb.transactionExists(account.getBitcoinAddress())) { account = null; } } else { account = null; } if (account == null) { DeterministicKey key = BitcoinWallet.getNewKey(); account = new BitcoinAccount(key, accountId, publicKey); TokenDb.storeAccount(account); } formatAccount(account, response); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("GetAddress failed", exc); return failure("Unable to get new Bitcoin address: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; case "getAccounts": JSONArray accountArray = new JSONArray(); accountString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("account")); addressString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("address")); try { if (accountString != null) { try { accountId = Convert.parseAccountId(accountString); } catch (Exception exc) { return incorrect("account", exc.getMessage()); } accountList = TokenDb.getAccount(accountId); accountList.forEach((a) -> accountArray.add(formatAccount(a, new JSONObject()))); } else if (addressString != null) { account = TokenDb.getAccount(addressString); if (account != null) { accountArray.add(formatAccount(account, new JSONObject())); } } else { accountList = TokenDb.getAccounts(); accountList.forEach((a) -> accountArray.add(formatAccount(a, new JSONObject()))); } response.put("accounts", accountArray); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("GetAccounts failed", exc); return failure("Unable to get accounts: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; case "deleteAddress": addressString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("address")); if (addressString == null) { return missing("address"); } try { boolean deleted = TokenDb.deleteAccountAddress(addressString); if (deleted) { BitcoinWallet.removeAddress(addressString); } response.put("deleted", deleted); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("DeleteAddress failed", exc); return failure("Unable to delete account: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; case "getBitcoinTransactions": JSONArray txArray = new JSONArray(); addressString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("address")); heightString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("height")); if (heightString == null) { height = 0; } else { try { height = Integer.valueOf(heightString); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { return incorrect("height", exc.getMessage()); } } includeExchangedString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("includeExchanged")); if (includeExchangedString == null) { includeExchanged = false; } else { includeExchanged = Boolean.valueOf(includeExchangedString); } try { List<BitcoinTransaction> txList = TokenDb.getTransactions(height, addressString, includeExchanged); txList.forEach((tx) -> { JSONObject txJSON = new JSONObject(); txJSON.put("bitcoinTxId", tx.getBitcoinTxIdString()); txJSON.put("bitcoinBlockId", tx.getBitcoinBlockIdString()); txJSON.put("bitcoinChainHeight", tx.getHeight()); txJSON.put("timestamp", tx.getTimestamp()); txJSON.put("address", tx.getBitcoinAddress()); txJSON.put("bitcoinAmount", BigDecimal.valueOf(tx.getBitcoinAmount(), 8).toPlainString()); txJSON.put("tokenAmount", BigDecimal.valueOf(tx.getTokenAmount(), TokenAddon.currencyDecimals).toPlainString()); txJSON.put("account", Long.toUnsignedString(tx.getAccountId())); txJSON.put("accountRS", tx.getAccountIdRS()); txJSON.put("exchanged", tx.isExchanged()); if (tx.getNxtTxId() != 0) { txJSON.put("nxtTxId", Long.toUnsignedString(tx.getNxtTxId())); } txArray.add(txJSON); }); response.put("transactions", txArray); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("GetBitcoinTransactions failed", exc); return failure("Unable to get Bitcoin transactions: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; case "sendBitcoins": BitcoinWallet.propagateContext(); addressString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("address")); amountString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("amount")); if (addressString == null) { return missing("address"); } if (amountString == null) { return missing("amount"); } try { Address toAddress = Address.fromBase58(BitcoinWallet.getNetworkParameters(), addressString); BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(amountString).movePointRight(8) .divideToIntegralValue(BigDecimal.ONE).movePointLeft(8).stripTrailingZeros(); txString = BitcoinWallet.sendCoins(toAddress, amount); response.put("transaction", txString); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { return incorrect("amount", exc.getMessage()); } catch (AddressFormatException exc) { return incorrect("address", exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("SendBitcoins failed", exc); return failure("Unable to send coins: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; case "emptyWallet": BitcoinWallet.propagateContext(); addressString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("address")); if (addressString == null) { return missing("address"); } try { Address toAddress = Address.fromBase58(BitcoinWallet.getNetworkParameters(), addressString); txString = BitcoinWallet.emptyWallet(toAddress); response.put("transaction", txString); } catch (AddressFormatException exc) { return incorrect("address", exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("EmptyWallet failed", exc); return failure("Unable to empty wallet: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; case "rollbackChain": heightString = Convert.emptyToNull(req.getParameter("height")); if (heightString == null) { return missing("height"); } try { height = Integer.valueOf(heightString); if (height < 0) { return incorrect("height", "The requested height is not valid"); } boolean success = BitcoinWallet.rollbackChain(height); response.put("completed", success); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { return incorrect("height", exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.logErrorMessage("RollbackChain failed", exc); return failure("Unable to rollback chain: " + exc.getMessage()); } break; default: return unknown(function); } return response; } /** * Format a Bitcoin account * * @param account Bitcoin account * @param response Response object * @return Response object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static JSONObject formatAccount(BitcoinAccount account, JSONObject response) { response.put("address", account.getBitcoinAddress()); response.put("account", Long.toUnsignedString(account.getAccountId())); response.put("accountRS", account.getAccountIdRS()); response.put("timestamp", account.getTimestamp()); return response; } /** * Create response for a failure * * @param message Error message * @return Response */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static JSONStreamAware failure(String message) { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("errorCode", 6); response.put("errorDescription", message); return JSON.prepare(response); } /** * Create response for a missing parameter * * @param paramNames Parameter names * @return Response */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static JSONStreamAware missing(String... paramNames) { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("errorCode", 3); if (paramNames.length == 1) { response.put("errorDescription", "\"" + paramNames[0] + "\"" + " not specified"); } else { response.put("errorDescription", "At least one of " + Arrays.toString(paramNames) + " must be specified"); } return JSON.prepare(response); } /** * Create response for an incorrect parameter * * @param paramName Parameter name * @param details Error details * @return Response */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static JSONStreamAware incorrect(String paramName, String details) { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("errorCode", 4); response.put("errorDescription", "Incorrect \"" + paramName + (details != null ? "\": " + details : "\"")); return JSON.prepare(response); } /** * Create response for an unknown parameter * * @param objectName Parameter name * @return Response */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static JSONStreamAware unknown(String objectName) { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("errorCode", 5); response.put("errorDescription", "Unknown " + objectName); return JSON.prepare(response); } /** * Require POST since we use the administrator password * * @return TRUE if POST is required */ @Override protected boolean requirePost() { return true; } /** * Require the administrator password * * @return TRUE if adminPassword is required */ @Override protected boolean requirePassword() { return true; } /** * We don't use the required block parameters * * @return TRUE if required block parameters are needed */ @Override protected boolean allowRequiredBlockParameters() { return false; } /** * We require the full client * * @return TRUE if full client is required */ @Override protected boolean requireFullClient() { return true; } }