Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 Jrg Werner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.schreibubi.JCombinationsTools.mergeResults; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import; import org.jibx.runtime.BindingDirectory; import org.jibx.runtime.IBindingFactory; import org.jibx.runtime.IMarshallingContext; import org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException; import org.schreibubi.JCombinations.Info; import org.schreibubi.JCombinations.FileFormat.Alternative; import org.schreibubi.JCombinations.FileFormat.Asdap; import org.schreibubi.JCombinations.FileFormat.OurTreeNode; import org.schreibubi.JCombinations.FileFormat.Shmoo; import org.schreibubi.JCombinations.FileFormat.Xdata; import org.schreibubi.JCombinations.FileFormat.Ydata; import org.schreibubi.JCombinationsTools.evalGenCombinations.AlternativesASTSet; import org.schreibubi.JCombinationsTools.evalGenCombinations.Combination; import org.schreibubi.JCombinationsTools.evalGenCombinations.EvalGenCombinationsLexer; import org.schreibubi.JCombinationsTools.evalGenCombinations.EvalGenCombinationsParser; import org.schreibubi.JCombinationsTools.evalGenCombinations.EvalGenCombinationsTreeWalker; import org.schreibubi.symbol.Symbol; import org.schreibubi.symbol.SymbolString; import org.schreibubi.symbol.SymbolVisitorPrint; import org.schreibubi.visitor.VArrayList; import org.schreibubi.visitor.VHashMap; import org.schreibubi.visitor.VLinkedHashMap; import antlr.collections.AST; /** * Merge results from dclog-file with the data of the combinations files. * * @author Jrg Werner * */ public class MergeResults { /** * @param args */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); try { Properties defaultProperties = new Properties(); Properties userProperties = new Properties(defaultProperties); defaultProperties.setProperty("triggerTrimColumn", "TRIM"); defaultProperties.setProperty("triggerMeasureColumn", "MEASURE"); defaultProperties.setProperty("trimColumns", "TRIM_TESTMODE,TRIM_TRIMMING,TRIM_RELATIVE,TRIM_ABS,TRIM_PATNAME,FORCE_VALUE"); defaultProperties.setProperty("trimAbsColumn", "TRIM_ABS"); defaultProperties.setProperty("trimRelativeColumn", "TRIM_RELATIVE"); defaultProperties.setProperty("subtitleColumn", "COMMENT"); defaultProperties.setProperty("dutSelection", "1-1024"); defaultProperties.setProperty("dutOffset", "32"); defaultProperties.setProperty("zip", "false"); try { userProperties.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream("config.xml")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } String dclogFile = ""; ArrayList<String> dclogFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); String outputFile = ""; String combinationsFile = ""; String triggerTrimColumn = userProperties.getProperty("triggerTrimColumn"); String triggerMeasureColumn = userProperties.getProperty("triggerMeasureColumn"); String trimColumnsString = userProperties.getProperty("trimColumns"); String trimAbsColumn = userProperties.getProperty("trimAbsColumn"); String trimRelativeColumn = userProperties.getProperty("trimRelativeColumn"); String subtitleColumn = userProperties.getProperty("subtitleColumn"); String dutSelectionString = userProperties.getProperty("dutSelection"); String dutOffsetString = userProperties.getProperty("dutOffset"); boolean zip = Boolean.parseBoolean(userProperties.getProperty("zip")); CommandLineParser CLparser = new PosixParser(); // create the Options options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("dclog").withDescription("[in] dclog-files").hasArg() .withArgName("file").create('d')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.isRequired().withLongOpt("combinations") .withDescription("[in] combinations file").hasArg().withArgName("file").create('c')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("output").withDescription("[out] output file").hasArg() .withArgName("file").create('o')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("trim") .withDescription("Column name of trim column, defaults to " + triggerTrimColumn).hasArg() .withArgName("column").create('t')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("measure") .withDescription("Column name of measure column, defaults to " + triggerMeasureColumn).hasArg() .withArgName("column").create('m')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("xvals") .withDescription("Column name containing the x-values, defaults to " + trimColumnsString) .hasArg().withArgName("column").create('x')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("relative") .withDescription( "Column name containing the relative changes, defaults to " + trimRelativeColumn) .hasArg().withArgName("column").create('r')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("subtitle") .withDescription( "Column name containing the subtitles for the shmoos, defaults to " + subtitleColumn) .hasArg().withArgName("column").create('s')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("zip").withDescription("zip output file").create('z')); options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("dut").withDescription("use only DUTs " + dutSelectionString).hasArg() .withArgName("column").create('u')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("dutOffset") .withDescription("dut offset when merging multiple measurments " + dutOffsetString).hasArg() .withArgName("offset").create('f')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("version").withDescription("version").create('v')); CommandLine line = CLparser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("v")) { Info.printVersion("MergeResults"); Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0); } if (line.hasOption("c")) { combinationsFile = line.getOptionValue("c"); } if (line.hasOption("d")) { dclogFile = line.getOptionValue("d"); String[] dF = dclogFile.split(","); for (String s : dF) { dclogFiles.add(s); } } else { int dotPos = combinationsFile.lastIndexOf("."); if (dotPos > -1) { dclogFiles.add("dclog_af_b_source.csv_" + combinationsFile.substring(0, dotPos)); } else { dclogFiles.add("dclog_af_b_source.csv_" + combinationsFile); } } if (line.hasOption("o")) { outputFile = line.getOptionValue("o"); } else { int dotPos = combinationsFile.lastIndexOf("."); if (dotPos > -1) { outputFile = combinationsFile.substring(0, dotPos) + ".xml"; } else { outputFile = combinationsFile + ".xml"; } } if (line.hasOption("t")) { triggerTrimColumn = line.getOptionValue("t"); } if (line.hasOption("m")) { triggerMeasureColumn = line.getOptionValue("m"); } if (line.hasOption("x")) { trimColumnsString = line.getOptionValue("x"); } if (line.hasOption("r")) { trimRelativeColumn = line.getOptionValue("r"); } if (line.hasOption("s")) { subtitleColumn = line.getOptionValue("s"); } if (line.hasOption("z")) { zip = true; } if (line.hasOption("u")) { dutSelectionString = line.getOptionValue("u"); } if (line.hasOption("f")) { dutOffsetString = line.getOptionValue("f"); } String[] tC = trimColumnsString.split(","); VArrayList<String> trimColumns = new VArrayList<String>(); for (String s : tC) { trimColumns.add(s); } String[] dS = dutSelectionString.split("-"); if (dS.length < 2) throw new Exception("dut specification is wrong, should be e.g. 1-16"); int dutStart = Integer.parseInt(dS[0]); int dutStop = Integer.parseInt(dS[1]); int dutOffset = Integer.parseInt(dutOffsetString); merge(dclogFiles, combinationsFile, outputFile, zip, triggerTrimColumn, trimRelativeColumn, trimAbsColumn, trimColumns, triggerMeasureColumn, subtitleColumn, dutStart, dutStop, dutOffset); } catch (ParseException e) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(Info.getVersionString("MergeResults"), options); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("MergeResults error: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static boolean altContainsSymbol(VLinkedHashMap<Symbol> symbolList, String symbol) throws Exception { if (symbolList.get(symbol) != null) return true; else return false; } /** * check if parent already has a child whith our name * * @param parent * Parent to use * @param name * name of child * @return child, null if not found */ private static OurTreeNode findChildWithName(OurTreeNode parent, String name) { OurTreeNode child = null; for (int k = 0; k < parent.getChildCount(); k++) { child = (OurTreeNode) parent.getChildAt(k); if (child.getName().equals(name)) { break; } child = null; } return child; } private static String generateAlternativeName(VLinkedHashMap<Symbol> symbolList) throws Exception { Iterator<Symbol> i = symbolList.values().iterator(); Symbol s =; if (s != null) return s.toString(); else return ""; } private static String generateName(VLinkedHashMap<Symbol> symbolList) throws Exception { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); SymbolVisitorPrint symbolVisitorPrint = new SymbolVisitorPrint(pw); for (Iterator<Symbol> i = symbolList.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Symbol s =; s.accept(symbolVisitorPrint); if (i.hasNext()) { pw.print(" "); } } return sw.toString(); } private static String getSymbolValueString(VArrayList<VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>> symbolList, String symbol) { for (VLinkedHashMap<Symbol> map : symbolList) { Symbol sym = map.get(symbol); if (sym != null) return sym.getValueString(); } return ""; } /** * @param dclogFiles * dclog Filename * @param combinations * Combinations Filename * @param output * Output Filename * @param zip * Zip output file? * @param triggerTrimColumn * Column name of trim column * @param trimRelativeColumn * Column name of relative trimming column * @param trimAbsColumn * Column name of absolute trimming column * @param trimColumns * Column name of xvals column * @param triggerMeasureColumn * Column name of measure column * @param subtitleColumn * Column name of the subtitle column * @param dutStart * start dut * @param dutStop * stop dut * @throws Exception */ private static void merge(ArrayList<String> dclogFiles, String combinations, String output, boolean zip, String triggerTrimColumn, String trimRelativeColumn, String trimAbsColumn, VArrayList<String> trimColumns, String triggerMeasureColumn, String subtitleColumn, int dutStart, int dutStop, int dutOffset) throws Exception { File combinationsFile = new File(combinations); if (!combinationsFile.exists()) throw new Exception(combinations + " does not exist."); VLinkedHashMap<VLinkedHashMap<VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>>> data = new VLinkedHashMap<VLinkedHashMap<VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>>>(); int countOffset = 0; for (String file : dclogFiles) { BufferedReader dc = null; File dclogFile = new File(file); if (dclogFile.exists()) { dc = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dclogFile)); } else { File gzLogFile = new File(file + ".gz"); if (gzLogFile.exists()) { dc = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(gzLogFile)))); } else { File bzLogFile = new File(file + ".bz2"); if (bzLogFile.exists()) { FileInputStream fIS = new FileInputStream(bzLogFile);; // read dummy B; // read dummy Z dc = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new CBZip2InputStream(fIS))); } else throw new Exception(file + " does not exist."); } } // ***************************************************************************** // * Load the dclog file and parse it // ***************************************************************************** System.out.print("Loading " + file + "..."); for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) { dc.readLine(); // skip header } DclogLexer dclexer = new DclogLexer(dc); DclogParser dcparser = new DclogParser(dclexer); dcparser.file(data, dutStart, dutStop, countOffset); System.out.println("done"); countOffset += dutOffset; } // ***************************************************************************** // * Load the combinations file and parse it // ***************************************************************************** EvalGenCombinationsLexer evalGenCombinationsLexer = new EvalGenCombinationsLexer( new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(combinations)))); EvalGenCombinationsParser evalGenCombinationsParser = new EvalGenCombinationsParser( evalGenCombinationsLexer); evalGenCombinationsParser.setIncludeDir(new File(".")); evalGenCombinationsParser.blocks(); EvalGenCombinationsTreeWalker evalGenCombinationsWalker = new EvalGenCombinationsTreeWalker(); VArrayList<VArrayList<AlternativesASTSet>> blocks = evalGenCombinationsWalker .blocks(evalGenCombinationsParser.getAST()); OurTreeNode globalParent = new Asdap(1); Iterator<VLinkedHashMap<VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>>> dataIterator = data.values().iterator(); evalGenCombinationsWalker.setGlobalSymbolTable(new VHashMap<Symbol>()); for (VArrayList<AlternativesASTSet> block : blocks) { VArrayList<Integer> alts = new VArrayList<Integer>(); VArrayList<Integer> nonTrivialAlt = new VArrayList<Integer>(); for (int j = 0; j < block.size(); j++) { alts.add(block.get(j).getNumberOfAlternatives()); if (block.get(j).getNumberOfAlternatives() > 1) { nonTrivialAlt.add(j); } } Combination c = new Combination(alts); Shmoo lastshmoo = null; VLinkedHashMap<VArrayList<Symbol>> xLabelsAcc = new VLinkedHashMap<VArrayList<Symbol>>(); VLinkedHashMap<VArrayList<Symbol>> yDataAcc = new VLinkedHashMap<VArrayList<Symbol>>(); c.reset(); for (; c.hasNext();) { VArrayList<Integer> combination = c.getNextCombination(); if (!dataIterator.hasNext()) { System.out.println("Warning: dclog is to short!!!!"); break; } VLinkedHashMap<VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>> entry =; OurTreeNode parent = globalParent; // for this combination calculate the value of the symbol table VHashMap<Symbol> symbolTable = new VHashMap<Symbol>(); evalGenCombinationsWalker.setSymbolTable(symbolTable); VArrayList<VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>> altSymbols = new VArrayList<VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>>(); for (int j = 0; j < block.size(); j++) { VArrayList<String> setKeys = block.get(j).getKeys(); VArrayList<AST> setValues = block.get(j).getAlternative(combination.get(j)); if (setKeys.size() != setValues.size()) throw new Exception("Number of Keys is unequal to number of values"); VLinkedHashMap<Symbol> altSymbol = new VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>(); for (int k = 0; k < setKeys.size(); k++) { Symbol res = evalGenCombinationsWalker.expr(setValues.get(k)); res.setName(setKeys.get(k)); symbolTable.put(setKeys.get(k), res); altSymbol.put(setKeys.get(k), res); } altSymbols.add(altSymbol); } for (int j = 0; j < block.size(); j++) { // check if we have a nontrivial alternative String name = generateName(altSymbols.get(j)); if (altContainsSymbol(altSymbols.get(j), triggerMeasureColumn)) { // shmoo String shmooTrim = getSymbolValueString(altSymbols, triggerTrimColumn); String shmooMeasure = getSymbolValueString(altSymbols, triggerMeasureColumn); String shmooSubtitle = getSymbolValueString(altSymbols, subtitleColumn); name = shmooMeasure + "/" + shmooTrim + "/" + shmooSubtitle; } else if (altContainsSymbol(altSymbols.get(j), triggerTrimColumn)) { // } else if (nonTrivialAlt.contains(j)) { // general alternative } OurTreeNode child = findChildWithName(parent, name); if (child == null) { // child does not exist yet, so we need to create a new // one if (altContainsSymbol(altSymbols.get(j), triggerMeasureColumn)) { // add shmoo if (lastshmoo != null) { // add remaining stuff to last shmoo VArrayList<Xdata> xlabels = new VArrayList<Xdata>(); VArrayList<Double> xpos = new VArrayList<Double>(); for (Symbol sym : xLabelsAcc.get(trimAbsColumn)) { xpos.add(sym.convertToDouble().getValue()); } for (String s : xLabelsAcc.keySet()) if (xLabelsAcc.get(s).get(0) instanceof SymbolString) { xlabels.add(new Xdata(s, s, "", xLabelsAcc.get(s), xpos)); } else if (xLabelsAcc.get(s).get(0).getUnit() != null) { xlabels.add(new Xdata(s, s, xLabelsAcc.get(s).get(0).getUnit().toString(), xLabelsAcc.get(s), xpos)); } else { xlabels.add(new Xdata(s, s, "", xLabelsAcc.get(s), xpos)); } lastshmoo.setXdata(xlabels); for (String s : yDataAcc.keySet()) if (yDataAcc.get(s).get(0).getUnit() == null) { lastshmoo.addChild(new Ydata(lastshmoo, s, s, "", yDataAcc.get(s))); } else { lastshmoo.addChild(new Ydata(lastshmoo, s, s, yDataAcc.get(s).get(0).getUnit().toString(), yDataAcc.get(s))); } // reset accumulation arrays xLabelsAcc = new VLinkedHashMap<VArrayList<Symbol>>(); yDataAcc = new VLinkedHashMap<VArrayList<Symbol>>(); } // add new shmoo Shmoo shmoo = new Shmoo(); // shmoo.setName( generateName( altSymbols.get( j ) // ) ); String shmooTrim = getSymbolValueString(altSymbols, triggerTrimColumn); String shmooMeasure = getSymbolValueString(altSymbols, triggerMeasureColumn); String shmooSubtitle = getSymbolValueString(altSymbols, subtitleColumn); /* * for ( int m = 0; m < altSymbols.size(); m++ ) { if ( nonTrivialAlt.contains( m ) ) { * System.out.print( generateName( altSymbols.get( m ) ) + " " ); } } */ shmoo.setName(shmooMeasure + "/" + shmooTrim + "/" + shmooSubtitle); shmoo.setDescription(shmooMeasure + "/" + shmooTrim); shmoo.setSubtitle(shmooSubtitle); shmoo.setTrim(shmooTrim); shmoo.setMeasure(shmooMeasure); shmoo.setDefaultXdata(trimAbsColumn); shmoo.setRelativeXdata(trimRelativeColumn); VHashMap<Symbol> constants = new VHashMap<Symbol>(); for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) { constants.putAll(altSymbols.get(k)); } shmoo.setConstants(constants); parent.addChild(shmoo); System.out .println("New Shmoo: " + shmooMeasure + "/" + shmooTrim + ", " + shmooSubtitle); System.out.println("at: " + shmoo.getTreePath()); lastshmoo = shmoo; parent = shmoo; } else if (altContainsSymbol(altSymbols.get(j), triggerTrimColumn)) { // accumulate data // add required values from the alternatives VLinkedHashMap<Symbol> oST = new VLinkedHashMap<Symbol>(); for (VLinkedHashMap<Symbol> sT : altSymbols) { for (String symName : sT.keySet()) if (trimColumns.contains(symName)) { Symbol value = sT.get(symName); oST.put(symName, value); } } // now oST only contains the last value of all // alternatives // variables appearing twice are overwritten! for (String symName : oST.keySet()) { Symbol value = oST.get(symName); // add to xlabels VArrayList<Symbol> xlabel = null; if (xLabelsAcc.containsKey(symName)) { xlabel = xLabelsAcc.get(symName); } else { xlabel = new VArrayList<Symbol>(); } xlabel.add(value); // recognize type xLabelsAcc.put(symName, xlabel); } // add corresponding results from dclog_af.dat for (VLinkedHashMap<Symbol> e : entry.values()) { VArrayList<Symbol> y = null; if (yDataAcc.containsKey(e.get("S0").getName())) { y = yDataAcc.get(e.get("S0").getName()); } else { y = new VArrayList<Symbol>(); } y.add(e.get("S0")); yDataAcc.put(e.get("S0").getName(), y); } } else if (nonTrivialAlt.contains(j)) { // add general alternative boolean found = false; for (String symName : altSymbols.get(j).keySet()) if (trimColumns.contains(symName)) { found = true; break; } if (!found) { Alternative alternative = new Alternative(); alternative.setName(name); alternative.setDescription(generateAlternativeName(altSymbols.get(j))); if (parent instanceof Shmoo) { System.out.println("adding alt " + name + " to Shmoo " + parent.toString()); } parent.addChild(alternative); parent = alternative; } } } else { // child is already existing, so we need to do // nothing... parent = child; } } } if (lastshmoo != null) { // add remaining stuff to last shmoo VArrayList<Xdata> xlabels = new VArrayList<Xdata>(); VArrayList<Double> xpos = new VArrayList<Double>(); for (Symbol sym : xLabelsAcc.get(trimAbsColumn)) { xpos.add(sym.convertToDouble().getValue()); } for (String s : xLabelsAcc.keySet()) if (xLabelsAcc.get(s).get(0) instanceof SymbolString) { xlabels.add(new Xdata(s, s, "", xLabelsAcc.get(s), xpos)); } else if (xLabelsAcc.get(s).get(0).getUnit() != null) { xlabels.add(new Xdata(s, s, xLabelsAcc.get(s).get(0).getUnit().toString(), xLabelsAcc.get(s), xpos)); } else { xlabels.add(new Xdata(s, s, "", xLabelsAcc.get(s), xpos)); } lastshmoo.setXdata(xlabels); for (String s : yDataAcc.keySet()) if (yDataAcc.get(s).get(0).getUnit() == null) { lastshmoo.addChild(new Ydata(lastshmoo, s, s, "", yDataAcc.get(s))); } else { lastshmoo.addChild(new Ydata(lastshmoo, s, s, yDataAcc.get(s).get(0).getUnit().toString(), yDataAcc.get(s))); } } } // ***************************************************************************** // * Save the data in JCombinations format // ***************************************************************************** OutputStream outStream = null; if (zip) { System.out.print("Saving " + output + ".zip..."); ZipOutputStream zipOutStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(output + ".zip")); zipOutStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("default.xml")); outStream = zipOutStream; } else { System.out.print("Saving " + output + "..."); outStream = new FileOutputStream(output); } IBindingFactory bfact; try { bfact = BindingDirectory.getFactory(Asdap.class); IMarshallingContext mctx = bfact.createMarshallingContext(); mctx.setIndent(4); mctx.marshalDocument(globalParent, "UTF-8", null, outStream); } catch (JiBXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("done"); } }