Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.sapia.util.xml.confix;

// Import of dom4j classes
// ----------------------
import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;


// Import of Sapia's utility classes
// ---------------------------------
import org.sapia.util.xml.ProcessingException;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

// Import of Sun's JDK classes
// ---------------------------

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * This class creates an object graph for a given XML input stream. It internally
 * uses Dom4J to transform the stream into a document object model, and then to create
 * objects from the elements found in the document.
 * <p>
 * Usage:
 * <p>
 * <pre>
 * ObjectFactoryIF fac = new ReflectionFactory("");
 * Dom4jProcessor proc = new Dom4jProcessor(fac);
 * Company comp = (Company)proc.process(new FileInputStream("d:/dev/company.xml"));
 * </pre>
 * @author Yanick Duchesne
 * <dl>
 * <dt><b>Copyright:</b><dd>Copyright &#169; 2002-2003 <a href="">Sapia Open Source Software</a>. All Rights Reserved.</dd></dt>
 * <dt><b>License:</b><dd>Read the license.txt file of the jar or visit the
 *        <a href="">license page</a> at the Sapia OSS web site</dd></dt>
 * </dl>
public class Dom4jProcessor extends AbstractXMLProcessor {
    ////////////////////////////////////  CONSTRUCTORS  /////////////////////////////////////

     * Creates a new JDOMProcessor instance with the argument passed in.
     * @param anObjectFactory The object factory of this processor.
    public Dom4jProcessor(ObjectFactoryIF anObjectFactory) {

    //////////////////////////////////  OVERRIDEN METHODS  //////////////////////////////////

     * This method takes an XML stream as input and returns an object
     * representation of the passed-in XML.
     * @param is an XML stream
     * @return an object representation of the XML stream.
     * @exception ProcessingException
    public Object process(InputStream is) throws ProcessingException {
        try {
            // Build the document from the input stream
            SAXReader builder = new SAXReader();
            Document doc =;

            // Process the document
            Object aResult = process(null, doc.getRootElement());

            return aResult;
        } catch (DocumentException de) {
            String aMessage = "Error parsing the XML of the input stream.";
            throw new ProcessingException(aMessage, de);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (is != null) {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                String aMessage = "Error closing the input stream to process.";

                throw new ProcessingException(aMessage, ioe);

     * This method takes an object and assigns to it the object representation
     * of the passed XML stream.
     * @param root an <code>Object</code> that is the root of the object graph to create
     * from the given XML.
     * @param is an XML <code>InputStream</code>.
     * @throws ProcessingException if an error occurs while processing the given XML stream.
    public void process(Object root, InputStream is) throws ProcessingException {
        try {
            // Build the document from the input stream
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
            Document doc =;

            // Process the document
            Object aResult = process(root, doc.getRootElement());
        } catch (DocumentException de) {
            String aMessage = "Error parsing the XML of the input stream.";
            throw new ProcessingException(aMessage, de);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (is != null) {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                String aMessage = "Error closing the input stream to process.";

                throw new ProcessingException(aMessage, ioe);

    ///////////////////////////////////  HELPER METHODS  ////////////////////////////////////

     * This method will process the dom element passed in to create an object.
     * @param aParent The parent object of the one to create.
     * @param anElement The dom element to process.
     * @exception ProcessingException If an error occurs while processing the dom tree.
    public Object process(Object aParent, Element anElement) throws ProcessingException {
        return process(aParent, anElement, null);

    private Object process(Object aParent, Element anElement, String setterName) throws ProcessingException {
        String aName = anElement.getName();

        if (setterName == null) {
            setterName = aName;

        CreationStatus status = null;

        try {
            status = getObjectFactory().newObjectFor(anElement.getNamespace().getPrefix(),
                    anElement.getNamespace().getURI(), aName, aParent);
        } catch (ObjectCreationException oce) {
            if (aParent == null) {
                String aMessage = "Unable to create an object for the element " + anElement;

                throw new ProcessingException(aMessage, oce);
            List children;
            if ((aParent != null)
                    && (containsMethod("set", aParent, aName) || containsMethod("add", aParent, aName))
                    && ((children = anElement.elements()).size() == 1)) {
                Element child = (Element) children.get(0);
                process(aParent, child, setterName);

                return aParent;

            try {
                String aValue = anElement.getTextTrim();

                invokeSetter(aParent.getClass().getName(), aParent, aName, aValue);

                return aParent;
            } catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                String aMessage = "Unable to create an object nor to call a setter for the element " + anElement;
                throw new ProcessingException(aMessage, ce);

        String text = anElement.getTextTrim();

        if (text.length() > 0) {
            try {
                invokeSetter(aName, status.getCreated(), "Text", text);
            } catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                String aMessage = "The object '" + aName + "' does not accept free text";

                throw new ProcessingException(aMessage, ce);

        try {
            // Process the attributes of the DOM element
            for (Iterator it = anElement.attributeIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Attribute attr = (Attribute);

                invokeSetter(aName, status.getCreated(), attr.getName(), attr.getValue());

            // Process the child elements
            for (Iterator it = anElement.elementIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Element child = (Element);

                if (status.getCreated() instanceof Dom4jHandlerIF) {
                    ((Dom4jHandlerIF) status.getCreated()).handleElement(child);
                } else if (status.getCreated() instanceof XMLConsumer) {
                    XMLConsumer cons = (XMLConsumer) status.getCreated();
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    XMLWriter writer;
                    try {
                        writer = new XMLWriter(bos, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint());
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                        throw new ProcessingException("Could not instantiate XMLWriter", e);

                    try {
                        Element copy = child.createCopy();
                        ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray());
                        InputSource is = new InputSource(in);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new ProcessingException("Could not pipe content of element: "
                                + child.getQualifiedName() + " to XMLConsumer", e);
                } else {
                    process(status.getCreated(), child);

            // before assigning to parent, check if object
            // implements ObjectCreationCallback.
            if (status.getCreated() instanceof ObjectCreationCallback) {
                status._created = ((ObjectCreationCallback) status.getCreated()).onCreate();

            // assign obj to parent through setXXX or addXXX
            if ((aParent != null) && !status.wasAssigned() && !(status.getCreated() instanceof NullObject)) {
                assignToParent(aParent, status.getCreated(), setterName);

            if (status.getCreated() instanceof NullObject) {
                return null;

            return status.getCreated();
        } catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
            String aMessage = "Unable to process the content of the element " + aName;

            throw new ProcessingException(aMessage, ce);