Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL: $ * $ 3486 2007-02-14 19:52:13Z $ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 The Sakai Foundation. * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ /* * Created Apr 15, 2005 by Steven Githens ( * * Modified/Expanded 2006, 2007 by SOO IL KIM ( * */ package org.sakaiproject.tool.mailtool; //import java.lang.Thread; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager; //import; import org.sakaiproject.event.cover.NotificationService; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroup; import org.sakaiproject.authz.cover.AuthzGroupService; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Role; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.time.cover.TimeService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.mailarchive.api.MailArchiveChannel; import org.sakaiproject.mailarchive.api.MailArchiveMessageEdit; import org.sakaiproject.mailarchive.api.MailArchiveMessageHeaderEdit; import org.sakaiproject.mailarchive.cover.MailArchiveService; import; //import; //import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession; //import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.event.PhaseId; import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent; //import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException; import javax.faces.validator.ValidatorException; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.BodyPart; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.Multipart; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.activation.FileDataSource; import org.sakaiproject.tool.mailtool.Attachment; public class Mailtool { private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); protected FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); protected boolean DEBUG_NO_EMAIL = true; protected static final int NUMBER_ROLES = 15; private int MaxNumAttachment = readMaxNumAttachment(); /** Config Parameters **/ protected String m_realm = ""; protected List /* EmailRole */ m_emailroles = new ArrayList(); protected String m_recipview = ""; protected String uploaddirectoryDefault = "/tmp/"; protected String recipviewDefault = "tree"; protected String groupAwareRoleDefault = ""; protected String groupAwareRoleFound = ""; /** For Main.jsp **/ protected String m_subject = ""; protected String m_subjectprefix = ""; protected String m_otheremails = ""; protected String m_replytootheremail = ""; protected String m_body = ""; protected String m_editortype = ""; protected String m_replyto = ""; protected String m_sitetype = ""; protected String m_mode = ""; protected String m_siteid = ""; protected String m_realmid = ""; protected boolean is_fckeditor = false; protected boolean is_htmlarea = false; protected RecipientSelector m_recipientSelector = null; protected RecipientSelector m_recipientSelector1 = null; protected RecipientSelector m_recipientSelector2 = null; protected RecipientSelector m_recipientSelector3 = null; protected boolean m_selectByRole = false; protected boolean m_selectByUser = false; protected boolean m_selectByTree = false; protected boolean m_selectSideBySide = false; protected boolean m_selectByFoothill = false; protected boolean m_archiveMessage = false; protected boolean m_sendmecopy = false; protected boolean m_replytosender = false; protected boolean m_donotreply = false; protected boolean m_replytoother = false; protected boolean m_allusers = false; protected boolean EmailArchiveInSite = false; protected int num_groups = 0; protected int num_sections = 0; protected int num_groupawarerole = 0; protected String m_textformat = ""; private String m_recipJSPfrag = ""; protected String m_results = ""; /** Set Sakai Services */ //protected EmailService m_emailService = null; private UserDirectoryService m_userDirectoryService; private AuthzGroupService m_realmService; private AuthzGroup arole; private SiteService siteService; protected ToolConfiguration m_toolConfig = null; protected Site currentSite = null; private List attachedFiles = new ArrayList(); private List renamedRoles = new ArrayList(); private int num_roles_renamed = 0; private int num_role_id = 0; private String roleid = ""; private String singular = ""; private String plural = ""; private boolean already_configured = false; private String filename = ""; private int num_files = 0; private int num_id = 0; private boolean attachClicked = false; private boolean groupviewClicked = false; private boolean sectionviewClicked = false; private boolean groupAwareRoleviewClicked = false; private boolean showRenamingRolesClicked = false; private boolean allGroupSelected = false; private boolean allSectionSelected = false; private boolean allGroupAwareRoleSelected = false; private boolean GroupAwareRoleExist = false; private List selected = null; private List selectedGroupAwareRoleUsers = null; private List selectedGroupUsers = null; private List selectedSectionUsers = null; public Mailtool() { num_groups = 0; num_sections = 0; num_groupawarerole = 0; m_sitetype = getSiteType(); m_siteid = getSiteID(); m_realmid = getSiteRealmID(); groupAwareRoleDefault = getGroupAwareRoleDefault(); groupAwareRoleFound = getGroupAwareRole(); setSelectorType(); getRecipientSelectors(); checkifGroupAwareRoleExist(); /* this initialization solves SAK-6810 */ setMessageSubject(getSubjectPrefix().equals("") ? getSubjectPrefixFromConfig() : getSubjectPrefix()); setSubjectPrefix(getSubjectPrefixFromConfig()); setEmailArchiveInSite(isEmailArchiveAddedToSite()); String reply = getConfigParam("replyto").trim().toLowerCase(); if (reply.equals("") || reply.equals("yes")) { setReplyToSelected("yes"); } else if (reply.equals("no")) { setReplyToSelected("no"); } else { // reply to other email setReplyToSelected("otheremail"); setReplyToOtherEmail(getConfigParam("replyto").trim().toLowerCase()); } setSendMeCopy(getConfigParam("sendmecopy").trim().toLowerCase().equals("yes")); setArchiveMessage(getConfigParam("emailarchive").trim().toLowerCase().equals("yes")); String textformat = getConfigParam("messageformat").trim().toLowerCase(); if (textformat.equals("") || textformat.equals("htmltext")) { setTextFormat("htmltext"); } else { setTextFormat("plaintext"); } log.debug("Constructor"); } /** begin: Done Setting Sakai Services **/ //public void setEmailService(EmailService service) { this.m_emailService = service; } public void setUserDirectoryService(UserDirectoryService service) { this.m_userDirectoryService = service; } public void setAuthzGroupService(AuthzGroupService service) { this.m_realmService = service; } //public void setLogger(Logger logger) { this.logger = logger; } // by SK 6/30/2006 /** end: Done Setting Sakai Services **/ public boolean isGroupviewClicked() { return groupviewClicked; } public void setGroupviewClicked(boolean groupviewClicked) { this.groupviewClicked = groupviewClicked; } public boolean isSectionviewClicked() { return sectionviewClicked; } public void setSectionviewClicked(boolean sectionviewClicked) { this.sectionviewClicked = sectionviewClicked; } public void toggle_groupviewClicked() { groupviewClicked = groupviewClicked ? false : true; sectionviewClicked = false; // exclusive rendering groupAwareRoleviewClicked = false; } public void toggle_sectionviewClicked() { sectionviewClicked = sectionviewClicked ? false : true; groupviewClicked = false; // exclusive rendering groupAwareRoleviewClicked = false; } public void toggle_groupAwareRoleviewClicked() { groupAwareRoleviewClicked = groupAwareRoleviewClicked ? false : true; sectionviewClicked = false; // exclusive rendering groupviewClicked = false; // exclusive rendering } public boolean isAllGroupSelected() { return allGroupSelected; } public void setAllGroupSelected(boolean allGroupSelected) { this.allGroupSelected = allGroupSelected; } public boolean isAllSectionSelected() { return allSectionSelected; } public void setAllSectionSelected(boolean allSectionSelected) { this.allSectionSelected = allSectionSelected; } public int getNum_sections() { return num_sections; } public void setNum_sections(int num_sections) { this.num_sections = num_sections; } public int getNum_groups() { return num_groups; } public void setNum_groups(int num_groups) { this.num_groups = num_groups; } public void setattachClicked(boolean a) { this.attachClicked = a; } public boolean getattachClicked() { return attachClicked; } protected String getConfigParam(String parameter) { String p = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getPlacementConfig().getProperty(parameter); if (p == null) return ""; return p; } protected void setConfigParam(String parameter, String newvalue) { ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getPlacementConfig().setProperty(parameter, newvalue); // ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().save(); // will be saved in processUpdateOptions } protected String getSiteID() { return (ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); } private String getSiteRealmID() { return ("/site/" + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); } protected String getSiteType() { //String sid=getSiteID(); String type = ""; try { type = SiteService.getSite(m_siteid).getType(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getSiteType(), " + e.getMessage()); } return type; } protected String getSiteTitle() { //String sid=getSiteID(); String title = ""; try { title = SiteService.getSite(m_siteid).getTitle(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getSiteTitle(), " + e.getMessage()); } return title; } public String processGoToOptions() { return "configure"; } public String getfilename() { return filename; } public void setfilename(String filename) { this.filename = filename; } public String getRoleID() { return roleid; } public void setRoleID(String r) { this.roleid = r; } public int getnum_files() { return this.num_files; } public void setnum_files(int num_files) { this.num_files = num_files; } public String getEditorType() { return m_editortype; } public int readMaxNumAttachment() { try { int maxnumattachment = Integer .parseInt(ServerConfigurationService.getString("mailtool.max.num.attachment")); return maxnumattachment; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool Max Num. of attachment is set to 10000, " + e.getMessage()); return 10000; // Actually this means "unlimited if not set or invalid" } } public int getMaxNumAttachment() { return MaxNumAttachment; } public void setMaxNumAttachment(int m) { this.MaxNumAttachment = m; } public String getUploadDirectory() { String ud = ServerConfigurationService.getString(""); if (ud != "" && ud != null) { File dir = new File(ud); if (dir.isDirectory()) return ud; } return uploaddirectoryDefault; } public boolean isShowRenamingRoles() { String rename = ServerConfigurationService.getString(""); if (rename != "" && rename != null) { return (rename.trim().toLowerCase().equals("yes") || rename.trim().toLowerCase().equals("true") ? true : false); } return false; } public void setEditorType(String editor) { m_editortype = editor; } public String getOtherEmails() { return m_otheremails; } public void setOtherEmails(String otheremails) { m_otheremails = otheremails; } public String getReplyToOtherEmail() { return m_replytootheremail; } public void setReplyToOtherEmail(String email) { m_replytootheremail = email; } public String getMessageSubject() { return m_subject; } public void setMessageSubject(String subject) { m_subject = subject; } public String getSubjectPrefix() { return m_subjectprefix; } public void setSubjectPrefix(String prefix) { m_subjectprefix = prefix; } public String getMessageBody() { return m_body; } public void setMessageBody(String body) { m_body = body; } public String getResults() { return m_results; } protected void setSelectorType() { String type = getRecipview(); if (type.equals("") || type == null) type = recipviewDefault; m_selectByRole = false; m_selectByUser = false; m_selectByTree = false; m_selectSideBySide = false; m_selectByFoothill = false; if (type.equals("role")) { m_selectByRole = true; m_recipJSPfrag = "selectByRole.jsp"; } else if (type.equals("user")) { m_selectByUser = true; m_recipJSPfrag = "selectByUser.jsp"; } else if (type.equals("sidebyside")) { m_selectSideBySide = true; m_recipJSPfrag = "selectSideBySide.jsp"; } else if (type.equals("foothill")) { m_selectByFoothill = true; m_recipJSPfrag = "selectByFoothill.jsp"; } else if (type.equals("tree")) { m_selectByTree = true; m_recipJSPfrag = "selectByTree.jsp"; } } public boolean isSelectByRole() { setSelectorType(); return m_selectByRole; } public boolean isSelectByUser() { setSelectorType(); return m_selectByUser; } public boolean isSelectByTree() { setSelectorType(); return m_selectByTree; } public boolean isSelectSideBySide() { setSelectorType(); return m_selectSideBySide; } public boolean isSelectByFoothill() { setSelectorType(); return m_selectByFoothill; } public String processCancelEmail() { this.m_recipientSelector = null; this.m_subject = getSubjectPrefix().equals("") ? getSubjectPrefixFromConfig() : getSubjectPrefix(); m_otheremails = ""; this.m_body = ""; num_files = 0; attachedFiles.clear(); // m_buildNewView = true; m_recipientSelector = null; m_recipientSelector1 = null; m_recipientSelector2 = null; m_recipientSelector3 = null; setAllUsersSelected(false); setAllGroupSelected(false); setAllSectionSelected(false); return "cancel"; } public String processSendEmail() { /* EmailUser */ selected = m_recipientSelector.getSelectedUsers(); if (m_selectByTree) { selectedGroupAwareRoleUsers = m_recipientSelector1.getSelectedUsers(); selectedGroupUsers = m_recipientSelector2.getSelectedUsers(); selectedSectionUsers = m_recipientSelector3.getSelectedUsers(); selected.addAll(selectedGroupAwareRoleUsers); selected.addAll(selectedGroupUsers); selected.addAll(selectedSectionUsers); } // Put everyone in a set so the same person doesn't get multiple emails. Set emailusers = new TreeSet(); if (isAllUsersSelected()) { // the button for this is inactivated ... leave for future for (Iterator i = getEmailGroups().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EmailGroup group = (EmailGroup); emailusers.addAll(group.getEmailusers()); } } if (isAllGroupSelected()) { for (Iterator i = getEmailGroupsByType("section").iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EmailGroup group = (EmailGroup); if (group.getEmailrole().roletype.equals("section")) { selected.addAll(group.getEmailusers()); } } } if (isAllSectionSelected()) { for (Iterator i = getEmailGroupsByType("group").iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EmailGroup group = (EmailGroup); if (group.getEmailrole().roletype.equals("group")) { selected.addAll(group.getEmailusers()); } } } if (isAllGroupAwareRoleSelected()) { for (Iterator i = getEmailGroupsByType("role_groupaware").iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EmailGroup group = (EmailGroup); if (group.getEmailrole().roletype.equals("role_groupaware")) { selected.addAll(group.getEmailusers()); } } } emailusers = new TreeSet(selected); // convert List to Set (remove duplicates) m_subjectprefix = getSubjectPrefixFromConfig(); EmailUser curUser = getCurrentUser(); String fromEmail = ""; String fromDisplay = ""; if (curUser != null) { fromEmail = curUser.getEmail(); fromDisplay = curUser.getDisplayname(); } String fromString = fromDisplay + " <" + fromEmail + ">"; m_results = "Message sent to: <br>"; String subject = m_subject; //Should we append this to the archive? String emailarchive = "/mailarchive/channel/" + m_siteid + "/main"; if (m_archiveMessage && isEmailArchiveInSite()) { String attachment_info = "<br/>"; Attachment a = null; Iterator iter = attachedFiles.iterator(); int i = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { a = (Attachment); attachment_info += "<br/>"; attachment_info += "Attachment #" + (i + 1) + ": " + a.getFilename() + "(" + a.getSize() + " Bytes)"; i++; } this.appendToArchive(emailarchive, fromString, subject, m_body + attachment_info); } List headers = new ArrayList(); if (getTextFormat().equals("htmltext")) headers.add("content-type: text/html"); else headers.add("content-type: text/plain"); String smtp_server = ServerConfigurationService.getString(""); //String smtp_port = ServerConfigurationService.getString("smtp.port"); try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", smtp_server); //props.put("mail.smtp.port", smtp_port); Session s = Session.getInstance(props, null); MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(s); InternetAddress from = new InternetAddress(fromString); message.setFrom(from); String reply = getReplyToSelected().trim().toLowerCase(); if (reply.equals("yes")) { // "reply to sender" is default. So do nothing } else if (reply.equals("no")) { String noreply = getSiteTitle() + " <noreply@" + smtp_server + ">"; InternetAddress noreplyemail = new InternetAddress(noreply); message.setFrom(noreplyemail); } else if (reply.equals("otheremail") && getReplyToOtherEmail().equals("") != true) { // need input(email) validation InternetAddress replytoList[] = { new InternetAddress(getConfigParam("replyto").trim()) }; message.setReplyTo(replytoList); } message.setSubject(subject); String text = m_body; String attachmentdirectory = getUploadDirectory(); // Create the message part BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); // Fill the message String messagetype = ""; if (getTextFormat().equals("htmltext")) { messagetype = "text/html"; } else { messagetype = "text/plain"; } messageBodyPart.setContent(text, messagetype); Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart(); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Part two is attachment Attachment a = null; Iterator iter = attachedFiles.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { a = (Attachment); messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); DataSource source = new FileDataSource( attachmentdirectory + this.getCurrentUser().getUserid() + "-" + a.getFilename()); messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); messageBodyPart.setFileName(a.getFilename()); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); } message.setContent(multipart); //Send the emails String recipientsString = ""; for (Iterator i = emailusers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); recipientsString += ",") { EmailUser euser = (EmailUser); String toEmail = euser.getEmail(); // u.getEmail(); String toDisplay = euser.getDisplayname(); // u.getDisplayName(); // if AllUsers are selected, do not add current user's email to recipients if (isAllUsersSelected() && getCurrentUser().getEmail().equals(toEmail)) { // don't add sender to recipients } else { recipientsString += toEmail; m_results += toDisplay + (i.hasNext() ? "<br/>" : ""); } // InternetAddress to[] = {new InternetAddress(toEmail) }; // Transport.send(message,to); } if (m_otheremails.trim().equals("") != true) { // // multiple email validation is needed here // String refinedOtherEmailAddresses = m_otheremails.trim().replace(';', ','); recipientsString += refinedOtherEmailAddresses; m_results += "<br/>" + refinedOtherEmailAddresses; // InternetAddress to[] = {new InternetAddress(refinedOtherEmailAddresses) }; // Transport.send(message, to); } if (m_sendmecopy) { message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, fromEmail); // trying to solve SAK-7410 // recipientsString+=fromEmail; // InternetAddress to[] = {new InternetAddress(fromEmail) }; // Transport.send(message, to); } // message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, recipientsString); message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, recipientsString); Transport.send(message); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Mailtool Exception while trying to send the email: " + e.getMessage()); } // Clear the Subject and Body of the Message m_subject = getSubjectPrefix().equals("") ? getSubjectPrefixFromConfig() : getSubjectPrefix(); m_otheremails = ""; m_body = ""; num_files = 0; attachedFiles.clear(); m_recipientSelector = null; m_recipientSelector1 = null; m_recipientSelector2 = null; m_recipientSelector3 = null; setAllUsersSelected(false); setAllGroupSelected(false); setAllSectionSelected(false); // Display Users with Bad Emails if the option is turned on. boolean showBadEmails = getDisplayInvalidEmailAddr(); if (showBadEmails == true) { m_results += "<br/><br/>"; List /* String */ badnames = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = selected.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EmailUser user = (EmailUser); /* This check should maybe be some sort of regular expression */ if (user.getEmail().equals("")) { badnames.add(user.getDisplayname()); } } if (badnames.size() > 0) { m_results += "The following users do not have valid email addresses:<br/>"; for (Iterator i = badnames.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String name = (String); if (i.hasNext() == true) m_results += name + "/ "; else m_results += name; } } } return "results"; } public RecipientSelector getRecipientSelector() { getRecipientSelectors(); return m_recipientSelector; } public RecipientSelector getRecipientSelector_GroupAwareRole() { getRecipientSelectors(); return m_recipientSelector1; } public RecipientSelector getRecipientSelector_Group() { getRecipientSelectors(); return m_recipientSelector2; } public RecipientSelector getRecipientSelector_Section() { getRecipientSelectors(); return m_recipientSelector3; } public void getRecipientSelectors() { if (m_recipientSelector == null) { if (m_selectByUser == true) { m_recipientSelector = new UserSelector(); } else if (m_selectByTree == true) { m_recipientSelector = new TreeSelector(); m_recipientSelector1 = new TreeSelector(); m_recipientSelector2 = new TreeSelector(); // groups m_recipientSelector3 = new TreeSelector(); // sections } else if (m_selectSideBySide == true) { m_recipientSelector = new SideBySideSelector(); } else if (m_selectByFoothill == true) { m_recipientSelector = new FoothillSelector(); } if (m_selectByTree == true) { List emailGroups1 = getEmailGroupsByType("role"); List emailGroups1_1 = getEmailGroupsByType("role_groupaware"); List emailGroups2 = getEmailGroupsByType("group"); List emailGroups3 = getEmailGroupsByType("section"); m_recipientSelector.populate(emailGroups1); m_recipientSelector1.populate(emailGroups1_1); m_recipientSelector2.populate(emailGroups2); m_recipientSelector3.populate(emailGroups3); } else { List emailGroups = getEmailGroups(); m_recipientSelector.populate(emailGroups); } } } // Get Information from the Tool Config public String getSubjectPrefixFromConfig() { String prefix = this.getConfigParam("subjectprefix"); if (prefix == null || prefix == "") { String titleDefault = getSiteTitle() + ": "; return titleDefault; } else return prefix; } // Get Information from the Tool Config public String getRecipview() { String recipview = this.getConfigParam("recipview"); if (recipview == null || recipview.trim().equals("")) return recipviewDefault; else return recipview; } // OOTB(Out of the box) Sakai defaults public String getGroupAwareRoleDefault() { if (getSiteType().equals("course")) return "Student"; if (getSiteType().equals("project")) return "access"; return ""; } public String getGroupAwareRole() { String gar = ServerConfigurationService.getString(""); String[] gartokens = gar.split(","); try { arole = m_realmService.getAuthzGroup(m_realmid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailRoles(), " + e.getMessage()); } for (Iterator i = arole.getRoles().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Role r = (Role); String rolename = r.getId(); for (int t = 0; t < gartokens.length; t++) { if (gartokens[t].trim().equals(rolename.trim())) return rolename; } } return groupAwareRoleDefault; } public boolean isGroupAwareRoleInSettings(String role) { String gar = ServerConfigurationService.getString(""); String[] gartokens = gar.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < gartokens.length; i++) { if (gartokens[i].trim().equals(role.trim())) return true; } return false; } /**** it's user-permission-based checking * public boolean isAllowedToConfigure() { String siteid="/site/"+getSiteID(); //return m_realmService.unlock(this.getCurrentUser().getUserid(), "", siteid); return m_realmService.isAllowed(this.getCurrentUser().getUserid(), "mailtool.admin", siteid); } ****/ // role-based permission checking ... modified thanks to Seth at Columbia Jan 3 2007 // public boolean isAllowedToSend() { String mySendRole = m_realmService.getUserRole(this.getCurrentUser().getUserid(), getSiteRealmID()); return hasPermissionForRole(mySendRole, "mailtool.send"); } // role-based permission public boolean isAllowedToConfigure() { String myConfigRole = m_realmService.getUserRole(this.getCurrentUser().getUserid(), getSiteRealmID()); return hasPermissionForRole(myConfigRole, "mailtool.admin"); } // explicitly add the permissions for this role in !site.helper with the following private boolean hasPermissionForRole(String role, String permission) { Collection realmList = new ArrayList(); realmList.add(getSiteRealmID()); AuthzGroup authzGroup = null; try { authzGroup = m_realmService.getAuthzGroup("!site.helper"); } catch (Exception e) {"No site helper template found"); } if (authzGroup != null) { realmList.add(authzGroup.getId()); } Set allowedFunctions = m_realmService.getAllowedFunctions(role, realmList); return allowedFunctions.contains(permission); } public boolean isFCKeditor() { String editortype = this.getConfigParam("wysiwygeditor"); if (editortype.equals("") || editortype == null) { editortype = ServerConfigurationService.getString("wysiwyg.editor"); if (editortype == null) return false; if (editortype.equals("")) return false; if (editortype.equalsIgnoreCase("fckeditor")) return true; return false; } else if (editortype.equalsIgnoreCase("fckeditor")) return true; return false; } public boolean isHTMLArea() { String editortype = this.getConfigParam("wysiwygeditor"); if (editortype.equals("") || editortype == null) { editortype = ServerConfigurationService.getString("wysiwyg.editor"); if (editortype == null) return false; if (editortype.equals("")) return false; if (editortype.equalsIgnoreCase("htmlarea")) return true; return false; } else if (editortype.equalsIgnoreCase("htmlarea")) return true; return false; } //Get Information from the Tool Config public boolean getDisplayInvalidEmailAddr() { String invalid = this.getConfigParam("displayinvalidemailaddrs"); return (invalid == null ? false : (invalid.trim().toLowerCase().equals("yes") ? true : false)); } //Read the tool config and build the email roles that are specified public List /* EmailRole */ getEmailRoles() { List /* EmailRole */ theroles = new ArrayList(); List allgroups = new ArrayList(); List allsections = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i < (NUMBER_ROLES + 1); i++) { String rolerealm = this.getConfigParam("role" + i + "realmid"); String rolename = this.getConfigParam("role" + i + "id"); String rolesingular = this.getConfigParam("role" + i + "singular"); String roleplural = this.getConfigParam("role" + i + "plural"); if ((rolerealm != null && rolerealm != "") && (rolename != null && rolename != "") && (rolesingular != null && rolesingular != "") && (roleplural != null && roleplural != "")) { EmailRole emailrole = null; // if (isGroupAwareRoleInSettings(rolename)){ if (getGroupAwareRole().equals(rolename)) { emailrole = new EmailRole(rolerealm, rolename, rolesingular, roleplural, "role_groupaware"); num_groupawarerole++; } else { emailrole = new EmailRole(rolerealm, rolename, rolesingular, roleplural, "role"); } theroles.add(emailrole); already_configured = true; } } // for if (already_configured == false) { try { arole = m_realmService.getAuthzGroup(m_realmid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailRoles(), " + e.getMessage()); } for (Iterator i = arole.getRoles().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Role r = (Role); String rolename = r.getId(); String singular = ""; String plural = ""; if (rolename.equals("maintain") || rolename.equals("access")) { singular = rolename; plural = rolename + " users"; } else { singular = rolename; plural = rolename + "s"; } EmailRole emailrole = null; if (getGroupAwareRole().equals(rolename)) { emailrole = new EmailRole("/site/" + m_siteid, rolename, singular, plural, "role_groupaware"); num_groupawarerole++; } else emailrole = new EmailRole("/site/" + m_siteid, rolename, singular, plural, "role"); theroles.add(emailrole); } } // adding groups as roles try { currentSite = siteService.getSite(m_siteid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailRoles(): , " + e.getMessage()); } Collection groups = currentSite.getGroups(); for (Iterator groupIterator = groups.iterator(); groupIterator.hasNext();) { Group currentGroup = (Group); String groupname = currentGroup.getTitle(); String groupid = currentGroup.getProviderGroupId(); EmailRole emailrole2 = null; if (currentGroup.getProperties().getProperty("sections_category") != null) { emailrole2 = new EmailRole(groupid, groupname, groupname, groupname, "section"); allsections.add(emailrole2); num_sections++; } else { emailrole2 = new EmailRole(groupid, groupname, groupname, groupname, "group"); allgroups.add(emailrole2); num_groups++; } } theroles.addAll(allgroups); // for sorted list in side-by-side view & scrolling list view theroles.addAll(allsections); // for sorted list ... return theroles; } public void checkifGroupAwareRoleExist() { String realmid = getSiteRealmID(); try { arole = m_realmService.getAuthzGroup(realmid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.initializeCurrentRoles(), " + e.getMessage()); } for (Iterator i = arole.getRoles().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Role r = (Role); String rolename = r.getId(); if (isGroupAwareRoleInSettings(rolename)) { setGroupAwareRoleExist(true); break; } else if (getGroupAwareRole().equals(rolename)) { setGroupAwareRoleExist(true); break; } } } public boolean isEmailArchiveAddedToSite() { boolean hasEmailArchive = false; String toolid = "sakai.mailbox"; try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(m_siteid); Collection toolsInSite = site.getTools(toolid); if (!toolsInSite.isEmpty()) { hasEmailArchive = true; } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.isEmailArchiveAddedToSite(), " + e.getMessage()); } return hasEmailArchive; } public boolean isEmailArchived() { String emailarchive = this.getConfigParam("emailarchive"); if (emailarchive == null) return false; if (emailarchive.equals("")) return false; return true; } public String getTextFormat() { return m_textformat; } public void setTextFormat(String format) { m_textformat = format; } public void setDoNotReply(boolean value) { m_donotreply = value; } public boolean isArchiveMessage() { return m_archiveMessage; } public void setArchiveMessage(boolean value) { m_archiveMessage = value; } public boolean isSendMeCopy() { return m_sendmecopy; } public void setSendMeCopy(boolean value) { m_sendmecopy = value; } public boolean isAllUsersSelected() { return m_allusers; } public void setAllUsersSelected(boolean value) { m_allusers = value; } /* * Build all groups that will be used for this */ public List /* EmailGroup */ getEmailGroups() { List /* EmailGroup */ thegroups = new ArrayList(); List emailroles = this.getEmailRoles(); for (Iterator i = emailroles.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EmailRole emailrole = (EmailRole); if (emailrole.roletype.equals("role")) { String realmid = emailrole.getRealmid(); AuthzGroup therealm = null; try { therealm = m_realmService.getAuthzGroup(realmid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #1, " + e.getMessage()); } Set users = therealm.getUsersHasRole(emailrole.getRoleid()); List /* EmailUser */ mailusers = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator j = users.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { String userid = (String); try { User theuser = m_userDirectoryService.getUser(userid); String firstname_for_display = ""; String lastname_for_display = ""; if (theuser.getFirstName().trim().equals("")) { if (theuser.getEmail().trim().equals("") && theuser.getLastName().trim().equals("")) firstname_for_display = theuser.getDisplayId(); // fix for SAK-7539 else firstname_for_display = theuser.getEmail(); // fix for SAK-7356 } else { firstname_for_display = theuser.getFirstName(); } lastname_for_display = theuser.getLastName(); EmailUser emailuser = new EmailUser(theuser.getId(), firstname_for_display, lastname_for_display, theuser.getEmail()); mailusers.add(emailuser); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #2, " + e.getMessage()); } } Collections.sort(mailusers); EmailGroup thegroup = new EmailGroup(emailrole, mailusers); thegroups.add(thegroup); } else if (emailrole.roletype.equals("group")) { String sid = getSiteID(); Site currentSite = null; try { currentSite = siteService.getSite(sid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #3, " + e.getMessage()); } Collection groups = currentSite.getGroups(); Group agroup = null; for (Iterator groupIterator = groups.iterator(); groupIterator.hasNext();) { agroup = (Group); String groupname = agroup.getTitle(); if (emailrole.getRoleid().equals(groupname)) break; } Set users2 = agroup.getUsers(); List mailusers2 = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator k = users2.iterator(); k.hasNext();) { String userid2 = (String); try { User theuser2 = m_userDirectoryService.getUser(userid2); String firstname_for_display = ""; String lastname_for_display = ""; if (theuser2.getFirstName().trim().equals("")) { if (theuser2.getEmail().trim().equals("") && theuser2.getLastName().trim().equals("")) firstname_for_display = theuser2.getDisplayId(); // fix for SAK-7539 else firstname_for_display = theuser2.getEmail(); // fix for SAK-7356 } else { firstname_for_display = theuser2.getFirstName(); } lastname_for_display = theuser2.getLastName(); EmailUser emailuser2 = new EmailUser(theuser2.getId(), firstname_for_display, lastname_for_display, theuser2.getEmail()); mailusers2.add(emailuser2); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #3-1, " + e.getMessage()); } } Collections.sort(mailusers2); EmailGroup thegroup2 = new EmailGroup(emailrole, mailusers2); thegroups.add(thegroup2); } // else else if (emailrole.roletype.equals("section")) { String sid = getSiteID(); Site currentSite = null; try { currentSite = siteService.getSite(sid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #4, " + e.getMessage()); } Collection groups = currentSite.getGroups(); Group agroup = null; for (Iterator groupIterator = groups.iterator(); groupIterator.hasNext();) { agroup = (Group); String groupname = agroup.getTitle(); if (emailrole.getRoleid().equals(groupname)) break; } Set users2 = agroup.getUsers(); List mailusers2 = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator k = users2.iterator(); k.hasNext();) { String userid2 = (String); try { User theuser2 = m_userDirectoryService.getUser(userid2); String firstname_for_display = ""; String lastname_for_display = ""; if (theuser2.getFirstName().trim().equals("")) { if (theuser2.getEmail().trim().equals("") && theuser2.getLastName().trim().equals("")) firstname_for_display = theuser2.getDisplayId(); // fix for SAK-7539 else firstname_for_display = theuser2.getEmail(); // fix for SAK-7356 } else { firstname_for_display = theuser2.getFirstName(); } lastname_for_display = theuser2.getLastName(); EmailUser emailuser2 = new EmailUser(theuser2.getId(), firstname_for_display, lastname_for_display, theuser2.getEmail()); mailusers2.add(emailuser2); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #4-1, " + e.getMessage()); } } Collections.sort(mailusers2); EmailGroup thegroup2 = new EmailGroup(emailrole, mailusers2); thegroups.add(thegroup2); } // else } return thegroups; } public List /* EmailGroup */ getEmailGroupsByType(String roletypefilter) { List /* EmailGroup */ thegroups = new ArrayList(); List emailroles = this.getEmailRoles(); for (Iterator i = emailroles.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EmailRole emailrole = (EmailRole); if (emailrole.roletype.equals("role") && roletypefilter.equals("role")) { String realmid = emailrole.getRealmid(); AuthzGroup therealm = null; try { //therealm = m_realmService.getRealm(realmid); therealm = m_realmService.getAuthzGroup(realmid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #1, " + e.getMessage()); } Set users = therealm.getUsersHasRole(emailrole.getRoleid()); List /* EmailUser */ mailusers = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator j = users.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { String userid = (String); try { User theuser = m_userDirectoryService.getUser(userid); // trying to fix SAK-7356 (Guests are not included in recipient lists) // also SAK-7539 String firstname_for_display = ""; String lastname_for_display = ""; if (theuser.getFirstName().trim().equals("")) { if (theuser.getEmail().trim().equals("") && theuser.getLastName().trim().equals("")) firstname_for_display = theuser.getDisplayId(); // fix for SAK-7539 else firstname_for_display = theuser.getEmail(); // fix for SAK-7356 } else { firstname_for_display = theuser.getFirstName(); } lastname_for_display = theuser.getLastName(); EmailUser emailuser = new EmailUser(theuser.getId(), firstname_for_display, lastname_for_display, theuser.getEmail()); mailusers.add(emailuser); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #2, " + e.getMessage()); } } Collections.sort(mailusers); EmailGroup thegroup = new EmailGroup(emailrole, mailusers); thegroups.add(thegroup); } else if (emailrole.roletype.equals("group") && roletypefilter.equals("group")) { String sid = getSiteID(); Site currentSite = null; try { currentSite = siteService.getSite(sid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #3, " + e.getMessage()); } Collection groups = currentSite.getGroups(); Group agroup = null; for (Iterator groupIterator = groups.iterator(); groupIterator.hasNext();) { agroup = (Group); String groupname = agroup.getTitle(); if (emailrole.getRoleid().equals(groupname)) break; } Set users2 = agroup.getUsersHasRole(groupAwareRoleFound); List mailusers2 = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator k = users2.iterator(); k.hasNext();) { String userid2 = (String); try { User theuser2 = m_userDirectoryService.getUser(userid2); String firstname_for_display = ""; String lastname_for_display = ""; if (theuser2.getFirstName().trim().equals("")) { if (theuser2.getEmail().trim().equals("") && theuser2.getLastName().trim().equals("")) firstname_for_display = theuser2.getDisplayId(); // fix for SAK-7539 else firstname_for_display = theuser2.getEmail(); // fix for SAK-7356 } else { firstname_for_display = theuser2.getFirstName(); } lastname_for_display = theuser2.getLastName(); EmailUser emailuser2 = new EmailUser(theuser2.getId(), firstname_for_display, lastname_for_display, theuser2.getEmail()); mailusers2.add(emailuser2); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #3-1, " + e.getMessage()); } } Collections.sort(mailusers2); EmailGroup thegroup2 = new EmailGroup(emailrole, mailusers2); thegroups.add(thegroup2); } // else else if (emailrole.roletype.equals("section") && roletypefilter.equals("section")) { String sid = getSiteID(); Site currentSite = null; try { currentSite = siteService.getSite(sid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #4, " + e.getMessage()); } Collection groups = currentSite.getGroups(); Group agroup = null; for (Iterator groupIterator = groups.iterator(); groupIterator.hasNext();) { agroup = (Group); String groupname = agroup.getTitle(); if (emailrole.getRoleid().equals(groupname)) break; } Set users2 = agroup.getUsersHasRole(groupAwareRoleFound); List mailusers2 = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator k = users2.iterator(); k.hasNext();) { String userid2 = (String); try { User theuser2 = m_userDirectoryService.getUser(userid2); String firstname_for_display = ""; String lastname_for_display = ""; if (theuser2.getFirstName().trim().equals("")) { if (theuser2.getEmail().trim().equals("") && theuser2.getLastName().trim().equals("")) firstname_for_display = theuser2.getDisplayId(); // fix for SAK-7539 else firstname_for_display = theuser2.getEmail(); // fix for SAK-7356 } else { firstname_for_display = theuser2.getFirstName(); } lastname_for_display = theuser2.getLastName(); EmailUser emailuser2 = new EmailUser(theuser2.getId(), firstname_for_display, lastname_for_display, theuser2.getEmail()); mailusers2.add(emailuser2); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #4-1, " + e.getMessage()); } } Collections.sort(mailusers2); EmailGroup thegroup2 = new EmailGroup(emailrole, mailusers2); thegroups.add(thegroup2); } // else else if (emailrole.roletype.equals("role_groupaware") && roletypefilter.equals("role_groupaware")) { String realmid = emailrole.getRealmid(); AuthzGroup therealm = null; try { therealm = m_realmService.getAuthzGroup(realmid); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #5, " + e.getMessage()); } Set users = therealm.getUsersHasRole(emailrole.getRoleid()); List /* EmailUser */ mailusers = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator j = users.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { String userid = (String); try { User theuser = m_userDirectoryService.getUser(userid); // trying to fix SAK-7356 (Guests are not included in recipient lists) // also SAK-7539 String firstname_for_display = ""; String lastname_for_display = ""; if (theuser.getFirstName().trim().equals("")) { if (theuser.getEmail().trim().equals("") && theuser.getLastName().trim().equals("")) firstname_for_display = theuser.getDisplayId(); // fix for SAK-7539 else firstname_for_display = theuser.getEmail(); // fix for SAK-7356 } else { firstname_for_display = theuser.getFirstName(); } lastname_for_display = theuser.getLastName(); EmailUser emailuser = new EmailUser(theuser.getId(), firstname_for_display, lastname_for_display, theuser.getEmail()); mailusers.add(emailuser); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getEmailGroups() #5-1, " + e.getMessage()); } } Collections.sort(mailusers); EmailGroup thegroup = new EmailGroup(emailrole, mailusers); thegroups.add(thegroup); } // else } return thegroups; } /* * Get the current user */ public EmailUser getCurrentUser() { EmailUser euser = null; User curU = null; try { curU = m_userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); euser = new EmailUser(curU.getId(), curU.getDisplayName(), curU.getEmail()); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.getCurrentUser(), " + e.getMessage()); } return euser; } protected boolean appendToArchive(String channelRef, String sender, String subject, String body) { MailArchiveChannel channel = null; try { channel = MailArchiveService.getMailArchiveChannel(channelRef); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.appendToArchive() #1, " + e.getMessage()); return false; } if (channel == null) { log.debug("Mailtool: The channel: " + channelRef + " is null."); return false; } List mailHeaders = new Vector(); if (isFCKeditor() || isHTMLArea()) { mailHeaders.add(MailArchiveService.HEADER_OUTER_CONTENT_TYPE + ": text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"); mailHeaders.add(MailArchiveService.HEADER_INNER_CONTENT_TYPE + ": text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"); } else { mailHeaders.add(MailArchiveService.HEADER_OUTER_CONTENT_TYPE + ": text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1"); mailHeaders.add(MailArchiveService.HEADER_INNER_CONTENT_TYPE + ": text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1"); } mailHeaders.add("Mime-Version: 1.0"); mailHeaders.add("From: " + sender); mailHeaders.add("Reply-To: " + sender); try { // This way actually sends the email too // channel.addMailArchiveMessage(subject, sender, TimeService.newTime(), mailHeaders, null, body); MailArchiveMessageEdit edit = (MailArchiveMessageEdit) channel.addMessage(); MailArchiveMessageHeaderEdit header = edit.getMailArchiveHeaderEdit(); edit.setBody(body); header.replaceAttachments(null); header.setSubject(subject); header.setFromAddress(sender); header.setDateSent(TimeService.newTime()); header.setMailHeaders(mailHeaders); channel.commitMessage(edit, NotificationService.NOTI_NONE); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.appendToArchive() #2, " + e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } public void processFileUpload(ValueChangeEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException { Attachment att = new Attachment(); int maxnumattachment = getMaxNumAttachment(); if (num_files < maxnumattachment) { try { FileItem item = (FileItem) event.getNewValue(); long fileSize = item.getSize(); filename = item.getName(); if (filename != null) { filename = FilenameUtils.getName(filename); att.setFilename(filename); } String ud = getUploadDirectory(); File dir = new File(ud); if (isNotAlreadyUploaded(filename, attachedFiles) == false && dir.isDirectory()) { File fNew = new File(getUploadDirectory(), this.getCurrentUser().getUserid() + "-" + filename); // in IE, fi.getName() returns full path, while in FF, returns only name. att.setSize((String) Long.toString(fileSize)); att.setId(num_id); num_files++; num_id++; item.write(fNew); attachedFiles.add(att); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception: Mailtool.processFileUpload(), " + e.getMessage()); // handle exception } } // end if } public void processRemoveFile() { String id = getFacesParamValue(facesContext, "id"); Attachment a = null; Attachment aForRemoval = null; Iterator iter = attachedFiles.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { a = (Attachment); if (id.equals(a.getFilename())) { aForRemoval = a; } } attachedFiles.remove(aForRemoval); num_files--; } public boolean isNotAlreadyUploaded(String s, List attachedFiles) { Attachment a = null; Iterator iter = attachedFiles.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { a = (Attachment); if (s.equals(a.getFilename())) { return true; } } return false; } public void toggle_attachClicked() { attachClicked = attachClicked ? false : true; } public List getAllAttachments() { return attachedFiles; } public static String getFacesParamValue(FacesContext fc, String name) { return (String) fc.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(name); } public void validateEmail(FacesContext context, UIComponent toValidate, Object value) throws ValidatorException { String enteredEmail = (String) value; Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.+@.+\\.[a-z]+)"); //Set the email pattern string //Match the given string with the pattern Matcher m = p.matcher(enteredEmail); //Check whether match is found boolean matchFound = m.matches(); if (!matchFound) { FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(); message.setDetail("Email not valid"); message.setSummary("Email not valid"); message.setSeverity(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR); throw new ValidatorException(message); } } public String getReplyToSelected() { return m_replyto; } public void setReplyToSelected(String r) { this.m_replyto = r; } public boolean isEmailArchiveInSite() { return EmailArchiveInSite; } public void setEmailArchiveInSite(boolean emailArchiveInSite) { EmailArchiveInSite = emailArchiveInSite; } public boolean isGroupAwareRoleviewClicked() { return groupAwareRoleviewClicked; } public void setGroupAwareRoleviewClicked(boolean groupAwareRoleviewClicked) { this.groupAwareRoleviewClicked = groupAwareRoleviewClicked; } public boolean isAllGroupAwareRoleSelected() { return allGroupAwareRoleSelected; } public void setAllGroupAwareRoleSelected(boolean allGroupAwareRoleSelected) { this.allGroupAwareRoleSelected = allGroupAwareRoleSelected; } public int getNum_groupawarerole() { return num_groupawarerole; } public void setNum_groupawarerole(int num_groupawarerole) { this.num_groupawarerole = num_groupawarerole; } public boolean isGroupAwareRoleExist() { return GroupAwareRoleExist; } public void setGroupAwareRoleExist(boolean groupAwareRoleExist) { GroupAwareRoleExist = groupAwareRoleExist; } }