Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL$ * $Id$ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2014 The Apereo Foundation. * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.sakaiproject.tool.impl; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.azeckoski.reflectutils.ConstructorUtils; import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.event.api.UsageSession; import org.sakaiproject.event.api.UsageSessionService; import org.sakaiproject.memory.api.Cache; import org.sakaiproject.memory.api.MemoryService; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.*; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Breakdownable.BreakdownableSize; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * Implements the handling of Session and other bean breakdowns and rebuilds * * Session related handling config settings (defaults shown): * session.cluster.replication=false * session.cluster.minSecsOldToStore=20 * session.cluster.minSecsBetweenStores=10 * session.cluster.minSecsAfterRebuild=30 * * NOTE that org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.RebuildBreakdownService.cache must be set to a distributed store (like terracotta) */ public class RebuildBreakdownServiceImpl implements RebuildBreakdownService { final static String SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX = "_sakai_session_"; final static String SESSION_USER_ID_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "UserId"; final static String SESSION_USER_EID_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "UserEid"; final static String SESSION_CREATION_TIME_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "CreationTime"; final static String SESSION_LAST_ACCESSED_TIME_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "LastAccessedTime"; final static String SESSION_CURRENT_TOOLSESSION_PLACEMENT_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "CurrentToolSessionPlacement"; final static String SESSION_CURRENT_USAGESESSION_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "CurrentUsegeSessionId"; final static String SESSION_TOOL_SESSIONS_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "ToolSessions"; final static String SESSION_CONTEXT_SESSIONS_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "ContextSessions"; final static String SESSION_LAST_BREAKDOWN_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "LastBreakdownTime"; final static String SESSION_LAST_REBUILD_KEY = SPECIAL_SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + "LastRebuildTime"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RebuildBreakdownServiceImpl.class); private final int minSecondsBetweenStoresDefault = 10; private final int minSecondsAfterRebuildDefault = 30; private final int smallestMinSecondsBetweenStores = 1; private final int minAgeToStoreSecondsDefault = 10; /** * sessionClassWhitelist contains a list of classnames that are known safe to serialize * and store in sessions (since they can be deserialized safely) */ private Set<String> sessionClassWhitelist; /** * a list of all attributes in sessions (MySession or MyLittleSession) that should be skipped * when doing session breakdowns or rebuilds */ private Set<String> sessionAttributeBlacklist; /** * Map that contains all the Breakdownable which were manually registered from the services */ private ConcurrentMap<String, Breakdownable> breakdownableHandlers; private MemoryService memoryService; private SessionManager sessionManager; private ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService; private UsageSessionService usageSessionService; private Cache sessionCache; // Replicated, long lived private Cache stashingCache; // NON-replicated, short lived public void init() {"INIT: session clustering=" + isSessionClusteringEnabled()); if (isSessionClusteringEnabled()) { sessionCache = memoryService.newCache("org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.RebuildBreakdownService.cache"); stashingCache = memoryService.newCache("org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.RebuildBreakdownService.stash"); sessionClassWhitelist = new HashSet<String>(4); // number should match items count below sessionClassWhitelist.add(Locale.class.getName()); sessionClassWhitelist.add("org.sakaiproject.event.api.SimpleEvent"); sessionClassWhitelist.add("org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SimpleRole"); sessionClassWhitelist.add("org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong"); sessionAttributeBlacklist = new HashSet<String>(6); // number should match items count below sessionAttributeBlacklist.add(SESSION_LAST_BREAKDOWN_KEY); sessionAttributeBlacklist.add(SESSION_LAST_REBUILD_KEY); /* from BasePreferencesService.ATTR_PREFERENCE_IS_NULL * This controls whether the session cached version of prefs is reloaded or assumed to be populated, * when it is true the processing assumes it is populated (very weird logic and dual-caching) */ sessionAttributeBlacklist.add("attr_preference_is_null"); /* from BasePreferencesService.ATTR_PREFERENCE * rebuild this manually on demand from the cache instead of storing it */ sessionAttributeBlacklist.add("attr_preference"); /** should be re-detected on rebuild of the session */ sessionAttributeBlacklist.add("is_mobile_device"); /** this is normally only set on login, we handle it specially on breakdown and rebuild */ sessionAttributeBlacklist.add(UsageSessionService.USAGE_SESSION_KEY); } /* Create a map with weak references to the values */ breakdownableHandlers = new MapMaker().weakValues().makeMap(); } @Override public boolean storeSession(Session s, HttpServletRequest request) { if (!isSessionClusteringEnabled()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Session Clustering not enabled"); return false; } if (s == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("session cannot be null"); } if (!(s instanceof MySession)) { // yes, this is kind of dumb but unless we change the class structures it is necessary throw new IllegalArgumentException("session (" + s.getId() + ") MUST be a MySession implementation"); } MySession ms = (MySession) s; if (!isSessionValid(ms)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Session (" + s.getId() + ") not valid for clustering, not a MySession"); return false; } if (request == null) { request = ms.currentRequest(); } if (!isSessionBreakdownAllowed(ms, request)) { // logging in the check method itself return false; } String sessionId = ms.getId(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("RebuildBreakdownServiceImpl.storeSession, for sessionId: [" + sessionId + "]"); Map<String, Serializable> sessionMap = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); storeSessionSpecialAttributes(ms, sessionMap); storeSessionAttributes(ms, sessionMap); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("RebuildBreakdownServiceImpl.storeSession, for sessionId: [" + sessionId + "] completed"); sessionCache.put(sessionId, sessionMap); ms.setAttribute(SESSION_LAST_BREAKDOWN_KEY, System.currentTimeMillis()); return true; } @Override public boolean rebuildSession(Session s) { if (!isSessionClusteringEnabled()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Session Clustering not enabled"); return false; } if (s == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("session cannot be null"); } if (!(s instanceof MySession)) { // yes, this is kind of dumb but unless we change the class structures it is necessary throw new IllegalArgumentException("session (" + s.getId() + ") MUST be a MySession implementation"); } MySession ms = (MySession) s; if (!ms.isValid() || ms.isInactive()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("session cannot be invalid (valid=" + ms.isValid() + ") or inactive (inactive=" + ms.isInactive() + ")"); } boolean rebuilt; String sessionId = ms.getId(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Serializable> sessionMap = (Map<String, Serializable>) sessionCache.get(sessionId); if (sessionMap == null || sessionMap.isEmpty()) { // no data available to rebuild this session if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("rebuildSession, sessionId: [" + sessionId + "] data not found in store, cannot rebuild"); rebuilt = false; } else { // REBUILD the session if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("rebuildSession, sessionId: [" + sessionId + "] from map(" + sessionMap.size() + ")"); processMySessionMap(ms, sessionMap); // now that the session is fully rebuilt we need to make sure we reactivate it and make it current ms.setActive(); sessionManager.setCurrentSession(ms); // this has to be set for some of the stuff below to work // SPECIAL cases related to the rebuild // Repopulate the current ToolSession if (sessionMap.containsKey(SESSION_CURRENT_TOOLSESSION_PLACEMENT_KEY)) { String currentToolSessionPlacementId = (String) sessionMap .get(SESSION_CURRENT_TOOLSESSION_PLACEMENT_KEY); if (currentToolSessionPlacementId != null) { ToolSession ts = ms.getToolSession(currentToolSessionPlacementId); if (ts != null) { sessionManager.setCurrentToolSession(ts); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "rebuildSession, sessionId: [" + sessionId + "], updated current tool session(" + ts.getId() + ") for placement: " + currentToolSessionPlacementId); } } } // Repopulate the current UsageSession and reassign to this server if (sessionMap.containsKey(SESSION_CURRENT_USAGESESSION_KEY)) { String currentUsageSessionId = (String) sessionMap.get(SESSION_CURRENT_USAGESESSION_KEY); UsageSession us = usageSessionService.getSession(currentUsageSessionId); if (us == null) { // likely have to create a new one, warn and then attempt it (maybe should have failed here instead) // TODO UsageSession startSession(String userId, String remoteAddress, String userAgent) if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("rebuildSession, sessionId: [" + sessionId + "], made new usage session: " + currentUsageSessionId); } // NOTE that this usageSession will be realigned to the current server (as needed) by code in the RequestFilter ms.setAttribute(UsageSessionService.USAGE_SESSION_KEY, us); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("rebuildSession, sessionId: [" + sessionId + "], reloaded usage session: " + currentUsageSessionId); } ms.setAttribute(SESSION_LAST_REBUILD_KEY, System.currentTimeMillis()); rebuilt = true; }"RBS rebuildSession, sessionId: [" + sessionId + "] complete, rebuilt: " + rebuilt); return rebuilt; } @Override public boolean isSessionHandlingEnabled() { return isSessionClusteringEnabled(); } @Override public void purgeSessionFromStorageById(String sessionId) { if (this.sessionCache != null) { this.sessionCache.remove(sessionId); } } @Override public StoreableBreakdown retrieveCallbackSessionData(String attributeKey, String sessionId) { if (attributeKey == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("attributeKey must be set"); } if (sessionId == null) { try { sessionId = sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession().getId(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("no current tool session found: " + e, e); } } String storedKey = StoreableBreakdown.makeStashKey(sessionId, attributeKey); StoreableBreakdown data = (StoreableBreakdown) this.stashingCache.get(storedKey); if (data != null) { // clears the cache after retrieving the data if successful this.stashingCache.remove(storedKey); } return data; } // SUPPORT METHODS @Override public void registerBreakdownHandler(Breakdownable<?> handler) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("registering a BreakdownableHandler"); if (handler == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("handler cannot be null"); } try { String handlerName = handler.defineHandledClass().getName(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("handler: [" + handlerName + "]"); handler.defineClassLoader(); // just call to make sure it is not going to die breakdownableHandlers.putIfAbsent(handlerName, handler); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("breakdownableHandlers now has [" + breakdownableHandlers.size() + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Failure in the handler that was attempting to be registered: " + handler + " :: " + e, e); } } @Override public void unregisterBreakdownHandler(String fullClassName) { if (fullClassName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fullClassName cannot be null"); } breakdownableHandlers.remove(fullClassName); } @Override public StoreableBreakdown breakdownObject(Object breakdownable, BreakdownableSize size) { if (breakdownable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("breakdownable cannot be null"); } if (size == null) { size = BreakdownableSize.TINY; // default to the smallest one } String className = breakdownable.getClass().getName(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Breakdownable<Object> handler = breakdownableHandlers.get(className); if (handler == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No Breakdownable handler found for object class: " + className); } StoreableBreakdown sb; try { Serializable data = handler.makeBreakdown(breakdownable, size); sb = new StoreableBreakdown(className, size, data); } catch (Exception e) { sb = null; log.warn("Failure attempting to breakdown object (to size=" + size + "): " + breakdownable + " :: " + e, e); } return sb; } @Override public Object rebuildObject(String className, BreakdownableSize size, Serializable data) { if (className == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rebuildObject className cannot be null"); } if (data == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rebuildObject data cannot be null"); } if (size == null) { size = BreakdownableSize.TINY; // Default } ClassLoader currentCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // likely the kernel CL (shared) Object rebuilt = null; try { Breakdownable<?> handler = breakdownableHandlers.get(className); if (handler != null) { // only rebuild if we have a handler ClassLoader objectCL; try { objectCL = handler.defineClassLoader(); } catch (Exception e) { objectCL = null; log.warn("Failure in defineClassLoader: " + e); } if (objectCL == null) { objectCL = handler.getClass().getClassLoader(); } Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(objectCL); rebuilt = handler.doRebuild(data, size); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failure (" + e.getMessage() + ") attempting to rebuild object: class=" + className + ", size:" + size + ", data: " + data + " :: " + e, e); } finally { // reset back to the current CL Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentCL); } return rebuilt; } /** * storeSessionSpecialAttributes() adds session attributes that need to be stored in the * cluster in the sessionMap. These are attributes that are not part of session.getAttributes(). * For example, it includes the sessions User EID and User ID, as well as data about the session's * ToolSessions and ContextSessions if the session is of type MySession. * @param s session that will have special attributes stored * @param sessionMap the Map that will contain the attributes that will eventually stored in the cluster */ private void storeSessionSpecialAttributes(MySession s, Map<String, Serializable> sessionMap) { // special case ids from the session sessionMap.put(SESSION_USER_ID_KEY, s.getUserId()); sessionMap.put(SESSION_USER_EID_KEY, s.getUserEid()); sessionMap.put(SESSION_CREATION_TIME_KEY, s.getCreationTime()); sessionMap.put(SESSION_LAST_ACCESSED_TIME_KEY, s.getLastAccessedTime()); // special cases related to the session ToolSession ts = sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); if (ts != null) { sessionMap.put(SESSION_CURRENT_TOOLSESSION_PLACEMENT_KEY, ts.getPlacementId()); } UsageSession us = usageSessionService.getSession(); if (us != null) { sessionMap.put(SESSION_CURRENT_USAGESESSION_KEY, us.getId()); } // sub-sessions Map<String, MyLittleSession> toolSessions = s.m_toolSessions; if (toolSessions != null && toolSessions.size() > 0) { Map<String, Map<String, Serializable>> toolSessionMaps = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Serializable>>(); for (Entry<String, MyLittleSession> entry : toolSessions.entrySet()) { String toolSessionId = entry.getKey(); MyLittleSession toolSession = entry.getValue(); if (!storeSubSession(toolSession)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("store toolSessions skipping subSession: " + toolSession); continue; } Map<String, Serializable> toolSessionMap = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); storeSessionAttributes(toolSession, toolSessionMap); if (toolSessionMap.isEmpty()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "store toolSessions skipping subSession (no attributes included): " + toolSession); continue; } toolSessionMap.put(SESSION_CREATION_TIME_KEY, toolSession.getCreationTime()); toolSessionMap.put(SESSION_LAST_ACCESSED_TIME_KEY, toolSession.getLastAccessedTime()); toolSessionMaps.put(toolSessionId, toolSessionMap); } sessionMap.put(SESSION_TOOL_SESSIONS_KEY, (Serializable) toolSessionMaps); } Map<String, MyLittleSession> contextSessions = s.m_contextSessions; if (contextSessions != null && contextSessions.size() > 0) { Map<String, Map<String, Serializable>> contextSessionMaps = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Serializable>>(); for (Entry<String, MyLittleSession> entry : contextSessions.entrySet()) { String contextSessionId = entry.getKey(); MyLittleSession contextSession = entry.getValue(); if (!storeSubSession(contextSession)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("store contextSessions skipping subSession: " + contextSession); continue; } Map<String, Serializable> contextSessionMap = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); storeSessionAttributes(contextSession, contextSessionMap); if (contextSessionMap.isEmpty()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("store contextSessions skipping subSession (no attributes included): " + contextSession); continue; } contextSessionMap.put(SESSION_CREATION_TIME_KEY, contextSession.getCreationTime()); contextSessionMap.put(SESSION_LAST_ACCESSED_TIME_KEY, contextSession.getLastAccessedTime()); contextSessionMaps.put(contextSessionId, contextSessionMap); } sessionMap.put(SESSION_CONTEXT_SESSIONS_KEY, (Serializable) contextSessionMaps); } } /** * Checks if a subSession should be processed and stored in the distributed store * * @param subSession the sub session which we are checking to see if it should be stored * @return true if the session should be stored OR false if it should be skipped */ private boolean storeSubSession(MyLittleSession subSession) { if (subSession == null) { return false; } if (MyLittleSession.TYPE_TOOL.equals(subSession.getSessionType())) { if (subSession.getSessionToolId() == null) { // don't store tool sessions if they have no toolId return false; } else if (StringUtils.contains(subSession.getSessionToolId(), "synoptic")) { // don't store tool sessions for synoptic tools return false; } } if (subSession.getContextId() != null && subSession.getContextId().equals(serverConfigurationService.getGatewaySiteId())) { // do not store context sessions if they are related to the gateway site return false; } if (!subSession.getAttributeNames().hasMoreElements()) { // don't store empty sessions return false; } return true; } /** * storeSessionAttributes() puts all of the attributes that are available from session.getAttribute() * into the sessionMap which will be stored in the cluster * @param s Session that is being stored * @param sessionMap the Map that will contain the attributes that will eventually stored in the cluster */ private void storeSessionAttributes(HttpSession s, Map<String, Serializable> sessionMap) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<String> keys = s.getAttributeNames(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = keys.nextElement(); if (sessionAttributeBlacklist.contains(key)) { // skip processing on this key continue; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("attempting to store session attribute key [" + key + "] in cache"); Object object = s.getAttribute(key); Serializable toStore = serializeSessionAttribute(object); // now store it if we were successful if (toStore != null) { sessionMap.put(key, toStore); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("RebuildBreakdownServiceImpl.storeSession, putting key [" + key + "], class: [" + object.getClass().getName() + "], value: [" + object + "]"); } } } /** * serializeSessionAttribute() takes an object and returns a Serialized version of it, if * the object can be serialized. Objects of type StoreableBreakdown are serialized here, * as well as objects that are either primitives or are part of a known list of classes * that can be serialized * @param object Object to be serialized * @return a Serialized version of the Object, or null if the object cannot be serialized */ private Serializable serializeSessionAttribute(Object object) { // Convert object into something that can be stored Serializable toStore; if (object == null) { toStore = null; } else { try { @SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryLocalVariable") StoreableBreakdown sb = breakdownObject(object, BreakdownableSize.TINY); toStore = sb; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // no handler for this type of object if (isObjectSimple(object)) { toStore = (Serializable) object; } else if (sessionClassWhitelist.contains(object.getClass().getName())) { toStore = (Serializable) object; } else { // do not store, maybe log trace or debug message toStore = null; } } } return toStore; } /** * iterates through all of the items in the sessionMap and * sets the relevant properties of the session. Some session attributes will be * set directly (via session.setAttribute()). Others will require special handling, * such as ToolSessions contained within a Session, or session properties, such as User ID * or User EID. * @param s MySession that will be updated * @param sessionMap the map of attributes that will be applied to the session. */ private void processMySessionMap(MySession s, Map<String, Serializable> sessionMap) { if (sessionMap != null && !sessionMap.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<String, Serializable> entry : sessionMap.entrySet()) { if (!handleMySessionSpecialKey(s, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())) { handleSessionStandardKey(s, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } } /** * iterates through all of the items in the sessionMap and * sets the relevant properties of the session. Some session attributes will be * set directly (via session.setAttribute()). Others will require special handling, * such as ToolSessions contained within a Session, or session properties, such as User ID * or User EID. * @param s ToolSession or ContextSession that will be updated * @param sessionMap the map of attributes that will be applied to the session. */ private void processMLSessionMap(MyLittleSession s, Map<String, Serializable> sessionMap) { if (sessionMap != null && !sessionMap.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<String, Serializable> entry : sessionMap.entrySet()) { if (!handleMLSessionSpecialKey(s, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())) { handleSessionStandardKey(s, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } } /** * performs any special processing for keys found in the session cache. These keys could * be attributes of the session itself, or objects like ToolSessions or ContextSessions * @param s Session being processed * @param key name of the object stored in the session cache * @param object the object that must be handled separately * @return true if the key was specially processed, false if key uses default processing */ private boolean handleMySessionSpecialKey(MySession s, String key, Serializable object) { if (object != null) { if (SESSION_USER_ID_KEY.equals(key)) { s.setUserId((String) object); return true; } else if (SESSION_USER_EID_KEY.equals(key)) { s.setUserEid((String) object); return true; } else if (SESSION_CREATION_TIME_KEY.equals(key)) { if (object instanceof Long) { s.m_created = (Long) object; } } else if (SESSION_LAST_ACCESSED_TIME_KEY.equals(key)) { if (object instanceof Long) { s.m_accessed = (Long) object; } } else if (SESSION_TOOL_SESSIONS_KEY.equals(key)) { if (isObjectMap(object)) { //noinspection unchecked rebuildToolSessions(s, (Map<String, Serializable>) object); } return true; } else if (SESSION_CONTEXT_SESSIONS_KEY.equals(key)) { if (isObjectMap(object)) { //noinspection unchecked rebuildContextSessions(s, (Map<String, Serializable>) object); } return true; } else if (SESSION_CURRENT_TOOLSESSION_PLACEMENT_KEY.equals(key)) { // ORDER is critical for this key so we actually skip it here and then process it later in the rebuild return true; } else if (sessionAttributeBlacklist.contains(key)) { // skip this key entirely return true; } } return false; } /** * performs any special processing for keys found in the session cache. These keys could * be attributes of the session itself, or objects like ToolSessions or ContextSessions * @param s Session being processed * @param key name of the object stored in the session cache * @param object the object that must be handled separately * @return true if the key was specially processed, false if key uses default processing */ private boolean handleMLSessionSpecialKey(MyLittleSession s, String key, Serializable object) { if (object != null) { if (SESSION_CREATION_TIME_KEY.equals(key)) { if (object instanceof Long) { s.m_created = (Long) object; } return true; } else if (SESSION_LAST_ACCESSED_TIME_KEY.equals(key)) { if (object instanceof Long) { s.m_accessed = (Long) object; } return true; } else if (sessionAttributeBlacklist.contains(key)) { // skip this key entirely return true; } } return false; } /** * handleSessionStandardKey() set's the session attribute for the given key and object. * The object will be reconstructed if it is of type StoreableBreakdown; otherwise, it * is stored as the attributes value directly * @param s the Session that will contain the attribute * @param key the key for the attribute * @param object the value of the attribute, which will be reconstituted if of type StoreableBreakdown */ private void handleSessionStandardKey(HttpSession s, String key, Serializable object) { if (s != null && key != null) { String className = object.getClass().getName(); if (object instanceof StoreableBreakdown) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("rebuilding StoreableBreakdown, key: [" + key + "], className: [" + className + "]"); StoreableBreakdown storedBreakdown = (StoreableBreakdown) object; Breakdownable<?> handler = breakdownableHandlers.get(storedBreakdown.getClassName()); if (handler != null && handler instanceof BreakdownRebuildCallback) { // Skip the rebuilding and only call the stashing function boolean stashed = ((BreakdownRebuildCallback) handler).makeStash(storedBreakdown, key, s); if (!stashed) { String stashKey = storedBreakdown.makeStash(s.getId(), key); stashingCache.put(stashKey, storedBreakdown); } } else { Object thing = this.rebuildObject(storedBreakdown.getClassName(), storedBreakdown.getSize(), storedBreakdown.getData()); s.setAttribute(key, thing); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("rebuilding Serializable, key: [" + key + "], className: [" + className + "], value: [" + object + "]"); } s.setAttribute(key, object); } } } /** * rebuildToolSessions() expects to find a Map of Maps. The outer map contains * the ToolSession ID's, and for each ToolSessionId, the inner map contains the * attributes of that tool session * @param mySession a Session that can be resolved to a MySession, giving access to the ToolSession property * @param toolSessionMap a Serialized map of maps. The outer map containing the ToolSession ID, and the inner * map containing the details of the ToolSession */ private void rebuildToolSessions(MySession mySession, Map<String, Serializable> toolSessionMap) { for (Entry<String, Serializable> entry : toolSessionMap.entrySet()) { String toolSessionKey = entry.getKey(); // if a tool session doesn't exist for this key, a new one will be created automatically MyLittleSession toolSession = (MyLittleSession) mySession.getToolSession(toolSessionKey); Serializable serializable = entry.getValue(); if (!(serializable instanceof Map)) { log.warn("inner object for toolSession [" + toolSessionKey + "] should be [Map], found [" + serializable.getClass().getName() + "]"); continue; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Serializable> toolAttributes = (Map<String, Serializable>) serializable; processMLSessionMap(toolSession, toolAttributes); } } /** * rebuildContextSessions() expects to find a Map of Maps. The outer map contains * the ContextSession ID's, and for each ContextSessionId, the inner map contains the * attributes of that context session * @param mySession a Session that can be resolved to a MySession, giving access to the ToolSession property * @param contextSessionMap a Serialized map of maps. The outer map containing the ContextSession ID, and the inner * map containing the details of the ContextSession */ private void rebuildContextSessions(MySession mySession, Map<String, Serializable> contextSessionMap) { for (Entry<String, Serializable> entry : contextSessionMap.entrySet()) { String contextSessionKey = entry.getKey(); MyLittleSession contextSession = (MyLittleSession) mySession.getContextSession(contextSessionKey); Serializable serializable = entry.getValue(); if (!(serializable instanceof Map)) { log.warn("inner object for contextSession [" + contextSessionKey + "] should be [Map], found [" + serializable.getClass().getName() + "]"); continue; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Serializable> contextAttributes = (Map<String, Serializable>) serializable; processMLSessionMap(contextSession, contextAttributes); } } /** * We only want to breakdown a session as needed. Sakai will typically have 4+ requests per user click. * It also has pings which happen routinely to keep the session alive and update things in the portal. * If we actually have a likely chance of updates or there has been enough time then we will do the breakdown * and store it in the distributed cache. Otherwise we will skip it. * NOTE: this will be tricky to get right and could dramatically affect load and performance * * @param ms the MySession to check * @param req [OPTIONAL] the current request * @return true if the session should be processed now, false if processing should be skipped until later */ private boolean isSessionBreakdownAllowed(MySession ms, HttpServletRequest req) { boolean allowed = false; boolean done = false; int minSecondsBetweenStores = minSecondsBetweenStoresDefault; // DEFAULT int minSecsOldToStore = minAgeToStoreSecondsDefault; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // don't store invalidated or inactive or empty sessions if (ms == null || !ms.isValid() || ms.isInactive()) { allowed = false; done = true; } if (!done) { // first check for freshly created sessions, we don't store them until they are at least X seconds old (avoid server thrashing) if (serverConfigurationService != null) { // only try if we have a SCS AND the min has not been forced to the smallest value as an override minSecsOldToStore = serverConfigurationService.getInt("session.cluster.minSecsOldToStore", minAgeToStoreSecondsDefault); } long minMSOldToStore = minSecsOldToStore * 1000l; long sessionCreationMS = ms.getCreationTime(); long sessionMSOld = now - sessionCreationMS; if (sessionMSOld > minMSOldToStore) { allowed = true; } else { allowed = false; done = true; } } if (req != null && !done) { // requests through access or direct should not result in storing the session ever String contextPath = req.getContextPath(); if (StringUtils.startsWith(contextPath, "/direct") || StringUtils.startsWith(contextPath, "/xlogin") || StringUtils.startsWith(contextPath, "/access")) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("isSessionBreakdownAllowed(" + ms.getId() + "): found direct or access: " + contextPath); allowed = false; done = true; } //noinspection ConstantConditions if (!done && !allowed) { // we will assume that POSTs changed something and therefore should be allowed to always update the session String method = req.getMethod().toUpperCase(); if ("POST".equals(method)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("isSessionBreakdownAllowed(" + ms.getId() + "): found POST: " + req.getRequestURI()); minSecondsBetweenStores = smallestMinSecondsBetweenStores; // reset to the shortest reasonable minimum allowed = true; } } } if (!done) { // recently rebuilt sessions should not be stored for at least 30 seconds, check timing for all cases Long lastRebuild = (Long) ms.getAttribute(SESSION_LAST_REBUILD_KEY); if (lastRebuild != null) { int minSecondsAfterRebuild = minSecondsAfterRebuildDefault; if (serverConfigurationService != null) { // only try if we have a SCS minSecondsAfterRebuild = serverConfigurationService .getInt("session.cluster.minSecsAfterRebuild", minSecondsAfterRebuildDefault); if (minSecondsAfterRebuild < 1) { minSecondsAfterRebuild = minSecondsAfterRebuildDefault; } } long minMSAfterRebuild = minSecondsAfterRebuild * 1000l; long msSinceLastRebuild = (now - lastRebuild); if (msSinceLastRebuild > minMSAfterRebuild) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("isSessionBreakdownAllowed(" + ms.getId() + "): rebuild min (" + minSecondsAfterRebuild + " s) passed: " + msSinceLastRebuild + " > " + minMSAfterRebuild); allowed = true; } } } if (!done) { // session breakdown should not happen if it happened recently, check the timing in ALL cases Long lastBreakdown = (Long) ms.getAttribute(SESSION_LAST_BREAKDOWN_KEY); if (lastBreakdown != null) { //noinspection ConstantConditions if (serverConfigurationService != null && minSecondsBetweenStores != smallestMinSecondsBetweenStores) { // only try if we have a SCS AND the min has not been forced to the smallest value as an override minSecondsBetweenStores = serverConfigurationService .getInt("session.cluster.minSecsBetweenStores", minSecondsBetweenStoresDefault); if (minSecondsBetweenStores < smallestMinSecondsBetweenStores) { minSecondsBetweenStores = smallestMinSecondsBetweenStores; } } long minMSBetweenStores = minSecondsBetweenStores * 1000l; long msSinceLastBreakdown = (now - lastBreakdown); if (msSinceLastBreakdown > minMSBetweenStores) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("isSessionBreakdownAllowed(" + ms.getId() + "): store min (" + minSecondsBetweenStores + " s) passed: " + msSinceLastBreakdown + " > " + minMSBetweenStores); allowed = true; } } else { // not stored before so store it if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("isSessionBreakdownAllowed(" + ms.getId() + "): not stored before"); allowed = true; } } return allowed; } /** * @return true if the session clustering is enabled */ private boolean isSessionClusteringEnabled() { boolean enabled = false; if (serverConfigurationService != null) { enabled = serverConfigurationService.getBoolean("session.cluster.replication", false); } return enabled; } /** * isSessionValid() checks the properties of the session * @param mySession a Session * @return true if the session is valid or false otherwise */ private boolean isSessionValid(MySession mySession) { if (mySession == null) { return false; } if (!mySession.isValid()) { return false; } if (mySession.isInactive()) { return false; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(mySession.getUserEid())) { return false; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(mySession.getUserId())) { return false; } return true; } /** * Determine if an object is a primitive type * @param object any object * @return true if the object is a String or primitive class type */ private boolean isObjectSimple(Object object) { boolean primitive = false; if (object != null) { Class clazz = object.getClass(); primitive = clazz.isPrimitive() || ConstructorUtils.isClassSimple(clazz); } return primitive; } /** * Determine if an object is a map * @param object any object * @return true if the object is a map */ private boolean isObjectMap(Object object) { boolean map = false; if (object != null) { Class clazz = object.getClass(); map = ConstructorUtils.isClassMap(clazz); } return map; } // SPRING SETTERS public void setMemoryService(MemoryService memoryService) { this.memoryService = memoryService; } public void setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService) { this.serverConfigurationService = serverConfigurationService; } public void setSessionManager(SessionManager sessionManager) { this.sessionManager = sessionManager; } public void setUsageSessionService(UsageSessionService usageSessionService) { this.usageSessionService = usageSessionService; } }