Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Educational * Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.signup.tool.jsf; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SakaiFacade; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SignupCalendarHelper; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SignupMeetingService; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SignupMessageTypes; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SignupUserActionException; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.MeetingTypes; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupAttachment; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupAttendee; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupMeeting; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupTimeslot; import org.sakaiproject.signup.tool.jsf.attachment.AttachmentHandler; import org.sakaiproject.signup.tool.util.SignupBeanConstants; import org.sakaiproject.signup.tool.util.Utilities; import org.sakaiproject.time.api.Time; import org.sakaiproject.time.api.TimeService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; /** * <p> * This is a abstract base class for JSF Signup tool UIBean. It provides some * must-have or common used methods such as getMeetingWrapper(), sakakFacade * etc. * </P> */ abstract public class SignupUIBaseBean implements SignupBeanConstants, SignupMessageTypes, MeetingTypes { protected SakaiFacade sakaiFacade; protected SignupMeetingService signupMeetingService; @Getter @Setter protected SignupCalendarHelper calendarHelper; private AttachmentHandler attachmentHandler; protected SignupMeetingWrapper meetingWrapper; protected List<TimeslotWrapper> timeslotWrappers; protected TimeslotWrapper timeslotWrapper; protected boolean currentUserSignedup; protected static boolean DEFAULT_SEND_EMAIL = "true".equalsIgnoreCase( Utilities.getSignupConfigParamVal("", "true")) ? true : false; protected static boolean DEFAULT_EXPORT_TO_CALENDAR_TOOL = "true".equalsIgnoreCase( Utilities.getSignupConfigParamVal("", "true")) ? true : false; protected boolean publishToCalendar = DEFAULT_EXPORT_TO_CALENDAR_TOOL; protected boolean sendEmail = DEFAULT_SEND_EMAIL; protected Log logger = LogFactoryImpl.getLog(getClass()); protected Boolean publishedSite; //protected boolean sendEmailAttendeeOnly = false; protected String sendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly = SEND_EMAIL_ALL_PARTICIPANTS; private int maxSlots; private int maxAttendeesPerSlot; protected String customLocation; protected String customCategory; protected static final String ICS_MIME_TYPE = "text/calendar"; /** * This method will get the most updated event/meeting data and handle all * the wrapping process for UI. Due to effeciency, the data is only * guarantied fresh at a 10 minutes interval (defined by * <b>dataRefreshInterval</b> value). * * @return a SignupMeetingWrapper object. */ public SignupMeetingWrapper getMeetingWrapper() { if (meetingWrapper != null && meetingWrapper.isRefresh()) { try { SignupMeeting meeting = signupMeetingService.loadSignupMeeting(meetingWrapper.getMeeting().getId(), sakaiFacade.getCurrentUserId(), sakaiFacade.getCurrentLocationId()); meetingWrapper.setMeeting(meeting); updateTimeSlotWrappers(meetingWrapper); } catch (Exception e) { Utilities.addErrorMessage(Utilities.rb.getString("db.error_or_event.notExisted")); logger.error(Utilities.rb.getString("db.error_or_event.notExisted") + " - " + e.getMessage()); } } return meetingWrapper; } /** process new data into Timeslot wrapper for UI purpose */ protected void updateTimeSlotWrappers(SignupMeetingWrapper meetingWrapper) { SignupMeeting meeting = this.meetingWrapper.getMeeting(); if (meeting == null) return; List timeslots = meeting.getSignupTimeSlots(); if (timeslots == null) return; List<TimeslotWrapper> timeslotWrapperList = new ArrayList<TimeslotWrapper>(); setCurrentUserSignedup(false);// reset and make sure to capture new // changes int i = 0; int totalSignedupSlots = 0; for (Iterator iter = timeslots.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { SignupTimeslot elm = (SignupTimeslot); TimeslotWrapper tsw = new TimeslotWrapper(elm, sakaiFacade.getCurrentUserId()); List<AttendeeWrapper> attendeeWrp = new ArrayList<AttendeeWrapper>(); int posIndex = 0; //clean the list List<SignupAttendee> cleanedList = getValidAttendees(elm.getAttendees()); for (SignupAttendee attendee : cleanedList) { AttendeeWrapper attWrp = new AttendeeWrapper(attendee, sakaiFacade.getUserDisplayLastFirstName(attendee.getAttendeeUserId())); attWrp.setPositionIndex(posIndex++); attendeeWrp.add(attWrp); /* current user is already signed up in one of the timeslot */ if (attendee.getAttendeeUserId().equals(sakaiFacade.getCurrentUserId())) //setCurrentUserSignedup(true); totalSignedupSlots++; } //sorting by displayname //JIRA: Signup-204 posIndex = 0; Collections.sort(attendeeWrp); for (AttendeeWrapper attWrp : attendeeWrp) { attWrp.setPositionIndex(posIndex++); } tsw.setAttendeeWrappers(attendeeWrp); tsw.setWaitingList(wrapWaiters(elm.getWaitingList())); tsw.setPositionInTSlist(i++); timeslotWrapperList.add(tsw); } int preferredSlot = meeting.getMaxNumOfSlots(); if (totalSignedupSlots >= preferredSlot) { setCurrentUserSignedup(true); } setTimeslotWrappers(timeslotWrapperList); } /** process the new data into Meeting wrapper for UI purpose */ protected String updateMeetingwrapper(SignupMeeting meeting, String destinationUrl) { /* if null,reload due to exception */ try { if (meeting == null) meeting = signupMeetingService.loadSignupMeeting(this.meetingWrapper.getMeeting().getId(), sakaiFacade.getCurrentUserId(), sakaiFacade.getCurrentLocationId()); getMeetingWrapper().setMeeting(meeting); getMeetingWrapper().resetAvailableStatus();// re-process avail. // status updateTimeSlotWrappers(getMeetingWrapper()); return destinationUrl; } catch (Exception e) { Utilities.addErrorMessage(Utilities.rb.getString("db.error_or_event.notExisted")); logger.warn(Utilities.rb.getString("db.error_or_event.notExisted") + " - " + e.getMessage()); Utilities.resetMeetingList(); return MAIN_EVENTS_LIST_PAGE_URL; } } protected void updateSignupAttachmentWrapper(SignupMeeting meeting) { } /** * setup the event/meeting's signup begin and deadline time and validate it * too */ protected void setSignupBeginDeadlineData(SignupMeeting meeting, int signupBegin, String signupBeginType, int signupDeadline, String signupDeadlineType) throws Exception { Date sBegin = Utilities.subTractTimeToDate(meeting.getStartTime(), signupBegin, signupBeginType); Date sDeadline = Utilities.subTractTimeToDate(meeting.getEndTime(), signupDeadline, signupDeadlineType); if (!START_NOW.equals(signupBeginType) && sBegin.before(new Date())) { // a warning for user Utilities.addErrorMessage( Utilities.rb.getString("")); } meeting.setSignupBegins(sBegin); if (sBegin.after(sDeadline)) throw new SignupUserActionException(Utilities.rb.getString("")); meeting.setSignupDeadline(sDeadline); } public boolean isMeetingOverRepeatPeriod(Date startTime, Date endTime, int repeatPeriodInDays) { long duration = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); if (24 * repeatPeriodInDays - duration / (MINUTE_IN_MILLISEC * Hour_In_MINUTES) >= 0) return false; return true; } /** convert SignupAttendee to AttendeeWrapper object */ /*private List<AttendeeWrapper> wrapAttendees(List<SignupAttendee> attendees) { List<AttendeeWrapper> attendeeWrp = new ArrayList<AttendeeWrapper>(); int posIndex = 0; //clean the list List<SignupAttendee> cleanedList = getValidAttendees(attendees); for (SignupAttendee attendee : cleanedList) { AttendeeWrapper attWrp = new AttendeeWrapper(attendee, sakaiFacade.getUserDisplayName(attendee.getAttendeeUserId())); attWrp.setPositionIndex(posIndex++); attendeeWrp.add(attWrp); // current user is already signed up in one of the timeslot if (attendee.getAttendeeUserId().equals(sakaiFacade.getCurrentUserId())) { setCurrentUserSignedup(true); } } return attendeeWrp; }*/ /** convert SignupAttendee to AttendeeWrapper object */ private List<AttendeeWrapper> wrapWaiters(List<SignupAttendee> attendees) { List<AttendeeWrapper> attendeeWrp = new ArrayList<AttendeeWrapper>(); for (SignupAttendee attendee : attendees) { attendeeWrp.add(new AttendeeWrapper(attendee, sakaiFacade.getUserDisplayLastFirstName(attendee.getAttendeeUserId()))); } return attendeeWrp; } /** * This is a setter. * * @param meetingWrapper * a SignupMeetingWrapper object. */ public void setMeetingWrapper(SignupMeetingWrapper meetingWrapper) { this.meetingWrapper = meetingWrapper; } /** * Get a SakaiFacade object. * * @return a SakaiFacade object. */ public SakaiFacade getSakaiFacade() { return sakaiFacade; } /** * @return the maxSlots */ public int getMaxSlots() { String maxSlotsStringVal = Utilities.getSignupConfigParamVal("signup.maxSlots", "500"); try { maxSlots = Integer.parseInt(maxSlotsStringVal); } catch (Exception e) { maxSlots = 500; } return maxSlots; } /** * @param maxSlots the maxSlots to set */ public void setMaxSlots(int maxSlots) { this.maxSlots = maxSlots; } /** * @return the maxAttendeesPerSlot */ public int getMaxAttendeesPerSlot() { String maxAttendeesStringVal = Utilities.getSignupConfigParamVal("signup.maxAttendeesPerSlot", "500"); try { maxAttendeesPerSlot = Integer.parseInt(maxAttendeesStringVal); } catch (Exception e) { maxAttendeesPerSlot = 500; } return maxAttendeesPerSlot; } /** * @param maxAttendeesPerSlot the maxAttendeesPerSlot to set */ public void setMaxAttendeesPerSlot(int maxAttendeesPerSlot) { this.maxAttendeesPerSlot = maxAttendeesPerSlot; } /** * This is a setter. * * @param sakaiFacade * a SakaiFacade object. */ public void setSakaiFacade(SakaiFacade sakaiFacade) { this.sakaiFacade = sakaiFacade; } /** * Get a SignupMeetingService object. * * @return a SignupMeetingService object. */ public SignupMeetingService getSignupMeetingService() { return signupMeetingService; } /** * This is a setter. * * @param signupMeetingService * a SignupMeetingService object. */ public void setSignupMeetingService(SignupMeetingService signupMeetingService) { this.signupMeetingService = signupMeetingService; } /** * This is for UI purpose to see if current user has signed up in the * event/meeting. */ public boolean isCurrentUserSignedup() { return currentUserSignedup; } /** * This is a setter. * * @param currentUserSignedup * a boolean value. */ public void setCurrentUserSignedup(boolean currentUserSignedup) { this.currentUserSignedup = currentUserSignedup; } /** * Get a list of TimeslotWrapper objects. * * @return a list of TimeslotWrapper objects. */ public List<TimeslotWrapper> getTimeslotWrappers() { return timeslotWrappers; } /** * This is a setter. * * @param timeslotWrappers * a list of TimeslotWrapper objects. */ public void setTimeslotWrappers(List<TimeslotWrapper> timeslotWrappers) { this.timeslotWrappers = timeslotWrappers; } /** * This is only for UI purpose to check if the event/meeting is an open * session style and signup is not required. */ public boolean getAnnouncementType() { boolean anoun = false; if (meetingWrapper != null && meetingWrapper.getMeeting() != null && ANNOUNCEMENT.equals(meetingWrapper.getMeeting().getMeetingType())) anoun = true; return anoun; } /** * This is only for UI purpose to check if the event/meeting is an * individual style (manay time slots) and it requires signup. */ public boolean getIndividualType() { return INDIVIDUAL.equals(meetingWrapper.getMeeting().getMeetingType()); } /** * This is only for UI purpose to check if the event/meeting is an group * style (only one time slot) and it requires signup. */ public boolean getGroupType() { return GROUP.equals(meetingWrapper.getMeeting().getMeetingType()); } /** * This is only for UI purpose to check if the event/meeting is an * individual style (manay time slots) and it requires signup. */ public boolean getCustomTsType() { return CUSTOM_TIMESLOTS.equals(meetingWrapper.getMeeting().getMeetingType()); } /** * Get a TimeslotWrapper object for UI. * * @return an TimeslotWrapper object. */ public TimeslotWrapper getTimeslotWrapper() { return timeslotWrapper; } /** * This is a setter. * * @param timeslotWrapper * a TimeslotWrapper object. */ public void setTimeslotWrapper(TimeslotWrapper timeslotWrapper) { this.timeslotWrapper = timeslotWrapper; } /** * Check if email should be sent away. This is used by organizer of an * event/meeting. * * @return true if email should be sent away. */ public boolean isSendEmail() { if (!getPublishedSite()) sendEmail = false; return sendEmail; } /** * This is a setter. * * @param sendEmail * a boolean value. */ public void setSendEmail(boolean sendEmail) { this.sendEmail = sendEmail; } /** * This is a getter method for UI. * * @return a constant string. */ public String getIndividual() { return INDIVIDUAL; } /** * This is a getter method for UI. * * @return a constant string. */ public String getGroup() { return GROUP; } /** * This is a getter method for UI. * * @return a constant string. */ public String getAnnouncement() { return ANNOUNCEMENT; } /** * This is a getter method for UI * * @return true if the site is published. */ public Boolean getPublishedSite() { if (this.publishedSite == null) { try { boolean status = sakaiFacade.getSiteService().getSite(sakaiFacade.getCurrentLocationId()) .isPublished(); this.publishedSite = new Boolean(status); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); this.publishedSite = new Boolean(false); } } return publishedSite.booleanValue(); } public void cleanUpUnusedAttachmentCopies(List<SignupAttachment> attachList) { if (attachList != null) { for (SignupAttachment attach : attachList) { getAttachmentHandler().removeAttachmentInContentHost(attach); } attachList.clear(); } } public boolean getSignupAttachmentEmpty() { return this.meetingWrapper.getEmptyEventMainAttachment(); } public AttachmentHandler getAttachmentHandler() { return attachmentHandler; } public void setAttachmentHandler(AttachmentHandler attachmentHandler) { this.attachmentHandler = attachmentHandler; } protected void markerTimeslots(List<TimeslotWrapper> TimeSlotWrpList) { int i = 0; if (TimeSlotWrpList != null) { for (TimeslotWrapper tsWrp : TimeSlotWrpList) { tsWrp.setTsMarker(i); i++; } } } public boolean isPublishToCalendar() { return publishToCalendar; } public void setPublishToCalendar(boolean publishToCalendar) { this.publishToCalendar = publishToCalendar; } /*public boolean getSendEmailAttendeeOnly() { return sendEmailAttendeeOnly; } public void setSendEmailAttendeeOnly(boolean sendEmailAttendeeOnly) { this.sendEmailAttendeeOnly = sendEmailAttendeeOnly; }*/ public String getSendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly() { return sendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly; } public void setSendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly(String sendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly) { this.sendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly = sendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly; } /** * Clean the list of attendees by checking that each user is valid * @param attendees List of attendees to be cleaned * @return the cleaned list */ public List<SignupAttendee> getValidAttendees(List<SignupAttendee> attendees) { List<SignupAttendee> cleanedList = new ArrayList<SignupAttendee>(); for (SignupAttendee attendee : attendees) { if (sakaiFacade.checkForUser(attendee.getAttendeeUserId())) { cleanedList.add(attendee); } } return cleanedList; } /** * Gets the userId for a user, given an eid or an email address. * We check if it matches the eid first, then if it matches an email address. * If nothing, return null. * * @param value the string to lookup, could be an eid or an email address * @return the userId or null if User cannot be found */ public String getUserIdForEidOrEmail(String value) { User u = sakaiFacade.getUserByEid(value); if (u == null) { u = sakaiFacade.getUserByEmail(value); } if (u != null) { return u.getId(); } return null; } /** * Get the eids assocaited with an email address, ie there may be two or more users with the same email address. * We need to be able to handle this in the UI. * * @param email * @return List<String> of eids. */ public List<String> getEidsForEmail(String email) { List<User> users = sakaiFacade.getUsersByEmail(email); List<String> eids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (User u : users) { eids.add(u.getEid()); } return eids; } // Generate a group title based on the input given public String generateGroupTitle(String meetingTitle, SignupTimeslot timeslot) { final char SEPARATOR = '-'; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(meetingTitle); sb.append(SEPARATOR); sb.append(df.format(timeslot.getStartTime())); sb.append(SEPARATOR); sb.append(df.format(timeslot.getEndTime())); return sb.toString(); } //generate a group description public String generateGroupDescription(String meetingTitle, SignupTimeslot timeslot) { return Utilities.rb.getString("group.description.default"); } //convert a list of SignupAttendees to a list of userIds public List<String> convertAttendeesToUuids(List<SignupAttendee> attendees) { List<String> uuids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SignupAttendee a : attendees) { uuids.add(a.getAttendeeUserId()); } return uuids; } //convert a list of AttendeeWrappers to a list of userIds public List<String> convertAttendeeWrappersToUuids(List<AttendeeWrapper> attendees) { List<String> uuids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AttendeeWrapper a : attendees) { uuids.add(a.getSignupAttendee().getAttendeeUserId()); } return uuids; } /** * Helper to get a formatted string of all attendee email addresses for all tineslots * so we can use them in a mailto link * @return String of all email addresses */ public String getAllAttendeesEmailAddressesFormatted() { Set<String> emails = new HashSet<String>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (TimeslotWrapper tsWrapper : timeslotWrappers) { for (AttendeeWrapper atWrapper : tsWrapper.getAttendeeWrappers()) { String email = atWrapper.getAttendeeEmail(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(email)) { emails.add(email); } } } for (String e : emails) { sb.append(e); //for compatibility with Outlook, this should be a semicolon not a comma as per the RFC. //Also tested in Thunderbird, Yahoo and GMail. sb.append(';'); } //trim off last , and return return StringUtils.removeEnd(sb.toString(), ";"); } /** * Generate and send for download an ICS file for the meeting. Contains no timeslots, just the meeting itself. * This method is in this particular bean because 1. We have access to the meeting here, and 2. it is used in more than one sub-bean. */ private UserTimeZone userTimeZone; public void downloadICSForMeeting() { String filePath; SignupMeeting meeting = meetingWrapper.getMeeting(); Date defaultEndTime = meeting.getEndTime(); Date dfaultStartTime = meeting.getStartTime(); //pass user preference time in and need to reset back since the object is cached. meeting.setEndTime(getUserTimezonePreferenceDate(defaultEndTime)); meeting.setStartTime(getUserTimezonePreferenceDate(dfaultStartTime)); try { filePath = calendarHelper.createCalendarFile( Collections.singletonList(calendarHelper.generateVEventForMeeting(meeting))); meeting.setEndTime(defaultEndTime); meeting.setStartTime(dfaultStartTime); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { meeting.setEndTime(defaultEndTime); meeting.setStartTime(dfaultStartTime); handleICSDownloadWarningToUser(); return; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filePath)) { logger.debug("filepath: " + filePath); sendDownload(filePath, ICS_MIME_TYPE); } else { logger.error("Could not generate file for download"); //TODO this could set an error and return perhaps. } } public void downloadICSForMeetingTimeSlot(TimeslotWrapper timeslotWrapper) { String filePath; SignupMeeting meeting = meetingWrapper.getMeeting(); SignupTimeslot currentTimeslot = timeslotWrapper.getTimeSlot(); Date timeslotEndTime = currentTimeslot.getEndTime(); Date timeslotStartTime = currentTimeslot.getStartTime(); Date defaultEndTime = meeting.getEndTime(); Date dfaultStartTime = meeting.getStartTime(); //pass user preference time in and need to reset back since the object is cached. meeting.setEndTime(getUserTimezonePreferenceDate(defaultEndTime)); meeting.setStartTime(getUserTimezonePreferenceDate(dfaultStartTime)); if (currentTimeslot != null) { currentTimeslot.setStartTime(getUserTimezonePreferenceDate(timeslotStartTime)); currentTimeslot.setEndTime(getUserTimezonePreferenceDate(timeslotEndTime)); } try { filePath = calendarHelper.createCalendarFile( Collections.singletonList(calendarHelper.generateVEventForTimeslot(meeting, currentTimeslot))); //reset timezone back on serverside if (currentTimeslot != null) { currentTimeslot.setStartTime(timeslotStartTime); currentTimeslot.setEndTime(timeslotEndTime); } meeting.setEndTime(defaultEndTime); meeting.setStartTime(dfaultStartTime); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { if (currentTimeslot != null) { currentTimeslot.setStartTime(timeslotStartTime); currentTimeslot.setEndTime(timeslotEndTime); } meeting.setEndTime(defaultEndTime); meeting.setStartTime(dfaultStartTime); handleICSDownloadWarningToUser(); return; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filePath)) { logger.debug("filepath: " + filePath); sendDownload(filePath, ICS_MIME_TYPE); } else { logger.error("Could not generate file for download"); //TODO this could set an error and return perhaps. } } private Date getUserTimezonePreferenceDate(Date dateBasedOnServerTimezone) { /* * Since the external-calendar-service don't honor the timezone information (in * iCal file), which is passed by Date object. Here, we just convert it manually here. * Once the external-claendar-service can do the job, this method can be removed. */ TimeService timeService = sakaiFacade.getTimeService(); TimeZone currentUserTimeZone = timeService.getLocalTimeZone(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(dateBasedOnServerTimezone); cal.setTimeZone(currentUserTimeZone); //get user Pref display hour, day, month and year int userPrefMinute = cal.get(cal.MINUTE); int userPrefHour = cal.get(cal.HOUR_OF_DAY); int userPrefDay = cal.get(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH); int userPrefMonth = cal.get(cal.MONTH); int userPreYear = cal.get(cal.YEAR); Calendar calNew = Calendar.getInstance(); calNew.setTime(dateBasedOnServerTimezone); calNew.set(cal.MINUTE, userPrefMinute); calNew.set(cal.HOUR_OF_DAY, userPrefHour); calNew.set(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH, userPrefDay); calNew.set(cal.MONTH, userPrefMonth); calNew.set(cal.YEAR, userPreYear); return calNew.getTime(); } private void handleICSDownloadWarningToUser() { logger.error("The site calendar could not be retrieved when using the Signup tool"); String warningFileName = Utilities.rb.getString("ics_file_name_for_failure_warning"); String warningMsg = Utilities.rb.getString("ics_message_for_failure_warning"); sendDownloadWarning(warningFileName, warningMsg); } /** * Send a file for download. * * @param filePath * */ protected void sendDownload(String filePath, String mimeType) { FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletOutputStream out = null; FileInputStream in = null; String filename = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(filePath, File.separator); try { HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) fc.getExternalContext().getResponse(); response.reset(); response.setHeader("Pragma", "public"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0"); response.setContentType(mimeType); response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename); in = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File(filePath)); out = response.getOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(in, out); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warn("Error generating file for download:" + ex.getMessage()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } fc.responseComplete(); } /** * Send a warning message to user about failed ICS file generation * @param fileName * @param warningMsg */ protected void sendDownloadWarning(String fileName, String warningMsg) { FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletOutputStream out = null; try { HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) fc.getExternalContext().getResponse(); response.reset(); response.setHeader("Pragma", "public"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0"); response.setContentType("text/plain"); response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName); out = response.getOutputStream(); warningMsg = warningMsg != null ? warningMsg : "Missing Scheduler tool on site"; out.print(warningMsg); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warn("Error generating file for download:" + ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing; } } fc.responseComplete(); } /** * Is ICS calendar generation enabled in the external calendaring service? * @return true/false */ public boolean isIcsEnabled() { return calendarHelper.isIcsEnabled(); } private String iframeId = ""; /** * This is a getter method which provide current Iframe id for refresh * IFrame purpose. * * @return a String */ public String getIframeId() { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequest(); String iFrameId = (String) request.getAttribute(""); return iFrameId; } public void setIframeId(String iframeId) { this.iframeId = iframeId; } public String getCustomLocation() { return customLocation; } public void setCustomLocation(String customLocation) { this.customLocation = customLocation; } public String getCustomCategory() { return customCategory; } public void setCustomCategory(String customCategory) { this.customCategory = customCategory; } }