Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Educational * Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.signup.tool.jsf.organizer.action; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SakaiFacade; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SignupEmailFacade; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SignupMeetingService; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SignupMessageTypes; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.SignupEventTrackingInfo; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.SignupEventTrackingInfoImpl; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupAttachment; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupAttendee; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupMeeting; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupTimeslot; import org.sakaiproject.signup.tool.util.SignupBeanConstants; import org.sakaiproject.signup.tool.util.Utilities; /** * <p> * This is a abstract base class, which will provide most commen members and * shared methods for children user action classes. * </P> */ public abstract class SignupAction implements SignupBeanConstants { protected final String userId; protected final String siteId; protected final SignupMeetingService signupMeetingService; protected SignupEventTrackingInfo signupEventTrackingInfo; protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); protected final boolean isOrganizer; /** * Constructor * * @param userId * an unique sakai internal user id. * @param siteId * an unique sakai site id. * @param signupMeetingService * a SignupMeetingService obect. */ public SignupAction(String userId, String siteId, SignupMeetingService signupMeetingService, boolean isOrganizer) { this.userId = userId; this.siteId = siteId; this.signupMeetingService = signupMeetingService; this.isOrganizer = isOrganizer; this.signupEventTrackingInfo = new SignupEventTrackingInfoImpl(); } /** * Remove the attendee from the waiting list in an event/meeting. * * @param meeting * a SignupMeeting object. * @param attendee * a SignupAttendee object. */ public void removeAttendeeFromWaitingList(SignupMeeting meeting, SignupAttendee attendee) { List<SignupTimeslot> signupTimeSlots = meeting.getSignupTimeSlots(); for (SignupTimeslot timeslot : signupTimeSlots) { List<SignupAttendee> waiters = timeslot.getWaitingList(); SignupAttendee waiter = timeslot.getWaiter(attendee.getAttendeeUserId()); if (waiter != null) waiters.remove(waiter); } } /** * Remove the attendee from the waiting list at a specific time slot. * * @param timeslot * a SingupTimeslot object. * @param attendee * a SignupAttendee object. */ protected void removeAttendeeFromWaitingList(SignupTimeslot timeslot, SignupAttendee attendee) { List<SignupAttendee> waiters = timeslot.getWaitingList(); SignupAttendee waiter = timeslot.getWaiter(attendee.getAttendeeUserId()); if (waiter != null) waiters.remove(waiter); } /** remove the promoted attendee from all the waiting list */ protected void promoteAttendeeFromWaitingList(SignupMeeting meeting, SignupTimeslot timeSlot) { List<SignupAttendee> attendees = timeSlot.getAttendees(); /* * if timeslot has more attendees than the max since orgranizer can add * any number of attendees -> then don't promote */ if (attendees != null && timeSlot.getMaxNoOfAttendees() <= attendees.size()) return; List<SignupAttendee> waitingList = timeSlot.getWaitingList(); if (waitingList == null || waitingList.isEmpty()) return; SignupAttendee promotedAttendee = waitingList.get(0); SignupAttendee att = new SignupAttendee(); att.setAttendeeUserId(promotedAttendee.getAttendeeUserId()); att.setComments(promotedAttendee.getComments()); // TODO: att.setCalendarEventId(promotedAttendee.getCalendarEventId()); att.setSignupSiteId(promotedAttendee.getSignupSiteId()); timeSlot.getAttendees().add(att); /** * Removing from waiting list first is important. This will prevent * infinite loop */ removeAttendeeFromWaitingList(meeting, promotedAttendee); signupEventTrackingInfo.addOrUpdateAttendeeAllocationInfo(att, timeSlot, SignupEmailFacade.SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_PROMOTE, false); removeAttendeeFromAttendeesList(meeting, timeSlot, promotedAttendee); } /** * when one attendee is removed from the Singup list, the people on waiting * list will be promoted into this spot. */ protected void removeAttendeeFromAttendeesList(SignupMeeting meeting, SignupTimeslot currentTimeslot, SignupAttendee attendee) { String attendeeUserId = attendee.getAttendeeUserId(); List<SignupTimeslot> signupTimeSlots = meeting.getSignupTimeSlots(); int maxAllowedTimeslotsPerAttn = meeting.getMaxNumOfSlots(); int currentCountForAttn = 1; for (SignupTimeslot upToDateTimeslot : signupTimeSlots) { /* prevent from removing this attendee from just promoted spot */ if (currentTimeslot.getId().equals(upToDateTimeslot.getId())) continue; List<SignupAttendee> attendees = upToDateTimeslot.getAttendees(); /*TODO we only remove attn one time (randomly by now) since it allows multiple timeslots*/ boolean foundAttendee = false; for (Iterator iter = attendees.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { SignupAttendee att = (SignupAttendee); if (attendeeUserId.equals(att.getAttendeeUserId())) { currentCountForAttn++; if (currentCountForAttn > maxAllowedTimeslotsPerAttn) { iter.remove(); signupEventTrackingInfo.addOrUpdateAttendeeAllocationInfo(att, upToDateTimeslot, SignupEmailFacade.SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_CANCEL, false); promoteAttendeeFromWaitingList(meeting, upToDateTimeslot); foundAttendee = true; break; } } } if (foundAttendee) { break; } } } /** * Get the SignupEventTrackingInfo object. * * @return a SignupEventTrackingInfo object. */ public SignupEventTrackingInfo getSignupEventTrackingInfo() { return signupEventTrackingInfo; } /** * This is a setter method. * * @param signupEventTrackingInfo * a SignupEventTrackingInfo object. */ public void setSignupEventTrackingInfo(SignupEventTrackingInfo signupEventTrackingInfo) { this.signupEventTrackingInfo = signupEventTrackingInfo; } public List<SignupAttachment> getAttendeeAttachments(List<SignupAttachment> sAttachList) { return getCorrespondingAttachment(sAttachList, false); } public List<SignupAttachment> getEventMainAttachments(List<SignupAttachment> sAttachList) { return getCorrespondingAttachment(sAttachList, true); } private List<SignupAttachment> getCorrespondingAttachment(List<SignupAttachment> sAttachList, boolean isMainEventAttachs) { List<SignupAttachment> tmp = new ArrayList<SignupAttachment>(); if (sAttachList != null) { for (SignupAttachment attach : sAttachList) { if (isMainEventAttachs) { if (attach.getTimeslotId() == null) tmp.add(attach); } else { if (attach.getTimeslotId() != null && !attach.getViewByAll()) tmp.add(attach); } //TODO other cases: such as attachment for a specific time slot only. } } return tmp; } // Generate a group title based on the input given public String generateGroupTitle(String meetingTitle, SignupTimeslot timeslot, int rowNum) { //Based on the database limitation final int TITLE_MAX_LENGTH = 99; final char SEPARATOR = '-'; final DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT); int titleSize = TITLE_MAX_LENGTH - SakaiFacade.GROUP_PREFIX.length(); String dateString = df.format(timeslot.getStartTime()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(titleSize); sb.append(" "); sb.append(SEPARATOR); sb.append(Utilities.rb.getString("group_slot_in_group_titlename")); sb.append(" " + rowNum); titleSize -= sb.length(); //take the dateString length away with " _" prefix, it fixed recurring events duplicate groupName issue titleSize -= dateString.length() + 2; if (titleSize > 0) sb.insert(0, meetingTitle.substring(0, Math.min(titleSize, meetingTitle.length()))); //fixes recurring meeting with the same tile, which causes the same groupName sb.append(" _" + dateString); return sb.toString(); } public String getFormatTimeslotDateTime(SignupTimeslot timeslot) { final DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT); final char SEPARATOR = '-'; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(df.format(timeslot.getStartTime())); sb.append(SEPARATOR); sb.append(df.format(timeslot.getEndTime())); return sb.toString(); } //generate a group description public String generateGroupDescription(String meetingTitle, SignupTimeslot timeslot) { Object[] params = new Object[] { getFormatTimeslotDateTime(timeslot) }; return MessageFormat.format(Utilities.rb.getString("group_description_default"), params); } //convert a list of SignupAttendees to a list of userIds public List<String> convertAttendeesToUuids(List<SignupAttendee> attendees) { List<String> uuids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SignupAttendee a : attendees) { uuids.add(a.getAttendeeUserId()); } return uuids; } }