Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Educational * Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.signup.logic; import; import java.util.*; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl; import org.apache.commons.validator.EmailValidator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.AddAttendeeEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.AttendeeCancellationEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.AttendeeCancellationOwnEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.AttendeeModifiedCommentEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.AttendeeSignupEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.AttendeeSignupOwnEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.CancelMeetingEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.CancellationEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.EmailDeliverer; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.ModifyMeetingEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.MoveAttendeeEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.NewMeetingEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.OrganizerPreAssignEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.PromoteAttendeeEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.SignupEmailNotification; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.SignupEventTrackingInfo; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages.SwapAttendeeEmail; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupAttendee; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupMeeting; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupTimeslot; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.activation.FileDataSource; /** * <P> * This is an implementation of SignupEmailFacade interface, which provided * methods for Signup tool to send emails out via emailService * </P> */ public class SignupEmailFacadeImpl implements SignupEmailFacade { @Getter @Setter private EmailService emailService; @Getter @Setter private UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService; @Getter @Setter private SakaiFacade sakaiFacade; @Setter private SignupCalendarHelper calendarHelper; private Log logger = LogFactoryImpl.getLog(getClass()); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void sendEmailAllUsers(SignupMeeting meeting, String messageType) throws Exception { if (messageType.equals(SIGNUP_NEW_MEETING) || messageType.equals(SIGNUP_MEETING_MODIFIED) || messageType.equals(SIGNUP_CANCEL_MEETING)) { sendEmailToAllUsers(meeting, messageType); return; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void sendEmailToOrganizer(SignupEventTrackingInfo signupEventTrackingInfo) throws Exception { boolean isException = false; //generate VEvents generateVEvents(signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting()); List<SignupTrackingItem> sigupTList = signupEventTrackingInfo.getAttendeeTransferInfos(); for (SignupTrackingItem item : sigupTList) { if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_SIGNUP)) { //User creator = null; User participant = null; try { //creator = userDirectoryService.getUser(signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getCreatorUserId()) List<User> OwnerAndCoordinators = getMeetingOwnerAndCoordinators( signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting()); if (OwnerAndCoordinators.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception( "No Organizer/Coordinator is not found and Email is not sent away for oraginzer"); } participant = userDirectoryService.getUser(item.getAttendee().getAttendeeUserId()); for (User organizer : OwnerAndCoordinators) { SignupEmailNotification email = new AttendeeSignupEmail(organizer, participant, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), item.getAddToTimeslot(), this.sakaiFacade); sendEmail(organizer, email); } /*SignupEmailNotification email = new AttendeeSignupEmail(creator, participant, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), item.getAddToTimeslot(), this.sakaiFacade); sendEmail(creator, email);*/ } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { isException = true; } } } if (isException) throw new Exception("Email may not be sent out due to error."); return; } private List<User> getMeetingOwnerAndCoordinators(SignupMeeting meeting) { Set<User> organizerCoordinators = new LinkedHashSet<User>(); try { User creator = userDirectoryService.getUser(meeting.getCreatorUserId()); organizerCoordinators.add(creator); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { logger.warn("User is not found and Email is not sent away for oraginzer userId:" + meeting.getCreatorUserId()); } List<String> coordinatorIds = meeting.getCoordinatorIdsList(); for (String cId : coordinatorIds) { try { User coUser = userDirectoryService.getUser(cId); organizerCoordinators.add(coUser); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { logger.warn("User is not found and Email is not sent away for coordinator userId:" + cId); } } return new ArrayList<User>(organizerCoordinators); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void sendCancellationEmail(SignupEventTrackingInfo signupEventTrackingInfo) throws Exception { //generate VEvents generateVEvents(signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting()); /* send email to everyone who get promoted during the process */ // TODO Do we need to send info about promoted guys to organizer? List<SignupTrackingItem> sigupTList = signupEventTrackingInfo.getAttendeeTransferInfos(); for (SignupTrackingItem item : sigupTList) { /* no email send to the cancellation guy */ if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_PROMOTE)) { User attendee = null; try { attendee = userDirectoryService.getUser(item.getAttendee().getAttendeeUserId()); PromoteAttendeeEmail email = new PromoteAttendeeEmail(attendee, item, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), this.sakaiFacade); sendEmail(attendee, email); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { throw new Exception("User is not found and Email is not sent away for attendee userId: " + item.getAttendee().getAttendeeUserId()); } } } //User organizer = null; User initiator = null; try { //organizer = userDirectoryService.getUser(signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getCreatorUserId()) List<User> OwnerAndCoordinators = getMeetingOwnerAndCoordinators(signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting()); if (OwnerAndCoordinators.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception( "No Organizer/Coordinator is not found and Email is not sent away for oraginzer"); } initiator = userDirectoryService.getUser( signupEventTrackingInfo.getInitiatorAllocationInfo().getAttendee().getAttendeeUserId()); /* send one email to organizer about the update status */ if (signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().isReceiveEmailByOwner()) { for (User organizer : OwnerAndCoordinators) { try { AttendeeCancellationEmail email = new AttendeeCancellationEmail(organizer, initiator, sigupTList, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), this.sakaiFacade); sendEmail(organizer, email); } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing: avoid one wrong email address for one user to break all things } } } //also send an email to the attendee AttendeeCancellationOwnEmail attendeeEmail = new AttendeeCancellationOwnEmail(initiator, sigupTList, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), this.sakaiFacade); sendEmail(initiator, attendeeEmail); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { throw new Exception( "User is not found for userId: " + signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getCreatorUserId()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void sendUpdateCommentEmail(SignupEventTrackingInfo signupEventTrackingInfo) throws Exception { try { User currentModifier = userDirectoryService.getUser(sakaiFacade.getCurrentUserId()); boolean isOrganizer = signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getPermission().isUpdate(); List<String> coOrganizers = signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getCoordinatorIdsList(); User selectedAttendee = userDirectoryService .getUser(signupEventTrackingInfo.getAttendeeComment().getAttendeeId()); String emailReturnSiteId = sakaiFacade.getCurrentLocationId(); AttendeeModifiedCommentEmail email = new AttendeeModifiedCommentEmail(currentModifier, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), this.sakaiFacade, emailReturnSiteId, signupEventTrackingInfo.getAttendeeComment()); if (isOrganizer) { try { sendEmail(selectedAttendee, email); } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing: avoid one wrong email address for one user to break all things } } else { try { //attendee send email out List<User> coUsers = new ArrayList<User>(); User organizer = userDirectoryService .getUser(signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getCreatorUserId()); coUsers.add(organizer); if (coOrganizers != null && !coOrganizers.isEmpty()) { for (String userId : coOrganizers) { User coUser = userDirectoryService.getUser(userId); coUsers.add(coUser); } } sendEmail(coUsers, email); } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing: avoid one wrong email address for one user to break all things } } } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { throw new Exception( "User is not found for userId: " + signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getCreatorUserId()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void sendEmailToParticipantsByOrganizerAction(SignupEventTrackingInfo signupEventTrackingInfo) throws Exception { //generate VEvents generateVEvents(signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting()); List<SignupTrackingItem> sigupTList = signupEventTrackingInfo.getAttendeeTransferInfos(); for (SignupTrackingItem item : sigupTList) { User organizer = null; User participant = null; User participant2 = null; try { organizer = userDirectoryService.getUser(getSakaiFacade().getCurrentUserId()); participant = userDirectoryService.getUser(item.getAttendee().getAttendeeUserId()); if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_SIGNUP_SWAP) || item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_SIGNUP_REPLACE)) { participant2 = userDirectoryService.getUser(item.getReplacedAttendde().getAttendeeUserId()); } SignupEmailNotification email = null; if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_SIGNUP_MOVE)) email = new MoveAttendeeEmail(organizer, participant, item, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), sakaiFacade); else if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_SIGNUP_SWAP)) email = new SwapAttendeeEmail(organizer, participant, participant2, item, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), sakaiFacade); else if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_CANCEL)) email = new CancellationEmail(organizer, participant, item, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), sakaiFacade); else if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_SIGNUP_REPLACE) || item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_SIGNUP)) email = new AddAttendeeEmail(organizer, participant, item, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), sakaiFacade); else if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_PROMOTE)) email = new PromoteAttendeeEmail(participant, item, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), sakaiFacade); else { logger.warn("For attendee(Eid):" + participant.getEid() + " - No such message type:" + item.getMessageType() + " was found and no email was able to send away"); return; } // send email out sendEmail(participant, email); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { throw new Exception("User is not found and Email is not sent away for oraginzer userId:" + signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getCreatorUserId()); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void sendEmailToAttendee(SignupEventTrackingInfo signupEventTrackingInfo) throws Exception { //generate VEvents generateVEvents(signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting()); List<SignupTrackingItem> sigupTList = signupEventTrackingInfo.getAttendeeTransferInfos(); for (SignupTrackingItem item : sigupTList) { if (item.getMessageType().equals(SIGNUP_ATTENDEE_SIGNUP)) { User participant = null; try { participant = userDirectoryService.getUser(item.getAttendee().getAttendeeUserId()); SignupEmailNotification email = new AttendeeSignupOwnEmail(participant, signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting(), item.getAddToTimeslot(), this.sakaiFacade); sendEmail(participant, email); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { throw new Exception("User is not found and email has not been sent for participant: " + signupEventTrackingInfo.getMeeting().getCreatorUserId()); } } } return; } /* send email via Sakai email Service */ private void sendEmail(User user, SignupEmailNotification email) { logger.debug("sendMail called for user:" + user.getEid()); try { EmailMessage message = convertSignupEmail(email, user); if (message != null) { emailService.send(message); } } catch (NoRecipientsException e) { logger.error("Cannot send mail. No recipient." + e.getMessage()); } catch (AddressValidationException e) { //this should be caught when adding the email address, since it is validated then. logger.warn("Cannot send mail to user: " + user.getEid() + ". Invalid email address." + EmailAddress.toString(e.getInvalidEmailAddresses())); } } /* all email is sent in this manner, so that we can send attachments. So individual users are processed separately * There may be issues with this if there are many users. */ private void sendEmail(List<User> users, SignupEmailNotification email) { for (User u : users) { sendEmail(u, email); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<EmailUserSiteGroup> getUserSiteEmailGroups(List<SignupUser> signupUsers) { List<EmailUserSiteGroup> userSiteGroupList = new ArrayList<EmailUserSiteGroup>(); for (SignupUser signupUser : signupUsers) { String siteId = signupUser.getMainSiteId(); boolean found = false; for (EmailUserSiteGroup userSiteGroup : userSiteGroupList) { if (siteId.equals(userSiteGroup.getSiteId())) { userSiteGroup.addSignupUser(signupUser); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { EmailUserSiteGroup usg = new EmailUserSiteGroup(siteId, signupUser); userSiteGroupList.add(usg); } } return userSiteGroupList; } /* send email to all according to the message type */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void sendEmailToAllUsers(SignupMeeting meeting, String messageType) throws Exception { //generate VEvents generateVEvents(meeting); List<SignupUser> signupUsers = sakaiFacade.getAllUsers(meeting); List<EmailUserSiteGroup> userSiteGroupList = getUserSiteEmailGroups(signupUsers); boolean isException = false; boolean isAlreadyEmailedToOrganizerCoordinators = false; //avoid duplicated email /*divide email-send out by site to site*/ for (EmailUserSiteGroup emailUserSiteGroup : userSiteGroupList) { if (!emailUserSiteGroup.isPublishedSite()) continue;// skip sending email List<String> userIds = null; List<User> sakaiUsers = null; User organizer = null; try { SignupEmailNotification email = null; if (messageType.equals(SIGNUP_NEW_MEETING)) { organizer = userDirectoryService.getUser(meeting.getCreatorUserId()); email = new NewMeetingEmail(organizer, meeting, this.sakaiFacade, emailUserSiteGroup.getSiteId()); /* * We have to send it no matter what!!! * send email to pre-assiged people for this site group and * also excluding them for next step. */ try { //don't stop to send another email out due to exception sendEmailToPreAssignedAttendee(emailUserSiteGroup, meeting); } catch (Exception e) { isException = true; } /*Check to see if email is for all participants*/ if (SEND_EMAIL_ALL_PARTICIPANTS.equals(meeting.getSendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly())) { /* get the people list excluding pre-assigned ones */ userIds = emailUserSiteGroup.getUserInternalIds(); sakaiUsers = userDirectoryService.getUsers(userIds); } else { //Case: SEND_EMAIL_ONLY_ORGANIZER_COORDINATORS/SEND_EMAIL_ONLY_SIGNED_UP_ATTENDEES //we have to send to organizers no matter what!! //case: email attendee Only and the email are already sent away /*Now, we need to send email to organizer and coordinators * since the iCal file is involved*/ if (!isAlreadyEmailedToOrganizerCoordinators) { sakaiUsers = getMeetingOwnerAndCoordinators(meeting); isAlreadyEmailedToOrganizerCoordinators = true; } } } else if (messageType.equals(SIGNUP_MEETING_MODIFIED) || messageType.equals(SIGNUP_CANCEL_MEETING)) { organizer = userDirectoryService.getUser(getSakaiFacade().getCurrentUserId()); //same logic for both, just different emails if (messageType.equals(SIGNUP_MEETING_MODIFIED)) { email = new ModifyMeetingEmail(organizer, meeting, this.sakaiFacade, emailUserSiteGroup.getSiteId()); } else if (messageType.equals(SIGNUP_CANCEL_MEETING)) { email = new CancelMeetingEmail(organizer, meeting, this.sakaiFacade, emailUserSiteGroup.getSiteId()); } if (SEND_EMAIL_ALL_PARTICIPANTS.equals(meeting.getSendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly())) { userIds = emailUserSiteGroup.getUserInternalIds(); sakaiUsers = userDirectoryService.getUsers(userIds); } else if (SEND_EMAIL_ONLY_ORGANIZER_COORDINATORS .equals(meeting.getSendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly())) { if (!isAlreadyEmailedToOrganizerCoordinators) { //avoid duplicated email sakaiUsers = getMeetingOwnerAndCoordinators(meeting); isAlreadyEmailedToOrganizerCoordinators = true; } } else if (SEND_EMAIL_ONLY_SIGNED_UP_ATTENDEES .equals(meeting.getSendEmailToSelectedPeopleOnly())) { List<SignupTimeslot> tsList = meeting.getSignupTimeSlots(); User user = null; List<SignupUser> sgpUsers = emailUserSiteGroup.getSignupUsers(); sakaiUsers = new ArrayList<User>(); /*due to iCal file, we need to handle for canceling meeting case for organizer etc.*/ //this one may not be needed since SIGNUP_CANCEL_MEETING always should with value:SEND_EMAIL_ALL_PARTICIPANTS //TODO need to find a way: update related ones iCals if the meeting schedule is modified if (!isAlreadyEmailedToOrganizerCoordinators && messageType.equals(SIGNUP_CANCEL_MEETING)) { sakaiUsers = getMeetingOwnerAndCoordinators(meeting); isAlreadyEmailedToOrganizerCoordinators = true; } if (tsList != null) { for (SignupTimeslot ts : tsList) { List<SignupAttendee> attList = ts.getAttendees(); if (attList != null) { for (SignupAttendee att : attList) { /*test to see if attendee is in this site-group*/ for (SignupUser spgUser : sgpUsers) { if (att.getAttendeeUserId().equals(spgUser.getInternalUserId())) { try { user = userDirectoryService.getUser(att.getAttendeeUserId()); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { logger.warn("User is not found for userId: " + att.getAttendeeUserId()); isException = true; } sakaiUsers.add(user); break; } } } } } } } } if (email != null) { if (sakaiUsers.size() > 400) { /*Currently, use this only for heavy case. * One drawback: the organizer don't know weather the email is really sent away or not. * There is no error message for user if an unexpected exception happens. * Will add the email-send-error notification at near future time. * */ //NO ICS FILE IS SENT VIA THIS METHOD YET EmailDeliverer deliverer = new EmailDeliverer(sakaiUsers, email.getHeader(), email.getMessage(), emailService); Thread t = new Thread(deliverer); t.start(); } else { //emailService.sendToUsers(sakaiUsers, email.getHeader(), email.getMessage()); sendEmail(sakaiUsers, email); } } } catch (UserNotDefinedException ue) { isException = true; logger.warn("User is not found for userId: " + meeting.getCreatorUserId()); } catch (Exception e) { isException = true; logger.error("Exception: " + e.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } if (isException) throw new Exception("Some emails may not be sent out due to error."); } private void sendEmailToPreAssignedAttendee(EmailUserSiteGroup emailUserSiteGroup, SignupMeeting meeting) throws Exception { List<SignupUser> sgpUsers = emailUserSiteGroup.getSignupUsers(); List<SignupTimeslot> signupTimeSlots = meeting.getSignupTimeSlots(); if (signupTimeSlots == null) return; boolean isExcepiotn = false; User currentUser = userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); for (SignupTimeslot timeslot : signupTimeSlots) { List<SignupAttendee> attendees = timeslot.getAttendees(); if (attendees == null) continue; for (SignupAttendee attendee : attendees) { for (Iterator iter = sgpUsers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { SignupUser spUser = (SignupUser); if (spUser.getInternalUserId().equals(attendee.getAttendeeUserId())) { User user; try { user = userDirectoryService.getUser(attendee.getAttendeeUserId()); SignupEmailNotification email = new OrganizerPreAssignEmail(currentUser, meeting, timeslot, user, this.sakaiFacade, emailUserSiteGroup.getSiteId()); sendEmail(user, email); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { logger.warn("User is not found for userId: " + attendee.getAttendeeUserId()); isExcepiotn = true; } /* * remove it to avoid send new meeting notification * again */ iter.remove(); break; } } } } if (isExcepiotn) throw new Exception("User is not found and email may not be sent out."); } /** * This will exlude the pre-assigned attendee for a new meeting since they * will receive a different email * * @param sakaiUsers * a list of User objects. * @param meeting * a SignupMeeting Object. */ private void excludPreAssignedAttendee(List<User> sakaiUsers, SignupMeeting meeting) { List<SignupTimeslot> signupTimeSlots = meeting.getSignupTimeSlots(); if (signupTimeSlots == null) return; for (SignupTimeslot timeslot : signupTimeSlots) { List<SignupAttendee> attendees = timeslot.getAttendees(); if (attendees == null) continue; User preAssignedUser = null; for (SignupAttendee attendee : attendees) { try { preAssignedUser = userDirectoryService.getUser(attendee.getAttendeeUserId()); for (Iterator iter = sakaiUsers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { User sakaiUser = (User); if (sakaiUser.getEid().equals(preAssignedUser.getEid())) { iter.remove(); } } } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { logger.warn("User is not found for userId: " + attendee.getAttendeeUserId()); } } } } private class EmailUserSiteGroup { private String siteId; private boolean publishedSite; private List<SignupUser> signupUsers = new ArrayList<SignupUser>(); public EmailUserSiteGroup(String siteId, SignupUser user) { this.siteId = siteId; this.signupUsers.add(user); this.publishedSite = user.isPublishedSite(); } public void addSignupUser(SignupUser user) { this.signupUsers.add(user); } public String getSiteId() { return siteId; } public void setSiteId(String siteId) { this.siteId = siteId; } public List<SignupUser> getSignupUsers() { return signupUsers; } public void setSignupUsers(List<SignupUser> signupUsers) { this.signupUsers = signupUsers; } public List<String> getUserInternalIds() { List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SignupUser signupUser : signupUsers) { userIds.add(signupUser.getInternalUserId()); } return userIds; } public boolean isPublishedSite() { return publishedSite; } public void setPublishedSite(boolean publishedSite) { this.publishedSite = publishedSite; } } /** * Helper to convert a signup email notification into a Sakai EmailMessage, which can encapsulate attachments. * * <p>Due to the way the email objects are created, ie one per email that needs to be sent, not one per user, we cannot store any * user specific attachments within the email objects themselves. So this method assembles an EmailMessage per user * * @param email - the signup email obj we will extract info from * @param recipient - list of user to receive the email * @return */ private EmailMessage convertSignupEmail(SignupEmailNotification email, User recipient) { EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(); //setup message message.setHeaders(email.getHeader()); message.setBody(email.getMessage()); // Pass a flag to the EmailService to indicate that we want the MIME multipart subtype set to alternative // so that an email client can present the message as a meeting invite message.setHeader("multipart-subtype", "alternative"); //note that the headers are largely ignored so we need to repeat some things here that are actually in the headers //if these are eventaully converted to proper email templates, this should be alleviated message.setSubject(email.getSubject()); logger.debug("email.getFromAddress(): " + email.getFromAddress()); message.setFrom(email.getFromAddress()); message.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); if (!email.isModifyComment()) { //skip ICS attachment file for user comment email for (Attachment a : collectAttachments(email, recipient)) { message.addAttachment(a); } } //add recipient, only if valid email String emailAddress = recipient.getEmail(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emailAddress) && EmailValidator.getInstance().isValid(emailAddress)) { message.addRecipient(EmailAddress.RecipientType.TO, recipient.getDisplayName(), emailAddress); } else { logger.error( "Invalid email for user:" + recipient.getDisplayId() + ". No email will be sent to this user"); return null; } return message; } /** * Helper method to collect all attachments that need to go out for this email and to this user * @param email signupemailnotification * @param user the user that will receive this email * @return list of Attachments */ private List<Attachment> collectAttachments(SignupEmailNotification email, User user) { List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); attachments.addAll(generateICS(email, user)); //add more here as required return attachments; } /** * Generate an ICS file for the user and the email message type and return as an attachment. * * @param email email obj * @param user User * @return */ private List<Attachment> generateICS(SignupEmailNotification email, User user) { List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); String method = email.isCancellation() ? "CANCEL" : "REQUEST"; final List<VEvent> events = email.generateEvents(user, calendarHelper); if (events.size() > 0) { attachments.add(formatICSAttachment(events, method)); } /* * Note that there is no notification if a meeting is removed altogether. */ return attachments; } /** * Helper to generate the calendareventedit objects, turn them into VEvents, then write back into the meeting/timeslot objects * One is generated for the signupmeeting itself, then one for each timeslot. * @param meeting SignupMeeting * @return modifiedSignupmeeting with the VEvents injected */ private SignupMeeting generateVEvents(SignupMeeting meeting) { //generate VEvent for meeting, add to object meeting.setVevent(calendarHelper.generateVEventForMeeting(meeting)); //now one for each timeslot for (SignupTimeslot ts : meeting.getSignupTimeSlots()) { //generate VEvent for timeslot, add to object ts.setVevent(calendarHelper.generateVEventForTimeslot(meeting, ts)); } return meeting; } /** * Helper to create an ICS calendar from a list of vevents, then turn it into an attachment * @param vevents list of vevents * @param method the ITIP method for the calendar, e.g. "REQUEST" * @return */ private Attachment formatICSAttachment(List<VEvent> vevents, String method) { String path = calendarHelper.createCalendarFile(vevents, method); // Explicitly define the Content-Type and Content-Diposition headers so the invitation appears inline String filename = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(path, File.separator); String type = String.format("text/calendar; charset=\"utf-8\"; method=%s; name=signup-invite.ics", method); File file = new File(path); DataSource dataSource = new Attachment.RenamedDataSource(new FileDataSource(file), filename); return new Attachment(dataSource, type, Attachment.ContentDisposition.INLINE); } }