Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Educational * Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.messages; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.sakaiproject.signup.logic.SakaiFacade; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.MeetingTypes; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupMeeting; import org.sakaiproject.signup.model.SignupTimeslot; import org.sakaiproject.time.api.Time; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader; /** * <p> * This is a abstract base class for Signup Email. It provides some must-have or * common used methods like getFooter() * </P> */ abstract public class SignupEmailBase implements SignupEmailNotification, MeetingTypes { @Getter @Setter private SakaiFacade sakaiFacade; @Getter protected SignupMeeting meeting; protected static ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("emailMessage"); public static final String newline = "<BR>\r\n"; // System.getProperty("line.separator");\r\n public static final String space = " "; private static final int SITE_DESCRIPTION_DISPLAY_LENGTH = 20; /** Indicates whether the email represents a cancellation - to be overwritten by subclasses */ protected boolean cancellation = false; protected boolean modifyComment = false; /* footer for the email */ protected String getFooter(String newline) { /* tag the message - HTML version */ if (this.meeting.getCurrentSiteId() == null) return getFooterWithAccessUrl(newline); else return getFooterWithNoAccessUrl(newline); } /* footer for the email */ protected String getFooter(String newline, String targetSiteId) { /* tag the message - HTML version */ Object[] params = new Object[] { getServiceName(), "<a href=\"" + getSiteAccessUrl(targetSiteId) + "\">" + getSiteAccessUrl(targetSiteId) + "</a>", getSiteTitle(targetSiteId), newline }; String rv = newline + rb.getString("separator") + newline + MessageFormat.format(rb.getString("body.footer.text"), params) + newline; return rv; } /* footer for the email */ private String getFooterWithAccessUrl(String newline) { /* tag the message - HTML version */ Object[] params = new Object[] { getServiceName(), "<a href=\"" + getSiteAccessUrl() + "\">" + getSiteAccessUrl() + "</a>", getSiteTitle(), newline }; String rv = newline + rb.getString("separator") + newline + MessageFormat.format(rb.getString("body.footer.text"), params) + newline; return rv; } /* footer for the email */ private String getFooterWithNoAccessUrl(String newline) { /* tag the message - HTML version */ Object[] params = new Object[] { getServiceName(), getSiteTitle(), newline }; String rv = newline + rb.getString("separator") + newline + MessageFormat.format(rb.getString(""), params) + newline; return rv; } /** * get the email Header, which contains destination email address, subject * etc. */ abstract public List<String> getHeader(); /** * get the main message for this email */ abstract public String getMessage(); /** * get the from address for this email */ abstract public String getFromAddress(); /** * get the subject for this email */ abstract public String getSubject(); /** * get current site Id * * @return the current site Id */ protected String getSiteId() { String siteId = getSakaiFacade().getCurrentLocationId(); if (SakaiFacade.NO_LOCATION.equals(siteId)) { siteId = meeting.getCurrentSiteId() != null ? this.meeting.getCurrentSiteId() : SakaiFacade.NO_LOCATION; } return siteId; } /* get the site name */ protected String getSiteTitle() { return getSakaiFacade().getLocationTitle(getSiteId()); } /* get the site name */ protected String getSiteTitle(String targetSiteId) { return getSakaiFacade().getLocationTitle(targetSiteId); } /* get the site name */ protected String getShortSiteTitle(String targetSiteId) { return getSakaiFacade().getLocationTitle(targetSiteId); } /* get the site name with a quotation mark */ protected String getSiteTitleWithQuote() { return "\"" + getSiteTitle() + "\""; } /* get the site name with a quotation mark */ protected String getSiteTitleWithQuote(String targetSiteId) { return "\"" + getSiteTitle(targetSiteId) + "\""; } /* get the site name with a quotation mark */ protected String getShortSiteTitleWithQuote(String targetSiteId) { return "\"" + getShortSiteTitle(targetSiteId) + "\""; } /* get the link to access the current-site signup tool page in a site */ protected String getSiteAccessUrl() { // TODO May have efficiency issue with getPageId String siteUrl = getSakaiFacade().getServerConfigurationService().getPortalUrl() + "/site/" + getSiteId() + "/page/" + getSakaiFacade().getCurrentPageId(); return siteUrl; } /* get the link to access corresponding site - signup tool page in a site */ protected String getSiteAccessUrl(String targetSiteId) { // TODO May have efficiency issue with getPageId String siteUrl = getSakaiFacade().getServerConfigurationService().getPortalUrl() + "/site/" + targetSiteId + "/page/" + getSakaiFacade().getSiteSignupPageId(targetSiteId); return siteUrl; } /* Get the meeting title, max length of 30 chars (with ellipsis where required) */ protected String getAbbreviatedMeetingTitle() { return StringUtils.abbreviate(meeting.getTitle(), 30); } /** * This will convert the Java date object to a Sakai's Time object, which * provides all the useful methods for output. * * @param date * a Java Date object. * @return a Sakai's Time object. */ protected Time getTime(Date date) { Time time = getSakaiFacade().getTimeService().newTime(date.getTime()); return time; } /** * Make first letter of the string to Capital letter * * @param st * a string value * @return a string with a first capital letter */ protected String makeFirstCapLetter(String st) { return StringUtils.capitalize(st); } static private String myServiceName = null; protected String getServiceName() { /* first look at email bundle and then * it will allow user to define different 'ui.service' value */ if (myServiceName == null) { try { if (rb.keySet().contains("ui.service")) myServiceName = rb.getString("ui.service"); else myServiceName = getSakaiFacade().getServerConfigurationService().getString("ui.service", "Sakai Service"); } catch (Exception e) { myServiceName = getSakaiFacade().getServerConfigurationService().getString("ui.service", "Sakai Service"); } } return myServiceName; } protected String getRepeatTypeMessage(SignupMeeting meeting) { String recurFrqs = ""; if (DAILY.equals(meeting.getRepeatType())) recurFrqs = rb.getString("body.meeting.repeatDaily"); else if (WEEKDAYS.equals(meeting.getRepeatType())) recurFrqs = rb.getString("body.meeting.repeatWeekdays"); else if (WEEKLY.equals(meeting.getRepeatType())) recurFrqs = rb.getString("body.meeting.repeatWeekly"); else if (BIWEEKLY.equals(meeting.getRepeatType())) recurFrqs = rb.getString("body.meeting.repeatBiWeekly"); else recurFrqs = rb.getString("body.meeting.unknown.repeatType"); return recurFrqs; } protected String getServerFromAddress() { return getServiceName() + " <" + getSakaiFacade().getServerConfigurationService().getString("setup.request", rb.getString("no-reply@") + getSakaiFacade().getServerConfigurationService().getServerName()) + ">"; } protected boolean userIsAttendingTimeslot(User user, SignupTimeslot timeslot) { return timeslot.getAttendee(user.getId()) != null; } protected List<VEvent> eventsWhichUserIsAttending(User user) { final List<SignupTimeslot> timeslots = meeting.getSignupTimeSlots(); List<VEvent> events = new ArrayList<VEvent>(); for (SignupTimeslot timeslot : timeslots) { if (userIsAttendingTimeslot(user, timeslot)) { final VEvent event = timeslot.getVevent(); if (event != null) { events.add(event); } } } return events; } public boolean isCancellation() { return cancellation; } public boolean isModifyComment() { return modifyComment; } public void setModifyComment(boolean modifyComment) { this.modifyComment = modifyComment; } }