Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import lombok.Setter; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.sakaiproject.memory.api.Cache; import org.sakaiproject.profile2.cache.CacheManager; import org.sakaiproject.profile2.dao.ProfileDao; import org.sakaiproject.profile2.hbm.model.ProfileFriend; import org.sakaiproject.profile2.model.BasicConnection; import org.sakaiproject.profile2.model.Person; import org.sakaiproject.profile2.types.EmailType; import org.sakaiproject.profile2.types.PrivacyType; import org.sakaiproject.profile2.util.ProfileConstants; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; /** * Implementation of ProfileConnectionsLogic for Profile2. * * @author Steve Swinsburg ( * */ public class ProfileConnectionsLogicImpl implements ProfileConnectionsLogic { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ProfileConnectionsLogicImpl.class); private Cache cache; private final String CACHE_NAME = "org.sakaiproject.profile2.cache.connections"; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<BasicConnection> getBasicConnectionsForUser(final String userUuid) { List<User> users = getConnectedUsers(userUuid); return getBasicConnections(users); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Person> getConnectionsForUser(final String userUuid) { List<User> users = getConnectedUsers(userUuid); return profileLogic.getPersons(users); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getConnectionsForUserCount(final String userId) { return getConnectionsForUser(userId).size(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Person> getConnectionRequestsForUser(final String userId) { List<User> users = sakaiProxy.getUsers(dao.getRequestedConnectionUserIdsForUser(userId)); return profileLogic.getPersons(users); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getConnectionRequestsForUserCount(final String userId) { return getConnectionRequestsForUser(userId).size(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isUserXFriendOfUserY(String userX, String userY) { //if same then friends. //added this check so we don't need to do it everywhere else and can call isFriend for all user pairs. if (userY.equals(userX)) { return true; } //get friends of current user //TODO change this to be a single lookup rather than iterating over a list List<String> friendUuids = getConfirmedConnectionUserIdsForUser(userY); //if list of confirmed friends contains this user, they are a friend if (friendUuids.contains(userX)) { return true; } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Person> getConnectionsSubsetForSearch(List<Person> connections, String search) { return getConnectionsSubsetForSearch(connections, search, false); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Person> getConnectionsSubsetForSearch(List<Person> connections, String search, boolean forMessaging) { List<Person> subList = new ArrayList<Person>(); //check auth and get currentUserUuid String currentUserUuid = sakaiProxy.getCurrentUserId(); if (currentUserUuid == null) { throw new SecurityException("You must be logged in to get a connection list subset."); } for (Person p : connections) { //check for match by name if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(p.getDisplayName(), search)) { //if reached max size if (subList.size() == ProfileConstants.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_SEARCH) { break; } //if we need to check messaging privacy setting if (forMessaging) { //if not allowed to be messaged by this user if (!privacyLogic.isActionAllowed(p.getUuid(), currentUserUuid, PrivacyType.PRIVACY_OPTION_MESSAGES)) { continue; } } //all ok, add them to the list subList.add(p); } } return subList; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getConnectionStatus(String userA, String userB) { //current user must be the user making the request String currentUserId = sakaiProxy.getCurrentUserId(); if (!StringUtils.equals(currentUserId, userA)) { log.error("User: " + currentUserId + " attempted to get the connection status with " + userB + " on behalf of " + userA); throw new SecurityException("You are not authorised to perform that action."); } ProfileFriend record = dao.getConnectionRecord(userA, userB); //no connection if (record == null) { return ProfileConstants.CONNECTION_NONE; } //confirmed if (record.isConfirmed()) { return ProfileConstants.CONNECTION_CONFIRMED; } //requested if (StringUtils.equals(userA, record.getUserUuid()) && !record.isConfirmed()) { return ProfileConstants.CONNECTION_REQUESTED; } //incoming if (StringUtils.equals(userA, record.getFriendUuid()) && !record.isConfirmed()) { return ProfileConstants.CONNECTION_INCOMING; } return ProfileConstants.CONNECTION_NONE; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean requestFriend(String userId, String friendId) { if (userId == null || friendId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument in ProfileLogic.getFriendsForUser"); } //current user must be the user making the request String currentUserId = sakaiProxy.getCurrentUserId(); if (!StringUtils.equals(currentUserId, userId)) { log.error("User: " + currentUserId + " attempted to make connection request to " + friendId + " on behalf of " + userId); throw new SecurityException("You are not authorised to perform that action."); } //make a ProfileFriend object with 'Friend Request' constructor ProfileFriend profileFriend = new ProfileFriend(userId, friendId, ProfileConstants.RELATIONSHIP_FRIEND); //make the request if (dao.addNewConnection(profileFriend)) {"User: " + userId + " requested friend: " + friendId); //send email notification sendConnectionEmailNotification(friendId, userId, EmailType.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST); return true; } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isFriendRequestPending(String fromUser, String toUser) { ProfileFriend profileFriend = dao.getPendingConnection(fromUser, toUser); if (profileFriend == null) { log.debug("ProfileLogic.isFriendRequestPending: No pending friend request from userId: " + fromUser + " to friendId: " + toUser + " found."); return false; } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean confirmFriendRequest(final String fromUser, final String toUser) { if (fromUser == null || toUser == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument in ProfileLogic.confirmFriendRequest"); } //current user must be the user making the request String currentUserId = sakaiProxy.getCurrentUserId(); if (!StringUtils.equals(currentUserId, toUser)) { log.error("User: " + currentUserId + " attempted to confirm connection request from " + fromUser + " on behalf of " + toUser); throw new SecurityException("You are not authorised to perform that action."); } //get pending ProfileFriend object request for the given details ProfileFriend profileFriend = dao.getPendingConnection(fromUser, toUser); if (profileFriend == null) { log.error("ProfileLogic.confirmFriendRequest() failed. No pending friend request from userId: " + fromUser + " to friendId: " + toUser + " found."); return false; } //make necessary changes to the ProfileFriend object. profileFriend.setConfirmed(true); profileFriend.setConfirmedDate(new Date()); if (dao.updateConnection(profileFriend)) {"User: " + fromUser + " confirmed friend request from: " + toUser); //send email notification sendConnectionEmailNotification(fromUser, toUser, EmailType.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONFIRM); //invalidate the confirmed connection caches for each user as they are now stale evictFromCache(fromUser); evictFromCache(toUser); return true; } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean ignoreFriendRequest(final String fromUser, final String toUser) { if (fromUser == null || toUser == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument in ProfileLogic.ignoreFriendRequest"); } //current user must be the user making the request String currentUserId = sakaiProxy.getCurrentUserId(); if (!StringUtils.equals(currentUserId, toUser)) { log.error("User: " + currentUserId + " attempted to ignore connection request from " + fromUser + " on behalf of " + toUser); throw new SecurityException("You are not authorised to perform that action."); } //get pending ProfileFriend object request for the given details ProfileFriend profileFriend = dao.getPendingConnection(fromUser, toUser); if (profileFriend == null) { log.error("ProfileLogic.ignoreFriendRequest() failed. No pending friend request from userId: " + fromUser + " to friendId: " + toUser + " found."); return false; } //delete if (dao.removeConnection(profileFriend)) {"User: " + toUser + " ignored friend request from: " + fromUser); return true; } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean removeFriend(String userId, String friendId) { if (userId == null || friendId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument in ProfileLogic.removeFriend"); } //current user must be the user making the request String currentUserId = sakaiProxy.getCurrentUserId(); if (!StringUtils.equals(currentUserId, userId)) { log.error("User: " + currentUserId + " attempted to remove connection with " + friendId + " on behalf of " + userId); throw new SecurityException("You are not authorised to perform that action."); } //get the friend object for this connection pair (could be any way around) ProfileFriend profileFriend = dao.getConnectionRecord(userId, friendId); if (profileFriend == null) { log.error("ProfileFriend record does not exist for userId: " + userId + ", friendId: " + friendId); return false; } //delete if (dao.removeConnection(profileFriend)) {"User: " + userId + " removed friend: " + friendId); //invalidate the confirmed connection caches for each user as they are now stale evictFromCache(userId); evictFromCache(friendId); return true; } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public BasicConnection getBasicConnection(String userUuid) { return getBasicConnection(sakaiProxy.getUserById(userUuid)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public BasicConnection getBasicConnection(User user) { BasicConnection p = new BasicConnection(); p.setUuid(user.getId()); p.setDisplayName(user.getDisplayName()); p.setType(user.getType()); p.setOnlineStatus(getOnlineStatus(user.getId())); return p; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<BasicConnection> getBasicConnections(List<User> users) { List<BasicConnection> list = new ArrayList<BasicConnection>(); //get online status Map<String, Integer> onlineStatus = getOnlineStatus(sakaiProxy.getUuids(users)); //this is created manually so that we can use the bulk retrieval of the online status method. for (User u : users) { BasicConnection p = new BasicConnection(); p.setUuid(u.getId()); p.setDisplayName(u.getDisplayName()); p.setType(u.getType()); p.setOnlineStatus(onlineStatus.get(u.getId())); list.add(p); } return list; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getOnlineStatus(String userUuid) { //TODO check prefs and privacy for the user. has the user allowed it? //check if user has an active session boolean active = sakaiProxy.isUserActive(userUuid); if (!active) { return ProfileConstants.ONLINE_STATUS_OFFLINE; } //if active, when was their last event Long lastEventTime = sakaiProxy.getLastEventTimeForUser(userUuid); if (lastEventTime == null) { return ProfileConstants.ONLINE_STATUS_OFFLINE; } //if time between now and last event is less than the interval, they are online. long timeNow = new Date().getTime(); if ((timeNow - lastEventTime.longValue()) < ProfileConstants.ONLINE_INACTIVITY_INTERVAL) { return ProfileConstants.ONLINE_STATUS_ONLINE; } //user is online but inactive return ProfileConstants.ONLINE_STATUS_AWAY; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Map<String, Integer> getOnlineStatus(List<String> userUuids) { //get the list of users that have active sessions List<String> activeUuids = sakaiProxy.getActiveUsers(userUuids); //get last event times for the new list Map<String, Long> lastEventTimes = sakaiProxy.getLastEventTimeForUsers(activeUuids); long timeNow = new Date().getTime(); //iterate over original list, create the map Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String uuid : userUuids) { if (lastEventTimes.containsKey(uuid)) { //calc time, iff less than interval, online, otherwise away if ((timeNow - lastEventTimes.get(uuid).longValue()) < ProfileConstants.ONLINE_INACTIVITY_INTERVAL) { map.put(uuid, ProfileConstants.ONLINE_STATUS_ONLINE); } else { map.put(uuid, ProfileConstants.ONLINE_STATUS_AWAY); } } else { //no session/no last event time map.put(uuid, ProfileConstants.ONLINE_STATUS_OFFLINE); } } return map; } /** * Check auth, privacy and get the list of users that are connected to this user. * @param userUuid * @return List<User>, will be empty if none or not allowed. */ private List<User> getConnectedUsers(final String userUuid) { //check auth and get currentUserUuid String currentUserUuid = sakaiProxy.getCurrentUserId(); if (currentUserUuid == null) { throw new SecurityException("You must be logged in to get a connection list."); } List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); //check privacy if (!privacyLogic.isActionAllowed(userUuid, currentUserUuid, PrivacyType.PRIVACY_OPTION_MYFRIENDS)) { return users; } users = sakaiProxy.getUsers(getConfirmedConnectionUserIdsForUser(userUuid)); return users; } /** * Helper method to get the list of confirmed connections for a user as a List<String> of uuids. * * <p>First checks the cache and then goes to the dao if necessary.</p> * * @param userUuid * @return List<String> of uuids, empty if none. */ private List<String> getConfirmedConnectionUserIdsForUser(final String userUuid) { List<String> userUuids = new ArrayList<String>(); if (cache.containsKey(userUuid)) { log.debug("Fetching connections from cache for: " + userUuid); userUuids = (List<String>) cache.get(userUuid); } else { userUuids = dao.getConfirmedConnectionUserIdsForUser(userUuid); if (userUuids != null) { log.debug("Adding connections to cache for: " + userUuid); cache.put(userUuid, userUuids); } else { //if it is null we dont want to return it like that userUuids = new ArrayList<String>(); } } return userUuids; } /** * Sends an email notification to the users. Used for connections. This formats the data and calls {@link SakaiProxy.sendEmail(String userId, String emailTemplateKey, Map<String,String> replacementValues)} * @param toUuid user to send the message to - this will be formatted depending on their email preferences for this message type so it is safe to pass any users you need * @param fromUuid uuid from * @param messageType the message type to send from ProfileConstants. Retrieves the emailTemplateKey based on this value */ private void sendConnectionEmailNotification(String toUuid, final String fromUuid, final EmailType messageType) { //check if email preference enabled if (!preferencesLogic.isPreferenceEnabled(toUuid, messageType.toPreference())) { return; } //request if (messageType == EmailType.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST) { String emailTemplateKey = ProfileConstants.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_KEY_CONNECTION_REQUEST; //create the map of replacement values for this email template Map<String, String> replacementValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); replacementValues.put("senderDisplayName", sakaiProxy.getUserDisplayName(fromUuid)); replacementValues.put("localSakaiName", sakaiProxy.getServiceName()); replacementValues.put("connectionLink", linkLogic.getEntityLinkToProfileConnections()); replacementValues.put("localSakaiUrl", sakaiProxy.getPortalUrl()); replacementValues.put("toolName", sakaiProxy.getCurrentToolTitle()); sakaiProxy.sendEmail(toUuid, emailTemplateKey, replacementValues); return; } //confirm if (messageType == EmailType.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONFIRM) { String emailTemplateKey = ProfileConstants.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_KEY_CONNECTION_CONFIRM; //create the map of replacement values for this email template Map<String, String> replacementValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); replacementValues.put("senderDisplayName", sakaiProxy.getUserDisplayName(fromUuid)); replacementValues.put("localSakaiName", sakaiProxy.getServiceName()); replacementValues.put("connectionLink", linkLogic.getEntityLinkToProfileHome(fromUuid)); replacementValues.put("localSakaiUrl", sakaiProxy.getPortalUrl()); replacementValues.put("toolName", sakaiProxy.getCurrentToolTitle()); sakaiProxy.sendEmail(toUuid, emailTemplateKey, replacementValues); return; } } /** * Helper to evict an item from a cache. * @param cacheKey the id for the data in the cache */ private void evictFromCache(String cacheKey) { cache.remove(cacheKey);"Evicted data in cache for key: " + cacheKey); } public void init() { cache = cacheManager.createCache(CACHE_NAME); } @Setter private SakaiProxy sakaiProxy; @Setter private ProfileDao dao; @Setter private ProfileLogic profileLogic; @Setter private ProfileLinkLogic linkLogic; @Setter private ProfilePrivacyLogic privacyLogic; @Setter private ProfilePreferencesLogic preferencesLogic; @Setter private CacheManager cacheManager; }