Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 The Sakai Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.sakaiproject.profile2.job;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import lombok.Setter;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionException;
import org.quartz.SchedulerException;
import org.quartz.StatefulJob;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.ProfileConnectionsLogic;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.ProfileExternalIntegrationLogic;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.ProfileImageLogic;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.ProfileKudosLogic;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.ProfileLogic;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.ProfileMessagingLogic;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.ProfileStatusLogic;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.SakaiProxy;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.model.ExternalIntegrationInfo;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.model.Person;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.model.ProfileImage;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.model.ProfilePrivacy;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.model.UserProfile;
import org.sakaiproject.profile2.util.ProfileConstants;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager;

 * This is the Kudos calculation job.
 * <p>Certain items/events have weightings, these are calculated and summed to give a score.
 * <br />That score is then divided by the total number of possible items/weightings and converted to a percentage
 * to give the total kudos ranking for the user.
 * </p>
 * @author Steve Swinsburg (
public class KudosJob implements StatefulJob {

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(KudosJob.class);

    private final String BEAN_ID = "org.sakaiproject.profile2.job.KudosJob";

     * setup the rule map
    private final HashMap<String, BigDecimal> RULES = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            //points for profile completeness
            put("nickname", new BigDecimal("1"));
            put("birthday", new BigDecimal("0.5"));

            put("email", new BigDecimal("1"));
            put("homePage", new BigDecimal("1"));
            put("workPhone", new BigDecimal("1"));
            put("homePhone", new BigDecimal("1"));
            put("mobilePhone", new BigDecimal("1"));

            put("position", new BigDecimal("0.5"));
            put("department", new BigDecimal("0.5"));
            put("school", new BigDecimal("0.5"));
            put("room", new BigDecimal("0.5"));
            put("course", new BigDecimal("0.5"));
            put("subjects", new BigDecimal("0.5"));

            put("favouriteBooks", new BigDecimal("0.25"));
            put("favouriteTvShows", new BigDecimal("0.25"));
            put("favouriteMovies", new BigDecimal("0.25"));
            put("favouriteQuotes", new BigDecimal("0.25"));
            put("personalSummary", new BigDecimal("2"));

            //points for openness in privacy
            put("profileImageShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("profileImageBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("basicInfoShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("basicInfoBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("contactInfoShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("contactInfoBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("personalInfoShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("personalInfoBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("staffInfoShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("staffInfoBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("studentInfoShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("studentInfoBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("viewConnectionsShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("viewConnectionsBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("viewStatusShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("viewStatusBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("viewPicturesShared", new BigDecimal("0.05"));
            put("viewPicturesBonus", new BigDecimal("0.05"));

            put("showBirthYear", new BigDecimal("0.1"));

            //points for usage - more points for the heavier usage
            put("hasImage", new BigDecimal("5"));

            put("hasOneConnection", new BigDecimal("2"));
            put("hasMoreThanTenConnections", new BigDecimal("3"));

            put("hasOneSentMessage", new BigDecimal("2"));
            put("hasMoreThanTenSentMessages", new BigDecimal("3"));

            put("hasOneStatusUpdate", new BigDecimal("0.25"));

            // add when PRFL-191 is added
            //put("hasMoreThanTenStatusUpdates", new BigDecimal(1));
            //put("hasMoreThanOneHundredStatusUpdates", new BigDecimal(2));

            put("twitterEnabled", new BigDecimal("2"));

            put("hasOneGalleryPicture", new BigDecimal("0.25"));
            put("hasMoreThanTenGalleryPictures", new BigDecimal("1"));

            //points for others viewing their profile, not yet implemented
            //put("hasMoreThanOneVisitor", new BigDecimal(0.05));
            //put("hasMoreThanTenUniqueVisitors", new BigDecimal(2));
            //put("hasMoreThanOneHundredUniqueVisitors", new BigDecimal(3));


     * Calculate the score for this person
     * @param person   Person object
     * @return
    private BigDecimal getScore(Person person) {

        BigDecimal score = new BigDecimal(0);

        UserProfile profile = person.getProfile();
        if (profile != null) {
            if (nb(profile.getNickname())) {
                score = score.add(val("nickname"));
            if (nb(profile.getBirthday())) {
                score = score.add(val("birthday"));

            if (nb(profile.getEmail())) {
                score = score.add(val("email"));
            if (nb(profile.getHomepage())) {
                score = score.add(val("homePage"));
            if (nb(profile.getWorkphone())) {
                score = score.add(val("workPhone"));
            if (nb(profile.getHomephone())) {
                score = score.add(val("homePhone"));
            if (nb(profile.getMobilephone())) {
                score = score.add(val("mobilePhone"));

            if (nb(profile.getPosition())) {
                score = score.add(val("position"));
            if (nb(profile.getDepartment())) {
                score = score.add(val("department"));
            if (nb(profile.getSchool())) {
                score = score.add(val("school"));
            if (nb(profile.getRoom())) {
                score = score.add(val("room"));
            if (nb(profile.getCourse())) {
                score = score.add(val("course"));
            if (nb(profile.getSubjects())) {
                score = score.add(val("subjects"));

            if (nb(profile.getFavouriteBooks())) {
                score = score.add(val("favouriteBooks"));
            if (nb(profile.getFavouriteTvShows())) {
                score = score.add(val("favouriteTvShows"));
            if (nb(profile.getFavouriteMovies())) {
                score = score.add(val("favouriteMovies"));
            if (nb(profile.getFavouriteQuotes())) {
                score = score.add(val("favouriteQuotes"));
            if (nb(profile.getPersonalSummary())) {
                score = score.add(val("personalSummary"));

        ProfilePrivacy privacy = person.getPrivacy();
        if (privacy != null) {

            //profile image
            switch (privacy.getProfileImage()) {
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                score = score.add(val("profileImageShared"));
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                score = score.add(val("profileImageShared"));
                score = score.add(val("profileImageBonus"));

            //basic info
            switch (privacy.getBasicInfo()) {
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                score = score.add(val("basicInfoShared"));
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                score = score.add(val("basicInfoShared"));
                score = score.add(val("basicInfoBonus"));

            //contact info
            switch (privacy.getContactInfo()) {
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                score = score.add(val("contactInfoShared"));
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                score = score.add(val("contactInfoShared"));
                score = score.add(val("contactInfoBonus"));

            //personal info
            switch (privacy.getPersonalInfo()) {
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                score = score.add(val("personalInfoShared"));
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                score = score.add(val("personalInfoShared"));
                score = score.add(val("personalInfoBonus"));

            //staff info
            switch (privacy.getStaffInfo()) {
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                score = score.add(val("staffInfoShared"));
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                score = score.add(val("staffInfoShared"));
                score = score.add(val("staffInfoBonus"));

            //student info
            switch (privacy.getStudentInfo()) {
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                score = score.add(val("studentInfoShared"));
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                score = score.add(val("studentInfoShared"));
                score = score.add(val("studentInfoBonus"));

            //view connections
            switch (privacy.getMyFriends()) {
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                score = score.add(val("viewConnectionsShared"));
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                score = score.add(val("viewConnectionsShared"));
                score = score.add(val("viewConnectionsBonus"));

            //view status
            switch (privacy.getMyStatus()) {
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                score = score.add(val("viewStatusShared"));
            case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                score = score.add(val("viewStatusShared"));
                score = score.add(val("viewStatusBonus"));

            //view pictures. if it's disabled, assign full points
            if (sakaiProxy.isProfileGalleryEnabledGlobally()) {
                switch (privacy.getMyPictures()) {
                case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_ONLYFRIENDS):
                    score = score.add(val("viewPicturesShared"));
                case (ProfileConstants.PRIVACY_OPTION_EVERYONE):
                    score = score.add(val("viewPicturesShared"));
                    score = score.add(val("viewPicturesBonus"));
            } else {
                score = score.add(val("viewPicturesShared"));
                score = score.add(val("viewPicturesBonus"));

            //birth year visible
            if (privacy.isShowBirthYear()) {
                score = score.add(val("showBirthYear"));


        //points for image that isn't the default
        ProfileImage image = imageLogic.getProfileImage(person, ProfileConstants.PROFILE_IMAGE_MAIN);
        if (image != null) {
            if (image.getBinary() != null) {
                score = score.add(val("hasImage"));
            if (!StringUtils.equals(image.getUrl(), imageLogic.getUnavailableImageURL())) {
                score = score.add(val("hasImage"));

        //number of connections
        int numConnections = connectionsLogic.getConnectionsForUserCount(person.getUuid());
        if (numConnections >= 1) {
            score = score.add(val("hasOneConnection"));
        if (numConnections > 10) {
            score = score.add(val("hasMoreThanTenConnections"));

        //number of sent messages
        int numSentMessages = messagingLogic.getSentMessagesCount(person.getUuid());
        if (numSentMessages >= 1) {
            score = score.add(val("hasOneSentMessage"));
        if (numSentMessages > 10) {
            score = score.add(val("hasMoreThanTenSentMessages"));

        //number of status updates
        int numStatusUpdates = statusLogic.getStatusUpdatesCount(person.getUuid());
        if (numStatusUpdates >= 1) {
            score = score.add(val("hasOneStatusUpdate"));
        /* enable for PRFL-191 as well as entries in map above.
        if(numStatusUpdates > 10) {
           score = score.add(val("hasMoreThanTenStatusUpdates"));
        if(numStatusUpdates > 100) {
           score = score.add(val("hasMoreThanOneHundredStatusUpdates"));

        ProfilePreferences prefs = person.getPreferences();
        if(prefs != null){
           //is twitter enabled?
           if(prefs.isTwitterEnabled()) {
        score = score.add(val("twitterEnabled"));
        ExternalIntegrationInfo externalIntegrationInfo = externalIntegrationLogic
        if (externalIntegrationInfo != null) {
            if (externalIntegrationInfo.isTwitterAlreadyConfigured()) {
                score = score.add(val("twitterEnabled"));

        //if gallery enabled, number of gallery pictures
        if (sakaiProxy.isProfileGalleryEnabledGlobally()) {
            int numGalleryPictures = imageLogic.getGalleryImagesCount(person.getUuid());
            if (numGalleryPictures >= 1) {
                score = score.add(val("hasOneGalleryPicture"));
            if (numGalleryPictures > 10) {
                score = score.add(val("hasMoreThanTenGalleryPictures"));

        return score;


    public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {

        //abort if already running on THIS server node (cannot check other nodes)
        try {
            while (isJobCurrentlyRunning(context)) {
                String beanId = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().getString(BEAN_ID);
                log.warn("Another instance of " + beanId + " is currently running - Execution aborted.");
        } catch (SchedulerException e) {
            log.error("Aborting job execution due to " + e.toString(), e);
        }"KudosJob run");

        //start a session for admin so we can get full profiles
        Session session = sessionManager.startSession();

        //get total possible score
        BigDecimal total = getTotal();"Total score possible: " + total.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP));

        //get total number of records
        List<String> profileUuids = profileLogic.getAllSakaiPersonIds();

        //iterate over list getting a chunk of profiles at a time
        for (String userUuid : profileUuids) {

            Person person = profileLogic.getPerson(userUuid);
            if (person == null) {

  "Processing user: " + userUuid + " (" + person.getDisplayName() + ")");

            //get score for user
            BigDecimal score = getScore(person);
            BigDecimal percentage = getScoreAsPercentage(score, total);
            int adjustedScore = getScoreOutOfTen(score, total);

            //save it
            if (kudosLogic.updateKudos(userUuid, adjustedScore, percentage)) {
      "Kudos updated for user: " + userUuid + ", score: "
                        + score.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) + ", percentage: " + percentage
                        + ", adjustedScore: " + adjustedScore);


        session.setUserEid(null);"KudosJob finished");

     * Are multiples of this job currently running?
     * @param context
     * @return
     * @throws SchedulerException
    private boolean isJobCurrentlyRunning(JobExecutionContext context) throws SchedulerException {
        String beanId = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().getString(BEAN_ID);
        List<JobExecutionContext> jobsRunning = context.getScheduler().getCurrentlyExecutingJobs();

        int jobsCount = 0;
        for (JobExecutionContext j : jobsRunning)
            if (StringUtils.equals(beanId, j.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().getString(BEAN_ID))) {
                jobsCount++; //this job=1, any more and they are multiples.
        if (jobsCount > 1) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Helper for StringUtils.isNotBlank
     * @param s1   String to check
     * @return
    private boolean nb(String s1) {
        return StringUtils.isNotBlank(s1);

     * Helper to get the value of the key from the RULES map
     * @param key   key to getvalue for
     * @return      BigDecimal value
    private BigDecimal val(String key) {
        return RULES.get(key);

     * Gets the total of all BigDecimals in the RULES map
     * @param map
     * @return
    private BigDecimal getTotal() {

        BigDecimal total = new BigDecimal("0");

        if (RULES != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, BigDecimal> entry : RULES.entrySet()) {
                total = total.add(entry.getValue());
        return total;

     * Gets the score as a percentage, two decimal precision
     * @param score      score for user
     * @param total      total possible score
     * @return
    private BigDecimal getScoreAsPercentage(BigDecimal score, BigDecimal total) {
        return score.divide(total, 4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).multiply(new BigDecimal("100")).stripTrailingZeros();

     * Gets the score out of ten as an int, and rounded up
     * @param score      score for user
     * @param total      total possible score
     * @return
    private static int getScoreOutOfTen(BigDecimal score, BigDecimal total) {
        return score.divide(total, 1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).multiply(new BigDecimal("10")).intValue();

    public void init() {"KudosJob.init()");

    private SakaiProxy sakaiProxy;

    private ProfileLogic profileLogic;

    private ProfileKudosLogic kudosLogic;

    private ProfileImageLogic imageLogic;

    private ProfileConnectionsLogic connectionsLogic;

    private ProfileMessagingLogic messagingLogic;

    private ProfileStatusLogic statusLogic;

    private ProfileExternalIntegrationLogic externalIntegrationLogic;

    private SessionManager sessionManager;
