Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL$ * $Id$ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.alias.api.Alias; import org.sakaiproject.alias.api.AliasService; import org.sakaiproject.authz.cover.SecurityService; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.Preferences; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Entity; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.EntityProducer; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.EntitySummary; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Reference; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Summary; import org.sakaiproject.entity.cover.EntityManager; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException; import org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PageFilter; import org.sakaiproject.portal.api.Portal; import org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper; import org.sakaiproject.portal.api.SiteView; import org.sakaiproject.portal.api.SiteView.View; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.thread_local.cover.ThreadLocalManager; import org.sakaiproject.time.api.Time; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Placement; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Tool; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolManager; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.PreferencesService; import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.util.ArrayUtil; import org.sakaiproject.util.MapUtil; import org.sakaiproject.util.Web; import org.sakaiproject.portal.util.ToolUtils; import org.sakaiproject.portal.charon.PortalStringUtil; import org.sakaiproject.util.FormattedText; /** * @author ieb * @since Sakai 2.4 * @version $Rev$ */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class PortalSiteHelperImpl implements PortalSiteHelper { // Alias prefix for page aliases. Use Entity.SEPARATOR as IDs shouldn't contain it. private static final String PAGE_ALIAS = Entity.SEPARATOR + "pagealias" + Entity.SEPARATOR; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PortalSiteHelper.class); private final String PROP_PARENT_ID = SiteService.PROP_PARENT_ID; private static final String PROP_HTML_INCLUDE = "sakai:htmlInclude"; private static final String PROP_MENU_CLASS = "sakai:menuClass"; protected final static String CURRENT_PLACEMENT = "sakai:ToolComponent:current.placement"; private Portal portal; private AliasService aliasService; private boolean lookForPageAliases; // 2.3 back port // private final String PROP_PARENT_ID = "sakai:parent-id"; private ToolManager toolManager; public ToolManager getToolManager() { //To work around injection for test case if (toolManager == null) { toolManager = (ToolManager) ComponentManager.get(ToolManager.class.getName()); } return toolManager; } public void setToolManager(ToolManager toolManager) { this.toolManager = toolManager; } /** * @param portal */ public PortalSiteHelperImpl(Portal portal, boolean lookForPageAliases) { this.portal = portal; this.lookForPageAliases = lookForPageAliases; aliasService = ComponentManager.get(AliasService.class); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#doGatewaySiteList() */ public boolean doGatewaySiteList() { String gatewaySiteListPref = ServerConfigurationService.getString("gatewaySiteList"); if (gatewaySiteListPref == null) return false; return (gatewaySiteListPref.trim().length() > 0); } // Determine if we are to do multiple tabs for the anonymous view (Gateway) /** * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#doGatewaySiteList() */ public String getGatewaySiteId() { String gatewaySiteListPref = ServerConfigurationService.getString("gatewaySiteList"); if (gatewaySiteListPref == null) return null; String[] gatewaySiteIds = getGatewaySiteList(); if (gatewaySiteIds == null) { return null; } // Loop throught the sites making sure they exist and are visitable for (int i = 0; i < gatewaySiteIds.length; i++) { String siteId = gatewaySiteIds[i]; Site site = null; try { site = getSiteVisit(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { continue; } catch (PermissionException e) { continue; } if (site != null) { return siteId; } } log.warn("No suitable gateway sites found, gatewaySiteList preference had " + gatewaySiteIds.length + " sites."); return null; } // Return the list of tabs for the anonymous view (Gateway) // If we have a list of sites, return that - if not simply pull in the // single // Gateway site /** * @return */ private String[] getGatewaySiteList() { String gatewaySiteListPref = ServerConfigurationService.getString("gatewaySiteList"); if (gatewaySiteListPref == null || gatewaySiteListPref.trim().length() < 1) { gatewaySiteListPref = ServerConfigurationService.getGatewaySiteId(); } if (gatewaySiteListPref == null || gatewaySiteListPref.trim().length() < 1) return null; String[] gatewaySites = gatewaySiteListPref.split(","); if (gatewaySites.length < 1) return null; return gatewaySites; } /* * Get All Sites which indicate the current site as their parent */ // TODO: Move into SiteStructureProvider /** * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#getSubSites( */ public List<Site> getSubSites(Site site) { if (site == null) return null; Map<String, String> propMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); propMap.put(PROP_PARENT_ID, site.getId()); // This should not call getUserSites(boolean) because the property is variable, while the call is cacheable otherwise List<Site> mySites = SiteService.getSites(, null, null, propMap,, null); return mySites; } public List<Map> getSitesInContext(String context, String userId) { return null; } /** * This method takes a list of sites and organizes it into a list of maps of * properties. There is an additional complication that the depth contains * informaiton arround. * * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#convertSitesToMaps(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, * java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, * java.lang.String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, * java.lang.String, boolean) */ public List<Map> convertSitesToMaps(HttpServletRequest req, List mySites, String prefix, String currentSiteId, String myWorkspaceSiteId, boolean includeSummary, boolean expandSite, boolean resetTools, boolean doPages, String toolContextPath, boolean loggedIn) { List<Map> l = new ArrayList<Map>(); Map<String, Integer> depthChart = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); boolean motdDone = false; // We only compute the depths if there is no user chosen order boolean computeDepth = true; Session session = SessionManager.getCurrentSession(); if (session != null) { Preferences prefs = PreferencesService.getPreferences(session.getUserId()); ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties("sakai:portal:sitenav"); List propList = props.getPropertyList("order"); if (propList != null) { computeDepth = false; } } // Determine the depths of the child sites if needed for (Iterator i = mySites.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Site s = (Site); // The first site is the current site if (currentSiteId == null) currentSiteId = s.getId(); Integer cDepth = Integer.valueOf(0); if (computeDepth) { ResourceProperties rp = s.getProperties(); String ourParent = rp.getProperty(PROP_PARENT_ID); // System.out.println("Depth Site:"+s.getTitle()+ // "parent="+ourParent); if (ourParent != null) { Integer pDepth = depthChart.get(ourParent); if (pDepth != null) { cDepth = pDepth + 1; } } depthChart.put(s.getId(), cDepth); // System.out.println("Depth = "+cDepth); } Map m = convertSiteToMap(req, s, prefix, currentSiteId, myWorkspaceSiteId, includeSummary, expandSite, resetTools, doPages, toolContextPath, loggedIn); // Add the Depth of the site m.put("depth", cDepth); if (includeSummary && m.get("rssDescription") == null) { if (!motdDone) { summarizeTool(m, s, "sakai.motd"); motdDone = true; } else { summarizeTool(m, s, "sakai.announcements"); } } l.add(m); } return l; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getUserSpecificSiteTitle(Site site) { String retVal = SiteService.getUserSpecificSiteTitle(site, UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getId()); return Web.escapeHtml(FormattedText.makeShortenedText(retVal, null, null, null)); } /** * Explode a site into a map suitable for use in the map * * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#convertSiteToMap(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, *, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, * java.lang.String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, * java.lang.String, boolean) */ public Map convertSiteToMap(HttpServletRequest req, Site s, String prefix, String currentSiteId, String myWorkspaceSiteId, boolean includeSummary, boolean expandSite, boolean resetTools, boolean doPages, String toolContextPath, boolean loggedIn) { if (s == null) return null; Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<>(); // In case the effective is different than the actual site String effectiveSite = getSiteEffectiveId(s); boolean isCurrentSite = currentSiteId != null && (s.getId().equals(currentSiteId) || effectiveSite.equals(currentSiteId)); m.put("isCurrentSite", Boolean.valueOf(isCurrentSite)); m.put("isMyWorkspace", Boolean.valueOf(myWorkspaceSiteId != null && (s.getId().equals(myWorkspaceSiteId) || effectiveSite.equals(myWorkspaceSiteId)))); // SAK-29138 String siteTitle = getUserSpecificSiteTitle(s); m.put("siteTitle", siteTitle); m.put("fullTitle", siteTitle); m.put("siteDescription", s.getHtmlDescription()); if (s.getShortDescription() != null && s.getShortDescription().trim().length() > 0) { // SAK-23895: Allow display of site description in the tab instead of site title String shortDesc = s.getShortDescription(); String shortDesc_trimmed = FormattedText.makeShortenedText(shortDesc, null, null, null); m.put("shortDescription", Web.escapeHtml(shortDesc_trimmed)); } String siteUrl = Web.serverUrl(req) + ServerConfigurationService.getString("portalPath") + "/"; if (prefix != null) siteUrl = siteUrl + prefix + "/"; // siteUrl = siteUrl + Web.escapeUrl(siteHelper.getSiteEffectiveId(s)); m.put("siteUrl", siteUrl + Web.escapeUrl(getSiteEffectiveId(s))); m.put("siteType", s.getType()); m.put("siteId", s.getId()); // TODO: This should come from the site neighbourhood. ResourceProperties rp = s.getProperties(); String ourParent = rp.getProperty(PROP_PARENT_ID); // We are not really a child unless the parent exists // And we have a valid pwd boolean isChild = false; // Get the current site hierarchy if (ourParent != null && isCurrentSite) { List<Site> pwd = getPwd(s, ourParent); if (pwd != null) { List<Map> l = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < pwd.size(); i++) { Site site = pwd.get(i); // System.out.println("PWD["+i+"]="+site.getId()+" // "+site.getTitle()); Map<String, Object> pm = new HashMap<>(); pm.put("siteTitle", Web.escapeHtml(site.getTitle())); pm.put("siteUrl", siteUrl + Web.escapeUrl(getSiteEffectiveId(site))); l.add(pm); isChild = true; } if (l.size() > 0) m.put("pwd", l); } } // If we are a child and have a non-zero length, pwd // show breadcrumbs if (isChild) { m.put("isChild", Boolean.valueOf(isChild)); m.put("parentSite", ourParent); } if (includeSummary) { summarizeTool(m, s, "sakai.announce"); } if (expandSite) { Map pageMap = pageListToMap(req, loggedIn, s, /* SitePage */null, toolContextPath, prefix, doPages, resetTools, includeSummary); m.put("sitePages", pageMap); } return m; } /** * Gets the path of sites back to the root of the tree. * @param s * @param ourParent * @return */ private List<Site> getPwd(Site s, String ourParent) { if (ourParent == null) return null; // System.out.println("Getting Current Working Directory for // "+s.getId()+" "+s.getTitle()); int depth = 0; Vector<Site> pwd = new Vector<Site>(); Set<String> added = new HashSet<String>(); // Add us to the list at the top (will become the end) pwd.add(s); added.add(s.getId()); // Make sure we don't go on forever while (ourParent != null && depth < 8) { depth++; Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSiteVisit(ourParent); } catch (Exception e) { break; } // We have no patience with loops if (added.contains(site.getId())) break; // System.out.println("Adding Parent "+site.getId()+" // "+site.getTitle()); pwd.insertElementAt(site, 0); // Push down stack added.add(site.getId()); ResourceProperties rp = site.getProperties(); ourParent = rp.getProperty(PROP_PARENT_ID); } // PWD is only defined for > 1 site if (pwd.size() < 2) return null; return pwd; } /** * Produce a page and/or a tool list doPage = true is best for the * tabs-based portal and for RSS - these think in terms of pages doPage = * false is best for the portlet-style - it unrolls all of the tools unless * a page is marked as a popup. If the page is a popup - it is left a page * and marked as such. restTools = true - generate resetting tool URLs. * * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#pageListToMap(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, * boolean,, *, java.lang.String, * java.lang.String, boolean, boolean, boolean) */ public Map pageListToMap(HttpServletRequest req, boolean loggedIn, Site site, SitePage page, String toolContextPath, String portalPrefix, boolean doPages, boolean resetTools, boolean includeSummary) { Map<String, Object> theMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String effectiveSiteId = getSiteEffectiveId(site); // Should be pushed up to the API, similar to server configiuration service, but supporting an Enum(always, never, true, false). boolean showHelp = true; // Supports true, false, never, always String showHelpGlobal = ServerConfigurationService.getString("", "true"); if ("never".equals(showHelp)) { showHelp = false; } else if ("always".equals(showHelpGlobal)) { showHelp = true; } else { showHelp = Boolean.valueOf(showHelpGlobal).booleanValue(); String showHelpSite = site.getProperties().getProperty("display-help-menu"); if (showHelpSite != null) { showHelp = Boolean.valueOf(showHelpSite).booleanValue(); } } String iconUrl = ""; try { if (site.getIconUrlFull() != null) iconUrl = new URI(site.getIconUrlFull()).toString(); } catch (URISyntaxException uex) { log.debug("Icon URL is invalid: " + site.getIconUrlFull()); } boolean published = site.isPublished(); String type = site.getType(); theMap.put("siteId", site.getId()); theMap.put("pageNavPublished", Boolean.valueOf(published)); theMap.put("pageNavType", type); theMap.put("pageNavIconUrl", iconUrl); String htmlInclude = site.getProperties().getProperty(PROP_HTML_INCLUDE); if (htmlInclude != null) theMap.put("siteHTMLInclude", htmlInclude); // theMap.put("pageNavSitToolsHead", // Web.escapeHtml(rb.getString("sit_toolshead"))); // order the pages based on their tools and the tool order for the // site type // List pages = site.getOrderedPages(); List pages = getPermittedPagesInOrder(site); List<Map> l = new ArrayList<Map>(); String addMoreToolsUrl = null; for (Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { SitePage p = (SitePage); // check if current user has permission to see page // one tool on the page List<ToolConfiguration> pTools = p.getTools(); ToolConfiguration firstTool = null; String toolsOnPage = null; // Check the tools that indicate the portal is to do the popup Iterator<ToolConfiguration> toolz = pTools.iterator(); String source = null; int count = 0; ToolConfiguration pageTool = null; while (toolz.hasNext()) { count++; pageTool =; source = ToolUtils.getToolPopupUrl(pageTool); if ("sakai.siteinfo".equals(pageTool.getToolId())) { addMoreToolsUrl = ToolUtils.getPageUrl(req, site, p, portalPrefix, resetTools, effectiveSiteId, null); addMoreToolsUrl += "?sakai_action=doMenu_edit_site_tools&panel=Shortcut"; } } if (count != 1) { source = null; addMoreToolsUrl = null; pageTool = null; } boolean current = (page != null && p.getId().equals(page.getId()) && !p.isPopUp()); String pageAlias = lookupPageToAlias(site.getId(), p); String pagerefUrl = ToolUtils.getPageUrl(req, site, p, portalPrefix, resetTools, effectiveSiteId, pageAlias); if (doPages || p.isPopUp()) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer(); boolean hidden = false; if (pTools != null && pTools.size() > 0) { firstTool = pTools.get(0); hidden = true; // Only set the page to hidden when we have tools that might un-hide it. Iterator<ToolConfiguration> tools = pTools.iterator(); //get the tool descriptions for this page, typically only one per page, execpt for the Home page int tCount = 0; while (tools.hasNext()) { ToolConfiguration t =; if (hidden && !isHidden(t)) { hidden = false; } if (tCount > 0) { desc.append(" | "); } if (t.getTool() == null) continue; desc.append(t.getTool().getDescription()); tCount++; } } boolean siteUpdate = SecurityService.unlock("site.upd", site.getReference()); if (!siteUpdate) addMoreToolsUrl = null; if (!ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("portal.experimental.addmoretools", false)) addMoreToolsUrl = null; String pagePopupUrl = Web.returnUrl(req, "/page/"); //SAK-29660 - Refresh tool in the LHS page menu String pageResetUrl = pagerefUrl; if (pagerefUrl != null) { if (pagerefUrl.contains("/tool/")) { pageResetUrl = PortalStringUtil.replaceFirst(pagerefUrl, "/tool/", "/tool-reset/"); } else if (pagerefUrl.contains("/page/")) { pageResetUrl = PortalStringUtil.replaceFirst(pagerefUrl, "/page/", "/page-reset/"); } } m.put("isPage", Boolean.valueOf(true)); m.put("current", Boolean.valueOf(current)); m.put("ispopup", Boolean.valueOf(p.isPopUp())); m.put("pagePopupUrl", pagePopupUrl); m.put("pageTitle", Web.escapeHtml(p.getTitle())); m.put("jsPageTitle", Web.escapeJavascript(p.getTitle())); m.put("pageId", Web.escapeUrl(p.getId())); m.put("jsPageId", Web.escapeJavascript(p.getId())); m.put("pageRefUrl", pagerefUrl); m.put("pageResetUrl", pageResetUrl); m.put("toolpopup", Boolean.valueOf(source != null)); m.put("toolpopupurl", source); // TODO: Should have Web.escapeHtmlAttribute() String description = desc.toString().replace("\"", """); m.put("description", description); m.put("hidden", Boolean.valueOf(hidden)); // toolsOnPage is always null //if (toolsOnPage != null) m.put("toolsOnPage", toolsOnPage); if (includeSummary) summarizePage(m, site, p); if (firstTool != null) { String menuClass = firstTool.getToolId(); menuClass = "icon-" + menuClass.replace('.', '-'); m.put("menuClass", menuClass); Properties tmp = firstTool.getConfig(); if (tmp != null) { String mc = tmp.getProperty(PROP_MENU_CLASS); if (mc != null && mc.length() > 0) m.put("menuClassOverride", mc); String fa = tmp.getProperty("imsti.fa_icon"); if (fa != null && fa.length() > 0) { m.put("menuClass", "fa"); m.put("menuClassOverride", collapseToVariable(fa)); } } } else { m.put("menuClass", "icon-default-tool"); } m.put("pageProps", createPageProps(p)); // this is here to allow the tool reorder to work m.put("_sitePage", p); l.add(m); continue; } String toolUrl = Web.returnUrl(req, "/" + portalPrefix + "/" + Web.escapeUrl(getSiteEffectiveId(site))); if (resetTools) { toolUrl = toolUrl + "/tool-reset/"; } else { toolUrl = toolUrl + "/tool/"; } // Loop through the tools again and Unroll the tools Iterator iPt = pTools.iterator(); while (iPt.hasNext()) { ToolConfiguration placement = (ToolConfiguration); Tool tool = placement.getTool(); if (tool != null) { String toolrefUrl = toolUrl + Web.escapeUrl(placement.getId()); Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("isPage", Boolean.valueOf(false)); m.put("toolId", Web.escapeUrl(placement.getId())); m.put("jsToolId", Web.escapeJavascript(placement.getId())); m.put("toolRegistryId", placement.getToolId()); m.put("toolTitle", Web.escapeHtml(placement.getTitle())); m.put("jsToolTitle", Web.escapeJavascript(placement.getTitle())); m.put("toolrefUrl", toolrefUrl); m.put("toolpopup", Boolean.valueOf(source != null)); m.put("toolpopupurl", source); String menuClass = placement.getToolId(); menuClass = "icon-" + menuClass.replace('.', '-'); m.put("menuClass", menuClass); Properties tmp = placement.getConfig(); if (tmp != null) { String mc = tmp.getProperty(PROP_MENU_CLASS); if (mc != null && mc.length() > 0) m.put("menuClassOverride", mc); } // this is here to allow the tool reorder to work if requried. m.put("_placement", placement); l.add(m); } } } PageFilter pageFilter = portal.getPageFilter(); if (pageFilter != null) { l = pageFilter.filterPlacements(l, site); } if (addMoreToolsUrl != null) { theMap.put("pageNavAddMoreToolsUrl", addMoreToolsUrl); theMap.put("pageNavCanAddMoreTools", true); } else { theMap.put("pageNavCanAddMoreTools", false); } theMap.put("pageNavTools", l); theMap.put("pageMaxIfSingle", ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("portal.experimental.maximizesinglepage", false)); theMap.put("pageNavToolsCount", Integer.valueOf(l.size())); String helpUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getHelpUrl(null); theMap.put("pageNavShowHelp", Boolean.valueOf(showHelp)); theMap.put("pageNavHelpUrl", helpUrl); theMap.put("helpMenuClass", "icon-sakai-help"); theMap.put("subsiteClass", "icon-sakai-subsite"); // theMap.put("pageNavSitContentshead", // Web.escapeHtml(rb.getString("sit_contentshead"))); // Display presence? Global property display.users.present may be always / never / true / false // If true or false, the value may be overriden by the site property display-users-present // which may be true or false. boolean showPresence; String globalShowPresence = ServerConfigurationService.getString("display.users.present", "true"); if ("never".equals(globalShowPresence)) { showPresence = false; } else if ("always".equals(globalShowPresence)) { showPresence = true; } else { showPresence = Boolean.valueOf(globalShowPresence).booleanValue(); String showPresenceSite = site.getProperties().getProperty("display-users-present"); if (showPresenceSite != null) { showPresence = Boolean.valueOf(showPresenceSite).booleanValue(); } } // Check to see if this is a my workspace site, and if so, whether presence is disabled if (showPresence && SiteService.isUserSite(site.getId()) && !ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("display.users.present.myworkspace", false)) showPresence = false; String presenceUrl = Web.returnUrl(req, "/presence/" + Web.escapeUrl(site.getId())); // theMap.put("pageNavSitPresenceTitle", // Web.escapeHtml(rb.getString("sit_presencetitle"))); // theMap.put("pageNavSitPresenceFrameTitle", // Web.escapeHtml(rb.getString("sit_presenceiframetit"))); theMap.put("pageNavShowPresenceLoggedIn", Boolean.valueOf(showPresence && loggedIn)); theMap.put("pageNavPresenceUrl", presenceUrl); //add softly deleted status theMap.put("softlyDeleted", site.isSoftlyDeleted()); // Retrieve whether or not we are to put presence in a frame theMap.put("pageNavPresenceIframe", Boolean.valueOf(ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("display.users.present.iframe", false))); theMap.put("sakaiPresenceTimeDelay", Integer.valueOf(ServerConfigurationService.getInt("display.users.present.time.delay", 3000))); return theMap; } /** * Collapse a string to only allow characters that can be in variables */ public String collapseToVariable(String inp) { if (inp == null) return null; return inp.replaceAll("[^-_.a-zA-Z0-9]", ""); } /** * @param p * @return */ private Map createPageProps(SitePage p) { Map properties = new HashMap(); for (Iterator<String> i = p.getProperties().getPropertyNames(); i.hasNext();) { String propName =; properties.put(propName, p.getProperties().get(propName)); } return properties; } /** * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#getMyWorkspace(org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session) */ public Site getMyWorkspace(Session session) { String siteId = SiteService.getUserSiteId(session.getUserId()); // Make sure we can visit Site site = null; try { site = getSiteVisit(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { site = null; } catch (PermissionException e) { site = null; } return site; } /* * Temporarily set a placement with the site id as the context - we do not * set a tool ID this will not be a rich enough placement to do *everything* * but for those services which call * ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() to contextualize their * information - it wil be sufficient. */ public boolean setTemporaryPlacement(Site site) { if (site == null) return false; Placement ppp = getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement(); if (ppp != null && site.getId().equals(ppp.getContext())) { return true; } // Create a site-only placement Placement placement = new org.sakaiproject.util.Placement("portal-temporary", /* toolId */ null, /* tool */null, /* config */null, /* context */site.getId(), /* title */null); ThreadLocalManager.set(CURRENT_PLACEMENT, placement); // Debugging ppp = getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement(); if (ppp == null) { System.out.println("WARNING portal-temporary placement not set - null"); } else { String cont = ppp.getContext(); if (site.getId().equals(cont)) { return true; } else { System.out.println( "WARNING portal-temporary placement mismatch site=" + site.getId() + " context=" + cont); } } return false; } public boolean summarizePage(Map m, Site site, SitePage page) { List pTools = page.getTools(); Iterator iPt = pTools.iterator(); while (iPt.hasNext()) { ToolConfiguration placement = (ToolConfiguration); if (summarizeTool(m, site, placement.getToolId())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * There must be a better way of doing this as this hard codes the services * in surely there should be some whay of looking up the serivce and making * the getSummary part of an interface. TODO: Add an interface beside * EntityProducer to generate summaries Make this discoverable * * @param m * @param site * @param toolIdentifier * @return */ private boolean summarizeTool(Map m, Site site, String toolIdentifier) { if (site == null) return false; setTemporaryPlacement(site); Map newMap = null; /* * This is a new, cooler way to do this (I hope) chmaurer... (ieb) Yes:) * All summaries now through this interface */ // offer to all EntityProducers for (Iterator i = EntityManager.getEntityProducers().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EntityProducer ep = (EntityProducer); if (ep instanceof EntitySummary) { try { EntitySummary es = (EntitySummary) ep; // if this producer claims this tool id if (ArrayUtil.contains(es.summarizableToolIds(), toolIdentifier)) { String summarizableReference = es.getSummarizableReference(site.getId(), toolIdentifier); newMap = es.getSummary(summarizableReference, 5, 30); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Error encountered while asking EntitySummary to getSummary() for: " + toolIdentifier, t); } } } if (newMap != null) { return (MapUtil.copyHtml(m, "rssDescription", newMap, Summary.PROP_DESCRIPTION) && MapUtil.copy(m, "rssPubdate", newMap, Summary.PROP_PUBDATE)); } else { Time modDate = site.getModifiedTime(); // Yes, some sites have never been modified if (modDate != null) { m.put("rssPubDate", (modDate.toStringRFC822Local())); } return false; } } /** * If this is a user site, return an id based on the user EID, otherwise * just return the site id. * * @param site * The site. * @return The effective site id. */ public String getSiteEffectiveId(Site site) { if (SiteService.isUserSite(site.getId())) { try { String userId = SiteService.getSiteUserId(site.getId()); String eid = UserDirectoryService.getUserEid(userId); return SiteService.getUserSiteId(eid); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { log.warn("getSiteEffectiveId: user eid not found for user site: " + site.getId()); } } else { String displayId = portal.getSiteNeighbourhoodService().lookupSiteAlias(site.getReference(), null); if (displayId != null) { return displayId; } } return site.getId(); } /** * Do the getSiteVisit, but if not found and the id is a user site, try * translating from user EID to ID. * * @param siteId * The Site Id. * @return The Site. * @throws PermissionException * If not allowed. * @throws IdUnusedException * If not found. */ public Site getSiteVisit(String siteId) throws PermissionException, IdUnusedException { try { return SiteService.getSiteVisit(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (SiteService.isUserSite(siteId)) { try { String userEid = SiteService.getSiteUserId(siteId); String userId = UserDirectoryService.getUserId(userEid); String alternateSiteId = SiteService.getUserSiteId(userId); return SiteService.getSiteVisit(alternateSiteId); } catch (UserNotDefinedException ee) { } } else { String reference = portal.getSiteNeighbourhoodService().parseSiteAlias(siteId); if (reference != null) { Reference ref = EntityManager.getInstance().newReference(reference); try { return SiteService.getSiteVisit(ref.getId()); } catch (IdUnusedException iue) { } } } // re-throw if that didn't work throw e; } } /** * Retrieve the list of pages in this site, checking to see if the user has * permission to see the page - by checking the permissions of tools on the * page. * * @param site * @return */ public List getPermittedPagesInOrder(Site site) { // Get all of the pages List pages = site.getOrderedPages(); boolean siteUpdate = SecurityService.unlock("site.upd", site.getReference()); List newPages = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { // check if current user has permission to see page SitePage p = (SitePage); List pTools = p.getTools(); Iterator iPt = pTools.iterator(); boolean allowPage = false; while (iPt.hasNext()) { ToolConfiguration placement = (ToolConfiguration); boolean thisTool = allowTool(site, placement); boolean unHidden = siteUpdate || !isHidden(placement); if (thisTool && unHidden) allowPage = true; } if (allowPage) newPages.add(p); } PageFilter pageFilter = portal.getPageFilter(); if (pageFilter != null) { newPages = pageFilter.filter(newPages, site); } return newPages; } /** * Make sure that we have a proper page selected in the site pageid is * generally the last page used in the site. pageId must be in the site and * the user must have permission for the page as well. * * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#lookupSitePage(java.lang.String, * */ public SitePage lookupSitePage(String pageId, Site site) { // Make sure we have some permitted pages List pages = getPermittedPagesInOrder(site); if (pages.isEmpty()) return null; SitePage page = site.getPage(pageId); if (page == null) { page = lookupAliasToPage(pageId, site); if (page == null) { page = (SitePage) pages.get(0); return page; } } // Make sure that they user has permission for the page. // If the page is not in the permitted list go to the first // page. boolean found = false; for (Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { SitePage p = (SitePage); if (p.getId().equals(page.getId())) return page; } return (SitePage) pages.get(0); } public SitePage lookupAliasToPage(String alias, Site site) { //Shortcut if we aren't using page aliases. if (!lookForPageAliases) { return null; } SitePage page = null; if (alias != null && alias.length() > 0) { try { // Use page#{siteId}:{pageAlias} So we can scan for fist colon and alias can contain any character String refString = aliasService.getTarget(buildAlias(alias, site)); String aliasPageId = EntityManager.newReference(refString).getId(); page = (SitePage) site.getPage(aliasPageId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Alias does not resolve " + e.getMessage()); } } } return page; } public String lookupPageToAlias(String siteId, SitePage page) { // Shortcut if we aren't using page aliases. if (!lookForPageAliases) { return null; } String alias = null; List<Alias> aliases = aliasService.getAliases(page.getReference()); if (aliases.size() > 0) { if (aliases.size() > 1 && log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("More than one alias for: " + siteId + ":" + page.getId()); // Sort on ID so it is consistent in the alias it uses. Collections.sort(aliases, getAliasComparator()); } alias = aliases.get(0).getId(); alias = parseAlias(alias, siteId); } return alias; } /** * Find the short alias. * @param alias * @return */ private String parseAlias(String aliasId, String siteId) { String prefix = PAGE_ALIAS + siteId + Entity.SEPARATOR; String alias = null; if (aliasId.startsWith(prefix)) { alias = aliasId.substring(prefix.length()); } return alias; } private String buildAlias(String alias, Site site) { return PAGE_ALIAS + site.getId() + Entity.SEPARATOR + alias; } private Comparator<Alias> getAliasComparator() { return new Comparator<Alias>() { public int compare(Alias o1, Alias o2) { // Sort by date, then by ID to assure consistent order. return o1.getCreatedTime().compareTo(o2.getCreatedTime()) * 10 + o1.getId().compareTo(o2.getId()); } }; } public boolean allowTool(Site site, Placement placement) { return getToolManager().allowTool(site, placement); } /** * Check to see if a tool placement is hidden. * Can be used to check is a page should be hidden. */ public boolean isHidden(Placement placement) { return getToolManager().isHidden(placement); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalSiteHelper#getSitesView(org.sakaiproject.portal.api.SiteView.View, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, * org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session, java.lang.String) */ public SiteView getSitesView(View view, HttpServletRequest request, Session session, String siteId) { switch (view) { case CURRENT_SITE_VIEW: return new CurrentSiteViewImpl(this, portal.getSiteNeighbourhoodService(), request, session, siteId, SiteService.getInstance(), ServerConfigurationService.getInstance(), PreferencesService.getInstance()); case ALL_SITES_VIEW: return new AllSitesViewImpl(this, portal.getSiteNeighbourhoodService(), request, session, siteId, SiteService.getInstance(), ServerConfigurationService.getInstance(), PreferencesService.getInstance()); case DHTML_MORE_VIEW: return new MoreSiteViewImpl(this, portal.getSiteNeighbourhoodService(), request, session, siteId, SiteService.getInstance(), ServerConfigurationService.getInstance(), PreferencesService.getInstance()); case SUB_SITES_VIEW: return new SubSiteViewImpl(this, portal.getSiteNeighbourhoodService(), request, session, siteId, SiteService.getInstance(), ServerConfigurationService.getInstance(), PreferencesService.getInstance()); } return null; } public boolean isJoinable(String siteId, String userId) { Site site = null; try { site = getSite(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { } return site != null && site.isJoinable() && site.getUserRole(userId) == null; } public Site getSite(String siteId) throws IdUnusedException { Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getInstance().getSite(siteId); return site; } catch (IdUnusedException e) { // Attempt to lookup by alias. String reference = portal.getSiteNeighbourhoodService().parseSiteAlias(siteId); if (reference != null) { Reference ref = EntityManager.getInstance().newReference(reference); try { site = SiteService.getInstance().getSite(ref.getId()); return site; } catch (IdUnusedException e2) { } } throw e; } } }