Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.RemoveProperty; import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.StorageClientException; import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.StorageClientUtils; import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.StorageConstants; import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.util.PreemptiveIterator; import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.lite.CachingManager; import org.sakaiproject.nakamura.lite.content.InternalContent; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; public class WideColumnIndexer extends AbstractIndexer { private static final String SQL_INSERT_WIDESTRING_ROW = "insert-widestring-row"; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_WIDESTRING_ROW = "update-widestring-row"; private static final String SQL_DELETE_WIDESTRING_ROW = "delete-widestring-row"; private static final String SQL_EXISTS_WIDESTRING_ROW = "exists-widestring-row"; private static final int SQL_QUERY_TEMPLATE_PART = 0; private static final int SQL_WHERE_PART = 1; private static final int SQL_WHERE_ARRAY_PART = 2; private static final int SQL_WHERE_ARRAY_WHERE_PART = 3; private static final int SQL_SORT_CLAUSE_PART = 4; private static final int SQL_SORT_LIST_PART = 5; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WideColumnIndexer.class); private JDBCStorageClient client; private Map<String, String> indexColumnsNames; private Map<String, String> indexColumnsTypes; public WideColumnIndexer(JDBCStorageClient jdbcStorageClient, Map<String, String> indexColumnsNames, Set<String> indexColumnTypes, Map<String, Object> sqlConfig) { super(indexColumnsNames.keySet()); this.client = jdbcStorageClient; this.indexColumnsNames = indexColumnsNames; Builder<String, String> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (String k : Sets.union(indexColumnTypes, JDBCStorageClient.AUTO_INDEX_COLUMNS_TYPES)) { String[] type = StringUtils.split(k, "=", 2); b.put(type[0], type[1]); } this.indexColumnsTypes =; } public void index(Map<String, PreparedStatement> statementCache, String keySpace, String columnFamily, String key, String rid, Map<String, Object> values) throws StorageClientException, SQLException { ResultSet rs = null; try { Set<String> removeArrayColumns = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<String> removeColumns = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<String, Object[]> updateArrayColumns = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<String, Object> updateColumns = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> e : values.entrySet()) { String k = e.getKey(); Object o = e.getValue(); Object[] valueMembers = (o instanceof Object[]) ? (Object[]) o : new Object[] { o }; if (shouldIndex(keySpace, columnFamily, k)) { if (isColumnArray(keySpace, columnFamily, k)) { if (o instanceof RemoveProperty || o == null || valueMembers.length == 0) { removeArrayColumns.add(k); } else { removeArrayColumns.add(k); updateArrayColumns.put(k, valueMembers); } } else { if (o instanceof RemoveProperty || o == null || valueMembers.length == 0) { removeColumns.add(k); } else { updateColumns.put(k, valueMembers[0]); } } } } if (!StorageClientUtils.isRoot(key) && getColumnName(keySpace, columnFamily, InternalContent.PARENT_HASH_FIELD) != null) { String parent = StorageClientUtils.getParentObjectPath(key); String hash = client.rowHash(keySpace, columnFamily, parent); LOGGER.debug("Hash of {}:{}:{} is {} ", new Object[] { keySpace, columnFamily, parent, hash }); updateColumns.put(InternalContent.PARENT_HASH_FIELD, hash); } LOGGER.debug("Removing Array {} ", removeArrayColumns); LOGGER.debug("Updating Array {} ", updateArrayColumns); LOGGER.debug("Removing {} ", removeColumns); LOGGER.debug("Updating {} ", updateColumns); // arrays are stored in css, so we can re-use css sql. PreparedStatement removeStringColumn = client.getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, JDBCStorageClient.SQL_REMOVE_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); int nbatch = 0; for (String column : removeArrayColumns) { removeStringColumn.clearWarnings(); removeStringColumn.clearParameters(); removeStringColumn.setString(1, rid); removeStringColumn.setString(2, column); removeStringColumn.addBatch(); LOGGER.debug("Removing {} {} ", rid, column); nbatch++; } if (nbatch > 0) { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); removeStringColumn.executeBatch(); checkSlow(t, client.getSql(keySpace, columnFamily, JDBCStorageClient.SQL_REMOVE_STRING_COLUMN)); nbatch = 0; } // add the column values in PreparedStatement insertStringColumn = client.getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, JDBCStorageClient.SQL_INSERT_STRING_COLUMN, rid, statementCache); for (Entry<String, Object[]> e : updateArrayColumns.entrySet()) { for (Object o : e.getValue()) { insertStringColumn.clearWarnings(); insertStringColumn.clearParameters(); insertStringColumn.setString(1, o.toString()); insertStringColumn.setString(2, rid); insertStringColumn.setString(3, e.getKey()); insertStringColumn.addBatch(); LOGGER.debug("Inserting {} {} {} ", new Object[] { o.toString(), rid, e.getKey() }); nbatch++; } } if (nbatch > 0) { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); insertStringColumn.executeBatch(); checkSlow(t, client.getSql(keySpace, columnFamily, JDBCStorageClient.SQL_INSERT_STRING_COLUMN)); nbatch = 0; } if (removeColumns.size() == 0 && updateColumns.size() == 0) { return; // nothing to add or remove, do nothing. } if (removeColumns.size() > 0 && updateColumns.size() == 0) { // exists, columns to remove, none to update, therefore // delete row this assumes that the starting point is a // complete map PreparedStatement deleteWideStringColumn = client.getStatement(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_DELETE_WIDESTRING_ROW, rid, statementCache); deleteWideStringColumn.clearParameters(); deleteWideStringColumn.setString(1, rid); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); deleteWideStringColumn.execute(); checkSlow(t, client.getSql(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_DELETE_WIDESTRING_ROW)); LOGGER.debug("Executed {} with {} ", deleteWideStringColumn, rid); } else if (updateColumns.size() > 0 || removeColumns.size() > 0) { // // build an update query, record does not exists, but there // is stuff to add String[] sqlParts = StringUtils .split(client.getSql(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_UPDATE_WIDESTRING_ROW), ";"); StringBuilder setOperations = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry<String, Object> e : updateColumns.entrySet()) { join(setOperations, " ,").append( MessageFormat.format(sqlParts[1], getColumnName(keySpace, columnFamily, e.getKey()))); } for (String toRemove : removeColumns) { join(setOperations, " ,").append( MessageFormat.format(sqlParts[1], getColumnName(keySpace, columnFamily, toRemove))); } String finalSql = MessageFormat.format(sqlParts[0], setOperations); LOGGER.debug("Performing {} ", finalSql); PreparedStatement updateColumnPst = client.getStatement(finalSql, statementCache); updateColumnPst.clearWarnings(); updateColumnPst.clearParameters(); int i = 1; for (Entry<String, Object> e : updateColumns.entrySet()) { updateColumnPst.setString(i, e.getValue().toString()); LOGGER.debug(" Param {} {} ", i, e.getValue().toString()); i++; } for (String toRemove : removeColumns) { updateColumnPst.setNull(i, toSqlType(columnFamily, toRemove)); LOGGER.debug(" Param {} NULL ", i); i++; } updateColumnPst.setString(i, rid); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); int n = updateColumnPst.executeUpdate(); checkSlow(t, finalSql); if (n == 0) { // part 0 is the final ,part 1 is the template for column names, // part 2 is the template for parameters. // insert into x ( columnsnames ) values () StringBuilder columnNames = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramHolders = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry<String, Object> e : updateColumns.entrySet()) { columnNames.append(" ,").append(getColumnName(keySpace, columnFamily, e.getKey())); paramHolders.append(" ,").append("?"); } finalSql = MessageFormat.format( client.getSql(keySpace, columnFamily, SQL_INSERT_WIDESTRING_ROW), columnNames.toString(), paramHolders.toString()); LOGGER.debug("Insert SQL {} ", finalSql); PreparedStatement insertColumnPst = client.getStatement(finalSql, statementCache); insertColumnPst.clearWarnings(); insertColumnPst.clearParameters(); insertColumnPst.setString(1, rid); i = 2; for (Entry<String, Object> e : updateColumns.entrySet()) { LOGGER.debug(" Param {} {} ", i, e.getValue().toString()); insertColumnPst.setString(i, e.getValue().toString()); i++; } t = System.currentTimeMillis(); insertColumnPst.executeUpdate(); checkSlow(t, finalSql); } } } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } } private void checkSlow(long t, String sql) { t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t; if (t > 100) {"Slow Query {} {} ", t, sql); } } private String getColumnName(String keySpace, String columnFamily, String key) { return indexColumnsNames.get(columnFamily + ":" + key); } private int toSqlType(String columnFamily, String k) { String type = indexColumnsTypes.get(columnFamily + ":" + k); if (type == null) { return Types.VARCHAR; } else if (type.startsWith("String")) { return Types.VARCHAR; } else if (type.startsWith("int")) { return Types.INTEGER; } else if (type.startsWith("Date")) { return Types.DATE; } return Types.VARCHAR; } private boolean isColumnArray(String keySpace, String columnFamily, String k) { String type = indexColumnsTypes.get(columnFamily + ":" + k); if (type != null && type.endsWith("[]")) { return true; } return false; } public DisposableIterator<Map<String, Object>> find(final String keySpace, final String columnFamily, Map<String, Object> properties, final CachingManager cachingManager) throws StorageClientException { String[] keys = null; if (properties != null && properties.containsKey(StorageConstants.CUSTOM_STATEMENT_SET)) { String customStatement = (String) properties.get(StorageConstants.CUSTOM_STATEMENT_SET); keys = new String[] { "wide-" + customStatement + "." + keySpace + "." + columnFamily, "wide-" + customStatement + "." + columnFamily, "wide-" + customStatement, "wide-block-find." + keySpace + "." + columnFamily, "wide-block-find." + columnFamily, "wide-block-find" }; } else { keys = new String[] { "wide-block-find." + keySpace + "." + columnFamily, "wide-block-find." + columnFamily, "wide-block-find" }; } final boolean rawResults = properties != null && properties.containsKey(StorageConstants.RAWRESULTS); String sql = client.getSql(keys); if (sql == null) { throw new StorageClientException("Failed to locate SQL statement for any of " + Arrays.toString(keys)); } // collect information on paging long page = 0; long items = 25; if (properties != null) { if (properties.containsKey(StorageConstants.PAGE)) { page = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(properties.get(StorageConstants.PAGE))); } if (properties.containsKey(StorageConstants.ITEMS)) { items = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(properties.get(StorageConstants.ITEMS))); } } long offset = page * items; // collect information on sorting List<String> sortingList = Lists.newArrayList(); String sortProp = (String) properties.get(StorageConstants.SORT); if (sortProp != null) { String[] sorts = StringUtils.split(sortProp); if (sorts.length == 1) { if (shouldIndex(keySpace, columnFamily, sorts[0]) && !isColumnArray(keySpace, columnFamily, sorts[0])) { sortingList.add(getColumnName(keySpace, columnFamily, sorts[0])); sortingList.add("asc"); } } else if (sorts.length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < sorts.length; i += 2) { if (shouldIndex(keySpace, columnFamily, sorts[0]) && !isColumnArray(keySpace, columnFamily, sorts[i])) { sortingList.add(getColumnName(keySpace, columnFamily, sorts[0])); sortingList.add(sorts[i + 1]); } } } } String[] sorts = sortingList.toArray(new String[sortingList.size()]); String[] statementParts = StringUtils.split(sql, ';'); /* * Part 0 basic SQL template; {0} is the where clause {1} is the sort clause {2} is the from {3} is the to record * eg select rid from css where {0} {1} LIMIT {2} ROWS {3} * Part 1 where clause for non array matches; {0} is the columnName * eg {0} = ? * Part 2 where clause for array matches (not possible to sort on array matches) {0} is the table alias, {1} is the where clause * eg rid in ( select {0}.rid from css {0} where {1} ) * Part 3 the where clause for array matches {0} is the table alias * eg {0}.cid = ? and {0}.v = ? * Part 3 sort clause {0} is the list to sort by * eg sort by {0} * Part 4 sort elements, {0} is the column, {1} is the order * eg {0} {1} * Dont include , AND or OR, the code will add those as appropriate. */ StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); List<Object> parameters = Lists.newArrayList(); int set = 0; for (Entry<String, Object> e : properties.entrySet()) { Object v = e.getValue(); String k = e.getKey(); if (shouldFind(keySpace, columnFamily, k) || (v instanceof Map)) { if (v != null) { // check for a value map and treat sub terms as for OR terms. // Only go 1 level deep; don't recurse. That's just silly. if (v instanceof Map) { // start the OR grouping @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<Entry<String, Object>> subterms = ((Map<String, Object>) v).entrySet(); StringBuilder subQuery = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<Entry<String, Object>> subtermsIter = subterms.iterator(); subtermsIter .hasNext();) { Entry<String, Object> subterm =; String subk = subterm.getKey(); Object subv = subterm.getValue(); // check that each subterm should be indexed if (shouldFind(keySpace, columnFamily, subk)) { set = processEntry(statementParts, keySpace, columnFamily, subQuery, parameters, subk, subv, sorts, set, " OR "); } } if (subQuery.length() > 0) { join(whereClause, " AND ").append("( ").append(subQuery.toString()).append(" ) "); } } else { // process a first level non-map value as an AND term if (v instanceof Iterable<?>) { for (Object vo : (Iterable<?>) v) { set = processEntry(statementParts, keySpace, columnFamily, whereClause, parameters, k, vo, sorts, set, " AND "); } } else { set = processEntry(statementParts, keySpace, columnFamily, whereClause, parameters, k, v, sorts, set, " AND "); } } } else if (!k.startsWith("_")) { LOGGER.debug("Search on {}:{} filter dropped due to null value.", columnFamily, k); } } else { if (!k.startsWith("_")) { LOGGER.warn("Search on {}:{} is not supported, filter dropped ", columnFamily, k); } } } // there was no where clause generated // to avoid returneing everything, we wont return anything. if (whereClause.length() == 0) { return new DisposableIterator<Map<String, Object>>() { private Disposer disposer; public boolean hasNext() { return false; } public Map<String, Object> next() { return null; } public void remove() { } public void close() { if (disposer != null) { disposer.unregisterDisposable(this); } } public void setDisposer(Disposer disposer) { this.disposer = disposer; } }; } StringBuilder sortClause = new StringBuilder(); if (statementParts.length > SQL_SORT_CLAUSE_PART) { StringBuilder sortList = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < sorts.length; i += 2) { if (shouldFind(keySpace, columnFamily, sorts[0])) { join(sortList, ", ").append( MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_SORT_LIST_PART], sorts[i], sorts[i + 1])); } } if (sortList.length() > 0) { sortClause.append(MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_SORT_CLAUSE_PART], sortList.toString())); } } final String sqlStatement = MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_QUERY_TEMPLATE_PART], whereClause.toString(), sortClause.toString(), items, offset); PreparedStatement tpst = null; ResultSet trs = null; try { LOGGER.debug("Preparing {} ", sqlStatement); tpst = client.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlStatement);"iterator"); tpst.clearParameters(); int i = 1; for (Object params : parameters) { tpst.setObject(i, params); LOGGER.debug("Setting {} ", params); i++; } long qtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); trs = tpst.executeQuery(); qtime = System.currentTimeMillis() - qtime; if (qtime > client.getSlowQueryThreshold() && qtime < client.getVerySlowQueryThreshold()) { JDBCStorageClient.SQL_LOGGER.warn("Slow Query {}ms {} params:[{}]", new Object[] { qtime, sqlStatement, Arrays.toString(parameters.toArray(new String[parameters.size()])) }); } else if (qtime > client.getVerySlowQueryThreshold()) { JDBCStorageClient.SQL_LOGGER.error("Very Slow Query {}ms {} params:[{}]", new Object[] { qtime, sqlStatement, Arrays.toString(parameters.toArray(new String[parameters.size()])) }); }"iterator r"); LOGGER.debug("Executed "); // pass control to the iterator. final PreparedStatement pst = tpst; final ResultSet rs = trs; final ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); tpst = null; trs = null; return client.registerDisposable(new PreemptiveIterator<Map<String, Object>>() { private Map<String, Object> nextValue = Maps.newHashMap(); private boolean open = true; @Override protected Map<String, Object> internalNext() { return nextValue; } @Override protected boolean internalHasNext() { try { if (open && { if (rawResults) { Builder<String, Object> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) { b.put(String.valueOf(i), rs.getObject(i)); } nextValue =; } else { String id = rs.getString(1); nextValue = client.internalGet(keySpace, columnFamily, id, cachingManager); LOGGER.debug("Got Row ID {} {} ", id, nextValue); } return true; } close(); nextValue = null; LOGGER.debug("End of Set "); return false; } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); close(); nextValue = null; return false; } catch (StorageClientException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); close(); nextValue = null; return false; } } @Override public void close() { if (open) { open = false; try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); client.dec("iterator r"); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } try { if (pst != null) { pst.close(); client.dec("iterator"); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } super.close(); } } }); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new StorageClientException(e.getMessage() + " SQL Statement was " + sqlStatement, e); } finally { // trs and tpst will only be non null if control has not been passed // to the iterator. try { if (trs != null) { trs.close(); client.dec("iterator r"); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } try { if (tpst != null) { tpst.close(); client.dec("iterator"); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } } private StringBuilder join(StringBuilder sb, String joinWord) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(joinWord); } return sb; } /** * @param statementParts * @param where * @param params * @param k * @param v * @param t * @param conjunctionOr */ private int processEntry(String[] statementParts, String keySpace, String columnFamily, StringBuilder subQuery, List<Object> params, String key, Object value, String[] sorts, int tableIndex, String logicalJoin) { if (isColumnArray(keySpace, columnFamily, key)) { String tableName = "a" + tableIndex; tableIndex++; if (value instanceof Iterable<?>) { StringBuilder arraySubQuery = new StringBuilder(); // SQL_WHERE_ARRAY_WHERE_PART is ( {0}cid = ? AND {0}v = ? ) for (Iterator<?> valueIterator = ((Iterable<?>) value).iterator(); valueIterator.hasNext();) { Object o =; params.add(key); params.add(o); join(arraySubQuery, " OR ") .append(MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_WHERE_ARRAY_WHERE_PART], tableName)); } // SQL_WHERE_ARRAY_PART is rid in (select rid from css {0} where {1} ) if (arraySubQuery.length() > 0) { join(subQuery, logicalJoin).append( MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_WHERE_ARRAY_PART], tableName, arraySubQuery)); } } else { params.add(key); params.add(value); String whereClause = MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_WHERE_ARRAY_WHERE_PART], tableName); join(subQuery, logicalJoin) .append(MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_WHERE_ARRAY_PART], tableName, whereClause)); } } else { String column = getColumnName(keySpace, columnFamily, key); if (value instanceof Iterable<?>) { StringBuilder arraySubQuery = new StringBuilder(); // SQL_WHERE_PART is {0} = ? for (Iterator<?> valueIterator = ((Iterable<?>) value).iterator(); valueIterator.hasNext();) { Object o =; params.add(o); join(arraySubQuery, " OR ") .append(MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_WHERE_PART], column)); } if (arraySubQuery.length() > 0) { join(subQuery, logicalJoin).append(" ( ").append(arraySubQuery.toString()).append(" ) "); } } else { params.add(value); LOGGER.debug("Adding {} {} ", statementParts[SQL_WHERE_PART], column); join(subQuery, logicalJoin).append(MessageFormat.format(statementParts[SQL_WHERE_PART], column)); } } return tableIndex; } }