Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * $URL$ * $Id$ ****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2003-2014 The Apereo Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *****************************************************************************/ package org.sakaiproject.memory.impl; import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityService; import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager; import org.sakaiproject.event.api.EventTrackingService; import org.sakaiproject.memory.api.*; import java.util.Properties; /** * Allows us to configure which MemoryService implementation is used using config settings * * @author Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @ (azeckoski @ */ public class BaseMemoryService implements MemoryService { public static final String TYPE_EHCACHE = "ehcache"; public static final String TYPE_HAZELCAST = "hazelcast"; final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BaseMemoryService.class); ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService; CacheManager cacheManager; MemoryService memoryService; /** * Service INIT */ public void init() {"INIT"); if (memoryService == null) { // defaults - ehcache (new) String cacheManagerType = TYPE_EHCACHE; if (serverConfigurationService != null) { cacheManagerType = serverConfigurationService.getString("memory.cachemanager", cacheManagerType); cacheManagerType = StringUtils.lowerCase(cacheManagerType); if (cacheManagerType == null) { cacheManagerType = TYPE_EHCACHE; } } // use the newer service implementations if (TYPE_EHCACHE.equals(cacheManagerType)) { // EhCache based implementation EhcacheMemoryService ems = new EhcacheMemoryService(cacheManager, serverConfigurationService); ems.init(); memoryService = ems;"INIT complete: new: EhcacheMemoryService"); } else if (TYPE_HAZELCAST.equals(cacheManagerType)) { // HazelCast based implementation HazelcastMemoryService hcms = new HazelcastMemoryService(serverConfigurationService); hcms.init(); memoryService = hcms;"INIT complete: new: HazelcastMemoryService"); /* Add new implementation service init here -AZ } else if (TYPE_NEW.equals(cacheManagerType)) { // NEW based implementation NewMemoryService nms = new NewMemoryService(serverConfigurationService); nms.init(); memoryService = nms;"INIT complete: new: EhcacheMemoryService"); */ } else { // die if we configure an unsupported caching system type throw new IllegalStateException("Bad caching type (" + cacheManagerType + "): memory.cachemanager must be set to a valid type like ehcache or legacy"); } } else { // using the passed in MemoryService"INIT complete: injection (" + memoryService.getClass().getName() + ")"); } if (memoryService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to INIT MemoryService, no service could be started, system cannot operate with caching"); } } /** * Service SHUTDOWN */ public void destroy() { if (memoryService != null) { if (memoryService instanceof EhcacheMemoryService) { ((EhcacheMemoryService) memoryService).destroy(); } else if (memoryService instanceof HazelcastMemoryService) { ((HazelcastMemoryService) memoryService).destroy(); /* Add new implementation destroy here -AZ } else if (memoryService instanceof NewMemoryService) { ((NewMemoryService)memoryService).destroy(); */ } } memoryService = null;"SHUTDOWN"); } // COMMON methods // DELEGATED methods @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return memoryService.getClassLoader(); } @Override public Properties getProperties() { return memoryService.getProperties(); } @Override public <K, V, C extends Configuration<K, V>> Cache createCache(String cacheName, C configuration) { return memoryService.createCache(cacheName, configuration); } @Override public Cache getCache(String cacheName) { return memoryService.getCache(cacheName); } @Override public Iterable<String> getCacheNames() { return memoryService.getCacheNames(); } @Override public void destroyCache(String cacheName) { memoryService.destroyCache(cacheName); } @Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> clazz) { //noinspection unchecked return memoryService.unwrap(clazz); } @Override public long getAvailableMemory() { return memoryService.getAvailableMemory(); } @Override public void resetCachers() { memoryService.resetCachers(); } @Override public void evictExpiredMembers() { memoryService.evictExpiredMembers(); } @Override public Cache newCache(String cacheName) { return memoryService.newCache(cacheName); } @Override public String getStatus() { return memoryService.getStatus(); } // DEPRECATED METHODS BELOW @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Cache newCache(String cacheName, CacheRefresher refresher, String pattern) { if (refresher != null) { log.warn("Creating refresher/pattern Cache(" + cacheName + "), CacheRefresher is not supported anymore (and in fact is broken since 2.8), CacheRefresher will not be called and is deprecated and will be removed in the next release"); return getCache(cacheName); } else { return newCache(cacheName, pattern); } } @Override public Cache newCache(String cacheName, String pattern) { log.warn("Creating pattern Cache(" + cacheName + "), pattern is deprecated and will no longer work in the next release"); //noinspection deprecation return memoryService.newCache(cacheName, pattern); } // SETTERS public void setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService) { this.serverConfigurationService = serverConfigurationService; } public void setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager) { this.cacheManager = cacheManager; } // OPTIONAL public void setMemoryService(MemoryService memoryService) { this.memoryService = memoryService; } }