Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL: $ * $Id: $ *********************************************************************************** * * Author: Charles Hedrick, * * Copyright (c) 2010 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.sakaiproject.lessonbuildertool.service; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.sakaiproject.lessonbuildertool.service.LessonSubmission; import org.sakaiproject.lessonbuildertool.tool.beans.SimplePageBean; import org.sakaiproject.lessonbuildertool.tool.beans.SimplePageBean.UrlItem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Role; import; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroupService; import; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.db.cover.SqlService; import org.sakaiproject.memory.api.Cache; import org.sakaiproject.memory.api.CacheRefresher; import org.sakaiproject.memory.api.MemoryService; import org.sakaiproject.util.FormattedText; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.lessonbuildertool.model.SimplePageToolDao; import; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; /** * Interface to Message Forums, the forum that comes with Sakai * * @author Charles Hedrick <> * */ // NOTE: almost no other class should import this. We want to be able // to support both forums and jforum. So typically there will be a // forumEntity, but it's injected, and it can be either forum and jforum. // Hence it has to be declared LessonEntity. That leads to a lot of // declarations like LessonEntity forumEntity. In this case forumEntity // means either a ForumEntity or a JForumEntity. We can't just call the // variables lessonEntity because the same module will probably have an // injected class to handle tests and quizes as well. That will eventually // be converted to be a LessonEntity. // this monstrosity has to do hibernate directly to avoid the dreaded // multiple objects with the same ID error. I do merge rather than save. // unfortunately the normal API does saveOrUpdate. // This is complicated by the fact that we sessionFactory is set only // when the main bean is set up. But setGroups is only called from // instances of this class that aren't the bean. Hence in the bean // we save a copy of the session factory and then set it in the // instance when we need it. public class ForumEntity extends HibernateDaoSupport implements LessonEntity, ForumInterface { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ForumEntity.class); private static Cache topicCache = null; // topicid => grouplist protected static final int DEFAULT_EXPIRATION = 10 * 60; private static SessionFactory sessionFactory = null; static MessageForumsForumManager forumManager = (MessageForumsForumManager) ComponentManager .get(""); static MessageForumsMessageManager messageManager = (MessageForumsMessageManager) ComponentManager .get(""); static PermissionLevelManager permissionLevelManager = (PermissionLevelManager) ComponentManager .get(""); static UIPermissionsManager uiPermissionsManager = (UIPermissionsManager) ComponentManager .get(""); static DiscussionForumManager discussionForumManager = (DiscussionForumManager) ComponentManager .get(""); static AreaManager areaManager = (AreaManager) ComponentManager .get(""); static MessageForumsTypeManager typeManager = (MessageForumsTypeManager) ComponentManager .get(""); private LessonEntity nextEntity = null; public void setNextEntity(LessonEntity e) { nextEntity = e; } public LessonEntity getNextEntity() { return nextEntity; } static MessageLocator messageLocator = null; public void setMessageLocator(MessageLocator m) { messageLocator = m; } static MemoryService memoryService = null; public void setMemoryService(MemoryService m) { memoryService = m; } static AuthzGroupService authzGroupService = null; public void setAuthzGroupService(AuthzGroupService service) { authzGroupService = service; } private static SimplePageToolDao simplePageToolDao; public void setSimplePageToolDao(Object dao) { // System.out.println("set dao " + dao); simplePageToolDao = (SimplePageToolDao) dao; } private static HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate = null; public void init() { // topicCache = memoryService // .newCache("org.sakaiproject.lessonbuildertool.service.ForumEntity.cache"); sessionFactory = getSessionFactory(); } protected void initDao() throws Exception { super.initDao();"initDao template " + getHibernateTemplate()); hibernateTemplate = getHibernateTemplate(); } public void destroy() { // topicCache.destroy(); // topicCache = null;"destroy()"); } // to create bean. the bean is used only to call the pseudo-static // methods such as getEntitiesInSite. So type, id, etc are left uninitialized protected ForumEntity() { } protected ForumEntity(int type, Long id, int level) { this.type = type; = id; this.level = level; } public String getToolId() { return "sakai.forums"; } // the underlying object, something Sakaiish protected Long id; protected int type; protected int level; // not required fields. If we need to look up // the actual objects, lets us cache them protected Topic topic = null; protected BaseForum forum = null; // type of the underlying object public int getType() { return type; } public int getLevel() { return level; } public int getTypeOfGrade() { return 1; } public boolean isUsable() { return true; } public String getReference() { if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) return "/" + FORUM_TOPIC + "/" + id; else return "/" + FORUM_FORUM + "/" + id; } public class ForumBySortIndexAscAndCreatedDateDesc implements Comparator<BaseForum> { public int compare(BaseForum forum, BaseForum otherForum) { if (forum != null && otherForum != null) { Integer index1 = forum.getSortIndex(); Integer index2 = otherForum.getSortIndex(); if (index1.intValue() != index2.intValue()) return index1.intValue() - index2.intValue(); Date date1 = forum.getCreated(); Date date2 = otherForum.getCreated(); int rval = date2.compareTo(date1); if (rval == 0) { return otherForum.getId().compareTo(forum.getId()); } else { return rval; } } return -1; } } public List<LessonEntity> getEntitiesInSite() { return getEntitiesInSite(null); } // find topics in site, but organized by forum public List<LessonEntity> getEntitiesInSite(SimplePageBean bean) { List<LessonEntity> ret = new ArrayList<LessonEntity>(); // LSNBLDR-21. If the tool is not in the current site we shouldn't query // for topics owned by the tool. Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); } catch (Exception impossible) { return ret; } ToolConfiguration tool = site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.forums"); if (tool == null) { // Forums is not in this site. Move on to the next provider. if (nextEntity != null) ret.addAll(nextEntity.getEntitiesInSite()); return ret; } //ForumEntity e = new ForumEntity(TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC, 3L, 2); //e.setGroups(Arrays.asList("1c24287b-b880-43da-8cdd-c6cdc1249c5c", "75184424-853e-4dd4-9e92-980c851f0580")); //e.setGroups(Arrays.asList("75184424-853e-4dd4-9e92-980c851f0580")); SortedSet<DiscussionForum> forums = new TreeSet<DiscussionForum>( new ForumBySortIndexAscAndCreatedDateDesc()); for (DiscussionForum forum : forumManager.getForumsForMainPage()) forums.add(forum); // security. assume this is only used in places where it's OK, so skip security checks for (DiscussionForum forum : forums) { if (!forum.getDraft()) { ForumEntity entity = new ForumEntity(TYPE_FORUM_FORUM, forum.getId(), 1); = forum; ret.add(entity); for (Object o : forum.getTopicsSet()) { DiscussionTopic topic = (DiscussionTopic) o; if (topic.getDraft().equals(Boolean.FALSE)) { entity = new ForumEntity(TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC, topic.getId(), 2); entity.topic = topic; ret.add(entity); } } } } if (nextEntity != null) ret.addAll(nextEntity.getEntitiesInSite(bean)); return ret; } public LessonEntity getEntity(String ref, SimplePageBean o) { return getEntity(ref); } public LessonEntity getEntity(String ref) { int i = ref.indexOf("/", 1); if (i < 0) return null; String typeString = ref.substring(1, i); String idString = ref.substring(i + 1); Long id = 0L; if (typeString.equals(FORUM_TOPIC) || typeString.equals(FORUM_FORUM)) { try { id = Long.parseLong(idString); } catch (Exception ignore) { return null; } } // note: I'm returning the minimal structures, not those with // topics and postings attached if (typeString.equals(FORUM_TOPIC)) { return new ForumEntity(TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC, id, 2); } else if (typeString.equals(FORUM_FORUM)) { return new ForumEntity(TYPE_FORUM_FORUM, id, 1); } else if (nextEntity != null) { return nextEntity.getEntity(ref); } else return null; } public Topic getTopicById(boolean flag, Long id) { try { Topic topic = forumManager.getTopicById(flag, id); if (topic == null) return null; // the purpose of this is to trigger a null pointer error if the forum doesn't exist // if you delete the forum, it doesn't delete the topics, but showing a topic without // its forum causes confusion. The /direct code does the following, so it will give // an error. if (topic.getOpenForum().getArea() == null) return null; return topic; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public BaseForum getForumById(boolean flag, Long id) { try { return forumManager.getForumById(flag, id); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } // properties of entities public String getTitle() { if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) { if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); if (topic == null) return null; return topic.getTitle(); } else { if (forum == null) forum = getForumById(true, id); if (forum == null) return null; return forum.getTitle(); } } public String getUrl() { if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) { if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); if (topic == null) return "javascript:alert('" + messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.forumdeleted") + "')"; } else { if (forum == null) forum = getForumById(true, id); if (forum == null) return "javascript:alert('" + messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.forumdeleted") + "')"; } Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); } catch (Exception impossible) { return null; } ToolConfiguration tool = site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.forums"); // LSNBLDR-21. If the tool is not in the current site we shouldn't return a url if (tool == null) { return null; } String placement = tool.getId(); if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) // if /direct doesn't work, but that was only in one beta release // return "/messageforums-tool/jsp/discussionForum/message/dfAllMessagesDirect.jsf?topicId=" + id + "&placementId=" + placement; return "/direct/forum_topic/" + id; else return "/direct/forum/" + id; } // I don't think they have this public Date getDueDate() { return null; } // The msgcntr permissions model is completely undocumented. Here's a cheat sheet: // DBMembershipItem has // type, which is ALL, ROLE, GROUP or USER // name which is the specific rolename, groupname or username // permissionlevelname which is "Owner", "Contributor", "None", etc. // In addition there is a bitmask that says which specific permissions // are present, but we always use the default permissions for each level. // Here's typical code. First we create a permissionlevel with a given bitmask. // This permissionlevel controls the detailed permissions. As noted, we always // default levels. Unfortunately we have to create a new copy of the level // for every entry. Some fo their internal code uses common permissionlevels, but // if you don't have a separate level object and database entry for each membershipitem, // things get very confused. // PermissionLevel contributorLevel = permissionLevelManager. // createPermissionLevel("Contributor", typeManager.getContributorLevelType(), contributorMask); // permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(contributorLevel); // Now we create the actual entry. Note that this one says members of the specified // group are contributors. Then it sets the default contributor bitmask. You can call // a permission contributor but set any bits you want. However we're going to assume // that people pick a name that represents what they want, and make minimal changes. // DBMembershipItem membershipItem = permissionLevelManager. // createDBMembershipItem(groupName, "Contributor", MembershipItem.TYPE_GROUP); // membershipItem.setPermissionLevel(contributorLevel); // permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(membershipItem); // How we use it: // ACCESS CONTROL: // Our model is fairly simple. When we control access, Owner is the maintain role, and // contributor is the group we control. Everything else is set to none. // When you decontrol something, we make Owner the maintain role // and Contributor all the other roles. Once we support groups, we'll put back // saved group access, but we won't try to put back anything else. // The tool code makes sure that items are added for all roles, so we don't have to add entries // in most cases, just change their permission levels. // GROUP ACCESS WHEN WE AREN'T CONTROLLING: // Now, our group management code, which should only be used when we're not controlling: // Getgroups returns which groups are contributor. // If you want something more complex, you'll have to do it in the tool, but if there // are any groups with contributor, we'll only let students in those groups access // through our tool. // Setgroups with a non-null list: we set all contributor entries to none, and then set the // specified groups to contribtor. By only handling groups, we avoid interfering with // anything you might do in the tool. But the moment you use access control, we take // over. Sorry. Once we've done that you could go back into the tool and hack, but I // don't recommend that. // Setgroups with a null list: we set all contributor entries to none, and then set all roles // other than maintain to contributor. // It may be safer to do changes in the tool. // the following methods all take references. So they're in effect static. // They ignore the entity from which they're called. // The reason for not making them a normal method is that many of the // implementations seem to let you set access control and find submissions // from a reference, without needing the actual object. So doing it this // way could save some database activity PermissionsMask noneMask = null; PermissionsMask contributorMask = null; PermissionsMask ownerMask = null; private void setMasks() { if (noneMask == null) { noneMask = new PermissionsMask(); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_FORUM, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_TOPIC, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_RESPONSE, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_RESPONSE_TO_RESPONSE, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.MOVE_POSTING, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.CHANGE_SETTINGS, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.POST_TO_GRADEBOOK, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.READ, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.MARK_AS_READ, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.MODERATE_POSTINGS, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.DELETE_OWN, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.DELETE_ANY, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.REVISE_OWN, Boolean.valueOf(false)); noneMask.put(PermissionLevel.REVISE_ANY, Boolean.valueOf(false)); } if (contributorMask == null) { contributorMask = new PermissionsMask(); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_FORUM, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_TOPIC, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_RESPONSE, Boolean.valueOf(true)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_RESPONSE_TO_RESPONSE, Boolean.valueOf(true)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.MOVE_POSTING, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.CHANGE_SETTINGS, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.POST_TO_GRADEBOOK, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.READ, Boolean.valueOf(true)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.MARK_AS_READ, Boolean.valueOf(true)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.MODERATE_POSTINGS, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.DELETE_OWN, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.DELETE_ANY, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.REVISE_OWN, Boolean.valueOf(false)); contributorMask.put(PermissionLevel.REVISE_ANY, Boolean.valueOf(false)); } if (ownerMask == null) { ownerMask = new PermissionsMask(); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_FORUM, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_TOPIC, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_RESPONSE, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.NEW_RESPONSE_TO_RESPONSE, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.MOVE_POSTING, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.CHANGE_SETTINGS, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.POST_TO_GRADEBOOK, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.READ, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.MARK_AS_READ, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.MODERATE_POSTINGS, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.DELETE_OWN, Boolean.valueOf(false)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.DELETE_ANY, Boolean.valueOf(true)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.REVISE_OWN, Boolean.valueOf(false)); ownerMask.put(PermissionLevel.REVISE_ANY, Boolean.valueOf(true)); } } // access control // seems not to be used anymore public boolean addEntityControl(String siteId, String groupId) throws IOException { if (type != TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) return false; setMasks(); if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); if (topic == null) return false; Set<DBMembershipItem> oldMembershipItemSet = uiPermissionsManager.getTopicItemsSet((DiscussionTopic) topic); Set membershipItemSet = new HashSet(); String groupName = null; String maintainRole = null; try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); groupName = site.getGroup(groupId).getTitle(); maintainRole = authzGroupService.getAuthzGroup("/site/" + site.getId()).getMaintainRole(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get site info for AddEntityControl " + e); } PermissionLevel ownerLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("Owner", typeManager.getOwnerLevelType(), ownerMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(ownerLevel); PermissionLevel contributorLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("Contributor", typeManager.getContributorLevelType(), contributorMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(contributorLevel); DBMembershipItem membershipItem = permissionLevelManager.createDBMembershipItem(groupName, "Contributor", MembershipItem.TYPE_GROUP); membershipItem.setPermissionLevel(contributorLevel); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(membershipItem); membershipItemSet.add(membershipItem); membershipItem = permissionLevelManager.createDBMembershipItem(maintainRole, "Owner", MembershipItem.TYPE_ROLE); membershipItem.setPermissionLevel(ownerLevel); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(membershipItem); membershipItemSet.add(membershipItem); // now change any existing ones into null for (DBMembershipItem item : oldMembershipItemSet) { if (!(maintainRole.equals(item.getName()) && item.getType().equals(MembershipItem.TYPE_ROLE) || groupName.equals(item.getName()) && item.getType().equals(MembershipItem.TYPE_GROUP))) { PermissionLevel noneLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("None", typeManager.getNoneLevelType(), noneMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(noneLevel); membershipItem = permissionLevelManager.createDBMembershipItem(item.getName(), "None", item.getType()); membershipItem.setPermissionLevel(noneLevel); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(membershipItem); membershipItemSet.add(membershipItem); } } permissionLevelManager.deleteMembershipItems(oldMembershipItemSet); topic.setMembershipItemSet(membershipItemSet); discussionForumManager.saveTopic((DiscussionTopic) topic); return true; }; // seems not to be used anymore public boolean removeEntityControl(String siteId, String groupId) throws IOException { if (type != TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) return false; setMasks(); if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); if (topic == null) return false; Set<DBMembershipItem> oldMembershipItemSet = uiPermissionsManager.getTopicItemsSet((DiscussionTopic) topic); Set membershipItemSet = new HashSet(); String groupName = null; String maintainRole = null; try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); groupName = site.getGroup(groupId).getTitle(); maintainRole = authzGroupService.getAuthzGroup("/site/" + site.getId()).getMaintainRole(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get site info for AddEntityControl " + e); } PermissionLevel ownerLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("Owner", typeManager.getOwnerLevelType(), ownerMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(ownerLevel); DBMembershipItem membershipItem = permissionLevelManager.createDBMembershipItem(maintainRole, "Owner", MembershipItem.TYPE_ROLE); membershipItem.setPermissionLevel(ownerLevel); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(membershipItem); membershipItemSet.add(membershipItem); // now change any existing ones into null for (DBMembershipItem item : oldMembershipItemSet) { if (item.getType().equals(MembershipItem.TYPE_ROLE)) { if (!maintainRole.equals(item.getName())) { // that was done above, other roles contributor PermissionLevel contributorLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("Contributor", typeManager.getContributorLevelType(), contributorMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(contributorLevel); membershipItem = permissionLevelManager.createDBMembershipItem(item.getName(), "Contributor", item.getType()); membershipItem.setPermissionLevel(contributorLevel); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(membershipItem); membershipItemSet.add(membershipItem); } } else { // everything else off PermissionLevel noneLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("None", typeManager.getNoneLevelType(), noneMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(noneLevel); membershipItem = permissionLevelManager.createDBMembershipItem(item.getName(), "None", item.getType()); membershipItem.setPermissionLevel(noneLevel); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(membershipItem); membershipItemSet.add(membershipItem); } } permissionLevelManager.deleteMembershipItems(oldMembershipItemSet); topic.setMembershipItemSet(membershipItemSet); discussionForumManager.saveTopic((DiscussionTopic) topic); return true; }; // submission // do we need the data from submission? // not for the moment. If a posting is required, we just check whether one // has been done. While you can grade submissions, grading is done manually // later. It's unlikely that faculty will want to test on those grades public boolean needSubmission() { return false; } public LessonSubmission getSubmission(String user) { return null; // not used } public int getSubmissionCount(String user) { if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) return messageManager.findAuhtoredMessageCountByTopicIdByUserId(id, user); else return messageManager.findAuthoredStatsForStudentByForumId(user, id).size(); } // URL to create a new item. Normally called from the generic entity, not a specific one // can't be null public List<UrlItem> createNewUrls(SimplePageBean bean) { ArrayList<UrlItem> list = new ArrayList<UrlItem>(); String tool = bean.getCurrentTool("sakai.forums"); if (tool != null) { tool = ServerConfigurationService.getToolUrl() + "/" + tool + "/discussionForum/forumsOnly/dfForums"; list.add(new UrlItem(tool, messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.create_forums"))); } if (nextEntity != null) list.addAll(nextEntity.createNewUrls(bean)); return list; } // URL to edit an existing entity. // Can be null if we can't get one or it isn't needed public String editItemUrl(SimplePageBean bean) { return getUrl(); } // for most entities editItem is enough, however tests allow separate editing of // contents and settings. This will be null except in that situation public String editItemSettingsUrl(SimplePageBean bean) { return null; } // aaa/bb/../cc ==> // aaa/cc public String removeDotDot(String s) { while (true) { int i = s.indexOf("/../"); if (i < 1) return s; int j = s.lastIndexOf("/", i - 1); if (j < 0) j = 0; else j = j + 1; s = s.substring(0, j) + s.substring(i + 4); } } // returns SakaiId of thing just created public String importObject(String title, String topicTitle, String text, boolean texthtml, String base, String baseDir, String siteId, List<String> attachmentHrefs, boolean hide) { DiscussionForum ourForum = null; DiscussionTopic ourTopic = null; int forumtry = 0; int topictry = 0; for (;;) { ourForum = null; SortedSet<DiscussionForum> forums = new TreeSet<DiscussionForum>( new ForumBySortIndexAscAndCreatedDateDesc()); for (DiscussionForum forum : discussionForumManager.getForumsForMainPage()) forums.add(forum); for (DiscussionForum forum : forums) { if (forum.getTitle().equals(title)) { ourForum = forum; break; } } if (ourForum == null) { if (forumtry > 0) { System.out.println("oops, forum still not there the second time"); return null; } forumtry++; // if a new site, may need to create the area or we'll get a backtrace when creating forum areaManager.getDiscussionArea(siteId); ourForum = discussionForumManager.createForum(); ourForum.setTitle(title); discussionForumManager.saveForum(siteId, ourForum); continue; // reread, better be there this time } // forum now exists, and was just reread ourTopic = null; for (Object o : ourForum.getTopicsSet()) { DiscussionTopic topic = (DiscussionTopic) o; if (topic.getTitle().equals(topicTitle)) { ourTopic = topic; break; } } if (ourTopic != null) // ok, forum and topic exist break; if (topictry > 0) { System.out.println("oops, topic still not there the second time"); return null; } topictry++; // create it ourTopic = discussionForumManager.createTopic(ourForum); ourTopic.setTitle(topicTitle); if (attachmentHrefs != null && attachmentHrefs.size() > 0) { for (String href : attachmentHrefs) { // we don't have any real label for attachments. About all we can do is use the filename, without path String label = href; int slash = label.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slash >= 0) label = label.substring(slash + 1); if (label.equals("")) label = "Attachment"; // basedir is a folder in contenthosting starting with /group/ where our content has been loaded // discussionForum needs a Sakai content resource ID for the attachment Attachment thisDFAttach = discussionForumManager .createDFAttachment(removeDotDot(baseDir + href), label); ourTopic.addAttachment(thisDFAttach); } } String shortText = null; if (texthtml) { ourTopic.setExtendedDescription(text.replaceAll("\\$IMS-CC-FILEBASE\\$", base)); shortText = FormattedText.convertFormattedTextToPlaintext(text); } else { ourTopic.setExtendedDescription(FormattedText.convertPlaintextToFormattedText(text)); shortText = text; } shortText = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.abbreviate(shortText, 254); ourTopic.setShortDescription(shortText); // there's a better way to do attachments, but it's too complex for now if (hide) discussionForumManager.saveTopicAsDraft(ourTopic); else discussionForumManager.saveTopic(ourTopic); // now go back and mmake sure everything is there } return "/" + FORUM_TOPIC + "/" + ourTopic.getId(); } public boolean objectExists() { if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) { if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); return topic != null; } else { if (forum == null) forum = getForumById(true, id); return forum != null; } } public boolean notPublished(String ref) { return false; } public boolean notPublished() { if (!objectExists()) return true; if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) { return topic.getOpenForum().getDraft(); } else { return ((DiscussionForum) forum).getDraft(); } } // return the list of groups if the item is only accessible to specific groups // null if it's accessible to the whole site. public List<String> getGroups(boolean nocache) { // don't need cache, since simplepagebean is now caching groups // List<String>ret = (List<String>)topicCache.get(id); // if (!nocache && ret != null) { // if (ret.size() == 0) // return null; // else // return ret; // } else { // } if (type != TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) return null; List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); if (topic == null) return null; Set<DBMembershipItem> oldMembershipItemSet = uiPermissionsManager.getTopicItemsSet((DiscussionTopic) topic); Collection<Group> groups = null; try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); groups = site.getGroups(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get site info for getGroups " + e); } // now change any existing ones into null for (DBMembershipItem item : oldMembershipItemSet) { if (item.getPermissionLevelName().equals("Contributor") && item.getType().equals(MembershipItem.TYPE_GROUP)) { String name = item.getName(); // oddly, this is the actual name, not the ID for (Group group : groups) { if (name.equals(group.getTitle())) ret.add(group.getId()); } } } // topicCache.put(id, ret, DEFAULT_EXPIRATION); if (ret.size() == 0) return null; else return ret; } // set the item to be accessible only to the specific groups. // null to make it accessible to the whole site public void setGroups(Collection<String> groups) { if (type != TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) return; // Setgroups with a non-null list: we set all contributor entries to none, and then set the // specified groups to contribtor. By only handling groups, we avoid interfering with // anything you might do in the tool. But the moment you use access control, we take // over. Sorry. Once we've done that you could go back into the tool and hack, but I // don't recommend that. // Setgroups with a null list: we set all contributor entries to none, and then set all roles // other than maintain to contributor. setMasks(); //System.out.println("topic 1 " + topic + " " + groups); // if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); //System.out.println("topic 2 " + topic); if (topic == null) return; Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get site info for AddEntityControl " + e); return; } // topicCache.remove(id); // old entries Set<DBMembershipItem> oldMembershipItemSet = uiPermissionsManager.getTopicItemsSet((DiscussionTopic) topic); DBMembershipItem membershipItem = null; boolean haveOwner = false; boolean changed = false; if (groups != null && groups.size() > 0) { // this is the groups we've been asked to use // remove groups form this as we see them if they already have access // so at the end we just add the ones remaining List<String> groupNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> addGroupNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (String groupId : groups) { groupNames.add(site.getGroup(groupId).getTitle()); addGroupNames.add(site.getGroup(groupId).getTitle()); } // System.out.println("groups " + groups + " " + groupNames + " " + addGroupNames); // System.out.println("oldMembership " + oldMembershipItemSet.size()); // delete groups from here as they are done. // if we've seen an owner. Otherwise set the maintain role as owner // Setgroups with a non-null list: we set all contributor entries to none, and then set the // specified groups to contribtor. However we don't touch owner. // By only handling groups, we avoid interfering with // anything you might do in the tool. But the moment you use access control, we take // over. Sorry. Once we've done that you could go back into the tool and hack, but I // don't recommend that. for (DBMembershipItem item : oldMembershipItemSet) { // kill everything except our own groups // this will leave the owner but remove all other roles //System.out.println("item " + item.getType() + " " + item.getName() + " " + item.getPermissionLevelName()); if (item.getType().equals(MembershipItem.TYPE_GROUP) && groupNames.contains(item.getName())) { // System.out.println("found group " + item.getName()); addGroupNames.remove(item.getName()); // we've seen it // if it's one of our groups make it a contributor if it's not already an owner if (!item.getPermissionLevelName().equals("Contributor") && !item.getPermissionLevelName().equals("Owner")) { PermissionLevel contributorLevel = permissionLevelManager .createPermissionLevel("Contributor", IdManager.createUuid(), contributorMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(contributorLevel); item.setPermissionLevel(contributorLevel); item.setPermissionLevelName("Contributor"); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(item); } } else if (!item.getPermissionLevelName().equals("Owner")) { // only group members are contributors // remove contributor from anything else, both groups and roles //System.out.println("set none"); // System.out.println("setgroups make none " + item.getName()); PermissionLevel noneLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("None", IdManager.createUuid(), noneMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(noneLevel); item.setPermissionLevel(noneLevel); item.setPermissionLevelName("None"); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(item); } } for (String newGroupName : addGroupNames) { //System.out.println("addgroup " + newGroupName); changed = true; PermissionLevel contributorLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("Contributor", IdManager.createUuid(), contributorMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(contributorLevel); membershipItem = permissionLevelManager.createDBMembershipItem(newGroupName, "Contributor", MembershipItem.TYPE_GROUP); membershipItem.setPermissionLevel(contributorLevel); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(membershipItem); oldMembershipItemSet.add(membershipItem); } } else { // Setgroups with a null list: we set all contributor entries to none, and then set all roles // to contributor. However we don't touch Owners. for (DBMembershipItem item : oldMembershipItemSet) { if (item.getPermissionLevelName().equals("Owner")) { haveOwner = true; } else if (item.getType().equals(MembershipItem.TYPE_ROLE)) { // default state has all roles except owner as contributor if (!item.getPermissionLevelName().equals("Contributor")) { PermissionLevel contributorLevel = permissionLevelManager .createPermissionLevel("Contributor", IdManager.createUuid(), contributorMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(contributorLevel); item.setPermissionLevel(contributorLevel); item.setPermissionLevelName("Contributor"); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(item); } } else if (!item.getPermissionLevelName().equals("None")) { // kill other contributors PermissionLevel noneLevel = permissionLevelManager.createPermissionLevel("None", IdManager.createUuid(), noneMask); permissionLevelManager.savePermissionLevel(noneLevel); item.setPermissionLevel(noneLevel); item.setPermissionLevelName("None"); permissionLevelManager.saveDBMembershipItem(item); } } } if (changed) { //System.out.println("changed"); // have to refresh the topic or the save won't work topic = getTopicById(true, id); topic.setMembershipItemSet(oldMembershipItemSet); forumManager.saveDiscussionForumTopic((DiscussionTopic) topic); // topic.setVersion(null); // try { // System.out.println("simplepagetool dao " + simplePageToolDao); // hibernateTemplate.merge(topic); // } catch (Exception e){ // System.out.println("Unable to save forum topic " + e); // } } } // only used for topics public String getObjectId() { String title = getTitle(); // fetches topic as well if (title == null) return null; if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) { BaseForum forum = topic.getBaseForum(); return "forum_topic/" + id + "/" + title + "\n" + forum.getTitle(); } else { return "forum_forum/" + id + "/" + title; } } public String findObject(String objectid, Map<String, String> objectMap, String siteid) { if (!objectid.startsWith("forum_topic/") && !objectid.startsWith("forum_forum/")) { if (nextEntity != null) { return nextEntity.findObject(objectid, objectMap, siteid); } return null; } // isolate forum_topic/NNN from title int i = 0; if (objectid.startsWith("forum_topic/")) i = objectid.indexOf("/", "forum_topic/".length()); else i = objectid.indexOf("/", "forum_forum/".length()); if (i <= 0) return null; String realobjectid = objectid.substring(0, i); // msgcenter uses forum/ not forum_forum/ if (objectid.startsWith("forum_forum/")) realobjectid = realobjectid.substring("forum_".length()); // now see if it's in the map String newtopic = objectMap.get(realobjectid); if (newtopic != null) { if (objectid.startsWith("forum_forum/")) return "/forum_" + newtopic; // forum/ID >> /forum_forum/ID else return "/" + newtopic; // sakaiid is /forum_topic/ID } // this must be 2.8. Can't find the topic in the map // i is start of title String title = null; String forumtitle = null; if (objectid.startsWith("forum_topic/")) { int j = objectid.indexOf("\n"); title = objectid.substring(i + 1, j); forumtitle = objectid.substring(j + 1); } else { forumtitle = objectid.substring(i + 1); } // unfortunately we have to search the topic tree to find it. SortedSet<DiscussionForum> forums = new TreeSet<DiscussionForum>( new ForumBySortIndexAscAndCreatedDateDesc()); for (DiscussionForum forum : forumManager.getForumsForMainPage()) forums.add(forum); // security. assume this is only used in places where it's OK, so skip security checks // ignore draft status. We want to show drafts. for (DiscussionForum forum : forums) { if (forum.getTitle().equals(forumtitle)) { if (title == null) // object is forum not topic return "/forum_forum/" + forum.getId(); for (Object o : forum.getTopicsSet()) { DiscussionTopic topic = (DiscussionTopic) o; if (topic.getTitle().equals(title)) { return "/forum_topic/" + topic.getId(); } } } } return null; } public String getSiteId() { // should be this: // return topic.getBaseForum().getArea().getContextId(); // but requires a hibernate session, which doesn't exit. String sql = "select c.context_id from MFR_TOPIC_T a,MFR_OPEN_FORUM_T b,MFR_AREA_T c where and and"; Object fields[] = new Object[1]; fields[0] = id; List<String> siteIds = SqlService.dbRead(sql, fields, null); if (siteIds != null && siteIds.size() > 0) return siteIds.get(0); return null; } }