Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2005 Sakai Foundation Licensed under the * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.reporting; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.constant.EvalConstants; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.EvalCommonLogic; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.EvalDeliveryService; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.EvalEvaluationService; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.EvalSettings; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.model.EvalAnswer; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.model.EvalEvaluation; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.model.EvalItem; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.model.EvalTemplateItem; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.model.EvalUser; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.utils.EvalResponseAggregatorUtil; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.utils.RenderingUtils; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.utils.EvalUtils; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.utils.TemplateItemDataList; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.utils.TemplateItemUtils; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.utils.TemplateItemDataList.DataTemplateItem; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.utils.TemplateItemDataList.HierarchyNodeGroup; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.utils.TemplateItemDataList.TemplateItemGroup; import; /** * * @author Steven Githens * @author Aaron Zeckoski ( */ public class PDFReportExporterIndividual implements ReportExporter { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PDFReportExporterIndividual.class); int displayNumber; ArrayList<Double> weightedMeansBlocks; int blockNumber = 0; private EvalCommonLogic commonLogic; public void setCommonLogic(EvalCommonLogic commonLogic) { this.commonLogic = commonLogic; } private EvalEvaluationService evaluationService; public void setEvaluationService(EvalEvaluationService evaluationService) { this.evaluationService = evaluationService; } private EvalSettings evalSettings; public void setEvalSettings(EvalSettings evalSettings) { this.evalSettings = evalSettings; } private EvalDeliveryService deliveryService; public void setDeliveryService(EvalDeliveryService deliveryService) { this.deliveryService = deliveryService; } private EvalResponseAggregatorUtil responseAggregator; public void setEvalResponseAggregatorUtil(EvalResponseAggregatorUtil bean) { this.responseAggregator = bean; } private MessageLocator messageLocator; public void setMessageLocator(MessageLocator locator) { this.messageLocator = locator; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.reporting.ReportExporter#buildReport(org.sakaiproject.evaluation * .model.EvalEvaluation, java.lang.String[], */ public void buildReport(EvalEvaluation evaluation, String[] groupIds, OutputStream outputStream, boolean useNewReportStyle) { buildReport(evaluation, groupIds, null, outputStream, useNewReportStyle); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.reporting.ReportExporter#buildReport(org.sakaiproject.evaluation * .model.EvalEvaluation, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, */ public void buildReport(EvalEvaluation evaluation, String[] groupIds, String evaluateeId, OutputStream outputStream, boolean useNewReportStyle) { //Make sure responseAggregator is using this messageLocator responseAggregator.setMessageLocator(messageLocator); EvalPDFReportBuilder evalPDFReportBuilder = new EvalPDFReportBuilder(outputStream); Boolean instructorViewAllResults = (boolean) evaluation.getInstructorViewAllResults(); String currentUserId = commonLogic.getCurrentUserId(); String evalOwner = evaluation.getOwner(); Boolean useBannerImage = (Boolean) evalSettings.get(EvalSettings.ENABLE_PDF_REPORT_BANNER); byte[] bannerImageBytes = null; if (useBannerImage != null && useBannerImage == true) { String bannerImageLocation = (String) evalSettings.get(EvalSettings.PDF_BANNER_IMAGE_LOCATION); if (bannerImageLocation != null) { bannerImageBytes = commonLogic.getFileContent(bannerImageLocation); } } //EvalUser user = commonLogic.getEvalUserById(commonLogic.getCurrentUserId()); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG); // calculate the response rate // int responsesCount = deliveryService.countResponses(evaluation.getId(), null, true); int responsesCount = evaluationService.countResponses(null, new Long[] { evaluation.getId() }, groupIds, null); int enrollmentsCount = evaluationService.countParticipantsForEval(evaluation.getId(), groupIds); String groupNames = responseAggregator.getCommaSeparatedGroupNames(groupIds); // TODO this is so hard to read it makes me cry, it should not be written as a giant single line like this -AZ evalPDFReportBuilder.addTitlePage(evaluation.getTitle(), groupNames, messageLocator.getMessage("reporting.pdf.startdatetime", df.format(evaluation.getStartDate())), messageLocator.getMessage("reporting.pdf.enddatetime", df.format(evaluation.getDueDate())), messageLocator.getMessage("reporting.pdf.replyrate", new String[] { EvalUtils.makeResponseRateStringFromCounts(responsesCount, enrollmentsCount) }), bannerImageBytes, messageLocator.getMessage("reporting.pdf.defaultsystemname"), messageLocator.getMessage("reporting.pdf.informationTitle")); /** * set title and instructions * * Note this doesn't go far enough * commonLogic.makePlainTextFromHTML removes html tags * but it also leaves the text */ evalPDFReportBuilder.addIntroduction(evaluation.getTitle(), htmlContentParser(commonLogic.makePlainTextFromHTML(evaluation.getInstructions()))); // Reset question numbering displayNumber = 0; // 1 Make TIDL TemplateItemDataList tidl = responseAggregator.prepareTemplateItemDataStructure(evaluation.getId(), groupIds); // Loop through the major group types: Course Questions, Instructor Questions, etc. for (TemplateItemGroup tig : tidl.getTemplateItemGroups()) { if (!instructorViewAllResults // If the eval is so configured, && !commonLogic.isUserAdmin(currentUserId) // and currentUser is not an admin && !currentUserId.equals(evalOwner) // and currentUser is not the eval creator && !EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_COURSE.equals(tig.associateType) && !currentUserId.equals(commonLogic.getEvalUserById(tig.associateId).userId)) { // skip items that aren't for the current user continue; } if (!EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_COURSE.equals(tig.associateType) && !evaluateeId.equals(commonLogic.getEvalUserById(tig.associateId).userId)) { continue; } // Print the type of the next group we're doing if (EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_COURSE.equals(tig.associateType)) { evalPDFReportBuilder.addSectionHeader(messageLocator.getMessage("viewreport.itemlist.course"), false); } else if (EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_INSTRUCTOR.equals(tig.associateType)) { EvalUser user = commonLogic.getEvalUserById(tig.associateId); String instructorMsg = messageLocator.getMessage("reporting.spreadsheet.instructor", new Object[] { user.displayName }); evalPDFReportBuilder.addSectionHeader(instructorMsg, false); } else if (EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSISTANT.equals(tig.associateType)) { EvalUser user = commonLogic.getEvalUserById(tig.associateId); String assistantMsg = messageLocator.getMessage("reporting.spreadsheet.ta", new Object[] { user.displayName }); evalPDFReportBuilder.addSectionHeader(assistantMsg, false); } else { evalPDFReportBuilder.addSectionHeader(messageLocator.getMessage("unknown.caps"), false); } for (HierarchyNodeGroup hng : tig.hierarchyNodeGroups) { // Render the Node title if it's enabled in the admin settings. if (hng.node != null) { // Showing the section title is system configurable via the administrate view Boolean showHierSectionTitle = (Boolean) evalSettings .get(EvalSettings.DISPLAY_HIERARCHY_HEADERS); if (showHierSectionTitle) { evalPDFReportBuilder.addSectionHeader(hng.node.title, true, 0); } } List<DataTemplateItem> dtis = hng.getDataTemplateItems(true); // include block children weightedMeansBlocks = this.getWeightedMeansBlocks(dtis); for (int i = 0; i < dtis.size(); i++) { DataTemplateItem dti = dtis.get(i); LOG.debug("Item text: " + dti.templateItem.getItem().getItemText()); if (!instructorViewAllResults // If the eval is so configured, && !commonLogic.isUserAdmin(currentUserId) // and currentUser is not an admin && !currentUserId.equals(evalOwner) // and currentUser is not the eval creator && !EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_COURSE.equals(dti.associateType) && !currentUserId.equals(commonLogic.getEvalUserById(dti.associateId).userId)) { //skip instructor items that aren't for the current user continue; } if (!EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_COURSE.equals(dti.associateType) && !evaluateeId.equals(commonLogic.getEvalUserById(dti.associateId).userId)) { continue; } renderDataTemplateItem(evalPDFReportBuilder, dti); } blockNumber = 0; weightedMeansBlocks.clear(); } } evalPDFReportBuilder.close(); } /** * Remove tags & inclusive content * * @param html String to parse */ private String htmlContentParser(String html) { Pattern style = Pattern.compile("<style((.|\n|\r)*)?>((.|\n|\r)*)?</style>"); Matcher mstyle = style.matcher(html); while (mstyle.find()) { html = mstyle.replaceAll(""); } return html; } /** * Renders a single question given the DataTemplateItem. * * @param evalPDFReportBuilder * @param dti * the data template item */ private void renderDataTemplateItem(EvalPDFReportBuilder evalPDFReportBuilder, DataTemplateItem dti) { EvalTemplateItem templateItem = dti.templateItem; EvalItem item = templateItem.getItem(); //HTML has data like color or size. Size is important because we can replicate it in the report. float itemSize = this.calculateFontSize(item.getItemText()); String questionText = commonLogic.makePlainTextFromHTML(item.getItemText()); boolean lastElementIsHeader = false; //Two close headers or blocks are too separated. List<EvalAnswer> itemAnswers = dti.getAnswers(); String templateItemType = TemplateItemUtils.getTemplateItemType(templateItem); if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_HEADER.equals(templateItemType)) { evalPDFReportBuilder.addSectionHeader(questionText, lastElementIsHeader, itemSize); } else if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_BLOCK_PARENT.equals(templateItemType)) { evalPDFReportBuilder.addSectionHeader(questionText, lastElementIsHeader, itemSize); if (weightedMeansBlocks.get(blockNumber) != -1.0) { evalPDFReportBuilder.addBoldText(messageLocator.getMessage("viewreport.blockWeightedMean") + ": " + new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(weightedMeansBlocks.get(blockNumber))); } blockNumber++; } else if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_TEXT.equals(templateItemType)) { displayNumber++; List<String> essays = new ArrayList<>(); for (EvalAnswer answer : itemAnswers) { essays.add(answer.getText()); } evalPDFReportBuilder.addTextItemsList(displayNumber + ". " + questionText, essays, false, messageLocator.getMessage("viewreport.numberanswers")); } else if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_MULTIPLEANSWER.equals(templateItemType) || EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_MULTIPLECHOICE.equals(templateItemType) || EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_SCALED.equals(templateItemType) || EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_BLOCK_CHILD.equals(templateItemType)) { // always showing percentages for now boolean showPercentages = true; // boolean showPercentages = false; // if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_MULTIPLEANSWER.equals(templateItemType)) { // showPercentages = true; // } int responseNo = itemAnswers.size(); displayNumber++; List<String> itemScaleOptions = item.getScale().getOptions(); int[] responseArray = TemplateItemDataList.getAnswerChoicesCounts(templateItemType, itemScaleOptions.size(), itemAnswers); List<String> optionLabels = RenderingUtils.makeReportingScaleLabels(templateItem, itemScaleOptions); if (templateItem.getUsesNA()) { // add in the N/A label to the end //optionLabels = Arrays.copyOf(optionLabels, optionLabels.length+1); optionLabels.add(optionLabels.size() - 1, messageLocator.getMessage("reporting.notapplicable.longlabel")); } // /* AnswersMean answersMean = RenderingUtils.calculateMean(responseArray); Object[] params = new Object[] { answersMean.getAnswersCount() + "", answersMean.getMeanText() }; String answersAndMean = messageLocator.getMessage("viewreport.answers.mean", params); evalPDFReportBuilder.addLikertResponse(displayNumber + ". " + questionText, optionLabels, responseArray, responseNo, showPercentages, answersAndMean); */ //20140226 - - double myWeightedMean = weightedMean(optionLabels, responseArray, templateItem.getUsesNA()); String answersAndMean = messageLocator.getMessage("viewreport.numberanswers") + ": " + this.numberAnswersInQuestion(responseArray, templateItem.getUsesNA()); if (myWeightedMean != -1.0) { answersAndMean = answersAndMean + System.getProperty("line.separator") + messageLocator.getMessage("viewreport.weightedmean") + ": " + new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(myWeightedMean); } else answersAndMean = answersAndMean + " "; evalPDFReportBuilder.addLikertResponse(displayNumber + ". " + questionText, optionLabels.toArray(new String[optionLabels.size()]), responseArray, responseNo, showPercentages, answersAndMean, lastElementIsHeader); // handle comments if (dti.usesComments()) { List<String> comments = dti.getComments(); evalPDFReportBuilder.addCommentList(messageLocator.getMessage("viewreport.comments.header"), comments, messageLocator.getMessage(""), messageLocator.getMessage("viewreport.numbercomments")); } } else { LOG.warn("Trying to add unknown type to PDF: " + templateItemType); } } private float calculateFontSize(String itemText) { //20140226 - - Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("font-size:\\W*([a-zA-Z-]+)?").matcher(itemText); if (matcher.find()) { String itemSize =; //Switch not available for Strings until Java 1.7 if ("xx-large".equals(itemSize)) { return 24.0f; } else if ("x-large".equals(itemSize)) { return 18.0f; } else if ("large".equals(itemSize)) { return 14.0f; } else if ("medium".equals(itemSize)) { return 12.0f; } else if ("small".equals(itemSize)) { return 10.0f; } // If we have a font size but can't work out what it is attempt to model it on the medium which is // slightly bigger than the default font size. return 12.0f; } return 10.0f; } private int numberAnswersInQuestion(int[] values, boolean usaNA) { //20140226 - - int temporal = 0; int responseCount = (usaNA) ? values.length - 1 : values.length; // remove the NA count from the end for (int i = 0; i < responseCount; i++) temporal = temporal + values[i]; return temporal; } private double weightedMean(List<String> options, int[] values, boolean usaNA) { /* * 20140226 - - * Weighted mean for the only numerical choices in the pdf report. * options: 2,4,6,8,10 || A,B,C,D,E || 1,2,3,4,5,N/A || A,B,C,D,E,N/A * values: 3,7,2,9,5,3 (votes of each option) */ Integer myNumber; int totalValues = 0, totalNumbers = 0; int responseCount = (usaNA) ? options.size() - 1 : options.size(); // remove the NA count from the end boolean numerico = true; for (int i = 0; i < responseCount; i++) { try { myNumber = new Integer(options.get(i)); totalNumbers = totalNumbers + (myNumber * values[i]); totalValues = totalValues + values[i]; } catch (Exception e) { numerico = false; break; } } if (!numerico) { totalNumbers = 0; totalValues = 0; for (int i = 0; i < responseCount; i++) { totalNumbers = totalNumbers + ((i + 1) * values[i]); totalValues = totalValues + values[i]; } } return ((double) totalNumbers / (double) totalValues); } public double calculateBlockWeightedMean(ArrayList<Integer> collectedValues, List<String> answers) { //20140226 - - int accumulator = 0, numeroValores = 0, answer; for (int n = 0; n < collectedValues.size(); n++) { numeroValores = numeroValores + collectedValues.get(n); try { answer = new Integer(answers.get(n)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { answer = n + 1; } accumulator = accumulator + ((answer) * collectedValues.get(n)); } double blockWeightedMean; if (numeroValores != 0) blockWeightedMean = (double) accumulator / (double) numeroValores; else blockWeightedMean = -1; return blockWeightedMean; } private ArrayList<Double> getWeightedMeansBlocks(List<DataTemplateItem> dtis) { //20140226 - - ArrayList<Double> alTemporal = new ArrayList<>(); //List of means of each block. //Number of answers for the block we are working in //If is not the same for every block element, mean is invalidated. ArrayList<Integer> collectedValues = new ArrayList<>(); DataTemplateItem dti; EvalTemplateItem templateItem; EvalItem item; boolean processingBlock = false; int numberOfChildren = 0; List<String> optionLabels = null; //Answers of each item. for (int i = 0; i < dtis.size(); i++) { dti = dtis.get(i); templateItem = dti.templateItem; item = templateItem.getItem(); List<EvalAnswer> itemAnswers = dti.getAnswers(); String templateItemType = TemplateItemUtils.getTemplateItemType(templateItem); if ((processingBlock) && (numberOfChildren == 0)) { //A block is being processed and there are no more children, time to do the block weighted mean. double blockWeightedMean = calculateBlockWeightedMean(collectedValues, optionLabels); alTemporal.add(blockWeightedMean); //Reset. processingBlock = false; collectedValues = new ArrayList<>(); } if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_BLOCK_PARENT.equals(templateItemType)) { processingBlock = true; numberOfChildren = templateItem.childTemplateItems.size(); } else if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_HEADER.equals(templateItemType)) { } else if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_TEXT.equals(templateItemType)) { } else if (EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_MULTIPLEANSWER.equals(templateItemType) || EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_MULTIPLECHOICE.equals(templateItemType) || EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_SCALED.equals(templateItemType) || EvalConstants.ITEM_TYPE_BLOCK_CHILD.equals(templateItemType)) { if (processingBlock) { if (numberOfChildren > 0) numberOfChildren--; int[] responseArray = TemplateItemDataList.getAnswerChoicesCounts(templateItemType, item.getScale().getOptions().size(), itemAnswers); int temporal; optionLabels = item.getScale().getOptions(); try { for (int n = 0; n < optionLabels.size(); n++) { if (n >= collectedValues.size()) { collectedValues.add(responseArray[n]); } else { temporal = (collectedValues.get(n)); collectedValues.set(n, temporal + responseArray[n]); } } } catch (Exception e) { //This exception is raised if there is a non numerical answer among the available choices. //So mean is not valid for answers but for answer numbers. } } } else { LOG.warn("Trying to add unknown type to PDF: " + templateItemType); } } //Just in case the last element is a block. if ((processingBlock) && (numberOfChildren == 0)) { double blockWeightedMean = calculateBlockWeightedMean(collectedValues, optionLabels); alTemporal.add(blockWeightedMean); } return alTemporal; } public String getContentType() { return "application/pdf"; } }