Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2005 Sakai Foundation Licensed under the * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.producers; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.EntityReference; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.constant.EvalConstants; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.EvalAuthoringService; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.EvalCommonLogic; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.EvalEvaluationService; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.EvalSettings; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.entity.AdhocGroupEntityProvider; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.externals.ExternalHierarchyLogic; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.model.EvalGroup; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.logic.model.EvalHierarchyNode; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.model.EvalAdhocGroup; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.model.EvalAssignGroup; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.model.EvalAssignUser; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.model.EvalEvaluation; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.renderers.HierarchyTreeNodeSelectRenderer; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.renderers.NavBarRenderer; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.utils.RenderingUtils; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.viewparams.AdhocGroupParams; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.tool.viewparams.EvalViewParameters; import org.sakaiproject.evaluation.utils.ComparatorsUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * View for assigning an evaluation to groups and hierarchy nodes. * * This Producer has instance variables for tracking state of the view, and * should never be reused or used as a singleton. * * @author Aaron Zeckoski ( * @author Steve Githens ( */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class EvaluationAssignProducer extends EvalCommonProducer implements ViewParamsReporter, ActionResultInterceptor { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(EvaluationAssignProducer.class); public static final String VIEW_ID = "evaluation_assign"; public String getViewID() { return VIEW_ID; } private EvalEvaluationService evaluationService; public void setEvaluationService(EvalEvaluationService evaluationService) { this.evaluationService = evaluationService; } private ExternalHierarchyLogic hierarchyLogic; public void setExternalHierarchyLogic(ExternalHierarchyLogic logic) { this.hierarchyLogic = logic; } private EvalCommonLogic commonLogic; public void setCommonLogic(EvalCommonLogic bean) { this.commonLogic = bean; } private Locale locale; public void setLocale(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; } public MessageLocator messageLocator; public void setMessageLocator(MessageLocator messageLocator) { this.messageLocator = messageLocator; } private EvalSettings settings; public void setSettings(EvalSettings settings) { this.settings = settings; } private HierarchyTreeNodeSelectRenderer hierUtil; public void setHierarchyRenderUtil(HierarchyTreeNodeSelectRenderer util) { hierUtil = util; } private ViewStateHandler vsh; public void setViewStateHandler(ViewStateHandler vsh) { this.vsh = vsh; } private NavBarRenderer navBarRenderer; public void setNavBarRenderer(NavBarRenderer navBarRenderer) { this.navBarRenderer = navBarRenderer; } private EvalAuthoringService authoringService; public void setAuthoringService(EvalAuthoringService authoringService) { this.authoringService = authoringService; } private RenderingUtils renderingUtils; public void setRenderingUtils(RenderingUtils renderingUtils) { this.renderingUtils = renderingUtils; } public void fill(UIContainer tofill, ViewParameters viewparams, ComponentChecker checker) { // local variables used in the render logic String currentUserId = commonLogic.getCurrentUserId(); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); DateFormat dtf = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.SHORT, locale); navBarRenderer.makeNavBar(tofill, NavBarRenderer.NAV_ELEMENT, this.getViewID()); EvalViewParameters evalViewParams = (EvalViewParameters) viewparams; if (evalViewParams.evaluationId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot access this view unless the evaluationId is set"); } /** * This is the evaluation we are working with on this page, * this should ONLY be read from, do not change any of these fields */ EvalEvaluation evaluation = evaluationService.getEvaluationById(evalViewParams.evaluationId); //Are we using the selection options (UCT)? YES boolean useSelectionOptions = ((Boolean) settings.get(EvalSettings.ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_ASSISTANT_SELECTION)); //find out is this evaluation will contain any Instructor/TA questions based in it's template List<String> validItemCategories; boolean hasInstructorQuestions = true; boolean hasAssistantQuestions = true; if (useSelectionOptions) { validItemCategories = renderingUtils.extractCategoriesInTemplate(evaluation.getTemplate().getId()); hasInstructorQuestions = validItemCategories.contains(EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_INSTRUCTOR); hasAssistantQuestions = validItemCategories.contains(EvalConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSISTANT); } LOG.debug("Template id: " + evaluation.getTemplate().getId() + " useSelectionOptions: " + useSelectionOptions + " hasInstructorQuestions: " + hasInstructorQuestions + " hasAssistantQuestions: " + hasAssistantQuestions); String actionBean = "setupEvalBean."; Boolean newEval = false; UIInternalLink.make(tofill, "eval-settings-link", UIMessage.make(""), new EvalViewParameters(EvaluationSettingsProducer.VIEW_ID, evalViewParams.evaluationId)); if (EvalConstants.EVALUATION_STATE_PARTIAL.equals(evaluation.getState())) { // creating a new eval UIMessage.make(tofill, "eval-start-text", ""); newEval = true; } UIMessage.make(tofill, "assign-eval-edit-page-title", "", new Object[] { evaluation.getTitle() }); UIMessage.make(tofill, "assign-eval-instructions", "assigneval.assign.instructions", new Object[] { evaluation.getTitle() }); UIMessage.make(tofill, "evalAssignInstructions", "evaluationassignconfirm.eval.assign.instructions", new Object[] { df.format(evaluation.getStartDate()) }); // display info about the evaluation (dates and what not) UIOutput.make(tofill, "startDate", dtf.format(evaluation.getStartDate())); if (evaluation.getDueDate() != null) { UIBranchContainer branch = UIBranchContainer.make(tofill, "showDueDate:"); UIOutput.make(branch, "dueDate", dtf.format(evaluation.getDueDate())); } if (evaluation.getStopDate() != null) { UIBranchContainer branch = UIBranchContainer.make(tofill, "showStopDate:"); UIOutput.make(branch, "stopDate", dtf.format(evaluation.getStopDate())); } if (evaluation.getViewDate() != null) { UIBranchContainer branch = UIBranchContainer.make(tofill, "showViewDate:"); UIOutput.make(branch, "viewDate", dtf.format(evaluation.getViewDate())); } /* * About this form. * * This is a GET form that has 2 UISelects, one for Hierarchy Nodes, and * one for Eval Groups (which includes adhoc groups). They are interspered * and mixed together. In order to do this easily we pass in empty String * arrays for the option values and labels in the UISelects. This is partially * because rendering each individual checkbox requires and integer indicating * it's position, and this view is too complicated to generate these arrays * ahead of time. So we generate the String Arrays on the fly, using the list.size()-1 * at each point to get this index. Then at the very end we update the UISelect's * with the appropriate optionlist and optionnames. This actually works * really good and the wizard feels much smoother than it did with the * old session bean. * * Also see the comments on HierarchyTreeNodeSelectRenderer. * */ UIForm form = UIForm.make(tofill, "eval-assign-form"); // Things for building the UISelect of Hierarchy Node Checkboxes List<String> hierNodesLabels = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> hierNodesValues = new ArrayList<>(); UISelect hierarchyNodesSelect = UISelect.makeMultiple(form, "hierarchyNodeSelectHolder", new String[] {}, new String[] {}, (useSelectionOptions ? actionBean : "") + "selectedHierarchyNodeIDs", evalViewParams.selectedHierarchyNodeIDs); String hierNodesSelectID = hierarchyNodesSelect.getFullID(); // Things for building the UISelect of Eval Group Checkboxes List<String> evalGroupsLabels = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> evalGroupsValues = new ArrayList<>(); UISelect evalGroupsSelect = UISelect.makeMultiple(form, "evalGroupSelectHolder", new String[] {}, new String[] {}, (useSelectionOptions ? actionBean : "") + "selectedGroupIDs", evalViewParams.selectedGroupIDs == null ? new String[] {} : evalViewParams.selectedGroupIDs); String evalGroupsSelectID = evalGroupsSelect.getFullID(); /* * About the 4 collapsable areas. * * What's happening here is that we have 4 areas: hierarchy, groups, * new adhoc groups, and existing adhoc groups that can be hidden and selected * which a checkbox for each one. * */ Boolean useAdHocGroups = (Boolean) settings.get(EvalSettings.ENABLE_ADHOC_GROUPS); Boolean showHierarchy = (Boolean) settings.get(EvalSettings.DISPLAY_HIERARCHY_OPTIONS); // NOTE: this is the one place where the perms should be used instead of user assignments (there are no assignments yet) -AZ // get the current eval group id (ie: reference site id) that the user is in now String currentEvalGroupId = commonLogic.getCurrentEvalGroup(); // get the current eval group id (ie: site id) that the user is in now String currentSiteId = EntityReference.getIdFromRef(currentEvalGroupId); // get the groups that this user is allowed to assign evals to List<EvalGroup> assignEvalGroups; // for backwards compatibility we will pull the list of groups the user is being evaluated in as well and merge it in List<EvalGroup> beEvalGroups; Boolean isGroupFilterEnabled = (Boolean) settings.get(EvalSettings.ENABLE_FILTER_ASSIGNABLE_GROUPS); if (isGroupFilterEnabled) { assignEvalGroups = commonLogic.getFilteredEvalGroupsForUser(currentUserId, EvalConstants.PERM_ASSIGN_EVALUATION, currentSiteId); beEvalGroups = commonLogic.getFilteredEvalGroupsForUser(currentUserId, EvalConstants.PERM_BE_EVALUATED, currentSiteId); } else { assignEvalGroups = commonLogic.getEvalGroupsForUser(currentUserId, EvalConstants.PERM_ASSIGN_EVALUATION); beEvalGroups = commonLogic.getEvalGroupsForUser(currentUserId, EvalConstants.PERM_BE_EVALUATED); } /* * EVALSYS-987- Side effect * remove ad hoc groups from view as they are handled already in another * section in the same view. */ List<EvalGroup> evalGroups = new ArrayList<>(); for (EvalGroup evalGroup : assignEvalGroups) { if (!evalGroups.contains(evalGroup) && !EvalConstants.GROUP_TYPE_ADHOC.equals(evalGroup.type)) { evalGroups.add(evalGroup); } } for (EvalGroup evalGroup : beEvalGroups) { if (!evalGroups.contains(evalGroup) && !EvalConstants.GROUP_TYPE_ADHOC.equals(evalGroup.type)) { evalGroups.add(evalGroup); } } if (evalGroups.size() > 0) { Map<String, EvalGroup> groupsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < evalGroups.size(); i++) { EvalGroup c = (EvalGroup) evalGroups.get(i); groupsMap.put(c.evalGroupId, c); } /* * Area 1. Selection GUI for Hierarchy Nodes and Evaluation Groups */ if (showHierarchy) { //need to determine who can see what nodes in the hierarchy: //null means the user is an admin, empty means the user has no access Set<String> parentNodes = null; Set<String> accessNodes = null; if (!commonLogic.isUserAdmin(currentUserId)) { parentNodes = new HashSet<>(); accessNodes = new HashSet<>(); Set<EvalHierarchyNode> nodes = hierarchyLogic.getNodesForUserPerm(currentUserId, EvalConstants.HIERARCHY_PERM_ASSIGN_EVALUATION); for (EvalHierarchyNode node : nodes) { accessNodes.add(; accessNodes.addAll(node.childNodeIds); parentNodes.add(; parentNodes.addAll(node.parentNodeIds); } } UIBranchContainer hierarchyArea = UIBranchContainer.make(form, "hierarchy-node-area:"); hierUtil.renderSelectHierarchyNodesTree(hierarchyArea, "hierarchy-tree-select:", evalGroupsSelectID, hierNodesSelectID, evalGroupsLabels, evalGroupsValues, hierNodesLabels, hierNodesValues, evalViewParams, accessNodes, parentNodes, evaluation.getSectionAwareness()); addCollapseControl(tofill, hierarchyArea, "initJSHierarchyToggle", "hierarchy-assignment-area", "hide-button", "show-button", evalViewParams.expanded == null); form.parameters.add(new UIELBinding(actionBean + "expanded", evalViewParams.expanded)); } /* * Area 2. display checkboxes for selecting the non-hierarchy groups */ UIBranchContainer evalgroupArea = UIBranchContainer.make(form, "evalgroups-area:"); // If both the hierarchy and adhoc groups are disabled, don't hide the // selection area and don't make it collapsable, since it will be the // only thing on the screen. if (!showHierarchy && !useAdHocGroups) { UIOutput.make(evalgroupArea, "evalgroups-assignment-area"); } else { addCollapseControl(tofill, evalgroupArea, "initJSGroupsToggle", "evalgroups-assignment-area", "hide-button", "show-button", true); } String[] nonAssignedEvalGroupIDs = getEvalGroupIDsNotAssignedInHierarchy(evalGroups) .toArray(new String[] {}); List<EvalGroup> unassignedEvalGroups = new ArrayList<>(); for (String nonAssignedEvalGroupID : nonAssignedEvalGroupIDs) { unassignedEvalGroups.add(groupsMap.get(nonAssignedEvalGroupID)); } if (!unassignedEvalGroups.isEmpty()) { // sort the list by title Collections.sort(unassignedEvalGroups, new ComparatorsUtils.GroupComparatorByTitle()); //Move current site to top of this list EVALSYS-762. int count2 = 0; for (EvalGroup group : unassignedEvalGroups) { if (group.evalGroupId.equals(currentEvalGroupId)) { unassignedEvalGroups.remove(count2); unassignedEvalGroups.add(0, group); break; } count2++; } List<String> assignGroupsIds = new ArrayList<>(); String groupSelectionOTP = "assignGroupSelectionSettings."; if (!newEval) { Map<Long, List<EvalAssignGroup>> selectedGroupsMap = evaluationService .getAssignGroupsForEvals(new Long[] { evalViewParams.evaluationId }, true, null); List<EvalAssignGroup> assignGroups = selectedGroupsMap.get(evalViewParams.evaluationId); for (EvalAssignGroup assGroup : assignGroups) { assignGroupsIds.add(assGroup.getEvalGroupId()); //Add group selection settings to form to support EVALSYS-778 if (useSelectionOptions) { Map<String, String> selectionOptions = assGroup.getSelectionOptions(); form.parameters.add(new UIELBinding( groupSelectionOTP + assGroup.getEvalGroupId() .replaceAll(EvalConstants.GROUP_ID_SITE_PREFIX, "") + ".instructor", selectionOptions.get(EvalAssignGroup.SELECTION_TYPE_INSTRUCTOR))); form.parameters.add(new UIELBinding( groupSelectionOTP + assGroup.getEvalGroupId() .replaceAll(EvalConstants.GROUP_ID_SITE_PREFIX, "") + ".assistant", selectionOptions.get(EvalAssignGroup.SELECTION_TYPE_ASSISTANT))); } } } int count = 0; int countUnpublishedGroups = 0; for (EvalGroup evalGroup : unassignedEvalGroups) { if (evalGroup != null) { String evalGroupId = evalGroup.evalGroupId; boolean hasEvaluators = true; if (!EvalConstants.EVALUATION_AUTHCONTROL_NONE.equals(evaluation.getAuthControl())) { int numEvaluatorsInSite = commonLogic.countUserIdsForEvalGroup(evalGroupId, EvalConstants.PERM_TAKE_EVALUATION, evaluation.getSectionAwareness()); hasEvaluators = numEvaluatorsInSite > 0; } boolean isPublished = commonLogic.isEvalGroupPublished(evalGroupId); UIBranchContainer checkboxRow = UIBranchContainer.make(evalgroupArea, "groups:", count + ""); if (count % 2 == 0) { checkboxRow.decorate(new UIStyleDecorator("itemsListOddLine")); // must match the existing CSS class } checkboxRow.decorate(new UIFreeAttributeDecorator("rel", count + "")); // table row counter for JS use in EVALSYS-618 //keep deselected user info as a result of changes in EVALSYS-660 Set<String> deselectedInsructorIds = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> deselectedAssistantIds = new HashSet<>(); //Assign attribute to row to help JS set checkbox selection to true if (assignGroupsIds.contains(evalGroupId)) { checkboxRow.decorate(new UIStyleDecorator("selectedGroup")); } if (useSelectionOptions) { if (!newEval) { //Get saved selection settings for this eval List<EvalAssignUser> deselectedInsructors = evaluationService .getParticipantsForEval(evalViewParams.evaluationId, null, new String[] { evalGroupId }, EvalAssignUser.TYPE_EVALUATEE, EvalAssignUser.STATUS_REMOVED, null, null); List<EvalAssignUser> deselectedAssistants = evaluationService .getParticipantsForEval(evalViewParams.evaluationId, null, new String[] { evalGroupId }, EvalAssignUser.TYPE_ASSISTANT, EvalAssignUser.STATUS_REMOVED, null, null); //check for already deselected users that match this groupId for (EvalAssignUser deselectedUser : deselectedInsructors) { deselectedInsructorIds.add(deselectedUser.getUserId()); } for (EvalAssignUser deselectedUser : deselectedAssistants) { deselectedAssistantIds.add(deselectedUser.getUserId()); } } else { //add blank selection options for this group for use by evalAssign.js form.parameters .add(new UIELBinding( groupSelectionOTP + evalGroupId.replaceAll( EvalConstants.GROUP_ID_SITE_PREFIX, "") + ".instructor", "")); form.parameters .add(new UIELBinding( groupSelectionOTP + evalGroupId.replaceAll( EvalConstants.GROUP_ID_SITE_PREFIX, "") + ".assistant", "")); } } evalGroupsLabels.add(evalGroup.title); evalGroupsValues.add(evalGroupId); String evalUsersLocator = "selectedEvaluationUsersLocator."; UISelectChoice choice = UISelectChoice.make(checkboxRow, "evalGroupId", evalGroupsSelectID, evalGroupsLabels.size() - 1); if (!hasEvaluators) { choice.decorate(new UIDisabledDecorator()); } if (useSelectionOptions) { form.parameters.add(new UIELBinding( evalUsersLocator + evalGroupId.replaceAll(EvalConstants.GROUP_ID_SITE_PREFIX, "") + ".deselectedInstructors", deselectedInsructorIds.toArray(new String[deselectedInsructorIds.size()]))); form.parameters.add(new UIELBinding( evalUsersLocator + evalGroupId.replaceAll(EvalConstants.GROUP_ID_SITE_PREFIX, "") + ".deselectedAssistants", deselectedAssistantIds.toArray(new String[deselectedAssistantIds.size()]))); //add ordering bindings form.parameters.add(new UIELBinding(evalUsersLocator + evalGroupId.replaceAll(EvalConstants.GROUP_ID_SITE_PREFIX, "") + ".orderingInstructors", new String[] {})); form.parameters.add(new UIELBinding(evalUsersLocator + evalGroupId.replaceAll(EvalConstants.GROUP_ID_SITE_PREFIX, "") + ".orderingAssistants", new String[] {})); } // get title from the map since it is faster UIOutput title = UIOutput.make(checkboxRow, "groupTitle", evalGroup.title); if (!isPublished) { title.decorate(new UIStyleDecorator("elementAlertBack")); countUnpublishedGroups++; } if (useSelectionOptions) { if (hasEvaluators) { int totalUsers = commonLogic.countUserIdsForEvalGroup(evalGroupId, EvalConstants.PERM_BE_EVALUATED, evaluation.getSectionAwareness()); if (totalUsers > 0 && hasInstructorQuestions) { int currentUsers = deselectedInsructorIds.size() >= 0 ? (totalUsers - deselectedInsructorIds.size()) : totalUsers; UIInternalLink link = UIInternalLink.make(checkboxRow, "select-instructors", UIMessage.make("", new Object[] { currentUsers, totalUsers }), new EvalViewParameters(EvaluationAssignSelectProducer.VIEW_ID, evaluation.getId(), evalGroupId, EvalAssignGroup.SELECTION_TYPE_INSTRUCTOR)); link.decorate(new UIStyleDecorator("addItem total:" + totalUsers)); link.decorate(new UITooltipDecorator( messageLocator.getMessage(""))); } totalUsers = commonLogic.countUserIdsForEvalGroup(evalGroup.evalGroupId, EvalConstants.PERM_ASSISTANT_ROLE, evaluation.getSectionAwareness()); if (totalUsers > 0 && hasAssistantQuestions) { int currentUsers = deselectedAssistantIds.size() >= 0 ? (totalUsers - deselectedAssistantIds.size()) : totalUsers; UIInternalLink link = UIInternalLink.make(checkboxRow, "select-tas", UIMessage.make("", new Object[] { currentUsers, totalUsers }), new EvalViewParameters(EvaluationAssignSelectProducer.VIEW_ID, evaluation.getId(), evalGroup.evalGroupId, EvalAssignGroup.SELECTION_TYPE_ASSISTANT)); link.decorate(new UIStyleDecorator("addItem total:" + totalUsers)); link.decorate(new UITooltipDecorator( messageLocator.getMessage(""))); } } else { title.decorate(new UIStyleDecorator("instruction")); UIMessage.make(checkboxRow, "select-no", "assigneval.cannot.assign"); } } UILabelTargetDecorator.targetLabel(title, choice); // make title a label for checkbox count++; } } if (countUnpublishedGroups > 0) { UIMessage.make(tofill, "assign-eval-instructions-group-notpublished", "assigneval.assign.instructions.notpublished"); } } } else { // TODO tell user there are no groups to assign to } /* * Area 3: Selection GUI for Adhoc Groups */ String[] adhocGroupRowIds = new String[] {}; if (useAdHocGroups) { UIBranchContainer adhocGroupsArea = UIBranchContainer.make(form, "use-adhoc-groups-area:"); UIMessage.make(adhocGroupsArea, "adhoc-groups-deleted", ""); addCollapseControl(tofill, adhocGroupsArea, "initJSAdhocToggle", "adhocgroups-assignment-area", "hide-button", "show-button", false); // Table of Existing adhoc groups for selection List<EvalAdhocGroup> myAdhocGroups = commonLogic.getAdhocGroupsForOwner(currentUserId); if (myAdhocGroups.size() > 0) { UIOutput.make(adhocGroupsArea, "adhoc-groups-table"); ArrayList<String> adhocGroupRowIdsArray = new ArrayList<>(myAdhocGroups.size()); int count = 0; for (EvalAdhocGroup adhocGroup : myAdhocGroups) { UIBranchContainer tableRow = UIBranchContainer.make(adhocGroupsArea, "groups:"); adhocGroupRowIdsArray.add(tableRow.getFullID()); if (count % 2 == 0) { tableRow.decorate(new UIStyleDecorator("itemsListOddLine")); // must match the existing CSS class } evalGroupsLabels.add(adhocGroup.getTitle()); evalGroupsValues.add(adhocGroup.getEvalGroupId()); UISelectChoice choice = UISelectChoice.make(tableRow, "evalGroupId", evalGroupsSelectID, evalGroupsLabels.size() - 1); // get title from the map since it is faster UIOutput title = UIOutput.make(tableRow, "groupTitle", adhocGroup.getTitle()); UILabelTargetDecorator.targetLabel(title, choice); // make title a label for checkbox // Link to allow editing an existing group UIInternalLink.make(tableRow, "editGroupLink", UIMessage.make(""), new AdhocGroupParams(ModifyAdhocGroupProducer.VIEW_ID, adhocGroup.getId(), vsh.getFullURL(evalViewParams))); // add delete option - if (currentUserId.equals(adhocGroup.getOwner()) || commonLogic.isUserAdmin(currentUserId)) { String deleteLink = commonLogic.getEntityURL(AdhocGroupEntityProvider.ENTITY_PREFIX, adhocGroup.getId().toString()); UILink.make(tableRow, "deleteGroupLink", UIMessage.make("general.command.delete"), deleteLink); } count++; } adhocGroupRowIds = adhocGroupRowIdsArray.toArray(new String[adhocGroupRowIdsArray.size()]); } UIInternalLink.make(adhocGroupsArea, "new-adhocgroup-link", UIMessage.make(""), new AdhocGroupParams(ModifyAdhocGroupProducer.VIEW_ID, null, vsh.getFullURL(evalViewParams))); } // Add all the groups and hierarchy nodes back to the UISelect Many's. see // the large comment further up. evalGroupsSelect.optionlist = UIOutputMany.make(evalGroupsValues.toArray(new String[] {})); evalGroupsSelect.optionnames = UIOutputMany.make(evalGroupsLabels.toArray(new String[] {})); hierarchyNodesSelect.optionlist = UIOutputMany.make(hierNodesValues.toArray(new String[] {})); hierarchyNodesSelect.optionnames = UIOutputMany.make(hierNodesLabels.toArray(new String[] {})); form.parameters.add(new UIELBinding(actionBean + "evaluationId", evalViewParams.evaluationId)); UIMessage.make(form, "back-button", "general.back.button"); if (useSelectionOptions) { UIOutput.make(tofill, "JS-facebox"); UIOutput.make(tofill, "JS-facebox-assign"); UIOutput.make(tofill, "JS-assign"); UIMessage.make(form, "select-column-title", ""); form.type = EarlyRequestParser.ACTION_REQUEST; UICommand.make(form, "confirmAssignCourses", UIMessage.make("evaluationassignconfirm.done.button"), actionBean + "completeConfirmAction"); } else { // this is a get form which does not submit to a backing bean EvalViewParameters formViewParams = (EvalViewParameters) evalViewParams.copyBase(); formViewParams.viewID = EvaluationAssignConfirmProducer.VIEW_ID; form.viewparams = formViewParams; form.type = EarlyRequestParser.RENDER_REQUEST; // all command buttons are just HTML now so no more bindings UIMessage assignButton = UIMessage.make(form, "confirmAssignCourses", ""); // activate the adhoc groups deletion javascript if (useAdHocGroups) { UIInitBlock.make(tofill, "initJavaScriptAdhoc", "EvalSystem.initEvalAssignAdhocDelete", new Object[] { adhocGroupRowIds }); } // Error message to be triggered by javascript if users doesn't select anything // There is a 'evalgroupselect' class on each input checkbox that the JS // can check for now. UIMessage assignErrorDiv = UIMessage.make(tofill, "nogroups-error", "assigneval.invalid.selection"); boolean anonymousAllowed = false; if (EvalConstants.EVALUATION_AUTHCONTROL_NONE.equals(evaluation.getAuthControl())) { anonymousAllowed = true; } UIInitBlock.make(tofill, "initJavaScript", "EvalSystem.initEvalAssignValidation", new Object[] { form.getFullID(), assignErrorDiv.getFullID(), assignButton.getFullID(), anonymousAllowed }); } } /** * I think this is getting all the groupIds that are not currently assigned to nodes in the hierarchy * * @param evalGroups the list of eval groups to check in * @return the set of evalGroupsIds from the input list of evalGroups which are not assigned to hierarchy nodes */ protected Set<String> getEvalGroupIDsNotAssignedInHierarchy(List<EvalGroup> evalGroups) { // TODO - we probably need a method to simply get all assigned groupIds in the hierarchy to make this a bit faster // 1. All the Evaluation Group IDs in a set Set<String> evalGroupIDs = new HashSet<>(); for (EvalGroup evalGroup : evalGroups) { evalGroupIDs.add(evalGroup.evalGroupId); } /* // 2. All the Evaluation Group IDs that are assigned to Hierarchy Nodes EvalHierarchyNode rootNode = hierarchyLogic.getRootLevelNode(); String[] rootNodeChildren = rootNode.childNodeIds.toArray(new String[] {}); if (rootNodeChildren.length > 0) { Map<String,Set<String>> assignedGroups = hierarchyLogic.getEvalGroupsForNodes(rootNodeChildren); Set<String> hierAssignedGroupIDs = new HashSet<String>(); for (String key: assignedGroups.keySet()) { hierAssignedGroupIDs.addAll(assignedGroups.get(key)); } // 3. Remove all EvalGroup IDs that have been assigned to evalGroupIDs.removeAll(hierAssignedGroupIDs); } */ return evalGroupIDs; } /** * Taking the parent container and rsf:id's for the collapsed area and tags * to show and hide, creates the necessary javascript. The Javascript is * appended to the instance variable holding the javascript that will be * rendered at the bottom of the page for javascript initialization. */ private void addCollapseControl(UIContainer tofill, UIContainer parent, String rsfId, String areaId, String hideId, String showId, boolean initialHide) { UIOutput hideControl = UIOutput.make(parent, hideId); UIOutput showControl = UIOutput.make(parent, showId); UIOutput areaDiv = UIOutput.make(parent, areaId); //makeToggle: function (showId, hideId, areaId, toggleClass, initialHide) { if (initialHide) { UIInitBlock.make(tofill, rsfId, "EvalSystem.makeToggle", new Object[] { showControl.getFullID(), hideControl.getFullID(), areaDiv.getFullID(), null, initialHide }); } else { UIInitBlock.make(tofill, rsfId, "EvalSystem.makeToggle", new Object[] { showControl.getFullID(), hideControl.getFullID(), areaDiv.getFullID() }); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see,, java.lang.Object) */ public void interceptActionResult(ARIResult result, ViewParameters incoming, Object actionReturn) { // handles the navigation cases and passing along data from view to view EvalViewParameters evp = (EvalViewParameters) incoming; Long evalId = evp.evaluationId; if ("evalSettings".equals(actionReturn)) { result.resultingView = new EvalViewParameters(EvaluationSettingsProducer.VIEW_ID, evalId); } else if ("evalAssign".equals(actionReturn)) { result.resultingView = new EvalViewParameters(EvaluationAssignProducer.VIEW_ID, evalId); } else if ("evalConfirm".equals(actionReturn)) { result.resultingView = new EvalViewParameters(EvaluationAssignConfirmProducer.VIEW_ID, evalId); } else if ("controlEvals".equals(actionReturn)) { result.resultingView = new SimpleViewParameters(ControlEvaluationsProducer.VIEW_ID); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public ViewParameters getViewParameters() { return new EvalViewParameters(); } }