Java tutorial
/** * $URL$ * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2009 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.blti; import java.lang.StringBuffer; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import net.oauth.OAuthAccessor; import net.oauth.OAuthConsumer; import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; import net.oauth.OAuthValidator; import net.oauth.SimpleOAuthValidator; import net.oauth.server.OAuthServlet; import net.oauth.signature.OAuthSignatureMethod; import org.imsglobal.basiclti.XMLMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.imsglobal.basiclti.BasicLTIUtil; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Member; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Role; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroupService; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.event.cover.UsageSessionService; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Tool; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader; import org.sakaiproject.basiclti.util.SakaiBLTIUtil; import org.imsglobal.basiclti.BasicLTIConstants; import org.sakaiproject.basiclti.util.LegacyShaUtil; import org.sakaiproject.util.FormattedText; import org.imsglobal.pox.IMSPOXRequest; import org.sakaiproject.lti.api.LTIService; import org.sakaiproject.util.foorm.SakaiFoorm; import org.sakaiproject.util.foorm.FoormUtil; /** * Notes: * * This program is directly exposed as a URL to receive IMS Basic LTI messages * so it must be carefully reviewed and any changes must be looked at carefully. * Here are some issues: * * - This will only function when it is enabled via * * - This servlet makes use of security advisors - once an advisor has been * added, it must be removed - often in a finally. Also the code below only adds * the advisor for very short segments of code to allow for easier review. * * Implemented using a SHA-1 hash of the effective context_id and then stores * the original context_id in a "lti_context_id" which will be * useful for later reference. Since SHA-1 hashes to 40 chars, that would leave * us 59 chars (i.e. 58 + ":") to use for LTI key. This also means that the new * maximum supported size of an effective context_id is the maximum message size * of SHA-1: maximum length of (264 ? 1) bits. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class ServiceServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(ServiceServlet.class); private static ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("blis"); protected static SakaiFoorm foorm = new SakaiFoorm(); protected static LTIService ltiService = null; private final String returnHTML = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n" + " \"\">\n" + "<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n" + "<body>\n" + "<script language=\"javascript\">\n" + "$message = '<div align=\"center\" style=\"text-align:left;width:80%;margin-top:5px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;border-width:1px 1px 1px 1px;border-style:solid;border-color: gray;padding:.5em;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:.8em\"><p>MESSAGE</p>';\n" + "$closeText = '<p><a href=\"javascript: self.close()\">CLOSETEXT</a></p>';\n" + "$gotMessage = GOTMESSAGE;\n" + "if(self.location==top.location) {\n" + " if ( $gotMessage ) {\n" + " document.write($message);\n" + " document.write($closeText);\n" + " } else {\n" + " self.close();\n" + " }\n" + "} else {\n" + " document.write($message);\n" + "}\n" + "</script>\n" + "</div></body>\n" + "</html>\n"; public void doError(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Map<String, Object> theMap, String s, String message, Exception e) throws { if (e != null) { M_log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/codemajor", "Fail"); theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/severity", "Error"); String msg = rb.getString(s) + ": " + message;; theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/description", FormattedText.escapeHtmlFormattedText(msg)); String theXml = XMLMap.getXML(theMap, true); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(theXml);"doError=" + theXml); } @Override public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); if (ltiService == null) ltiService = (LTIService) ComponentManager.get("org.sakaiproject.lti.api.LTIService"); } /* launch_presentation_return_url= The TP may add a parameter called lti_errormsg that includes some detail as to the nature of the error. The lti_errormsg value should make sense if displayed to the user. If the tool has displayed a message to the end user and only wants to give the TC a message to log, use the parameter lti_errorlog instead of lti_errormsg. If the tool is terminating normally, and wants a message displayed to the user it can include a text message as the lti_msg parameter to the return URL. If the tool is terminating normally and wants to give the TC a message to log, use the parameter lti_log. http://localhost:8080/imsblis/service/return-url/site/12345 http://localhost:8080/imsblis/service/return-url/pda/12345 */ protected void handleReturnUrl(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { String lti_errorlog = request.getParameter("lti_errorlog"); if (lti_errorlog != null) M_log.error(lti_errorlog); String lti_errormsg = request.getParameter("lti_errormsg"); if (lti_errormsg != null) M_log.error(lti_errormsg); String lti_log = request.getParameter("lti_log"); if (lti_log != null); String lti_msg = request.getParameter("lti_msg"); if (lti_msg != null); String message = rb.getString("outcome.tool.finished"); String gotMessage = "false"; if (lti_msg != null) { message = rb.getString("outcome.tool.lti_msg") + " " + lti_msg; gotMessage = "true"; } else if (lti_errormsg != null) { message = rb.getString("outcome.tool.lti_errormsg") + " " + lti_errormsg; gotMessage = "true"; } String rpi = request.getPathInfo(); if (rpi.length() > 11) rpi = rpi.substring(11); String portalUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getPortalUrl(); portalUrl = portalUrl + rpi; String output = returnHTML.replace("URL", portalUrl); output = output.replace("GOTMESSAGE", gotMessage); output = output.replace("MESSAGE", message); output = output.replace("CLOSETEXT", rb.getString("outcome.tool.close.window")); response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(output); } protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String rpi = request.getPathInfo(); if (rpi.startsWith("/return-url")) { handleReturnUrl(request, response); return; } doPost(request, response); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String contentType = request.getContentType(); if (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("application/json")) { doPostJSON(request, response); } else if (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("application/xml")) { doPostXml(request, response); } else { doPostForm(request, response); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void doPostForm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); M_log.debug("Basic LTI Service request from IP=" + ipAddress); String allowOutcomes = ServerConfigurationService.getString(SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_OUTCOMES_ENABLED, SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_OUTCOMES_ENABLED_DEFAULT); if (!"true".equals(allowOutcomes)) allowOutcomes = null; String allowSettings = ServerConfigurationService.getString(SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_SETTINGS_ENABLED, SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_SETTINGS_ENABLED_DEFAULT); if (!"true".equals(allowSettings)) allowSettings = null; String allowRoster = ServerConfigurationService.getString(SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_ROSTER_ENABLED, SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_ROSTER_ENABLED_DEFAULT); if (!"true".equals(allowRoster)) allowRoster = null; if (allowOutcomes == null && allowSettings == null && allowRoster == null) { M_log.warn("LTI Services are disabled IP=" + ipAddress); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return; } // Lets return an XML Response Map<String, Object> theMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, String[]> params = (Map<String, String[]>) request.getParameterMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> param : params.entrySet()) { M_log.debug(param.getKey() + ":" + param.getValue()[0]); } //check lti_message_type String lti_message_type = request.getParameter(BasicLTIConstants.LTI_MESSAGE_TYPE); theMap.put("/message_response/lti_message_type", lti_message_type); String sourcedid = null; String message_type = null; if (BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lis-replaceresult") || BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lis-createresult") || BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lis-updateresult") || BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lis-deleteresult") || BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lis-readresult")) { sourcedid = request.getParameter("sourcedid"); if (allowOutcomes != null) message_type = "basicoutcome"; } else if (BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lti-loadsetting") || BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lti-savesetting") || BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lti-deletesetting")) { sourcedid = request.getParameter("id"); if (allowSettings != null) message_type = "toolsetting"; } else if (BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lis-readmembershipsforcontext")) { sourcedid = request.getParameter("id"); if (allowRoster != null) message_type = "roster"; } else { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.invalid", "lti_message_type=" + lti_message_type, null); return; } // If we have not gotten one of our allowed message types, stop now if (message_type == null) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.invalid", "lti_message_type=" + lti_message_type, null); return; } // Perform the Outcomee first because we use the SakaiBLTIUtil code for this if ("basicoutcome".equals(message_type)) { processOutcome(request, response, lti_message_type, sourcedid, theMap); return; } // No point continuing without a sourcedid if (BasicLTIUtil.isBlank(sourcedid)) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.missing", "sourcedid", null); return; } String lti_version = request.getParameter(BasicLTIConstants.LTI_VERSION); if (!BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_version, "LTI-1p0")) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.invalid", "lti_version=" + lti_version, null); return; } String oauth_consumer_key = request.getParameter("oauth_consumer_key"); if (BasicLTIUtil.isBlank(oauth_consumer_key)) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.missing", "oauth_consumer_key", null); return; } // Truncate this to the maximum length to insure no cruft at the end if (sourcedid.length() > 2048) sourcedid = sourcedid.substring(0, 2048); // Attempt to parse the sourcedid, any failure is fatal String placement_id = null; String signature = null; String user_id = null; try { int pos = sourcedid.indexOf(":::"); if (pos > 0) { signature = sourcedid.substring(0, pos); String dec2 = sourcedid.substring(pos + 3); pos = dec2.indexOf(":::"); user_id = dec2.substring(0, pos); placement_id = dec2.substring(pos + 3); } } catch (Exception e) { // Log some detail for ourselves M_log.warn("Unable to decrypt result_sourcedid IP=" + ipAddress + " Error=" + e.getMessage(), e); signature = null; placement_id = null; user_id = null; } // Send a more generic message back to the caller if (placement_id == null || user_id == null) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } M_log.debug("signature=" + signature); M_log.debug("user_id=" + user_id); M_log.debug("placement_id=" + placement_id); Properties pitch = SakaiBLTIUtil.getPropertiesFromPlacement(placement_id, ltiService); if (pitch == null) { M_log.debug("Error retrieving result_sourcedid information"); doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } String siteId = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_SITE_ID); Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(siteId); } catch (Exception e) { M_log.debug("Error retrieving result_sourcedid site: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } // Send a more generic message back to the caller if (site == null) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } // Check the message signature using OAuth String oauth_secret = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_SECRET); M_log.debug("oauth_secret: " + oauth_secret); oauth_secret = SakaiBLTIUtil.decryptSecret(oauth_secret); M_log.debug("oauth_secret (decrypted): " + oauth_secret); String URL = SakaiBLTIUtil.getOurServletPath(request); OAuthMessage oam = OAuthServlet.getMessage(request, URL); OAuthValidator oav = new SimpleOAuthValidator(); OAuthConsumer cons = new OAuthConsumer("about:blank#OAuth+CallBack+NotUsed", oauth_consumer_key, oauth_secret, null); OAuthAccessor acc = new OAuthAccessor(cons); String base_string = null; try { base_string = OAuthSignatureMethod.getBaseString(oam); } catch (Exception e) { M_log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); base_string = null; } try { oav.validateMessage(oam, acc); } catch (Exception e) { M_log.warn("Provider failed to validate message"); M_log.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); if (base_string != null) { M_log.warn(base_string); } doError(request, response, theMap, "", oauth_consumer_key, null); return; } // Check the signature of the sourcedid to make sure it was not altered String placement_secret = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_PLACEMENTSECRET); // Send a generic message back to the caller if (placement_secret == null) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } String pre_hash = placement_secret + ":::" + user_id + ":::" + placement_id; String received_signature = LegacyShaUtil.sha256Hash(pre_hash); M_log.debug("Received signature=" + signature + " received=" + received_signature); boolean matched = signature.equals(received_signature); String old_placement_secret = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_OLDPLACEMENTSECRET); if (old_placement_secret != null && !matched) { pre_hash = placement_secret + ":::" + user_id + ":::" + placement_id; received_signature = LegacyShaUtil.sha256Hash(pre_hash); M_log.debug("Received signature II=" + signature + " received=" + received_signature); matched = signature.equals(received_signature); } // Send a message back to the caller if (!matched) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } // Perform the message-specific handling if ("toolsetting".equals(message_type)) processSetting(request, response, lti_message_type, site, siteId, placement_id, pitch, user_id, theMap); if ("roster".equals(message_type)) processRoster(request, response, lti_message_type, site, siteId, placement_id, pitch, user_id, theMap); } protected void processSetting(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String lti_message_type, Site site, String siteId, String placement_id, Properties pitch, String user_id, Map<String, Object> theMap) throws { String setting = null; // Check for permission in placement String allowSetting = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_ALLOWSETTINGS); if (!"on".equals(allowSetting)) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.invalid", "lti_message_type=" + lti_message_type, null); return; } SakaiBLTIUtil.pushAdvisor(); boolean success = false; try { if ("basic-lti-loadsetting".equals(lti_message_type)) { setting = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_SETTINGS_EXT); // Remove this after the DB conversion for SAK-25621 is completed // It is harmless until LTI 2.0 starts to get heavy use. if (setting == null) { setting = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_SETTINGS); } if (setting != null) { theMap.put("/message_response/setting/value", setting); } success = true; } else { if (SakaiBLTIUtil.isPlacement(placement_id)) { ToolConfiguration placement = SiteService.findTool(placement_id); if ("basic-lti-savesetting".equals(lti_message_type)) { setting = request.getParameter("setting"); if (setting == null) { M_log.warn("No setting parameter"); doError(request, response, theMap, "setting.empty", "", null); } else { if (setting.length() > 8096) setting = setting.substring(0, 8096); placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty("toolsetting", setting); } } else if ("basic-lti-deletesetting".equals(lti_message_type)) { placement.getPlacementConfig().remove("toolsetting"); } try {; success = true; } catch (Exception e) { doError(request, response, theMap, "", "", e); } } else { Map<String, Object> content = null; String contentStr = pitch.getProperty("contentKey"); Long contentKey = foorm.getLongKey(contentStr); if (contentKey >= 0) content = ltiService.getContentDao(contentKey, siteId); if (content != null) { if ("basic-lti-savesetting".equals(lti_message_type)) { setting = request.getParameter("setting"); if (setting == null) { M_log.warn("No setting parameter"); doError(request, response, theMap, "setting.empty", "", null); } else { if (setting.length() > 8096) setting = setting.substring(0, 8096); content.put(LTIService.LTI_SETTINGS_EXT, setting); success = true; } } else if ("basic-lti-deletesetting".equals(lti_message_type)) { content.put(LTIService.LTI_SETTINGS_EXT, null); success = true; } if (success) { Object result = ltiService.updateContentDao(contentKey, content, siteId); if (result instanceof String) { M_log.warn("Setting update failed: " + result); doError(request, response, theMap, "", "", null); success = false; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { doError(request, response, theMap, "", "", e); } finally { SakaiBLTIUtil.popAdvisor(); } if (!success) return; theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/codemajor", "Success"); theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/severity", "Status"); theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/codeminor", "fullsuccess"); String theXml = XMLMap.getXML(theMap, true); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(theXml); } protected void processOutcome(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String lti_message_type, String sourcedid, Map<String, Object> theMap) throws { // Things look good - time to process the grade boolean isRead = BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lis-readresult"); boolean isDelete = BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "basic-lis-deleteresult"); String result_resultscore_textstring = request.getParameter("result_resultscore_textstring"); String result_resultdata_text = request.getParameter("result_resultdata_text"); if (BasicLTIUtil.isBlank(result_resultscore_textstring) && !isRead) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.missing", "result_resultscore_textstring", null); return; } String theGrade = null; boolean success = false; Object retval = null; try { Double dGrade; if (isRead) { retval = SakaiBLTIUtil.getGrade(sourcedid, request, ltiService); if (retval instanceof Map) { Map grade = (Map) retval; dGrade = (Double) grade.get("grade"); theMap.put("/message_response/result/resultscore/textstring", dGrade.toString()); theMap.put("/message_response/result/resultdata/text", (String) grade.get("comment")); } else { // Read fail with Good SourceDID is treated as empty Object check = SakaiBLTIUtil.checkSourceDid(sourcedid, request, ltiService); if (check instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean) check)) { theMap.put("/message_response/result/resultscore/textstring", ""); theMap.put("/message_response/result/resultdata/text", ""); } else { doError(request, response, theMap, "", (String) retval, null); return; } } } else if (isDelete) { retval = SakaiBLTIUtil.deleteGrade(sourcedid, request, ltiService); } else { dGrade = new Double(result_resultscore_textstring); retval = SakaiBLTIUtil.setGrade(sourcedid, request, ltiService, dGrade, result_resultdata_text); } success = true; theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/codemajor", "Success"); theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/severity", "Status"); theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/codeminor", "fullsuccess"); } catch (Exception e) { doError(request, response, theMap, "", "", e); } if (!success) return; String theXml = XMLMap.getXML(theMap, true); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(theXml); } protected void processRoster(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String lti_message_type, Site site, String siteId, String placement_id, Properties pitch, String user_id, Map<String, Object> theMap) throws { // Check for permission in placement String allowRoster = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_ALLOWROSTER); if (!"on".equals(allowRoster)) { doError(request, response, theMap, "outcomes.invalid", "lti_message_type=" + lti_message_type, null); return; } String roleMapProp = pitch.getProperty("rolemap"); String releaseName = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_SENDNAME); String releaseEmail = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_SENDEMAILADDR); String assignment = pitch.getProperty("assignment"); String allowOutcomes = ServerConfigurationService.getString(SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_OUTCOMES_ENABLED, SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_OUTCOMES_ENABLED_DEFAULT); if (!"true".equals(allowOutcomes)) allowOutcomes = null; String maintainRole = site.getMaintainRole(); SakaiBLTIUtil.pushAdvisor(); boolean success = false; try { List<Map<String, Object>> lm = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Set<Member> members = site.getMembers(); Map<String, String> roleMap = SakaiBLTIUtil.convertRoleMapPropToMap(roleMapProp); for (Member member : members) { Map<String, Object> mm = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); Role role = member.getRole(); String ims_user_id = member.getUserId(); mm.put("/user_id", ims_user_id); String ims_role = "Learner"; // If there is a role mapping, it has precedence over site.update if (roleMap.containsKey(role.getId())) { ims_role = roleMap.get(role.getId()); } else if (ComponentManager.get(AuthzGroupService.class).isAllowed(ims_user_id, SiteService.SECURE_UPDATE_SITE, "/site/" + siteId)) { ims_role = "Instructor"; } // Using "/role" is inconsistent with to // It // should be roles. If we can determine that nobody is using // the role tag, we should remove it. mm.put("/role", ims_role); mm.put("/roles", ims_role); User user = null; if ("true".equals(allowOutcomes) && assignment != null) { user = UserDirectoryService.getUser(ims_user_id); String placement_secret = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_PLACEMENTSECRET); String result_sourcedid = SakaiBLTIUtil.getSourceDID(user, placement_id, placement_secret); if (result_sourcedid != null) mm.put("/lis_result_sourcedid", result_sourcedid); } if ("on".equals(releaseName) || "on".equals(releaseEmail)) { if (user == null) user = UserDirectoryService.getUser(ims_user_id); if ("on".equals(releaseName)) { mm.put("/person_name_given", user.getFirstName()); mm.put("/person_name_family", user.getLastName()); mm.put("/person_name_full", user.getDisplayName()); } if ("on".equals(releaseEmail)) { mm.put("/person_contact_email_primary", user.getEmail()); mm.put("/person_sourcedid", user.getEid()); } } Collection groups = site.getGroupsWithMember(ims_user_id); if (groups.size() > 0) { List<Map<String, Object>> lgm = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (Iterator i = groups.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Group group = (Group); Map<String, Object> groupMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); groupMap.put("/id", group.getId()); groupMap.put("/title", group.getTitle()); groupMap.put("/set", new HashMap(groupMap)); lgm.add(groupMap); } mm.put("/groups/group", lgm); } lm.add(mm); } theMap.put("/message_response/members/member", lm); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { doError(request, response, theMap, "", "", e); } finally { SakaiBLTIUtil.popAdvisor(); } if (!success) return; theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/codemajor", "Success"); theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/severity", "Status"); theMap.put("/message_response/statusinfo/codeminor", "fullsuccess"); String theXml = XMLMap.getXML(theMap, true); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(theXml); M_log.debug(theXml); } /* IMS POX XML versions of this service */ public void doErrorXML(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, IMSPOXRequest pox, String s, String message, Exception e) throws { if (e != null) { M_log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } String msg = rb.getString(s) + ": " + message;; response.setContentType("application/xml"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String output = null; if (pox == null) { output = IMSPOXRequest.getFatalResponse(msg); } else { String body = null; String operation = pox.getOperation(); if (operation != null) { body = "<" + operation.replace("Request", "Response") + "/>"; } output = pox.getResponseFailure(msg, null, body); } out.println(output); M_log.debug(output); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void doPostJSON(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); M_log.warn("LTI JSON Services not implemented IP=" + ipAddress); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void doPostXml(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); M_log.debug("LTI POX Service request from IP=" + ipAddress); String allowOutcomes = ServerConfigurationService.getString(SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_OUTCOMES_ENABLED, SakaiBLTIUtil.BASICLTI_OUTCOMES_ENABLED_DEFAULT); if (!"true".equals(allowOutcomes)) allowOutcomes = null; if (allowOutcomes == null) { M_log.warn("LTI Services are disabled IP=" + ipAddress); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return; } IMSPOXRequest pox = new IMSPOXRequest(request); if (!pox.valid) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "pox.invalid", pox.errorMessage, null); return; } //check lti_message_type String lti_message_type = pox.getOperation(); String sourcedid = null; String message_type = null; if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("POST\n" + XMLMap.prettyPrint(pox.postBody)); Map<String, String> bodyMap = pox.getBodyMap(); if (("replaceResultRequest".equals(lti_message_type) || "readResultRequest".equals(lti_message_type) || "deleteResultRequest".equals(lti_message_type)) && allowOutcomes != null) { sourcedid = bodyMap.get("/resultRecord/sourcedGUID/sourcedId"); message_type = "basicoutcome"; } else { String output = pox.getResponseUnsupported("Not supported " + lti_message_type); response.setContentType("application/xml"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(output); return; } // No point continuing without a sourcedid if (BasicLTIUtil.isBlank(sourcedid)) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "outcomes.missing", "sourcedid", null); return; } // Handle the outcomes here using the new SakaiBLTIUtil code if (allowOutcomes != null && "basicoutcome".equals(message_type)) { processOutcomeXml(request, response, lti_message_type, sourcedid, pox); return; } // Truncate this to the maximum length to insure no cruft at the end if (sourcedid.length() > 2048) sourcedid = sourcedid.substring(0, 2048); // Attempt to parse the sourcedid, any failure is fatal String placement_id = null; String signature = null; String user_id = null; try { int pos = sourcedid.indexOf(":::"); if (pos > 0) { signature = sourcedid.substring(0, pos); String dec2 = sourcedid.substring(pos + 3); pos = dec2.indexOf(":::"); user_id = dec2.substring(0, pos); placement_id = dec2.substring(pos + 3); } } catch (Exception e) { // Log some detail for ourselves M_log.warn("Unable to decrypt result_sourcedid IP=" + ipAddress + " Error=" + e.getMessage(), e); signature = null; placement_id = null; user_id = null; } // Send a more generic message back to the caller if (placement_id == null || user_id == null) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "outcomes.sourcedid", "missing user_id or placement_id", null); return; } M_log.debug("signature=" + signature); M_log.debug("user_id=" + user_id); M_log.debug("placement_id=" + placement_id); Properties pitch = SakaiBLTIUtil.getPropertiesFromPlacement(placement_id, ltiService); if (pitch == null) { M_log.debug("Error retrieving result_sourcedid information"); doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } String siteId = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_SITE_ID); Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(siteId); } catch (Exception e) { M_log.debug("Error retrieving result_sourcedid site: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } // Send a more generic message back to the caller if (site == null) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } // Check the message signature using OAuth String oauth_consumer_key = pox.getOAuthConsumerKey(); String oauth_secret = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_SECRET); M_log.debug("oauth_secret: " + oauth_secret); oauth_secret = SakaiBLTIUtil.decryptSecret(oauth_secret); M_log.debug("oauth_secret (decrypted): " + oauth_secret); String URL = SakaiBLTIUtil.getOurServletPath(request); pox.validateRequest(oauth_consumer_key, oauth_secret, request, URL); if (!pox.valid) { if (pox.base_string != null) { M_log.warn(pox.base_string); } doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "", oauth_consumer_key, null); return; } // Check the signature of the sourcedid to make sure it was not altered String placement_secret = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_PLACEMENTSECRET); // Send a generic message back to the caller if (placement_secret == null) { M_log.debug("placement_secret is null"); doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } String pre_hash = placement_secret + ":::" + user_id + ":::" + placement_id; String received_signature = LegacyShaUtil.sha256Hash(pre_hash); M_log.debug("Received signature=" + signature + " received=" + received_signature); boolean matched = signature.equals(received_signature); String old_placement_secret = pitch.getProperty(LTIService.LTI_OLDPLACEMENTSECRET); if (old_placement_secret != null && !matched) { pre_hash = placement_secret + ":::" + user_id + ":::" + placement_id; received_signature = LegacyShaUtil.sha256Hash(pre_hash); M_log.debug("Received signature II=" + signature + " received=" + received_signature); matched = signature.equals(received_signature); } // Send a message back to the caller if (!matched) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "outcomes.sourcedid", "sourcedid", null); return; } response.setContentType("application/xml"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); String desc = "Message received and validated operation=" + pox.getOperation(); String output = pox.getResponseUnsupported(desc); writer.println(output); } protected void processOutcomeXml(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String lti_message_type, String sourcedid, IMSPOXRequest pox) throws { // Things look good - time to process the grade boolean isRead = BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "readResultRequest"); boolean isDelete = BasicLTIUtil.equals(lti_message_type, "deleteResultRequest"); Map<String, String> bodyMap = pox.getBodyMap(); String result_resultscore_textstring = bodyMap.get("/resultRecord/result/resultScore/textString"); String result_resultdata_text = bodyMap.get("/resultRecord/result/resultData/text"); String sourced_id = bodyMap.get("/resultRecord/result/sourcedId"); // System.out.println("comment="+result_resultdata_text); // System.out.println("grade="+result_resultscore_textstring); if (BasicLTIUtil.isBlank(result_resultscore_textstring) && !isRead && !isDelete) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "outcomes.missing", "result_resultscore_textstring", null); return; } // Lets return an XML Response Map<String, Object> theMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); String theGrade = null; boolean success = false; String message = null; Object retval = null; boolean strict = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean(SakaiBLTIUtil.LTI_STRICT, false); try { Double dGrade; if (isRead) { retval = SakaiBLTIUtil.getGrade(sourcedid, request, ltiService); String sGrade = ""; String comment = ""; if (retval instanceof Map) { Map grade = (Map) retval; comment = (String) grade.get("comment"); dGrade = (Double) grade.get("grade"); if (dGrade != null) { sGrade = dGrade.toString(); } } else { Object check = SakaiBLTIUtil.checkSourceDid(sourcedid, request, ltiService); if (check instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean) check)) { // Read fail with Good SourceDID is treated as empty } else { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "", (String) retval, null); return; } } theMap.put("/readResultResponse/result/sourcedId", sourced_id); theMap.put("/readResultResponse/result/resultScore/textString", sGrade); theMap.put("/readResultResponse/result/resultScore/language", "en"); if (!strict) { theMap.put("/readResultResponse/result/resultData/text", comment); } message = "Result read"; } else if (isDelete) { retval = SakaiBLTIUtil.deleteGrade(sourcedid, request, ltiService); if (retval instanceof String) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "", (String) retval, null); return; } theMap.put("/deleteResultResponse", ""); message = "Result deleted"; } else { dGrade = new Double(result_resultscore_textstring); if (dGrade < 0.0 || dGrade > 1.0) { throw new Exception("Grade out of range"); } dGrade = new Double(result_resultscore_textstring); retval = SakaiBLTIUtil.setGrade(sourcedid, request, ltiService, dGrade, result_resultdata_text); if (retval instanceof String) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "", (String) retval, null); return; } theMap.put("/replaceResultResponse", ""); message = "Result replaced"; } success = true; } catch (Exception e) { doErrorXML(request, response, pox, "", e.getMessage(), e); } if (!success) return; String output = null; String theXml = ""; if (theMap.size() > 0) theXml = XMLMap.getXMLFragment(theMap, true); output = pox.getResponseSuccess(message, theXml); response.setContentType("application/xml"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(output); M_log.debug(output); } public void destroy() { } }