Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) SAS Institute, All rights reserved. * General Public License: **/ package org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib; /** * History:<br> * * <br> DEC 19, 2013 (DHARMESH) Initial release. * <br> DEC 25, 2013 (sbjlwa) Add javascript calling DOJO APIs. * <br> JAN 16, 2014 (DHARMESH) Updated reconnection browser support. * <br> JAN 16, 2014 (DHARMESH) Added WebDriver() for end user. * <br> MAR 10, 2014 (SBJLWA) Handle frames for HTML Application, Get browser window information by javascript. * <br> MAR 27, 2014 (SBJLWA) Add ability to search by XPATH and CSS. * <br> APR 14, 2014 (SBJLWA) Add ability to listener to a javascript event. Rename some functions. * <br> AUG 12, 2014 (SBJLWA) Modify method getObject(): return null if no webelement can be found. * <br> AUG 27, 2014 (LeiWang) Modify method getObject(): Get element inside a frame if no FrameRS * is preceding RS of a child in map file; we consider that the child is * in the same frame as parent. * <br> AUG 29, 2014 (DHARMESH) Add selenium grid host and port support. * <br> OCT 22, 2014 (LeiWang) Modify method getObject(): use webdriver to find frame webelement to avoid StaleElementException. * <br> OCT 29, 2014 (LeiWang) Add support for qualifier 'ItemIndex', 'Path', 'Property' and 'PropertyContains'. * Add support for prefix ':PASM:'. * <br> NOV 05, 2014 (LeiWang) Add pageHasChanged(): to detect if the web page url has changed. * <br> NOV 28, 2014 (LeiWang) Modify executeScript(): detect javascript error and throw JSException. * Add js_xxx(): to manipulate javascript error global variable. * <br> DEC 05, 2014 (LeiWang) Modify getObject(): Fix frame window recognition string definition error. * <br> DEC 11, 2014 (LeiWang) Modify isSapComponent() etc: fix the domain-detection failure. * <br> JAN 05, 2015 (LeiWang) Modify executeScript(): get javascript debug messages and write to debug log. * <br> JUL 23, 2015 (LeiWang) Add js_getGlobalVariable(), js_setGlobalVariable() * modify js_getGlobalBoolVariable(), js_setGlobalBoolVariable(). * <br> OCT 30, 2015 (SBJLWA) Move method isVisible(), isDisplayed and isStale() to this class from WDLibrary. * Add method highlightThenClear(). Modify highlight(WebElement): check stale. * <br> NOV 12, 2015 (SBJLWA) Modify method getObject(): continue to search component on the new page even 'lastFrame' is stale. * <br> NOV 26, 2015 (SBJLWA) Modify method getObject(): reset 'lastFrame' to null if exception is thrown out during switch of frame. * <br> DEC 25, 2015 (SBJLWA) Modify getObjectByText() and getObjectByTitle(): try to get partial, case-insensitive matched element. * <br> JAN 05, 2015 (SBJLWA) Modify getObjectByQualifier() etc.: support one qualifier with "Contains", such as TextContains=, TitleContains=. * <br> MAR 17, 2016 (CANAGL) Modified to support getObjects returning multiple matches. * <br> MAY 04, 2016 (SBJLWA) Modified js_getErrorXXX(): call {@link #js_executeWithTimeout(String, long)} to avoid JavaScriptExecutor locking problem. * <br> MAY 06, 2016 (SBJLWA) Modified js_executeWithTimeout(): throw SeleniumPlusException if the timeout is not enough for javascript execution. * Modified js_getErrorCode(): enlarge the timeout to 5000 milliseconds. */ import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.InvalidSelectorException; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.Point; import org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Window; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.safs.GuiObjectRecognition; import org.safs.GuiObjectVector; import org.safs.IndependantLog; import org.safs.Processor; import org.safs.SAFSException; import org.safs.StringUtils; import org.safs.selenium.util.JSException; import org.safs.selenium.util.JavaScriptFunctions; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.SeleniumPlus.WDTimeOut; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.WebDriverGUIUtilities; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.RS.XPATH; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.RemoteDriver.SessionInfo; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.model.Element; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.model.TextMatchingCriterion; import; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException; /** * Primary class used to find WebElements with Selenium WebDriver. * <p> * Supports various recognition string syntax, to include: * <p> * <ul>Identify the proper FRAME, if present: * <p><ul><pre> * FRAMEINDEX=N;\; (1-based, 1 means the first frame) * FRAMEID=id;\; * FRAMENAME=name;\; * FRAMEXPATH=//iframe[@id='frameId'];\; * * (note: parent/child elements separated by ";\;" ) * (note: FRAMEINDEX is NOT ready for using ) * (note: If there is no frame-expression in a RS, the last visited frame * will be the frame where to find component. By default, the last visited * frame is the main frame (the topmost html Document). * And that is why if we specify frame for a window, then their children * doesn't need to specify the frame information anymore. For example: * [HelpPopup] * HelpPopup="FRAMEID=VisualAnalyticsHubLogon_iframe;\;id=__popover8-popover" * BtnHelpCenter="id=__item23" * * BtnHelpCenter is supposed to be found in frame 'VisualAnalyticsHubLogon_iframe' * ) * </pre></ul> * <p>Identify any supported "TYPE" qualifier, if desired: * <p><ul><pre> * TYPE=DOJOTabControl; * TYPE=DOJOToolbar; * TYPE=SAPTabControl; * TYPE=SAPToolbar; * (see [doclink here] for supported domain classes) * * (note: type qualifier also includes domain information, like "DOJO", "SAP") * (note: type qualifier and attribute identifiers separated by semi-colons) * </pre></ul> *<p>Identify unique element attribute identifiers like: * <p><ul><pre> * ID=id; * CLASS=class; * NAME=name; * TEXT=text; * TITLE=title; * LINK=linkInfo; * PARTIALLINK=partialLinkInfo; * TAG=tagname; * * (note: multiple attribute identifiers separated by semi-colons ;) * </pre></ul> *<p>Identify element by multiple native attributes: * <p><ul><pre> * property1=xxx;property2=yyy;property3=zzz; * * </pre></ul> *<p>Identify explicit XPATH or CSS recognition: * <p><ul><pre> * XPATH=explicit xpath * CSS=explicit css path * </pre></ul> * <p>Identify any supported qualifier, if desired: * <p><ul><pre> * INDEX=n; (1-based, NOT used alone, indicates the Nth matched) * ITEMINDEX=n; (1-based, NOT used alone, indicates the Nth item in a List, or ComboBox etc.) * PATH=parent->child->grandchild; (NOT used alone, indicates the sub-item in a List, ComboBox, Menu or Tree etc.) * PROPERTY=prop:value; (can be used with others to enforce search condition) * PROPERTYCONTAINS=prop:partialValue; (can be used with others to enforce search condition) * * (note: multiple qualifiers separated by semi-colons ;) * (note: these "ID", "TEXT", "ITEMINDEX", "PATH" will normally be considered as qualifier, but if there is a * prefix :PASM: infront, they will be considered as component's native properties too. * Example: * For "TEXT=myList;componentProperty=xxx;ITEMINDEX=n;" * "TEXT" and "ITEMINDEX" are qualifiers, while "componentProperty" is native property * For ":PASM:TEXT=myList;componentProperty=xxx;ITEMINDEX=n;" * "TEXT", "ITEMINDEX" and "componentProperty" are all native properties * ) * </pre></ul> * </ul> * <p> */ public class SearchObject { private static Hashtable<String, WebDriver> webDrivers = new Hashtable<String, WebDriver>(); private static Vector<String> webDriverStack = new Vector<String>(); /** "value","text","placeholder". An array of attribute used as component's text content.<br> * @see #getValue(WebElement, String...) */ public static final String[] TEXT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTES = { "value", "text", "placeholder" }; /** * The Selenium 'WebDriver' currently used to manipulate the browser. */ protected static WebDriver lastUsedWD; /** * The Selenium 'JavascriptExecutor' currently used to execute javascript on the browser. */ protected static JavascriptExecutor lastJS; /** * The frame object where the current GUI-component locate. If there is no frame, its value should be null. * @see #getObject(SearchContext, String) */ protected static FrameElement lastFrame = null; protected static class FrameElement { FrameElement parentFrame; /** * If you want to operate on this webelement, you MUST swith to its parent's frame * <pre> * {@code * WDLibrary.getWebDriver().switchTo().defaultContent(); * WDLibrary.getWebDriver().switchTo().frame(parentFrame.getWebElement().getAttribute('id')); * } * </pre> */ WebElement webElement; Dimension size; Point location; FrameElement(FrameElement parentFrame, WebElement frame) throws SeleniumPlusException { try { if (parentFrame != null) { this.parentFrame = parentFrame; location = frame.getLocation().moveBy(parentFrame.getLocation().x, parentFrame.getLocation().y); } else { location = frame.getLocation(); } size = frame.getSize(); this.webElement = frame; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SeleniumPlusException("Met Exception " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } } public Dimension getSize() { return size; } public Point getLocation() { return location; } public FrameElement getParentFrame() { return parentFrame; } public WebElement getWebElement() { return webElement; } } /** * The frame object where the current GUI-component locate. If there is no frame, its value should be null. * @see #getObject(SearchContext, String) */ public static FrameElement getLastFrame() { return lastFrame; } /** * <b style="color:red">Note: User should be very careful when calling this method, * it will change the whole searching context!!!</b><br> * Set the frame object where the current GUI-component locate. * If a null value is set, then there is no frame to switch and * object will be searched in default document (webdriver.switchTo().defaultContent()). * @see #getObject(SearchContext, String) */ public static void setLastFrame(FrameElement lastFrame) { SearchObject.lastFrame = lastFrame; } /**FRAMEINDEX, it should be placed in front of normal tokens like ID, CLASS, NAME etc. if exist. * NOT recommended to use. Use FRAMEID OR FRAMENAME Instead.*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEINDEX = "FRAMEINDEX"; /**FRAMEID, it should be placed in front of normal tokens like ID, CLASS, NAME etc. if exist.*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEID = "FRAMEID"; /**IFRAMEID, it should be placed in front of normal tokens like ID, CLASS, NAME etc. if exist.*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_IFRAMEID = "IFRAMEID"; /**FRAMENAME, it should be placed in front of normal tokens like ID, CLASS, NAME etc. if exist.*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMENAME = "FRAMENAME"; /**FRAMEXPATH, it should be placed in front of normal tokens like ID, CLASS, NAME etc. if exist.*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEXPATH = "FRAMEXPATH"; /**'frame' tag name*/ public static final String TAG_FRAME = "frame"; /**'iframe' tag name*/ public static final String TAG_IFRAME = "iframe"; // /**DOMAIN*/ // public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_DOMAIN = GuiObjectRecognition.CATEGORY_DOMAIN.toUpperCase(); /**TYPE*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE = GuiObjectRecognition.CATEGORY_TYPE.toUpperCase(); /**ID*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID = GuiObjectRecognition.QUALIFIER_ID.toUpperCase(); /**NAME*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_NAME = GuiObjectRecognition.QUALIFIER_NAME.toUpperCase(); /**TEXT*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT = GuiObjectRecognition.QUALIFIER_TEXT.toUpperCase(); /**PATH*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH = GuiObjectRecognition.QUALIFIER_PATH.toUpperCase(); /**PROPERTY*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY = GuiObjectRecognition.QUALIFIER_PROPERTY.toUpperCase(); /**PROPERTYCONTAINS*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY_CONTAINS = GuiObjectRecognition.QUALIFIER_PROPERTY_CONTAINS .toUpperCase(); /**INDEX*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX = GuiObjectRecognition.QUALIFIER_INDEX.toUpperCase(); /**CLASSCONTAINS*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_CLASS_CONTAINS = GuiObjectRecognition.QUALIFIER_CLASS_CONTAINS .toUpperCase(); /**ITEMINDEX*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX = "ITEMINDEX"; /**CLASS*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_CLASS = "CLASS"; /**TITLE*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_TITLE = "TITLE"; /**XPATH*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_XPATH = "XPATH"; /**CSS*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_CSS = "CSS"; /**LINK*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_LINK = "LINK"; /**PARTIALLINK*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_PARTIALLINK = "PARTIALLINK"; /**TAG*/ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG = "TAG"; /** "CONTAINS" */ public static final String SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX = "CONTAINS"; /**DOJO*/ public static final String DOMAIN_DOJO = "DOJO"; public static final String DOMAIN_SAP = "SAP"; /**HTML*/ public static final String DOMAIN_HTML = "HTML"; public static final int INVALID_INDEX = TextMatchingCriterion.INVALID_INDEX; /** separates parent/child relationships in recognition strings. (Default: "/" ) */ public static final String XPATH_CHILD_SEPARATOR = "/"; /** separates parent/child relationships in recognition strings. (Default: ";\;" ) */ public static String childSeparator = GuiObjectVector.DEFAULT_CHILD_SEPARATOR; /** separates multiples qualifiers. (Default: ";" )*/ public static String qulifierSeparator = GuiObjectRecognition.DEFAULT_QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR; /** separates type and value for one qualifier. (Default: "=" )*/ public static String assignSeparator = GuiObjectRecognition.DEFAULT_ASSIGN_SEPARATOR; /** separates property-name and property-value. (Default: ":" )*/ public static String propertySeparator = GuiObjectRecognition.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR; /** the character to escape separators. (Default: '\\' ) */ public static Character escapeChar = StringUtils.REGEX_ESCAPE_CHARACTER; /** non-ui tags to be ignored in xpath searches and xpath generation. * Like: br, head, title, meta, link, script, wbr */ public static final String[] IGNORED_NONUI_TAGS = new String[] { "head", "title", "meta", "link", "script", "br", "wbr" }; /**The last visited URL,*/ protected static String lastVisitedURL = null; public static String getLastVisitedURL() { return lastVisitedURL; } /**The last visited browser window*/ protected static BrowserWindow lastBrowserWindow = null; public static BrowserWindow getLastBrowserWindow() { return lastBrowserWindow; } public static class BrowserWindow { /**'height'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_HEIGHT = "height"; /**'width'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_WIDTH = "width"; /**'x'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_LOCATION_X = "x";//relative to screen /**'y'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_LOCATION_Y = "y";//relative to screen /**'clientHeight'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_CLIENT_HEIGHT = "clientHeight";//The height between 'header(menubar, tabbar, toolbar)' and 'status bar' /**'clientWidth'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_CLIENT_WIDTH = "clientWidth";// /**'clientX'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_CLIENT_LOCATION_X = "clientX";//relative to window /**'clientY'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_CLIENT_LOCATION_Y = "clientY";//relative to window /**'pageXOffset'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_PAGE_X_OFFSET = "pageXOffset";//Scroll bar x offset /**'pageYOffset'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_PAGE_Y_OFFSET = "pageYOffset";//Scroll bar y offset /**'borderWidth'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH = "borderWidth";//The width of the browser's border /**'headerHeight'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_HEADER_HEIGHT = "headerHeight";//The height of header(menubar, tabbar, toolbar) /**'maximized'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_MAXIMIZED = "maximized";//If the browser is maximized /**'DriverWindow'*/ public static final String PROPERTY_DRIVER_WINDOW = "DriverWindow";//The WebDriver manage()ed Window object, if present. /* the wrapped object, represents a browser window object. * This object SHOULD be a Map returned by a javascript function*/ private Object object = null; /* convenient reference to wrapped object*/ private Map map = null; private Window window = null; private float height; private float width; private float x; private float y; private float clientHeight; private float clientWidth; private float clientX; private float clientY; private float pageXOffset; private float pageYOffset; private float borderWidth; private float headerHeight; private boolean maximized; public void set(Map browserInfoMap) { map = (Map) browserInfoMap; Object rc = null;"BrowserWindow set map processing: " + browserInfoMap.getClass().getName()); try { window = (Window) map.get(PROPERTY_DRIVER_WINDOW); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set map ignoring set Window: " + ex.getClass().getName() + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } try { height = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_HEIGHT); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: height not set in Map...attempting fix."); if (window != null) { height = window.getSize().height; map.put(PROPERTY_HEIGHT, new Float(height));"BrowserWindow set: height set to " + height); } else {"BrowserWindow set: height was NOT fixed."); } //consider document.parentWindow.screen.height } try { width = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_WIDTH); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: width not set in Map...attempting fix."); if (window != null) { width = window.getSize().width; map.put(PROPERTY_WIDTH, new Float(width));"BrowserWindow set: width set to " + width); } else {"BrowserWindow set: width was NOT fixed."); } //consider document.parentWindow.screen.width } try { x = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_LOCATION_X); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: x not set in Map...attempting fix."); if (window != null) { x = window.getPosition().x; map.put(PROPERTY_LOCATION_X, new Float(x));"BrowserWindow set: x set to " + x); } else {"BrowserWindow set: x was NOT fixed."); } // consider document.parentWindow.screenLeft } try { y = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_LOCATION_Y); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: y not set in Map...attempting fix."); if (window != null) { y = window.getPosition().y; map.put(PROPERTY_LOCATION_Y, new Float(y));"BrowserWindow set: y set to " + y); } else {"BrowserWindow set: y was NOT fixed."); } } try { clientX = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_CLIENT_LOCATION_X); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: clientX not set in Map...attempting fix."); // consider document.parentWindow.screenLeft try { rc = null; rc = WDLibrary.executeScript("return document.parentWindow.screenLeft;"); if (rc instanceof Number) { clientX = x - ((Number) rc).floatValue(); map.put(PROPERTY_CLIENT_LOCATION_X, new Float(clientX));"BrowserWindow set: clientX set to " + clientX); } else {"BrowserWindow set: clientX was NOT fixed."); } } catch (Exception ex2) {"BrowserWindow setMap clientX ignoring " + ex2.getClass().getName() + ", " + ex2.getMessage()); // DOJO alternatives? } } try { clientY = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_CLIENT_LOCATION_Y); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: clientY not set in Map...attempting fix..."); // consider document.parentWindow.screenTop try { rc = null; rc = WDLibrary.executeScript("return document.parentWindow.screenTop;"); if (rc instanceof Number) { clientY = y - ((Number) rc).floatValue(); map.put(PROPERTY_CLIENT_LOCATION_Y, new Float(clientY));"BrowserWindow set: clientY set to " + clientY); } else {"BrowserWindow set: clientY was NOT fixed."); } } catch (Exception ex2) {"BrowserWindow setMap clientY ignoring " + ex2.getClass().getName() + ", " + ex2.getMessage()); // DOJO alternatives? } } try { borderWidth = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: borderWidth not set in Map...attempting fix."); // try to get it from CSS settings? // clientX - x ? // height - clientHeight - headerHeight ? borderWidth = clientX - x; map.put(PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH, new Float(borderWidth));"BrowserWindow set: borderWidth set to " + borderWidth); } if (borderWidth < 0) {"BrowserWindow set: invalid borderWidth set in Map...attempting fix..."); borderWidth = 0; map.put(PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH, new Float(borderWidth));"BrowserWindow set: borderWidth nomralized to " + borderWidth); // try to get it from CSS settings? // height - clientHeight - headerHeight } try { headerHeight = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_HEADER_HEIGHT); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: headerHeight not set in Map...attempting fix..."); headerHeight = clientY - y; // height - clientHeight - borderWidth ? map.put(PROPERTY_HEADER_HEIGHT, new Float(headerHeight));"BrowserWindow set: headerHeight to " + headerHeight); } try { clientWidth = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_CLIENT_WIDTH); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: clientWidth not set in Map...attempting fix..."); // width - (borderWidth*2) ? clientWidth = width - (borderWidth * 2); map.put(PROPERTY_CLIENT_WIDTH, new Float(clientWidth));"BrowserWindow set: clientWidth set to " + clientWidth); } try { clientHeight = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_CLIENT_HEIGHT); } catch (Exception ex) {"BrowserWindow set: clientHeight not set in Map...attempting fix."); // height - headerHeight - borderWidth ? clientHeight = height - headerHeight - borderWidth; //can be wrong if bottom border != side borders map.put(PROPERTY_CLIENT_HEIGHT, new Float(clientHeight));"BrowserWindow set: clientHeight set to " + clientHeight); } try { pageXOffset = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_PAGE_X_OFFSET); } catch (SAFSException ex) { } try { pageYOffset = StringUtilities.getFloat(map, PROPERTY_PAGE_Y_OFFSET); } catch (SAFSException ex) { } try { maximized = StringUtilities.getBoolean(map, PROPERTY_MAXIMIZED); } catch (SAFSException ex) { } } /** * The embedded Mapped object does or does NOT contain a real value for a particular Property? * @param propertyName * @return true or false; */ protected boolean hasProperty(String propertyName) { if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) return false; if (map.containsKey(propertyName)) { return (map.get(propertyName) != null); } return false; } public BrowserWindow() { } /** * @param object Object containing information about the browser window. * @see #getWindowObjectByJS(Window) */ public BrowserWindow(Object object) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(BrowserWindow.class, "BrowserWindow"); this.object = object; if (object instanceof Map) { map = (Map<?, ?>) object; set(map); } else if (object != null) { String errmsg = " DOM window Object is NOT the expected Map type, it is '" + object.getClass().getName() + "'"; IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + errmsg); throw new SeleniumPlusException(errmsg); } else { String errmsg = " The emebedded DOM window Object is null, cannot handle it."; IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + errmsg); throw new SeleniumPlusException(errmsg); } } public float getHeight() { return height; } public float getWidth() { return width; } public float getX() { return x; } public float getY() { return y; } public float getClientHeight() { return clientHeight; } public float getClientWidth() { return clientWidth; } public float getClientX() { return clientX; } public float getClientY() { return clientY; } public float getPageXOffset() { return pageXOffset; } public float getPageYOffset() { return pageYOffset; } public float getBorderWidth() { return borderWidth; } public float getheaderHeight() { return headerHeight; } public boolean isMaximized() { return maximized; } /** * @param window Selenium WebDriver Window object * @return A browser window object returned by javascript, * containing properties like height, clientWidth, pageXOffset etc.<br> * null, if some exception happens. * PROPERTY_DRIVER_WINDOW=Window object if we can store it. */ public static Object getWindowObjectByJS(Window window) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(BrowserWindow.class, "getWindowObjectByJS"); Hashtable<String, Object> windowProperties = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); try { //getSize() is not supported by "chromedriver" for "android chrome" Dimension d = window.getSize(); windowProperties.put(PROPERTY_HEIGHT, d.height); windowProperties.put(PROPERTY_WIDTH, d.width); } catch (Throwable th) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + getThrowableMessages(th)); } try { //getPosition() is not supported by "chromedriver" for "android chrome" Point p = window.getPosition(); windowProperties.put(PROPERTY_LOCATION_X, p.x); windowProperties.put(PROPERTY_LOCATION_Y, p.y); } catch (Throwable th) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + getThrowableMessages(th)); } try { StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.defineObject(windowProperties)); jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.getBrowserInformation()); jsScript.append("return getBrowserInformation(defineObject());"); Object result = WDLibrary.executeScript(jsScript.toString()); if (result instanceof Map) { try { ((Map) result).put(PROPERTY_DRIVER_WINDOW, window); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uo) { Hashtable newmap = new Hashtable((Map) result); newmap.put(PROPERTY_DRIVER_WINDOW, window); return newmap; } } return result; } catch (Throwable th) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + getThrowableMessages(th)); } return null; } } /** * Currently, shutdown will "quit()" every webdriver that is stored here. * Ideally, we do NOT want to quit instances that are running attached to a * Selenium Server--whether it is remote or local. * @throws Throwable */ public synchronized static void shutdown() throws Throwable { lastUsedWD = null; WebDriver wd = null; String id = null; Enumeration<String> keys = webDrivers.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { id = keys.nextElement(); wd = removeWebDriver(id); wd.quit(); } webDrivers.clear(); webDriverStack.clear(); RemoteDriver.deleteSessionFile(); } /** * @param tag * @return true if the provided tag is in the list of nonui tags to be ignored for xpath * @see #IGNORED_NONUI_TAGS */ public static boolean isIgnoredNonUITag(String tag) { try { for (String s : IGNORED_NONUI_TAGS) if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) return true; } catch (NullPointerException ignore) { } return false; } /** * Store the WebDriver in the Hashtable by id.<br> * This also sets this WebDriver as the "current" or "lastUsed" WebDriver. * If there exists already a WebDriver in the Hashtable with the same id, it will be replaced by the new one,<br> * and the old one will be returned. User will decide how to handle the old one, either store it with an other id<br> * or simply stop it by calling {@link WebDriver#quit()}<br> * <br> * @param id String, the key for the WebDriver to store in the Hashtable.<br> * if user provides null, then the hashcode of WebDriver will be used as key.<br> * @param wd WebDriver, the WebDriver to store in the Hashtable. * @return WebDriver, the previous WebDriver stored in the Hashtable with the same id; null if no such WebDriver exists. */ protected synchronized static WebDriver addWebDriver(String id, WebDriver wd) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "addWebDriver"); WebDriver previous = null; if (id == null || id.equals("")) { id = String.valueOf(wd.hashCode()); } if (webDrivers.containsKey(id)) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "You are going to override the old WebDriver with id '" + id + "'"); previous = webDrivers.get(id); } IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "You are adding WebDriver with id '" + id + "'"); org.safs.selenium.webdriver.CFComponent.clearInternalCache(); webDrivers.put(id, wd); lastUsedWD = wd; webDriverStack.remove(id); webDriverStack.add(id); // push it to be the last always try { RemoteDriver.setLastSessionId(id); } catch (Exception x) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "RemoteDriver error during setLastSessionId()."); } return previous; } /** * Switch to browser indicated by ID. It will get the cached webdriver according to the browser's id <br> * and set it to the {@link SearchObject#lastUsedWD} and set the {@link SearchObject#lastJS} if possible.<br> * @param ID String, the id to identify the browser * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static void useBrowser(String ID) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "useBrowser"); WebDriver webdriver = getWebDriver(ID); if (webdriver == null) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg + "cannot get webdriver according to id '" + ID + "'", SeleniumPlusException.CODE_OBJECT_IS_NULL); } try { RemoteDriver.setLastSessionId(ID); } catch (Exception e) { } org.safs.selenium.webdriver.CFComponent.clearInternalCache(); webDriverStack.remove(ID); webDriverStack.add(ID); // make it the "lastUsed" if (lastUsedWD != webdriver) { lastUsedWD = webdriver; try { refreshJSExecutor(); } catch (SeleniumPlusException ignored) { } } } /** * At this time does NOT set the retrieved WebDriver to be the "current" or "lastUsed" WebDriver. * @param id String, the ID for the WebDriver stored in the Hashtable.<br> * if user provides null, then the last used WebDriver will be returned.<br> * @return WebDriver, the WebDriver associated with id; null if no WebDriver is found. */ protected synchronized static WebDriver getWebDriver(String id) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getWebDriver"); WebDriver temp = null; if (id != null) temp = (WebDriver) webDrivers.get(id); else temp = lastUsedWD; if (temp == null) IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "cannot get WebDriver for id '" + id + "'"); return temp; } /** * @param title String, the case-insensitive title within the WebDriver stored in the Hashtable.<br> * if user provides null or a zero-length title then the last used WebDriver will be returned.<br> * the routine does not (yet) set the found WebDriver to be the lastUsedWD. That might change, though. * @return WebDriver, the WebDriver associated with the browser title; null if no matching WebDriver is found. */ protected synchronized static WebDriver getWebDriverWithTitle(String title) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getWebDriverWithTitle"); WebDriver temp = null; WebDriver match = null; String lctitle = null; if (title != null && title.length() > 0) { lctitle = title.toLowerCase().trim(); Enumeration e = webDrivers.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { temp = (WebDriver) e.nextElement(); try { if (lctitle.equals(temp.getTitle().toLowerCase().trim())) { match = temp; break; } } catch (NullPointerException notitle) { } } } else match = lastUsedWD; if (match == null) IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "cannot get WebDriver with title '" + title + "'"); return match; } /** * At this time does NOT set the processed WebDriver to be the "current" or "lastUsed" WebDriver. * @param wd WebDriver to get our stored ID of. * @return String ID of the WebDriver, or null if not found. */ public synchronized static String getIDForWebDriver(WebDriver wd) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getIDForWebDriver"); WebDriver temp = null; String id = null; String match = null; if (wd == null) return null; Enumeration e = webDrivers.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { id = (String) e.nextElement(); temp = webDrivers.get(id); if (temp.equals(wd)) { match = id; break; } } if (match == null) IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "cannot get ID for the WebDriver instance provided."); return match; } /** * @return String[] of all known WebDriver window titles, or an empty array. */ public synchronized static String[] getAllWindowTitles() { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getAllWindowTitles"); WebDriver temp = null; if (webDrivers.isEmpty()) { getWebDriver(); if (webDrivers.isEmpty()) return new String[0]; } ArrayList<String> titles = new ArrayList(); Enumeration list = webDrivers.elements(); String browser = null; for (int i = 0; i < webDrivers.size(); i++) { temp = (WebDriver) list.nextElement(); try { titles.add(temp.getTitle()); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } + "retrieved " + titles.size() + " window titles."); return titles.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * Will only connect to the "current" session. Normally only called after a catastrophic failure of a RemoteDriver. * @return */ protected static WebDriver reconnectLastWebDriver() { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); String host = System.getProperty(SelectBrowser.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SELENIUM_HOST); if (host == null || host.isEmpty()) host = SelectBrowser.DEFAULT_SELENIUM_HOST; String port = System.getProperty(SelectBrowser.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SELENIUM_PORT); if (port == null || port.isEmpty()) port = SelectBrowser.DEFAULT_SELENIUM_PORT; List<SessionInfo> list = null; RemoteDriver result = null; try { list = RemoteDriver.getSessionsFromFile(); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { + " did not find session info to retrieve."); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " did not retrieve session info successfully.", e); return null; } + " found " + list.size() + " stored sessions to process."); for (SessionInfo info : list) { if (info.isCurrentSession) { DesiredCapabilities capabilities = SelectBrowser.getDesiredCapabilities(info.browser, info.extraParameters); capabilities.setJavascriptEnabled(true); capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.TAKES_SCREENSHOT, true); capabilities.setCapability(RemoteDriver.CAPABILITY_ID,; capabilities.setCapability(RemoteDriver.CAPABILITY_RECONNECT, true); capabilities.setCapability(RemoteDriver.CAPABILITY_REMOTESERVER, host); capabilities.setBrowserName(info.browser); try { // try to see if it is a valid session IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " trying to connect remote server at 'http://" + host + ":" + port + "/wd/hub' ... "); result = new RemoteDriver(new URL("http://" + host + ":" + port + "/wd/hub"), capabilities); // NOT changing anything about the existing sessions //d.manage().window().setSize(d.manage().window().getSize()); addWebDriver(, result); } catch (Throwable t) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "ignoring reconnect RemoteDriver " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + t.getMessage() + ". RemoteServer may not be running or DOM may be in transition!"); } } } return lastUsedWD; } /** * Get the last used "current" WebDriver. * If we do not have a last used WebDriver, we will attempt to process the remote session file * to reconnect existing webdriver sessions and return the one that was stored as the last * used session. * @return WebDriver, the lastUsed WebDriver or null if no WebDriver was found. */ public synchronized static WebDriver getWebDriver() { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getWebDriver"); if (lastUsedWD == null) { String host = System.getProperty(SelectBrowser.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SELENIUM_HOST); if (host == null || host.isEmpty()) host = SelectBrowser.DEFAULT_SELENIUM_HOST; String port = System.getProperty(SelectBrowser.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SELENIUM_PORT); if (port == null || port.isEmpty()) port = SelectBrowser.DEFAULT_SELENIUM_PORT; List<SessionInfo> list = null; try { list = RemoteDriver.getSessionsFromFile(); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { + " did not find session info to retrieve."); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " did not retrieve session info successfully.", e); return null; } + " found " + list.size() + " stored sessions to process."); RemoteDriver lastdriver = null; String lastid = null; for (SessionInfo info : list) { DesiredCapabilities capabilities = SelectBrowser.getDesiredCapabilities(info.browser, info.extraParameters); capabilities.setJavascriptEnabled(true); capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.TAKES_SCREENSHOT, true); capabilities.setCapability(RemoteDriver.CAPABILITY_ID,; capabilities.setCapability(RemoteDriver.CAPABILITY_RECONNECT, true); capabilities.setBrowserName(info.browser); capabilities.setCapability(RemoteDriver.CAPABILITY_REMOTESERVER, host); try { // try to see if it is a valid session RemoteDriver d = new RemoteDriver(new URL("http://" + host + ":" + port + "/wd/hub"), capabilities); d.manage().window().setSize(d.manage().window().getSize()); addWebDriver(, d); // overwrites lastUsedWD every time! if (info.isCurrentSession) { lastdriver = d; lastid =; } } catch (Throwable t) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "ignoring reconnect RemoteDriver failure. RemoteServer may not be running!"); try { IndependantLog .info(debugmsg + " attempting to remove remote session info for id: " +; RemoteDriver.deleteSessionIdFromFile(; } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } } if (lastdriver != null) { addWebDriver(lastid, lastdriver); } if (lastUsedWD == null) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "session can't reconnected"); return null; } } if (lastUsedWD instanceof RemoteDriver && ((RemoteDriver) lastUsedWD).hasQuit()) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "detecting lastUsedWD has quit. Resetting."); lastUsedWD = null; } return lastUsedWD; } /** * Removes the provided webdriver from internal storage and deletes the session info * in the RemoteDriver. Will pop off the next "lastUsed" WebDriver off the stack and * set it as the new "lastUsed" WebDriver and sets the RemoteDriver "lastSessionId" * as needed. * @param id String, the ID for the WebDriver stored in the Hashtable.<br> * if user provides null, then the last used WebDriver will be removed.<br> * @return WebDriver, the WebDriver has been removed; null if no WebDriver is removed. */ protected synchronized static WebDriver removeWebDriver(String id) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "removeWebDriver"); WebDriver obj = null; try { org.safs.selenium.webdriver.CFComponent.clearInternalCache(); if (id != null) obj = (WebDriver) webDrivers.remove(id); else { if (lastUsedWD != null) { Enumeration<String> keys = webDrivers.keys(); String key = null; while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { key = keys.nextElement(); if (lastUsedWD.equals(webDrivers.get(key))) { obj = lastUsedWD; id = getIDForWebDriver(obj); webDrivers.remove(key); break; } } } } if (id != null) { webDriverStack.remove(id); RemoteDriver.deleteSessionIdFromFile(id); if (!webDriverStack.isEmpty()) { String newid = webDriverStack.lastElement(); useBrowser(newid); } } } catch (Throwable x) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "cannot remove WebDriver for id '" + id + "'", x); } return obj; } public static WebElement findElement(By by) { return lastUsedWD.findElement(by); } /** * Get the object based on the recognition string. * Currently, the routine assumes the recognition string is for an item in * the lastUsedWD--the last used WebDriver. * This routine will be modified to detect a recognition string that may include * the need to locate which WebDriver is the right one and not assume the last one * is the right one. * @param RS * @return * @see #getObject(SearchContext, String) */ public static WebElement getObject(String RS) { return getObject(getWebDriver(), RS); } /** * @param rs * @return true if the RS contains a qualifier of "TAG=value" (case-insensitive comparison) */ public static boolean containTagRS(String rs) { if (rs == null) return false; String uprs = rs.toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", ""); if (uprs.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG + assignSeparator) || uprs.contains(qulifierSeparator + SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG + assignSeparator)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean containFrameRS(String rs) { if (rs == null) return false; String uprs = rs.toUpperCase(); if (uprs.contains(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEID) || uprs.contains(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMENAME) || uprs.contains(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEINDEX) || uprs.contains(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEXPATH)) { return true; } else { return false; } } //TODO public static boolean isValidFrameRS(String frameRS) { if (frameRS == null) return false; String uprs = frameRS.toUpperCase(); if (uprs.contains(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEID) || uprs.contains(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMENAME) || uprs.contains(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEINDEX) || uprs.contains(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEXPATH)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @param recognitionString String * @return boolean, true if the RS is a kind of frame-RS */ protected static boolean isFrameRS(String recognitionString) { try { String upperCaseRS = recognitionString.trim().toUpperCase(); if (upperCaseRS.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEID) || upperCaseRS.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_IFRAMEID) || upperCaseRS.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMENAME) || upperCaseRS.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEINDEX) || upperCaseRS.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEXPATH)) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } /** * if the frame-RS is specified as one qualifier of RS, find and return it.<br> * For example, for "FrameID=yyy;property=xxx;property=xxx", we return "FrameID=yyy"<br> * The rest "property=xxx;property=xxx" is not useful for now, as FrameId, FrameName<br> * and FrameXpath, they are enough to find a frame.<br> * @param recognitionString String * @return String, the frame-RS */ protected static String retrieveFrameRS(String recognitionString) { String frameRS = null; //if frame-RS is specified with multiple qualifiers, we just care about the frame-RS String[] tokens = StringUtils.getTokenArray(recognitionString, qulifierSeparator, escapeChar); for (String qualifier : tokens) { if (isFrameRS(qualifier)) { frameRS = qualifier; break; } } return frameRS; } /** * Switch to a certain frame according to the parameter frameRS.<br> * <b>Note:</b> User should be extremely careful to call this method, which will change the frame to search within.<br> * <b>Note:</b> Before calling this method, make sure that <b>webdriver.switchTo().defaultContent()</b> is called.<br> * @param webdriver WebDriver, the webdriver used to search frame and switch frame * @param frameRS String, the recognition string of the frame */ public static boolean switchFrame(WebDriver webdriver, String frameRS) { WebElement frame = _getSwitchFrame(webdriver, frameRS); return _switchFrame(webdriver, frame); } private static WebElement _getSwitchFrame(WebDriver webdriver, String frameRS) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); if (webdriver == null || frameRS == null) return null; WebElement frame = null; String[] tokens = StringUtils.getTokenArray(frameRS, assignSeparator, escapeChar); if (tokens == null || tokens.length < 2) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "frame recognition string '" + frameRS + "' is not valid."); return null; } String searchCreteria = tokens[0].trim().toUpperCase(); String value = tokens[1]; // TargetLocator targetLocator = webdriver.switchTo(); if (searchCreteria.equals(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEID)) { frame = webdriver.findElement(; } else if (searchCreteria.equals(SEARCH_CRITERIA_IFRAMEID)) { frame = webdriver.findElement(; } else if (searchCreteria.equals(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMENAME)) { frame = webdriver.findElement(; } else if (searchCreteria.equals(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEINDEX)) { int index = StringUtilities.parseIndex(value); //index is 1-based, needs to minus 1 to get 0-based index and feed it to method frame(). // targetLocator.frame(index-1); // IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg+" switch to frame by index '"+value+"'"); //TODO How to get the frame's webelement??? frame = getFrameWebElement(webdriver, index);//Not found??? //frame = targetLocator.activeElement();//activeElement() is not the frame itself IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " currently it is NOT suggested to use index for frame!"); } else if (searchCreteria.equals(SEARCH_CRITERIA_FRAMEXPATH)) { frame = webdriver.findElement(By.xpath(value)); } else { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " frame recognition string '" + frameRS + "' is not supported."); } if (frame != null) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " get switching-frame '" + frame + "' according to '" + value + "'"); } // if(frame!=null){ // targetLocator.frame(frame); // IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg+" switch to frame by '"+value+"'"); // } return frame; } private static boolean _switchFrame(WebDriver webdriver, WebElement frame) { if (webdriver == null || frame == null) return false; String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { webdriver.switchTo().frame(frame); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " switched to frame '" + frame + "'"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.debug( debugmsg + " failed to switch to frame '" + frame + "' due to " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); return false; } } /** * Example: tag=span;propertycontains=innerHTML:some value * * @param RS -- Full MultiAttribute qualifier RS. (Does not have to be a single qualifier assignment segment.) * The algorithm does NOT assume the TAG qualifier is first in the RS. * @return the value associated with any TAG= qualifier setting, or null if it does not exist. * @throws SeleniumException */ protected static String getTagQualifierValue(String RS) throws SeleniumException { if (RS == null || RS.length() < 5) return null; String rc = null; String[] st = StringUtils.getTokenArray(RS, qulifierSeparator, escapeChar); for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { if (st[i].toUpperCase().startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG)) { try { String[] p = getFirstQualifierPair(st[i]); if (p[0].equalsIgnoreCase(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG)) { rc = p[1]; if (rc == null) continue; int s = rc.indexOf(qulifierSeparator); if (s == 0 || rc.length() == 0) { rc = null; } else if (s > 0) { rc = rc.substring(0, s); } if (rc != null) break; } } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } return rc; } /** * Split a string by separator {@link #assignSeparator}, and return the result.<br> * If the RS contains multiple {@link #assignSeparator}, this method will ONLY<br> * consider the first separator, the string before that separator will be considered<br> * as qualifier; the string after will be all considered as value.<br> * * @param RS String, a recognition with a {@link #assignSeparator} inside. * @return String[], the separated RS, including qualifier and value. * @throws SeleniumException if the RS is not valid. */ protected static String[] getFirstQualifierPair(String RS) throws SeleniumException { String[] assignPair = null; String errmsg = null; try { int assignindex = RS.indexOf(assignSeparator); if (assignindex < 0 || assignindex == RS.length() - 1) { errmsg = " invalid recognition string: " + RS; IndependantLog.debug(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + errmsg); throw new SeleniumException(errmsg); } assignPair = new String[2]; assignPair[0] = RS.substring(0, assignindex).trim(); assignPair[1] = RS.substring(assignindex + 1); } catch (Exception e) { errmsg = " met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e); IndependantLog.debug(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + errmsg); throw new SeleniumException(errmsg); } return assignPair; } /** * To detect if the page has changed or not.<br> * For example, if user click on a link, or a Log-Out menu item, the page may probably change.<br> * The current implementation is not guarantee!<br> * @return boolean, if the page has changed. */ public static boolean pageHasChanged() { String url = null; boolean changed = false; try { //TODO Does "url change" mean the page has changed??? //Not enough, there are some cases, url changed, but page doesn't. we need another way to detect. //TODO we need to wait the page completely-loaded so that we can get the new url. StringUtilities.sleep(2000); url = getWebDriver().getCurrentUrl(); IndependantLog.debug(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + " '" + url + "'='" + lastVisitedURL + "' ?"); if (!url.equals(lastVisitedURL)) changed = true; } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.debug(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + "Met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return changed; } public static class SwitchFramesResults { boolean haveSwitchedFrames = false; List<String> rsWithoutFrames = new ArrayList<String>(); public SwitchFramesResults setSwitchedFrames(boolean switched) { haveSwitchedFrames = switched; return this; } public SwitchFramesResults setRsWithoutFrames(List<String> withoutFrames) { rsWithoutFrames = withoutFrames; return this; } } /** * Before doing any component search, we make sure we are in the correct frame. * Frame information may or may not be within the provided recognition string. * @param recognitionString */ protected static SwitchFramesResults _switchFrames(String recognitionString) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "_swithcFrames"); String[] st = StringUtils.getTokenArray(recognitionString, childSeparator, escapeChar); /* rsWithoutFrames: Recognition String may contain some Frame-RS, after handling the * frames, these Frame-RS are no longer useful, so they will be removed and the rest * RS will be kept in the list rsWithoutFrames */ List<String> rsWithoutFrames = new ArrayList<String>(); TargetLocator targetLocator = null; boolean haveSwichedFrame = false; //1. Handle the Frames Recognition String try { WebDriver webdriver = getWebDriver(); lastVisitedURL = webdriver.getCurrentUrl(); targetLocator = webdriver.switchTo(); //very IMPORTANT step: Switch back to the top window or first frame targetLocator.defaultContent(); boolean done = false; boolean retried = false; while (!done) { //Get information about the browser window by "javascript code", //as Selenium window object doesn't provide enough information. Window window = webdriver.manage().window(); Object windowObject = BrowserWindow.getWindowObjectByJS(window); if (windowObject != null) { try { lastBrowserWindow = new BrowserWindow(windowObject); IndependantLog.debug( debugmsg + " DOM window Object retrieved successfully. Evaluating information..."); } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + e.getMessage()); if (lastBrowserWindow == null) { IndependantLog.error( debugmsg + " lastBrowserWindow is null, create a default BrowserWindow."); lastBrowserWindow = new BrowserWindow(); } else { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Retaining the last Browser window object instead."); } } done = true; } else { // CANAGL -- resolving problems in IE after "Login" // DEBUG Experimental -- IE not working the same as other browsers IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " DOM window Object could not be retrieved."); if (!retried) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " retrying a new targetLocator WebDriver..."); webdriver = reconnectLastWebDriver(); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " changing the last visited URL from '" + lastVisitedURL + "' to '" + webdriver.getCurrentUrl() + "'"); lastVisitedURL = webdriver.getCurrentUrl(); targetLocator = webdriver.switchTo(); targetLocator.defaultContent(); retried = true; } else { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " retrying a new targetLocator FAILED."); done = true; throw new SeleniumPlusException( "Suspected UnreachableBrowserException seeking Browser DOM window Object."); } } } //reset the frame before searching the frame element if it exists. FrameElement frameElement = null; WebElement frame = null; String frameRS = null; //search the frame element if RS contains frame-info for (String rst : st) { //pre-check if this RS contains anything about frame-RS frameRS = retrieveFrameRS(rst); if (frameRS != null) { //Get frame WebElement according to frame's recognition string frame = _getSwitchFrame(webdriver, frameRS); if (frame != null) { frameElement = new FrameElement(frameElement, frame); haveSwichedFrame = _switchFrame(webdriver, frame); //Can we use frame as SearchContext for child frame? FrameID=parentFrame;\;FrameID=childFrame //NO, frame WebElement can NOT be used as SearchContext, will cause Exception //We should always use webdriver as the SearchContext to find frame WebElement //don't break, if there is frame in frame, as FRAMENAME=parent;\\;FRAMENAME=child //break; } } else { //IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg+" store normal recognition string '"+rst+"' for further processing."); rsWithoutFrames.add(rst); } } if (haveSwichedFrame) lastFrame = frameElement; } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " during switching frame, met exception " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } //2. Before search an element, switch to the correct frame // For the child component, we don't need to specify the frame-RS, they use the same frame-RS as // their parent component. try { if (!haveSwichedFrame && targetLocator != null) { FrameElement frameElement = lastFrame; Stack<FrameElement> frameStack = new Stack<FrameElement>(); while (frameElement != null) { frameStack.push(frameElement); frameElement = frameElement.getParentFrame(); } while (!frameStack.isEmpty() && frameStack.peek() != null) { targetLocator.frame(frameStack.pop().getWebElement()); haveSwichedFrame = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof StaleElementReferenceException && pageHasChanged()) { IndependantLog.warn( debugmsg + " switching to the previous frame 'lastFrame' failed! The page has changed!"); //LeiWang: S1215754 //if we click a link within a FRAME, as the link is in a FRAME, so the field 'lastFrame' will be assigned after clicking the link. //then the link will lead us to a second page, when we try to find something on that page, firstly we try to switch to 'lastFrame' and //get a StaleElementReferenceException (as we are in the second page, there is no such frame of the first page) //but we still want our program to find the web-element on the second page, so we will just set 'lastFrame' to null and let program continue. // [FirstPage] // FirstPage="FRAMEID=iframeResult" // Link="xpath=/html/body/a" // // [SecondPage] // SecondPage="xpath=/html" // return null; } else { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " switching to the previous frame 'lastFrame' failed! Met exception " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } //LeiWang: S1215778 //If we fail to switch to 'lastFrame', which perhaps means that it is not useful anymore //we should reset it to null, otherwise it will cause errors, such as calculate the element's screen location IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " 'lastFrame' is not useful anymore, reset it to null."); lastFrame = null; } return new SwitchFramesResults().setRsWithoutFrames(rsWithoutFrames).setSwitchedFrames(haveSwichedFrame); } /** * Primary entry point to seek a WebElement based on a provided recognition string. * We support multiple types of recognition strings * @param sc SearchContext, could be the WebDriver or a parent WebElement context. * @param recognitionString String, The recognition string used to identify the sought element. * @return WebElement found or null if not found. */ public static WebElement getObject(SearchContext sc, String recognitionString) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getObject"); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "using SearchContext=" + sc + " to find RS='" + recognitionString + "'"); if (sc == null) { IndependantLog.error("SearchContext is null, cannot continue search!!!"); return null; } SwitchFramesResults sfr = _switchFrames(recognitionString); SearchContext wel = sc; //3. SBJLWA, FIX //Error 1: Map doesn't contain a window definition (under a frame) // [Window] // Child="FrameId=xxx;\;Id=xxx" //If we are going to FIND element under certain FRAME, //and the parent is "[[RemoteDriver.... ] -> xpath: /html]", which maybe the default parent "xpath=/html" without any FRAME; //the webelement to find is in a Frame, StaleElementReferenceException will be thrown out. //To avoid this, we need to modify the SearchContext to the "default-webdriver" if (sfr.haveSwitchedFrames && XPATH.isRootHtml(wel)) { wel = getWebDriver(); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Replace default SearchContext '/html' by WebDriver."); } //Error 2: Window definition ONLY has information about FRAME, no child information // [Window] // Window="FrameId=xxx" // Child="FrameId=xxx;\;Id=xxx" //If 'recognition string' contains only frame information, rsWithoutFrames will be empty, and this method will //return null (ClassCastException from WebDriver to WebElement); to avoid this set "xpath=/html" as the default object if (sfr.rsWithoutFrames.isEmpty()) sfr.rsWithoutFrames.add(RS.xpath(XPATH.html())); //4. Search the target element within a frame (if exist) level by level, by handling the normal RS String[] st = sfr.rsWithoutFrames.toArray(new String[0]);//The normal RS without the frame-RS String[] firstQualifierPair = null; List<String> prefixes = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean isPASM = false; String searchCriteria = null; String value = null; for (String rst : st) { try { prefixes.clear(); rst = GuiObjectVector.removeRStringPrefixes(rst, prefixes); isPASM = GuiObjectVector.isPASMMode(prefixes); //rst MUST be in format "xxx=yyy", otherwise it is considered as invalid firstQualifierPair = getFirstQualifierPair(rst); searchCriteria = firstQualifierPair[0]; value = firstQualifierPair[1]; IndependantLog.debug( debugmsg + "qualifier='" + searchCriteria + "' value='" + value + "' isPASM=" + isPASM); if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria)) { wel = getObjectForDomain(wel, rst, isPASM); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_XPATH.equalsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " searching xpath '" + value + "'"); wel = getObjectByQualifier(wel, searchCriteria, value); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_CSS.equalsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " searching css'" + value + "'"); wel = getObjectByQualifier(wel, searchCriteria, value); } else if (rst.contains(qulifierSeparator)) {//Multiple Attributes and Qualifiers wel = getObjectByMultiAttributes(wel, rst, isPASM); } else { try { //Only ONE qualifier pair, qualifier=value String[] tokens = StringUtils.getTokenArray(rst, assignSeparator, escapeChar); wel = getObjectByQualifier(wel, tokens[0], tokens[1]); } catch (SeleniumPlusException se) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + se.getMessage()); continue; } } } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) { wel = null; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " NoSuchElementException for '" + rst + "'."); } catch (Throwable t) { //wel is NOT null, it keeps the original value. //Do we permit to continue the search? Maybe we should stop. wel = null; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " Met Exception " + StringUtils.debugmsg(t)); } if (wel == null) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " cannot find child with RS '" + rst + "'"); break; } } try { return (WebElement) wel; } catch (ClassCastException x) { //RemoteDriver cannot be cast to WebElement return null; } } /** * Primary entry point to seek all WebElements matching a provided recognition string. * We support multiple types of recognition strings * @param sc SearchContext, could be the WebDriver or a parent WebElement context. * @param recognitionString String, The recognition string used to identify the matching elements. * @return List<WebElement> with 0 or more WebElement entries. */ public static List<WebElement> getObjects(SearchContext sc, String recognitionString) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getObjects"); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "using SearchContext=" + sc + " to find RS='" + recognitionString + "'"); List<WebElement> list = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); if (sc == null) { IndependantLog.error("SearchContext is null, cannot continue search!!!"); return list; } SearchContext wel = sc; SwitchFramesResults sfr = _switchFrames(recognitionString); //3. SBJLWA, FIX //Error 1: Map doesn't contain a window definition (under a frame) // [Window] // Child="FrameId=xxx;\;Id=xxx" //If we are going to FIND element under certain FRAME, //and the parent is "[[RemoteDriver.... ] -> xpath: /html]", which maybe the default parent "xpath=/html" without any FRAME; //the webelement to find is in a Frame, StaleElementReferenceException will be thrown out. //To avoid this, we need to modify the SearchContext to the "default-webdriver" if (sfr.haveSwitchedFrames && XPATH.isRootHtml(wel)) { wel = getWebDriver(); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Replace default SearchContext '/html' by WebDriver."); } //Error 2: Window definition ONLY has information about FRAME, no child information // [Window] // Window="FrameId=xxx" // Child="FrameId=xxx;\;Id=xxx" //If 'recognition string' contains only frame information, rsWithoutFrames will be empty, and this method will //return null (ClassCastException from WebDriver to WebElement); to avoid this set "xpath=/html" as the default object if (sfr.rsWithoutFrames.isEmpty()) sfr.rsWithoutFrames.add(RS.xpath(XPATH.html())); //4. Search the target element within a frame (if exist) level by level, by handling the normal RS String[] st = sfr.rsWithoutFrames.toArray(new String[0]);//The normal RS without the frame-RS String[] firstQualifierPair = null; List<String> prefixes = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean isPASM = false; String searchCriteria = null; String value = null; String rst = null; boolean isLastRS = false; for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { try { prefixes.clear(); rst = GuiObjectVector.removeRStringPrefixes(st[i], prefixes); isPASM = GuiObjectVector.isPASMMode(prefixes); //rst MUST be in format "xxx=yyy", otherwise it is considered as invalid firstQualifierPair = getFirstQualifierPair(rst); searchCriteria = firstQualifierPair[0]; value = firstQualifierPair[1]; isLastRS = (i == st.length - 1); IndependantLog.debug( debugmsg + "qualifier='" + searchCriteria + "' value='" + value + "' isPASM=" + isPASM); if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria)) { if (isLastRS) { list = getObjectsForDomain(wel, rst, isPASM); } else { wel = getObjectForDomain(wel, rst, isPASM); } } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_XPATH.equalsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " searching xpath '" + value + "'"); if (isLastRS) { list = getObjectsByQualifier(wel, searchCriteria, value); } else { wel = getObjectByQualifier(wel, searchCriteria, value); } } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_CSS.equalsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " searching css'" + value + "'"); if (isLastRS) { list = getObjectsByQualifier(wel, searchCriteria, value); } else { wel = getObjectByQualifier(wel, searchCriteria, value); } } else if (rst.contains(qulifierSeparator)) {//Multiple Attributes and Qualifiers if (isLastRS) { list = getObjectsByMultiAttributes(wel, rst, isPASM); } else { wel = getObjectByMultiAttributes(wel, rst, isPASM); } } else { try { //Only ONE qualifier pair, qualifier=value String[] tokens = StringUtils.getTokenArray(rst, assignSeparator, escapeChar); if (isLastRS) { list = getObjectsByQualifier(wel, tokens[0], tokens[1]); } else { wel = getObjectByQualifier(wel, tokens[0], tokens[1]); } } catch (SeleniumPlusException se) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + se.getMessage()); continue; } } } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) { wel = null; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " NoSuchElementException for '" + rst + "'."); } catch (Throwable t) { //wel is NOT null, it keeps the original value. //Do we permit to continue the search? Maybe we should stop. wel = null; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " Met Exception " + StringUtils.debugmsg(t)); } if (isLastRS) { if (list.isEmpty()) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " cannot find child with RS '" + rst + "'"); } } else if (wel == null) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " cannot find child with RS '" + rst + "'"); break; } } return list; } public static boolean isFrameWebElement(WebElement frameTag) { if (frameTag == null) return false; try { String tagName = frameTag.getTagName().toLowerCase(); return TAG_FRAME.equals(tagName) || TAG_IFRAME.equals(tagName); } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.warn(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + "Met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); return false; } } /** * Find the Nth frame webelement in the search context.<br> * @param sc SearchContext, the search context, SHOULD be WebDriver * @param index int, the index of the tag, 1-based * @return WebElement, the webelement or null if not found */ protected static WebElement getFrameWebElement(SearchContext sc, int index) { WebElement frame = getWebElement(sc, TAG_FRAME, index); if (frame == null) frame = getWebElement(sc, TAG_IFRAME, index); try { if (frame == null) frame = sc.findElements(By.xpath("//" + TAG_FRAME)).get(index - 1); } catch (Exception ignore) { } try { if (frame == null) frame = sc.findElements(By.xpath("//" + TAG_IFRAME)).get(index - 1); } catch (Exception ignore) { } return frame; } /** * Find the Nth tag in the search context.<br> * @param sc SearchContext, the search context * @param tagName String, the tag name to find * @param index int, the index of the tag, 1-based * @return WebElement, the webelement or null if not found */ protected static WebElement getWebElement(SearchContext sc, String tagName, int index) { WebElement result = null; try { // result = sc.findElement(By.xpath("(//"+tagName+")["+index+"]"));//Why the parenthesis? result = sc.findElement(By.xpath("//" + tagName + "[" + index + "]")); } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.error(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + " met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return result; } protected static List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext wel, String xpath) { List<WebElement> preMatches = null; try { preMatches = wel.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); } catch (InvalidSelectorException x) { if (xpath.startsWith(".")) { xpath = xpath.substring(1); preMatches = wel.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); } else { throw x; } } return preMatches; } protected static SearchContext getObjectByText(SearchContext wel, String text, boolean partialMatch) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "using '" + text + "', partialMatch=" + partialMatch); String xpath = XPATH.fromText(text, partialMatch, true); List<WebElement> preMatches = findElements(wel, xpath); List<WebElementWarpper> elements = new ArrayList<WebElementWarpper>(); for (WebElement item : preMatches) elements.add(new WebElementWarpper(item, item.getText())); return getMatchedObject(elements, text, partialMatch); } /** @return 0 or more matched elements */ protected static List<WebElement> getObjectsByText(SearchContext wel, String text, boolean partialMatch) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "using '" + text + "', partialMatch=" + partialMatch); String xpath = XPATH.fromText(text, partialMatch, true); List<WebElement> preMatches = findElements(wel, xpath); List<WebElementWarpper> elements = new ArrayList<WebElementWarpper>(); for (WebElement item : preMatches) elements.add(new WebElementWarpper(item, item.getText())); return getMatchedObjects(elements, text, partialMatch); } protected static SearchContext getObjectByTitle(SearchContext wel, String value, boolean partialMatch) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "using '" + value + "', partialMatch=" + partialMatch); String attribute = SEARCH_CRITERIA_TITLE.toLowerCase(); String xpath = XPATH.fromAttribute(attribute, value, partialMatch, true); List<WebElement> preMatches = findElements(wel, xpath); List<WebElementWarpper> elements = new ArrayList<WebElementWarpper>(); for (WebElement item : preMatches) elements.add(new WebElementWarpper(item, item.getAttribute(attribute))); return getMatchedObject(elements, value, partialMatch); } /** @return 0 or more matched elements */ protected static List<WebElement> getObjectsByTitle(SearchContext wel, String value, boolean partialMatch) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "using '" + value + "', partialMatch=" + partialMatch); String attribute = SEARCH_CRITERIA_TITLE.toLowerCase(); String xpath = XPATH.fromAttribute(attribute, value, partialMatch, true); List<WebElement> preMatches = findElements(wel, xpath); List<WebElementWarpper> elements = new ArrayList<WebElementWarpper>(); for (WebElement item : preMatches) elements.add(new WebElementWarpper(item, item.getAttribute(attribute))); return getMatchedObjects(elements, value, partialMatch); } /** * @param elements List<WebElementWarpper>, contains WebElement to match * @param value String, the value to match with * @param partialMatch boolean, if we try to find the partial matched item * @return SearchContext, the matched object */ protected static SearchContext getMatchedObject(List<WebElementWarpper> elements, String value, boolean partialMatch) { if (partialMatch) { //try to find the partial matched item for (WebElementWarpper element : elements) { if (element.value.contains(value)) return element.element; } //try to find the partial matched item ignoring case for (WebElementWarpper element : elements) { if (element.value.toLowerCase().contains(value.toLowerCase())) return element.element; } } else { //try to find the exact matched item for (WebElementWarpper element : elements) { if (element.value.equals(value)) return element.element; } //try to find the exact matched item ignoring case for (WebElementWarpper element : elements) { if (element.value.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return element.element; } } //finally, return the first element if it exists if (elements.size() > 0) return elements.get(0).element; return null; } /** * @param elements List<WebElementWarpper>, contains WebElements to match * @param value String, the value to match with * @param partialMatch boolean, if we try to find the partial matched item * @return List<WebElement> 0 or more matched WebElements. */ protected static List<WebElement> getMatchedObjects(List<WebElementWarpper> elements, String value, boolean partialMatch) { List<WebElement> list = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); if (partialMatch) { //try to find the partial matched item for (WebElementWarpper element : elements) { if (element.value.contains(value) || element.value.toLowerCase().contains(value.toLowerCase())) { list.add(element.element); } } } else { //try to find the exact matched items for (WebElementWarpper element : elements) { if (element.value.equals(value) || element.value.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { list.add(element.element); } } } //finally, return the list of 0 or more matched objects return list; } /** * This class contains 2 fields, one is WebElement, the other is value.<br> * The field value is a string, used to match. It can be assigned by WebElement.getText(),<br> * WebElement.getAttribute("title") or some other text value of the WebElement, which can<br> * be used to match with a text value.<br> *@see SearchObject#getMatchedObject(List, String) */ private static class WebElementWarpper { public WebElement element = null; public String value = null; public WebElementWarpper(WebElement element, String value) { this.element = element; this.value = value; } } /** * According to pair(qualifier, value), find the matched WebElement.<br> * Some qualifiers like "ID", can determine the WebElement uniquely and result<br> * only one WebElement; Other qualifiers may result several WebElement, the first<br> * one will be returned.<br> * * @param sc SearchContext, the search context, it is normally a WebElement. * @param qualifier String, the qualifier like xpath, css, id, name, link etc. * @param value String, the value of a qualifier. * @return SearchContext, the WebElment found according to qualifier and its value. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ protected static SearchContext getObjectByQualifier(SearchContext sc, String qualifier, String value) throws SeleniumPlusException { SearchContext result = null; String qualifierUC = null; if (qualifier == null) { throw new SeleniumPlusException("ignore null qualifier."); } else { qualifierUC = qualifier.toUpperCase(); } try { if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_XPATH.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElement(By.xpath(value)); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_CSS.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElement(By.cssSelector(value)); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElement(By.tagName(value)); } else { boolean partialMatch = qualifierUC.endsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX); //The following qualifiers will support suffix "Contains": //idContains, classContains, nameContains, linkContains, textContains, titleContains, iframeidContains if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElement(; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_CLASS.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElement(By.className(value)); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_NAME.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElement(; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_LINK.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElement(By.linkText(value)); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PARTIALLINK.equals(qualifierUC) || (SEARCH_CRITERIA_LINK + SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX).equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElement(By.partialLinkText(value)); } else if (qualifierUC.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT)) { result = getObjectByText(sc, value, partialMatch); } else if (qualifierUC.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TITLE)) { result = getObjectByTitle(sc, value, partialMatch); } else if (qualifierUC.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_IFRAMEID)) { result = sc .findElement(By.xpath("//iframe[" + XPATH.condition("id", value, partialMatch) + "]")); } else if (partialMatch) { //idContains, classContains, nameContains will be supported here. result = sc.findElement(By.xpath(XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_ALL_START + XPATH.conditionContains(qualifier, value) + XPATH.END)); } else { throw new SeleniumPlusException( "ignore unknown qualifier '" + qualifierUC + "', value='" + value + "'"); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SeleniumPlusException) throw (SeleniumPlusException) e; IndependantLog.error(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + " met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return result; } /** * According to pair(qualifier, value), find all matching WebElements.<br> * Some qualifiers like "ID", can determine the WebElement uniquely and result<br> * only one WebElement; Other qualifiers may result in several WebElements.<br> * * @param sc SearchContext, the search context, it is normally a WebElement. * @param qualifier String, the qualifier like xpath, css, id, name, link etc. * @param value String, the value of a qualifier. * @return List<WebElement> 0 or more * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ protected static List<WebElement> getObjectsByQualifier(SearchContext sc, String qualifier, String value) throws SeleniumPlusException { List<WebElement> result = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); ; String qualifierUC = null; if (qualifier == null) { throw new SeleniumPlusException("ignore null qualifier."); } else { qualifierUC = qualifier.toUpperCase(); } try { if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_XPATH.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElements(By.xpath(value)); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_CSS.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElements(By.cssSelector(value)); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElements(By.tagName(value)); } else { boolean partialMatch = qualifierUC.endsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX); //The following qualifiers will support suffix "Contains": //idContains, classContains, nameContains, linkContains, textContains, titleContains, iframeidContains if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElements(; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_CLASS.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElements(By.className(value)); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_NAME.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElements(; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_LINK.equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElements(By.linkText(value)); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PARTIALLINK.equals(qualifierUC) || (SEARCH_CRITERIA_LINK + SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX).equals(qualifierUC)) { result = sc.findElements(By.partialLinkText(value)); } else if (qualifierUC.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT)) { result = getObjectsByText(sc, value, partialMatch); } else if (qualifierUC.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TITLE)) { result = getObjectsByTitle(sc, value, partialMatch); } else if (qualifierUC.startsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_IFRAMEID)) { result = sc .findElements(By.xpath("//iframe[" + XPATH.condition("id", value, partialMatch) + "]")); } else if (partialMatch) { //idContains, classContains, nameContains will be supported here. result = sc.findElements(By.xpath(XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_ALL_START + XPATH.conditionContains(qualifier, value) + XPATH.END)); } else { throw new SeleniumPlusException( "ignore unknown qualifier '" + qualifierUC + "', value='" + value + "'"); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SeleniumPlusException) throw (SeleniumPlusException) e; IndependantLog.error(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + " met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return result; } /** * <pre> * Builds an XPath search string using multiple attributes provided in the recognition string * then performs a findElement(By.xpath(string)); * If the recognition string contains special attributes, How to tell them from normal attributes??? * * </pre> * @param sc SearchContext, the search context * @param RS String, the recognition string * @param isPASM boolean, if true, each part of 'recognition string' will be treated as property.<br> * if false, some reserved words will be treated as qualifiers, but not properties.<br> * the reserved words are {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX}, {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH} etc.<br> * @return SearchContext (WebElement or WebDriver) */ protected static SearchContext getObjectByMultiAttributes(SearchContext sc, String RS, boolean isPASM) { SearchContext obj = null; String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getObjectByMultiAttri"); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "using recognition string: " + RS); int count = 0; String[] st = StringUtils.getTokenArray(RS, qulifierSeparator, escapeChar); HashMap<String, String> qualifiers = new HashMap<String, String>(); // // It does NOT look like we currently handle "qual=value;\;qual=value" syntax // try { String xpathStr = (!containTagRS(RS)) ? XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_ALL_START : XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_TAG_START(getTagQualifierValue(RS)); String[] props = null; String property = null; String value = null; String xpathCondition = null; for (String prop : st) { props = StringUtils.getTokenArray(prop, assignSeparator, escapeChar); ++count; property = props[0]; value = props[1]; // skip TAG if encountered. We already handled it. if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { continue; } if (isPASM) { //all are properties xpathStr += XPATH.condition(property, value, false); } else { //handle some 'reserved qualifiers' if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(property) || SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH.equalsIgnoreCase(property) || SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { qualifiers.put(property.toUpperCase(), value); continue; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition '" + value + "'"); xpathCondition = getXpathCondition(value, false); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += xpathCondition; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY_CONTAINS.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition '" + value + "'"); xpathCondition = getXpathCondition(value, true); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += xpathCondition; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { xpathCondition = XPATH.conditionForText(value, false); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += xpathCondition; } else if ((SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT + SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX) .equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { xpathCondition = XPATH.conditionForText(value, true); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += xpathCondition; } // try to generically handle any <something>Contains property values not handled above else if (property.toUpperCase().endsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX)) { //TextContains should be handled differently to get the xpath xpathStr += XPATH.conditionContains(property, value); } else { xpathStr += XPATH.condition(property, value, false); } } if (st.length != count) xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + " "; } //Remove the last "and", if there is no search-condition after that "and" if (xpathStr.trim().endsWith(XPATH.AND)) { xpathStr = xpathStr.substring(0, xpathStr.lastIndexOf(XPATH.AND)); } xpathStr += XPATH.END; obj = getObjectByXpathAndQualifiers(sc, xpathStr, qualifiers); } catch (Throwable t) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "recognition string parsing error: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } return obj; } /** * <pre> * Builds an XPath search string using multiple attributes provided in the recognition string * then performs a findElements(By.xpath(string)); * If the recognition string contains special attributes, How to tell them from normal attributes??? * * </pre> * @param sc SearchContext, the search context * @param RS String, the recognition string * @param isPASM boolean, if true, each part of 'recognition string' will be treated as property.<br> * if false, some reserved words will be treated as qualifiers, but not properties.<br> * the reserved words are {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX}, {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH} etc.<br> * @return List<WebElement> with 0 or more matching elements. */ protected static List<WebElement> getObjectsByMultiAttributes(SearchContext sc, String RS, boolean isPASM) { List<WebElement> list = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getObjectByMultiAttri"); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "using recognition string: " + RS); int count = 0; String[] st = StringUtils.getTokenArray(RS, qulifierSeparator, escapeChar); HashMap<String, String> qualifiers = new HashMap<String, String>(); // // It does NOT look like we currently handle "qual=value;\;qual=value" syntax // try { String xpathStr = (!containTagRS(RS)) ? XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_ALL_START : XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_TAG_START(getTagQualifierValue(RS)); String[] props = null; String property = null; String value = null; String xpathCondition = null; for (String prop : st) { props = StringUtils.getTokenArray(prop, assignSeparator, escapeChar); ++count; property = props[0]; value = props[1]; // skip TAG if encountered. We already handled it. if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { continue; } if (isPASM) { //all are properties xpathStr += XPATH.condition(property, value, false); } else { //handle some 'reserved qualifiers' if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(property) || SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH.equalsIgnoreCase(property) || SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { qualifiers.put(property.toUpperCase(), value); continue; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition '" + value + "'"); xpathCondition = getXpathCondition(value, false); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += xpathCondition; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY_CONTAINS.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition '" + value + "'"); xpathCondition = getXpathCondition(value, true); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += xpathCondition; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { xpathCondition = XPATH.conditionForText(value, false); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += xpathCondition; } else if ((SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT + SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX) .equalsIgnoreCase(property)) { xpathCondition = XPATH.conditionForText(value, true); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += xpathCondition; } // try to generically handle any <something>Contains property values not handled above else if (property.toUpperCase().endsWith(SEARCH_CRITERIA_CONTAINS_SUFFIX)) { //TextContains should be handled differently to get the xpath xpathStr += XPATH.conditionContains(property, value); } else { xpathStr += XPATH.condition(property, value, false); } } if (st.length != count) xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + " "; } //Remove the last "and", if there is no search-condition after that "and" if (xpathStr.trim().endsWith(XPATH.AND)) { xpathStr = xpathStr.substring(0, xpathStr.lastIndexOf(XPATH.AND)); } xpathStr += XPATH.END; list = getObjectsByXpathAndQualifiers(sc, xpathStr, qualifiers); } catch (Throwable t) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "recognition string parsing error: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } return list; } /** * According to TextMatchingCriterion to get the sub item within a container WebElement. * @param itemContainer WebElement, the container WebElement, like list, menu etc. * @param criterion TextMatchingCriterion, holding the searching condition * @return WebElement, the matched sub item webelement */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) protected static WebElement getSubItem(WebElement itemContainer, TextMatchingCriterion criterion) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); if (itemContainer instanceof WebElement) { WebElement container = (WebElement) itemContainer; String type = WebDriverGUIUtilities.getLibraryType(container); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " itemContainer's library type is '" + type + "'."); String classname = WebDriverGUIUtilities.getLibraryPackage() + "." + type; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " instantiate class '" + classname + "'."); try { Class clazz = Class.forName(classname); Constructor<WebElement> cons = clazz.getConstructor(WebElement.class); Component component = (Component) cons.newInstance(container); Element element = component.getMatchedElement(criterion); element.refresh(false);//we must refresh to get the latest WebElement return element.getWebElement(); } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " Met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } } else { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " itemContainer is not WebElement, cannot handle."); } return null; } /** * According to xpath and qualifiers to find the WebElement.<br> * @param sc SearchContext, the search context, it is normally a WebElement. * @param xpathStr String, the xpath used to find a WebElment * @param qualifiers HashMap<String, String>, qualifiers and their values used to find a WebElement * @return WebElement */ protected static WebElement getObjectByXpathAndQualifiers(SearchContext sc, String xpathStr, HashMap<String, String> qualifiers) { WebElement obj = null; String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { //Handle the qualifiers like "Index", "ItemIndex", "Path" etc. //"Index" has the most priority, will be handled firstly //Find the WebElement according to xpath, and the possible qualifier 'Index' String xpath = String.format(xpathStr); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " handling xpath '" + xpath + "'"); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " qualifiers are: " + qualifiers); if (qualifiers.containsKey(SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX)) { List<WebElement> preMatches = sc.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); int matchindex = StringUtilities.parseIndex(qualifiers.get(SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX));//1-based String typeInSAFS = qualifiers.containsKey(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE) ? qualifiers.get(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE) : null; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " handling index='" + matchindex + "' type='" + typeInSAFS + "'"); obj = getNthWebElement(preMatches, matchindex, typeInSAFS); } else { obj = sc.findElement(By.xpath(xpath)); } //Handle the other qualifiers "ItemIndex", "Path" if (obj != null && !qualifiers.isEmpty()) { TextMatchingCriterion criterion = null; if (qualifiers.containsKey(SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX)) { String itemIndex = qualifiers.get(SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX);//0-based IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " handling ItemIndex='" + itemIndex + "'"); criterion = new TextMatchingCriterion(Integer.parseInt(itemIndex)); } else if (qualifiers.containsKey(SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH)) { String path = qualifiers.get(SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH); //TODO HANDLE the pathIndex "4->2->3", "Path=A->B;PathIndex=3->2" //TODO HANDLE the Index in Path "4->A->D", "Path=4->A->D" IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " handling Path='" + path + "'"); criterion = new TextMatchingCriterion(path, false, (String) null); } obj = criterion == null ? obj : getSubItem(obj, criterion); } } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return obj; } /** * According to xpath and qualifiers to find matching WebElements.<br> * While returning a List, it is likely the List will have only 1 matching item. * @param sc SearchContext, the search context, it is normally a WebElement. * @param xpathStr String, the xpath used to find matching WebElements * @param qualifiers HashMap<String, String>, qualifiers and their values used to find matching WebElement subItems. * @return List<WebElement> 0 or more WebElements. */ protected static List<WebElement> getObjectsByXpathAndQualifiers(SearchContext sc, String xpathStr, HashMap<String, String> qualifiers) { List<WebElement> list = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); WebElement obj = null; String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { //Handle the qualifiers like "Index", "ItemIndex", "Path" etc. //"Index" has the most priority, will be handled firstly //Find the WebElement according to xpath, and the possible qualifier 'Index' String xpath = String.format(xpathStr); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " handling xpath '" + xpath + "'"); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " qualifiers are: " + qualifiers); List<WebElement> preMatches = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); if (qualifiers.containsKey(SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX)) { preMatches = sc.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); int matchindex = StringUtilities.parseIndex(qualifiers.get(SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX));//1-based String typeInSAFS = qualifiers.containsKey(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE) ? qualifiers.get(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE) : null; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " handling index='" + matchindex + "' type='" + typeInSAFS + "'"); obj = getNthWebElement(preMatches, matchindex, typeInSAFS); preMatches.clear(); if (obj != null) { preMatches.add(obj); } } else { preMatches = sc.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); } if (preMatches.isEmpty()) return list; // return empty list //Handle the other qualifiers "ItemIndex", "Path" if (!qualifiers.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < preMatches.size(); i++) { obj = preMatches.get(i); TextMatchingCriterion criterion = null; if (qualifiers.containsKey(SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX)) { String itemIndex = qualifiers.get(SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX);//0-based IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " handling ItemIndex='" + itemIndex + "'"); criterion = new TextMatchingCriterion(Integer.parseInt(itemIndex)); } else if (qualifiers.containsKey(SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH)) { String path = qualifiers.get(SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH); //TODO HANDLE the pathIndex "4->2->3", "Path=A->B;PathIndex=3->2" //TODO HANDLE the Index in Path "4->A->D", "Path=4->A->D" IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " handling Path='" + path + "'"); criterion = new TextMatchingCriterion(path, false, (String) null); } if (criterion != null) { // TODO would like this to potentially return a List of matched SubItems. obj = getSubItem(obj, criterion); if (obj != null) { list.add(obj); } } } } else { list = preMatches; } } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return list; } /** * Find the Nth matched WebElement in a list.<br> * @param preMatches List<WebElement>, a list of WebElment from where to find a matched Element * @param matchindex int, the expected index, 1-based * @param typeInSAFS String, the expected type, like "Button", "List", "CheckBox". If null, match all elements. * @return WebElement, the Nth matched WebElement. null if not found. */ protected static WebElement getNthWebElement(List<WebElement> preMatches, int matchindex, String typeInSAFS) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); WebElement matchedElement = null; boolean matched = false; if (preMatches != null && !preMatches.isEmpty()) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "found " + preMatches.size() + " matching elements to process for type: " + typeInSAFS); int index = 0; for (int n = 0; n < preMatches.size(); n++) { matched = false; matchedElement = preMatches.get(n); if (matchedElement.isDisplayed()) { matched = (typeInSAFS == null ? true : WebDriverGUIUtilities.isTypeMatched(matchedElement, typeInSAFS)); if (matched) { String id = matchedElement.getAttribute("id"); index++; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "found matching element[" + n + "] as INDEX " + index + " with ID: " + id); if (index == matchindex) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "returning matching element[" + n + "] as INDEX " + index + " with ID: " + id); return matchedElement; } } else { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "element[" + n + "] does not match expected type: " + typeInSAFS + ". It does not count as a match."); } } else { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "element[" + n + "].isDisplayed == false. This does not count towards visible matches."); } } } return null; } /** * Alternate search for special framework elements like Dojo or SAP OpenUI5 components. * @param sc SearchContext, the search context * @param RS String, the recognition string * @param isPropertyAllMode boolean, if true, each part of 'recognition string' will be treated as property.<br> * if false, some reserved words will be treated as qualifiers, but not properties.<br> * the reserved words are {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX}, {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH} etc.<br> * @return WebElement or null if no match found. */ protected static WebElement getObjectForDomain(SearchContext sc, String RS, boolean isPropertyAllMode) { //search the target element within a frame (if exist) level by level WebElement obj = null; String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "processing recognition fragment: " + RS); String[] tokens = StringUtils.getTokenArray(RS, qulifierSeparator, escapeChar); String xpathStr = XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_ALL_START + XPATH.TRUE_CONDITION; boolean isDojo = false; boolean isSAP = false; HashMap<String, String> qualifiers = new HashMap<String, String>(); String xpathCondition = null; try { String criteria = null; String value = null; int i = -1; for (String prop : tokens) { criteria = null; value = null; i = prop.indexOf(assignSeparator); if (i > 0) { criteria = prop.substring(0, i); if (prop.length() > i) value = prop.substring(i + 1); } else { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " RS '" + prop + "' doesn't contain '='. Just ignore it."); continue; } if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { if (value.toUpperCase().startsWith(DOMAIN_DOJO)) { // current DOJO always uses DIV as the high-level widget element xpathStr = XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_DIV_START + XPATH.TRUE_CONDITION; // DOJO components all DIVs ? isDojo = true; } else if (value.toUpperCase().startsWith(DOMAIN_SAP)) { xpathStr = XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_ALL_START + XPATH.TRUE_CONDITION; // any element? isSAP = true; } qualifiers.put(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE, value); } else { if (isPropertyAllMode) { //all are treated as component's properties IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition @" + criteria + "='" + value + "'"); xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + XPATH.condition(criteria, value, false); } else { //handle some 'reserved qualifiers' if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { xpathStr += isDojo ? " and (starts-with(@id,'" + value + "') or " + "(substring(@id, string-length(@id) - string-length('" + value + "')+1)='" + value + "'))" : /* SAP */ " and @id='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { xpathStr += isDojo ? /* TODO: do dojo names concat like their ids do? need to check. */ " and (starts-with(@name,'" + value + "') or " + "(substring(@name, string-length(@name) - string-length('" + value + "')+1)='" + value + "'))" : /* SAP */ " and @name='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TITLE.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { xpathStr += " and @title='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { xpathStr += " and .='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria) || SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria) || SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { qualifiers.put(criteria.toUpperCase(), value); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition '" + value + "'"); xpathCondition = getXpathCondition(value, false); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + xpathCondition; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY_CONTAINS.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition '" + value + "'"); xpathCondition = getXpathCondition(value, true); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + xpathCondition; } else { //the others will be simply considered as properties IndependantLog .debug(debugmsg + "add search condition @" + criteria + "='" + value + "'"); xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + XPATH.condition(criteria, value, false); } } //end if isPropertyAllMode } //end if SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE } //end for tokens xpathStr += XPATH.END; obj = getObjectByXpathAndQualifiers(sc, xpathStr, qualifiers); } catch (Throwable t) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "recognition string parsing error: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } if (obj == null) IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "did not find any matching elements."); return obj; } /** * Alternate search for special framework elements like Dojo or SAP OpenUI5 components. * @param sc SearchContext, the search context * @param RS String, the recognition string * @param isPropertyAllMode boolean, if true, each part of 'recognition string' will be treated as property.<br> * if false, some reserved words will be treated as qualifiers, but not properties.<br> * the reserved words are {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX}, {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH} etc.<br> * @return List<WebElement> 0 or more matching WebElements. */ protected static List<WebElement> getObjectsForDomain(SearchContext sc, String RS, boolean isPropertyAllMode) { //search the target element within a frame (if exist) level by level List<WebElement> list = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); WebElement obj = null; String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "processing recognition fragment: " + RS); String[] tokens = StringUtils.getTokenArray(RS, qulifierSeparator, escapeChar); String xpathStr = XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_ALL_START + XPATH.TRUE_CONDITION; boolean isDojo = false; boolean isSAP = false; HashMap<String, String> qualifiers = new HashMap<String, String>(); String xpathCondition = null; try { String criteria = null; String value = null; int i = -1; for (String prop : tokens) { criteria = null; value = null; i = prop.indexOf(assignSeparator); if (i > 0) { criteria = prop.substring(0, i); if (prop.length() > i) value = prop.substring(i + 1); } else { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " RS '" + prop + "' doesn't contain '='. Just ignore it."); continue; } if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { if (value.toUpperCase().startsWith(DOMAIN_DOJO)) { // current DOJO always uses DIV as the high-level widget element xpathStr = XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_DIV_START + XPATH.TRUE_CONDITION; // DOJO components all DIVs ? isDojo = true; } else if (value.toUpperCase().startsWith(DOMAIN_SAP)) { xpathStr = XPATH.RELATIVE_MATCHING_ALL_START + XPATH.TRUE_CONDITION; // any element? isSAP = true; } qualifiers.put(SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE, value); } else { if (isPropertyAllMode) { //all are treated as component's properties IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition @" + criteria + "='" + value + "'"); xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + XPATH.condition(criteria, value, false); } else { //handle some 'reserved qualifiers' if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { xpathStr += isDojo ? " and (starts-with(@id,'" + value + "') or " + "(substring(@id, string-length(@id) - string-length('" + value + "')+1)='" + value + "'))" : /* SAP */ " and @id='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { xpathStr += isDojo ? /* TODO: do dojo names concat like their ids do? need to check. */ " and (starts-with(@name,'" + value + "') or " + "(substring(@name, string-length(@name) - string-length('" + value + "')+1)='" + value + "'))" : /* SAP */ " and @name='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TITLE.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { xpathStr += " and @title='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { xpathStr += " and .='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria) || SEARCH_CRITERIA_PATH.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria) || SEARCH_CRITERIA_ITEMINDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { qualifiers.put(criteria.toUpperCase(), value); } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition '" + value + "'"); xpathCondition = getXpathCondition(value, false); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + xpathCondition; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_PROPERTY_CONTAINS.equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "add search condition '" + value + "'"); xpathCondition = getXpathCondition(value, true); if (xpathCondition != null) xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + xpathCondition; } else { //the others will be simply considered as properties IndependantLog .debug(debugmsg + "add search condition @" + criteria + "='" + value + "'"); xpathStr += " " + XPATH.AND + XPATH.condition(criteria, value, false); } } //end if isPropertyAllMode } //end if SEARCH_CRITERIA_TYPE } //end for tokens xpathStr += XPATH.END; list = getObjectsByXpathAndQualifiers(sc, xpathStr, qualifiers); } catch (Throwable t) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "recognition string parsing error: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "did not find any matching elements."); return list; } /** * @param propertyValuePairStr String, the pair representing property and value, like property:value, separated by {@link #propertySeparator} * @param partialMatch boolean, if the property's value will be matched partially (considered as a substring) * @return String, the xpath condition for searching * @see #getXpathCondition(String, String, boolean) */ protected static String getXpathCondition(String propertyValuePairStr, boolean partialMatch) { String[] propertyValuePair = StringUtils.getTokenArray(propertyValuePairStr, propertySeparator, escapeChar); if (propertyValuePair == null || propertyValuePair.length < 2) { IndependantLog.warn(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + " the property-value pair '" + propertyValuePairStr + "' is invalid! ignore it."); return null; } return XPATH.condition(propertyValuePair[0], propertyValuePair[1], partialMatch); } /** * Get a boolean value from the WebElement according to the attributes.<br> * @param webelement WebElement, the WebElement to get value of an attribute.<br> * @param attributes String..., an array of attribute to get value for. * @return boolean true if one of the attribute contains true value. */ public static boolean getBoolean(WebElement webelement, String... attributes) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getBoolean"); boolean result = false; try { for (String attribute : attributes) { result = StringUtilities.convertBool(webelement.getAttribute(attribute)); if (result) break; } } catch (Throwable th) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "cannot get a true value, due to " + StringUtils.debugmsg(th)); } return result; } /** * Attempts to retrieve a text value for the WebElement. * This is by combining webelement.getText() and our own getValue() and returning whichever gets * us a text value. * @param webelement WebElement, the web element to get text from. * @return String, the element's text content */ public static String getText(WebElement webelement) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getText"); String tt = webelement.getText(); String t = tt == null ? "" : tt; Object ov = getValue(webelement, TEXT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTES); String v = ov == null ? "" : ov.toString(); + "getText() received: " + t); + "getValue() received: " + v); String rc = t.length() > 0 ? t : v; + "returning: " + rc); return rc; } /** * Get a value from the WebElement according to the attributes.<br> * The first non-null-value of the attributes will be returned, so the order<br> * of attributes may affect the result.<br> * * @param webelement WebElement, the WebElement to get value of an attribute.<br> * @param attributes String..., an array of attribute to get value for. * @return Object the first non-null-value of the attributes; or null if all attributes have null value. * * @see #TEXT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTES */ public static Object getValue(WebElement webelement, String... attributes) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "getValue"); Object result = null; try { for (String attribute : attributes) { try { result = WDLibrary.getProperty(webelement, attribute); if (result != null) break; } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { //IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg+" fail to get '"+attribute+"', due to "+StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } } } catch (Throwable th) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "cannot get a value, due to " + StringUtils.debugmsg(th)); } return result; } /** * Get the boolean value of a javascript global variable. * @param variable String, the name of the global variable. * @return boolean, the value of javascript global variable. * @throws IllegalStateException if the value is NOT present or attainable. * @see #js_getGlobalVariable(String) */ public static boolean js_getGlobalBoolVariable(String variable) throws IllegalStateException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "js_getGlobalBoolVariable"); Object result = js_getGlobalVariable(variable); if (result instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) result).booleanValue(); } else { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " did NOT return Boolean value!"); throw new IllegalStateException("did NOT return Boolean value!"); } } private static Object js_result = null; private static String js_code = null; protected static Object js_executeWithTimeout(String js, long msTimeout) throws SeleniumPlusException, InterruptedException { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { js_result = getJS().executeScript(js_code); } catch (org.openqa.selenium.UnhandledAlertException x) { IndependantLog.warn(StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "js_executeWithTimeout") + " UnhandledAlertException: " + x); } catch (SeleniumPlusException x) { throw new RuntimeException(x); } } }); js_result = null; js_code = js; t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); t.join(msTimeout); if (t.isAlive()) { String error = "Javascript execution timeout '" + msTimeout + "' millisecnods has been reached! Please use a larger timeout."; IndependantLog.error("SearchObject.js_executeWithTimeout(): " + error); throw new SeleniumPlusException(error); } return js_result; } /** * Get the value of a javascript global variable. * @param variable String, the name of the global variable. * @return Object, the value of javascript global variable. * @throws IllegalStateException if the value is NOT present or attainable. */ public static Object js_getGlobalVariable(String variable) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); Object result = null; try { if (!StringUtils.isValid(variable)) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " parameter variable is not valid!"); return null; } // TODO CANAGL //result = getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.getGlobalVariable(variable)); result = js_executeWithTimeout(JavaScriptFunctions.getGlobalVariable(variable), 1000); if (result == null) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "The js returned result is null."); } } catch (Throwable ignore) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg, ignore); } return result; } /** * Get the value for a javascript global boolean variable. * @param variable String, the name of the global variable. * @param onOrOff boolean, the value to set * @see #js_setGlobalVariable(String, String) */ public static void js_setGlobalBoolVariable(String variable, boolean onOrOff) { js_setGlobalVariable(variable, Boolean.toString(onOrOff)); } /** * Set the value for a javascript global variable. * @param variable String, the name of the global variable. * @param value String, the value to set */ public static void js_setGlobalVariable(String variable, String value) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { if (!StringUtils.isValid(variable)) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " parameter variable is not valid!"); return; } getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.setGlobalVariable(variable, value)); } catch (Throwable ignore) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg, ignore); } } /** * Execute javascript to initialize global javascript variables.<br> * @see WDLibrary#startBrowser(String, String, String, int, boolean, HashMap) */ protected static void js_initialize() { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "js_initialize"); StringBuffer scriptCommand = new StringBuffer(); scriptCommand.append(JavaScriptFunctions.initPreviousHighlightElement()); scriptCommand.append(JavaScriptFunctions.initJSError()); scriptCommand.append(JavaScriptFunctions.initJSDebugArray()); try { getJS().executeScript(scriptCommand.toString()); } catch (Throwable e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " Failed.", e); } } /** * Initialize the container to hold the debug message. This should be called before<br> * executing a snippet of javascript<br> * @throws SeleniumPlusException * @see {@link #executeScript(boolean, String, Object...)} */ private static void js_initJSDebugArray() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.initJSDebugArray()); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } } /** * Get the possible debug messages during executing a snippet of javascript. * @return * @throws SeleniumPlusException * @see {@link #executeScript(boolean, String, Object...)} */ private static List<?> js_getJSDebugArray() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { Object debugmessages = getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.getJSDebugArray()); if (debugmessages != null) { if (debugmessages instanceof List) { return ((List<?>) debugmessages); } else { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " Don't know how to analyse debug message of type " + debugmessages.getClass().getName()); } } return new ArrayList<Object>(); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } } /** * Initialize the global variable {@link JavaScriptFunctions#SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_VAR},<br> * set it value to {@link JavaScriptFunctions#ERROR_CODE_NOT_SET}. <br> * Initialize the global variable {@link JavaScriptFunctions#SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_ERROR_OBJECT_VAR} to undefined.<br> */ public static void js_initError() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "js_initError"); try { getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.initJSError()); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } } /** * Clean the global variable {@link JavaScriptFunctions#SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_VAR},<br> * reset it value to {@link JavaScriptFunctions#ERROR_CODE_NOT_SET}. <br> * Clean the global variable {@link JavaScriptFunctions#SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_ERROR_OBJECT_VAR}, reset it to undefined.<br> */ public static void js_cleanError() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "js_cleanError"); try { getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.cleanJSError()); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } } /** * Get the value of global variable {@link JavaScriptFunctions#SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_VAR}.<br> */ public static int js_getErrorCode() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "js_getErrorCode"); try { // Object object = getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.getJSErrorCode()); Object object = js_executeWithTimeout(JavaScriptFunctions.getJSErrorCode(), 5000/*give 5 seconds, it needs more time to get work done with Firefox*/); return ((Long) object).intValue(); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } } /** * Set the value of global variable {@link JavaScriptFunctions#SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_ERROR_CODE_VAR}<br> */ public static void js_setErrorCode(int error) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "js_setErrorCode"); try { getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.setJSErrorCode(error)); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } } /** * Get the value of global variable {@link JavaScriptFunctions#SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_ERROR_OBJECT_VAR}.<br> */ public static Object js_getErrorObject() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { // Object object = getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.getJSErrorObject()); Object object = js_executeWithTimeout(JavaScriptFunctions.getJSErrorObject(), 5000/*give 5 seconds, the error object may be big and takes more time to return*/); return object; } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } } /** * Set a string value to global variable {@link JavaScriptFunctions#SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_ERROR_OBJECT_VAR}<br> */ public static void js_setErrorObject(String errorMessage) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { getJS().executeScript(JavaScriptFunctions.setJSErrorObject(StringUtils.quote(errorMessage))); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } } /** * Highlight the webelement by drawing a red rectangle around it.<br> * @param webelement WebElement, the web element to highlight. * @param duration int, how long in millisecond the red rectangle will stay. * @return boolean, true if the element is highlighted and then cleaned. * @see #highlight(WebElement) * @see #clearHighlight() */ public static boolean highlightThenClear(WebElement webelement, int duration) { if (WDLibrary.highlight(webelement)) { StringUtilities.sleep(duration); return WDLibrary.clearHighlight(); } else { return false; } } /** * Highlight the webelement by drawing a red rectangle around it.<br> * <p> * @param idOrNameOrXpath String, the id or name or xpath of web element to highlight. * @return boolean, true if the element is highlighted. */ public static boolean highlight(String idOrNameOrXpath) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "highlight"); if (idOrNameOrXpath == null || idOrNameOrXpath.isEmpty()) { IndependantLog.error( debugmsg + "'" + idOrNameOrXpath + "' cannot be used to search web element, cannot highlight."); return false; } else { try { StringBuffer scriptCommand = new StringBuffer(); scriptCommand.append(JavaScriptFunctions.getHighlightFunction(true)); scriptCommand.append("highlight(arguments[0]);"); WDLibrary.executeScript(scriptCommand.toString(), idOrNameOrXpath); return true; } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " Failed.", e); return false; } } } /** * Highlight the webelement by drawing a red rectangle around it.<br> * To clean the red rectangle, please call {@link #clearHighlight()}.<br> * @param webelement WebElement, the web element to highlight. * @return boolean, true if the element is highlighted. * @see #clearHighlight() */ public static boolean highlight(WebElement webelement) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "highlight"); try { if (!isDisplayed(webelement)) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "webelement is not visible, cannot be highlighted."); return false; } } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " met exception during checking element's visibility.", e); return false; } try { StringBuffer scriptCommand = new StringBuffer(); scriptCommand.append(JavaScriptFunctions.highlight2()); scriptCommand.append("highlight2(arguments[0]);"); WDLibrary.executeScript(scriptCommand.toString(), webelement); return true; } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " Failed.", e); return false; } } /** * clear the previous highlight of a webelement.<br> * <b>Note:</b>The webelement should be highlighted by {@link #highlight(String)}<br> * or {@link #highlight(WebElement)}, normally you don't need to call this method<br> * to clear the highlight if you want to highlight element one by one continuously, as <br> * the previous highlighted element will be automatically cleared before next element<br> * is highlighted.<br> * * @return boolean, true if the element's highlight has been cleared. * * @see #highlight(String) * @see #highlight(WebElement) */ public static boolean clearHighlight() { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "clearHighlight"); try { StringBuffer scriptCommand = new StringBuffer(); scriptCommand.append(JavaScriptFunctions.clearHighlight()); scriptCommand.append("clearHighlight();"); WDLibrary.executeScript(scriptCommand.toString()); return true; } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " Failed.", e); return false; } } /** * Get the visibility of the webelement.<br> * Try Selenium's API isDisplayed() firstly, if it is false then try to test value of attribute 'visibility'.<br> * @param element WebElement * @return true if the webelement is visible * @throws SeleniumPlusException if the WebElement is null * @see #isDisplayed(WebElement) */ public static boolean isVisible(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); boolean visible = false; checkNotNull(element); try { WDTimeOut.implicitlyWait(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); visible = element.isDisplayed(); } catch (StaleElementReferenceException se) { //If the webelement is stale, we should consider it as invisible. return false; } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " Met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } finally { WDTimeOut.implicitlyWait(Processor.getSecsWaitForComponent(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } if (!visible) { try { //if element is still invisible, we will check the value of attribute 'visibility' //if the value is not 'hidden', we consider the element is visible; //BUT, if isDisplayed() return false, the calling of Selenium's //API click() will throw org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException, maybe calling //other APIs will throw also ElementNotVisibleException, this is the risk. String visibility = WDLibrary.getProperty(element, Component.ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "visibility is '" + visibility + "'"); visible = !Component.VALUE_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN.equalsIgnoreCase(visibility); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "Fail to check property '" + Component.ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY + "'"); } } return visible; } /** * Check if the webelement is displayed (Selenium's API isDisplayed()).<br> * @param element WebElement, the element to check. * @return true if the webelement is visible * @throws SeleniumPlusException if the WebElement is null or is stale * @see #isVisible(WebElement) */ public static boolean isDisplayed(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { checkNotNull(element); try { WDTimeOut.implicitlyWait(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); return element.isDisplayed(); } catch (StaleElementReferenceException se) { throw new SeleniumPlusException("weblement is stale."); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } finally { WDTimeOut.implicitlyWait(Processor.getSecsWaitForComponent(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } private static boolean __isStale = false; private static Throwable __isStaleException = null; private static WebElement __isStaleElement = null; /** * Test if a WebElement is stale(DOM element is deleted or is repaint or disappear). * @param element WebElement, the WebElement to detect. * @return boolean true if the WebElement is stale. * @throws SeleniumPlusException if the element is null. */ public static boolean isStale(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { __isStaleElement = element; checkNotNull(element); __isStale = false; __isStaleException = null; Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { //WebDriver will not throw StaleElementReferenceException until the 'implicit timeout' is reached. //We don't want to waste that time, so just set 'implicit timeout' to 0 and don't wait. WDTimeOut.implicitlyWait(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); __isStaleElement.isDisplayed(); __isStale = false; } catch (StaleElementReferenceException sere) { __isStale = true; } catch (Throwable e) { __isStaleException = e; } finally { WDTimeOut.implicitlyWait(Processor.getSecsWaitForComponent(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } }); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); try { t.join(600); } catch (InterruptedException x) { IndependantLog.debug("SearchObject.isStale() execute wait Interrupted?"); __isStaleException = x; //CANAGL -- Evaluate if we want this Exception thrown below } if (__isStaleException instanceof Throwable) throw new SeleniumPlusException("SearchObject.isStale() " + StringUtils.debugmsg(__isStaleException)); return __isStale; } /** * A map containing pairs of (listenerID, listener). The listener will respond to a javasript event.<br> */ protected static Map<String, GenericJSEventListener> jsEventListenerMap = new HashMap<String, GenericJSEventListener>(); /** * A map containing pairs of (listenerID, PollingRunnable). The PollingRunnable will check a javascript<br> * variable in a loop, when the variable is true, it will invoke the listener according to the listenerID.<br> */ protected static Map<String, PollingRunnable> jsEventListenerWaitingThreadMap = new HashMap<String, PollingRunnable>(); /** * A generic javascript event listener interface.<br> * * History:<br> * <br> Apr 14, 2014 (sbjlwa) Initial release. * * @see SearchObject#addJavaScriptEventListener(WebElement, String, GenericJSEventListener) */ public interface GenericJSEventListener { /**javascript event 'mousedown'*/ public static final String EVENT_JS_MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown"; /**javascript event 'mouseup'*/ public static final String EVENT_JS_MOUSEUP = "mouseup"; /**javascript event 'click'*/ public static final String EVENT_JS_click = "click"; /** Defalut time to wait for the javascript 'mousedown' event, it is 1000 milliseconds */ public static final int TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOR_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN = 1000; public void onEventFired(); } /** * * A default javascript event listener.<br> * Usage example:<br> * <pre> * String event = "mousedown"; * int timeout = 1000;//milliseconds * DefaultJSEventListener listener = new DefaultJSEventListener(event); * //add listener for event * String listenerID = WDLibrary.addJavaScriptEventListener(webelement, event, listener); * //do some mousedown related work, for example 'click' *; * //wait for event happen * if(listener.waitEventFired(timeout)){ //ok, event has been fired.} * //remove the listener * WDLibrary.removeJavaScriptEventListener(webelement, event, listenerID); * </pre> * * History:<br> * <br> Apr 15, 2014 (sbjlwa) Initial release. * * @see SearchObject#addJavaScriptEventListener(WebElement, String, GenericJSEventListener) */ protected static class DefaultJSEventListener implements GenericJSEventListener { private boolean eventFired = false; private String eventName = "event"; public synchronized boolean isEventFired() { return eventFired; } public synchronized void setEventFired(boolean eventFired) { this.eventFired = eventFired; this.notifyAll(); } public String getEventName() { return eventName; } public void setEventName(String eventName) { this.eventName = eventName; } public DefaultJSEventListener() { } public DefaultJSEventListener(String eventName) { this.eventName = eventName; } public void onEventFired() { setEventFired(true); } /** * @param timeout long, time to wait for the event fired. in milliseconds. * @return boolean true if the event has been fired within timeout; false otherwise. */ public boolean waitEventFired(long timeout) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(getClass(), "waitEventFired"); synchronized (this) { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; while (!isEventFired() && System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime) { try { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Waitting for " + eventName + " happen."); this.wait(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } return isEventFired(); } } /** * The PollingRunnable will check a javascript variable in a loop,<br> * when the variable is true, it will invoke the listener according to the listenerID.<br> * * History:<br> * <br> Apr 14, 2014 (sbjlwa) Initial release. */ private static class PollingRunnable implements Runnable { private boolean keepRunning = true; private String listenerID = null; public PollingRunnable() { super(); } public PollingRunnable(String jsVariableName) { this.listenerID = jsVariableName; } public synchronized boolean isKeepRunning() { return keepRunning; } public synchronized void setKeepRunning(boolean keepRunning) { this.keepRunning = keepRunning; } public void run() { final String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(PollingRunnable.class, "run"); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "pollingThread started for " + listenerID); boolean eventfired = false; GenericJSEventListener listener = null; int pauseTime = 500;//milliseconds while (true && isKeepRunning()) { try { eventfired = js_getGlobalBoolVariable(listenerID); if (eventfired) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Got signal, event has been fired for " + listenerID); listener = jsEventListenerMap.get(listenerID); if (listener != null) listener.onEventFired(); //reset the global variable js_setGlobalBoolVariable(listenerID, false); } else { try { Thread.sleep(pauseTime); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } } catch (Throwable e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " " + listenerID + " pollingThread: ", e); break; } } IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "pollingThread ended for " + listenerID); } } /** * * @param element WebElement, the element to which the listener will be added. * @param eventName String, event name to attach this listener. * @param listener GenericJSEventListener, the listener to respond to fired-event. * @return String, the ID of this listener. Will be used to remove the listener. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static String addJavaScriptEventListener(WebElement element, String eventName, GenericJSEventListener listener) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(WDLibrary.class, "addJavaScriptEventListener"); String listenerID = eventName + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); try { //Attach the real javascript event by JavaScriptFunctions, the javascript listener will //simply set a 'global variable' to true, that 'global variable' name is "window."+listenerID String script = null; if (WDLibrary.isSAPDomain(element)) { script = JavaScriptFunctions.SAP.sap_ui_core_Control_attachBrowserEvent(true, listenerID); script += " sap_ui_core_Control_attachBrowserEvent(arguments[0],arguments[1]);"; SearchObject.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(script, element, eventName); } else if (WDLibrary.isDojoDomain(element)) { script = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojo_dijit_WidgetBase_on(true, listenerID); script += " dojo_dijit_WidgetBase_on(arguments[0],arguments[1]);"; SearchObject.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(script, element, eventName); } else {//For HTML Standard element script = JavaScriptFunctions.addGenericEventListener(true, listenerID); script += " addGenericEventListener(arguments[0],arguments[1],arguments[2]);"; //Do we need to add a capturing listener? // SearchObject.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(script, element, eventName, true); SearchObject.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(script, element, eventName, false); } //Put the java listener into the Map jsEventListenerMap.put(listenerID, listener); //Check the 'global variable' ("window."+listenerID) status in a thread loop PollingRunnable pollingRunnable = new PollingRunnable(listenerID); Thread pollingThread = new Thread(pollingRunnable); //Put the polling runnable into the Map jsEventListenerWaitingThreadMap.put(listenerID, pollingRunnable); pollingThread.setDaemon(true);//so that it will not block the whole program pollingThread.start(); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e1) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "Fail to attach event '" + eventName + "' ", e1); throw new SeleniumPlusException("Fail to attach event '" + eventName + "' " + e1.getMessage()); } return listenerID; } /** * <b>Note:</b> It is important to call this method in a finally clause to make sure that the polling thread stop. * <pre> * String listenerID = null; * try{ * listenerID = addJavaScriptEventListener(element, eventName, listener); * }catch(Exception e){ * }finally{ * if(listenerID!=null) removeJavaScriptEventListener(element, eventName, listenerID); * } * </pre> * @param element WebElement, the element from which the listener will be removed. * @param eventName String, event name to detach a listener. * @param String, the ID of this listener, used to remove a listener. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static void removeJavaScriptEventListener(WebElement element, String eventName, String listenerID) throws SeleniumPlusException { final String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(WDLibrary.class, "removeJavaScriptEventListener"); //Stop the polling thread and remove it from the jsEventListenerWaitingThreadMap //It is important to stop the polling thread before calling java script to remove 'generic javascript listener', as //'generic javascript listener' will remove the global-variable, and polling thread need to check that variable; //if we do thing in reverse order, polling thread will throw NullPointerException if (jsEventListenerWaitingThreadMap.containsKey(listenerID)) { PollingRunnable pollingRunnable = jsEventListenerWaitingThreadMap.get(listenerID); pollingRunnable.setKeepRunning(false); jsEventListenerWaitingThreadMap.remove(listenerID); } //remove the java listener from jsEventListenerMap //then detach the javascript listener by JavaScriptFunctions try { if (jsEventListenerMap.containsKey(listenerID)) { jsEventListenerMap.remove(listenerID); //Remove the javascript listener by JavaScriptFunctions String script = null; if (WDLibrary.isSAPDomain(element)) { script = JavaScriptFunctions.SAP.sap_ui_core_Control_detachBrowserEvent(true, listenerID); script += " sap_ui_core_Control_detachBrowserEvent(arguments[0],arguments[1]);"; SearchObject.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(script, element, eventName); } else if (WDLibrary.isDojoDomain(element)) { script = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojo_handle_remove(true, listenerID); script += " dojo_handle_remove();"; SearchObject.executeScript(script); } else {//For HTML Standard element script = JavaScriptFunctions.removeGenericEventListener(true, listenerID); script += " removeGenericEventListener(arguments[0],arguments[1],arguments[2]);"; //If we have added a capturing listener. // SearchObject.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(script, element, eventName, true); SearchObject.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(script, element, eventName, false); } } } catch (SeleniumPlusException e1) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "Fail to detach event '" + eventName + "' ", e1); throw new SeleniumPlusException("Fail to detach event '" + eventName + "' " + e1.getMessage()); } } /** * * @param script String, the javascript function to execute. Its first parameter is always DOM object. * @param webelement WebElement, used to find the DOM Object to operate.<br> * it is passed directly to javascript function and will be considered as a DOM element. * @param args Object[], the extra parameters used by the javascript function, from SECOND parameter. * * @return * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static Object executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(String script, WebElement webelement, Object... args) throws SeleniumPlusException { //Add webelement to the javascript function's parameter array int i = 0; Object[] params = new Object[args.length + 1]; params[i++] = webelement; // IndependantLog.debug("Extra paramters are:"); for (Object arg : args) { params[i++] = arg; //IndependantLog.debug(arg.toString()); } return executeScript(script, params); } /** * @return Object or null. * @see org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor#executeScript(String, Object...) * @see #executeScript(boolean, String, Object...) * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static Object executeScript(String script, Object... args) throws SeleniumPlusException { return executeScript(true, script, args); } /** * @return Object or null. * @see org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor#executeAsyncScript(String, Object...) * @see #executeScript(boolean, String, Object...) * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static Object executeAsyncScript(String script, Object... args) throws SeleniumPlusException { return executeScript(false, script, args); } /** * Execute a section of java-script code.<br> * It has the ability to detect a javascript error and throw an JSException.<br> * <pre> * It is user's responsibility to set javascript global errorcode and errormessage in his * javascript code, user can call * {@link JavaScriptFunctions#setJSErrorCode(int)} * {@link JavaScriptFunctions#setJSErrorObject(String)} * for example, see {@link JavaScriptFunctions.SAP#sap_m_List_getItems(boolean)}. * </pre> * @see org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor#executeScript(String, Object...) * @see org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor#executeAsyncScript(String, Object...) * @throws SeleniumPlusException if there is no appropriate JavascriptExecutor to use. */ public static Object executeScript(boolean synch, String script, Object... args) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); getJS(); try { //Reset the global error (code and message) js_cleanError(); //Append the JS method 'throw_error()' script = JavaScriptFunctions.throw_error() + script; //Reset the global debug message array if (JavaScriptFunctions.jsDebugLogEnable) js_initJSDebugArray(); //Append the JS method 'debug()' script = JavaScriptFunctions.debug() + script; if (JavaScriptFunctions.DEBUG_OUTPUT_JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTIONS) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Executing js \n[\n" + script); } Object object = synch ? lastJS.executeScript(script, args) : lastJS.executeAsyncScript(script, args); if (object != null) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " Javascript returned " + object.getClass().getName() + ": " + object.toString()); } else { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " Javascript returned null."); } //Only check the 'jsErrorCode' for sync execution. For async execution, we don't even know if the execution finish or not. if (synch) { int errorcode = js_getErrorCode(); if (errorcode != JavaScriptFunctions.ERROR_CODE_NOT_SET) { Object error = js_getErrorObject(); IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " Fail. errorcode=" + errorcode + " error=" + error); throw JSException.instance(error, errorcode); } } IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " Javascript execution succeed. It is returning result ..."); return object; } catch (JSException jse) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + getThrowableMessages(jse)); throw jse; } catch (Throwable th) { // CANAGL: this is getting caught AFTER the attempt to return object; above is initiated!? IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + getThrowableMessages(th)); throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg, th); } finally { //Try to get the array of debug messages during the execution of 'javascript code' IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "retrieving debug messages..."); if (JavaScriptFunctions.jsDebugLogEnable) { List<?> debugmessages = js_getJSDebugArray(); for (Object msg : debugmessages) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + msg); } } } } /** * @return JavascriptExecutor, the latest valid JavaSc * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static JavascriptExecutor getJS() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); if (lastJS == null && (lastUsedWD instanceof JavascriptExecutor)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "javascript executor is last Used WebDriver."); lastJS = (JavascriptExecutor) lastUsedWD; } if (lastJS == null) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg + "javascript executor is null.", SeleniumPlusException.CODE_NO_JS_EXECUTOR); } if (!lastJS.equals(lastUsedWD)) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "javascript executor is obsolete."); refreshJSExecutor(); } return lastJS; } /** * Use the {@link #lastUsedWD} to refresh the {@link #lastJS}. * @throws SeleniumPlusException if the {@link #lastUsedWD} cannot be casted to a JavascriptExecutor */ public static void refreshJSExecutor() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "refreshJSExecutor"); if (lastUsedWD instanceof JavascriptExecutor) { lastJS = (JavascriptExecutor) lastUsedWD; } else { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg + "current webdriver cannot execute javascript.", SeleniumPlusException.CODE_NO_JS_EXECUTOR); } } /** * Check that the object is not null. * @param object Object * @throws SeleniumPlusException will be thrown out with {@link SeleniumPlusException#CODE_OBJECT_IS_NULL} if the object is null. */ public static void checkNotNull(Object object) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "checkNotNull"); if (object == null) { String msg = "Object is null."; IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + msg); throw new SeleniumPlusException(msg, SeleniumPlusException.CODE_OBJECT_IS_NULL); } } public static final String CSS_SELECTOR_BY_ID = "CSS_SELECTOR_BY_ID"; public static final String CSS_SELECTOR_BY_CLASSNAME = "CSS_SELECTOR_BY_CLASSNAME"; /** * According to the type, generate a css selector for the WebElement. * @param type String, the type of the css selector. * @param element WebElement, the WebElement from which a css selector will be generated. * @return String, a css selector. */ public static String getCssSelector(String type, WebElement element) { StringBuffer cssselector = new StringBuffer(); String tagName = element.getTagName(); if (CSS_SELECTOR_BY_CLASSNAME.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String clazz = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS); if (clazz != null && !clazz.trim().isEmpty()) { cssselector.append(tagName); cssselector.append("[class='" + clazz + "']"); } } else if (CSS_SELECTOR_BY_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String id = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (id != null && !id.trim().isEmpty()) { cssselector.append("[id='" + id + "']"); } } if (cssselector.toString().trim().isEmpty() && !CSS_SELECTOR_BY_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { String id = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (id != null && !id.trim().isEmpty()) { cssselector.append("[id='" + id + "']"); } } return cssselector.toString(); } /**' '*/ public static final String CSS_CLASS_SEPARATOR = " "; /**'sap'*/ public static final String CSS_CLASS_SAP_PREFIX = "sap"; /**'dijit'*/ public static final String CSS_CLASS_DOJO_DIJIT_PREFIX = "dijit"; /** * Return a string to describe a selenium web element.<br> * @param element WebElement * @return String, */ static String getDescription(WebElement element) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (element != null) { buffer.append("<" + element.getTagName()); String clazz = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS); if (clazz != null && !clazz.isEmpty()) { buffer.append(" class='" + clazz + "'"); } buffer.append("/>"); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Return the specified property of a WebElement.<br> * For example, we can get the parentNode of a WebElement by calling this method with * "parentNode" as the property. * @param element WebElement * @param property String property to retrieve. * @return Object to be cast as needed by the specific request, can be null; */ public static Object getWebElementProperty(WebElement element, String property) { Object o = null; try { o = executeJavaScriptOnWebElement("return arguments[0]." + property + ";", element); } catch (SeleniumPlusException x) { IndependantLog.debug( "SearchObject.getWebElementProperty " + x.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + x.getMessage()); } return o; } /** * Return the parent WebElement of the provided WebElement.<br> * @param element WebElement * @return WebElement parent or null if there is no parent, or an error occurred. */ public static WebElement getParentWebElement(WebElement element) { WebElement e = null; if (element == null) return null; try { // TODO: what if the html is in a frame? What do we see? if (element.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase(HTML.TAG_HTML)) return null; e = element.findElement(By.xpath("..")); } catch (Exception ignore) { } return e; } /** * To check if the html tag's css class name containing a certain prefix.<br> * @param element WebElement, The selenium web element * @param prefix String, the prefix of the css class name * @param separator String, the separator in the css class name, normally its a ' ' * @return boolean true if the css class name contains a certain prefix. */ static boolean checkCSSClassName(WebElement element, String prefix, String separator) { boolean isSatisfied = false; try { String clazz = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS); if (clazz != null) { isSatisfied = clazz.startsWith(prefix); // (CANAGL)if isSatisfied=true then we don't have to check any further, right?!! if (!isSatisfied) { String[] classes = clazz.split(separator); // we only need to be satisfied on one class entry, not all class entries. for (String clz : classes) { isSatisfied = clz.startsWith(prefix); if (isSatisfied) break; } } } } catch (Throwable th) { IndependantLog.debug(StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.class, "checkCSSClassName"), th); } return isSatisfied; } /** * To test if the WebElement belongs to SAP OPENUI5 Domain.<br> * @param element * @return * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static boolean isSAPDomain(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { checkNotNull(element); boolean issap = false; issap = SAP.isSapComponent(element); return issap; } /** * To test if the WebElement belongs to DOJO Domain.<br> * @param element * @return * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static boolean isDojoDomain(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { checkNotNull(element); boolean isdojo = false; isdojo = DOJO.isDijitComponent(element); return isdojo; } /** * Generate a unique name. For example, it can be used as a javascript variable name<br> * when calling functions in JavaScriptFunctions to avoid the confilct with variables defined<br> * in the Apilication Under Test.<br> * * @param prefix * @return */ public static String generateUniqueName(String prefix) { String uniqueName = ""; if (prefix != null && !prefix.isEmpty()) { uniqueName += prefix; } else { uniqueName = "temp"; } uniqueName += new Date().getTime(); return uniqueName; } // /** // * Generate a (hopefully) unique recognition string which might be: // * <p><ul> // * <li>Dojo recognition // * <li>SAP recognition // * <li>HTML recognition // * <li>Other supported format ? // * </ul<p> // * // * @param element // * @return // */ // public static String generateSAFSRecognition(WebElement element){ // String debugmsg = "SearchObject.generateSAFSRecognition: "; // boolean isDomain = false; // try{ // isDomain = isDojoDomain(element); // if(isDomain) { //"seeking DOJO recognition..."); // return DOJO.getRecognition(element); // } // } // catch(Exception x){ // IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg+"DOJO domain check: "+ x.getClass().getSimpleName()+", "+ x.getMessage()); // } // if(!isDomain){ // try{ // isDomain = isSAPDomain(element); // if(isDomain) { //"seeking SAP recognition..."); // return SAP.getRecognition(element); // } // } // catch(Exception x){ // IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg+"SAP domain check: "+ x.getClass().getSimpleName()+", "+ x.getMessage()); // } // } //"seeking generic HTML recognition..."); // return HTML.getRecognition(element); // } //This method will return a SPCTreeNode contain "Recognition String", "Node's id", "Node's name" // public static SPCTreeNode generateSAFSRecognitionNode(WebElement element){ // String rec = generateSAFSRecognition(element); // String id = element.getAttribute("id"); // String name = element.getAttribute("name"); // if (id==null) id = ""; // if (name == null) name = ""; // SPCTreeNode tree = new SPCTreeNode(); // tree.setId(id); // tree.setName(name); // tree.setRecognitionString(rec); // return tree; // } /* * used to store webelements in a cache when processing many elements for full xpathpaths * that might be processed many iterative times. */ private static Hashtable<WebElement, String> xpathObjectCache = new Hashtable(); /** * reset the internal xpath object cache for a new round of full xpath generation. * <p> * This should be called by external routines getting ready to process an entire page * of web elements to avoid processing the same parent nodes many times. * This is strictly for performance reasons. * <p> * The routine should be called both BEFORE and AFTER the processing of nodes with the recursive * generateGenericXPath routine. * @see #generateFullGenericXPath(WebElement) */ public static void resetXPathObjectCache() { xpathObjectCache.clear(); } /** * Attempt to generate a full generic Xpath string for this element including all parent * path information. * <p> * Uses generateGenericXPath for each node in the hierarchy. * <p> * A caller getting ready to process many web elements--or even just one-should ALWAYS call resetXPathObjectCache * before processing that first element and after processing the last element. * * @param element * @return full xpath to object. null if WebElement provided is null or the xpath cannot be deduced. * @see #generateGenericXPath(WebElement) * @see #resetXPathObjectCache() */ public static String generateFullGenericXPath(WebElement element) { if (element == null) return null; if (xpathObjectCache.containsKey(element)) return xpathObjectCache.get(element); String xpath = generateGenericXPath(element); WebElement parent = getParentWebElement(element); String parentPath = null; if (parent != null) parentPath = generateFullGenericXPath(parent); if (parentPath != null) xpath = parentPath + XPATH_CHILD_SEPARATOR + xpath; xpathObjectCache.put(element, xpath); return xpath; } /** * Attempt to generate a simple Xpath string for this one element without any parent * path information. * <p> * Currently tries to differentiate the tag name by id, title, or class. * <p> * Examples: * <p><ul> * div[@id='myid']<br> * div[@title='mytitle']<br> * div[@class='myclass']<br> * </ul> * <p> * if none of those have valid values, then only the tag name is returned. In that case, * we check to see if it is the Nth sibling of the same tag type and add that, if needed. * * @param element * @return * @author CANAGL adding support for 'name' attribute if no other attribs were available */ public static String generateGenericXPath(WebElement element) { String tag = element.getTagName(); String attID = element.getAttribute("id"); String attTITLE = element.getAttribute("title"); String attCLASS = element.getAttribute("class"); String att = (attID != null) && (attID.length() > 0) ? "[@id='" + attID + "']" : (attTITLE != null && attTITLE.length() > 0) ? "[@title='" + attTITLE + "']" : (attCLASS != null && attCLASS.length() > 0) ? "[@class='" + attCLASS + "']" : ""; if (att.length() == 0) { attID = element.getAttribute("name"); if (attID != null && attID.length() > 0) att = "[@name='" + attID + "']"; } List sibs = element.findElements(By.xpath("preceding-sibling::" + tag + att)); if (!sibs.isEmpty()) { att += "[" + String.valueOf(sibs.size() + 1) + "]"; }"SearchObject.generateGenericXPath made " + tag + att); return tag + att; } /** * Attempt to generate a simple frame recognition string without any parent path information. * <p> * Currently tries to differentiate the tag name by id, name, or index. * @param framexpath from generateGenericXPath * @return Examples: * <p><ul> * frameid='myid'<br> * framename='myname'<br> * frameindex='3'<br> * </ul> * */ public static String generateSAFSFrameRecognition(String framexpath) { // processing examples: // frame // frame[2] // frame[@id='anid'] // frame[@id='anid'][2] int i = framexpath.indexOf("["); String tag = framexpath; String att = ""; if (i > 0) { tag = framexpath.substring(0, i); try { att = framexpath.split("@")[1]; String[] parts = att.split("="); att = parts[0]; att += "=" + parts[1].split("'")[1]; } catch (Exception badindex) { att = framexpath.substring(i + 1); try { i = att.indexOf("]"); att = "index=" + att.substring(0, i); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } }"SearchObject.generateSAFSFrameRecognition made " + tag + att); return tag + att; } public static final class SAP { /** * To test if the WebElement represents a SAP OpenUI5 component.<br> * @param element * @return * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ static boolean isSapComponent(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { checkNotNull(element); boolean isSAPUI5 = false; isSAPUI5 = checkCSSClassName(element, CSS_CLASS_SAP_PREFIX, CSS_CLASS_SEPARATOR); if (!isSAPUI5) { IndependantLog.warn(getDescription(element) + ", its css-class is not considered as a SAP OPENUI5 component, try get native class name."); try { String[] classes = WDLibrary.SAP.getSAPClassNames(element).toArray(new String[0]); for (String clazz : classes) { if (clazz.startsWith(CSS_CLASS_SAP_PREFIX)) { isSAPUI5 = true; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.warn("fail to get native class name, due to " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } } if (!isSAPUI5) { IndependantLog .debug(getDescription(element) + " will not be considered as a SAP OPENUI5 component."); } return isSAPUI5; } /** * Create a sap-specific recognition string we would use to find this element again. * Currently this stub only returns {@link #DOMAIN_SAP} * @param element * @return */ public static String getRecognition(WebElement element) { // TODO: build SAP recognition string return "XPATH=" + generateFullGenericXPath(element); } /** * * @param element WebElement, it MUST wrap a SAP object. * @return List<String> the class names of the SAP object and its superclass. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static List<String> getSAPClassNames(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.SAP.class, "getSAPClassNames"); Object classNames = null; List<String> classNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); //To save time, if the element does not represent a SAP object, do not execute javascript to get the SAP class name //Lei comment this check, some times we need call getSAPClassNames() to get native class to tell the domain, following calling is a dead-loop. // if(!isSAPDomain(element)) throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg+"Not SAP Object!"); String id = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (id != null) { classNames = getSAPClassNamesById(id); } //TODO get SAP Class names by 'CSS selector' // if(className==null && id!=null){ // StringBuffer cssselector = new StringBuffer(); // cssselector.append("[id='"+id+"']"); // className = getSAPClassNamesByCSSSelector(cssselector.toString()); // } // // if(className==null){ // String clazz = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS); // if(clazz!=null){ // // // // // String cssselector = getCssSelector(CSS_SELECTOR_BY_CLASSNAME, element); // className = getSAPClassNamesByCSSSelector(cssselector); // } // } if (classNames == null) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg + " cannot find SAP class name."); } //handle the class names, if (classNames instanceof List) classNameList.addAll(((List) classNames)); else if (classNames instanceof String) classNameList.add((String) classNames); else { IndependantLog.debug("object return by javascript has type as " + classNames.getClass().getName()); } return classNameList; } /** * * @param element WebElement, it MUST wrap a SAP object. * @return String the class name of the SAP object. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static String getSAPClassName(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.SAP.class, "getSAPClassName"); Object className = null; //To save time, if the element does not represent a SAP object, do not execute javascript to get the SAP class name if (!isSAPDomain(element)) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg + "Not SAP Object!"); } String id = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (id != null) { className = getSAPClassNameById(id); } //TODO get SAP Class name by 'CSS selector' // if(className==null && id!=null){ // StringBuffer cssselector = new StringBuffer(); // cssselector.append("[id='"+id+"']"); // className = getSAPClassNameByCSSSelector(cssselector.toString()); // } // // if(className==null){ // String clazz = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS); // if(clazz!=null){ // // // // // String cssselector = getCssSelector(CSS_SELECTOR_BY_CLASSNAME, element); // className = getSAPClassNameByCSSSelector(cssselector); // } // } if (className == null) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg + " cannot find SAP class name."); } //handle the class names, if (className instanceof String) return (String) className; else { IndependantLog.warn("object return by javascript has type as " + className.getClass().getName()); return ""; } } /** * Test if the element is supported. Supported means that the element is class of subclass of one * of the supported class names.<br> * @param element WebElement, the element to check. * @param supportedClassNames String[], the supported class names */ public static boolean isSupported(WebElement element, String[] supportedClassNames) { StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.SAP.sap_objectIsInstanceof(true)); String varClassArray = JavaScriptFunctions.initializeJSArray(jsScript, false, " ", 0, supportedClassNames); jsScript.append(" return sap_objectIsInstanceof(arguments[0]," + varClassArray + ");\n"); try { Object obj = executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(jsScript.toString(), element); if (obj instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue(); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(" Met exception.", e); } boolean supported = false; String className = null; try { className = WDLibrary.SAP.getSAPClassName(element); for (String supportedClassName : supportedClassNames) { if (supported = supportedClassName.equals(className)) break; } } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(className == null ? "Not supported." : className + " has not been supported.", e); } return supported; } /** * <b>Attention:</b> * Do <font color='red'>NOT</font> call this method directly!<br> * The DOJO object is very big, selenium will spend a lot of time to convert it.<br> * Calling this will make your program looks like dead.<br> * * TODO add timeout, maybe. * * @param element WebElement represents a DOJO object on page. * @return Object, Selenium converted DOJO object. */ protected static Object toSAPObject(WebElement element) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.SAP.class, "toDojoObject"); Object obj = null; StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.SAP.sap_getObjectById()); jsScript.append(" return sap_getObjectById(arguments[0]);"); String id = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (id != null) { try { IndependantLog.debug("The parameter id is '" + id + "'"); obj = executeScript(jsScript.toString(), id); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " cannot get SAP object by id '" + id + "'", e); } } if (obj == null) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " cannot get SAP object"); } return obj; } /** * @param id String, the HTML id for an SAP element on page. * @return Object, the SAP class names or null. */ protected static Object getSAPClassNamesById(String id) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.SAP.class, "getSAPClassNamesById"); StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); if (id != null && !id.trim().isEmpty()) { jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.SAP.getSAPClassNamesById(true)); String arrayName = generateUniqueName("arrayOfClassName"); jsScript.append(arrayName + " = new Array();"); jsScript.append(" getSAPClassNamesById(arguments[0], " + arrayName + ");"); jsScript.append(" return " + arrayName + ";"); try { IndependantLog.debug("The parameter id is '" + id + "'"); Object obj = executeScript(jsScript.toString(), id); return obj; } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " cannot get SAP class names by id '" + id + "'", e); } } return null; } /** * @param id String, the HTML id for an SAP element on page. * @return Object, the SAP class name or null. */ protected static Object getSAPClassNameById(String id) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.SAP.class, "getSAPClassNameById"); StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); if (id != null && !id.trim().isEmpty()) { jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.SAP.getSAPClassNameById(true)); jsScript.append(" return getSAPClassNameById(arguments[0]);"); try { IndependantLog.debug("The parameter id is '" + id + "'"); Object obj = executeScript(jsScript.toString(), id); return obj; } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " cannot get SAP class name by id '" + id + "'", e); } } return null; } } /******************************************************* * Inner class to handle DOJO-specific functionality. * *******************************************************/ public static final class DOJO { /** "DOJOTabControl" */ public static final String DOJOTABCONTROL = "DOJOTABCONTROL"; /** "DOJOToolbar" */ public static final String DOJOTOOLBAR = "DOJOTOOLBAR"; /** * When executed, should return a Map object with keys "dojo", "dijit", and "dojox".<br> * Dojo libraries not present in the browser will not have keys in the Map.<br> * Values of these keys are usually "dojo", "dijit", and "dojox"; respectively. * If Dojo is not running in the browser, the returned Map will be null.<br> * If there is a Dojo djConfig.scopeMap in the browser, the values returned will be * whatever the mapped values are. Example: "dojo"="mappedDojo", "dijit"="mappedDijit", etc.. * @return Map of dojo reference scopeMappings, or null if Dojo is not running in the browser. */ public static Map getDojoScopemap() { String script = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.getDojoScopemap() + "return getDojoScopemap();\n"; Map result = null; try { result = (Map) WDLibrary.executeScript(script); } catch (Exception ignore) { } if (result != null) { IndependantLog.error("SearchObject.DOJO.getDojoScopemap retrieved " + result.getClass().getName() + ": " + result.toString()); if (result.containsKey(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DOJO_KEY)) JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojo = "window." + result.get(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DOJO_KEY).toString(); else JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojo = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DOJO_DEFAULT; if (result.containsKey(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DIJIT_KEY)) JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dijit = "window." + result.get(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DIJIT_KEY).toString(); else JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dijit = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DIJIT_DEFAULT; if (result.containsKey(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DOJOX_KEY)) JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojox = "window." + result.get(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DOJOX_KEY).toString(); else JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojox = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DOJOX_DEFAULT; } else { IndependantLog.error("SearchObject.DOJO.getDojoScopemap returned null."); JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojo = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DOJO_DEFAULT; JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dijit = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DIJIT_DEFAULT; JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojox = JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.DOJOX_DEFAULT; } return result; } /** * To test if the WebElement represents a Dojo.Dijit component.<br> * @param element * @return * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ static boolean isDijitComponent(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { checkNotNull(element); boolean isdijit = false; isdijit = checkCSSClassName(element, CSS_CLASS_DOJO_DIJIT_PREFIX, CSS_CLASS_SEPARATOR); //TODO Does attribute 'widgetid' must exist? //if attribute 'widgetid' exists, then we consider it as a dijit object. if (isdijit) isdijit &= (element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_WIDGETID) != null); //Lei, for future use; For now, to save time, just comment it. //if checkCSSClassName() cannot detect the domain, we can use following codes. /* if(!isdijit){ IndependantLog.warn(getDescription(element)+", its css is not considered as a dijit component, try get dojo native class name."); try{ String clazz = WDLibrary.DOJO.getDojoClassName(element); if(clazz.startsWith(CSS_CLASS_DOJO_DIJIT_PREFIX)) isdijit = true; }catch(Exception e){ IndependantLog.warn("fail get dojo native class name, due to "+StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } } */ if (!isdijit) { IndependantLog.debug(getDescription(element) + " will not be considered as a dijit component."); } return isdijit; } /** * Attempt to process a DOJO recognition string like: * DOJOTabControl;id=mainTabs, or DOJOToolbar;id=toolbar, etc... * <p> * Currently supported Types: * <p> * <ul> * DOJOTabControl<br> * DOJOToolbar<br> * </ul> * <p> * Currently supported qualifiers: * <p> * <ul> * id=<br> * name=<br> * title=<br> * text=<br> * index=<br> * </ul> * @param sc * @param rst * @return SearchContext (WebDriver/WebElement) or null */ public static SearchContext findElement(SearchContext sc, String rst) { //search the target element within a frame (if exist) level by level SearchContext obj = null; String debugmsg = "SearchObject.DOJO.findElement "; List<WebElement> preMatches = null; IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "processing recognition fragment: " + rst); int matchindex = 1; String[] st = StringUtils.getTokenArray(rst, qulifierSeparator, escapeChar); String xpathStr = ""; // current DOJO always uses DIV as the high-level widget element try { String type = null; String value = null; int i = -1; for (String prop : st) { value = null; i = prop.indexOf(assignSeparator); if (i > -1) { type = prop.substring(0, i); if (prop.length() > i) value = prop.substring(i + 1); } else { type = prop; } if (DOJOTABCONTROL.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { xpathStr = "//div[contains(concat(' ',@class,' '),' dijitTabContainer ')"; } else if (DOJOTOOLBAR.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { xpathStr = "//div[contains(concat(' ',@class,' '),' dijitToolbar ')"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { xpathStr += " and (starts-with(@id,'" + value + "') or " + "(substring(@id, string-length(@id) - string-length('" + value + "')+1)='" + value + "'))"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { xpathStr += " and (starts-with(@name,'" + value + "') or " + "(substring(@name, string-length(@name) - string-length('" + value + "')+1)='" + value + "'))"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TITLE.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { xpathStr += " and (starts-with(@title,'" + value + "') or " + "(substring(@title, string-length(@title) - string-length('" + value + "')+1)='" + value + "'))"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_TEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { xpathStr += " and .='" + value + "'"; } else if (SEARCH_CRITERIA_INDEX.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { matchindex = StringUtilities.parseIndex(value); } } xpathStr += "]"; String xpath = String.format(xpathStr); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "resulting xpath: " + xpathStr); preMatches = sc.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); obj = getNthWebElement(preMatches, matchindex, null); } catch (Throwable t) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "recognition string parsing error: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } if (obj == null) IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "did not find any matching elements."); return obj; } /** * Create a dojo-specific recognition string we would use to find this element again. * Currently this stub only returns {@link #DOMAIN_DOJO} * @param element * @return */ public static String getRecognition(WebElement element) { // TODO: build DOJO recognition string return "XPATH=" + generateFullGenericXPath(element); } /** * * @param element WebElement, it MUST wrap a DOJO object. * @return String the class name of the DOJO object. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static String getDojoClassName(WebElement element) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.DOJO.class, "getDojoClassName"); Object className = null; //To save time, if the element does not represent a DOJO object, do not execute javascript to get the dojo class name //Lei comment this check, some times we need call getSAPClassNames() to get native class to tell the domain, following calling is a dead-loop. // if(!isDojoDomain(element)) throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg+"Not Dojo Object!"); try { StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.getDojoClassName(true)); jsScript.append("return getDojoClassName(arguments[0]);"); className = SearchObject.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(jsScript.toString(), element); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Fail to get classname by selenium webelement.", e); } if (className == null) { String id = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (id != null) className = getDojoClassNameById(id); if (className == null && id != null) { StringBuffer cssselector = new StringBuffer(); cssselector.append("[id='" + id + "']"); className = getDojoClassNameByCSSSelector(cssselector.toString()); } } if (className == null) { String clazz = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS); if (clazz != null) { // // String cssselector = getCssSelector(CSS_SELECTOR_BY_CLASSNAME, element); className = getDojoClassNameByCSSSelector(cssselector); } } if (className == null) { throw new SeleniumPlusException(debugmsg + " cannot find dojo class name."); } return className.toString(); } public static boolean isSupported(WebElement element, String[] supportedClassNames) { StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.dojo_objectIsInstanceof(true)); String varClassArray = JavaScriptFunctions.initializeJSArray(jsScript, false, " ", 0, supportedClassNames); jsScript.append(" return dojo_objectIsInstanceof(arguments[0]," + varClassArray + ");\n"); try { Object obj = executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(jsScript.toString(), element); if (obj instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue(); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(" Met exception.", e); } boolean supported = false; String className = null; try { className = WDLibrary.DOJO.getDojoClassName(element); for (String supportedClassName : supportedClassNames) { if (supported = supportedClassName.equals(className)) break; } } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(className == null ? "Not supported." : className + " has not been supported.", e); } return supported; } /** * <b>Attention:</b> * Do <font color='red'>NOT</font> call this method directly!<br> * The DOJO object is very big, selenium will spend a lot of time to convert it.<br> * Calling this will make your program looks like dead.<br> * * TODO add timeout, maybe. * * @param element WebElement represents a DOJO object on page. * @return Object, Selenium converted DOJO object. */ protected static Object toDojoObject(WebElement element) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.DOJO.class, "toDojoObject"); Object obj = null; StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.getDojoObject(true)); jsScript.append(" return getDojoObject(arguments[0]);"); try { obj = executeScript(jsScript.toString(), element); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " cannot get dojo object ", e); } if (obj == null) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " cannot get dojo object"); } return obj; } /** * @param id String, the HTML id for an DOJO element on page. * @return String, the DOJO class name or null. */ protected static String getDojoClassNameById(String id) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.DOJO.class, "getDojoClassNameById"); StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); if (id != null && !id.trim().isEmpty()) { jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.getDojoClassNameById(true)); jsScript.append(" return getDojoClassNameById(arguments[0]);"); try { IndependantLog.debug("The parameter id is '" + id + "'"); Object obj = executeScript(jsScript.toString(), id); if (obj instanceof String) return obj.toString(); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " cannot get dojo class name by id '" + id + "'", e); } } return null; } /** * @param cssselector String, the 'CSS Selector' for an DOJO element on page, it can be used to find the DOM object. * The 'CSS Selector' can be something like table[@class='dijitReset dijitStretch dijitButtonContents'] * @return String, the DOJO class name or null. */ protected static String getDojoClassNameByCSSSelector(String cssselector) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(SearchObject.DOJO.class, "getDojoClassNameByCSSSelector"); StringBuffer jsScript = new StringBuffer(); if (cssselector != null && !cssselector.trim().isEmpty()) { jsScript.append(JavaScriptFunctions.DOJO.getDojoClassNameByCSSSelector(true)); jsScript.append(" return getDojoClassNameByCSSSelector(arguments[0]);"); try { IndependantLog.debug("The parameter cssselector is '" + cssselector + "'"); Object obj = executeScript(jsScript.toString(), cssselector); if (obj instanceof String) return obj.toString(); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " cannot get dojo class name by xpath '" + cssselector + "'", e); } } return null; } } /* * Used to get a streamlined set of messages including causes from the Throwable. * Without all the Other Selenium stuff regarding Capabilities, etc.. * @param th * @return streamlined set of messages including causes from the Throwable. */ protected static String getThrowableMessages(Throwable th) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(th.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + th.getMessage() + ". \n"); Throwable cause = th.getCause(); while (cause != null) { buffer.append("Caused by: " + cause.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + th.getMessage() + ". \n"); cause = cause.getCause(); } return buffer.toString(); } public static final class HTML { /** 'html' */ public static final String TAG_HTML = "html"; public static boolean isSupported(WebElement element, String[] supportedClassNames) { String[] actualClassNames = html_getClassName(element); for (String clazzname : supportedClassNames) { for (String actualClass : actualClassNames) { if (clazzname.equalsIgnoreCase(actualClass)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Return an array of classname, the order is important. They will be used to get<br> * an approporiate type. The first classname in the array will be tried firstly, if<br> * no type can be got then try next one until a type is returned.<br> * @param element * @return * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static String[] html_getClassName(WebElement element) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(HTML.class, "html_getClassName"); List<String> classNames = new ArrayList<String>(); String cssClassName = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS); if (cssClassName != null) classNames.add(cssClassName); String tag = element.getTagName(); if (tag == null) IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " cannot get HTML tag name."); //For html input tag, use its type as class name. if (Component.TAG_HTML_INPUT.equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { String type = element.getAttribute(Component.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE); if (type != null) classNames.add(type); } if (tag != null) classNames.add(tag); return classNames.toArray(new String[0]);// cssClassName, input-type ,tagName } public static String getHTMLClassName(WebElement element) { String[] classes = html_getClassName(element); if (classes != null && classes.length > 0) return classes[0]; return TAG_HTML; // default? } /** * Create a generic HTML(5) recognition string we would use to find this element again. * Currently this stub only returns {@link #SEARCH_CRITERIA_XPATH} * @param element * @return */ public static String getRecognition(WebElement element) { return "XPATH=" + generateFullGenericXPath(element); } } }